F4F | Bethel Hires PR Goon for Failed Rez Spin Control


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Welcome to a special weekend edition of Fighting for the Faith. Yeah, that's a rarity.
So, yeah, this is a follow -up to our Wake Up Bethel segment, which premiered, you know, yesterday,
Friday, the 20th, in the afternoon on Friday.
And since then there's been a little bit of a development, and we want to point it out and add our two cents to it, if you would.
And that is that late, and I mean really late, Friday night,
Bethel, on their social media, released a statement pretty much conceding that Olive isn't gonna be raised from the dead, that they're gonna have a memorial service for her.
And the timing got me thinking, hang on a second here, let me whirl up my desktop, and there's my screen.
Yeah, let me show you on my social media what
I said. And let's see here, I've got to go to me, that's me, in my profile here.
And I'm gonna go to tweets and replies. And last night, you know, somebody pointed out that Bethel had made a statement.
So here's my link to Bethel Wake Up segment, and then somebody, you know, 18 hours ago, so I'm recording this on Saturday afternoon, it's about 3 .30
in the afternoon here in North Dakota, and so somebody, you know, sent a link saying, damage control begins, and that's a good way of putting it.
But last night I responded and said this statement was conveniently released after hours on a
Friday night. I happen to know a thing or two about PR, never been in, you know, a professional
PR guy. When I was in the corporate world, spent time in sales and marketing, media development, and things like that.
But learned some tricks of the trade along the way regarding PR. And last night
I basically said the fact that the statement was conveniently released after hours on a Friday night means that they're being advised by a professional
PR goon. And so Amy Spreeman, our good friend Amy Spreeman, said, gee,
I wonder who. And at the time I said, I can think of two likely suspects. Well, there's been a little bit more of a development here.
And so I want you to consider this for a second, that in the statement that Bethel released, they basically conceded that Olive is not coming back.
And, you know, here was their statement they released on Friday night. Since learning of the the news of two or all of,
I can't even pronounce this last name, Heilengenthal's sudden death, we have sought a miracle from God to raise her from the dead.
We realize that this is out of the norm, but that's what a miracle is. It's outside the box of nature and our power.
And as the Bible testifies, God is the God of reasonable and possible, as well as the God of unreasonable and impossible.
Yeah, this statement's gonna burn me up. Anyway, so in this process, we've been asking God to fulfill our heart's desire to see
His kingdom manifested in great power. When you are a friend of God and know that He is your
Heavenly Father, you trust Him and ask for big, outlandish miracles. As a church, we have been contending for, singing about, witnessing
God's power to save, heal, and deliver for over 50 years. It's normal for us to ask for things, trust
Him, and then glorify His name regardless of the outcome. This is what life with the
King is all about. Yeah, you get the point. So you can tell now at this point that Bethel is backing off of this, but the fascinating issue is that, number one, the timing of the release of the statement was clearly designed to make it so that it would kind of fly under the radar as long as possible.
If you're gonna make a statement, make a statement on a Friday night after all of the media outlets have closed. And as I said in my social media on Twitter, that this statement, you know, released shows that they're being advised by a professional
PR goon. Now, since then, Pulpit and Pen has run a story, and in fact
I just saw this, Bethel Church hires Lindsay Lohan, crisis manager over dead baby controversy, and they have a source claiming that Bethel hired
Hunter Frederick to publicly manage the publicity, I would say do the spin control fallout regarding all of this.
And one of the things that I've been able to do today is, with my own source, confirm that this is true.
And so I'm throwing my hat into the ring here saying, yes, it's true, and I have a source to back this up, that Bethel hired spin doctor, crisis, you know, public relations crisis manager
Hunter Frederick, who I think is also like the boyfriend of Lindsay Lohan. Yeah, which just tells you something about this whole ordeal, and you know, the fact that they would hire a
PR guy, Hunter Frederick, to, yeah.
So like I said, so this is part of the story now. This is part of the story after basically, like I said in my video,
Bethel Wake Up, you know, they've been filling these people's heads with false doctrine and the belief that Christ has commanded them to raise the dead, and he hasn't.
He hasn't commanded any of us to raise the dead. That's not a mandate of the Church. We're to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing, teaching all that Christ has commanded.
The Apostles were the ones told to go and raise the dead, and so by making it so that we have to, they put a heavy burden on these people at Bethel, so much so that when a two -year -old girl dies, they think they're doing the will of God, and you know, to keep her from being buried, and rather than bury her, you know, try to have these services to contend for her resurrection.
And I think the backlash that they've received, and rightly so, you know, from people who are just realizing just how far away from biblical
Christianity Bethel is, that they realize that this is blown up in their faces, and now they've hired
Hunter Frederick to be their PR guy to spin -doctor this up for them, and in spin -doctoring it up for them, you know, apparently he was the mastermind behind them releasing their statement late on a
Friday night, and you know, you can read that thing, and it's slick as far as how it kind of spins this and spins that, you know, it takes this total, you know, defeat of theirs.
They did not raise Olive from the dead, and spin it into something that sounds like that, oh, they've been carrying, and this has just been, you know, a
God -glorifying thing all along. So I just thought I'd bring you up to speed, let you know that I can confirm that the pulpit and pen story is true.
Hunter Frederick, who was one of my two people that I would have named as possible
PR guys for, you know, responsible for putting that thing out, yeah, so that's what's going on.
So full spin control on the part of Bethel at this point, and which just tells you just what a complete mess and how disingenuous, you know, their statement was, and how completely calculating they have been to try to figure out how to get out of this mess that they've created and slink away without any, with as little attention to it as possible, release it on a
Friday, all the major media outlets are gone for the weekend, earliest anyone can cover it is on a Monday, and so as a result of it, this is now part of the story, is how they are attempting to kind of slip away into the darkness and not deal with the mess that they've made.
So just wanted to add my two cents, and since they, that was their tactic, I decided, well, why not?
Let's make a video on Saturday so that we can draw everyone's attention to the fact that they've hired a
PR goon to resuscitate their image that's clearly taken a hit as a result of these shenanigans and way over -the -mark false doctrine and heresy that they're spewing.
So I hope you found this helpful, if so, share this information, this is not a conspiracy, like I said,
I can confirm that they did hire Hunter Frederick. Share the information and let everybody know, because, you know,
Bethel at this point owes the entire body of Christ an apology for the black eye that they've given us with this false doctrine and their exploitation of Olive's parents and not getting these people to bury their daughter after she was declared dead, but rather keep her in the morgue for a week trying to raise her from the dead.
Again, total spiritual abuse, cult -like behavior, and there is no justification for it, and now they've hired a spin doctor to resuscitate their image and slink away into the darkness.
So we thought we'd shine a flashlight on it to let everybody know. Share the video, and until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.