Philippians 4:10-17 "Content in Christ"



verses 10 through 17 for the day. So please make your way there as you're turning there.
I will start us off with a with a word of prayer before we even read over this text, but Philippians chapter 4 verses 10 through 17.
Let us pray. Lord God, I just thank you again for the privilege it is to know you Lord.
Just the surpassing value of knowing you crucified and risen again Lord. God it is upon this that we are justified and we come today to worship you through the reading and teaching the preaching of your word and the singing and the fellowship of the
Saints Lord. So God I would just ask today that we would be each one convicted in the ways that we ought to be convicted.
That we would walk away from this text encouraged in the faith Lord. And that we would want to live a life that represents you outside of these walls
Lord. And that we would seek your glory, your worship, the advancement of your kingdom today. So Lord God I would ask all these things to be done according to your will and I ask this in the mighty name the
Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Philippians chapter 4 verse 10 through 17.
Let us read this text today. And as I said before, it did not make it in the bulletin, but that is the text that we are in.
The title for the text, and I hope it gives way into what we are going to be studying today, is content in Christ.
How can we be content in Christ? It's an interesting question and one that I hope that we can seek to answer today in this text.
But let us read over this. But I rejoice in the Lord greatly that now at last you have received thinking about me.
Indeed you were thinking about me before but you lacked opportunity. Not that I speak from want, for I learned to be content in whatever circumstances
I am in. I know how to get along with humble means and I know also how to live in abundance in all, in any and all things
I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.
I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Nevertheless, you have done well to fellowship with me in my affliction.
And you yourselves know, Philippians, that at the first preaching of the gospel after I left
Macedonia, no church fellowshiped with me in the matter of giving and receiving, but you alone.
For even in Thessalonica, you sent a gift more than once for my needs.
Not that I seek the gifts itself, but I seek the fruit which increases to your account.
Let us pray over this text. Lord, I do just thank you, Lord. God, just the blessing it is to be in you.
The remembrance that this text brings to our minds about the joy that it is to know you and how much more greater that is than being full or being empty,
Lord, but that you have been sought in our lives rather than you have sought us out to be in you.
So, Lord, I would ask today that we would be reminded of your grace, your mercy in this text and just be encouraged as a church today.
I would request this, Lord, in Jesus's name we pray. Amen. So, as context goes again, we are in Philippians chapter 4, and the book of Philippians is written from Paul to the church of Philippi while he himself is in prison.
Why he himself is probably, when he says in here that he's hungry, it's probably, what do you think he's probably alluding to?
He's probably hungry in prison. He's probably suffering in prison.
He's probably experiencing all these trials while he himself is in prison, but as we have discussed before, the reason why
Paul, in chapter 2 and 3 and all these chapters that we've looked at so far, every time that Paul expresses joy, it's because he went into prison with something that no one can take from him, and that is knowing
Christ crucified. It's a joy that surpasses all understanding. It's a joy that no one can take from you.
The whips can come. The hunger can strike, but Christ Jesus can be glorified and worshiped in the midst of those things because it's something that no one can take from Paul or from us.
But let us remind ourselves of what took place in the prior verses, prior to verse 10 through 17.
Starting out in chapter 4, verses 1 and on, we see that there is some arguing or some sort of contention that's going on in this early church before,
Eodia and Synthicae, that he gives them advice on how to seek to fix these things, a reminder that your name is written in the book of life, and because of that, that should be a joy that surpasses all sort of contention and trouble that is going on in this early, early church here in the
Church of Philippi. He tells them to rejoice always. He tells them not to be anxious for anything, but that we should be living a life with petition and prayer, and that the peace of God is going to surpass all comprehension, and that's going to be the thing that guards our hearts.
That's the thing that should carry us along. It's the thing that should look over us as we go through our different walks in life, is the guarded heart that is guarded by the peace of God.
He tells us that we are to seek after thou which is right, pure, lovely, and commendable, and that we are to consider how to do these things.
We are to practice these things. It's something that, as we said last week, none of us in this room are perfect at any of these things.
Each one of us in this room will fail at these things. There will be times that we experience from everyone in this room when they are not acting loving, when they're not acting right, when they're not acting pure.
That's the whole point that Paul is saying, practice these things. It's something that we ought to seek after. It's something that we will fail in, but it's something that we ought to be looking towards and trying our best to emulate who
Christ is, because Christ is the best of the best of all those examples of right, pure, and considerability that we see in that text.
As a reminder, the peace of God that we have when we approach this text in verse 10 through 17, it needs to be remembered that we are by nature enemies of God, and why we are yet enemies,
Christ died for us. That's the type of peace that should be guarding our hearts.
It's the type of peace that our hearts should recognize what's going on in these verses of 10 through 17.
So starting off here in verses 10 through 17, when we look at this,
I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at last you have received thinking about me, you revived thinking about me, you were thinking about me before, but you lacked opportunity.
This is something that Paul is saying, I'm rejoicing over what you are doing, your actions, your thought, your love, offering that you're giving to me while in prison, the prayers that you're lifting up on my behalf,
I rejoice to hear about these things from you, Church of Philippi. Why would Paul rejoice over such a thing?
And the reason is, is because Paul views this church as his family, it's brothers and sisters in Christ.
He loves this church, Philippi, so much to even know that they're thinking and that they're praying for him, is something that Paul rejoices over.
For whatever reason, when Paul says in here, he says, I rejoice in the Lord greatly, that now at last you have revived thinking about me, indeed you were thinking about me before, but you lacked opportunity.
For whatever reason, it doesn't say to us maybe it was a bad windstorm, whatever the example is, they were not able to give them thanks, maybe it was a stopping of the guards from giving a letter or letting somebody, one of their messengers into the prison to tell
Paul about what's going on, but for whatever reason they lack the opportunity to share and exhort
Paul in his suffering. Now this should tell us something that I think is important for us as Christians, and that is, we are a church very similar to the
Church of Philippi, right? We are a church that comes and worships God, we are a church that is built upon the foundation
Jesus Christ, we are a church that has been covered by the blood of Jesus, and because we are a church just like this
Church of Philippi, should we be praying for the prisoners and the captives, the ones that are suffering, the ones that are being beheaded in China, or whatever the example is, should we be praying for those kind of individuals today?
Absolutely we should. In fact, at every opportunity, whenever we can think of a good opportunity to reach out to another
Christian and show them love, we ought to do such, because that's what this church in 2 ,000 years ago is doing for Paul.
They see that Paul is in need of encouragement, and they seek to give it to him.
They want and they desire to show Paul the love that they have towards an apostle of the church.
So I would encourage you, when you, in your weeks and your months to come, when you can think of a
Christian that is suffering, it is not a bad thing to reach out to them and express love, gratitude, and even that you are praying for them, and do be praying for them.
Prayers availeth much. So please be praying for those people, those individuals that you could think of in your mind.
Even a great example of this today is I overheard Dawn giving encouragement to my wife today.
That's exactly what's going on in this text. That I love these individuals,
I'm going to express compassion towards Paul in this, that the church is doing, and Paul is saying it's received greatly and thankfully.
So thank you, Dawn, for mimicking the life that this church is doing today. Now in verse 11, he says not that I speak from want, for I learned to become content in whatever circumstance
I am in. This is something that Paul has learned over time on how he ought to behave as a believer in Jesus Christ, that he's learned this.
It's something that maybe at first, when he first became converted to know Christ, he might not have known the secret on how to be content in everything that he did, but it's something that he practiced.
It was something that as years went on, he was able to figure out, okay, I know how to now be content, which will come to how you can be content in life.
But think about this for just a moment, that Paul has learned the source of fulfillment comes only from Christ and nothing else.
So that should mean for us that if we lose our job, our family, we have troubles in whatever the example is, money, pleasures, car troubles, whatever it is, we know that our ultimate source of fulfillment only comes from Christ and not from any of those things.
And why would that be the case? I think Paul's already alluded to this in a prior text in Philippians chapter 1 verse 20 when he says, for me to live is
Christ and die is gain. He's already alluded that, look, if you have a life that seeks after whatever the example is, let's...a
great, I think, one of the examples that we talked about, this was months ago as we were going through Philippians chapter 1, but one of the examples was that if you were a teacher and all you did was try to teach children and that was what you lived for and that's where you got your contentment from was teaching children.
When you die or when you retire, guess what stops happening? Teaching children.
You have suffered a loss. There was no gain when you retired or even when you died, there was no gain.
And so what Paul is doing in here is he's echoing essentially what chapter 1 already started us off with, that if you are in Christ, it means that your life is going to be seeking after him and that is the only type of life that when you die you will actually be rewarded with a gain.
So if you seek fulfillment today in our pleasures, and this is something that contentment is, be reminded today, practice today, as Paul himself has learned, learn yourselves to be content in everything, but that contentment only comes from knowing
Christ. My mind immediately takes me back to chapter 3 when
Paul says that all things, whether they be all his supposed self -righteousnesses, his family lineage, all the things that Paul has in the in the comparison of comparing that to Christ, he counts all those things to be a lost and dumb fecal matter in the surpassing value of knowing
Christ Jesus. He has a view of Christ that is much greater than anything that this life could offer, and that is where his contentment comes from, is knowing
Christ. Something that no one, and I got to repeat that to you, if you know
Christ and Christ knows you, no one can take it from you. You have a bad day at work, you have a bad day at home, whatever it is, no one can take away from you knowing
Christ crucified. That is something to rejoice in, it's something that is stable, it's something that will not go away.
It might grow, it might diminish in seasons of hardship, but no one can take the truth of Christ being your
Savior from you. Content in whatever circumstance
I am in. Verse 12 he says, I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in abundance.
In all, in any and all things, I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both having abundance and suffering need.
Paul is letting the church of Philippi know, church, it's true, I suffer right now.
Church, it's true, I'm going hungry right now. Church, it's not great what's going on to Paul, yet I am content in whatever the
Lord gives to me because I know Christ. Paul has learned this over time.
Again, this is a second imprisonment, maybe his first imprisonment was a little bit more challenging than this one, but he's come to know that his contentment in life is that of seeking after Christ in his face.
Paul says in the times of abundance he rejoices, in the time of suffering he leans on the cross.
I think of some of the most godly men and women that I know of in my own life, whether it's throughout history or if it's actual individuals that I've met in person, and the most humble and the most godly of them will always say look to Christ in all things and through all things you will find strength, or something to that effect.
It's this godly type of attitude that seeks Christ in all things and that will be what gets us through our day -to -day interactions, our day -to -day sufferings, our day -to -day challenges.
In verse 13, and the reason that we bring this up, the suffering that Paul is going through right now, is that the context of verses 10 through 12 help us understand verse 13.
Verse 13 is an often misquoted, taken out of context verse, right? This is one of those ones that if we don't know what this is saying or what this is teaching we can apply it in very wrong ways today.
Verse 13, I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Now, is it right if I said
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, is it okay for me to go jump off a bridge or a cliff and say
Christ I'm gonna fly today, you're gonna strengthen me through this. That's not gonna be how it goes, right?
Now, it is true that Christ could absolutely save us in a miraculous way in those things, but that's not the meaning of this text.
It does not mean that I can go and, especially in the false prosperity gospel that it is, it is not teaching that you can just say a certain thing or do a certain thing and you're gonna be rewarded with it.
That's not what this is teaching us. It's teaching us that in the midst of suffering or in the midst of grandeur, that we, if we are in Christ, we are able to sustain our lives and live a life that is glorifying to God.
It's saying I can go through life, I can go through whatever circumstance
I'm in, whether you live a life that is like the life of Job and the suffering and the recording that we see in there, or we live a life of pleasure and reward and all these kind of things, it doesn't matter what it is, if we are in Christ, we know that it is him who strengthened us to live through those experiences, to live through those kind of lives.
And so that's what Paul is painting here. It's not saying that I can go out and do whatever I want or whatever it looks like and I can survive or I can do this or this or this.
No, Paul's saying if I get my knees broken tomorrow, Christ will strengthen me. I'm okay.
If I leave here bloody and beaten and bruised, it's okay. Christ strengthens me. I find my contentment.
If I am beheaded tomorrow, it's okay. Christ will vindicate me. I know this. I am strengthened in that truth and that reality.
If I suffer a terrible hardship today, I am strengthened when
I have no strength. I'm able to stand in Christ when
I'm unable to stand on my own strength. Because it's Christ who lives in me.
So there's so much that we could cover on all this.
It's remarkable. But let's look at verse 14. It says in verse 14, nevertheless you have done well to fellowship with me in my affliction.
So Paul's saying it's a good thing that even though I'm suffering in that false prosperity gospel that's taught today, just name it and claim it.
If you have faith in Christ, you'll have wealth in your life. It's a bunch of garbage. And Paul, if that existed back in that day,
Paul would be quick to rebuke it and he'd point to his own life in the example. Say I suffered, yet my reward was not wealth, my reward was not health, my reward was
I'm no Christ Jesus. And it wasn't even a reward, it was something that was given to me.
It was something that was granted to me. It was something that God had to do on his side of things. I'm totally undeserving is what
Paul would be responding in this. And so he's saying to this church, church thank you for fellowshipping with me in my affliction.
Thank you for not forgetting about me and thank you for praying for me. Thank you for giving me this love offering or whatever it is that they're giving to him in this text.
Thank you for sending people to me to encourage me in my situation right now church. Thank you for this.
In my affliction, in my challenging. And you yourselves know,
Philippians, that at the first preaching of the gospel after I left Macedonia, no church fellowship with me in the matter of giving and receiving but you alone.
That hurts when you consider all the other letters that Paul's sending out at this time of his imprisonment.
Do you think that the other churches should have been thinking about Paul on his imprisonment? Has not
Paul seen the plants, the fruit that he has planted, the evangelizing, all that he has done for the
Lord and yet none of those people are telling him thank you or none of those people are reaching out to him and encouraging him.
None of those people are reaching out and doing those things in the midst of his turmoil, in the midst of his suffering.
First of all, notice that this church of Philippi is commemorated and thanked for what they have done.
He says that the other churches haven't done this. They haven't been thinking about me.
They haven't been giving and receiving but you alone church, you alone Church of Philippi, thank you for what you're doing in this.
Makes me think about even in our own church today as one of the announcements that we gave today is this
Magic Valley Baptist Association that's coming up, right? It would be wrong of us to think we shouldn't be thinking about what these other churches are going through.
It wouldn't be right for us to ignore those that are suffering and that what these other churches are trying to help out with.
We as a church ought to be doing those things. We as a church ought to be giving love and prayer and consideration and encouragement to those that are suffering in the faith today and that can look like a multitude of different things but that's what we should be doing.
This church in this day, the Church of Philippi has done this. They are thanked for doing this.
They are commemorated in that but the other churches that haven't been doing that are actually called out in this text.
Verse 16 says, for even in Thessalonica you have sent a gift more than once for my needs.
So this is something that this church has been doing continually when they've had the opportunity to do so according to verse 10 they have done it and in verse 17 it says, not that I seek the gift itself but I seek the fruit which comes which increases to your account.
What does this verse mean? What does this look like for us? What is Paul even getting out in this text in verse 17?
Not that I seek the gift itself but I seek the fruit which increases to your account.
Paul is not seeking after whatever this church has given to him. Let's say they gave him food or whatever they gave to him.
He's not saying I'm actually seeking what you're giving to me but I'm seeking that you're actually giving in the first place.
I'm thankful for that. This is remarkable when
I think we should be modeling our lives in this own way. This week,
I'll be honest with you, I had a very interesting encounter this week at the Twin Falls Fair.
There was a lady that came up to me. I was sitting on a bench with the kiddos and this lady comes up with me and she starts talking to me about Jesus.
I was like oh man this is awesome so I started talking about her with Jesus too and we're going back and forth and all this stuff and eventually it comes to the point where she says my whole family has cast me out because of my relationship
I have with Jesus. I'm so sorry is there anything I can be praying for you about? She said please be praying for those relationships and so I prayed with her right there about those things and what was remarkable is that afterwards just and this is just sitting on a bench just a very weird encounter just wonderfulness praise the
Lord for this right she goes and gets food from the booth that she's working at and she comes and brings that back and she tells the wife and I wait don't leave yet I'm gonna be right back so she left for five minutes got the food came back says give me just another couple seconds
I'll be right back she goes back and she grabs $13 or $15 out of her pocket and she gives it to me she says
I want you guys to go and have a fun time at the fair thank you for what you're doing and and let them have fun the kids
Paul receiving this gift is not saying I was wanting the gift that you're giving me we shouldn't live a life seeking after the gift that would be wrong it would be wrong of me to have sat on that bench and said the only reason
I'm talking to you is so that you'll give me your $15 and the food that that would not be the type of life that we're living however something that I have a challenge with and I'll be honest with you
I have a real hard time accepting gifts from anybody very hard time I don't like it it kills me every time
I get a gift from somebody however something that was told to me early on many years ago by my pastor when
I was being discipled as a pastor is Braden they're giving that to you because they love the
Lord and they're glorifying him in that giving and so it's been something
I haven't had how to challenge myself with is that accepting something knowing that they're doing that in the service not to me but they're doing that in the service of the
Lord Jesus Christ and so that's how we ought to model our lives is if somebody first of all when you give let's let's think about this when you give whatever that looks like whether that's an offering whether that's meeting somebody on a bench and you want to give them some money so that their kids can go play on a ride whatever it is when you do a giving it doesn't matter what it looks like whether you're serving with your hands whether you're giving with your with your wallet whatever that looks like you should be giving it to the
Lord you should be doing it to the Lord not for that person not to that person but because you love
Jesus and you're wanting to serve him in whatever that looks like for us today second of all receiving such you should seek you shouldn't seek the gift itself but you should seek
God being glorified in the action or the giving itself as well and that's what Paul's doing in here he's saying
I I'm not receiving this gift itself I'm not thankful for the gift itself because it's just a gift because of it it being this food or whatever it is in this text he's saying
I'm thankful that you as a church are glorifying God in these ways that you as a church are being sanctified and wanting to give that's that's a great thing that you've grown up in the faith now
Church of Philippi to want to serve Jesus in this way it's a good thing and he says
I seek the fruit which increases to your account 1st
Corinthians chapter 3 verse 6 through 7 says this I planted Apollos water but God is causing the growth so neither then the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything but God who causes the growth
Paul is looking at this and he's saying I'm so thankful that God has caused growth in you
Church of Philippi to be concerned about me to be praying for me I'm thankful for God causing that growth in you that you are now bearing the fruits of knowing
Jesus and wanting to give to glorify him I'm thankful for that now this first of all again going back to the the prosperity gospel this dashes false teachers and false wolves who seek their own wealth and all that they do because what are the the preachers and the pastors and when
I say pastors I give air quotes because they're not real pastors that they're false teachers this dashes them to pieces because what are they preaching they're seeking the gift rather than the fruit of righteousness they're seeking the actual gift itself they want the jet they want the money they want those things they're seeking the gift from the individual rather than the individual doing things to the glory of God and so Paul saying
I seek the fruit which increases to your account this is a church that Paul himself helped plant this is a church himself that I would say that you could argue that Paul was helping water to become more and more like Christ but Paul knows that it is ultimately
Christ God himself who is causing the growth in this church think about that for a moment how many of us have planted a tree and seeing it grown and grow in our lives
I've never I've never planted a tree so I can't say I have I guess I take that back I got a plant a coconut a long long time ago and I got to see pictures every year from this family
I planted this coconut tree on their property and they would send me a picture and guess what every year it grew and it grew and it grew it's something
I was so thankful about I was like man that's so cool I got to plant that tree and now it's actually being used as a hammock tree for somebody to be able to lay lean on and relax praise
God for that right how many of us have seen a tree grow to adulthood it's something that is remarkable it's something that tells me right here that we are to be patient when we seek
God's kingdom we shouldn't have the expectation that I did this tomorrow
I planted seeds are going to take root and it's going to be a 50 -foot wonderful tree now no that's not how the kingdom of God works we plant somebody else waters or we water somebody else planted and we know that God is the one that's causing the growth and oftentimes it can be a slow thing sometimes it can be a fast thing but we know that we should have patience and everything that we do especially when it comes to spiritual growth and our own sanctification and I promise brothers and sisters give it time give it time and you will see sanctification take place seek after God and give it time and it will happen now so Paul has seen now this this tree that he planted years ago it's growing up and it's doing things in the right manner it's seeking to give
God glory and the giving of a gift to Paul and Paul is so thankful for the fruit that has increased to their account let me tell you the ending of the story that I took
I just started with that coconut tree that coconut tree was on the big island and years ago it got flooded with lava and was burnt down destroys me to think about that now and it was just a story
I just thought of right now but it's a true story we have to come away and walk away and know that God is the one who causes the growth and when trees grow fire sometimes come disease often can kill foreign viruses can affect but we are to always remember that it is
God who raises the men up and it is God who cuts them down we want and pray and desire the growth of others in godliness and because we want others to be more
Christ so as Paul an apostle of the church the early church was seeking other sanctification it's a remarkable thing today that we come to church today wanting to be sanctified ourselves and I hope we look around the room today and we want others to be sanctified as well we want others to be watered we want others to grow up to be these big long -lasting trees that will not be burnt down trees that actually bear the coconuts the trees actually bear the fruit the trees that actually have the hammocks put on it the ones that are being used to glorify
God we want that is that necessarily going to happen tomorrow
I don't know but know that is God who causes the growth and have patience in the
Lord over these things Paul is thankful that the church itself has given a gift not because he's thankful for the gift itself but he's thankful that the church is bearing fruit the church is bearing fruit
I'd ask today when we think about Valley Baptist Church and we think about our own churches or anything along those lines we think about other churches ask yourself do we see fruit and if you don't see the fruit yet give it patience give it time think about it pray for it show exhortation just like this church is do you see fruit be patient in the
Lord and God will grow his kingdom let us pray Lord God I do thank you so much for this day
Lord I thank you for for the one who causes the growth Lord I thank you for you doing those things
Lord God I would ask today that each one of us would consider how we can plant seeds how we can water seeds
God I would ask you how can Lord put it on our minds today how can we bear fruit for your kingdom how can we go amongst the nations baptizing the name of the
Father the Son the Holy Spirit Lord how can we grow children up to know who you are how can we be deliberate in our own families worship how can we be deliberate in all those ways
Lord so that we would bear fruit for your kingdom for your glory for your praise Lord I do thank you for this
Church of Philippi years ago who bore the fruits of righteousness in the seeking to give