DUMPSTER FIRE: September "Prophecies" to Remember

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Prophecy Bingo Card Here: http://www.piratechristian.com/fightingforthefaith/2017/4/fighting-for-the-faith-prophecy-bingo Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-our-crew Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechristian/


Welcome to another installment of Dumpster Fire, it is time to play
Prophecy Bingo! Yeah, that's right. It's been a while since we've done this.
And if you don't know what Prophecy Bingo is, well, head on over to the Fighting for the Faith website.
We'll put a link below so that you can get to it a little bit quicker. And you will be directed to a webpage that says
Fighting for the Faith Prophecy Bingo where you can click and download or take a screen capture if you want of our
Fighting for the Faith Prophecy Bingo cards. The idea behind them is that it just proves that so many of the so -called prophecies that are being put out today, they're not prophecies, they're just people rambling on, you know, prophetic buzzwords and kind of mushing them around and stuff.
And so I need to let everybody know that with this installment of Prophecy Bingo, we're going to give you two free words.
That's right, two free words, and they are both with the letter I. One is increase, the other is impartation.
Increase and impartation. So if these words come up, you can go ahead and, you know, you get free words.
And by the way, you know, I have no way of checking whether or not you're cheating, so this is all on the honor system.
I mean, I don't know what the penalty is for cheating at Prophecy Bingo, but I'm pretty sure it's severe.
So here's my card, and I went ahead and put it on my phone, too, so I can kind of keep track while listening to today's
Prophecy Bingo, you know, prophecies for September. And I'm going to go ahead and put my free space up today, and you'll note that the bonus words, they don't occur on my card at all.
Well, actually, I think they do, so I'm going to go ahead and take them. Oh, wait, I forgot how they work.
So increase and impartation. You're saying, Roseboro, you're cheating. I know I'm cheating. I get it.
The reason I'm cheating is because I never win. So far, this entire year of Prophecy Bingo, I have been skunked.
So let's go ahead and get to it. And a little bit of a bonus, I mean, with it being the month of September, Rosh Hashanah is upon us.
That's the Jewish New Year, and all of the NAR charismatic types are totally into the
Jewish New Year thing and think that somehow that's a real prophetic timeline. So we'll throw in some 5779 prophecies along with the
September prophecies, and let me go ahead and close this, and we'll get to it. Leading off this month's
Prophecy Bingo is none other than Patricia King. Here we go.
Hi there. Hello there. The Gregorian calendar is very different from the biblical
Hebrew calendar. Thanks, Captain Obvious. I was on a totally different track. In fact, we know that we start the new year on the
Gregorian calendar in January. But in the Hebrew calendar, it starts in the fall at Rosh Hashanah.
That is the head of the year. The Feast of Trumpets starts it out on a brand new year.
And that is coming up real soon. September 9th at sundown to September 11th to sundown is this year's
Feast of Trumpets. Rosh Hashanah begins then. And so as a ministry, we...
Yeah, you're going to know. We've recorded this post -Rosh Hashanah, so it's totally legit,
I mean, for Prophecy Bingo. I'm just saying. Celebrate the biblical feast, and especially
God has really spoken to us about this particular feast. He said, Patricia, I want you to watch what is going on in the world and in your life with me at this time of year because that is going to set the pace for the new year.
And he said, and I want you to prepare well for it. So in advance, I... Yeah, so God directly told
Patricia she needs to prepare well in advance for this year's Jewish year of 5779 and prepare for Rosh Hashanah.
Got it. Prayer focus, some fasting, getting things right, you know, asking the Holy Spirit to convict you deeper and positioning yourself for a great year of blessing because...
Position yourself for a great year of blessing. What on earth is that?
What position do I get in? You know, the fetal position, maybe, you know, some kind of athletic pose or something like...
How do I position myself for blessing? Every year is crowned with the bounty of the
Lord for us to receive the blessing of the Lord. But this year, the Lord spoke specifically to me prophetically on some things for this year.
I'm going to be unfolding it over time. Today, I'm going to do part one and give you a prophetic nugget because if you...
What's a prophetic nugget? Receive the prophetic word and believe it and act on it, you will succeed.
You will prosper the scripture. Oh, I'm going to prosper if I... Yeah, whatever. No way.
So this year in the Hebrew calendar is 5779.
You can say that, 5779, and the Hebrew calendar goes by the beginning of time when
God created the world rather than from the birth of Christ, okay? So it's 5779.
The decade that we're in, the decade of the 70s is Ayin, and it speaks a lot of the eye.
In fact, the symbol for it is the eye, and it's talking about God's seer anointing, his seer.
Seer. That is one of our words, by the way. Seer is one of the words you can find it on. Hopefully, it's on your card.
It's not on mine. Bummer. Yeah, this woman doesn't know Hebrew. Clearly...
Abilities that he puts in us so that we can perceive as he perceives. So this is the last year in that decade, and the
Holy Spirit is wanting us to really take account of our fruit and to align ourselves with God so that we can get the most out of what he's offering us.
So the ninth letter in the Hebrew alphabet is Tet, and the numerical value of Tet is nine.
Now, we're going to show an image to you right now of Tet, and you'll see as we post this image that it is like in the shape of an open container.
It is in the shape of an open container.
So now we are to the point of determining the prophetic significance of the shape of Hebrew letters.
This is not how you use Hebrew. A vessel that contains something good and is hidden.
That's what it is believed to represent. And it also looks like a womb and is believed to represent birthing.
And it's interesting that... Oh, man.
Why does anyone believe this nonsense? A gestation period is nine months, where something good is hidden in the womb and then comes forth.
So this coming year has prophetic insight into something that God wants to do, and that's to give birth.
And what the Lord's been showing me over... The Lord wants to give birth. So if God wants to give birth, you know, so is he looking for new virgins like Mary?
I mean, what are you talking about? Last month or so is that in this next season, and it won't just be a year, it'll be over a longer season than that, but he is going to reveal to his church himself as creator.
He has revealed himself. He's going to reveal himself as creator? Doesn't he do that, like, in the very first verse of the
Bible? Hang on. I just got to check here. You know, I seem to recall that God reveals himself as creator, and I think it's
Genesis 1, verse 1. Yeah, let's take a look.
In the beginning, Yes, that's right.
In the beginning, God created. First sentence of the
Bible, God reveals himself as creator. What are you talking about, Patricia?
This is insanity. Strongly as savior, as healer, provider, deliverer, but in this next season, he is going to reveal himself very strongly as creator.
Can he do it more strongly than the first sentence of the
Bible? There will be many creative miracles that he wants to prepare you for.
He wants you to operate in his creative ability. God wants me to operate in his creative ability.
You see, when God operated in his creative ability, he spoke and things came into existence.
Are you saying I'm a God? Now, the first mention of the letter
Tet in the Bible is actually right in Genesis where God had created light.
So the first instance of the letter Tet is when
God created light. So, oh, that has some prophetic significance there. The first time in the
Hebrew alphabet the letter Tet shows up is in Genesis 1 when God said, Let there be light.
Light isn't like the light of the moon, the stars, and the sun and that. That's later on. That's, I believe, on day four.
But what he created in that day was the releasing of his light into the darkness. All right, let's check that out.
Okay, so in the beginning, the earth was void, the spirit of the faith, and God said, Let there be light.
All right, we're looking for a Tet here. And God said,
Where is, oh, wait. No, no, that's not it.
Okay, there, and it was good, tov. Yeah, so, I'm looking for individual letters.
So God said, Let there be light, and there was light, and God said it was tov, good.
Yeah, so there Tet appears. So pregnancy is all up in here in Genesis 1.
Okay. The only reason why there's darkness in the earth is because light hasn't been created there yet.
There might be dark areas or shadowed areas in your life. It's because light hasn't penetrated it yet.
You'll notice in Genesis that God didn't say anywhere that he created the darkness. He actually created the light and then separated the light from the darkness.
And so God is going to allow you in this coming season to have revelation of how you can create light in the darkness and transform.
I'm not even paying attention to my prophecy bingo card.
Oh, man. Okay, for the sake of my sanity, and I'm going to move on, let's check in with Jolynn Whittaker.
I'm blessed that you are here with us on today. I happen to actually believe that was a pretty phenomenal worship set.
I hope that it blessed you. Flashback, end of flashback.
I hope that it really just moved you into a place where you feel connected to the Lord and your heart is joyful and expectant for what
God is going to speak to us and release into our lives on today.
Release, by the way, is one of our words. Expected, I don't know about that. Today's service is actually a special service.
I am very excited about it. But as some of you regular, relevant church goers may know, simply the fact that I am sitting down is a very good indication as to how serious
I am about today's word. Yeah, she only sits down when it's super serious, stuff from God and stuff.
You see, today we are releasing the word of the Lord for September 2018 into your atmosphere.
Amen. You're releasing it into my atmosphere.
I didn't know I had one. Okay. Now, I do not always receive a word of the
Lord for the individual months. And I want to just say this very clearly at the top of today's service.
This has nothing to do with predictions per se.
Nothing like that. This is the word of the Lord. The more you learn how
God works by studying him in the Holy Bible, amen, his word, the
Holy Bible, we come to see that he moves in times and seasons.
Part of my prophetic anointing is an Issachar anointing. Part of her prophetic anointing is the
Issachar anointing. And if you've been around the NAR at all, yeah, the Issachar anointing, they claim, oh, this is a special anointing, an impartation that allows you to know the times and the seasons and stuff.
So she's an Issacharist thingy. It's always had me very in tune to times and seasons.
My husband, John, is the exact same way. And so recently, the Lord has been giving me a very specific word, very specific heads up about the things that are going to take place en masse in the body of Christ, but all the more so among the lives of the people he has put under this ministry.
And her husband can totally validate all of these claims. I want to tell you, my husband,
John, told me just the other day that the emails that we received toward the end of August this last month, as a matter of fact,
I think he said the last day, the emails that we received on the last day of August, he said that they were just saturated with praise reports.
We need to talk about your TPS reports. Yeah. And those praise reports had everything to do with the prophetic word that God had given over August 2018.
Don't you want a praise report in September? I mean, we need these prophetic words.
We can't live without them, you know? These things are, you know, they come straight from the throne of God. It's very powerful.
It's very real. So I just want to encourage you, as we get ready to receive the word of the
Lord for September 2018, I want to encourage you to do two things.
Number one, get your heart posture right. Open your heart. Yeah, see, get your heart posture right.
Yeah. Maybe that's the reason why I'm struggling to find any significant meaning at all in any of these vacuous words just spewed from these people's mouths is that maybe my heart posture is, you know, not right.
That's code talk, by the way, of like, turn your brain off so that you can just believe what
I'm saying is true because you feel it. Oh, this lady is cuckoo banana town.
I can't take it anymore. Please, I need words of inspiration. Tommy Wiseau, please help me.
God is going to speak to us today. There are two very specific themes to the word of the
Lord for this month, and they're just powerful. Oh, yeah. Powerful. Oh, yeah. The second thing I want you to do, if you are a person who likes to take notes, get a notebook.
Get a notebook. Get a tablet. Get your journal. Get a whiteboard. Get a chalkboard.
Get a napkin. Get one of the kids' coloring books. Whatever you've got to grab, grab something to take some notes, and I want to encourage you to write stuff down.
Yeah. Write down today's date. Yes. Write down the fact that this is the word of the
Lord for September 2018. In fact, just grab a Bible, and, you know, in the blank pages in the back, just add this to that, you know.
This would be the epistle of Whittaker. Yes, there you go. Whittaker chapter 1.
I invite you to watch what happens in your life and watch what happens in the lives of other people who are also under this ministry.
Get your journal. Get a whiteboard. Get a chalkboard. Get a napkin. Get one of the kids' coloring books.
Whatever you've got to grab, grab something to take some notes, and I want to encourage you to write stuff down.
Do pay attention to comments on social media. I don't get to see them because I don't really stick around like that.
I drop off my social media posts, and usually I'm out. Yeah, that way she doesn't have to see any of the criticism calling her a false prophetess because she's that, you know.
Amen. That's one of the ways I keep my peace. But I want to encourage you to start, you know, paying attention, and you will see that God, I'll tell you,
His word does not return void. No. And He says He's going to... And she claims that what she's about to speak is the actual word of God.
Do something. He means it. Amen. So we are expectant for what
God is going to do. God... You've got to be expectant. And notice all this, you know, lead up.
She's trying to prepare you by, you know, setting your mind to have expectancy. You've got to believe this is the word.
Get your heart in the right position. This is all manipulation. Get on with the word, would you, already?
It's going to be a super... By the way, the choppiness is her video, not mine. ...natural September. A supernatural
September. Supernatural. That means that you are going to see spiritual things happen.
You're going to see... Supernatural September, man.
You are going to see spiritual things. Okay, picking it up here in Wilmington, North Carolina, right at the
Intercoastal, and we're in one of these bands. Yeah, what's the cash value of that?
Supernatural things happen. Something that is supernatural is saturated with the power of God when the
Lord steps in and does something that you could not have done yourself or He does it in such a way so that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that was
God. That was the Lord. Yes, so when something supernatural just, you know, saturates and happens and you go, oh!
See, that had to be God. Well, she doesn't know what that's going to be. We can't get specifics.
It's got to be something vague -ish. Yeah, okay. A living God who just stepped into my life, walked into the room, and did that.
And so God said it's going to be a supernatural September. He said by the time it's all said and done, it will be a
September to remember. A September to remember. Yes, wow!
That's just amazing. This will be a September to remember. It'll have supernatural stuff and stuff.
By the time it's all said and done, it will be a September to remember.
My husband John went for a walk this morning. We both love to walk, amen.
And I was just deep into this word and deep into the word, my Bible, and very meditative and prayerful all day right up until right now.
Yeah, she's totally meditative and prayerful and stuff, yeah. Still am, praise God. But John went for his walk, and he came back with these wildflowers for me.
And I said, you know what, John? I want to include them on the table. I want to bring them into the set today because I need to tell some females who are listening and some men as well that in the month of September, some of you are getting ready to meet the person you're going to marry.
Oh, wow, so you single people out there. September to remember. You're about to meet her or him.
Yeah, this woman's totally manipulating. All right, let's check in. This is a new one.
Who is this lady? Prophetess Penelope. Never done a Prophetess Penelope's prophecy before.
So this is Prophetess Penelope's prophecy for September. Here we go.
And I tried uploading the video a couple times earlier today, but it just would not upload.
So I just kind of came back, and we're redoing the prophetic word, or I am.
So hopefully it goes through this time. But here we go with prayer. So let's start.
Father God, I thank you, Lord, for this prophetic word, Father God, September 2018, that you have given me, Father God, this word of revelation to give to your people,
Lord. I plead the blood of Jesus over myself and over the listeners, Father God, by the sound of my voice, Father God. I also pray that the words that come out of my mouth are of the
Holy Spirit and not of thine. I also pray, Lord, that this will... Yeah, unfortunately, every word coming out of her mouth after this will be hers.
Not from God, the Holy Spirit. Yeah, if you want that, you're going to have to actually, you know, preach the word.
The Holy Spirit brings the right people and guides them into this video, Father God, for those who are ready to hear, Father God. Father God, I plead the blood of Jesus over the video, and Father God, I just pray that you have a roaring angel surrounding me,
Father God, as I embark on giving out this word. In Jesus' mighty name, amen. All right. I feel it.
I feel the Holy Spirit. Okay, so we're fasting for the harvest and purpose.
Fasting. All right, harvest. Is that one of my words? No, no, no, no, no. You don't have to look. Purpose and harvest.
Okay, purpose, purpose. Okay, hang on a second here. That is one of my words. All right, so we've got purpose.
Okay, well, I'll keep looking at this as we come back. Here we go. So, as I was writing the prophetic word for this month, there was a lot of Bible verses that I got as I was writing the word, but usually one always stands out the most.
And then I remember asking the Holy Spirit, okay, what is gonna be the Bible verse for this month? And that's when the
Holy Spirit said, Jeremiah 29, 11. So, there's supposed to be a specific
Bible verse for every month? I had no idea. When did that start?
I've written Jeremiah 29, 11, and I was like, you know what, Holy Spirit? Say no more.
I know it's gonna be a pretty, it's gonna be a prophetic month with a lot of God -ordained steps and God -ordained openings.
Spiritual stuff and God -ordained steps and openings and things.
Yeah, could you be more vague, please? So, let's start with the word which says, Jeremiah 29, 11 says,
I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord.
Plans to prosper you, not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. Yeah, and everybody ignores the fact that's actually written to a group of people.
The you in there is a y 'all. It's a plural you. And that's a promise given to the children of Israel in exile in Babylon.
Go and read it. It's actually part of a letter addressed to them. Yeah, and so everybody wants to make it about them individually.
But yeah, the y 'all there shows that we got some problems here. And so, God's plans for your life is to prosper you, it's not to harm you.
Okay, hang on a second. Oh man, I'm doing really well. And plus, I cheated anyway. But let's see.
Prosper, there it is. Ding, ding, ding. Okay, coming back. Doing good.
I'm going to win because I cheated this month. Give you a future to give you hope, right? So, when you're feeling hopeless, excuse me, you know that it's not coming from God.
It's coming from Satan. Oh my goodness. Okay. Is she having acid reflux?
What was that? Like I said,
I tried to upload this video before. It wasn't uploading. Yeah, see that proves it. The devil was trying to keep this thing from getting on YouTube.
Or maybe that she's just not as technologically astute as she wishes she was. Just, you know,
I'm going to redo it again. But we're going to be experiencing a lot of demonic opposition. Because we're going to be fasting this month and we're going to be praying this month.
One of the things that the devil hates is when we pray and when we fast.
But he really, really hates it when we do prayer and fasting together. Yeah, it's like demonic kryptonite.
By the way, prayer and fasting, very important biblical practices. That's the reason why he was fighting me so hard so that the video wouldn't be uploaded.
But I'm like, I'm going to try again. Yeah, well, the thing is that we know prayer and fasting are important because scripture says so.
We didn't need prophetess Penelope to tell us that. And so, with the purpose, since this month is all about purpose and God revealing our purpose to us, what's going to happen is that we all had envisioned our life to come to be a certain way.
We all had this vision of how our life was to play out.
But obviously, when you get with God, you realize that your plans are not that great, that God's plans for your life are actually better for you, that the plans that God has for you are just the best plans.
And so, Satan is going to want to appeal to your flesh, appeal to your old vision, appeal to your fleshly vision that you had for yourself, that goal that you had for yourself.
For example, I'm going to give you guys an example of myself. I've always wanted to be a college professor, a community college professor.
And last year, I tried really hard to get a job or even as a TA, and I couldn't get a job.
So, wanting to have a career, you know, a job, that's fleshly.
I don't think so. All right, let's check in with Jojo Dawson. Sunday morning, the
Lord awoke me at 3 in the morning, and I got up out of bed, and I went into the prayer room. And I just started to pray, because I knew that the
Lord wanted to speak to me. And I stayed in there, and I prayed. 3 in the morning, you had to go into a prayer room. Okay.
Oh, boy, 3 a .m. About 5 in the morning, and the Lord gave me one word that just transformed my thoughts for that day.
It was the word aim. Aim, okay.
You know, we're entering into September, and September in the Hebrew calendar is the first of the year.
And so the Lord gave me this prophetic word for September. It was the word aim. And all of a sudden, the
Lord just said, acceleration. Acceleration. Oh, do I? I have that one.
Hang on, and plus I cheated. But hang on, I'm doing good. I'm so hoping for prophecy bingo that I get a bingo this month.
Eh, it's not looking good, though, because all my words are all over the place, even though I cheated. Okay, I should be more strategic in my cheating next month.
Partation. Manifestation. And when I got those 3 words, it just hit me.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on a second here. Did you catch that? Okay, so manifestation.
Got it, okay. All right, so I need deliverance and outpouring. Can you help me out there, please?
Joe, I really need those words now. I really do. Like a ton of bricks.
I said, Lord, this is it. Most people have never aimed their self straight forward towards the things that you have for them.
How does one go about aiming oneself straight forward for the things that God has for them?
Usually when I walk, I'm pretty good at aiming and getting to where I'm walking to.
Like if I wanted to go across the street, I'm pretty good at aiming my body in that direction. What kind of compass are you reading, lad?
This one, sir. That's West Patrick. Starting the new year off the
Hebrew calendar, I was thinking, God, this is it. For people to be aimed in the direction that you have for them, there will be an extreme acceleration.
What is the quickest way to get to point A to point B? On a straight line. When you hit an acceleration on a straight line, it changes everything.
When you hit an acceleration on a straight line, it kind of reminds me of the Mythbusters, blowing up that car, that rocket thing.
It changes everything. Recently, I had a prophetic vision from the Lord, and it was a certain road that's nearby.
It's interstate, and it is about 125 miles of just a straight road on the interstate.
But right before you get to it, there's a big curve. And the
Lord showed me this. He said, so many people are in their last curve before they hit a long, straight stretch.
They are going to see where they are going years down the road. You sure
God woke you up to tell you this? Okay. So many times people are trying to find their way through their day -to -day life, but the
Lord is saying, I'm about to bring clarity to what you're doing, and you are going to be able to aim yourself towards your future for a long term.
So the A in the word aim is acceleration. And God is about to accelerate everything that you put your hands to.
Now, you need to be focused during this season, because God is going to give extreme clarity to you.
You're going to know where to aim your life. You need to know where to aim your energy, your gifts, your finances.
See, so many times we get busy doing good things. Yeah, aim your finances at JoJo Dawson.
That was pretty subtle. In this season, you need to do the God things that He has put up on your life.
So you need to aim your life, aim your focus on what God has called you to do.
Now, the second word was impartation. Which, by the way, hey,
I have that word. Hang on a second here, but I already did it. That's one of our bonus words. Bummer, my cheating didn't pay off.
Ah, Jo, I needed you to use a word that I didn't cheat with, okay? Bummer, okay.
Sometimes you know a direction about where God wants to take you, but until you get that big impartation,
I'm talking about that life -altering impartation, that one piece of wisdom that when you get it, you're like, mm.
Yeah, I'm looking for a life -altering impartation. Where do I find one? Man, it all makes sense.
You get that one insight. Yeah, I need one of those to make sense of your nonsensical prophecy because it's not making any sense to me.
You get that one revelation. You get that one nugget from the word. You're reading a scripture you've read a hundred times before, but all of a sudden, an impartation hits you.
You're like, this is it, God. I'm telling you, there is an impartation from God coming in this season.
This is a now word that is going to change your life, and the M is manifestation.
Yeah. You are going to see a manifestation of the promises of God over your life.
Some of you watching this, you are tired. You are weary. You are almost ready to give up.
I'm telling you, get full of God. Get around the right people.
Get full of God. If you're tired, you just need to get full of God right now. Not sure how one goes about doing that, but wow,
Joe, you helped me out, but then you didn't because I was cheating with the word impartation, and then you went and said it, so it's like you didn't even give me the edge
I was looking for. All right, new person we've never heard from before,
D 'Wan Holmes -Rollinson. This is a woman who actually claims to be an apostle.
Let me fast forward through her opening. All right, hey there. This is Apostle D 'Wan
Holmes -Rollinson from the Global Institute of Church and Marketplace Prophets. I want to just take this time to give you the word of the
Lord for September 2018. Again, giving you the word of the Lord for September 2018.
All right, so Apostle D 'Wan Holmes -Rollinson is going to give us the word of the Lord. She's an apostle.
These are way more important than prophets and stuff. It's almost the middle of the month, but I released this word earlier in the beginning of the month via my email list and I think through Facebook as well, but I wanted to take the time to do this on video so that I could get it out to everybody, to those of you who really want the word of the
Lord for this season and for it. Yeah, if I wanted the word of the Lord, I'd read my Bible. This time, hallelujah.
All right, so let's talk about the word. I believe the word of the Lord for this month, not just I believe, I know the word of the
Lord for this month of September is advance in the abundance of God, all right?
Advance in the abundance of God. Early estimates suggest Hurricane Florence may have caused as much as $22 billion in damage, potentially making it one of the top 10 most costly hurricanes in U .S.
history. You know what? I'm going to take this. That's right. I don't know if I'm cheating or not anymore, but it's abundance and abundant.
I'm just saying they're the same concepts prophetically. So yeah, they're the same pretty much buzzword.
So if you're going to complain that Roseboro is cheating, yeah, I know. It's prophecy bingo.
I made it up and I made the rules. Anyway, we come back to Apostle Duann Holmes Rawlinson.
Advance in the abundance of God. And so in this month of September, as you focus in on advancement,
I hear God saying, you shall win. Again, you shall win.
See, that's a good sign. I'm hoping I'm going to win because at this point,
I just need two words in two different directions. I need generational curse and I need lean in. And then
I also need deliverance and outpouring. And I'm going to win. So we're going to find out how good you are in your prophetic abilities as an apostle,
Duann. Here we go. I hear God saying, as I allowed those abrupt endings in August to create my new beginnings in your life, know now is the time to advance without apology.
This is the time and the season to advance without apology.
How do I do that? What direction do I go to advance? You know,
Jojo was talking about, you know, like aiming myself. Which way do I aim myself if I'm going to advance without apology?
September speaks to the manifestation of miracles and the manifestation of abundance, the manifestation of God's perfect new beginnings coming forth in new ways.
And September speaks to the manifestation of growth and the manifestation of acceleration, the manifestation of speed.
All right, here's what I hear God saying to those of you who will truly commit to his advancement.
Yeah, so you got to truly commit if this, you know, in order to get whatever she's going to say is coming next here.
God's saying, in advancing, you shall find new streams.
You shall find new rivers. You shall find new thrusts. Yeah, I'm pretty much sure all the new rivers and streams have already all been found.
And, you know, I live in North Dakota. And, you know, the Red River is right over there.
And there's all kinds of streams and stuff. But you can see them on Google Earth. How am I supposed to find new ones? Yes, and new responsibilities for this new phase of your life.
For I am calling a coming together and a collaboration of kingdom ambassadors who understand the power of prophecy that will manifest your advancement.
That's right. There is power in prophecy. And this is a season where as you begin to focus on the prophecies that have not come forth in your life, as you begin to focus on those, meditate on those, come back into agreement with those prophecies.
Come back into agreement. Apparently, I was in disagreement with the previous prophecies.
Okay. Watch God begin to advance you in those areas and watch
God begin to do new things as He causes and calls those prophecies to come forth.
This is that season where you've got... New thing, by the way, I think is one of our prophetic prophecy bingo words here.
Hold on to the prophecies that have not come forth. This is not the time to focus on what hasn't happened.
This is not the time to focus on what doesn't appear to exist. No. This is the month to focus in on what will be as you advance forward with new strength, new power, and new insight.
During the season of improvement, what you thought wouldn't manifest will begin taking shape as you focus on what
I want to do and will do in this part of your journey. Psychics are more specific than this.
This could mean just about anything. Oh, no, no, no, no. Oh, oh, oh.
All right. Do I press the play button?
You know, she recently changed the name of her program.
Yeah, it used to be Living Well, and she's changed it because she claims God told her to do that.
And in the past, her title has been Prophetess of God, and let's see what she's doing with the
September Prophetic Word. Here we go. Hey, guys, welcome to The Greater Things. If you're new to this channel, thank you so much.
Make sure you hit the subscribe button. Yeah, Greater Things is the name of her program now. So you can have more words from us every month.
If you're not new to this channel, you might have noticed that we changed the name of the show. We used to be called
Living Well, but God has told us to call this show Greater Things because God specifically said, you know what, you know,
Kay, listen up, listen up. You want us to be successful in the prophetic business, you got to change your name.
Living Well, you know, it's not positive enough. See, you know, God wants you to be more successful, so change it to Greater Things.
God told you this. Okay. We are really after the greater things. Jesus, hallelujah, hallelujah.
Now there's a couple parts to this word, so I'm going to kind of break this down in sections, but hopefully it all kind of comes together for you towards the end.
So just stay focused, stay attentive. Don't let the devil distract you from this word.
This is an important word for right now and for the whole month of September. Now the first thing
I felt when I was praying is that there's going to be a Joseph -like shift this season, okay? All right.
Now if you have the word shifting or shift on your card, you can go ahead and take that.
I don't have it. Oh, wait, no, wait, I do. Hang on a second here. Oh, I just about missed it. Hang on.
All right. So I'm going to have to copy that and make it. There we go. Shift or shifting. There we go.
See, now I just need flow and ignite. This bingo card is just, it's been impregnated with prophetic potential.
You know, I just need two words in three different directions.
Come on, K. I need to win this month. A little more of exactly what the
Lord said. Now the first thing that he said about it was that it's for those who are faithful.
You know, you can't not listen to the Lord for three whole years and then all of a sudden be like,
I get this word. This is not for you. This is for the people who have been faithful.
Yeah, have you been faithful? I do very highly specific words. I do kind of just whatever the people that are led to listen to it, the word is for them.
But I felt this is specific. This is for those of you who have been faithful. There will be a
Joseph -like shift this month. Hallelujah, hallelujah. I mean, what happens to her when she does that?
This is weird. Jesus, Jesus. Hmm. You know,
I think part of the thing is in order for it to have a Joseph -like shift means that some of you have been locked up.
And some of you have been locked up by Pharisees. Who knew?
There's a bunch of Pharisees out there locking people up. Some of you have been locked up by Christian Pharisees.
Jesus. People that are proclaiming the truth, but they walk in no power. They walk in no love.
They don't believe in the Holy Ghost and the full gospel of Jesus Christ. And they've been locking you up with their religious nonsense.
And the Lord says, Said unironically.
Kay Nash talking about religious nonsense. I'm not going to make it.
Okay. Joseph -like shift this season. Yeah, yeah. Joseph -like shift. Hallelujah, Jesus.
This is your time to rise and this is your time to shine. Jesus. Rise and shine and give
God the glory, glory. Yeah, this is your time, man. Get to it. Joseph -like shift this season.
Hallelujah. Alright, the second thing is He's coming this month. God is coming to restore passion.
A lot of times when I think of red, I think of passion. And so the Lord kind of told me.
September, man. If your passion has been dwindling. If you're in a dry season of passion.
If you're passionless. Don't worry. Restoration of passion is on the way. I need to wear this red outfit with these red earrings that my girlfriend
Camila made me. Because it's going to be a restore of passion this month.
Okay. Now, some of you is what I saw was that some of you are lying on the floor.
You barely can get up. You kind of have a little bit of fire, but you can't get the full fire.
Jesus. You've been beat up and you feel like you can't trust anyone.
You're questioning everyone's motives. You don't know who you can trust. You don't know who you can't trust.
Jesus. Do you ever feel like maybe she projects? We're learning a lot about Kay here without her talking about herself directly.
Says you are coming out. And I believe these two words. The restore of passion and the Joseph -like shift this season.
Bring a fullness to the coming out in the gospel of Jesus Christ. As the true messengers of God.
The true messengers of God. Reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite. The Happy Hands Club or whatever, you know.
Coming out now. The false prophets have had their reign. The nonsensical stuff has had their reign.
But now we are coming out. For those of you who watched my word on 5779 last week.
And for if you haven't, you can go and check it out. Basically, we talked about Bill Minetch.
Okay. And how he was going to fall. This is a time where the false stuff. Do you mean
Abimelech? I just have to ask, you know.
Falling away and the true stuff is coming out in the open. You know, because here's the thing.
The only way you can keep up with the pace this year. And run with horses is through the empowerment of the
Holy Ghost. Run with horses? Whoa, whoa. Listen, I don't even jog.
How am I supposed to run with horses? God wants me to run with horses?
That sounds dangerous. And I might need to do some training to get ready for that.
There's going to be a pace this year. That only the true messengers of God can run. They can run with horses.
I'm telling you. You can tell whether or not somebody is truly a legit prophet.
Because they can run with horses. It's like the feats of strength during Festivus.
Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Okay, another thing
I had heard for the month of September happened when I was talking to my husband on the phone. Jesus. And he was in Pennsylvania visiting.
You can subscribe and get more words. What am I supposed to do with the ones you've given me?
They don't make any sense. Family and I was here working on some stuff. And we were talking on the phone.
And while we were talking on the phone, he was sitting outside. And he just saw this groundhog run on by. And it was just like speedily like run on by.
And then it just vanished. The honey badger. Yeah, yeah, okay. To me, he's like, oh,
I just saw this groundhog. You know, whatever. I felt the Holy Ghost fall on me. And he said, that's part of your word for September.
And I was like, what is a groundhog? So, you saw a rodent. A ground rodent. Maybe a gopher.
And he says that. And then the Holy Spirit fell on you. You've got to be kidding me.
Have to do with the word of September. But the interesting thing is that God said, it's only a shadow.
You know, on Groundhog Day every year, the shadow. Poxitani Phil has made an appearance in September.
He usually appears like in spring, you know. Well, we mustn't keep our public waiting, huh?
It's showtime, Phil. Dare I move on.
Princess Ebola Adelani. All right. I'm going to have to back her up just a little bit here.
I don't know where her prophecy begins. But let's just jump in and see where we go. Author and pastor.
Yeah, well, God's word doesn't allow women to be pastors. And you're an apostle too.
Wow. That's amazing. You've seen the risen Jesus. Coachroyalproclamations .com
is where you find me. And I'm here with the prophetic word for September.
My God. My God. My God. People are God. We are in the ember months.
We refer to the, you know, September, October months, the last four months of the year, you know, as ember months.
And so we're in the ember months. For those of us on the Gregorian calendar, it is the ending of our year.
For those on the Jewish calendar, it's the beginning of the new year, the year 5779.
And honestly, people are God. Oh, my goodness. Whether it's an ending for you, it's glorious endings.
And if it's a beginning for you, like you observe the Jewish calendar, it is powerful beginnings.
Honestly, this last couple of months of the year 2018 are going to be off the charts.
My God. My God. My God. The rains are here. People are God. How would you describe what this has been to go through for you and your family?
Hell. The rains are here. You know, the rains are here. The duality
I've been talking about, the prophetic duality, is also going to continue, though.
It's going to be pronounced. It's going to be pronounced over the next three months, particularly in October, November.
You know, it's going to be very bloody. We're going to see the two -edged sword. But I'll save that for...
What? We're going to see a two -edged sword? No wonder I need to run with horses. Two -edged swords are coming.
I better run as fast as a horse to get away from it. Okay. You know, next month. I'll save that for October.
Yeah. Sunday, bloody Sunday. All right.
But as far as September is concerned, it is a month of divine advancement.
That's what the Lord told me. The month of what? Divine announcement. The rains are here.
The rains are here. The rains, we've been believing God. The latter rain, the former rain, they are here.
The rains that we have been waiting for are here. Rivers and tributaries that received so much of the rain that Florence dropped in these areas in the
Carolinas, that you have places like Conway in South Carolina, south of us, where they are still expecting the river there to continue to rise.
Praise God. And there will be three Ps, three Ps that are going to characterize this month.
As the Lord was talking to me, you know, about September, you know, advancement, the month of divine advancement.
He said there are three Ps that would characterize this month. Power, P1 is power.
Power. My God. My God. My God. The supernatural power of God is going to be in display.
Progress. Progress. Yes. We're going to see a lot of advancement, a lot of acceleration, a lot of quantum leaps and prosperity.
Quantum. I think that might be one of the words, but it's not on my card. Prosperity. My God.
My God. Prosperity. Hang on a second here. So the last P was prosperity. Yes, sir.
Bob, I've got myself another one. Okay. Yeah, a little bit of work going in that direction.
Yeah, I mean, seriously, what's the point of cheating if you're not going to win? Okay. We're going to see a lot, a lot of financial blessings.
My God. My God. My God. So, you know, I will go into the word, you know, that Princess Vola will be in the word.
And the word that God gave me really is still the same word that we have been looking at for this season, for this prophetic season, which is our biblical spiritual authority, which is the book of first kings.
You know, with Elijah, because the Lord said, these are the days of Elijah and Joel, chapter two, you know.
Isn't that a song? These are the days of Elijah. Never mind. About the outpouring and all that.
So those are the two. Those remain our two scriptures. There was an added one that I'll share down the road in a few seconds.
But he also spoke to me from Isaiah 60, but I'll share that in a minute.
But as far as outpouring and power is concerned, my God, my God, like I said, my
God, the outpouring of God's spirit that really, really began. Hang on a second here.
I need to check something. She said outpouring. I just need deliverance.
I just need deliverance. And I have one prophecy bingo. I just need one word.
Of course, I cheated. But, yeah, that doesn't matter. I made the game. I can make the rules. Okay. One word away.
A few months ago, but it's going to intensify in this month of September. And October and even into November, like I said, it's going to intensify.
We're going to see Joel chapter 2, verse 28 in full manifestation.
It's only been in partial manifestation until this month. But in September, full manifestation.
Joel 2, 28. Yeah. Full manifestation over the next three months. So that means that there's going to be major, major revival, major, major spiritual awakening.
I know revival is one of our words. I don't think I have it. People returning to their first love, a restoring of godly fear and reverence.
I'm telling you. I'm telling you. She's telling us. God is really pouring down out his spirit.
He's pouring down. He's pouring out his spirit. Pouring it out. The rain that I'm talking about is really a rain of his power and of his glory.
And so we're going to see a rising of fiery firebrand
Christians. The emergence of those God's end time army.
NAR. God's end times army. This lady's in NAR. Of course, she's an apostle. But of course,
Michael Brown says NAR doesn't exist. Okay. Moving along. Let's see who's next here.
Oh, Russ Walden. All right. Let's take a look at his prophetic word for the month of September.
I just need the word deliverance from you, Russ. That's all I need. Hello. This is
Russ and Kitty Walden with Father's Heart Ministry. And this is the breakthrough word for September 2018.
The Father says today, I am manifesting in your life this month.
This month, I am manifesting in your life the enormity of my favor and the magnitude of my grace.
I am pouring out upon you in an unprecedented manner. Command your eyes to see, says
God. Command your ears to hear. Command your ears to hear the sound of the heavens opening in your behalf.
So I need to command my ears to hear the sound of the heavens opening in my behalf.
This is what God wants me to do. You sure that was God? Big God.
I don't do anything in a small way. No, no. And in the next few days and weeks,
I am opening wide the doors of opportunity and vision in your life.
This is not a time. This is not a time for small thinking. Lift up your head, says the
Father. And expect big moves. Expect a massive shift of things pertaining to you.
Lots of shifting going on in September. Directly into the path of your manifest destiny.
This is not a time of holding back. No. Or giving in. No. Or listening to those coping messages.
Or those just getting by messages. No. It's time to jettison the coping strategies and the survival strategies that will never take you to highest heart's desire that I have ordained for you.
Right. Deal with all distractions, says God. Deal with them.
Militate against the distractions the enemy is sending your way. When the little foxes and the diversions of the adversary.
Here we go again with little foxes. Apparently those little foxes are like really, you know, dangerous.
You know, they're destructive to your prophetic destiny and stuff. Pull on your attention. Sweep them away with the determination of your faith.
Yeah. Say, let your mouth speak. Say to those enemies of faith that have snared you in the past.
Speak. Not this time. Not this time. You're no longer. You won't be fooled again.
Never. You will no longer be delayed. No. You will no longer be denied. No delay.
I declare over you, says God, that the curse is broken. The curse of the enemy.
Didn't Jesus break the curse on the cross? Yeah. Words spoken by those illegitimate authorities.
God says they are broken over your life. The curse of the enemy that came through the mouths of those speaking against you.
Those that do not have nigh vision for your life. Those words are broken even now, says
God. And the blessing, I accord you, the blessing is yours.
This day, says God, I move you into your blessing place. So it's
September. God's going to move you into your blessing place. I didn't even know I had one.
This day, I cause you to spring up like a root out of a dry ground. Your desert shall bloom.
Your desert shall now bloom, says the Father. You will see in this time frame, the seed fruit harvest of my promise.
The seed fruit harvest will be the cadence of your life. The seed fruit harvest of my promise.
Even those promises that you have long held on to. Wondering, Father, is this ever going to come to pass?
Is this thing ever going to be made manifest that you assured me would happen,
Father? The Lord says this to you. My answer is yes. My answer is yes toward you.
You are stepping now into my yes and my amen. Finally.
I've been wanting to do that for a while. Sadly, despite all of my efforts, including cheating,
I was not able to complete. I'm going to win because I cheated this month.
I'm bummed. Really, really bummed. But then again, there's always...
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Until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.