Wednesday, October 4, 2023 PM


Sunnyside Baptist Church Michael Dirrim


much needed tonight. And we'll ask for the Lord's help right now as well. So we'll go ahead and pray to begin.
Father we do only these we only we're only able to do these things by your help.
By your Spirit Lord do we read and have faith and what you have told us and only by faith can we teach it.
So Lord cause my fear to be in you and none other.
Cause my eyes to be on my Lord and Savior as you would have me and as I imitate your example.
Let us have clarity in this word Lord that we may understand who your King is who your anointed is how he rules and what he expects of us and how we may glorify his name exalting him as you would have us to do and seeing him everywhere that we walk and set our eyes upon.
So it's in his name we pray and ask for your help. Amen. Okay so we are returning to the comedy of the
Sun. We'll go ahead and open up again to Psalm 2 and we'll be reading verses 1 through 9 tonight.
So we are now to act 3. We've dealt with the first block of text verses 1 through 3.
Second block of text verses 4 through 6 and now we will be dealing with 7 through 9 tonight.
So it's the second Psalm verses 1 through 9. I'll begin reading. Why do the nations rage and the people plot a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the
Lord and against his anointed saying let us break their bonds and pieces and cast away their cords from us.
He who sits in the heavens shall laugh. The Lord shall hold them in derision. Then he shall speak to them and his wrath and distress them and his deep displeasure.
Yet I have set my king on my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree.
The Lord has said to me you are my son. Today I have begotten you. Ask of me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance and the ends of the earth for your possession.
You shall break them with a rod of iron. You shall dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel.
As I said welcome back to the comedy of the Sun. We've considered literary structure to begin with characters and some themes and we've broken up the text into four blocks and seeing how those each of those verses relate to one another in concentric circles calling and creating what we call a chiasm and we've broken it as it's also compiled in the
KJV some some text they'll mash it all together and they won't break it up into triplets as we have here but in the
KJV they've broken it up but we're also considering them as acts in a comedy that stretches across the breadth of history so from beginning to end the story of history is about Jesus and here in the psalm we have all of history condensed into one song it's a little mind -boggling when you think of it that way but we are we're working on verses 7 through 9 tonight which
I've broken into act 3 and the way we were studying this and we left off with the
Lord having focused his gaze upon the king and who is called his anointed or his Messiah and it had dual references to both our
Lord Jesus and David as he penned this and we can see a lot of a lot of contextual evidence why it can be given to both
David and Jesus and in act two we see the
Lord's active pleasure and displeasure simultaneously present displeasure upon the kings and the nations of the earth and pleasure upon his anointed the kings are distressed because of the
Lord's wrath and the anointed is exalted to Zion a reference that can be applied again to both
David and Christ as they both ruled there David sat on a throne with reference to the earthly Zion and Christ as we discovered last time now sits on a heavenly
Zion and a heavenly throne he rules from a mountain that can't be touched as we saw from in the
New Testament I believe if that was where was that Hebrews or Thessalonians I can't Hebrews yeah
I was in I was in Hebrews for that one though he rule he rules from that mountain that cannot be touched and since his body he is bodily there his body can no longer be touched either these realities give us loads to think about and we see the richness of these simple lines as we read later on in our
Bibles how the Lord has layered in metaphor and meaning to many of the themes by the way he governs history so if he's sovereign and he governs all of history it's he himself who is injecting meaning and metaphor into all that happens and how it's recorded in his word before we begin tonight to enter into verses seven through nine and trying to take a look at those with other texts
I'd like to begin are there any questions or thoughts from last time that maybe have cropped up and have either been bugging you about the way it was delivered or maybe not you didn't quite understand because of the way it was delivered yeah so the divisions in the
KJV the way that they haven't the way I prefer and like it are verses 1 through 3 verses 4 through 6 verses 7 through 9 as a group and then verses 10 through 12 those are the four groups broken up into four acts and there's a different way you can do it that I was kind of looking at where you would you can take let's see but most of these actually by the line you can take all of them and they match up perfectly with the exception of verse 12 it actually has two extra lines there at the end or one extra line that could have been separated out the beatitude at the end the blessing that's given at the end but I like the way that they broke it up in the
KJV or the New King James especially because it does fit very well with the way that we're going through this text tonight and the previous text any other questions the breaking it up yeah yeah sorry too quick huh maybe that's why
I never get to 30 minutes I need to slow down I listen to podcasts at 2x and so it makes my it makes my voice go at 2x this is my it's a personal problem obviously so I would say the act 1 is verses 1 through 3 and act 2 verses 4 through 6 act 3 verses 7 through 9 and act 4 verses 10 through 12 and just like we usually get in the
Bible the climax of our story or the climax of what happens is right at the middle of a book or of a chapter of what we're looking at because we were meant to focus in layers at beginning to end at that central thing and that's where Jesus shows up here is right and right in the middle of this text for us now we'll go ahead and reread verses 7 through 9 real fast just to get a another look at it before we go into some of the other texts that are it's referenced by and can give us a little bit of depth to verse 7
I will declare the decree the Lord has said to me you are my son today I have begotten you ask of me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance and the ends of the earth for your possession you shall break them with a rod of iron you shall dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel now having read verses 7 through 9 aloud again we can first start by asking the question which is pretty obvious who are the main characters of this block of text and it is the
Lord the father as is as it's written down the Lord and David originally but we know who it's pointing towards and the father is decreeing to the son that you he is his son and that he's begotten this day but what other text does this remind us of off the top of our head does anybody have any where we we know where this is referenced
Brian's thinking hard all right
I'll go right to it then acts 13 starting in verse 32 if you would turn there with me and tonight
I'm going to be reading some big blocks of big chunks of text to give you a better idea of these texts because forgive me
I did not have as much time to prepare for this one but I did what
I could with the time that I had so and it to be honest with me with you guys the text is way better than all
I have to say anyways right starting in Acts 13 verse 32 and we declared you glad tidings that promise which was made to the fathers
God has fulfilled this for us their children and that he has raised up Jesus as it is also written in the second
Psalm you are my son today I begotten you and that he raised him from the dead no more to return to corruption he has spoken thus
I will give you the sure mercies of David therefore he also says in another
Psalm you will not allow your Holy One to see corruption for David after he had served his own generation by the will of God fell asleep was buried with the fathers and saw corruption but he whom
God raised up saw no corruption therefore let it be known to you brethren that through this man is preached to you the forgiveness of sins and by him everyone who believes is justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses beware therefore lest what has been spoken in the prophets come upon you behold you despisers marvel and perish for I work a work in your days a work which you will by no means believe the one were to declare it to you okay so in this text and I know that was again a big block of text we actually see a pretty good parallel don't we of all the themes that we have in Psalm 2
Christ Christ coming being the incarnate
Lord that he is and being crucified buried and resurrected and that's what he's talking about here not seeing corruption he is actually resurrected bodily into a perfect body and he ascends with that perfect body into the heavenly places and it's only by by this reality that we have forgiveness of sins in him as our mediator as he sits on the throne now we are seeing that Paul's gathering and applying a text that he sees is a reference remain wait may not be
Paul I might have done that somewhere else Luke acts right it's being gathered and applied as a text he sees a reference to David and has it its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus and that's one of the themes that we've really hammered home here at Sunnyside over the past few years is
Christ's fulfillment of the things of the Old Covenant and in the newness of the
New Covenant which we which he has brought and that's just reiterating
Michael's points of the shadows of the Old Covenant to the substance of the new the ruler of the over the earthly Zion saw corruption but Zion that cannot be touched he's no corruption and I think that theme runs runs through that we were looking at last time if you would now please turn with me to Hebrews 1 which is also a reference to the beginning or the the seventh verse of this psalm and I'll be reading the entire chapter on this one so buckle up but it gives it gives us a better idea of who who the king is who the anointed is so Hebrews 1 starting in verse 1 and I hope you enjoy this introduction to a book as much as I do it's one thing about the
Bible there's some wonderful introductions to books linguistically that can just catch your attention this is one of them for me beginning in verse 1
God who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets has in these last days spoken to us by his son whom he has appointed heir of all things through whom also he made the worlds who began who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he had himself purged our sins sat down at the right hand of the
Majesty on high having become so much better than the angels as he has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they for to which of the angels did he ever say you are my son today
I have begotten you and again I will be to him a father and he shall be to me a son but who or but when he again brings the firstborn into the world he says let all the angels of God worship him and of the angels he says who makes his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire but to the
Sun he says your throne Oh God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom you have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness therefore
God your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness more than your companions and you
Lord in the beginning lay the foundations of the earth and the heavens are the work of your hands they will perish but you remain and they will all grow old like a garment like a cloak you will fold them up and they will be changed but you are the same and your eyes will not fail but to which of the angels has he ever said sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool are they not ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation now there's a lot packed in there and there are a lot of themes that we can see are in other
Psalms or texts that are being referenced from other Psalms but when we have this as a second
Psalm and quoted as a second Psalm in Acts all the subsequent Psalms relating back to that one are expansions of what we have here this story in Psalm 2 we actually have this is a story of an anointing of a king it's a kingly Psalm and we are being told what that kingdom is going to be like each time we see
Christ referenced in the Psalms and his rule and his dominion mentioned in the
Psalms it's actually an expansion of what that is going to be like so we know that he's going to be king Psalm 2 promises us that it promises
Jesus that it's where we see the father promising the son you will have these things you will inherit these things but from there all these other references the
New Testament writers are they're grouping them together and saying all of it together and this is what it looks like yes you had you had the promise here but these are other references to other
Psalms that show us the fullness thereof and they're doing us a great service and placing those together that way we may mind the depths of that but with this text he obviously gives us a rich opening and he's added richness to metaphors and all the texts he references including the opening of Act 3 of our
Psalm here it may also be added that he has inlaid a wonderful case for Christ deity right there in the middle my
God said God said to my God right like so Lord the
Lord said to my Lord that's also layered in there and poetic language and it's not so much didactic where we see it in other texts from like Paul and the claims that we get from Christ about his deity and the
I am's that Josiah taught through this summer which we were greatly edified by I really enjoyed that class but now you like it's like a hammer sees an
L everywhere that's the way I am when I go through a study and that's that's what's happened recently is now you see the deity of Christ everywhere but these these texts are especially rich with it and I think he's drawing our eyes to that very specific thing and and it's also that is what establishes
Christ's authority for us now these texts were all in reference to verse 7 so let's move on to the references that we can have for verse 8 and to text which text that we should be pretty familiar with here at Sunnyside or at least within the past two years if we'll all turn to Daniel chapter 17 and this time it's only two verses so not a whole chapter but it's
Daniel 7 starting in verse 13 and this is a Daniel's visions in this chapter in the night visions so starting in verse 13
I was watching in the night visions and behold one like the Son of Man coming with the clouds of heaven he came to the ancient of days and they brought him near before him then to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom that all peoples nations language should serve him his dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away and his kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed and so if we can parallel that to what he said here in verse 8 what we know of it where the
Lord says ask of me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance and given given what we just read in Daniel 7 do you think
Jesus asked the father for this yes he did and the father was faithful to give how does the how does the text from Daniel 7 add or give us other metaphors or other language to understand
Psalm 2 8 and what it says what's what's in Daniel that's not in the psalm here that we're getting everlasting not pass away everlasting right and so when we're when we're reading it in Psalm 2 we don't get that that everlasting but it is a direct reference to this text itself inheriting nations and giving from the father to the son but in the night visions that we have in Daniel we now see a ramping up of that that it's not just that he's given him he's given him forever an everlasting
Dominion an everlasting kingdom and knowing where his throne is it can be nothing else than an everlasting
Dominion a place that cannot be touched by his enemies and so since the father was faithful with his and to fulfill his promise we see that the promise is one of permanence and the face of what is passing away these
Kings their Dominions their counseling their their conniving ways and plans those are all things that pass away but the things that the
Lord establishes the things that he lays the foundations of with the materials that he uses there are there everlasting things and doesn't doesn't
Psalm 2 bear out a similar reality though in that we're we're shown the impermanence of the things that the the
Kings are holding on to as well they hold on to impermanent things and and they themselves will find their their holdings impermanent when the king is in his rightful place having inherited all that is his how does he rule in verse 9 what does it say in verse 9 about his rule and his reign we read you shall break them with a rod of iron you shall dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel pretty violent stuff but let's let's look at let's take a look at some relevant passages though to see what see what we're see how the
Bible flushes out there's these two phrases here so let's go to Isaiah 11 and verse 4 verse 4 reads but with righteousness he shall judge the poor and decide with equity for the meek of the earth he shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked okay so now we have in this in this text here we have a connection between a rod of iron but also his lips and his breath okay so we're gonna see how that where that theme is also found another text here in a second another text that you don't have to turn to but I'll read aloud it mentions the same thing and connects those two themes together as well 2nd
Thessalonians 2 8 and it reads and then the lawless one will be revealed whom the
Lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming so with the breath of his mouth he judges with the breath of his mouth he rules and he destroys or as we see in in the psalm dashes them to pieces like a potter's vessel if you want to think of a nation as a potter's vessel and if it's broken into many pieces we kind of get a view of a whole thing now being fragmented
I mean nations being broke up and probably to smaller time tinier nations or nation -states and this is actually what occurred in the
Roman Empire after the fall after God's breath went throughout the entire
Empire so think of think of his his lips and his breath his word going out and empires falling that don't bow to him and this connection can also be made the rod of iron and breath or mouth of God in Revelation 19 15 which reads now out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that that with it he should strike the nations and he himself will rule them with a rod of iron he himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God and he has on his robe and on his thigh a name written
King of Kings and Lord of Lords so here again another text where we've got the way that the
Lord rules is by his word by his breath and it's compared to a rod of iron
I did not find any other text that gave me a different understanding of what this rod of iron was because that was the first thing when
I read it in study was I was like okay what's the rod of iron I know what the sharp sword is right we've all heard what what the
Lord's word is as a sharp sword but this seems to be the the rod being in judgment just as just as well as the the sword cutting and the way that it judges as well now again please forgive me that I didn't make all the connections with this text especially this being the richest portion of the psalm in my opinion you could spend months
I'm sure Spurgeon could spend years in this place and we're all thankful for that that he has because we not all of us have that type of a ability to center our attention in our focus on something like this but I hope we've got a greater picture of who our
King is how he rules what he rules with the objects that are given to him and the the way he expresses himself toward his people and how how his judgment is is seen throughout all that is his so as we close her before we close in prayer are there any thoughts or questions that have popped up in your minds when
I go to when I go to Genesis maybe we can figure that out but anyone else okay in verse 7 right so in the in the to the original audience what we would have here is
David declaring the decree but it being about Jesus Jesus is the one who's saying
I will declare the decree and then the father gives the decree from here on out about who his who his son is and what he is to inherit and ask for and also you can read the last two you shall break you shall dash as either charges or promises so it's either a something he's given his son to do the way in which he's supposed to rule as all
Kings they have a they have a standard by which they're supposed to rule and I think you can either read that as a charge to our
King or a promise of how or both right you can you can read it as both a charge and a promise of this is how you should rule and this is how you will rule and Christ fulfills all of us
I thought I saw another hand raised over here go ahead yes and in one of his emphases in John 17 if I remember correctly is unity as well make them one as you and I are one that's a very interesting portion of the high priestly prayer and he goes from he goes from personally petitioning the
Lord to petitioning on behalf of the disciples and then afterwards on behalf of all those who would believe by their word right so there's a there's a a very patterned way in which he's praying to the
Lord in this situation yes and and it begins it begins with him in his spirit and by all those who are his means of getting the gospel out to the rest of the world especially directly after his his death and resurrection and ascension and then we get those stories and acts right and then there were the rest of the epistles and the glorious ways in which the
Lord at every turn which we're kind of talking about in Philippians which is really attached to a lot of the things that happen in Acts you see
God's sovereignty in all sorts of ways and maybe even ways that aren't just that don't just leap out from the text at you anyone else yes sir yeah okay so we started the study by saying that we looked at the headings that most other translations give this give the text which are usually the coronation of the
Sun the triumph of the Sun I cannot remember which you had Doris and yours it was something really interesting though that I liked and what
I the premise that I gave was that yes these all these things are true but it doesn't speak to the holistic nature of what the text is and that it's actually something that's that's covered throughout the breadth of history we see it in the beginning begin in in Genesis at the fall and the promise and Genesis 315 and then we see it the culmination of Christ being crowned and on his throne and how he will rule and and how that's going to look so I said it's more of a breadth of history text rather than just one one specific spot though that is the main point of the text right that's the main point that we need to be looking at that the text is actually drawing our eyes to so I I said this is actually structured and plays out like a comedy a classical comedy high classic comedy that you would get in Greek theater or in Elizabethan theater and it's actually closer to Elizabethan theater in my opinion because it holds both the elements of tragedy and comedy and those are actually the best comedies so given that premise we broke this up into the four sections that the
King the New King James Version has for us as well and we dealt with them by act and by section and this is the act where I would say those those titles of the triumph of the
Sun coronation of the Sun I think that's very very true about this act right here if you want to have a title for any portion of the text that that was on in all of our translations that would be the point right there verses seven through nine very specifically pointing at Jesus his anointing and his coronation as we have it did
I did that answer your question fully or okay all right I just wanted to make sure I anyone else all right you guys
I'm past 30 minutes Wow and it's all it's all because of you out there in the audience no
I think I think we need to be thankful that we finally made it there so we'll pray to the Lord and we'll ask well we'll thank him and ask him to bless our way home
Lord we do thank you for this text it's glorious richness it's it's abiding in our hearts imprint this upon us you father when you took us and you remade us and you give us fleshly hearts you are re -imaging onto us
Christ and so Lord put upon us Christ all of his stories put upon us all of his all of his character and virtue we want to be like our
Lord and as we see him in this text high and exalted and worthy of all the praise and worthy of all homage and worthy of all obedience and honor we ask