A Major Woke PCA Church Embraces Segregation

AD Robles iconAD Robles



You know, a lot of people have made the comparison of the economy with a drug addict, and I don't know who made that up, it might have been
Peter Schiff, that's the first place I heard it, but a lot of people talk about it, the economy as a drug addict, and what happens with a drug addict is that oftentimes, not always, but oftentimes, some kind of trauma happens to them, and it could be anything, it could be a death in the family, it could be some kind of abuse, you know, whatever it is.
If you ever watch the show, what was it, Intervention, so often the stories of how they became a drug addict start with some kind of a trauma, and it's just heart -wrenching, but what happens in the mind of a drug addict is that they've got this trauma, and so they start to self -medicate, so that could be with alcohol, it could be with heroin, whatever it might be, and so they make a decision in their mind, though, that because they have this euphoria or this way, this sense of happiness, you know, when they're drinking or when they're doing drugs, whatever, they've decided that I don't need to have hard times anymore,
I don't need to deal with this trauma anymore, because I can just easily forget it by getting, you know, high, you know what
I mean? So that's the decision that they try to make, and so they convince themselves that this is the way out of all of their trauma, this is the way out of hard times, and, but we can see from an objective standpoint that actually, they're really not solving their issues, or they're not solving their trauma, there's hard times coming, in fact, you know, in the present, when you're on drugs and alcohol, you know, and all that, like, you can see that you're creating hard times for yourself, you're creating actually harder times, so you've lied to yourself to think, okay,
I'm not gonna deal with these hard times anymore, but in the process, you've actually created a worse situation for yourself, and sooner or later, you're gonna be in harder times than you would have been had you not turned to drink, had you not turned to heroin, whatever it might be.
So that's what a drug addict does, the economy is kind of in that same situation, and the reason why people say that is that as a society, you know, we've decided that we don't have to have hard times anymore, what we can do is we can just, you know, when the economy starts contracting and things like that, well, think about your family, right, if you lose a job or something like that, your family economy starts to contract, well, what do you do, what makes sense, right, well, you cut back consumption, like you don't, you cancel your
Netflix, you know, you reduce the spending so that you can kind of tighten those belts for hard times, right, well, until you find a new job, whatever it might be, and hopefully, you've been saving money for a rainy day, because that's what it says in the
Bible, it says you save your money little by little, and you know, you kind of build a little fortress around yourself, things like that, so that's what a diligent person does, you know, so hopefully, you've saved and you're prepared for hard times, but if you're not, or even if you are, like, it's time to tighten the belt, right, that's what happens in a family, and actually, that's what should happen in the economy at large as well, if we have hard times and the economy starts to shrink, the government should cut back spending, because that's what makes sense, if you don't have the income, the revenues aren't coming in, well, you gotta, you know, lower your output as well, or I'm sorry, your expenses and all that, but we've decided as a society, we don't have to do that, that actually, we don't have to, all we need to do is print more money, borrow more money, and things will be fine, because we can kind of engineer a situation where we don't have hard times anymore, and we've been doing this for decades and decades and decades, and the problem is that eventually, you're gonna have to pay the piper, eventually, you can't do it anymore, eventually, you're gonna run out of money you can borrow, people you can swindle, and that's the reality, and so hard times are coming, because we thought, like a drug addict, that we could shoot ourselves up with heroin enough that we would never have to have hard times again, and it's naive, and the thing is, the scriptures are clear about countries or nations that don't have just measures, right, they pretend like they have this much gold, but really, they're, you know, putting some brass in there, they're putting some impurities in there, to make it seem like they've got more money than they have, and it doesn't work long term, right, you might be able to swindle a few people every now and then, but eventually, people are gonna catch on to your
Ponzi scheme, and that's the situation that we kind of find ourselves in as a country, we're eventually gonna run out of runway, and that's a scary situation, so as Christians, we need to recognize that, you know, we can't control what the king does necessarily, the king is going to, you know, inject, you know, economic heroin into our system until he dies from it, it's rock bottom, and so we need to prepare our own families, our own selves, our own churches, our communities, for the eventuality that the economy is going to tank itself, and it certainly appears to me that this is an intentional thing, they're trying to tank our economy in a controlled way,
I don't think it's gonna work, I think it's gonna be a cataclysm at some point, I don't know when, I can't predict it, but it certainly seems like they're trying to torpedo the economy intentionally, you know, one thing that people have been talking about is this proposal to start taxing unrealized capital gains, and if you don't know what an unrealized capital gain is, you know, don't worry, it's really not that complicated, all it means is that you own something that has gone up in value, you still own it, you haven't sold it, you haven't made any money on it, you just own it, and the government is going to tax you just for owning it, because it's gone up in value, now, many people have pointed out that things go up and down in value all the time, so they're gonna tax you, even if, eventually, it goes down in value, and you end up losing money on the deal, you'll still be taxed for that imaginary capital gain that you never made real, that's what realized means, you never actually got it, it wasn't a real gain, it was actually just a paper gain, a fake gain, and so you were taxed on something that you never actually even had, and this is so immoral, it's so evil, it's completely unjust, it's not allowed according to scripture, and all of that kind of thing, but think about this for a second too, like, even the capital gains that we experience aren't really gains, so let's just say you owned,
I don't know, say, a piece of property, and it went up in value 5 % or 10 % in a year, that sounds pretty good, man, 10 % per year gain, that's pretty good, but think about this for a second, what if inflation goes up 15%, right?
Okay, so you have a gain on paper of 10%, wow, great, that's fantastic, but unfortunately, the money that you had actually went down in value 15%, so actually, you have a loss, you've actually lost 5 % of your money, even though on paper, you had a gain, well, you're still taxed on that, you're taxed on a fake gain, it could be, you could end up getting taxed, a capital gain on a thing that's a real loss because of inflation and the policies that the
Federal Reserve is engaged in and all of that kind of thing, it's absolutely insane, like, this is a totally immoral tax, now, the way they sell this totally immoral tax is they say, well, it's only for, like, the super rich, it's only gonna affect, like, 700 people in the whole country, the uber rich, and the reality is that, first of all, that doesn't matter, right, like, that doesn't matter, it's still totally immoral, so why would
I be in support of something that was totally immoral for 700 people, and it's like, well, who cares about those 700 people, those are the enemies, those are the uber rich, it's like, you can see them playing the classes against each other, right, this is standard communist tactics, right, it's partiality, why would the law treat people with partiality, by the way, the tax rates that we pay, because they go up the more money you make, that's partiality as well, that's totally immoral,
Christians can't be for that kind of a tax, it's totally immoral, but the thing is, guys, if you think that this is really aimed at the 600 richest people in the world, then
I'm sorry, but you're just naive, you're naive, this never works out, this is how they sell it, because they think they can inflame partiality in your heart, and they're right, a lot of people, they are totally okay with partiality in the economy and in our society and stuff like that, in fact, many churches are pushing partiality, we're gonna talk about that in a minute, but this is partial, so it doesn't matter that it's only aimed towards the top 600 people and income earners, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, it doesn't matter, it's immoral for the rich, it's also immoral for the poor, and by the way, again, this is going to end up coming for the middle class as well, they're gonna start taxing unrealized capital gains for the middle class as well, obviously, this is always how it works, they sell it for the uber rich, and then it goes to everybody, and this is how the income tax was sold, it's just, this is how it works, guys, this is how it works, by the way, the uber rich, they don't pay taxes, so those 600 people, they'll write into the law a way to get a loophole, or pull their assets out of the
United States, whatever, they're mobile, they know how to save their money from being taxed, and so it's not gonna raise a lot of money, and then they're gonna say, well, we need to do it now for anyone making over 100k, and then it just goes from there, that's how this situation plays out, guys, anytime some politician or some loser tells you that we're aiming this at the uber rich, that's a sign that they're about to show you something that's totally immoral and full of partiality,
Christians have to reject it, Christians must not hate rich people, we must not hate poor people either, but we must not hate rich people, which means we need to treat them the way we would treat anybody, treat them the way you would want to be treated, it's just that simple, if you don't want your unrealized capital gains taxed, then don't have, don't push their unrealized capital gains to be taxed, and by the way, if you do want your unrealized capital gains to be taxed, number one, you're an idiot, and number two, you need to get right with God, because God's law does not allow such things, that's insane, that's insane, anyway, so speaking of partiality though, it certainly seems to me that major churches in the
United States are preaching partiality as if it's a good thing, which is so ridiculous, right, this is not like accidental partiality, this is thought through partiality, this is a press release from, this is from Redeemer East, I was trying to figure out which one it was, so this is
Church of the Redeemer in New York City, Church of the Redeemer, Redeemer Presbyterian, Church of Redeemer, where am
I getting that, I used to go to a church I think called Church of Redeemer, whatever, bottom line, this is
Tim Keller's conglomerate of megachurches, and apparently this has been going on all summer, where they're actually separating the seating depending on whether or not you're vaccinated, this is what it says, it says, individuals who are fully vaccinated, in other words, two weeks have elapsed since your final dose or single shot dose, are welcome to sit in the main floor of the sanctuary without social distancing, and masks will be optional.
Pre -registration will be required, but no seat assignments will be made. Children under the age of 12 who are not yet vaccine eligible and under the age of 16 who have not been able to be vaccinated may be accompanied in seat with their fully vaccinated parent.
Individuals who are not fully vaccinated or desire to continue to wear masks and socially distance are welcome to sit in the balcony where there is more space to accommodate social distancing, so they're dividing up the congregation according to how clean they are, essentially, and their cleanliness status is whether or not you've been vaccinated.
Fully vaccinated, two weeks have passed, and apparently, I mean, it certainly seems to imply here that children, once they are vaccine eligible, will also need to meet this standard, so you'll have to have them, your child, inject themselves with an experimental mRNA gene therapy in order to attend worship in the normal kind of sanctuary, the main floor, the better seats, the good seats, and this is totally immoral.
This is totally unscriptural, and it's not accidental. They know this is unscriptural, and they're doing it anyway, and it's just absolutely preposterous, right?
It's preposterous to divide up the body like this according to things that God never commanded. He never commanded you to divide the church up like this, and it's saying, oh, they're using the honor system, so they're self -reporting, and it's like, that doesn't make it okay, right?
That doesn't make it okay. This is evil. This is wicked. You can't do this to the congregation, the assembly of Jesus Christ.
That is not your assembly to decide what to do. It's Christ's assembly, and he's told us what to do.
It's not your call. This is so evil, but there's actually another layer of evil here as well.
Notice they are making you register in order to attend church, so whether you're sitting in the assembly or not, as of July 12th, unless they've changed this, but even if they changed it, they still did this for a time, you have to go online, or your cell phone, or your computer, and register to go to church.
This is also totally immoral, and you might be saying, well, what's the deal? Why is that bad? Well, the reason why it's bad is because, again, it shows partiality, and it puts a step in front of people who maybe don't have access to a computer.
I remember when I used to worship in New York, every now and then we would have somebody, a homeless person, kind of wander into our assembly.
Sometimes they potentially were drunk, you know, and they smelled bad, or whatever. They would come into our assembly, and you know what we did when they came into our assembly?
We welcomed them in, and they could sit wherever they wanted, and all of that kind of stuff. There was no special seating for those who have, you know, maybe he has a disease, he stinks bad, you know, there was nothing like that, and he didn't have to pre -register.
Imagine that. Sir, have you pre -registered? Hey, homeless man, have you pre -registered for church?
It's like, again, it's another layer of insanity, and it's partiality.
Again, it's partiality. This is evil stuff, guys, and they're promoting this as if this is loving your neighbor.
Now, they don't say it's loving your neighbor here in this thing, but these big Eva Great Reset churches are all pushing this narrative of this, the vaccine stuff, and the social distance, the mask, that's a part, it's a matter of the law of God, so they're saying that we're doing this, and if you don't do this, you're sinning, and all the while they're making it up.
God never commanded such things. He never commanded such things, and Tim Keller's group of cronies that are gathering for worship, allegedly, they're adding all of this stuff, and the thing is, we have scriptures that apply to this direct fit.
James chapter 2, the brother of the Lord, he says, my brother, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. Listen to this. This is not complex hermeneutics, guys.
This is not like you have to make an application, and you're not quite sure it really applies, it's kind of a stretch, it's not, it's, it's the same exact issue that is being discussed here.
If a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, you, sit here in a good place, while you say to the poor man, you, stand over there, or sit at my feet, have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which he has promised to those who love him, but you have dishonored the poor man?
Are not the rich the ones who oppress you, the ones who drag you into their court? Are not the ones, are called, guys, this is so easy.
Well, let me see your vaccine card now. They're not actually asking to, it's the honor system. It's the honor system.
So, so if you say you're, maybe, maybe, maybe the church James wrote to, you know, if they would have just said they were rich, then they would have been fine.
So like, you have to self -identify as rich or poor, and if you're rich, you get to sit in the, as long as we're not checking your, you know, your bank statements, then we're okay.
Like that, that doesn't make it okay. They've got a section. The good seats are for those who have been fully vaccinated or loving their neighbor as themselves.
And then the, the, you know, the balcony seats are for those, those heathens that are like barely
Christian and they're not loving their neighbor. They're not getting the vaccine. Oh, by the way, either way, you know, you have to be rich enough to register for church ahead of time.
You know, if you're homeless and shabby clothing, you don't own an iPhone. I mean, how much of a barbarian can you be?
You don't own an iPhone. Well, I'm sorry, but you can't register. You can't register, so you can't come.
It's just so evil, guys. This is evil stuff. And then we wonder why the politicians are not ashamed to introduce legislation that is just dripping with partiality.
They probably learned it from the church. I shouldn't have said that. That's, that's, that's, that's not correct.
That's not correct. But I'll tell you right now, the evangelical leaders that have big platforms, the conference speakers, the book writers, all of those kinds, they're engaging in the same partiality that is all over our society.
That's, that's the sin of our society is just partiality all over the place.
And the church has to stand against it. The church cannot participate in these schemes.
Is it any surprise though, for, for, for Tim Keller? I mean, his whole social justice, you know, you know, project is all about partiality.
All of these churches are engaged in partiality and they're teaching it as if it's a good thing. And to be honest with you, like at this point, like people always ask me like, when should
I leave my church? When should I leave my church? If you're going to a church that is separating the body of Christ, according to vaccination status and all of that kind of thing,
I would get out of there immediately. I would get out of there immediately because they're teaching that which is evil as if it was good.
And it's, again, it's not complicated hermeneutics. It's not things where we agree to disagree. There's direct scripture about this exact thing, where people sit at the assemblies.
It's unreal, but in any case, um, yeah, I mean, I think, I think that about does it.