Matt Slick Live: August 14, 2024



The Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 08-14-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include: Matt discusses an encounter with  Mennonites Can America be Governed without Christian Principles Was Satan a Music Leader Before he Sinned How do Christians Relate to Family LBTQ+ Members How are we to be Baptized Can Satan read our Minds August 14, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at karm .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody. Welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick. You're listening to Matt Slick Live.
I hope you're all going to have, hopefully, a really good day and a good time listening because hopefully we'll have some good callers and stuff like that, as we usually do.
All right, if you want to give me a call, it's easy. The number is 877 -207 -2276.
And if you want, you can give me an email. That's easy to do as well. Just send an email to info at karm .org.
Info at karm .org. C -A -R -M dot O -R -G.
All right. Now, get this open and that open, and there we go. So, interesting, something happened a little bit last night.
Not a big deal. I got a friend here, Dave, and so we went to the store.
As we're walking into the store, there's a couple walking in, and it's she, the lady, had on one of those hats, those little bitty hats with head covering things.
And so I thought, okay, I'm just going to ask what church they go to. And so I just walked right up.
Hey, what church do you go to? And Church of God Men and Nights, something like that.
So not a big deal. We had a nice conversation. We got talking. And I said, you guys are, they were really friendly.
And I said, can I ask you some questions to what you believe? They go, sure. So they were like that. And so I said, do you believe in the
Trinity? And depends what you mean by the Trinity. So I defined it for them.
And I said, well, the Trinity is, and they said, yeah, we believe in that. And Jesus is God, and yes, and salvation by grace through faith.
And they said yes. And I said, okay, can you lose your salvation?
And he said immediately, of course you can. And so we had a little discussion. It was really friendly. It was a good discussion.
And I said, well, then what are you going to do to keep yourself right? And he hadn't really thought about it that way.
And I said, think about that. I said, if you can lose your salvation, then doesn't that mean that you keep it by your goodness, by your obedience?
And I happened to have on the T -shirt, good or bad, providential or not, that said,
I'm the Calvinist that your Arminian pastor warned you about. It's literally a T -shirt that I wear periodically.
I have another one that says, make 1984 fiction again. So he saw that and no comment made, but no big deal.
And I said, yeah, I love doing theology. I says, I do this a lot and answer questions and stuff.
And so we got talking and I've given him scriptures and he's the kind of guy, as I see a lot of Armenians the same way, is they're saved.
They certainly seem to be saved, but they don't have a consistent understanding of theology. And that's the case,
I think, for a lot of people. Now me, on the other hand, I'm always checking and learning and comparing stuff to the scriptures.
It doesn't mean I'm always right, but anyway, it was a good conversation and they were polite and we were smiling and shook hands at the end.
I said, okay, well, nice talking to you. Thanks for talking to me. I said, no, it's a little unusual, but I am unusual. So it was fun.
We had a good time. All right. So let's get to on the line here.
Let's get to Jamal from Winston -Salem, North Carolina. Welcome. You are on the air.
Always a pleasure, Mr. Spick. Thank you for taking my call, sir. Hey, brother. No sweat, man. You're always welcome.
So what do you got, big man? Thanks again. I might have asked this question before, so forgive me.
This could be a refresher for me. I wanted to know if this country can be run without Christian principles.
Yeah, it can be. It's like a communist country can be run without Christian principles.
Is it run well? Is it run properly? Well, you know, and what we're seeing happening in our country here is what we could overly simplify and say, as we've removed
God out of schools, out of public life, what's filling the gap is what people want to do in their own eyes.
They think that they can tell you what's right and wrong. Gender can be whatever you want it to be. You can kill the unborn without any remorse, without any problem.
Let's promote homosexuality. So the LGBT idiocy, wokeness and socialism.
And this is what's happening because the salt of Christianity has lost its saltness here in this country.
Absolutely. One of the reasons, I believe, is because of humanist philosophy that's creeped into the church.
Humanism is the teaching that man is the center of what is right and wrong.
So, for example, humanist philosophy would say God would never ever predestine someone to hell.
God would never violate your free will. And these kinds of things that people teach in a lot of churches, it's amateur theology, and they don't get deep, and people don't learn the greatness of God and the obligation we have in serving
Him to go out and bring glory to His name in all areas of life. Instead, I call it hammock theology, koochie -koochie -koo, diaperinian theology, and it's babysitting stuff.
And so Christians, in my opinion, are taught not to be aggressive in a polite, biblical way, but aggressive in the faith the gates of hell will not prevail against the church.
They run from the gates instead of knocking them down. They aren't going out on the streets marching.
They should be. They aren't in schools protesting. They aren't in politics protesting. They're letting the unbelievers have it, which is sinful, in my opinion.
And also the pre -trib rapture view, I think, is contributing to the general apostasy in that people then say that we don't have to worry about it because we're going to get out of here pre -trib rapture, which is exactly what the devil wants
Christians to do, is nothing, because they're going to get out. So don't do anything. So he gets more control.
And this is the kind of stuff. So I'm known for speaking like this. I think it's a problem. But back to the issue, can this country be run without Christian principles?
Yeah, it can. Run into the dirt. Run into oppression. Run into,
I'll just say, tyranny. And this is what's happening.
Okay? Right. And thank you for that.
And I'll just add on, if I may, and just say what
I saw in a movie, Guy's Not Dead, a guy put up a banner saying, without God, all things are permissible.
I think it was somebody that you quoted before, I think Dov Sklaevsky, I think his name is, said something similar.
So anything that you want to... I'm sorry, go ahead. Yeah, I'll look it up the quote and see.
Go ahead. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you.
Oh, no, I said I'll look up the quote to see who said it because I don't know who said it. Yeah, it was Dov Sklaevsky.
Okay. Yeah, Dov Sklaevsky. Okay. There you go. Thank you. Appreciate it. So you can just add any kind of topic you want to add in.
Well, what about this and pornography? What about gambling? And what about that? Yeah, sure. Without God, all things are permissible.
Yeah, do what you want to. But you add in the cross. You add in God. Oh, now we have a standard that we have to hold on to.
And that is what... I don't mean no offense to my democratic friends. However, what that party is about is about anarchy.
They're about lawlessness. And to make it more respectable, a lot of them don't want any...
A lot of them don't want what? And that's another reason why I asked the question. Can this country be run without different principles?
Yeah. See, how does it mean? What's the level of being run? Is it even possible?
Yeah, it's possible. Is it possible without oppression? I don't believe so. So there are different levels of it.
So in Judges 17 .6, it says, In those days there was no king in Israel. Every man did what was right in his own eyes.
And so, what happens biblically, there's a cycle.
Israel would become oppressed, they cry out to God. God would raise up someone, free them.
Then they get comfortable. Then they get lax. Then they become self -righteous.
Then they become ungodly. Then they go under oppression. And then the cycle starts over again. So America is going into oppression.
Because the godly aren't being godly in the godly way.
The Christians aren't being godly the way Christ says. Because, I'm going to tell you something. This is really important.
And I'm going to tell the principle behind this. Jesus says in Matthew 16 .18,
You are Peter, upon this rock I'll build my church. The rock is the confession of who Christ is, and the person of Christ.
He says, and the gates of hell, the gates of Hades, shall not overpower it. So, the attitude that we need to have is,
Gates, what do gates do? Nothing. We knock them down, we attack them.
That's what's there. So I believe that Christians should be on the attack.
Not turn the other cheek and do nothing. That statement, turn the other cheek, deals with the level of aggression from someone in a physical context.
Someone that would tug on your beard, they'd spit in your face, they'd slap you. The slapping was the final insult.
Turn your cheek, turn the other cheek. Jesus was saying, don't return evil for evil. You love them.
But he also said, in Luke 22 .36, Go out and buy a sword. He sent them out two by two. He said, dust your feet off when the cities don't receive you.
The judgment's upon them. But what does that mean? Get out there, go do it. We're the
Christians doing it. Sitting home, watching Netflix and MTV or whatever it is.
And they go to church, get a nice comfortable sermon all the time. And then they go out to eat. This is what we're comfortable with.
This is the level of Christianity that's being taught. I don't believe in that kind of Christianity. I don't believe in it.
I believe that's sinful. Amen to that, brother. And I'll leave you with this so you can get to other callers.
I was hearing about the guy that wrote 1984. And he was talking about how they had a ministry of truth in that.
Yep. That book 1984, I believe, was written around the 1940s or something like that.
1948. And how about... Sorry? 1948, they just reversed the numbers for the title, 1984.
Oh, thank you. That's going to be an easy way to remember that. So how about in that book, the guy was talking about how would that be, develop a ministry of truth.
What did the Biden administration try to do last year? They tried to establish a ministry of truth.
Exactly. Let that simmer in there, guys. That's right. Now, the book 1984, which I recommend everybody read, and there's a little bit of naughtiness in it,
I'll just tell you, but it was written by an atheist, George Orwell. And he was spot on. So I have a shirt that says, make 1984 fiction again.
When the good do nothing, the wicked prosper. Who are the good? The Christians. What are they supposed to be doing?
They're supposed to be getting off their rears and doing. Those who can do, get out there on the streets and protest, file complaints, do lawsuits, become very vocal.
Those who can't do stuff like that, you intercede by prayer. You support them. People are going to get arrested.
In fact, what was it in Canada? A woman was arrested for praying, they said.
I don't know the details. Yeah, yeah. And then hate speech is not agreeing with homosexuality, the
LGBTQ, the Yathobit mob. So if you don't agree with them, you're guilty of hate speech. And hate speech means you're violent, and therefore you need to be persecuted.
You need to be prosecuted because you don't agree with us, which means you're intolerant, which means that you're the one who's promoting violence by your intolerance, so we've got to stop you.
This is the rationality. And what do the Christians do? Let's do nothing. I'm going to go to church, sit in a comfortable pew in a hair -conditioned room, hear a great sermon, nice worship, and go out to get something to eat afterwards.
That's my Christianity. No thanks. Hey, man, we've got a break. You want to hold on, or are you done?
No, I'm gone. Thanks. Appreciate it. God bless. You too, man. God bless. Call back. All right.
Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Hey, everybody. Welcome to the show. If you want to give me a call, it is easy.
All you have to do is dial on your phone, 877 -207 -2276.
Give me a call. You can also email me, info at carm, C -A -R -M, info at carm .org.
Just put the subject line, radio comment, radio question. And I just want to let you know that we stay on the air by your support.
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And all the information you need is right there. So we're working on that, too. And check out the website, carm .org.
It's got a lot of visitors, lots of visitors. All right. Let's get on with Jermaine.
Jeremaine, Jeremaine from California. Welcome. Well, hey, it's
Jermaine. Yeah. Yeah, just I wanted to kind of discuss.
I know I've heard some people mention Satan being the music leader in heaven, and I think they use
Ezekiel as a proof text for that. But I know the scripture doesn't really elaborate on it, and when people think of music leader, they think of worship leaders.
Now, do we have any, like, any hints or any proof of what that actually means?
No, no, I wouldn't say proof. But this is what it talks about in Ezekiel 28, 14 and following.
You are the anointed cherub who covers, and I placed you there. Let me back up.
Let me back up. This is starting in verse 12, Ezekiel 28, 12. Son of man, take up a lamentation over the king of Tyre and say to him,
Thus says the Lord God, You had the seal of perfection full of wisdom and perfect beauty.
Now, some people say, well, let's just talk about the king. Well, listen, what's going on?
Because prophecy often does this. It'll be talking about one thing and then slips into a discussion of something else and then back into that discussion.
And this is something the Holy Spirit would do and the prophets of God would know it. At any rate, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty, you were in Eden, the garden of God.
Every precious stone was your covering. The ruby, the topaz, the diamond, the barrel, onyx, jasper, lapis lazuli, turquoise, the emerald, and the gold, the workmanship of your settings and sockets.
Now, the Hebrew of settings can also be translated as tambourines and sockets can be translated as flutes.
So it has different meanings in there. Some say engravings and settings, but that's what's interesting.
There seems to be an issue of music that is involved in there. And it goes on. It says, these were in you on the day that you were created.
You were prepared. You were the anointed cherub who covers, and I placed you there. You were on the holy mountain of God.
You walked in the midst of the stones of fire. You were blameless in all your ways from the day you were created until unrighteousness was found in you.
So a lot of people hold to Ezekiel 28, 12 through 15 as a description of the devil.
And I lean that way because he's very pretty and beautiful. And it reminds me because when
I wrote my novel, The Influence, which I just re -released. It's on Amazon, The Influence.
I've got to go do a couple of edits in the information about it. But at any rate, there's a scene where a person has a vision of the fall of the devil.
And what he sees is the most beautiful thing that he's ever seen in his vision.
It's a ball of scintillating light. It's beautiful. And he doesn't know that it's the devil before he's fallen.
And there's sparks of light all around him in his vision. Those are the angelic horde.
And then as the devil becomes corrupted, the sparkling beauty turns to darkness.
And specks all around him, a third of them, do the same thing as they fall with him. And it's just a representational vision.
And as part of it, it's based on this. Because he was beautiful. Beautiful.
Now, there's a little bit more to go into. If we go to Isaiah 14 and starting at verse 12 also.
How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, sun of the dawn. You have been cut down to the earth, you who have weakened the nations.
But you said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven. I will raise my throne above the stars of God.
And I will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds.
I will make myself like the most high. I call that the five I wills of Satan.
I will ascend. I will raise my throne. I will sit in the mount of assembly.
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will make myself like the most high. It says, nevertheless, you'll be thrust down to Sheol, to the recesses of the pit.
So, we have here what appears to be descriptions of the devil. And so, some theorized that because the instruments related to his make -up, that he might have been in charge, it's a theory, in the aspect of worship, which is involved in singing, from the angelic realm that we're worshiping, and he was involved with that and desired this honor for himself.
And said, I will rise, etc. This is one of the theories, we don't know for sure. And so, there you go.
All right. Sounds good. Thank you, Matt. Okay. Hope that helps.
Hope that's enough information. Not too much, but there you go. All right. All right.
Thank you, sir. All right, man. God bless. Call back. All right. All right.
Now, if you want to give me a call, the number is 877 -207 -2276.
We have three open lines. Let's get to Lakeisha from Charlotte, North Carolina. Welcome. You're on the air.
Okay. Thank you, Mr. Matt. So, this is my first time actually hearing of the station.
Okay. Like I was telling the guy. Anyway, I think it was meant for me to hear it today, evidently.
All right. I was listening to the last program, maybe the last 10 minutes, and then so I stayed on and listened to you.
And when the caller called in from Winston -Salem, and you started talking about the
LGBT, you know, that community. My question to you is, how do you approach that situation when you actually have a couple of family members that are a part of that community, but you do not agree with it at all?
Like, I've never agreed with it. My sister, I have a sister, a younger sister. We have the same mom, but she's half white and she's gay.
Well, she's bisexual. And I have my mother's sister and her brother.
Well, he calls himself Keisha, you know. And my auntie, she, you know, she thinks she's a man.
And she's been like that since I was a little girl and I'm 43 now. But I never felt comfortable around that.
You know, I just always felt like that was the devil's work. And, you know, you're not supposed to. I feel like if you cannot produce something, then you're not supposed to be together.
So two men can't produce a child and two women cannot. Well, that's not the reason. Just so you know, that's not the reason.
But let me ask you, do you have a question, though, about this? Do you have a question? Well, yeah. My question is, well, were you saying that you felt like,
I mean, do you believe that it's right? I mean, what did you do? The LGBTQ, the alphabet mob,
I call them, they're in sin and rebellion against the true and living God. He created
Adam and Eve. He's the one who instituted marriage and sexuality.
In fact, I identify, I'd like to say this, I identify as gender chromist.
And what that means is I identify as someone who believes there's only two genders and they're determined by chromosomes.
So hold on, we got a break. Right. Oh, yeah. Hold on. We'll be right back. Hey, folks, if you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
It's Matt Slick live. Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right. Welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
Let's get back on with Keisha. All right. There you go. So we had a break there.
You want to add anything there? You want to continue with our conversation? Well, yeah. I mean, you were actually in the middle of saying something and you weren't able to finish.
Yes. The the alphabet mob, they redefine sexuality and then they want us to adopt it.
And if we don't adopt it, then we're the ones who are evil and intolerant and bigoted. And their hypocrisy is incredible because they want you to be tolerant of them, but they don't want to be tolerant of you.
And so the hypocrisy is there. And I support, I mean, I point out their hypocrisy.
And so I came up with a term. I was thinking about what to call this. I identify as a gender chromist.
I haven't found that phrase any place. So there we go. I'm coining it. Someone who identifies with the position, with the belief that gender is determined by your chromosomes.
So that's why I identify. If I believe that, you cannot overwrite my personal identification, now can you?
So therefore, I am not to lower my standard for you. And say, if you're a boy, you're born a boy and you want to be called a girl,
I'm not going to do that. I'm a gender chromist. That's how I identify. I like that. So I'm going to just play the same game with them that they do.
They want to, let me put it this way. God created
Adam and Eve and told them to multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. And the reason is because Adam and Eve are made in the image of God, Genesis 1, 26 and 27.
In the image of God, we have certain attributes that reflect his character that we can possess. He can think, we can think.
He can love, we can love. And so one of the issues here is God's creating and his governing.
And so these kinds of things are given to us. We don't create life, but we have children.
And we can plant seeds and we can raise cattle and we can be in control. Can I stop you right there? Sorry. So that was what
I initially said. And I didn't say it as fancy as you. I basically said that I felt like two men cannot produce and two women cannot produce.
And you said, well, that's not the reason. So that pretty much is the reason, right? No. Let me finish what
I was going to say and I'll explain. And so what God did was he gave us an order.
And so homosexuality is an attack on the created order of God. He is the one who said
Adam and Eve. Because the progeny and the descendancy are that which is necessary to carry out the dominion mandate of God.
Where he has told Adam and Eve what to do and thereby telling us what to do.
Genesis 2 .17, Genesis 3 .16 gets into these things. And so this is what's going on there. Homosexuality is an attack on the created order of God and attack on the
Messiah. Because in homosexuality you can't produce children. If no children are here, we have no
Messiah being born. So the LGBT movement is ultimately demonic.
It doesn't mean everybody in it is weird and mean and evil. But the purpose of it is a spiritual issue and this is why it's going on.
So we don't want to say that the only reason or the main reason they're wrong is because they can't produce children.
That's not the issue. There are eunuchs who are born that way. And some who choose not to have children for varying reasons.
It doesn't mean they're ungodly. The issue here is that God has created... Oh, no, okay, yeah, I get it. Yeah, I'm sorry.
Yeah, you're absolutely right. The way I said it, okay, totally right. So God has created
Adam and Eve and he's created male and female to carry out the dominion mandate. And this is why we are the way we are because it's
God's design. He did not design it someplace else. What they're trying to do is go against God's design, his decree, his orders, and his will.
That's why it's so evil. So do you believe when people say that they were born gay? Do you believe that?
I can't say they are or are not. I don't know what their condition is.
So there's two possibilities. Yes, they were. No, they weren't. It doesn't matter if they're born that way.
Let's just work with that position. If they say, I was born that way, let's say there's a genetic problem. And they're born with a tendency to be attracted to somebody with the same gender.
Well, it doesn't mean it's right just because they're born that way any more than I'm... My tendency is to lie and steal.
I was born that way, so it's okay for me, isn't it? So this kind of thinking that they have is animalistic.
It's narcissistic. It is humanistic. It is foolishness. And their arguments just don't stand at all.
Okay? Wow. Okay. And can I ask one more question?
What days are you guys on the station? What days are you live? I'm on five days a week.
And from 6 to 7, Eastern Time. I'm on 6 to 7,
Eastern Time. And Matt Slick Live is the show. My real name is Matt Slick.
My real name. Oh, okay. So it happens to work with you. All right. Well, thank you so much. Okay. Matt Slick for taking my call.
Have a great evening. Thank you. You too. God bless. All right. Hey, let's get on the air with Barbara from Virginia.
Barbara, welcome. You're on the air. Hi. How are you? Oh, I'm doing fine.
A little melancholy with a little obstreperousness kind of mixed in. But not recalcitrant today so much.
Okay, there you go. Wonderful, wonderful. I'm living the dream. I have a question.
Really, my husband brought it up, and I was baffled by it. I'm in my 50s, and I'm not a heavy scholar of the
Bible, but I'm working on it. All right. So my question is this. He asked me, he said,
Do you remember how you were baptized? I said, Well, I was christened in the
Episcopal Church as an 11 -year -old, and then I affirmed my faith at 11, but I was baptized as an adult along with my children in the
Baptist Church. He said, Were you baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the
Holy Ghost? I said, I think so. He said, That was wrong. You needed to be baptized in the name of Jesus.
Technically, you need to be baptized again, and I'm like, What? So let me explain what's happening.
What is the right answer? The right answer is that you're baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and I'll explain why.
So what you're talking about from whoever that is, that's cult theology. The United Apostolic, United Pentecostal Churches teach that there is no trinity, and so therefore you're baptized in Jesus' name.
And the reason they'll say that is because when you do a search for in Jesus' name in the
Bible, you'll find the name of Jesus. What I have to do is that the baptism is in the name of Jesus.
All right, so they'll say when you get baptized in water, they'll say, I baptize you, quote, in the name of Jesus, close quote.
The reason they'll do that is because they deny the trinity and say that God is one person and the name of God is
Jesus. All this is heresy. It's false teaching. So in the book of Acts, why do they use the phrase in the name of Jesus?
And the answer is simple. If you go to Acts chapter 4, starting at verse 5, I'm going to read three verses to you.
On the next day, their rulers and elders and scribes were gathered together in Jerusalem. And Annas, the high priest, was there, and Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander, and all who were of the high priestly descent.
And when they had placed them, Peter and them, in the center, they, these officials, began to inquire, by what power or in what name have you done this?
And Peter, verse 8, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to the rulers and elders of the people, if we are on trial today for a benefit done to a sick man as to how this man has been made well, let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus, the
Nazarene whom you crucified, God has raised him up. That this, in this name, this man stands here before you good health.
So, you've heard the phrase, stop in the name of the law. That phrase means the authority that is in the issue of that law that the officers have been granted to exercise.
When we're baptized in the name of Jesus, in the name of is in the authority of. We see this from Acts 4 .7.
They inquired, by what power or in what name have you done this? Whose name are you doing this in?
So, if an official comes in and says, I'm sent by Caesar. I'm acting in his name. Oh, by this power of Caesar and authority in him.
That's what's going on with Jesus. When we baptize in the name of Jesus, we're baptizing in the name and the authority of him.
Then we do it by saying, I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. And that's what Jesus commanded them to do.
In Acts, excuse me, in Matthew. Matthew, let's see,
Matthew 20, 20, 19. Therefore, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And you notice the word name is singular. Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
So, that's in Matthew what? Because I want to be able to tell him where to look to read this. Right. The second to last verse of Matthew.
Just go to Book of Mark, turn left, and you'll see it. The second to last verse. Okay. I gotcha.
And then you cross -reference that with Acts 4, 7. And read the context up and down. And so, if he disagrees, have him call me, and we'll go over it.
And I'll teach him why that theology is not good. Okay? Thank you for the answer.
I appreciate you. You're welcome. Well, God bless. There's a break. We've got to go. Have a blessed evening. Okay. God bless.
Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages with Heidi. And we'll be right back. Please stay tuned.
It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody. Welcome back to the show.
If you want to give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276. Heidi from North Carolina.
Welcome. You're on the air. Hi, Matt. I'm really glad I got to sit and listen to those commercials in between speaking to you.
I haven't heard a Smokey with a Bear commercial for 30 years. That's pretty cool.
Anyways, the reason I'm calling is I had recently read a book by Erwin Lutzer called
God's Devil. And, you know, it's a description of Satan's methodology and who he is and how he works in our world.
But my question is, how much access does Satan have to our thoughts, to our mind?
Does he have access to our dreams? So how much influence can he have,
I guess, of mine? Well, there's several questions there. And so can he read our minds?
Let's talk about that. It does not seem to be the case. Now, what about the issue of someone who is possessed by demonic forces?
Can the demonic forces read a person's thoughts? I don't know. But I would think it would seem to be the case since they are in the person.
So, you know, I'm not an expert on that, but I would think so. But a demonic force, it would seem, can only be in one place at a time.
So he would be indwelling a creature, like developing an individual, indwelling or possessing an individual one at a time.
And maybe move from here to there. Satan is just the same thing, except far more powerful.
So if someone were to say he can read our minds, this is an issue of plurality. Can he read the minds of a hundred people at once?
Well, the answer would seem, I would think not. He would have to have the ability to be in more places than one at a time while being in people and knowing what they can think.
It doesn't really make sense to say that. So what we want to make sure is that we don't give abilities to the devil that belong to God alone.
God alone can hear millions of prayers simultaneously spoken in thought, different languages all over the world.
However, Mary can do that in the Catholic Church, apparently. So they give their idolatry because of this.
But back to the devil. So it doesn't seem to be the case. Now you said, can he influence us?
Well, absolutely. The demonic forces in the world can influence us in a variety of ways.
You might be tempted in a way that would never bother me, and I might be tempted in a way that would never bother you. Sometimes we're walking along thinking whatever, and this horrendous thought comes in our head.
What the heck? Where did that come from? Well, we don't need the devil to think things that are wrong.
Now, does it mean a demonic force has influenced us? I can't say positively, absolutely yes or no.
But from what I've seen in Scripture and all the study I've done, I'm a Christian. I'm assuming you're a
Christian. The devil's not inside of you. Demonic forces are not inside of you. They don't have access to you. God does.
And when he's in you, demonic forces can't be with him because light and darkness don't abide together.
Okay? Yeah, so I guess my question, you know, like, how does he influence? If, you know, we're fighting this unseen enemy, and, you know, you will hear people, you know,
I've heard people say, you know, certain thoughts. Those aren't their normal thoughts, you know.
So they felt like, you know, it was a demonic thought. So, is he whispering to our subconscious, or, like, what is that?
I don't know. I don't know. I wrote a novel that actually dealt with this called
The Influence. It's on Amazon. And in there, I took poetic license or license, literary license.
And for the unbelievers, I would have the demonic forces whispering things into their minds and their ears that they just whisper.
And, you know, I just made it up. I don't know if they can do that or not. So those kinds of things, the
Bible doesn't tell us. But we can. There is something, actually, that's interesting in the
Bible. So hold on. Let me find it. And let's see.
It has to be at a second. Oh, man. Second Samuel 24,
I believe it is. Yes. It says, now the anger of the
Lord burned against Israel, and it incited David against them to say, go number
Israel. And when you look at this, there's another verse.
It says, and I'll go to this verse. In 1 Chronicles 21. Then Satan stood up against Israel and moved
David to number Israel. So God incitement caused.
Let's see. Put it this way. And it incited David. God's anger incited
David to number Israel. And yet Satan stood up against Israel and moved
David to number Israel. And yet David was the one responsible. This is really interesting theology when we get into these verses.
But we'll get into all that now. So we see this thing here in the Old Testament where Satan moved David to number
Israel. So he sinned by doing it. How did Satan do that? We don't know.
We just don't know. And then we have another problem. The problem is in the
Old Covenant, there's a question. Were Christians permanently indwelt by the
Holy Spirit? Because Jesus' sacrifice hadn't been offered yet. If they're not indwelt, but simply the
Holy Spirit is upon them externally because they have not been cleansed by the blood of Christ, then could it be that Satan could influence people in a way that he could not now as Christians and believers, because now the sacrifice of Christ has been offered and we're indwelt by God.
This is just a big topic, not easy to answer. Okay. Okay.
So I was making my list of trying to identify Satan's capabilities.
And, you know, if you read in Job, able to make a person sick, he's able to indwelt an unfaithful person.
He's able to influence the weather. There's tapping behind you. I don't know if you know that, but there's tapping.
I'm sorry. That was my husband cooking dinner. Oh, okay. Yeah. So, yeah,
I don't know if you heard what I was saying. You're making a list. Yeah. Yes.
And so, yeah, that part, whether he has access to our dropping thoughts or dreams just seems to be a mystery.
Yeah. In my mind, my understanding, I would say no. That's just my opinion. I can't prove it, because the
Lord is in us. He's indwelling us. Jesus says he and the Father will come and make their abode with us,
John 14, 23. How could the devil be in us also? It makes no sense.
Well, not in us, but whispering. Who knows?
The Bible doesn't say whispers like that, but we don't know what happens. We just don't know, and God has chosen not to tell us.
And if he did tell us what was going on, maybe we would make a cult out of it and all these formulas for don't do this and don't do that.
Who knows? All right? Okay. All right.
Well, thank you for taking your time. What's your husband making for dinner? I'm curious. We are having
Frito pie. Oh, I've had that before. It's surprisingly good.
It didn't sound good, but hey, that's pretty good. Yeah, it's quick and easy.
Quick and easy. All right. Well, thank you, Matt. It's a hubby's meal. That's what
I would do. I appreciate it. Me, I was like, hey, honey, I made dinner. I opened the can and nuked it.
Here it is. She just looks at me with this weird stare. So I don't know what's wrong with her, but it looks good to me.
All right. Thank you. All right. Well, God bless. Take care. Okay. All right.
Well, hey, if you've got a great recipe, call me up.
Let me know. I hope I can get. But we have nobody waiting right now. So if you want to give me a call, you can.
877 -207 -2276.
So in our chat room, Humble Clay says, I smoked a block of cream cheese today.
What does that mean? I've never heard that before. Seriously. Smoke. You smoke cheese.
What do you do? What I'm visualizing is you have a barbecue outside.
You put mesquite in there. Get it smoky. And you put cheese on the grate. That's what I'm thinking.
So I'm obviously not thinking properly. So you smoke a block of cheese.
I wouldn't smoke a block of cheese. Hey, honey, I smoked a block of cheese. You want to eat a block of cheese?
She'd give me another one of those looks. My wife's a good cook. She is. She's a good cook.
I mean, I'm serious. I look in the fridge and the pantry. I don't know what to eat. My wife's got some health issues, so I do more cooking.
Poor woman. And so she goes, move away. And she gets over and she makes this great meal in five minutes.
How did you do that? She goes, it's simple. And I said, look, I'm only good at theology. And she goes, no, there's two things you're good at.
Theology and being irritating. That's true. I forgot about that other one. So I do not know what to have.
You smoke cheese in a smoker and you keep it cool? Now, you see, people are telling me this, you see.
Now, the problem I'm having here is with logic. So smoke comes from fire, generally speaking.
Hey, let's keep it cool while we're smoking the cheese. So you can see how
I'm not processing this one. Okay, I'm not going to talk about that.
Okay, we lost Clubhouse. What happened? Oh, Clubhouse, somebody shut it down or something like that. What if we got put out?
Well, anyway, we have nobody waiting. We only got like two minutes left in the show anyway. Just kind of rambling that Dave's not here.
Dave is sitting next to me. So yeah, I do not know what happened to the Clubhouse link.
It just disappeared. So we lost Clubhouse. But folks, let me just kind of tell you, fill you in on some stuff. Not a big deal, but if you like what you hear on the radio, even the stupidity that I sometimes offer about cooking and my poor wife, if you like what you hear and you want to have more theology, more understanding, and maybe a little bit more irritation, well then continue to listen.
But we stay on the air by your support. So if you like the idea of me being on the air, maybe against your better judgment,
I don't know. But if you like it and you want to support us, all you have to do is go to karm .org forward slash donate.
But you know what? If you do that, could you send an email? We're going to work on some stuff, but could you send an email to me that says, hey, this is for the radio show?
Because we want to know how much from the listeners are coming in to know the areas and stuff like that.
And one of the things we want to do, we want to get the radio on more stations. We're on quite a few right now, but we want to get more.
Love the callers when they call in. Love this stuff. And this is what I do. Actually, a lot of people don't know this. I have four really big monitors and all the stuff on the computer.
And when they ask me a question, a lot of times, I write the question down in my list of questions, like how much access to our minds does
Satan have? Or should we feel bad because we don't agree with LGBTQ? Can the country be run on Christian principles?
And so yesterday, someone asked, what's the difference between ecumenical and interfaith? These are good questions.
And so I wrote them down. And in my list of questions to get to, it's actually getting small.
It's only 874. Yeah. So anyway, hey, there's the music.
I am out of here. May the Lord bless you. And by His grace, we're back on the air tomorrow.
And Lord willing, we'll talk to you then. So God bless everybody. Have a great evening. Another program powered by the