HUGE Announcement - Introducing C.I.G. A New Consultancy For Achieving Parachurch Excellence!

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Dealing with trolls free masterclass:


All right, my friends, I am excited today. I am excited to announce the launch of a new business venture.
If you're anything like me, you're always kind of thinking from time to time about different opportunities out there in the market, the marketplace is so dynamic.
And if you could figure out a way to meet a need in that marketplace, then you can make a boatload of money.
And I gotta say, you know, I've got a few businesses of my own. And I'm always looking for the next thing.
And last night, I was thinking and I I think I found a marketplace that is nigh untapped.
Not even not even anyone's operating in this marketplace. And I think that I'm ready to go.
I've got a lot to offer here. It is called SIG. That's right.
SIG called to internet greatness, my friends, the Lord trains our hands for war.
And I don't think that exempt exempts, excuse me, internet wars.
That's right. A lot of you don't think the internet counts. I've seen some of you guys talk about the internet disparagingly.
And, and I can understand why you might say that because it's not the only battlefield, but it is a battlefield.
It's a battlefield that a lot of you ministries you you hardcore, conservative, stalwart ministries that we all know and love.
Why do you guys engage on the internet, but you don't know how to win. And SIG is here to help you learn how to win because we know we know how to win my friend.
We are a consultancy, a team of consultants that are at your disposal right now to help you out in the meme war on the internet.
Now, these ministries look a lot of you guys, you know, you're great, your wealth of knowledge, you've forgotten more than we know.
You've written books and the books are great. You are good speakers, you've got good blogs, and even conferences.
You know, I always I always kind of joke about conferences, but even the conferences are good. You're great at conferences, not so great on internet interacting.
It's just a fact guys, I don't make the rules, but I do understand the rules. And so we're here for you.
Our consultants at SIG are world class and we're ready to help you win the internet war.
We will be available to talk to you about memes. No, no, see the trick is you've got to you've got to pick a meme that doesn't need a whole lot of explanation.
No, no, you've got to follow the format. You can't deviate. Follow the format.
We've even got specialists that focus particularly on video meme. Okay, so so listen up, it works best if the people in the video aren't speaking
English, because then you can make the subtitle say whatever you want. And for foreigners are funny.
Okay. All right. Foreign languages are funny. No, no, it's not a ninth commandment violation.
It's hyperbole. That's part of the humor. You've got to exaggerate to make it funny. We've even got a team that specializes specializes only in in emoji use, especially the eyeballs.
Now, nobody has ever used the eyeball emoji better than Tom Askell. Unfortunately, he wasn't interested in this project.
So he's not available. But we our team has studied Tom's usage of the eyeball emoji.
We know what we're doing, friends. And we can help you. We've even got a team of jokesters, right? They understand jokes.
And so when you see a joke, and you you don't quite understand and you get a little upset about it, we can help you.
Oh, I see. No, no, no, that's called an Am I right joke? Yeah, the purpose of an Am I right joke is that the joke it they already know the joke is silly.
No, no, no, you don't know. Don't tell them that it's childish. That's the point. They know it's a childish joke. That's why they put the
Am I right at the end responses are something that I get questions on all the time.
Should I respond? How do I respond? You know, things of that nature. And this is a this is a common question, because there are many pitfalls when you're going to when you're thinking even considering responding to someone on the internet,
I recommend as a rule of thumb, this is this for free, you don't have to pay me for this. This is for free. As a rule of thumb, if you're questioning how to respond, don't respond.
That's that's actually acceptable. And you probably just shouldn't do it if you're even questioning. But if you feel like you have to, we're here for you.
We've got experts on the dangers of juking. Yeah, I know. It's true. We're all longing for the king of kings.
We get that but but they're gonna it's a it's a juke. It's a juke and they're gonna make fun of you definitely because there's so many ways to turn that around back around on you, right?
Like, well, I don't need a doctor. I've got the great healer. I don't need a counselor. I do got the great counselor. Like, it's just, you know,
I already got a father. I don't need a father. I've already got a Holy Father like it doesn't work. And responding to trolls.
I mean, this is another big one. And I got to be honest, I wanted to get Philip Derrida here because he hey, put out a masterclass for free on the internet about why you shouldn't respond to trolls.
It was wonderful. I just highly I'll attach it in the in the in the info section in this video.
But but suffice it to say that if you respond to trolls in any kind of serious way, it's a mistake.
Don't do it. It's good. It's just that's exactly what they want. And you don't want to feed the trolls don't feed the trolls.
Also, I just I want to I want to just kind of tease this. This is not ready yet. But we're we're developing a tweet review service and automatic tweet review service powered by AI.
And it will review the tweet you are attempting to send. And it will spit back the possible dangers of sending that tweet.
There's a lot of dangers out there. The internet is a wild place. And it's not like a normal conversation.
You got to get that through your head. The internet conversations are not like normal conversations. They're very different.
And they operate with different rules. Our tweet review service automatic, it's available 24 seven.
And every time you try to send a tweet, it will automatically pause it and spit back the possible danger.
Look, guys, I want to see you succeed. I want to see you succeed in everything that you do. And the fact is, you are not good at this internet thing.
I don't make the rules. I just call it as I seize it. You know what I mean? So so so today, today is the day to reach out to ad
Robles and my new business sig conquerors is a conquerors called it called to internet greatness.
That's the name of the company called to internet grace greatness use the promo code g three to get 50 % off your first consultation.
I'm never going to do this kind of offer again 50 % off your first consultation using the promo code g three.
God bless you all have a great day. I love you very much. Remember that I love you and I'm for you.
And I know I can see it in your heart right now. You don't feel that confident but you are called to internet greatness.
No, no, no, I understand they use the Hitler scene. I get it. No, no, don't don't say don't don't say that they're calling you
Hitler that this this is this is this is a trap. Don't do it. Listen, listen, I don't make the rules.
But this is the rule that you start talking about Hitler everyone's gonna laugh and it's just it's not gonna go well for you.
I promise it's not gonna go well. Listen, if the if the meme hurts your feelings, don't tell anybody about that.
Well, you know, maybe tell your wife or something. Don't tell anybody else. Okay, you do you promise?
Listen, if you respond to that meme. Okay. Okay. Now I understand.
That's right. Okay, yeah, yes, that's a that's a good idea. Make your own meme.
But run it by me first because a lot of you guys don't know. Oh, man,