2 Timothy 1, Guarding the Guarded


2 Timothy 1 Guarding the Guarded


2 Timothy 2:1-13, The Seed of Suffering

2 Timothy 2:1-13, The Seed of Suffering

Please open your Bible with me to 2nd Timothy chapter 1 Hear the word of the
Lord you mean the whole chapter Paul an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God according to the promise of the life that is in Christ Jesus To Timothy my beloved child grace mercy and peace of God the
Father in Christ Jesus our Lord. I Thank God whom I serve as did my ancestors with a clear conscience as I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day
As I remember your tears, I long to see you that I may be filled with joy I Reminded of your sincere faith a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother
Lois and your mother Eunice and now I'm sure Dwells in you as well For this reason
I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God Which is in you through the laying on of my hands for God gave us a spirit not a fear but a power and love and self -control
Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord nor of me his prisoner But share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God who saved us and called us to a holy calling
Not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began and Which now has been manifested through the appearing of our
Savior Christ Jesus who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel
For which I was appointed a preacher and apostle and teacher, which is why I suffer as I do
But I am NOT ashamed for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that day
What has been entrusted to me? Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus by the
Holy Spirit who dwells within us guard the good deposit entrusted to you You are aware that all who are in Asia Turned away from me among whom are
Phagellus and Hermogenes May the Lord grant mercy to the household of Anna Sephoris for he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains
But when he arrived in Rome, he searched for me earnestly and found me May the Lord grant him to find mercy from the
Lord on that day and you well know all the service He rendered at Ephesus May the
Lord add his blessings to the reading of his Holy Word Well, don't you hate to be on the losing side?
Wayne doesn't know how it feels Philadelphia Eagles fan. He forgot that was all old days He's on the winning side now.
Don't you hate to get that sinking feeling that it doesn't matter what you do Your team is getting beat
It's just a matter of time before you slink off the field in defeat Watching the other team give each other high -fives.
Don't you hate that? When I was about four years old, I was part of a softball game at the apartment complex we lived in in Birmingham, Alabama the game but it's like for everybody adult and child and It became apparent to me even at only four years old that our team was going to lose
So I decided to solve that problem And avoid defeat and all the wisdom of four -year -old can muster.
The only way I could I Quit the losing team and joined the winning team
Four -year -olds can get away with that Now growing up in Alabama. I've always been an
Alabama football fan even during those those lean years When Alabama was just another run -of -the -mill team, but over the last decade
It has been the dominant college football team winning five national championships over the last ten years
The result of all that success is a lot of new fans
People love winners. They love being on the winning side So now
Alabama football t -shirts and stuff is there are everywhere Mary found a shop in Singapore selling them.
I have a pastor friend who found them on sale in Jerusalem It is not at all unusual
Just be walking down the Danville Riverwalk and see someone go past with an Alabama shirt on of course one day
Hopefully not this season But one day Alabama will be just another team As in the pack and all those fairweather fans
Will put away their Alabama shirts and go after Whatever is the next big thing?
Probably NC State, right? Timothy is feeling threatened
Maybe he felt like he was now suddenly on the losing side. He was overwhelmed. He's intimidated
Fear you have a spirit of fear you're shamed He's intimidated by persecution from without and problems from within problems like false teachers and deserters
I'm sure there had always been some resistance from the religious leaders but for a while that resistance seemed like like nothing compared to the
Mushroom like growth of the movement that he was a part of for a time
Being a leader in those early days those glory days being a leader in the church, it was exciting
It was rewarding like being the founder of a corporation. That's just sweeping the business world except in this case
The rewards were eternal Converts were just flocking in people were eager to learn and to grow and do whatever they had to do in Jerusalem the
Christians there sold their property and shared everything in common They believed in the loftiest ideals of the
Lord Jesus and put them into practice. What's it just talk? They were doing this stuff similar things were happening in Ephesus where Timothy was the church was then a successful Thriving movement with apparently unlimited potential.
It was thrilling to be to be winning to be on the winning side You know the pagan temple they were dwindling
The idol makers were going out of business because so many people were becoming Christians no longer buying their idols
They were flooding into the church You know every week you'd come and there were more people than the week before Had to get new chairs that have to expand they were tempted to think look at all the growth
We must be doing something, right? But then No reason they could tell something happened the tide seemed to turn
Persecution went from mere harassment of religious leaders to the iron fist of the
Roman government To worship a crucified Savior had always been repugnant to the philosophical elite
Now the educated leaders were working to turn the the public opinion against the church
Christians developed a bad reputation the way they called each other brother Sister including their own spouses was used to start rumors that Christians were incestuous when they spoke even symbolically of eating the flesh of Christ and drinking the blood in the
Lord's Supper They were accused of being Cannibals what people whisper behind their backs.
That's for real But worst of all in Roman eyes was an accusation the Christians couldn't repudiate they could always say no
We don't know we believe in incest We don't we're not cannibals but the one they couldn't repudiate was that they would not worship the
Roman gods not even the Emperor and in an age when many people believed that bad things like like droughts or Earthquakes or defeats in battle that that happened because the gods were angry at them
Then Christians became convenient scapegoats the gods were angry with Rome So the explanation went because these
Christians they weren't worshiping them. They've thrown about their idols They're not going to the temple and the gods are having their revenge on us
So suddenly becoming a Christian was something to be ashamed of It was unpatriotic, you know un
Roman to be a Christian. It was uncivilized No Educated people don't believe in those that this
Jewish God it was even immoral and for Timothy this hit home
When his mentor and close friend the Apostle Paul was in chains and more than likely facing execution
And others fearful of the same fate were deserting like Phagellus and Hermogenes mentioned near the end here in verse 15
So one Sunday people come to church and wonder where's Phagellus and his family? And then the next
Sunday, where's Hermogenes and the wife and kids? People were falling away
Because they couldn't take the pressure the crowd started to dwindle Some of the teachers they had loved before Turned out to be false teachers.
It had to be denounced and then they took some followers with them away there were now empty seats where there had been standing room only before and now the temptation was to think
So many gone We must be doing something wrong Now What would
Timothy do? Perhaps you've experienced something similar Where there are times like maybe right after your conversion when
Christ seemed so so near and so dear When the Holy Spirit seemed to be electric in the in the air all around you
When you were in church every time the doors were opened because you craved hearing the
Word of God You crave worshiping and singing you listen to Christian radio or our podcast and read
Christian magazines and books Maybe you're even one of those zealots who even read missionary prayer letters.
You can believe anybody reads that stuff You prayed expecting immediate answers and when you got them you expected more and greater next time
You joined every ministry you could because you were sure the kingdom of God was going to break through This is important.
You had to be there, but over time the excitement seemed to escape Like air leaking out of a balloon
Some of that is natural As you learn some of what goes under the name Christian some of the things on radio and podcasts isn't really very edifying maybe after a while you get a little cynical and you wonder whether These lofty ideals that people talk about in church like the church is the family of God about making disciples
You wonder whether all that's just empty slogans. Is this a show we put on for the money You learn you don't have the gifts for some things so you drop them
You learn sometimes you need a rest from even those ministries you have a gift for but still
You you feel that something vital has been ebbing away Like you're running out of gas
You may know some who have deserted the church or biblical worship or even the faith all together And you pray for and you witness to them, but nothing seems to change
Over time that discourages you and you think What are we doing wrong?
That is making us lose To Timothy and to us the Apostle Paul has a strong challenge in this chapter and the challenge is the cure for our discouragement
Here he tells us five things to remember our heritage rekindle our gifts retake our cross
Recall the gospel and retain the pattern first Remember your heritage
Even though Paul is writing to a close friend. You think about that? This is a close friend of his not like us We just send an email quick.
We don't even say, you know, pretty much of anything about who we are But even if no, that's what he's doing.
He's writing to Timothy his close friend He reminds Timothy of his credentials just in case you forgot Timothy in verse 1
He reasserts his title as an Apostle He's an Apostle and that Apostle ship didn't come from a committee or a congregation or an ordination council
But it comes from God himself. That's where he's coming from. That's what Paul is saying we need to know that and in verse 3
Paul even mentions his human heritage that is the ancestry of people who zealously sought to serve
God that he is descended from and he knew purposely reminds Timothy of his own godly heritage you to Timothy Your heritage
He mentions his mother and his grandmother by name They had a sincere faith that they passed down to Timothy So for both men the baton of faith had been passed to them.
It was their turn now Now would they be able to faithfully pass it on to the next generation?
Well, Paula's telling Timothy that these people pass on a deposit to you now. It's your turn to guard it to spread it
Don't be ashamed of it And be able to pass it on finish your leg of the relay race
Timothy, and that is our challenge this morning Will we be so so weighed down? with discouragements
Embarrassments Intimidation we're afraid get discouraged again. This won't work out
Perhaps even fear of being on the losing side That we're losing fear of being called bigots and haters
Of being associated with a movement that is increasingly unfashionable and scoffed at We so afraid of all that that that we will fail to finish our leg of the race
It helps if we remember our heritage those who came before us and passed the baton to us You may have a godly heritage in your families like Timothy He had a mother and grandmother who gave him faith with his milk
That is as much as one person can give another faith if you fail You'll be failing them you'll be diminishing what they believed and sacrificed and prayed for But even if we did not come from a godly home, maybe your parents grandparents, maybe they were all
Pagan who knows we we are we are all recipients of the sacrifices of those who went before us in the faith
Those who like the Apostle Paul here were willing to lose their lives for the gospel that it might eventually get to us
That's what he's doing here. Isn't he the thousands of martyrs from Paul onward? forfeited their lives
So that their faith might live that it might get to us and we've lived and we live because of their faith later after centuries of the church following and falling into tradition and Philosophy rather than the the sound words that Paul mentions at the end there that the church reached a low point of corruption and confusion
But the gospel was guarded Evangelical preachers like Martin Luther or were willing to declare here.
I stand and face possible death So the church was revived and reformed and this church
Exists to guard that Reformation It's in our name second rekindle your gift
Because of your heritage the Apostle tells Timothy you should stir up your gift. The same is true for us
Perhaps the years of discouragement of disuse you've let your strengths and serving God become weak
Paul would tell you Rekindle your gifts the word there verse 64 for rekindle is an image like of a fire nearly dying out
Started a fire start to die out gets to a point. We're just glowing embers But if you can stir it up add some more wood or whatever you're burning or more
More oxygen get the flame To rise higher again, you see even though your gifts come from God you need to attend to them like you would to attend to a fire
Providing extra fuel and oxygen to keep it going and you do that through two ways through prayer and through practice
First you pray particularly pray to be filled with empowered by the Holy Spirit for it's the
Holy Spirit who is power the spirit Here he talks about not of fear not intimidated by we're losing.
I'm afraid to lose now But of look power and love and self -control
If you're controlled by fear Even just fear of being disappointed. You're not being filled with the
Holy Spirit The Lord Jesus said that the Father freely gives the Spirit to those who ask him
So we should freely and frequently ask him shouldn't we you have a promise you'll get you'll get in with when you ask so ask
The Apostle Paul said in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 18 He commands us there to be filled with the Holy Spirit So while it's true as Paul says here in verse 14
If we have the Spirit within all believers have the Holy Spirit dwelling within them. There are our fillings There are empowerings that we can experience.
It's something that we should be continually seeking and and Receiving just like you regularly seek
You know to be fed You know probably two or three times a day you want a meal you want to be fed to your stomach seek
Regularly to be filled with the Holy Spirit That's because we desperately we need his power for our gifts to be effective
Perhaps one of the reasons if you're discouraged That's what the reason you're discouraged is that you've been trying to witness or to worship or to live your
Christian life whatever you're trying to do by your own strength and Then you're disappointed because you don't have any power on your own.
So pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit He provides the oxygen your gifts need to be rekindled so you can burn with power love and self -control
But you need power to do things Perhaps one reason many Christians lack an experience with God's power is that they aren't they aren't doing very much
Here Paul is telling Timothy to rekindle the gift by putting into practice That's what you need to do.
Apparently he has been so intimidated as Timothy was so intimidated That he was afraid to practice his gift
Probably preaching and teaching if he's disappointed as you know, he's been preaching teaching so long and Hermogenes forgetless.
They heard me so long and look what became of them. Well, forget it. It's not working The Paul said you rekindle keep doing it get the fire burning again and the gift but he but he though he got discouraged
He stopped doing it and that gift began to weaken through disuse just like your muscles begin to weaken if you don't use them
Policy I can rekindle your gift by doing it put more fuel on the fire and he would say the same to us and We need power to keep doing things
We have to think of power. I think we look at that word. Maybe we think of the explosive power, you know about a power lifter just a
Second or two of a jerk and you get that weight up above your head. Maybe of a sprinter Like 40 yards and you're done or of dynamite just an explosion of power.
Maybe that's what we think Some like to point out that the word there for power is dunamis and there's where we get the word for dynamite
And that's true, but it means it means ability. You have the ability. It's you're not given a spirit of fear but of ability
And of love and self -control ability to do what? You need the Holy Spirit to give you the power the ability to keep doing
What you're called to do for Timothy preaching and teaching for you for you faithfully worshiping
Serving living every day for the glory of God like a long -distance runner that the power of endurance the power to keep
Grinding even after you're tired the power to push through that wall the runners cut distance runners call it to the end
You keep going even when others desert because they ran out of power when crowds dwindle
When people betray you when you don't look like a success anymore when it seems when it seems like You're on the losing side
Do you have that power three we take your cross
In verse 8 the Apostle tells Timothy that by the power of his spirit What do you power to do we take your cross?
You know rather than being ashamed because we look like losers through our suffering. He gives Timothy an odd invitation
What a weird invitation he gives Timothy look at that second half of that verse and verse 8
Come join my suffering Timothy Join with me in suffering
How'd you like that you respond to an invitation like that get the one in the mail over the Internet come suffer with me
What an invitation? But there it is and that's what the power is to do to suffer with him there it is up front
What is up is a mallet Paul here challenges Timothy, you know, you remember all that talk? We talked a lot
About the cross take up our cross. We sang that song lead me to the cross It's so good
So emotional and we were saying it and we preached it when the gospel was spreading like wildfire
The church was booming and people loved it. We loved it. Remember all that. Well, it wasn't just talk
So don't see the scorn and the persecution the deserters the false teachers the fact that we've been shrinking lately instead of expanding
Don't see all that as signs of failure You must be doing something wrong That's that cross
You said you wanted to take up it's all part of the call take up your cross again and see all the trials as Signs that the world and the devil and even our own sinful nature is
Rebelling against the gospel against the kingdom of God Because it's true Because it's from God And they hate it
Darkness doesn't like light Well, how about your own life? Was there a time when you read the invitation from Jesus take up your cross to deny yourself and follow him that you read that?
With delight you said yes Lord With eagerness Yes, that's just what the life
I want to follow Jesus no matter what you sang that song not be all else to me Save that thou art
You sang it with tears You're willing to go anywhere to do anything to lose anything to bear any burden to obey
Christ But over time That enthusiasm was eroded
Gradually worn down Perhaps now you find a little boredom
Maybe a little lack of recognition from others Maybe resentments toward others in the church.
You've been a little offended Maybe an obsession with money just daily grind of having to make a living
That's been enough to dampen your spirit You thought the Christian life would it be all thrills one day of glory one mountaintop after another and now it seems
Oh drudgery another time to open the Bible. I have to go to church That means that now
Congratulations because now is your time to answer that invitation Paul says it to us now.
Yes Share in suffering take up that cross not for some grim act of self -flagellation
But by relying on the spirit of power and of love and of self -control
Face that intimidation that fear of losing or that of that boredom
That feeling that you've been cheated that discouragement Choose to suffer wrong
Share in suffering by the power of God after all
Suffering is part and parcel of the gospel And speaking of the gospel fourth
Recall the gospel the Apostle wants Timothy to recall the gospel because keeping it before us is
The best way to fan into flame our zeal and gifts like Peter trying to walk on the water But sinking as he's distracted by the wind and the waves and the rain
Timothy is intimidated by the problems around and within the church Perhaps he's wondering whether he bought into the wrong movement
You know, this is what I signed up for all these problems I thought I thought we're going to keep growing
He's sinking So Paul wants to bring his focus back On the gospel not just on the promise.
You can Paul doesn't notice Paul doesn't promise him. Hang on Timothy I promise you just in a couple maybe a year or two. It'll turn around again and we'll be booming again
No, he doesn't say that take up your cross. Look at the gospel If you're discouraged intimidated if you
Discouraged or intimidated or just bored the cure for that is not just more steely determination
Not for me to browbeat you It's not even for the hope that well thing to turn it will be a success again next year.
It'll just coming around again soon It might not you might have to keep going Through things getting tough.
The cure is to look once again at The gospel and this time look deeper
Look as deeply as you can Consider its beginnings its ultimate origins.
That's what the Apostle Paul does here He mentions the gospel at the end of verse 8 and then in verses 9 and 10
He briefly explains it practically shouting how our salvation Came from and rest on God's sheer grace
Notice how he puts it Paul writes in verse 9 that he saved us
Interesting. That's the way Paul puts the gospel. He saved us He doesn't he doesn't just say that God made salvation possible
That it's available out there and like the way a store makes milk available But you've still got to go up go out and buy it for yourself.
No He doesn't even ask Timothy to remember how he remember how you received Christ Timothy to use our current terms
He doesn't say that either His focus is like a laser beam on what God has done he
Saved us Now, why did he save us? Because we did something that deserves special favor.
No Paul declares not according to our works But according to his own purpose and grace he saved us by his grace
For his purpose Our works that is anything that comes from us our actions or our attitudes our choices had nothing to do with it
He gave us that grace in Christ Jesus notice that it's not just kind of a holy word you throw in there just to make it sound sanctified
He's saying something important there. The grace comes to us in Christ Jesus that is by associating us
With the Lord Jesus by seeing us in Jesus other words by the father treating us as if we were
Jesus So the father chose to see us not in our sins
But in Christ's righteousness In other words, we were put in a right relationship with the father because he saw us with his son
Why because of his grace And in case we're tempted to think well God saved us because you know, he looked he can see the future
So he looked forward from eternity past and he saw what we would choose
He saw what we would do He saw we would go to church and choose to have faith in him And so we would deserve faith saving and so he saved us.
No, it doesn't work like that Paul insists that our salvation was something given to us before we were even born
He saved us In the past and he's so sweeping about it knows we were given grace he says
Translate this phrase in various versions. This is a different way for different versions put it before the beginning of time
He saved us before the beginning of time before the ages began from all eternity
Literally there the Greek says that God gave us this grace before eternal times or could be
Before the ages before there were any ages God saved us
So if you're a true believer here this morning your salvation wasn't something you just you picked up in church
Some years ago. It was there and you got it when you made your decision
No, that may have been when it was manifested when it revealed itself in time in our lives
But if you are truly saved then your salvation was settled by God's decree From eternity
So for Paul, our whole salvation was so settled. He's tell Timothy in verse 10 that Christ abolished
Give me notice that he abolished death past Abolished I'd say he's going to abolish or he's abolishing but he abolished death and brought life and immortality to light
Now he's not suggesting there's not still something of death to have to deal with near the end of this letter He mentions that he's nearing his own death, but he is saying that the believer never has to experience all of death
He may have to experience the death of the body the separation of the soul from the body But he does not experience spiritual death the separation of the soul from God and certainly not eternal death
When body and soul will be separated from God forever and for the true
Christian even physical death will be reversed in the resurrection and for Paul that is such a fact that He writes as he writes of it as if it had already been accomplished.
He abolished it because Christ has accomplished it He has done everything that needs to be done to abolish death
We're now only waiting on the implementation Death has been abolished
It's as good as done now looking at that This renewed vision of the gospel
This is the gospel that Paul reminds Timothy of boy if if Timothy need the pastor of these church in Ephesus needs to be reminded of the gospel how much more do we
Look at that this renewed vision of the gospel that lifts you out of discouragement or boredom
If you keep before you the truth that the gospel is guarded that our salvation is settled from eternity past That the doom of death and Satan is sure then you'll never be tempted to think you're on the losing side.
Maybe we're losing This vision of a God who saved you from eternity past out of his sheer mercy will inspire gratitude worship
Only gratitude for what God God has done in the past but a settled gratitude for what you now know
God will do in the future So that hope that trust in a grace that was settled in the past So you now know it will be there in the future that brings both peace and assurance
You know, nothing can quiet our fears Wipe away our discouragement like the knowledge that our safety is founded in the concrete of God's eternal decree he saved us
Recall the gospel have knowledge of what it is, but not just doctrinal knowledge of what?
But personal knowledge of who in verse 12, he says he knows the who
He knows him whom he has believed He doesn't just say well, I know the doctrines
About him. He says he knows him That's why even though he's suffering
He knows he's convinced that God will guard what has been entrusted To him that is
Paul says his soul I've entrusted my soul to him on my life my eternity the gospel itself
I know him and I know he will keep it safe He says he is suffering because Christ called him to proclaim the gospel.
You want to know why Timothy? Well, I'm in chains about to have my head cut off Feeling discouraged, you know, like things may were going not your way
Why people are desert want to know Timothy why people are deserting you why you're having hard times not because you're doing something wrong
But because we have the truth and Paul is able to keep going through the discouragement through the dwindling through the abandonment and insults and loss
Because he knows him whom he has believed Do you?
fifth retain the pattern Finally Paul challenges
Timothy out of discouragement and fear by telling him to retain the standard of sound words in verse 13
The word their standard or it could be a pattern is like what a seamstress uses
You have seen a seamstress get the cloth out and puts a pattern over it cuts around the pattern She carefully follows the pattern when cutting the fabric.
They'll just fly off on her own whims. Well, this might be a little different It's gonna be something interesting try something You know what
I feel like because it's new No now if the Apostles own close disciple had to be reminded to follow the pattern
How much more do we? For 200 years following the Reformation most evangelical churches didn't allow anything in their worship services
There was not explicitly from the Word of God that they were extremely zealous That we follow the pattern of sound words.
It was it were inspired by God Many like the Puritans would only sing Psalms like we sing one song.
That's all they would do. No other songs. No other hymns only Psalms They would find us a little too liberal Yeah, but now in our day, you know, you look at our chorus books the songs that are put out there
Some of there are fine songs but rarely when you see ones that are really closely following the pattern of Sound words in Scripture.
Well, they're just compositions poetry They're not following the pattern of Scripture. Now. Why is that?
Why is it that in our day? We're so loose with what we allow into the worship of God And the way we speak about the gospel
Just kind of we think we can compose or even we make up words for God We attribute them to God put them on a billboard
Something you know see what church this Sunday quote God. What do you say that what gives you the right to say?
God said something if it's not in the Bible Could it be that one of the reasons we're so discouraged or so weak?
It's because we're like someone's been gotten overweight and lethargic with by eating too much junk food We've gorged ourselves on junk teachings
Maybe always own relationships or pop psychology Motivational slogans our worship is full of sugar not protein
We're weakened with boredom intimidated by the world measuring success by numbers afraid of commitment and accountability because we've not carefully retained the pattern of sound words
We've not stayed on the diet of God's healthy words in Scripture.
And so we've gotten sick Off our own junk words. So in conclusion
Guard the gospel Timothy Guard the gospel covenant don't be discouraged ashamed or afraid
Certainly, don't be bored You're you're not on the losing side. Oh, you might have to go through some suffering.
You will have to count all things loss But you won't be in the end counted as a loser you won't lose because God will and most assuredly guard the gospel and Your soul notice that in all that Paul is trying to say to his friend
Timothy to encourage him to stay faithful That's what he doesn't do He doesn't like the burden of success of the gospel on Timothy.
He doesn't tell him This is what I've heard people say to Christians today you know if you fall away if you give up if you don't volunteer you don't go out there and witness if you don't help
Jim Jr. Or Jim this year all thousands will be lost to an eternity of hell and the gospel will perish
Falling into a black hole of superstition it all rests on you You go crazy if you believe that or you'd twist the gospel the
Word of God to reinterpret it that that might be in the short run that's probably is in the short run a
Useful way to manipulate people maybe you know, Paul could have usefully manipulated
Timothy here with that But he doesn't go there. In fact, he says the opposite of that doesn't he? You know, he doesn't say success relies on you
Timothy. You better get to work Because it's all gonna fail if you don't do what you need to do.
You don't say that He says I know I Know you're being intimidated
Timothy. I know you're fearful. I know you feel like you're losing you're discouraged people disappearing people deserting you
I get it But Timothy, I know I Know him whom
I have believed. I Know that he will guard the gospel He chose me to be safe safe from before eternity passed.
I Know that he will win Sure, forgetless and homogenies might defect to the other side
But God will raise up an anesthesia for us and that's encouraging and I know that no matter what
I have to suffer I'll be guarded. I know That I'll be on the winning side and There's our challenge in our incentive guard the gospel
Guard it because in it you have salvation Guard it
Because it is guarded by God himself and If you know him