Andy Stanley and the New Testament in the Early Church


Andy Stanley thinks the New Testament didn't exist for about 400 years after Christ. I beg to differ.


Hey a really quick screen flow video here. It has to be really quick. First of all, I'm in my hotel room in Nashville, Tennessee So it has to be quick for two reasons.
First of all, I'm in a hotel Ever tried to upload video on hotel wireless not pretty thing
Secondly, they're doing the tornado thing around here So maybe we just have to do it quickly because of that Anyway, it also has to be quick because of the subject matter
I was directed to a video clip by someone who knows who he is troublemaker that he is
And it's from Andy Stanley saying something sort of weird from Some called history's mystery at which
I think was recorded on Easter let's let's take a look at what he has to say
Did you know that for 300 years after Jesus was crucified really more than 300, but we'll be conservative for 300 years
There was no Bible Nobody got together and had Sunday school classes Then no one stood up in front of a group like this and said turn to Ephesians or turn to John or turn to Matthew They had no
New Testament for a really a more like 400 years the phrase New Testament first time it appeared was 250 years after Jesus was crucified
Well, that's interesting Didn't have a Bible for 400 years
So what were they quoting all that time that? that Athanasius was debating with Arius and Preceding century when they were talking about Civilianism, what were they quoting all that time?
I think that maybe what he's trying to say is that the final form of the
New Testament is Toward the end of the 4th century in the sense of an official
Quote unquote canon list, but somebody really needs to send Andy Stanley.
Dr. Kruger's new books subject of the canon Because this is just a complete misapprehension of how scripture functioned in the early church the fact that the
Old Testament was normative and well -known what's extent was and That the
New Testament scriptures from the time that they were written likewise Functioned in that way even during the period of time where there would be some areas in the early church that didn't
Know of all of Paul's writings or Hebrews and there was differences in East and West regarding the book of Revelation the book of Hebrews and things like that, but Especially as we see in in in the early papyri collections of books the gospel manuscripts
In other collections such as Paul's books gathered together around 200
AD You have some of the general epistles put together p72 also around 200
AD obviously people were having Bible studies and They were looking up texts of scripture and all you have to do is read the early church fathers
And they're saying as Paul said and as Peter said and they're quoting these books So, I don't know how many thousands of people attended this
Lecture, I guess it's supposed to be a sermon, but it's really not meant to look like one but they all were told something that really doesn't make any sense and that really misleads them and gives them an idea that just simply isn't true and Unfortunately, this kind of thing is is
Well, it's just all too common these days and we need to try to bring some correction where we possibly can
So if somebody has mr. Stanley's ear, they might want to you know, maybe provide some correction for him on that Because it really didn't make a whole lot of sense
What he said and could cause a lot of people to wonder about the reliability of the
New Testament Where it came from how we got it And this is the kind of thing that is really a problem these days given
What we're up against with people like Bart Ehrman and and others. So anyways
Thanks for watching the screen flow and we'll hopefully Hopefully I'll be here in the hotel long enough to upload this and given upload speeds on screen flow.