Bishop ATTACKED On Church Live Stream!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth. In this video, we're going to talk about a recent attack on a
Christian that was caught on camera during a church livestream. Bishop Marmari Emanuel is part of the
Assyrian Orthodox Church. And by the way, this video has absolutely nothing to do with my doctrinal agreements or disagreements with the
Orthodox Church. Because any time that someone is violently attacked for claiming that they believe in Jesus Christ, that ought to matter to us as Christians, regardless of other doctrinal disagreements, however important they might be.
You see, this bishop was brutally attacked by a 16 -year -old with a knife in Australia. I'll show you a few blurry photos, but I won't show the whole video, because it's extremely unsettling.
And as the attack took place, it is reported that the young man shouted, Allahu Akbar, which is a
Muslim phrase that means, God is great. Watch this first -hand video that was captured just after the attack.
So, putting two and two together, we can clearly see that this young man charged at the bishop because of his radical
Islamist beliefs. The question that no one in the media is willing to answer honestly is simple.
Why? And the answer is clear, but the pro -multicultural elites don't want you to know it.
But we're going to say it in this video regardless. First, for context, this bishop has come under fire because he said that God took him up to heaven and Muhammad wasn't there.
Watch this. Let me say this to Andrew Tate. If you think that Christians are coward, you are mistaken.
The Lord, no one else, took me to heaven. Let me tell you, there is no
Muhammad. There is no Buddha. There is no Krishna. There is no one. Only one,
Jesus. You can follow Muhammad, it'll get you nowhere. The only one that truly is who he is is
Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and this has got nothing to do with Christians or anyone else.
It's got to do with the truth. So essentially, this man is saying that other religious leaders will not be in heaven, including
Muhammad, because Jesus is the only way to get there, which is undoubtedly true. In John 4 .16,
Jesus says that no one comes to the Father except through him. Regardless of what fake liberal
Christians want you to think, there are not multiple ways to heaven, and not everyone is going to be saved.
But this statement is undoubtedly going to frustrate any consistent Muslim, as Muhammad is their most revered prophet and leader.
But in another strange turn of events, there was also a TikTok made regarding the bishop very recently.
It suggested that for some reason, he only had two weeks to live. Here was his response to that video.
I was extremely excited when I heard that I have two weeks to live. This is not an escape, no.
I'm saying it with confidence in the Lord Jesus. I love you, Lord, and I choose you any time of the day, all day long, to be with you.
I don't care about the world and whatever the world gives. Now, to be clear, there is no evidence that I've seen yet implying that this two -weeks -to -live message has anything to do with the attack, but it is a strange coincidence, no doubt.
And his response demonstrates that he genuinely cares more about his belief in God than about his physical life.
And to top it all off, it is reported that the man actually prayed for his own attacker shortly after the horrible event took place.
An incredible example of loving your enemies, Matthew 5 .44. And by the way, try getting that treatment in a
Muslim country. See how that goes for you. But you see, there is one thing about this situation that most
Christians seem to be ignoring because of the modern standards of political correctness. The media and the global elites want you to believe that Islam is best defined as a religion of peace, one that, like all religions, simply has a small, tiny strain of fanatics that give it a bad rap.
But this is simply not the case. Islam has, from its very beginnings, been a religion of violent conquest.
In fact, after Muhammad received his initial visions from his god, Allah, he spent the next 12 years trying to peacefully convince people to follow his religion in the city of Mecca.
This preaching was not followed by any real mass conversion, certainly not of the nature that we see later.
In fact, Muhammad was hated by the people around him, and they eventually forced him out of Mecca. It is only after the peaceful years, when he and his followers began to conduct brutal raids against non -Muslim tribes, that we finally begin to see mass conversion to Islam.
What a coincidence. Islam has many sacred texts that suggest that, quote, religion cannot be coerced.
But there are many other passages that say the exact opposite. For example, the Quran, in Surah 2, verse 191, says, quote,
And kill them, non -Muslims, wherever you find them. Kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers, non -Muslims.
Essentially, if you stand in the way of Islam, you must convert, or you must die. And Surah 9, verse 5, says, quote,
Then kill the disbelievers, non -Muslims, wherever you find them. Capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush.
End quote. And mainstream Islamic teaching says that the passages I just read for you, coincidentally the more violent passages, should take precedent over the slightly older texts about not coercing religion, which called for peaceful conversion.
So it is abundantly clear that Islam is a religion of violent conquest from its very origins, not one of peace.
And despite the fact that there have been bad actors on both sides of this battle, Muslims have historically been the primary aggressors against Christians.
This is undoubtedly true, it's a historical fact. For example, the Crusades. These are often misconstrued as being pointless wars in which extremists on both sides fought each other needlessly for money and power and bloodlust, etc.
But this idea is absolute rubbish. The Crusades actually happened because bloodthirsty
Muslim empires had been slaughtering Christians and taking over nearly two -thirds of the Christian world for centuries before the
First Crusade ever took place. For more on this, please see the many books that Raymond Ibrahim has written on the subject, link in description.
By contrast, Christianity does not have a long, consistent history of forced conversions.
Quite the opposite. Rather, Christianity has triumphantly converted massive amounts of people simply by the grace and power of God.
And so a religion that began with just a handful of confused followers has grown to millions and millions of people primarily by preaching the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
That is overarchingly the theme. The leaven is moving through the whole lump gradually and victoriously,
Matthew 13, 33, and all because of true conversion by God's grace and by His Spirit.
Islam simply cannot say the same thing whatsoever. It would be laughable if they did. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the source of the conflict in this livestream.
The sacred writings of Islam are littered with commands to violently destroy all people who oppose their religion, while the
New Testament is jam -packed with commands to preach the gospel and disciple the nations, Matthew 28.
But you must realize everyone is an evangelist of something. Everyone is serving some master.
It will either be a false god like Allah, or it will be the one true Lord and King of the universe,
Jesus Christ. That is the fundamental issue here. And unfortunately, we have many political leaders, primarily in Europe, who think it's a good idea to import into their country thousands of military -aged males who subscribe to a religion that on paper explicitly calls for violence against non -Muslims.
Anyone with two eyes and a single functioning brain cell can tell you that this is a terrible idea.
Should we preach the gospel to Muslims and pray sincerely for their conversion? Of course. But given the context of what their faith says, should we let them immigrate into our historically
Christian countries en masse? Of course not. There's a reason why people are constantly trying to escape out of Muslim countries, and by contrast, trying to flee into Christian countries.
It's because societies based in false religions do not yield peace, joy, blessing, and human flourishing.
Instead, they yield sin, strife, and violence. Never forget that. And remember that Christianity has a long track record of changing the world for the better, and it will continue to do so, not through conquest or violence, but through the blessed gospel message of Jesus Christ.
Psalm 72, verse 11, sums it up beautifully when it says, quote, May all kings fall down before him, and all nations serve him.
Please, pray for this channel and for anyone mentioned in the video, and especially pray for the man who was attacked.
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