The Skull

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Introduction to a sermon by Jeff Kliewer on Luke 23:26-43 about Jesus going to Golgotha, the place of The Skull, and what that means for us as disciples of Jesus.


It's a story of five missionaries and their wives going to the
Alca Indians of Ecuador to preach the gospel to a tribe The Alca Indians that had never heard before and this was a violent people group
They were known for spearing one another and spearing any opposition Death for them was commonplace
Killing was commonplace At the end of the movie one of the most interesting scenes takes place where they actually show a
Converted Alca Indian who's now a Christian Alca meant savage it was a pejorative term that was used by other
Indian tribes of this particular tribe But now he's been converted to Christianity and he flies from Ecuador with one of the missionaries
I think it's the son of Nate Saint and arrives in America And they have actual video footage of him encountering things for the first time and his reactions to those things he goes into a grocery store and he is overwhelmed to see that there are shelves stocked full of food and he sees that you can take whatever you want and put it in your cart and then you go to the front and all you have to do is give them just a little card and Guess what?
They even give that back to you and you can take whatever you want and if you don't feel like getting out of your car that day you there's little windows that you can drive up to and They'll just hand you food right into the window of your car
And all you have to do again is give them a little card They'll take that for a second, but they'll give that back to you anyway and take whatever food you want
That was his perception of America it's interesting because he comes from a very different culture, but see we're born in this culture and Our expectations are shaped by our experiences which are not normal for the history of the world for the history of Christianity Those five missionaries who went to Ecuador laid down their lives for the gospel
When you hear the names Jim Elliott, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCulley, Roger Udarian Do you think of people that lost?
something Do you think? They missed out on the
American dream They left it all behind and they missed what they could have had see
Jim Elliott Summarizes something before he went to the mission field write this down It's one of the greatest quotes of all time
Before Jim Elliott went to the mission field he knew What cross he was likely to bear?
Because you don't go to the Alka Indians with the expectation that it will be safe He wrote this in his journal commenting on Luke 16
Jim Elliott says he is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose
Say that again, he is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose