FBC Daily Devotional – March 5, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God’s Word


Well, a good Friday to you. It's the end of the first week of March already and we're heading toward the weekend.
Hope you're looking forward to a good one. I don't know if you have any special plans going on or anything like that, but Lord's Day is right around the corner and hope you're planning to worship the
Lord and to serve him on that particular day, his day. So just as a reminder, this coming
Lord's Day, we'll be gathering together, have our Sunday school classes or meeting at 9 .30,
morning service at 10 .30. We're doing these bring your own lunch times after the morning service and tables spread out and so forth for distancing and such.
You're welcome to bring a lunch. And then at one o 'clock, we have an afternoon service and we're kind of working our way through a
Psalter. It's a hymnal where the Psalms of the Old Testament have been set to music, kind of working our way through a
Psalter. So full day and it wraps up about two o 'clock in the afternoon.
Of course, if you can't join us, understand that we are live streaming now the
Sunday school, adult Sunday school class at 9 .30 and then continuing to live stream the morning service at 10 .30.
So you're welcome to join in on those things. Well, if you're reading the
Bible readings, today's Old Testament reading is in Proverbs chapter six.
Were you surprised by anything that you read there? These six things does the
Lord hate, yea, seven are an abomination to him. There's a list of seven things that the
Lord hates. By the way, this is not an exhaustive list. It's a representative list. It's just going to communicate that there's a wide array, a wide variety of things that the
Lord hates. Now, here's what's to our mind, to our way of thinking, maybe a bit surprising about that list.
And that is that the things that are, well, let me put it this way.
Have you ever communicated, asked somebody, do you think you're going to go to heaven when you die?
Oh yeah, yeah, I hope so, I hope so. We'll follow up with, well, why do you think you should go to heaven?
I've been a, I'm a pretty good person, I've sound like I ever killed anybody or anything like that.
I've never done anything really bad, like kill someone. All right, now, with that conversation in mind and that way of thinking in mind, listen to this list of seven things that the
Lord hates. He hates haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to evil, to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among his brothers.
Now what's striking in that is in the list of seven things, you've got right next to the one who sheds, the hands that shed innocent blood, you've got a lying tongue.
Well, okay, I can see that shedding innocent blood, that's a hateful thing, that's an awful thing, it's a horrific thing.
But right next to that, a lying tongue, it's incorporated in that list of seven things the
Lord hates. So, you think about that and you realize, you know what,
I've been guilty of too many things that the Lord hates. You ever been a little haughty, kind of look down your nose at somebody who doesn't have some of the same qualities that you have, doesn't have some of the same privileges or experiences of life that you have.
Maybe not as well -off, maybe not as educated, maybe they don't have as good a job and all of that stuff.
You ever kind of look down at them and think, well, they must be inferior people.
Lord hates that. Lord hates it. Oh, tell me you've never lied. I know better than that.
You tell me that, you've just lied, right? A lying tongue, Lord hates it. And a little later on, he talks about hating the false witness who breathes out lies.
This is like, I mean, how early do you see this in childhood, right? I didn't do it, he did it.
He did it, he did it. He says that when he knows full well he didn't do it. That's a false witness against the kid who didn't do it.
And it's usually the one who did it who's breathing out that false witness. The Lord hates that kind of thing. And it doesn't end in childhood either, does it?
You see it all through adulthood as well. It happens in the workplace as one worker will bear false witness against another worker to make himself look good and the other person not so good.
Because he wants to get the, I want to get the credit for this. I want to get the credit. Yeah, bearing false witness.
How about the heart that devises wicked plans? Ever been there?
Ever done that? You know, the Lord hates that is just like he hates murder. Shedding innocent blood.
It's in the same group. And then feet that make haste to run to evil.
Make haste to run to evil. So the point is this, that the
Lord hates the behavior of everybody. You know, somewhere along the way.
We may have never shed innocent blood, but we have lied. We may have never shed innocent blood, but we have been arrogant.
We may never shed innocent blood, but you know what? I wrongly accused somebody and knew better and so forth.
We're all guilty. We're all guilty. Well, thank the Lord today for his grace.
Thank the Lord that even though he hates the sin that we've committed.
That he has so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.
That whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
If you're a child of God's today, he has poured out his love upon you. Even though, even though there's some of the things in that list that God hates.
You've done and I've done. Thanks be to God for his grace, for his mercy.
Our Father and our God, we do thank you today. We know that we have been guilty of doing things that we know you hate.
And even though we've known it, we've done it anyway. Oh, Father, be merciful to us as sinners.
And we are grateful today that you are. We're grateful for your grace. We're so thankful for your mercy.
Now, Lord, I pray give us a good rest of this Friday. And as we look forward to the Lord's day, may we grow in grace and the knowledge of our
Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In whose name we pray. Amen. Alright, well, have a great, wonderful weekend.
And I hope your work week finishes well. And assuming that your work week ends today and you don't have a job where you go in on the weekends.
If you do that, God bless you for it and be faithful in it. And have a good day.