F4F | Charlie Shamp Dreams About Check Forging Angel


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the
Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever heard an itinerant prophet or somebody teaching at your church saying that they've had a dream and saw angels and stuff who are releasing things and stuff.
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Now, case in point, we're going to be heading over to the YouTube channel of self -styled prophet
Charlie Champ. As he explains, he's had a dream regarding a harvest angel and he's releasing finances and resources and stuff for the upcoming harvest thingy.
Yeah, this would be the so -called billion souls harvest, which is based on a prophecy given by the late
Bob Jones. So let's listen as Charlie Champ regales us with his extra biblical revelation, shall we?
Here we go. I want to talk about this dream that I had on Friday.
I had this very vivid dream. And in this dream, I was brought into a room with several other ministers.
And in fact, many of them, I knew who they were by name, some of them even being my friends.
And in this dream, this angel, this man walks in, just looked like a man, but everyone in the meeting knew that this particular individual was an angel.
The Bible says in Paul's writings that be careful that you're not entertaining angels unaware.
Yeah, the people who entertain angels unaware are those who practice hospitality and caring for those who are down and out and needy.
That's what Paul was referring to, not just walking down the street and oops, I'm accidentally entertaining an angel unaware.
No. And oftentimes, even within the context of dreams, we discover that many scriptural places, many contexts of scripture, the agency in which
God used angels to visit men was in the area, in the avenue of dreams.
Do you feel like he's fishing for things? He doesn't really know his Bible very well.
So he's kind of trying to figure out how to word this carefully because he doesn't really know what he's saying. That's what it comes off to me.
A little bit of a note here, Jude, who is half brother of Jesus, warning us about men like Charlie Champ.
It says this, in like manner, these people relying on their dreams. You know you're dealing with a false teacher when they're relying on their dreams.
They defile the flesh. They reject authority. They blaspheme glorious ones, but when
Michael the archangel contending with the devil was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment but said, the
Lord rebuke you. But these people blaspheme all they do not understand, and they are destroyed by all that they, like unreasoning animals, understand instinctively.
Yeah, woe to them. They walked in the way of Cain. By the way, Cain is kind of like the religious activity with no faith.
Yeah, he offered a sacrifice, but didn't he actually believe in God? That's the problem. In fact,
Hebrews 11 makes it clear that Cain didn't have faith, and so they abandoned themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam's heir.
Balaam was a prophet for profit. Yeah, and then Korah's rebellion is about rejecting
God's established offices within his church. That's really what that's about. Yeah, guys like Charlie Shemp, we're warned about them in Scripture, Jude in particular, but also 2
Peter 2, which reads, false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies and even denying the master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.
Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed, and in their greed they will exploit you with false words.
That's what we're looking at with Charlie Shemp here. He's exploiting us with false words because he's greedy.
This is a money scheme for him. This is in the life of Joseph, when he was called to go down into Egypt.
The Lord sent an angel in his dream and spoke to him. So this isn't anything that is unfamiliar, but it's very, very...
You know, it's weird because the way you're talking about the Bible, it seems like the Bible's unfamiliar to you.
Mm -hmm. Yeah. You know, theologically sound, that angels will be sent by God into our dreams to direct and help us.
Now... Yeah, nowhere in Scripture are we told to expect that. Uh -huh. Yeah, just because Joseph had a dream doesn't mean
God says, no, I'm gonna send angels into your dreams to direct you. Nope. No passage of Scripture says that.
This angel was unique in that he was wearing just blue jeans.
He was just wearing blue jeans, white... I did not know that angels wore blue jeans. I had no clue.
No clue. T -shirt, leather jacket. He looked like he had just gotten off of a motorcycle and...
Did he have any tattoos? That's what I would like to know. Just, you know, walked into this meeting that we were having.
And as the door closed, everyone became, you know, very quiet and began to get an attention for what this particular angel was bringing as a message from the
Father. And the angel spoke and said, I've been sent from your
Father to bring you unlimited supply in financing for the harvest of souls.
Yeah. Right. Yeah, the reason I think he's saying that is because he's trying to figure out how to get an unlimited supply of finances into his pocket.
Yeah, that's what this guy's about. And in this dream, the angel took out a book that had in the leisure, inside of it, checks.
They were checks from the Father. Yeah. So angels actually...
God writes... So God has a checkbook? Who knew? This is new information, folks.
You need to write this down in the back of your Bible that apparently there's a heavenly bank and God actually has a checking account there.
And the angel said, so many of you have been thinking small minded, but the
Lord is about to change your mind to the mind of Christ.
And you're... Right. So the mind of Christ is the opposite of thinking small minded. Yeah. No, the theology of this dream is, yeah, definitely wackerdoodle, you know, off the plantation.
We've gone to cuckoo banana town here, just saying it. This ain't the Bible. Out to receive a fresh download of the unlimited possibilities of heaven.
A fresh download of the unlimited possibilities. You know, an unlimited possibility is not a thing.
And in fact, that's kind of nothing. You know, it's just an abstract concept. And so why would
God be downloading the abstract concept of an unlimited possibility?
And so the angel came up to me and he took out this book and he wrote the check out.
And on the check, listen to me, on the check, the check said, unlimited finances, unlimited finances.
Yeah. If I were to write unlimited finances on a check of mine, I don't think anyone could cash that.
And he wrote out the check, signed it from the father, took the check...
Whoa, you're saying that this angel literally signed
God's name on the check for him? Isn't that... That's illegal, right?
I mean, if somebody were to sign one of my checks and write my name for me, yeah, they'd go to prison.
And laid it on my head, laid the check right on my forehead and said, the
Lord is setting your face like flint for the harvest, all of those.
So the Lord set your face like flint with a check that was written and forged by an angel because, you know, signing
God's name on a check, that's forgery, right? And he put it on your forehead and because of that, it set your face like flint for the harvest.
Yeah, right. Yeah, this is why anybody claiming to be a prophet today, probably mandatory drug screening and psych evals.
Yeah. Who will not turn to the right or to the left, but will stay focused on souls?
The Lord says that I will pour out unlimited resources, unlimited finances for the harvest.
And the angel pasted this check across my head and he said, the
Lord has given you checks and releasing the balance of his word in your mind so that you'll begin to recognize...
What does it mean to release the balance of God's word in your mind? I'd like to know the cash value, pun intended, of that statement, of that phrase.
That there is no limit on what the father wants to do. And as the angel went around the room, he began to sign these checks and every person received this check.
So this angel forged even more checks. We need to find this angel and turn him into the
FBI. I'm sure God is going to send that angel to hell for forging these checks.
On their forehead, it was stuck to them. And I believe that it's a prophetic sign that the finances are not going to be fleeting.
They're not going to slip through your hands, but they're going to stick to you. Because he stuck forged checks on people's foreheads.
Like glue. And the Lord is bringing in the mind of Christ for all those that are watching.
You have a dream. You have a vision. You have something that God has called you to do and the
Lord wants to release unlimited finances. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Only if that dream or vision is singularly focused and it doesn't deviate to the right or the left as it relates to the harvest of souls in, you know, in the last times.
You see, you just changed the stipulation of the download and the unlimited finance thingy.
Yeah, no, he's not even agreeing with himself. This guy is just a greasy false prophet slimeball is what we're dealing with here.
And this God, the Holy Spirit has nothing to do with any of this. And if you believe this guy, hey, listen,
I have a bridge in New York. Oh, man. If you like Art Deco, man, I'm telling you, this bridge, it actually spans the river from Brooklyn to Manhattan.
Oh, man, it's gorgeous. Absolutely. In fact, one of the most photographed bridges in all the world.
I could sell it to you for really cheap. Yeah, I think you get the point.
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So until next time, all that information, by the way, it's in the description. So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.