Welcome to Late Evangelicals! -Advice For Andrew Walker Types

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Hello there, this is A .D. Robles, and you're listening to A .D. on the Fight, Laugh, Feast Network.
All right, let's get started today. A .D. Robles, as always, I've been this way the entire time on YouTube and on the
Fight, Laugh, Feast Network. I am here to help. That's right. That's that's that's what
I'm here for. I'm here to help. And so I wanted to talk about something that I've seen quite a few people talking about online and on YouTube.
In fact, John Harris did a panel video panel live stream last night.
I have not watched it yet, and I'm looking forward to watching it today at the gym and or I guess listening to it.
You can't really watch while you're working out, but you could listen anyway. And it's all about, you know, kind of what what to do with all of the people that, you know, they they were against us at first.
And we were talking about the woke stuff and they didn't. They were very upset about our rhetoric and all that kind of stuff. And now, though, in twenty twenty four, they are coming around.
You know what I mean? And some of them are even I even saw this. This even applies to the conversation about Christian nationalism and LGBT and all this kind of stuff.
Right. People are coming around and some people are just kind of changing their their their tune.
And they're they're not really acknowledging the fact that they were, you know, kind of woke the other day kind of thing.
And then some of them are actually apologizing and saying, you know, I was wrong. I shouldn't have said the things that I was saying, or at least
I shouldn't have said it as aggressively as I was saying it before, because some of these brothers out here are good guys and I disagree with them on some things, but they are right on a lot of things.
And so there's a there certainly seems to be a bit of a shifting in the tide going on in twenty twenty four.
And people are having conversations on what to do. I mean, should I should I say, see, told you so you're an idiot, you know, something like that.
Or should I just be welcoming them, welcoming them with open arms, that kind of thing? And I'm here to help because this is something
I've been anticipating for years at this point. And I was saying it. I was seeing little signs of it years ago and I probably jumped the gun, you know.
But what I wanted to do at the time was encourage these people. Look, you know, I understand, you know, we were at odds, but we can be friends.
You know what I mean? We can be friends. I'm here to help. I've been thinking about this for a long time. And if you look at my old content,
I was even watching some of my old old content about like guys like Andrew Walker, for example.
And a few others kind of encouraging this exact thing. So to see it actually all come to fruition with a lot of people is very, very satisfying.
So I wanted to offer my two cents because I've been thinking about this for a while and I've got some advice for the people that are coming around.
And I've also got some advice for the people that have been here for a long time and might be tempted to be like,
I told you so. You're an idiot, you know, that kind of thing. And so we're going to start with them because brothers, this is the thing.
We've been on the front lines for a long time, some longer than others, some longer than me.
We've been on the front lines for a long time and we've changed our minds on a lot of things.
You know what I mean? We've changed our minds. And it's hard to kind of put yourself in that mindset, because if you change your mind about some of the woke stuff, you know, four years ago.
Right. It's hard to remember yourself when you were kind of buying some of that stuff. And someone was telling me the other day that I've changed my tune on Trump.
I used to make fun of Trump and now I'm pro Trump and stuff like that. And it's been years.
You know what I mean? But it's true. I mean, I didn't I didn't I never was like as deranged as some people.
But, yeah, that's true. I was against Trump in the beginning, but now
I'm not. And I've talked about all of the reasons why, you know, I've been very open about that transition.
And, you know, that's kind of how I've chosen to approach it, you know, just be very open and honest about that kind of thing.
So so we have to remember that those of us who are who are who are right and maybe we've been right for a long time.
We've got to try to give ourselves a little bit of honesty about ourselves. You know, we've changed our minds about certain things.
And, you know, it's and even if you haven't, even if you've always been right, you know what I mean? Good for you, number one.
And number two, just try to remember that not everybody is quite in the same boat. And so we need to have a lot of patience, dare
I say, grace for people that, you know, they were wrong up to a couple of years ago or even last year or even earlier this year.
We have to understand that a lot has happened. You know what I mean? A lot has happened to wake people up. And so we should resist the temptation to told you so them, you know what
I mean, or to keep them on the outs kind of thing. We should embrace all the help we can get. That does not mean, though, that they get to be movers and shakers.
They need to be they get to be shot callers in what we're doing right now because they're not they haven't earned that yet.
You know what I mean? If you just came to your senses yesterday and now you're like, well, yeah, woke is bad and LGBT is bad and and and Christian nationalism.
I mean, I'm not a total agreement, but I'm definitely not a pagan nationalist. I'm not a secularist like, OK, that's great.
I'm very proud of you, but you haven't earned any street cred yet. You know, you don't get to be a shot caller.
And so, you know, it's different than like complete trust. You see what I'm saying?
We can we can forgive people and it's not really even forgiveness, although it is kind of forgiveness. Actually, now that I think about it, we can forgive people and we can welcome them into the fold and we can welcome their support and all of that kind of thing.
That's doesn't mean they get to be sort of shot callers calling the shots. And actually, I've drawn a very helpful diagram and you see it on the screen right now.
We'll go over in just a minute. But this this diagram kind of tells you what
I believe that these people that are kind of coming around, they're changing their tune. They're they're they're getting red pills, so to say what they should be up to.
So that's for my my side, for the people that have been right for a longer time. You know, that's what I think you should do.
You should welcome the help. You should welcome them with open arms. However, they have to earn their trust, man.
Just like all of us did. You know what I mean? There was a time when nobody thought 80 Robles had anything of value to say.
And maybe a lot of you still don't. But over time, I've kind of earned my street cred. So people would be very surprised if tomorrow
I said something ridiculous like Alistair Begg. You know what I mean? If I said, yeah, you know, if you got a gay wedding to go to, you should go to it.
Yeah, Christians should go to a gay wedding just so that they they don't think that you're one of those judgmental
Christians. You know, as long as they know you're opposed to it, you could still go with a gift and celebrate with them.
Even though you're opposed to it, you could celebrate with that. That's that's that's brain dead. What Alistair Begg said about the gay wedding?
That's brain dead. That's not Christian in any sense. People would be very surprised if 80 Robles one day said something stupid like that because I've earned a certain amount of street cred.
Now, that being said, I want to address the newcomers. I want to address the Andrew Walkers of the world.
I want to address that kind of person that is, you know, man, you know, I was wrong. You know, some of these guys were right.
And then all that kind of stuff. You guys have a job to do. You are you are very helpful in this in this conversation.
You know, I'm going to I'm going to speak in terms that you can understand. You know, it's just a conversation, you know, just a conversation.
You guys can be very helpful in this thing. But the thing is, you need to recognize that until recently, when you kind of change your tune, you were hurting the church of God.
You were hurting the church of God and you were doing wrong. You were sinning sometimes.
Some of you were sinning in the ridiculous takes that you would have about the culture war.
And and you were wrong. You need to you need to you really need to look into the mirror and say, I was wrong, man.
I think I think I'm this smart guy and maybe I am really smart, but I miss this. And it certainly seems like I should not have missed this.
This is one of those things that was on a billboard and it was like right there in front of me and it was obvious.
But somehow I just missed it. And I think what you need to do is spend some time examining how it is that you were able to miss this.
And it can be for different people. It's different things. And sometimes it's like a hero worship thing where, like, my heroes were saying all this.
Yeah. I mean, Matt Chandler, you know, he was lauding Martin Luther King. And so, I mean,
I just trusted him. A lot of people just trusted people, you know, like people that have all said all these great things about the gospel.
I've learned so much from them. And then they started saying something else. And I kind of felt weird in my soul about it, but I just trusted them.
I mean, they've got a track record of ministry. In fact, a lot of these guys manipulated you.
You see what I'm saying? You were manipulated a lot of the times. And you should have known better. Look, there's no excuse for being manipulated by someone who's going against the word of God so easily.
Like my book, The Social Justice Pharisees book, it's a very, it was almost embarrassing to write it because it's just so simple.
And it's, like, so easy to say, oh, yeah, Eric Mason says this, but the Bible says this. It's very easy. It's the exact same context.
Everything's the same. And yet, so many people are choosing to believe Eric Mason over the scripture.
So you were fooled. You shouldn't have been fooled. That's on you. But at the same time, you were manipulated. And you got to understand, like, manipulators, especially well -practiced manipulators, they're very effective.
You know, I watch a lot of cop interrogation videos, like police interrogation videos. They don't call them interrogations.
They're interviews. That's part of the manipulation. And you can see in real time all of these manipulation tactics that they use to manipulate people into confessing.
And a lot of times these are guilty people, so you don't feel sorry for them. But they've got all these manipulative tactics that they use.
And it's funny because so often the people that are being interrogated know what the plays are.
Like, they know how they're going to be manipulated. They'll even tell the cop, ah, you're just trying to get me to say this, and that way you can say
I was there and this and that. Like, you're trying to manipulate me. And they know they're being manipulated, and yet they're manipulated anyway.
So skilled manipulators are very effective. Okay, it's no excuse for not believing the
Bible, but skilled manipulators are very effective. A guy like Matt Chandler, he's a manipulative person. A guy like Russell Moore, he's a manipulative person.
And you were manipulated. And so you need to understand that you should not have been manipulated, especially some of you that are in leadership.
I mean, you guys got to know better. But you were, okay? So we all make mistakes, right?
We've all been manipulated before. Nothing feels worse than being manipulated. But you need to look in the mirror and say,
I was tricked. I was fooled, and part of it is my own sin nature, and part of it was because I trusted people.
I need to be a lot slower when it comes to who I just believe.
When something doesn't feel right in my spirit, I need to go with that and pursue that and be patient with myself in figuring out, man,
I love Chandler, but he's saying these things. What do I do? How do I approach this? What do I say?
What do I believe? That's number one. That's number one. You need to really be honest with yourself.
You are not as clever as you think you are. In fact, you're much stupider than you think you are.
The proverb, I believe it is, surely I am too stupid to be a man. You need to own that, man.
You need to own that. And I think one of the things that I've noticed about a lot of the people on my side of this issue, the woke people, the non -woke people,
I should say, and the Christian nationalists, is that we do understand that. We get it. Surely I am too stupid to be a man.
I think that that is a very important step to understanding how things are, understanding how the world works, is to understand your own limitations.
So that's number one. Number two, thank you for coming to the right side here.
You know what I mean? Thank you for coming to your senses. This is wonderful. And a lot of people out there are saying, you guys need to apologize.
You need to call out the leaders that you were against before, but you realize now that they were right.
You need to encourage them and things like that. And I've got to be honest with you. I'm not a leader in anything, but I have been right for quite some time, and certain people consider what
I have to say valid and important. I don't need that. I don't need you to encourage me.
I don't need you to laud me. I don't need you to call me out. I don't need that. If you did it,
I'm not going to reject it, of course. I mean, it's always great to have friends that think what you have to say is important or true or right or good or helpful.
That's always great, and I'm not going to reject that. But I don't need it. I don't need it. Okay? It would be nice for some people because there are some people out there that have aspirations to really kind of make some changes, especially like in the
SBC. I think of William Wolfe and stuff like that. I think it would be nice to encourage some of those guys, but we actually don't need it.
You don't have to do that, right? Your job is actually much simpler than that. It's much simpler than that.
And that's where this helpful graphic that I spent hours, hours coming up with this graphic.
Here's the graphic, okay? We've got a line here. This is the conversation. This is the conversation that we're having, right?
That's why it says here the conversation. And I put a big welcome sign in red.
See, welcome. We're welcoming you. Come on in. We can finally have a conversation. We can work together, and we can do the conversation, right?
But we're in the same conversation. We have the same goals, but here's the trick. Ready? We have different roles, okay?
You need to recognize this, and you need to do your job, and you need to recognize your role because it's very important.
So here's the conversation, right? We're in the same team here, man. We're doing it. We're having the conversation. We're all kind of believing the same things now, right?
And this is us over here, you know, where the red arrow is pointing. This is us. I even wrote a helpful notation here.
This is us, the people that were right the whole time, the people that you realize were right on a lot of things.
You don't have to agree with us on everything, but here's us, and we're doing a lot of really hard work, right? You know, we've been deadlifting.
We've been squatting. So we're practiced, you know? We've been training for this for a long time. And so we're over here, and we've got both hands on the wall, and we're pushing it forward.
We're pushing the conversation forward because we're not quite there yet, you know? There are lots of things that we need to really hash out and hammer through and all this kind of stuff.
And a lot of the conversation over here is about Christian nationalism, and we're trying to figure that out. And we're pushing, and we're pushing, and we're moving it.
This line over here where the conversation is, it needs to go over here, but we're pushing it towards there.
We're not quite there yet, but we're pushing it. We're doing the hard work. We're doing the heavy lifting. And if I had time, you know, again,
I took hours to do this. If I had time, I would have put a lot of the pagans over here shooting at us or pushing back kind of thing.
But we're pushing, and we're doing a good job. That's us. This is me. This is me right over here. Not just me, of course.
You understand. And this is where you should be, where there's a big green checkmark because that's what you should be doing.
You're over here, and this is where the conversation used to be, right? It used to be over here.
And what you need to be doing right now is getting our flank, you know, getting our six, right? Not our flank, our six.
And you should be making this an impenetrable wall. You know, this is where we pushed.
We pushed the wall over here previously, and it took all this effort. This was us back in the time of MLK50 and what was that other conference,
T4G. We're pushing. We're pushing. This is where we got the wall. And now we need you to fortify this wall so that this wall, it's this far and no further.
Nobody could get through this wall. And so the stuff we were saying about Chandler and Russell Moore and Beth Moore and Amy Byrd and all that kind of stuff that you all know we were right about the entire time we were right about it.
When you kept your mouth shut or worse, you were defending Russell Moore. Oh, he's a great man of God with a track record of ministry.
You know, all that stuff. That's what you were doing back then, but we were pushing the wall and moving forward. Now what we need you to do, this is where we need you.
On that wall where we already did the hard work of getting to that wall, we need you to fortify it.
We need you to build it up, and we want it to be a big, thick brick wall so that nobody could get through it ever again.
This should be you, right, with a nice smile on your face, looking forward because you're, you notice his eyes are looking forward because this is where we're trying to get.
And now you're trying to get there, too. But you're not, you haven't been deadlifting enough. You haven't been squatting enough yet.
You haven't been doing the work. You haven't been training. So we don't, we can't really use you on this side where we're pushing against the pagans.
Again, imagine a bunch of pagans pushing back here. What we need you to do is be looking towards this with a smile on your face saying, yeah, we're getting them.
We're gaining ground. But over here, you're using your little hammer and your, I don't know how to build a brick wall.
But, you know, the tools that you would use to build a brick wall, and you're building it so that no matter what happens over here, if we fail, it'll never go further than this.
Never, because this will be an impenetrable wall that you are currently working on. That's where we need you. We need you with a smile on your face, enjoying the progress we're making, looking towards the future.
Maybe one day you'll be trained enough to come push with us. Maybe. But for now, we need you on that wall.
You're not a shot caller anymore. The shot callers are over here. You're not a shot caller anymore. Maybe you're used to being one, but you're not anymore because you failed.
You failed COVID. You failed every test that we've gotten. You failed. But that doesn't mean we can't use you.
You can get back up. Dust yourself off. Get to work on that wall. Make sure it's impenetrable.
And maybe one day when you can deadlift twice your weight, you know, you can squat really well, you know what
I mean, you can come and you can help us over here. You can be a shot caller again. But that's going to take time. It's going to take effort.
It's going to take practice. This is where you should be. And I put the arrow, this is you,
I put the arrow in pink, not to insult your manhood, but because it's like a lighter version of red.
So that's you. Here's where you freaking should not be under any circumstances.
Because this is what the temptation is going to be for a lot of you weasels. Okay? Maybe you're on our team, but you still haven't gotten rid of the weasel virus.
This is where you should not be. And this is where a lot of you guys are going to end up. Don't do this. You're going to be here.
You're in the conversation. You realize we're right. And we're pushing. And we're pushing into unknown territory.
And we're going to say things that are going to sound really mean and scary to you. Oh, my goodness,
Stephen Wolf said that the weight evangelicals are the last bulwark of political whatever power? Oh, my gosh, he's a racist.
And this is going to be you. You're going to be angry. You're going to be upset. You can see his little angry face. And you're going to have an
AK -47, and you're going to be shooting us in the back. Because you're still thinking you're a shot caller.
You still think that somehow, yeah, you miss Russell Moore was a weasel. You miss Beth Moore was a weasel. But you're not going to miss the next one.
No, no, no. Now I know everything. You're going to be over here shooting at us from the back. This is not helpful.
You're not smart enough with these cultural issues to know who to shoot at yet.
You don't get a gun. These are all metaphorical, by the way, in case I have any feds watching my channel.
Metaphorical guns. You're not smart enough for that. You don't get your gun yet.
You get a hammer to build the wall behind us that we have done all the work to getting to.
You got to be this guy with the green checkmark. You're not this guy with the red scary slash mark that says, no, don't do this.
This is where a lot of you are going to end up because I know your type. It's not helpful.
It's ridiculous. You guys were wrong. Stop pretending like you know what to do.
Okay? Remember, I'm going to zoom in here. Here's the conversation.
This should be you. This is us. This should not be you under any circumstances.
Maybe one day, though, maybe one day we'll give you a firearm and we'll put you on the other side of this wall and you'll help us.
You'll be a shot caller. A sniper. But right now, you can't be trusted.
You can't be trusted. So many guys are going to fall into this camp where we need you over here. That's as helpful as I can make it.
I mean, I worked hard on this. This is the conversation that we're having right now. And so that's my advice for you.
That's my advice for you. You don't have to call us out. It would be nice, man. It really would be if I saw someone say, yeah, you know,
I've seen some people do this. I've seen some people do this. This is wonderful. Man, Stephen Wolf, you know,
I disagree with some of his things, but, man, our reaction to him was unbelievably ridiculous.
Unbelievably ridiculous. I read his book now, and it's like, this is just reform stuff, typical reform stuff.
I got some quibbles, but there's nothing crazy here. That's great, man. That's really great.
That's really wonderful. Thank you for doing that. Keep in mind, though, that you're still not sure.
Look, being good at something takes work. It takes discipline. It takes reps. You're still not a shot caller, but you're on your way, man.
You are on your way. Maybe. Maybe. You just have to resist.
I know the pressure is very intense to be this guy, who's still tone policing, who's still trying to be a shot caller, trying to say that everyone's a racist.
I get it. The pressure is intense. Don't be this guy. Be this guy. See, that guy, not this guy.
That guy, not this guy. Maybe one day you can join us over here, and that would be wonderful.
In any case, I think you get it. By the way, if you're listening to this on Fight Last Feast Network, you probably don't have any clue what
I'm saying, but I would recommend you go to my Twitter feed, where I'm going to put this wonderful diagram up for you to see.
You're going to love it if you see this diagram. Or watch it on YouTube, where I have the diagram up as I speak.