Matt Slick Live: October 4, 2024


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Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 10-04-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include: Friday email Readings/Hate Mail// Is General Belief in Christ Sufficient?// Those That Claim to be Christian-But Don’t Live It// Witnessing Tips// October 4, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at karm .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live! For answers, taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Alright, welcome to the show, it's me, Matt Slick, and you're listening to Matt Slick Live, it works out nicely.
If you want, you can give me a call, and as always, the number is 877 -207 -2276,
I want to hear from you, give me a call. Today's date is 10 -4, 2024, 10 -4, 2024, 10 -4, 2024, and if you want to give me a call, like I said, 877 -207 -2276, and you can also email me, and that is info at karm .org,
info at karm, C -A -R -M dot O -R -G, and all you got to do is send an email there, and put in the subject line, put in radio comment, or radio questions, something like that, we can get to them.
We've got a hate mail in today, which I want to get to, because I thought it was kind of good, I only read a little bit of it, but I like to be impressed fresh, so I don't read all of it,
I go, ooh, good hate mail, and then I just put it in the queue, and hopefully I'll get to it. Alright, so, let's see,
I think that's what we're going to do, because today is Friday, 10 -4, October 4th, 2024, and for those of you who might be new to the show,
Matt Slick is my real name, and I am a Christian apologist, which means I defend the
Christian faith, debate, teach, write books, do radio, website, karm .org,
and all kinds of stuff, been doing it for a long, long time, and I enjoy it. Now, if you want to be entertained, maybe this is the place, if you want to be irritated, this is probably the place, so we'll just have to see what happens,
I'm going to just jump into some of the emails, and if you want to give me a call, like I said, 877 -207 -2276, and I actually have a hate mail.
Now, as I have been complaining, I've not had a hate mail in a while, that's a complaint, because I enjoy hate mail,
I really do, I think they're entertaining, I enjoy them, and they're so full of illogic mistakes, problems,
I just enjoy them, and this is going to be no different. All right, so here we go, here we go, here we go, this is notes debunking the, whatever, bad words thing, interesting, this is what he says,
I've looked all over the Bible and can't find the word trinity anywhere, well see, I know this person doesn't like the trinity, well, the
Bible doesn't say the word atheist either, but there are atheists, it doesn't say the word automobile, but there are automobiles, to say the word trinity isn't there is not, it's not how you argue about for or against a trinity, it just doesn't work, the issue is the concept, that's what the issue is, anyway, he goes on, is petty word games and forked tongue double talk, the best pathetic imagery rebuttal you got, this is awesome, this is good stuff, he's getting right in there, just becoming insulting right away, and forked tongue double talk, and pathetic imagery, this is awesome, okay, he says, you're not a
Bible believer, wow, so I didn't know I was not a Bible believer, since I defend the
Bible, believe what the Bible says, believe what Jesus says in the Bible, that I assume the
Bible is the inspired word of God, but I'm not a Bible believer apparently, he says,
Jesus Christ of Nazareth's parables of the talents and apostles, Paul's comparison of salvation to an earnest secular contract, debunks the faith alone heresy as you
Protestants teach, oh, so he's probably a Eastern Orthodox or a Roman Catholic, so, you know, it's interesting, because when
I talk to them, the ABC, the RCEO, or some call them the apostolics, because they claim apostolic authority and apostolic successions,
I'm referring to them that way, but then there's other groups that call themselves apostolic, this and that, so I will forego using that term, but the
RCEO, they say that faith alone is a heresy, so here's my question, this is salvation, right, so what do you do to keep yourself right with God, what do you do to get your sins forgiven, tell us the things, the list you've got to do, that's what
I always ask them, and I actually get lists from them, I do, you know, you've got to keep the commandments, or you can't commit adultery, or you have to be honest, or you've got to take the sacraments, or you have to go to church, all these rules, these things that you have to do and not do in order to keep yourself right with God, and then
I'll say, well, wait a minute, I thought we were justified by faith, and then they make up this thing called initial justification, that's not in the
Bible, initial justification, and then you've got to be justified later on, because you have to do good works, and you know, it's just bunk, they're just false teachers, anyway,
Apostle St. Paul gave you 11 lists of mortal sins in his epistles to the
Romans, gave you 11, a list of 11 sins, the
Corinthians, the Galatians, the Ephesians, Colossians, and Bishop St. Timotheus of Ephesus, evangelizer,
Apostle St. John gave you three lists of mortal sins in the apocalypse,
Apostles St. John and Paul both say anyone who gets saved, then does any of these things, doesn't go to heaven, well, you know, it doesn't say that, because I know what he's doing, and this is another, this is a good example of bad thinking, of really bad thinking, it's pretty shameful when
I read stuff, and it says, you know, like, it says in Romans 5, 19, for example, now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, and it goes on, it says, and I forewarn you,
Paul says, just as I forewarned you that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God, okay, so if you practice those things, we
Protestants agree, if you practice them, but if you practice them, does that mean you're a Christian, or does it mean you're not a
Christian, because, well, do Christians go out, you know, committing idolatry and sorcery and fornication and jealousy and outbursts of anger and dissensions, is that what
Christians do, of course not, and I ask Catholics, and this guy's a Catholic, I ask him about this,
I say, well, why would you say that, we don't teach that, we don't believe in that, and, you know, but where does it say that they're
Christians, and they lose their salvation, where does it say that, it doesn't, they read into it, and what they do, they read into it because they're in these wacko churches that make them, that don't let them think critically, let's just say, and look what he says, or do you not know, this is 1
Corinthians 6, 9, or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God, right, the unrighteous, right, do not be deceived neither fornicators or idolaters, adulterers, effeminate, homosexuals, thieves, covetous, drunkards, revilers, swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God, such were some of you, but you were washed, but you were sanctified, that means set apart for holy use, but you were justified in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ, and these are some of the typical places that they'll go, and I'll say to them, well, where does it say that they were saved, and where does it say that they lose their salvation, and then they get mad, there is a,
I hope I encounter him tonight online, there's a guy, a particular guy, who hates me,
I mean, hate, real hatred, and he gets into the rooms
I'm in, and he interrupts, and then accuses me of being a devil, a liar, a purposeful deceiver, he says
I'm of Satan, and he says I don't care if you go to hell, and he's,
I mean, this is, I think he's an Eastern Orthodox or a Roman Catholic, he's either one of those, and it's really amazing to see the vitriolic hatred for the word of God, and people will say, no,
Matt, you teach these heresies, and I say, well, let's go to the scriptures, let's look at the word of God, and see what it says, and they don't like that, oh, no, no, no, why, because they're loyal to their church, now, let's go on, this guy says, you kind, your kind tried to insert themselves into a history, which you were either never even part, or always on the wrong side of, which is why you don't observe
God's calendar, wow, but instead observe the pagan Julian invalid calendar, repackaged as the pagan anti -papal
Gregorian the eighth invalid calendar, and casually call days by, and validate pagan names with uppercase letters, and without quotation marks, and use pagan invalid months, and this is all coming from a
Benjamite Judean Israelite, this is all one sentence, you can tell this guy's record is, record skipping, you know, he's turning it on, it's a 45 record playing at 33, it's skipping, now, that's for the old folks like myself, who know what records are, and the speeds, and young that you're going, what, what's he saying,
I don't get it, so, anyway, let's see, he goes on with, your whole 16th century pseudo -theology was made by medieval northern, wow, this is awesome, by medieval northern
Europeans and pre -modern white Americans, oh, wow, for medieval northern
Europeans and pre -modern white Americans, oh, wow, who have no concept of what an earnest, what an earnest is in a contract in which both parties have obligation, in which the hirer gives the earnest, man, this guy just rambles,
Apostle Paul constantly says, God promises to provide salvation to a Christian at the end of life only, if the
Christian lives up to his or her vows to the Christian faith until the end of his life, wow, how's that working out, how's that working out, you know,
I like to ask them, how's that working out for you, are you doing a good enough job to keep yourself right, are you gonna make it, you don't know if you have eternal life now, do you, but 1
John 5, 13 says, these things are written so you may know you have eternal life, you can't know you have eternal life if your salvation depends on what you do, that's right, you can't know, you can't know if you're saved or not,
I'm saved, I know I'm saved right now, and you know why, because I don't put any faith, any trust, any hope in anything that I do, it's all in what
Jesus did, it's all in what, so I'm secure in what he did, not what I do, not in my goodness, and this is why these poor people who don't know the true gospel, what they'll do is they twist the word of God and say that they're the ones who are able to please
God through their efforts and they hope to be saved at the end of their life, wow, pat yourself on the back, pat yourself on the back, and that's the hate mail for today, that was pretty interesting, and then
I got, then, here's another one, this is on another platform where I sometimes go and speak, and it's in a clubhouse, and it says, you got cut the cross,
Matt Slickness of lies, the wake up call, and it goes on,
Matt Slickness of lies, I could help it, I'm smiling, Matt Slickness of lies,
I thought that was pretty good, I liked it, and I get a kick out of it, and they're trying to bait me to come into the room so they can ambush, and I've been in this room before,
I know who they are, and they are rude, and when you ask a specific question, they don't answer it, they just accuse, they're just full of anger and vitriol and things like that, that's all it is with them, anyway, so there you go, if you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276,
I want to hear from you, give me a call, we're almost up for the break, and if you don't, I'm going to just do a teaching thing,
I've got something in mind to teach on, and we'll see, I'm thinking about teaching on the theology of marriage for the rest of the show, that'll be interesting,
I think, because, just so you know, I'll be out of the studio for three weeks, going to Europe, starting on Sunday, and doing a
BibleLands tour, so, there you go, alright, and, oh, there's a call coming in, we'll be right back after these messages, please stay tuned.
It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276, here's
Matt Slick. Alright, everybody, welcome back to the show, if you want to give me a call, we have a couple open lines, 877 -207 -2276, let's get on the line with Jim from Raleigh, North Carolina, Jim, welcome, you're on the air.
Okay, thank you, Matt, I have a question, I get a little confused about the Scripture sometimes,
I was raised in a Baptist church, and I've been to other Protestant churches, my wife's a
Presbyterian, etc., but, my question really is, do you believe that the Bible is inerrant, in other words, every sentence stands on its own, throughout the
Bible, or not? Well, I don't know what it means to say, every sentence stands on its own.
Well, let me give you an example, I'll just give you one verse, John 3, 16, for God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son to whoever, it's her belief, that she will not perish, but have everlasting life, and, do you believe that to be a true statement?
Of course it is. Okay, then, if I'm a Catholic, it doesn't matter if I'm a
Roman Catholic, or whoever, Presbyterian, Lutheran, whatever, if I believe that, then
I will have everlasting, if you truly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior, you will, you are saved.
Well, if that's the only verse, let me jump in, let me jump in, if that's the only verse, then that would be sufficient, but it's not, because the
Bible also speaks about the issue of salvation, and not adding any works to salvation, which the
Catholics do, so they might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, died on the cross, rose from the dead, but they don't trust in his sacrifice sufficiently, and completely in what he did, because they have to add to it through their baptism, their sacraments, and their good works, so, you know, with the whole, they're wrong, okay?
Yeah, you get a little confused sometimes, because then I have trouble with judging, you know, judging others, and that kind of stuff, and I get all fouled up with that, too, on Matthew 7, 12, 7,
I mean, it's not 7, 1, and 2, when judging, not judging, aren't we kind of judging them, when we say that, or do that, or not?
I don't know, what do you think? We are informing them, we're not judging them, we're telling them.
For example, if you deny Jesus as God in flesh, you're going to hell. We're not judging them, we're telling them.
Right, right. So if, and that's all that's going on, and 1 Corinthians 2, 14, excuse me, 15, says, but he who is spiritual appraises all things, and, you know, yet he is appraised by no man, and so what that is, is the ability to make discernments and judgments, because it's on a crino, and a crino is to judge, so we have the right to make spiritual judgments, but we don't have the right, we don't judge them.
I'm telling you, you know, I say to somebody, I say to Catholics, if you don't repent of your false gospel, you're going to go to hell, if you die in this false teaching, and they go, you're judging me,
I'm not judging you, I'm informing you what the Word of God says, that's not judgment, that's his business, but he has already said, this is the case, and I show it to them, okay?
But what if he comes back and says, and refers to John 3, 16, and blames it, blames it for this whole heart, still he thinks the same?
Well, you see, it's, the Bible is not simply one verse, and we don't look at the
Bible, we don't look at the Bible as one verse, we look at it for everything, so if someone were to say to me they believe in Jesus, I'm going to ask them, well, what do you mean?
What church do you go to? I ask diagnostic questions, they could say, they're a Mormon, and they believe in Jesus as a
Savior, that means that they're lost, because the Jesus of Mormonism is not the real
Jesus, okay? So, there's more to it than just a single verse, alright?
Yeah, I understand, it just gets pretty confusing to me sometimes with these sort of things, and I think about the second great commandment, you know, and I think about that while I'm doing these things, you know, loving your neighbor as yourself, we love the
Catholics too, you see what I'm saying? It can be confusing sometimes. Well, no, it shouldn't be, we love everybody, and we inform them of the truth.
We should be patient and kind, I'm patient and kind, I try to be, not always, you know, I'm human,
I make mistakes, but we try to be patient and kind with Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and tell them the truth.
They're on the road to damnation, and they need to know what the truth is, and so we do that, as we do.
Alright, I just need to study more, I guess, and learn more. I have one other question,
I don't want to take up too much of your time, but it has to do with Mark 3 .24 and Matthew 12 .25,
I just want to get your take on it. I'm old, and in my whole life,
I've never seen our country so radically divided. Ok, wait, hold on, Matthew 3? Matthew 3 .24
Matthew 3 .24 I'm sorry, Mark 3 .24
Mark 3 .24 And Matthew 12 .25 And Matthew 12 .25
12 .25, uh -huh Yeah, a kingdom divided Yes, it's basically the same thing.
A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. Yes. Our country has been one of these kingdoms.
I mean, it is so incredibly divided now. People are hating with such hatred, in politics especially. Uh -huh. Yes, because they don't have a common goal to honor
God. So when you don't have God as the one you're honoring and glorifying, then you'll honor and glorify yourself, or your ideology, or your pocketbook.
And that's what we see in our government. That's why we have so much division. Well, I truly believe that there are
Democrats that are Christians, and I truly believe there are Republicans that are Christians. I happen to be independent, but I mean,
I think that both sides have Christians. Yes, both sides have
Christians. Does that make sense? Yes, I would say that, yeah. But I'm not a Democrat or a
Republican either. I believe the Democratic Party is in the service of the devil. And I believe the
Republicans are doing house calls for the devil to some degree.
They're not doing what they need to be doing. And so we need to, as Christians, we need to not be loyal to a party, but loyal to Jesus.
And then move all things towards glorification of Him. That's what needs to happen. Okay, I totally agree with that.
All right. I just wanted to get your take on that. Thanks very much. You're welcome. Well, God bless.
You too. Bye -bye. Okay. All right, let's get to Carl from Ohio. Carl, welcome. You are on the air.
Hey, Mr. Mann, how are you? Oh, I'm hanging in there, man. Hanging in there. What do you got, buddy? So I'm concerned about two friends of mine.
I'm not trying to be too much of a food inspector. That's the Holy Spirit's job. I'm not trying to pull up any weeds with the week.
That's the Holy Spirit's job. And I really don't think these two friends of mine would even know what John 3, 16 means.
You know, separation, reconciliation. The culmination of the whole Bible is about being separated and reconciled through Christ.
And they tell me that they are in the kingdom. And I know Romans 8 and 9, if you don't have the spirit of Christ, of God, you do not belong to Him.
And they don't know anything. They have no desire to read the Word of God. They know nothing about the Bible. They can say the
GD Word so very casually. And I asked them questions. And I said, does the spirit reside in you?
They said, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I have the spirit. I said, really? And, you know, I love my friends.
I don't want anyone to go to that place, you know, the other place. I mean, zero desire for the
Word, very simple scriptures. They can say the GD Word so casually. So what do you think about that?
Tell them not to call themselves Christians. Don't do that. Don't call yourself a
Christian when you're foul, when you contradict Scripture. You have no interest in the things of God. Do they even go to church?
Do they go to church? One does not. One goes with his wife because she kind of makes him go.
Yeah. Okay, we'll get back after the break. We'll talk a little bit more about this. Hey, folks, hold on if you want to give me a call.
It's 877 -207 -2276. We'll be right back after these messages.
It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, welcome back to the show. We have three open lines, 877 -207 -2276.
Carl, are you still there? Yes. All right, man. Okay, so when
I encounter people who are foul, who have no interest in church, reading the
Word, and then they say they're Christians, then I told many people, don't call yourself a
Christian because you're not representing Christ. As they say, you're judging me.
As they say, the spiritual man can make spiritual judgments. 1 Corinthians 2. And James 2 is it.
If you say you have faith, let's see it. That's what James is talking about. James 2. What you can say to them is, you profess one thing and you do another.
What does that make you? And so just say, don't call yourself a Christian. That's what I tell them.
Okay, because I love my friends. I have one more question. I have a family member, and I asked her.
She's been out in the kingdom for years. Went to church, sitting there breaking mortar buildings.
A lot of people think that puts them in the kingdom. So I asked her, how do you reconcile to God?
If you ask me that, I'm going to immediately say, on Christ's righteousness, immediately. And she said, well,
I love people. And I said, oh, okay. That's what she said.
She didn't mention Christ at all. And then my other family member said, she was defending her.
She said, well, she watches The Chosen. I'm like, well, what does that mean? So what? When I asked her how she reconciled to God, like how?
Christ's name didn't even come up. She just said it's because she loves. So I know that's based on works.
So what do you think of that? Here's one of the things that you can ask. You can teach her, but you can ask.
If love is how you claim to be Christian and all this, then why did
Jesus need to die? If you're made righteous, if you're made righteous by what you do, and your love, which is good, and your sincerity, and your helping of others, which is good, then why did
Jesus need to die on the cross? If that's how you get there. Ask the question, and you can talk.
Then give her the gospel. Just give her the gospel. That's Galatians 2 .21,
I believe. Awesome, dude. Righteousness came through the law. Christ died for nothing,
I believe. You're right. Good. I'm surprised. Yeah.
If righteousness comes through the law, loving God, loving our neighbor, then Christ died needlessly. Why did he die?
Very good. I'm actually impressed. I'm actually impressed.
You got it right. Exactly right. You applied it right. You nailed it. I just don't see that very often. Good for you, brother.
Good for you. Give yourself a high five. Here's where I'm wrong. I'm always so scared to offend these people because they're ready to argue.
That's where I have to have... Here. Let me help you out.
Let's just say, why did Jesus have to die? It gives you whatever reason.
It doesn't matter what it is. We can make something up right now. He did it because he didn't want to. People killed him.
That's why. God just decided to use it. There's all kinds of stuff there.
Ask questions. Are you saying that God was surprised by this? I just want to know.
I'm kind of curious. Ask questions based on what it is that they've said.
Okay. He's going to lead them into that. Picture yourself, not with a bulldozer, but with a survival shovel.
The folding up kind you can carry with you. You can get just as big a hole as a bulldozer, but it's going to take you a lot more time.
You dig down and find their foundation. You undermine their foundation.
What is it that they're saying? This principle applies to anybody and everybody.
You talk to an atheist who says God is wrong about whatever. How do you know he's wrong?
I'm just asking a question based on what they said. I ask questions.
I do this a lot with people because I want to find out what they know and where they're going. I want to dig down to the basis of what it is that they have upon which they build all their complaints and assertions.
Then I want to take that basis apart. That's what I want to do. One more quick thing.
I have another family member. She would always ask me do they go to church?
I'm like, okay. They said in the brick and mortar building. What does that mean? She thinks that they go to that brick and mortar building that they are in.
I'm like, really? I don't know. Be positive.
I'm glad you're going to that church. It's a good church. I'm glad you're going to that church.
That is a truly visible manifestation of how God works in churches.
Then you go into those churches and you hear what God is saying through the preaching of the word.
That's the thing. That's okay. Go there. Then you point them to what's the pulpit saying?
What's going on? Is there anything that you've heard while you've been to that church that was interesting?
Maybe we can talk about it. I'd like to know. All of a sudden instead of challenging them now you're working with them focusing on what the preaching is and asking them what they thought of something.
Now they're going to give you information and you work. It always makes me think of Matthew 7 21, 22, 23 and you know where I am where they actually meet him and they're like I went to church and I paid my tithes and I did this, but you didn't know him.
He's just doing these things. Then you went to Galatians 2, 21
That's the whole principle. You just want to get down to what they're saying.
What I'll do sometimes is I'll say, well are you telling me are you saying that the reason you're going to go to heaven is because you're loving people and that's a good thing to love people.
I'm not knocking that. Is that why you're saying that? Then I have a question.
Why did Jesus have to die if your own ability to love is what makes it possible?
So I go back to the cross. There you go. It's all about him. You can ask questions in such a way that cause people to think about what it is they're assuming.
Jesus is love and God is love and you're supposed to love people and that's what makes you go to heaven. You can't hate him now, can you?
No, I'm not saying to hate him or anything like that. If you say that love is what makes you right with God then why did
Jesus have to die on that cross? And you keep saying the same thing over and over again. An analogy
I give is we have nobody waiting so we'll talk about it a little bit here. Say you have a piece of plywood that's about three feet by three feet square and there's like five hundred nails just tacked in a little bit two inches of a nail sticking up all over you.
What you can do is you can take your hammer and tap one and go over there and tap another one go over there and tap another one and you go all over and you can do that as apologetics witnessing all over the place or you find one nail and you tap, tap, tap on that one nail until it gets taken care of.
Then you go to the next one. And this is what I talk about focus on the main point and try and bring them to the main point which ultimately is who
Jesus is and what he's done. I know that love I know
God's love is reciprocal you accept it, then you give it out but I think she wants to give it out without accepting it.
God's love is reciprocal so I'm going to offer a little bit of a fine tuning
God's love His love isn't reciprocal it's one way. No, no, no.
God's love He gives and He doesn't expect us to give back because that's what true love really is.
That's the way to understand it, judge it by God and teach Him that. And you love, is it because God is working through you?
That's good. Do you think that's enough? I'm saying that she's trying to be justified by her loving but she has not received the love she has not received a gift a free gift.
Just say you got to receive what Jesus did because if righteousness comes by what we do then
Christ died needlessly Galatians 2 .21 What I'll often do is repeat the same verse over and over and over and over again because they accidentally memorize it that way.
I'm going to stop being a chicken hawk and get into a casual conversation because I don't like to tick people off Look, if you want to learn how to witness properly
I would suggest that you don't listen to me I would suggest you find a really humble person who is in prayer all the time and has a light out of heaven directing them to go to a place and witness
God giving the words. Or, if you can't find a person like that then go try it on your own and be ready to make lots of mistakes
Then, I'd say come with me and you want to see mess ups come to watch me I blow it all the time but it's the power of the word of God that you have to understand is true
Always trust the word of God Isaiah 55, hold on, there's a break buddy If you want to hold on, hold on If you want to hang up, hang up We've got nobody waiting, we'll be right back
Hey folks, there's the music We've got a last break May the Lord bless you, we'll be right back after These messages, please stay tuned
It's Matt Slick Live Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276
Here's Matt Slick Alright, welcome back to the show We have nobody waiting right now
Just going to let you know that I will be off radio next week, the week after and the week after I'm going to Bible Land's tour of the footsteps of Paul So, this has been in the works for about a year and so here we are and that's what
I'm going to be doing So I'll be flying out and so I won't be on the radio for those three weeks and we're going to do recorded sessions past shows for those three weeks period
It'll be the longest time I've ever had recorded things for my radio which I've been doing for 21 years and it's a blessing to be able to go and go to these places it really does make a difference at least in my understanding of Scripture when
I get to be in those places that the Bible spoke about I've been to Masada, I've been to the
Dead Sea I've been in Qumran Cave 1 where they discovered the
Dead Sea Scrolls I've been to Capernaum In fact, I've even preached in Capernaum in the location
I've been to all seven churches of Revelation I've been on an actual road that Jesus walked on I've been to Golgotha the site of the crucifixion the skull
I've been to the garden the Apollo Garden I've been there
I've been to David's foundation of his castle of his palace seen down into the valley where Bathsheba would have been
I've been to the place where Judas hung himself I've walked through Hezekiah's tunnel
I've been able to I've been to En Gedi I've been to Ai I've been to Bethlehem, I've even drank water out of the very same well of John chapter 4 so going to these places is awesome when you get to see them and be there and you have a great tour guide and they just give you so much valuable information it is just awesome
I've been to Ephesus Laodicea Jerusalem yeah
I've been to Nazareth I'm just remembering and smiling and it's good and one of the neatest things is the bus rides because you meet people that you've never met before they have the same interests and it's a lot of fun we go to different hotels
I enjoy the food in different places, different countries and it's just enjoyable and this one we set up about a year ago and I won't talk about how much it cost and how we're able to afford it but by God's grace we're able to go and looking forward to it we're going to be doing this tour following Paul's missionary journeys we're going to be going to Turkey we're going to be seeing the seven churches and I always have trouble pronouncing this one thing it's
Pamukkuleme or something like that ponds here are stunningly beautiful it's the only place
I've ever seen in the world it's right there in Turkey it's amazing it's truly amazing
Laodicea was amazing Ephesus was, oh my goodness oh wow, I can't believe what you're seeing when you go to Ephesus and we're going to be going to Greece and looking at the footsteps of Paul, where he was going to Athens, which
I'm particularly interested in I think we're going to Corinth as well, I'm not sure and Pompeii where the people were buried by the volcanic ash we're going to be going there as well and then we're going to go over to Italy and man,
I want to go there I'm hoping we get to see the Vatican I so want to see the Vatican I really do and we're going to be spending time in these three countries and just following where Paul went where he was and then we're going to come home and I'll give an update and take pictures and I'll do some
Facebook things with the karma .org Facebook account if you want to watch watch or follow, whatever, during that time that's it, so please if you would, pray for our safety, for everybody's safety as we go, we've always been safe, there's never been any problems it's just been delightful every time it's been great.
Once, however, our bus broke down, just once and I remember that everything was good except for this one time it broke down things happened and we stayed on the bus for a little bit then we had to walk about half a mile, three quarters of a mile to a location where another bus was going to meet us because where we broke down was in the middle of a road, we couldn't, so we walked and I got to help some of the people who are a little older and less able than I am and one laid on each side, grabbing my arms, we were walking up a slight grade of hill and I enjoyed that, it was a lot of fun being able to help people and stuff like that so, like I said,
I'll be out of the studio, I won't be on the air for live, I won't be on until roughly the 27th, 28th and come back from October, so today's the last show for that period of time but I do want to also let you know that we have certain needs at CARM and if you would be so kind as to consider first of all praying for us it's a spiritual battle and the spiritual temperature has been increased lately there's just stuff we have to go through as a ministry this stuff that happens is normal stuff and I'm not going to say like a lot of ministers have done in the past you know, oh woe is me and if you don't give $100 ,000 then all of this is going to fail
I don't believe in that kind of stuff I just tell people we trust our
Lord and our Savior and we ask that He would put upon people's hearts the opportunity to support us and that's it, we don't ask that anybody take away from anything else we don't ask that they hurt themselves in the process of supporting us we just ask that if they would at the very least pray for us that we would be able to bring glory to the
Lord Jesus Christ and that we would be able to expand the footprint of the gospel truth that goes out into the world that's our job, is to get that word out and a lot of people can't do it like we can't do it, or I can do a lot
I go online write books, do radio write articles, do interviews do debates only a few people can do that kind of stuff most people are mechanics and doctors, and moms and waitresses, and students and all kinds of stuff and that's not their calling, and that's fine but you can't support those like myself, or I should say this ministry and other ministries where we these parachurch ministries, where we do these kind of things, and we promote the gospel in areas and ways that you can't and that's not, one is better one's worse, because the people who go out there and do it need to be supported by others they need that support they need a place to sleep you know, if you have an evangelist like Paul when he was going around, he needed houses to stay in, he needed food when they would go, and he was the one out there preaching and teaching and doing these great works of God, but not everybody could do it like he was doing, they weren't called to do it, but they could help him do what he was supposed to be doing, and that's one of the blessings that Christians have, is that they can bless those who are called by God and enabled by God to work in different capacities and one of them is doing apologetics like, and there's other websites, not just mine, but there's other websites out there, there's other ministries that have great great worth before the
Lord and we have that opportunity and that blessing to be able to support those ministries and we don't do it for our glory, we don't do it for a tax deduction we do it because we want to further the kingdom of God that he has given to us and he has blessed us in light of that,
I want to go to a verse I think this verse is really a good verse and I've loved this this verse, 1
Chronicles 29 .14 I love how it's said and so David is praying and what they're doing in the context is they're talking about the offerings to build his temple and doing things there and here in this place, 1
Chronicles 29 getting gold and silver and bronze, I'm reading through it, wood onyx stones, inlaid stones, various colors and things like this, bringing to the house of God and they want to overlay the buildings, they want to do this stuff this is for the temple of God and for the service of the house of God, they gave 5 ,000 talents, 10 ,000 derricks what is a derrick?
derricks of gold and 10 ,000 talents of silver and then there's brass and it goes on so David blessed the
Lord in the sight of all the assembly and David said, blessed are you O Lord God of Israel our
Father forever and ever yours O Lord is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth yours is a dominion
O Lord and you exalt yourself as head over all both riches and honor come from you and you rule over all and in your hand is power and might and it lies in your hand to make great and to strengthen everyone now therefore our
God we thank you and praise your glorious name, now here's this verse I love, but who am
I and who are my people that we should be able to offer as generously as this for all things come from you and from your hand we have given back to you
I love that and that's how we should look at it, from his hand we're able to give back from his blessing, we can in turn return the blessing to God, this is why you should be tithing in your churches this is why you should be supporting the ministry of the church that you're in the pastor, the elders, preach and teach need to be able to work at the work of ministry, to be able to be supported so they can take care of their families and this is why it's so valuable to provide for them if possible that's why you should be tithing to your church you don't have to you're free to, remember all things come from you
Lord and from your hand we've given back given you, given to you and that's first chronicles 29 14,
I love that verse so, just saying we have our needs we all do, and if you'd be so kind as to consider supporting us, we would like that, and you can do that very easily, all you have to do is go to carm .org
forward slash donate, and you can just, you can help us out and it'd be great, in the meantime please pray for us, we do need that as well, we don't ask very much, just maybe 5 or 10 dollars a month is what we need what we ask for, so that we can pay the missionaries, and keep the lights on, keep the website going and be able to write more articles, and hopefully get into videos alright, there we go, so we've got about 1 minute in the show, just want to thank everybody for your support that you already have given, may the
Lord bless you greatly, please pray for the tour that we're going on this weekend, we're going to go to Europe for 3 weeks, a little bit less but I'd say 3 weeks, and then we'll get back and continue to preach and teach, and do hopefully the will of God, so please pray for this ministry, and I hope you can, for those of you that I've already been told people are saying,
I'm going to go through slick withdrawals so, it's funny so, I'm just hoping that everything works out great, may the
Lord bless you greatly, while I'm away and we'll just trust God to provide in the areas that He will so, there you go,
I love that verse to review it, that was 1 Chronicles 29 .14, for those who want to know where that was 1
Chronicles 29 .14, the music's going to start may the Lord bless you, and by His grace, in 3 weeks, we'll be back on the air, and we'll give you an update on what happened how we were out there on the
Biblelands tour, and by God's grace we'll see you then, talk to you then, so have a great time everybody,