Theology of Adam & Eve (Family Worship Week 3)

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Recently a friend asked if I would make a series of videos to aid in family worship. This is the THIRD VIDEO in that series. This can be used to prepare a time of family worship or to be shown during family worship. If you like this video and want me to continue, please leave a comment below.


Should We Believe in Noah's Ark (Family Worship Week 4)

Should We Believe in Noah's Ark (Family Worship Week 4)

Hey guys, welcome back to our series on family worship. I'm Pastor Keith. Today we're gonna continue our study of getting to know the
Bible through six important people. Now, last time I gave you who those six people were, so I'm gonna give you a second now, if you're doing this as a family, to ask the question, who are the six people that we're going to be studying over the next few weeks?
You can pause and ask the question. All right, if you ask the question, the six people we're gonna be looking at are
Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus.
So today we're going to be looking at the person of Adam. Now, what do you know about Adam? What do you know about Adam?
Okay, I imagine a lot of you probably said Adam was the first person God created, and that's true.
So when we talk about Adam, we usually associate him with someone else. Who's that? That's right, Adam and Eve.
So here's a few things we need to know when we think about the person of Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were real people.
The Bible describes them to us as real individuals. And how do we know that? Well, the Bible gives us genealogies for Adam and Eve.
That means it tells us that they had children, and their children had children. And the line goes on and on and on, even down to Abraham and to Jesus.
And that's what the next thing says. We see Adam in the lineage of Jesus Christ.
So that tells us as true as Jesus was, Adam was just as true in the sense that he was a real person.
Finally, the Bible tells us that Adam's sin affects everyone. And so when we think about the fact that there's sin in the world, there's sin everywhere, not one person ever has been without sin, except Jesus Christ, we can say that Adam's sin has affected everyone.
Often when we think about these characters from the Bible, we think of them just like that. We think of them as characters and not as real people.
But they are real people. And when we read their stories, we need to consider that their stories aren't just stories like we watch on a television show or in a movie, but their stories are narratives of real life.
This was a real life person who lived at a real life period of time. And Adam's story is very unique because he was the only one who was created individually by God in a very unique way.
Something else that often happens is when we start to talk about these people and their stories, we miss out on the more important part, which is the theology behind their stories.
We can learn a lot about God and a lot about theology in these stories about these important people, especially
Adam. Like for instance, Adam was made in the image of God. You can go to Genesis 1, verses 26 and 27, and you can see that Adam and Eve were both made in the image of God.
But what does this mean? Being made in the image of God means that Adam alone, among all the rest of God's creation, was able to be in a relationship with God.
He uniquely bore the image of God. And he was commanded by God to take dominion over the earth, to image
God in the world, and to reflect his character and his nature. And what's amazing is that image of God is not just in Adam, but it's in every single human being.
Every person bears the image of God, even you. There's a Latin phrase for the image of God.
It's imago Dei. So if you ever hear a pastor say imago Dei or imago Dei, they're referring to the image of God that all human beings bear.
Something very important about Adam is that Adam was our federal head. The word federal means representative, just like we call our federal government.
Our federal government is called that because it's made up of individuals who represent us. And when they make decisions and when they do things, those decisions affect everyone.
And that same thing is true of Adam. When Adam made decisions, his decisions not only affected himself, but they affected everyone.
Adam was given a command by God not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And yet he did.
And when he did, acting as our federal head, he brought the whole human race into condemnation.
We read about this in Romans chapter five, beginning with verse 12. This would be a really good time for a
Bible drill. So if you have your Bibles, everybody pause the video, open up your Bibles and turn as quickly as you can to Romans chapter five, verse 12.
See that passage tells us that we're all sinners because we all inherited a sin nature from our ancestor,
Adam, who was acting as our representative head when he sinned. And the consequences of sin are felt throughout all of creation.
In fact, the book of Romans says that all creation is groaning. So all of the death, disease, destruction, and all of the rest of the bad that's in the world came from sin.
Groaning not because of God's good creation, but it came as a result of sin. And that sin entered the world through one man.
But thankfully, that's not where the story ends. God doesn't leave us in sin, but he brings about a story of redemption.
And that's where the story is going to continue next time. All right, here's something you might wanna think about doing as a family.
The Bible calls Jesus the last Adam. Take a moment with your family and have a conversation about what you think that means.
What does it mean when the Bible calls Jesus the last Adam? Also, I wanna begin to introduce the memory verse.
So this week, I want you to memorize a very important verse. Actually, we're gonna do two.
Genesis 1, verses 26 and 27. Also, if you wanna add to that, memorize
Romans 5, verse 12. I wanna thank you again for watching today's video.
I hope you enjoyed it in this little bit different setting. And if you did enjoy it, please hit the like button, hit the thumbs up button.
If you didn't like it, hit the thumbs down button twice. Also, don't forget, if you're enjoying the content,
I have a lot of other stuff on the channel. So please be sure to go and subscribe to the channel. We're going to be moving on in our list next week.
We're gonna be looking at the next person, which is the person of Noah. So I hope you look forward to joining us for week four of family worship.