F4F | Katie Souza: Miracles While You Sleep


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever been told that, you know, you can have miracles happen in your life, if you just send money into a televangelist, or if you just activate your faith, or apply easy steps and stuff like that, which at the end of the day when you try to apply these things it doesn't make any sense, go ahead and hit the subscribe button and ring that bell too, that'll help you out as we keep you apprised of how different false teachers are teaching false doctrines designed to deceive and make merchandise of you.
Case in point, Katie Sousa of Expected End Ministries, we're gonna be listening to her teaching on God does miracles while you sleep.
I mean, who knew? I mean, and as we listen to this I would like you to pay very close attention to her narrative.
The narrative is utterly bogus and absurd, but oftentimes false teachers not only do they twist
God's Word, they bring a different narrative than what Scripture says to the table, and kind of make it, you know, the
Scriptures kind of force it into their bizarre narratives. Katie Sousa is kind of really good at this, and well, actually she's awful at it, and I find it fascinating that anyone would believe her.
But here is Katie Sousa and God does miracles while you sleep.
Here we go. Hi, I'm Katie Sousa, and you're watching Healing Your Soul, Real Keys to the
Miraculous. How would you like to have secrets revealed to you while you slept?
Secrets while I slept? That would be great! How do I do that? Yeah. Solve any issue or have an angel come in the night to defeat every demonic spirit that's been assaulting you.
God's desire is to lead you successfully through every difficult circumstance you're facing.
All right, so there's part of her narrative. God desires to lead you successfully through any difficult circumstances, and so he's gonna do what it takes.
Miracles in the night, angelic visitations, revelations while you sleep, because it's all about...
You see, here's the thing, that's a completely different narrative than what Scripture says. Scripture doesn't reveal that God desires to help you overcome difficult circumstances.
In fact, over and again, when you read Scripture, we are called to patiently endure and persevere in the midst of difficult circumstances.
So what Katie Sousa is doing here is kind of painting a narrative that's more akin to what you might see in a video game.
You know, that the gamer, the company that made the video game wants you to succeed, and so they'll do different strategies to kind of give you the information or the power -ups or whatever necessary so that you can succeed.
But this is really a weird narrative. He will give you a strategy to solve problems while you're sleeping or even taking a nap.
This is part two of our series, Miracles in the Night. There are many biblical examples of people receiving breakthroughs while they slept.
Right, yeah. So apparently, you know, when you hear of people that experience something in the middle of the night, that was an example of what she's talking about here.
You know, the false narrative that she's putting forward, she's now gonna go hunt and pack in Scripture in order to find passages that she can kind of shoehorn into there.
See? The narrative is true. The narrative itself is utterly false and ridiculous.
Nezer had a dream that troubled him greatly. He told all his wise men in Babylon, including
Daniel, that he was going to kill them unless they could tell him what his dream was.
So Daniel prayed for the answer. Then when he went to sleep, the Bible says that the dream and its interpretation was revealed to him during the night.
Whoa! You see? You can have this, too. Now, of course, here's kind of the interesting thing.
There's a subtext to this narrative, and the subtext is that Katie Sousa, she has all...
she's figured this all out, and she is experiencing this, you know, it oodles in her life.
And so if you want to, well, experience breakthrough and miracles and have
God talk to you while you sleep and stuff, you know, the way God did with Daniel and the way, you know,
God's presently doing with Katie Sousa, because she's super spiritual in that way, then, you know, you got to send her money and stuff.
Yeah, that's literally what it ends up boiling down to. Then there's the story of how the Angel of the
Lord came and killed a hundred and eighty -five thousand soldiers that had
Jerusalem completely surrounded. The battle was won while the people inside the city slept safely in their beds.
Right, and the whole reason why that happened is so that you can know. You can experience these things for yourself as well.
Didn't you know that you can have the, you know, God destroy your enemies at night while you sleep miracle thingy?
I mean, Katie Sousa's experiencing it. Peter was imprisoned, shackled and asleep between two soldiers when the
Angel of the Lord came and broke him out of his imprisonment. The Bible's full of stories of people getting miracles while they slept.
Right, yeah, see, and so the narrative then is that all of these are an example of what
God wants to do in your life, too, and the narrative itself is ridiculous.
It's not true. It's totally deceitful. Got into a car accident and broke two ribs and God healed them only 14 days after it happened, and he did it during the night while I was sleeping.
Right, because notice what she just did there. She put herself in the same list as Daniel and the
Apostle Peter and the inhabitants of Jerusalem in the
Old Testament. Yeah, this woman, yeah, see, she's figured it out. I mean, the whole thing is the narrative is designed to make you believe that she is super special, that she has figured something out that no other biblical scholar has ever discovered before.
You can't find this teaching in the Church Fathers or anything like that, but see, what she's done is she started off with a false narrative, and now she's forcing the scriptures into that narrative.
Let you know, ribs don't heal in 14 days. No. This was an accelerated miracle that happened when
I was just sleeping in the presence of the Lord. What?
And so, no, the narrative makes her super, super, I mean, maybe she glows in the dark or something, you know, and see, and that's the whole point.
The narrative makes you go, well, I never get any miracles at night. What makes her so special?
How come I don't get these things happening to me? And she does.
You see, that's the whole point. You see, this is designed to make you believe in her.
Uh -huh. Yeah, this is the super spiritual glow -in -the -dark woman of God, yeah.
You like to experience miracles in the night? Well, you can. It happened in the
Bible, so it can happen to you, too. Yeah, and she's gonna unlock this all for us and give us the keys, so how we can have miracles in the night.
I even had a visitation while I slept that led to my husband and I receiving a quarter of a million dollar miracle.
Yeah, see, I mean, wouldn't you like a quarter of a million dollars showing up at your house while you slept or took a nap?
I mean, see, how come I never get a quarter of a million dollars sent to me while I sleep?
Why is she so special and I'm not? That's the point. The narrative is designed to make you trust her and believe her, and yet the stories she's telling are absurd and her mishandling of Scripture should identify her for what she is.
She's a false teacher. This broadcast, I'm gonna give you the keys on how to position yourself to walk in this supernatural miracle working realm.
If you put these precepts to work, you're gonna see more breakthroughs than you ever have. Oh, see,
I gotta put precepts to work so that I can experience. See, she's put these precepts to work for her.
That's why she gets the nighttime miracle thingy. Which precepts would those be? Let's go to the conference now.
God repaired my ribs in the night while I slept. She's just a straight -up tale, you know, storyteller, this woman.
And by the way, based on where she was, you know, the background, she's speaking for Patricia King at something that Patricia King was putting together.
Did you hear what I said? You need to start positioning yourself for this to happen to you.
Right, yeah. How do I go about positioning? See, the narrative assumes that, you know, you don't know.
You don't know that you had to position yourself. So now you're sitting there going, well, Katie Souza gets this.
It's in the Bible. How come I'm not getting it? Well, the reason why you're not getting it is because you haven't positioned yourself for the nighttime miracles.
You see, God wants to do this for you, but you know, you haven't properly positioned yourself the way
Katie has. And so the way then you can have nighttime miracles is by, you know, positioning yourself.
Which position? I don't know, maybe the fetal position. Maybe you should sleep on your back. Maybe you should sleep on your tummy.
I don't know which position is necessary for you to experience nighttime miracles, but the whole thing is that the narrative itself is utterly absurd.
And the narrative is what's driving this, and the narrative is where the lies are. Because a lot of you have had a disease or disorder or a trouble or a bodily affliction, or you're having financial issues, or your marriage is in danger, or you're being mentally or emotionally oppressed, but...
That's the list of people she's praying on, P -R -E -Y. You know,
I mean, in a large group of people, what are the chances that a percentage, a significant percentage, of the people in the room would be experiencing difficulties along those lines?
And see, she's praying on the fact that those people are experiencing these problems.
She's going to get them to trust her, that she's applied these mystical principles and positioned herself, and she gets miracles.
So they can get miracles, too, to experience relief and breakthrough when it comes to these afflictions that she's listed.
You can go to sleep and awaken in His likeness. You can go to sleep and awaken in His likeness.
Did you hear what I said? You know, you can get more done in the night than you can in the day, because your spirit man never gets tired.
Your body's exhausted, it goes to bed, but your spirit takes off. Your spirit can take off and do stuff.
It can go... It can. My spirit man can take off and do stuff. No biblical text says this.
They're believing the narrative. This is why they don't actually open up their Bibles.
They believe the narrative is true, and this hooks into, then, the broader charismatic and Pentecostal movement's narrative.
And that narrative is that God has restored to the earth prophets and apostles and special people that we haven't seen forever, and these guys have a direct line to God, and to question them, well, that's to question
God, and to deny the charismatic gifts even exist.
If you question them, you don't even believe in the modern -day manifestation of the gifts, and worse, if you question them, you could commit the sin of blaspheming the
Holy Spirit. So what these people have to say must be believed. It must be spoken, because if you don't believe her, and you challenge what she's saying, and you question the narrative, and question the veracity of what she's saying, then what happens is is because it's in the wider context of their false narrative about signs and wonders and all this kind of stuff, and the charismatic gifts, the whole enterprise would come down.
One question strategically asked against the narrative could cause the whole superstructure of the charismatic movement to fall, and that's the truth.
Places. It can take care of problems. It's in the eternal glory realm. It can travel to help friends and family.
It can go get finances and provisions and bring them back. Is your spirit man going and getting finances in the middle of the night while you sleep and bringing them back?
No scripture says this. Your spirit is always awake. Did you hear what I said? Your spirit is always awake, so it can activate, do things.
I mean, I've been taken, literally, not just translated, but transported in the spirit at night while I slept.
I can remember once I was struggling with this. This sounds like astral projection, which is a
New Age practice, not a Christian one. Nowhere in scripture does it teach you to do this or that you can do this.
Sickness and oppression. I mean, I had bodily sickness. I had mental and emotional oppression.
No matter what I did, I couldn't break it, and I finally said, God, I'm gonna go to sleep tonight, and I'm gonna believe you're gonna do something great for me while I sleep, because it's all over the
Bible. You're gonna do something like you did for Abraham, for me. Cut covenant with me.
Make something exciting happen, and He did. I remember all of a sudden I was taken, transported in the spirit to another place.
It was this old house, and I knew this house represented somebody in my bloodline. She's just, again, making stuff up.
Totally bogus narrative, just storytelling, and to question her is to question the whole charismatic enterprise, and yet it is so clear that what she's doing is just a mangling of God's Word, but again, the lies itself, it's all in the narrative, and that's the problem.
So question these narratives. Question the veracity of the person telling these narratives.
These narratives are a different narrative than what scripture teaches, because scripture doesn't teach that God wants you to somehow go and activate your spirit man and send him out to go get provisions and finances while you sleep and stuff.
That's a nonsensical narrative and a bogus story from a woman who clearly is motivated by greed.
That's the reason why she's saying these things, and she's taking advantage of the fact that in the charismatic movement, the narrative is if you challenge these people, if you question the veracity of their stories, then you are siding with the devil and those who are speaking against the gifts of the
Spirit, the cessationists, and worse, you may even be guilty of committing the sin of blaspheming the
Holy Spirit, which would then mean you're gonna go to hell. But the reality is that this is all a false, bogus, stupid,
I mean just like dumb, dumb narrative, and the fact that people are falling for this plays on their greed and their fear.
Very sad indeed. So if you'd like to support Fighting for the
Faith and what we're doing here in exposing false teachers and false narratives like this in order to protect the body of Christ from those who are exploiting it, please consider supporting us.
All the information on how to support us is down below. You can join our crew, you can support us on Patreon, and of course be sure to subscribe, ring the bell, and share these videos with other people as a warning work so that they can learn proper discernment and how to protect themselves from false teachers like this.
And of course, if you like what you're seeing here on YouTube, you can always subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, where we do two hours a day of long -form discernment in the hopes of being able to teach you the importance of how to rightly handle
God's Word, and bring it back to the real narrative, which is about what Christ has done for us for the forgiveness of our sins and salvation and eternal life.
That's the central narrative of Scripture, and people like Katie Sousa not only do not teach the central narrative of Scripture, that narrative would get in their way, her way, because she's really, again, all about exploiting people and teaching for shameful gain things that she ought not to teach.
So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.