The Dispensation of the Holy Spirit


Lesson: The Dispensation of the Holy Spirit Date: March 10, 2024 Teacher: Pastor Conley Owens


Heavenly Father, thank you for this morning. I pray that you would bless our time in your word and that you would help us to understand your spirit.
In Jesus' name, amen. All right, so yes, today we are talking about the spirit of God.
Particularly, a question which comes up or an answer that's assumed, which is did the
Holy Spirit dwell within believers in the Old Testament? Yeah, yeah, this is a good question.
Now, in Reformed theology, there's an answer to this, and the answer is yes, yes, he did. Outside of Reformed theology, you'll pretty frequently get people saying no, he didn't.
Because if you look at scripture, it does look like, well, this statement about the Holy Spirit being in people seems to be a
New Testament thing. It even talks about the spirit being given as though he wasn't given before. And you do see the
Holy Spirit working in the Old Testament, but not necessarily with the same language, so this being in people seems to be exclusive to the
New Testament. And so they would have the people of old be, without the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit is on, or without the
Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is on them or something else, but let's dive in, see what to think about this.
So let me give you a couple of the, or at least one of the problem texts here. And John 739,
John 739, it says, now he said about the spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive, for as yet the spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.
So talk about the spirit not being given. So this is why a lot of people think, okay, well, people in the
Old Testament just didn't have the spirit, because he hadn't been given yet. But when we're talking about the spirit of God, we're talking about someone who's omnipresent, who is everywhere, just as God is everywhere.
And when you look at the Old Testament and we're talking about God's presence, and it talks about him being absent, or him being present, or him being in the temple, or him not being able to be contained by the temple, if you take any of these too literalistically, as though they are all describing presence in the same way, you'll end up in a bad position where you're not able to understand really much of any of it.
And you have to understand that each passage is, it has a right to speak in the way that it deems fit, and whatever anthropomorphic way it would like, because even to speak of location, a limited location of God is some kind of analogy, because he's not limited by location.
In fact, he transcends location altogether. I've talked about this before, but he's not, I'm not even that big of a fan of the term omnipresent, because it suggests that he is in space at every point.
You know, and if you ever hear a theologian talk about God being omnitemporal, that's a really bad sign, because he's trying to tell you that God is in time everywhere.
But the truth is, God is eternal. He is outside of time. He transcends time. He's not contained by this dimension.
And the same is true with space. He is immense, immense being without measure. He is not contained by the dimension of space.
So, there is one particular book that is the most sensitive to the
Reformed view that tries to advocate for a lack of indwelling in the
Old Testament. I'm gonna quote from that occasionally. That book is called God's Indwelling Presence by James Hamilton, Jr.
And so, he denies that there was any indwelling in the Old Testament. So, I'll go ahead and read what he wrote, so you can get a sense of what he's saying.
It will be argued here that prior to Jesus' glorification, God sanctified believers by his presence with them rather than in them.
Often, the Old Testament described God as with select persons. God declared to his
Old Covenant people, I am Yahweh who sanctifies you. God made his people holy as he indwelt the tabernacle and later the temple, and thereby, he remained near his people on an individual and corporate level.
After Jesus' glorification and keeping with the coming of that day, God brought about new birth and obedience by regenerating individuals and indwelling them by his spirit.
So, regeneration and indwelling remain distinct works of the spirit, but they are simultaneously received by all who believe.
All right. So, yeah, he's making a distinction between in and with, but, you know,
I've read this book, and he never really explains to any degree that I was satisfied what the distinction between in and with is for him.
So, yeah, like I said, because the Holy Spirit is omnipresent, indwelling is only an analogy and it needs some kind of definition because it's not referring to, you know, a limited location.
So, he says, I will use indwelling, on the other hand, to refer to God's abiding, positive, covenant presence in believers through the spirit.
So, abiding, positive, covenant presence. You have to ask yourself, did that not exist in the Old Testament?
The indwelling of the spirit is God's favorable presence, abiding with those who enjoy his merciful establishment of a covenant relationship.
So, yeah, let me just go ahead and read my own notes here, and this is reflecting on what Hamilton said.
It is not clear what distinction he is trying to imply by these prepositions. By in, does he refer to a continual work?
Does he refer to a permanent work? You know, I'm not really sure what he's talking about. Proposed clarifications only tend to make the proposition more objectionable because they make it clear what is being denied regarding the spirit's work in the
Old Testament. Because the second you attribute something to in, okay, in means this. Well, then if he's denying that in the
Old Testament, that seems like a problem because the spirit was giving them such grace in the Old Testament. Otherwise, how was salvation possible?
Yeah, was the spirit not merciful towards God's people in the Old Testament? Was he not favorable toward them?
Was he, yeah, he's talking about positive, you know, positive presence. Was the spirit not positive towards God's people?
And then covenant presence. You know, there's a way that the new covenant is inaugurated in the
New Testament. However, the fact is still that there was a promise given and God is true to his promises.
And I see no reason to think that, that it wasn't even a covenant presence. You know, one that's guaranteed.
So yeah, any, you inspect any of those or you try to make up new ones and I don't know how that any of those could be denied for Old Testament believers.
So yeah, any who reject the spirit's permanent indwelling in Old Testament believers are forced to propose a definition of indwelling that does not leave
Old Testament believers with the spirit's continual aid. And that's a problem.
So it kind of has to remain vague if you're going to, if you're going to propose that they weren't indwelled, it has to remain vague or else, you know, suddenly you're denying something specific that they had.
Yes. So yeah, last time
I taught, which I guess was two weeks ago, we talked about the Proto -Evangelium and how the first people, you know,
Adam, Eve, et cetera, you have them in the naming that's happening in the first few chapters of Genesis, demonstrating a faith in God that he was going to send them aside.
You know, Noah is named Noah because he's going to be the one who gives God's people rest. And so that verse in Genesis 3 .15
that says, that says one will come from the woman who crushed the serpent's head, that is the first giving of the gospel.
And so one who is a believer in the Old Testament, someone who is not believing in a Messiah that has already been given, but believing in a
Messiah that is to come. So yeah, we're talking about the indwelling of the
Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. All right. So let's talk about the temple.
So the thing that Hamilton does in this book is he ends up saying that in the
Old Testament, you had God's presence in the temple. In the New Testament, you have it in believers.
And so whatever was happening in the temple is now happening in believers. And it was relegated to the temple in the
Old Testament and not happening in believers before. So I'll go ahead and read what he wrote.
In John 20, 21 through 23, Jesus communicates the authority to mediate the blessings of the temple by sending the disciples just as the
Father sent him. The temple blessings that the disciples thereby mediate are the presence of God and the means for sins to be forgiven.
When the Spirit was received by the disciples in John 20, 22, Jesus conferred on them the power to mediate blessings formally mediated by the temple, the presence of God, and the forgiveness of sins.
So yeah, certainly the temple has symbolic significance regarding the forgiveness of sins, but it was symbolic only.
You know, the blood of bulls and goats do not take away sins, as it says in Hebrews 10, 4. And then on top of that, what does that mean about the time prior to Moses?
You know, did they not have forgiveness then? What does that mean about the time in between Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus, you know, when the temple was ransacked?
What, did they not have forgiveness then? Did they not have these blessings then? I think there's something to this that the, that there is a, especially when you look at things like the priesthood that is relegated to the temple, and then the priesthood that is expansive throughout all the believers in the
New Testament. There is something to be said about that, but I think in the way that he puts this forward, it's just a little, it says too much.
And yeah, reserves too much to the temple. All right, and so John 7, 39, which we just read.
I'll read it again. Now this he said about the spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive, for as yet the spirit had not been given because Jesus was not yet glorified.
So how are we to understand this if we're not to understand it as? There was no spirit in believers before, and then there is spirit after they receive, after they receive the
Holy Spirit. All right, so yeah, there is some new work being done, and in the second half of this, we'll look at what this is, and I would refer to it as an outpouring rather than an indwelling, the indwelling being both in the
Old Testament and in the New Testament, but an outpouring being special in the New Testament.
And if we're going to really be nitpicky about these words like indwelling, the, you know, to take a passage like this and then apply it,
I think is misguided again because it's not saying, oh, before I did not indwell you, now you will be indwelled, you know.
Yes. Yeah, the spirit's presence.
After Jesus' resurrection. Right. It doesn't. Right, yes.
Yeah, given refers to some kind of new work, but that new, to identify that new work as being the indwelling, yeah,
I think is, that's a problem. Yeah, there's some special way that he will be received that is, it is exclusive to the
New Testament, but that does not have to be indwelling. All right. So the second reference that people look at is
John 14, 16 through 17. 14, 16 through 17.
Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.
If you know these things. John 14, 16 through 17. Sorry, I was looking at 13, no wonder.
All right, let me try that again. 14, 16 through 17. And I will ask the
Father, and he will give you another helper to be with you forever, even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him.
You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you. So here you, first of all, you have in here like a mitigation to the idea that there was no sense in which he was present with believers before because Jesus is saying he actually already is with you.
And then when he says, and he will be in you, now, it's understandable why someone would say, oh, look, before he's with, and now he'll be in.
But once again, if we are to take in, and indwelling is always referring to the same thing, it's assuming a lot.
It's really assuming a lot. Because, yeah, the
Bible is not always working that way where it only uses one word in a particular sense.
You know, a good example is justification. Paul talks about justification as being right with God. But then James talks about it as being, as more of a statement before men that your faith is true, right?
So the Bible doesn't use these words, and especially not prepositions in such a textbook. This is the only thing it could possibly mean in fashion.
All right, so, yeah, these prepositions, with or para and in, which is n in Greek, so para and in.
Let me go ahead and read something from a paper a guy named McCabe wrote. He says, it is safe to say that this preposition para, the one that means with, rather than being restricted to a spatial sense has something of a figurative sense in unifying that the spirit has been permanently abiding in spiritual relationship with the 11 disciples.
Thus the point of this clause in 1417, he abides with you, is that the spirit was already intimately and permanently residing with each of the 11 disciples.
As such, this part of verse 17 reflects the spirit's pre -Pentecost indwelling ministry with the disciples.
With the exceptions of verse two and verse 20, there are 13 uses of n, which is the word for in, that correlate better with the nuance of personal relationship.
So to think that the Greek word n, which is often translated as in, just always means inside of, these prepositions can mean a lot of different things, and it is reasonable to translate it as in a lot of times, but to assume that that's the limitation of its meaning, like the way we use the word in to really mean inside of something, that's not how the word is used.
And so if you look throughout this chapter, you see lots of examples of n that speak of personal relationship.
Therefore, the contextual usage of n suggests that its use in 1417, rather than emphasizing the location where the spirit would reside, emphasizes an intimate relationship the spirit would have in the near future with Christ's disciples.
So in this passage, given, and I regret not looking up a bunch of examples that I could list off for you, but you can use a
Bible tool yourself and look for examples of this word, and you'll see that it's referring not to indwelling or being inside of something, but to a closeness, a presence with something.
And so it's not talking about indwelling, but intimacy, right? Like that's the distinction that's being made here when it says he's with you and then will be in you.
It's not, oh, he's outside you, near you, and now he's going to be inside you, like the English prepositions might suggest.
Rather, it is he is already residing with you, and he is going to even closer in the future, right?
So there is a newness to the work, but that newness is not that, oh, he's outside, now he's inside. Okay, that's not the nature of the newness.
All right, now let me read something else.
Hamilton, who's denying the Old Testament indwelling, wrote, he said, I will argue that indwelling is not to be equated with regeneration, right?
And he seems to think that this is the novel approach that will make it so that we don't need the
Old Testament indwelling. The problem is, I don't know if anyone equates regeneration and indwelling.
Yes, when someone is regenerated, the spirit begins indwelling them, but what he's trying to say is, okay, let's say we still acknowledge that the
Holy Spirit is needed to regenerate someone, but then after that, he's outside them, you know, and he's not in them.
Yeah, so this is, I think this is a problem once again. Yeah, to affirm the
Holy Spirit's work in regeneration, and then to deny the necessity of his work, this is my own writing, in indwelling, as akin to affirming
Jesus' work in procuring justification, and then to deny the necessity of his continual intercession. You know,
Hebrews 7 talks about him being able to stay forever because he lives forever to make intercession for his people.
It wasn't enough for him to make the sacrifice. He needs to, as high priest, continually intercede for us.
And the same is true with the spirit. The spirit, he regenerates us, but then it's not like, oh, we're good to go now.
You know, we still need the spirit. Galatians 3 .3, and once you get to these verses that talk about the need for the spirit,
I think it becomes really clear that a lot of this, these proposed theologies are problematic.
Are you so foolish, having begun by the spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? Galatians 3 .3,
right? So the idea that, okay, we need the spirit for regeneration, but we don't need his special presence for the rest of the
Christian life. Or, well, Old Testament, whatever you call the equivalent of Old Testament Christian Jewish, the
Jewish life. Yeah, Galatians 3 .3 makes it clear that's not the case. We can't just begin by the spirit and then be perfected by the flesh.
We have to continue by the power of the spirit. And then in Romans 8, 9 through 11, it says, you, however, are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if in fact the spirit of God dwells in you.
And now we've got a statement that really does use the physical analogy of being inside, right?
Because you've got the word dwell, right? So that's the thing, is when you just have the preposition, it doesn't necessarily mean inside of, when you have dwell, well, yeah, that's talking about like someone in a house, right?
And so now we are using that analogy. You, however, are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if in fact the spirit of God dwells in you.
Anyone who does not have the spirit of Christ does not belong to him, but if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is life because of righteousness.
If the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who dwells in you, right?
So those who don't have the spirit don't belong to Christ. There's just so much that hinges on the spirit dwelling in you that if they didn't have this blessing in the
Old Testament, how could they be saved? How could they be saved if they were operating by the power of the flesh and they're not able to, in Romans 8 terms, obey the law of God or they're slaves to their own sin?
Right, so as one who does not remain in the vine does not have life, one who does not have the Holy Spirit remaining in them cannot have life either.
Also 1 Corinthians 2, 12 through 16. So beginning in verse 12.
Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God.
And skipping verse 13. The natural person does not accept the things of the spirit of God, for they are folly to him and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.
The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself judged by no one. For who has understood the mind of the
Lord so as to extract him? But we have the mind of Christ. So what is the mind of Christ here?
Y 'all know. I think it's stated more clearly elsewhere in the passage.
1 Corinthians 2. Okay, so it says, yeah.
For the spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. For who knows a person's thoughts except the spirit of the person which is in him?
So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, et cetera, right, like I just read.
And so we having the mind of Christ means that we have the spirit in order to think spiritual thoughts.
And while this is not using, this does not have a word like dwell to suggest an internal presence, it is talking about us having this mind, like the spirit not just being outside and occasionally giving us help here or there, but continually affecting our mind that we might be able to spiritually appreciate the truth of God that otherwise we wouldn't.
You know, you look at this and you ask yourself, now if you didn't have the mind of Christ, how could you survive as someone who was wanting to serve
God and believe the right things, et cetera? It's impossible to do that without the mind of Christ, without the spirit of God who is able to understand the things of God.
If you just have the mind of the flesh, you're incapable of appreciating these truths that God has given.
And so the analogy that Hamilton's trying to make when he's talking about like in versus outside versus with,
I don't think there's room for saying that the spirit could be outside someone and still be the mind of Christ within them.
You know, once again, I think these, it's just putting too much burden on some of those prepositions when you have these other passages, making it real clear we need
God's indwelling presence in the spirit in order to even think as we ought. All right, now here's a couple of arguments of my own.
Luke 11, 13. Yes, Luke 11, 13.
Luke 11, 13 says, if you then who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly
Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him? All right, the
Father loves his children. He gives the Holy Spirit to those who ask him. Were there any people in the
Old Testament who asked for the spirit? There were, there were. David asked for the spirit.
David asked for the spirit in Psalm 51, 11. He says, cast me not away from your presence and take not your
Holy Spirit from me. You know, he's praying for the Spirit of God. Praying the Spirit of God be with him and, you know, to use the analogy, no reason to not say in him.
Now, I know that someone like Hamilton would say, oh, but it didn't say in. But, you know, if someone is praying for the
Spirit and God, would God withhold the spirit and only give him an external presence and not an internal presence?
You know, if we're going to call that internal presence as he did the favorable, abiding, positive presence of the
Spirit? Well, no, it's still favorable. It's still abiding. It's still positive. Yes. Right.
Right. Right. Right. Yeah, and if we're going to make a distinction between in and with, you know, what is that distinction?
It's not abiding, favorable, et cetera, right? These words that Hamilton's trying to use to distinguish them.
No, no. Yeah, but you can, if you want. Yeah. Right.
So someone that has this position that Hamilton has is going to really capitalize on a lot of those pronouns.
Like, for example, you know, well, the Spirit is on Saul, right, and that's how he was able to prophesy and stuff, but the
Spirit was not in Saul. You know, and I think that's true that there is a distinction in the way the Spirit is dwelling with Saul, because I don't believe
Saul, you know, really had the mind of Christ. He was just, you know, being forced to prophesy by the
Spirit, but, yeah. All right. All right. And then, later on in the same chapter,
Luke 11, 24, it says, when the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through the waterless places, seeking rest and finding none.
It says, I will return to my own house from which I came. So now we're back to these house analogies, which really are, you know, now it's reasonable to talk about indwelling, right?
And when it comes, it finds the house swept and put in order. Then it goes and brings seven other spirits, more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there.
And the last state of that person is worse than the first. Okay. Yeah, Matthew talks about, you know, the house being empty and swept and put in order.
So, many people read this and they recognize, ah, the Spirit, one of the Spirit's roles is to ward off demonic possession, but it's not just demonic possession.
It's all falsehood, and so the parallel passage that we have in Matthew says in 12 .45,
then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits, more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there.
And the last state of that person is worse than the first. So also, will it be with this evil generation?
And so what is Jesus pointing out here? That basically, this generation is empty and swept and put in order, so that, you know, anything can take it over.
If you are willing to apply to this passage, ah, yes, the Spirit of God is necessary in order to ward off demonic possession, you know, that you're open to demonic possession otherwise.
I think it's, what Matthew goes on to say is basically all falsehood.
You're open to all falsehood if you don't have the Spirit of God. And so, yeah, the Spirit is truly needed to ward off falsehood.
Yet that if he's not, then that, if he's not, if he wasn't in the
Old Testament, believers, I don't know how they made it. Yeah, all right,
James 4 .5 is a very interesting passage that has puzzled many people and still continues to,
I think, just always will, including me. But if we just take it at its word and work with it,
I think it tells us something pretty interesting. So James 4 .5
says, or do you suppose it is to no purpose that scripture says he yearns jealously over the spirit that he has made to dwell in us?
Okay, so what scripture is James talking about? There have been some proposals for what verse he is quoting.
And this is a, so in English, you know, you've got the quote marks. This is, in Greek, a direct quote.
It's not said as an indirect quote. To explain the difference, if I say, you know, my daughter said that she went to the park, right?
That's an indirect quote because I'm describing something she said, right? But if I say, my daughter said
I went to the park, right? That's a direct quote. And so this does seem to be, in Greek, a direct quote.
He yearns jealously over the spirit that he made to dwell in us. Now, to what degree it's trying to quote exactly, you know, isn't necessarily going by our modern standards of exact quotations.
But it's not very clear which passage this is referring to, and honestly, most of the proposals are not very satisfying.
However, if we just take it at its word that it is speaking of scripture, James is most likely the first New Testament book that was written.
So it's not talking about New Testament scripture. You know, sometimes the New Testament refers to the New Testament scripture. You know,
Peter speaks of Paul and talks about his words of scripture. This is not talking about a
New Testament book. This is talking, if this is the first New Testament book being written, it's talking about the Old Testament. And so it's attributing this quote to the
Old Testament that the spirit, he has made the spirit to dwell in us. Now, yeah, what does that, yeah, let's talk about that.
Also, he is, the way he is phrasing this is, do you suppose it is to no purpose?
Like, he's basically saying you are obligated to already understand this quote, you know, the way he's addressing people.
This is not, let me take this Old Testament phrase and imbue it with some new apostolic meaning.
You know, he's saying this is what you should already be believing, that the spirit, that this passage says the spirit dwells in us.
Yeah, and then one other thing you might notice, the ESV chooses to leave spirit uncapitalized to make it ambiguous whether it's talking about the spirit of God.
I do believe this is talking about the Holy Spirit. To quote Calvin, they, however, think better who regard the spirit of God as intended, for it is he that is given to dwell in us.
I then take the spirit as that of God and read the sentence as a question for it was his object to prove that because they envied, they were not ruled by the spirit of God because he teaches the faithful otherwise, and this he confirms in the next verse by adding that he gives more grace.
Yeah, speaking of the spirit giving more grace. All right, so, yeah,
I think this passage gives us a pretty clear statement that even the
Old Testament testifies to the spirit's indwelling presence. So to summarize this first, all right, yeah, that's good.
All right, to summarize this first half of this Sunday school, the spirit indwelt believers, even in the
Old Testament. We have a lot of evidence to prove that, and more particularly, if you wanna say, no, he didn't, he was just with them or on them or outside them in some way, you've gotta give that some kind of definition and then explain how believers were able to survive without the spirit's presence in that way in the
Old Testament, and no one who takes this position that I've seen, they attribute, they grant too much to indwelling so that if you took it away from someone, they would no longer have the mind of Christ.
They'd no longer be able to continue in the power of the spirit as Galatians 3 says we need to be able to do.
All right, but now about that discontinuity. There is some special way the spirit is given that he was not before, right?
So in what sense is he given in John 739 or the new intimacy implied by John 14, 17?
Like I said, the word I would use is outpouring. So there was an indwelling in the
Old Testament and New Testament, there's an outpouring in the New Testament, and the word outpouring coming from the prophet
Joel that is quoted in Acts 2. In Acts 2, it speaks about the spirit being poured out from on high.
And in that last day, in the last days, it shall be God declares that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh.
And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions. Your old men shall dream dreams. And there are other words and analogies that could be used to describe this special presence of the
Holy Spirit in the New Testament. Bible also talks about baptism of the Holy Spirit. You know, I do think that that is a
New Testament reality that's referring to this same thing. The image being of someone being fully immersed in the spirit as of the spirit who is frequently described as water.
Now, if you want to apply extra meaning to that and then say, you know, oh, well, that's a favorable presence that they didn't have in the
Old Testament, then we've got problems. But these are the analogies that the
New Testament more strictly uses to distinguish the experience of the Holy Spirit in the
New Testament versus the Old Testament. It uses the word outpouring to describe the difference. It uses the word baptism of the spirit to describe the difference.
And I think those are the words that we should be using to describe the difference as opposed to assuming that just the frequency of the word in and indwelling in the
New Testament implies that there wasn't that in the Old Testament. I don't think that the frequency of the term in the
New Testament means that that's the word that we should glob onto to, yeah, in order to describe the difference.
All right. And this is more than just an increasing work in the
New Testament. This is, it does have slightly different character. To quote B .B. Warfield, it is not that his work is more real in the new dispensation than in the old.
It is not merely that it is more universal. It is that it is directed to a different end, that it is no longer for the mere preserving of the seed until the day of planting, but for the perfecting and the fruitage of the gathering of the harvest.
So, in other words, he's imagining the old, Israel as being the seed, and then finally it's planted and it's sprouting into the church, and so now it has a new purpose.
The presence of the spirit has a new purpose. The church, to use a figure of Isaiah's, was then like a pent -end stream, and is now like that pent -end stream with the barriers broken down and the spirit of the
Lord driving it. You know, imagine a dam with, you know, just a little hole in it, and now it's burst open.
Okay, so what are these differences? All right, the first one can be seen here in this quotation from Joel in Acts 2.
My spirit will be poured out on all flesh. So an impartiality towards nationality is the first difference that exists in this outpouring that wasn't there before the outpouring.
John 16 .8 says, and when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.
You know, the world. He was convicting people of sin and righteousness and judgment before, but now he's going to convict the world of sin and righteousness and judgment.
All right, also a liberality of gifting. So it says, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams.
Even all my male servants and my female servants. This is for everybody, the high and the low.
This is not just for a couple of special people. You look at the Old Testament and you see people who are gifted for special tasks in offices, you know, are especially anointed.
You know, you even have people like Bezalel, who are, you know, the craftsman who designs the tabernacle, or not designs, but ends up implementing the design given to Moses for the tabernacle.
So, you know, he's specially gifted by the Spirit. And yes, it's still the case in the
New Testament. You know, Ephesians 4, 7 talks about the Holy Spirit being given in different measures to different people, and several passages talk about that.
So I'm not suggesting that it's perfectly equal, you know, across the board or anything, but there is a measure that the
Spirit has been given to each person that was particularly just for certain office holders in the
Old Testament, like a king, a priest, and a craftsman, who was, you know, especially gifted for a particular task.
First Corinthians 12, 11 through 14 says, all these are empowered by one and the same
Spirit who apportions to each one individually as he wills. So there you have a statement about individuality.
For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many are one body, so it is with Christ.
For in one Spirit, we were all baptized into one body, Jews or Greeks, slaves or free, and all were made to drink of one
Spirit. For the one body does not consist of one member, but of many. But it does talk about this baptism of the
Spirit being for all, you know, and there is a, yeah, there's a special way that the
Spirit is given that he wasn't in the Old Testament that is for everyone, not just for particular office holders. Also, there is something new in the clarity of teaching that is available.
So for example, in the Old Testament, you know, how did teaching happen?
You needed a prophet, you know, the prophet had to be there giving fresh visions. You couldn't just sit there.
It was not considered a healthy condition in Israel just to have the Word of God, right?
If all you had was the, if all you had was Moses' Law, I mean, that's good, but that is not, that was not enough.
Proverbs 29, 18 says, without vision, speaking of prophetic vision, the people perish. All right, the people, when they didn't have a prophet, they were, that was not a good condition for them.
Like, the Scripture was not enough. Now the Scripture is enough.
And why is the Scripture enough? Not just because it's complete, but because we have the Spirit in order that we don't need someone who especially has the
Spirit. Each of us has the Spirit in a way where before it was just a prophet who had the Spirit in order to be able to communicate what truth was necessary at that moment.
John 16, 13 says, when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever
He hears, He will speak, and He will declare to you the things that are to come. And then in 1
John 2, 26 or 27, it says, I write these things to you about those who are trying to deceive you, but the anointing that you have received from Him abides in you.
That's talking about the Spirit, right? The anointing of God in you abides in you, right?
Dwelling in you. Once again, that analogy of Him. But now in a special way.
And you have no need that anyone should teach you, but as His anointing teaches you about everything and is true and is no lie, just as it has taught you, abide in Him.
Okay, so in the past, they're relying really heavily on external aids in order to understand the
Word of God. You really need these prophets to lead them. But in the
New Testament, well, yes, we have teachers, and that's important, you know. The one who thinks they don't need the church has not read the
New Testament. But you and your Bible, you know, and the
Spirit are powerful in a way now that someone with their
Bible and the Spirit and the way that He dwelt in believers before was not in the
Old Testament. And they needed the assistance of special prophets back then. Now we have something more with the
Spirit leading us into all truth with His Word. All right, and Hebrews 8, 10 through 11 says, for this covenant, this is talking about the new covenant, for this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the
Lord, I will put my laws into their minds, I will write them on their hearts, I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall not teach each one his neighbor and each one his brother, saying, know the
Lord, for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. Now, these benefits of Him, you know, available in all ages, and the
Spirit, you know, is dwelling in people, allowing them to know God truly, et cetera, but there is a special way that this is happening in the
New Testament, given what Scripture tells us. All right, and then, ministerial office.
So in the Old Testament, you have these few select people anointed to be prophets, priests, and kings, but in the
New Testament, it talks about us being a royal priesthood, right? First Peter 2, 9,
Revelation 1, 6, you know, we're a nation of, yeah, prophets, priests, and kings.
Under Christ, the only, you know, who ultimately is the only prophet, priest, and king in one sense, but then in Him, by His Spirit, we have, we are priests and kings, and then the word prophet, if you just take that to be one who speaks the word of God, you know, we have this in a special way that did not exist in the
Old Testament. That New Testament priesthood is here now. Acts 1, 8 says, but you will receive power when the
Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
Now, this is not just a statement to the apostles, right? This is true of,
I mean, they didn't go to the ends of the earth, right? The apostles didn't. Rather, those who follow after them end up finishing this task, or will end up finishing it.
It's still not finished. And this office is now enjoyed by many.
It's not just for a few. And the other thing is, how were these offices selected before?
They were selected before by the special, you know, supernatural sign to the
Spirit. As we've been going through 1 Chronicles, we talked about how, you know, they're casting lots in order to determine who ends up being, you know, who ends up having what priestly role, et cetera.
And so they're relying, this is how they rely on the Spirit. The Spirit has not been outpoured. They do not have
His direction in the same way, and so they, you know, are casting lots to determine what
He would have. But now that we have the Spirit, when we're determining who's gonna take what priestly office, you know, if we can call the pastor at that, or the deacon at that, we're doing it by our own deliberations as the
Spirit is leading us. You know, we're not to rely on things like casting lots, not because the
Spirit couldn't work through that, but because now that He is outpoured, it would be a sin not to rely on Him in this way, that He has been specially given to us that wasn't given in the
Old Testament. Right, so that's interesting, because that's coming right before Acts 2 when the
Holy Spirit is outpoured. Yeah. Jump the gun there, or? Oh, no,
I think that was fine. But I was talking about 1 Chronicles, so this is when David is deciding which priests are going to be, you know, taking which months.
Yeah. To close all this,
John 14, 18 says, I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you. So, I hope that's given a little bit of clarity.
This is a question that comes up occasionally. It's just the Holy Spirit dwelling people in the Old Testament. You know,
I think it's first important to step back and realize, well, even the notion of in is an analogy, and so we have to know what we're saying when we say something like that, and then try to use the words the
Bible's using to describe the difference, which I believe is the word outpouring, not the word indwelling. Any questions about any of this?
We've got a good bit of time for Q and A here. Yes. Right.
Yeah, He is, well, like I said, I believe that even in the Old Testament, they were filled with the Spirit, right?
But then He is specially anointed as a prophet, right? Yeah, it's a special office that's not for everybody.
No, so He's, so if you imagine the disparities of the gifting of the
Spirit in the Old Testament, you have like this, you know, this minimal work of the
Spirit, and then like these major works of the Spirit for like prophet, priest, and king, right? And so there's this huge disparity.
Now, we live in a, you know, the church that God has made is this society where there's far less disparities.
You know, people are specially gifted to be pastors and stuff, but we're talking about, yeah, not this incredible gifting that John had, but then, you know, others have nothing, right?
It's, or close to nothing, but something where there's just a lot less disparity. Does that make sense?
Okay, well, yeah,
I guess just to say it again, the, yeah, not everybody has the gifting of John the
Baptist. The reason why you need specially gifted prophets, priests, and kings to lead the people who have this incredible measure of the
Spirit's work in their life is because nobody else did, right? And they just had this,
I don't want to disparage it too much, but this minimal work of the Spirit in them. And now that we live in a society where God's people all have a great measure of the
Spirit's work in their life, when he specially gifts people, it's not, yeah, it's not to make up for such an incredible lack elsewhere.
So that's why you, that's why you see with, you know, the prophets, you know, them doing all these signs and wonders, et cetera, is because that was really needed, and then even during that intermediate time as we're transitioning.
Anything else? All right, well, I can just wrap it up there with prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for your
Spirit. We thank you for leaving us, not leaving us alone as orphans, but sending us your
Spirit. We pray that he would guide us and that he would fill our hearts with joy as we worship you this day.