Navy Seal and Christian Apologist versus Agnostic (Sye Ten Bruggencate & Chad Williams)


What happens when an Agnostic Chad challenges a Christian apologist Sye Ten Bruggencate and Navy Seal Chad Williams on the subject of knowledge and God's existence? Well, the Agnostic did not know as much as he thought and what he thought he knew he discovered that he really did not know certainly. What to watch the longer version?


Now let me ask you one question. Do you know what I say? I say the proof that God exists is that without Him, you can't know anything.
So I'm going to declare right now that this man does not know anything unless he starts with the God of Scripture.
So I'm going to ask you, sir, to tell me one thing that you know for certain and how you know it.
I know that you are full of **** because... Watch your language, kids are around. How do you know it? Sorry, I know that you are full of ****.
How do you know it? Because you are condemning all other people and you are saying that you are the only one that's right and your book is the only one that's right and that is arrogance, sir.
Okay, are you telling me that I'm wrong? No. But you're telling me that I'm arrogant. You're the only one that's right.
Okay, hang on. And there can be more than one right answer. Okay, is arrogance wrong? Yes. How do you know that?
How do you know that molestation is wrong? Because the God of this universe put children on this earth to love and to serve him and to live in community and to honor him.
And maybe that same God doesn't like arrogance and doesn't like people like you speaking for him. He doesn't like arrogance, you're absolutely right.
But if you say that God doesn't like us speaking, I want you to tell me the chapter and verse in our Scripture that tells us that.
I want you to tell me the chapter and verse where it says that all other people are wrong if they don't believe in Jesus.
Answer the question. He's answering questions like I can't win here.
That's right, you can't win. I want to know how you know one thing to be true, what you know to be true and how you know. You say that you know that what?
That I'm arrogant? How do I know one thing to be true? Let me tell you, how do you know you exist? How do you know you're not a brain?
Okay, now you're getting in the philosophical realm. We can switch topics if you want to, but why don't you stay on the same one?
Okay, knowledge. Let's stick on the topic of knowledge. Please, sir, tell me one thing that you know and how you're able to know.
Okay, here's my belief, sir. I'm an agnostic. I'm answering your question.
I'm answering your question. I'm agnostic. An agnostic means?
It means that there's no way to know the answers. There's no way to know if God exists.
There's no way to know if heaven or hell exists. And there's no way to know what happens after you die.
It's impossible. You know that you're an agnostic? That's my belief. So you don't know it? I'm telling you right now.
I don't know how much more in plain English I can tell you. I'm just asking. What I told this crowd here, unless you start with the
God of Scripture, you can't know anything. Jesus said, I am the way and the truth and the life.
He says that he is the source of knowledge. Proverbs 1, Proverbs 1 -7 says,
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. According to you. Hang on a second. Colossians 2 -3 says that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ.
And I'm saying that unless you start with God, you can't know anything. I've been asking this gentleman here for one thing that he knows.
One thing. Have you people heard? Have you people heard one thing that this man has answered?
He said you don't know. Have you given us one knowledge claim? Unless you start with the
God of Scripture, you can't know anything. All right. I know that if I let go of these keys, they're going to hit the ground.
Okay, hang on. Do you believe me? Hang on a second. Do you think if I let go, they're going to hit the ground? One second. I believe this guy right here.
He should work for Hollywood. He's a good cameraman. Do you know? Hang on. Do you know? Yes, I do.
I'm going to do it. Who dares me to do it? Hang on a second. Do you know? Hang on.
Do you know? Yes, I do. I'm going to do it. Who dares me to do it? Hang on a second. Oh my
God, I was right. Oh my God, I was right. Oh my God.
Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my