Secularism's Insanity, then Credo's Promotion of Scholasticism


Tale of two programs today as for the first half hour we considered the daily onslaught of secularism's acidic destruction of Western society and life itself, and then switched gears to consider the newest edition of Credo Magazine and its full-throated promotion of, and defense of, "Reformed Scholasticism."

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to the dividing line hey there we go we're we're doing things remotely today well i'm i'm actually here but rich is remote and i'm not sure why i was going on that way anyway um i was actually just looking over some of the material that has come in for the new studio in the rv and i'm not sure when all that's being put together rich has plans within plans uh but i leave i think the 30th if i recall correctly maybe a little bit before that i'm not sure so uh we're coming up pretty quick on uh our first uh on the road trip dividing line from the new studio it won't be completely finished i have some ideas that will take a little while to uh initialize shall we say uh but uh we should be able to do something other than sit at the kitchen table uh this time around and uh i'm excited about that and i hope you are too uh as we have a lot of plans to do neat things while i'm on the road because i'm gonna be on the road a lot this next trip's 25 days uh the one in july is 33 days and i haven't even started booking september which will include g3 uh the uh g3 pre -conference uh put on by gbts which is um where the rest of the staff roast james way sort of looks like what it's going to be but we'll see how all that turns out and uh obviously i need to start making contacts as to coming and going from uh from atlanta and uh where how we're going to get there and i know there's at least one church down in louisiana that really wanted to do something uh you've got to understand i love folks in louisiana they're the nicest nicest folks you ever run into but i have to love them to drive on louisiana roads that's i'm gonna tell you oh baby uh new mexico louisiana so far in my experience bottom of the barrel as far as the highway departments are concerned there are some uh let's just say i'm glad i've got a big four -wheel drive to get out of some some of the potholes that i've run into on freeways on interstate freeways in both of those particular states um anyway so yep gotta gotta get down there you guys are great folks just need to do something about those roads anyway if you're like me you probably have been sitting around recently especially you start seeing the numbers coming out and asking yourself the question i don't know how much this dylan mulvaney guy and he is a guy is getting paid and i the first time i saw that guy prancing around like a fairy um and i literally i mean he was trying to act like a little girl like a little like a little fairy princess type thing i mean that's what he's doing and and i saw one just recently just from a few weeks ago where he's got teddy bears and just it's just anyway i i the first time i saw it happening i said this isn't for real this this is not for real he may go for a long time but someday he's he's gonna come out and he's gonna grow his beard out and he's gonna go got y 'all and became a millionaire doing it because he could uh i don't think he's done the surgery stuff so um yeah anyway you've probably seen the numbers i've seen as high as five billion dollar loss um not just in sales but in value of stock and things like that and anheuser -busch which is actually owned from outside the united states and i i don't know what they're paying him he's he's set for life one way or the other uh but you if you're like most just regular plain human beings you're sitting around going uh isn't this really stupid i i mean aren't you supposed to have spokes people that are you're supposed to sell more of your product couldn't they see this coming and i'm starting to see a lot of discussion of people saying doesn't matter this is all about index scoring and how your company is looked at by these people that are functioning on esg dei blah blah blah blah i'll be honest with you hey and i mean i say this to my christian brothers and sisters too if you're gonna throw around specialized terminology and acronyms please define them because there's sometimes i'm just left going okay it's a little bit like um the debate with um the fellow in uh telehoma who just i'm looking out at the audience and everybody in the audience just staring at him going are we gonna come to a point are you gonna slow down enough you can explain something at some point maybe possibly why are we here i don't know um yeah we don't want to do that we need to we have some idea of what all this stuff is about anyway uh i guess the idea is that you can get loans and it's all about the score that you have and the people in charge their pay is frequently tied to these these scores that are produced by they're not governmental agencies that they don't actually have any authority outside of the fact that they represent the minorities they represent lgbtqi pprstuv wxyz all this rest is stuff and these people have all the power it's not it's it's not been gained validly it's not by argumentation it's not by having connection to history it's based on fear these ceos these companies are cowards they're just that they have they they won't stand up for anything it's right because the preparation that has been done for decades now in the united states in the educational system that has resulted in a a collapsed inoperable worldview a humanistic secular worldview you know you know people i keep hearing people saying what kind of a parent would take their child to a drag show and i say the children of the preceding generation that are now fully secularized because they have they have no moral formation see moral formation comes from not only an educational system that forces you to deal with ethical and moral issues but it it comes from a religious formation as well it's a process and that's gone you you listen to these you know i'm watching right now i'm watching a homeschool mom walking out with her son there's a homeschool place near us and um i have security camera over here and it's focused on my truck because i sort of want the tires and stuff to be on when i get back out there and i live in phoenix now and phoenix is la east and uh so i'm so you get to see homeschool families pretty young ladies in long dresses and i just i'm just right now watching a homeschool mom walking out with a big box of curriculum and a young man there that has no idea no idea how fortunate he is i try to my grandkids and i and i with the with the most serious grandfatherly look i can pull off and i can i can pull off a grandfather look today better than i ever could before um i try to explain to them how blessed they are because it's so easy to go well you know i don't get to do this that other thing kids do at regular school you have no idea the blessing god has placed in your life that you are not in that moral meat grinder called the public school you know it's true one thing i know that's true is the vast majority of homeschooled kids can get their work done in much less time than when they are in public school and have far more time to learn much more about life do things with mom and dad have chores oh yep chores things that need to be done things that are teaching you to do things to be a functional adult and likewise to have interaction with your with your with your siblings i i was watching well i i was gonna pull it up and i can't yeah i can't unfortunate well can i um you know it's possible but it's gonna be hard because i'll be very distracted uh in the process oh wait a minute uh let me see here i might be able well but see i don't rich are you able to to put my uh screen up because i thought i saw my screen up at one point um there i am with um cadence and clementine outside the easter pageant you got it it was up there for a second i saw it up on the screen there it is there we are last saturday evening uh outside the easter pageant hadn't really started yet i mean it's sort of early on but um with cadence and clementine i loved that there there was there was once i was looking around for him and i couldn't see him you can put it down now um and i i looked around looked around and i felt i saw cadence talking to this guy in a um but where did he go there he is um cadence is talking to this guy in a scooter that reminds me i said i was gonna get him something i still need to do that um and so i walked over and ended the guy ended up being a member of the united church of christ so that conversation was pretty interesting no two ways about it um but then word started getting around that all the missionaries have been told they could not say anything to us they could not talk with us so clementine just goes scooting across the she sees two missionaries staying over in front of the visitor center so she goes scooting across the street just walks up to him is it true that you all can't talk to us why do you think that might be uh the young ones the young ones honestly i think get more tracks out um than us older folks do they really do um as far as just straight old um track distribution is concerned uh they they do they do a great job anyway uh those young ladies it's very very very easy i think for them to be told you know well you're missing out on this i think no they have no worthy idea and i love watching the interaction between cadence and clementine um i honestly uh sunday night i was watching them goofing off like sisters do and giggling about stuff that sisters giggle about and i just could not get and this i'm dating myself here badly badly but i could not get the song from white christmas out of my mind remember that that's the 19 what was that 1955 somewhere around there i i was not born in 55 i was born just a few years after that um but there was a song that they that uh rosemary clooney and the real pretty blonde she only did pretty much that movie she was an incredible dancer um almost anorexic but anyway uh they sang um a song called sisters and i i just couldn't i couldn't keep it out of my out of my mind as i'm watching cadence and clementine and i'm from my vantage point down the road i'm sitting there going do they have any idea how precious it is to have the relationship that they have right now i i just don't i don't think you can know that until later on in life unless you're wise enough to listen to your elders who are trying to tell you you have got it good you have got it so good even when you're doing your chores you're learning responsibility you're learning to do things you're i mean those girls oh i know i know i know i know some of you guys get to the theology part we don't care about this well it's all tied together um the girls stayed over at our house um i don't know what was that about a month ago overnight i think two nights and one morning uh i was like man i'd love to have an egg and so cadence and clementine said we'll have a contest we'll each make you an egg and you have to tell us who did it better so i i leave the kitchen i go in the other room and they come walking in uh one i think was so like over easy the other was scrambled which is what i normally have and stuff and they had just they got out the pans they did that but they did it all on their own and i don't think i could have done that at their age and it was great i had to call it a draw it was it was uh you know what are you supposed to do um but it was so neat to see just what a fantastic job um eric and summer are doing with uh with the kids and and homeschooling them and and raising them in the fear and admonition of the lord and of course i've had the opportunity of baptizing both of those girls and that's certainly a highlight of of life as well and uh so what what a tremendous advantage that they have that they they have the opportunity at this young age of having moral and ethical formation to be faced with these issues not just a not just a uh to be forced into a way of thinking by peer pressure in the public indoctrination centers that we all have to pay for the tunes of thousands of dollars per year so anyways all this coming back to this is this is where the next generation is uh when you look at the when you look at the surveys of the um claimed sexualities of the generations and you look at generation z nearly 20 claiming to be lgbtq plus you know that's not possible you know that's not real but you can force people into these self -destructive behaviors because they're not looking at the future they've been they have not been taught to look at the future because their parents don't look at the future their parents are focused upon themselves not the future therefore they have no role models other than to you know uh follow that line and the result is the destruction of a once great nation there's no question about it there's no question about that at all and so that's what we're that's what we're looking at as we as we look at you know the numbers on the uh election of a pro -murder supreme court justice the supreme court was it michigan or wisconsin one of the two anyways up there and the information coming out that it was primarily college students that created the 11 point gap in that con in that contest and that's what's coming these people will overthrow the constitution they will they will embrace any kind of self -destruct they will bring this nation down because they don't know anything else to do they they are they are ethically and morally malformed and there's only one thing can fix that there's only one thing can change that and we all know what it is um so uh anyway i'm also looking at a picture we before we went out to the easter pageant last week we had family pictures taken i did survive by the way guys those who who contacted me and i had made mention of on the program and uh i've only seen one of the pictures so far because they're no it takes photographer time to do it but it's a beautiful picture my wife cannot take a bad picture she can't from the time that we met it is astonishing she can't take a bad picture even when i've tried to catch her and she hates me doing that just careful um if i ever if i ever do disappear it because i was trying to take a picture of my wife when she didn't want me to um but she's it's this beautiful picture of her and she's holding ransom and ransom is that point is that at that point of development that first year where he's able to judge distances and so he knows when mom or dad are getting too far away and he's being held by someone who isn't mom or dad or cadence or clem uh or even janny he has i told him when he was born he has four mommies and he does but even when nani's holding us mommy can't wander too far off and the the concerned look on his face i i lord willen um in the not too distant future when we attend his his wedding if they still allow such things it may have to be done in secret like in braveheart um but uh i would just love love love oh my goodness wow i'm just i'm just sitting here and this video pops up on my twitter feed and it's people uh robbing a couple from a motorcycle and the guy just runs off it's like wow anyway um that that picture will end up we will end up using that picture for the wedding thing you know you run the pictures and embarrassing pictures of like that speaking of which you know i've been talking i think about talking about this and we are going to switch topics here but the level of evil that scrolls across our screen um y 'all saw i over the past month and a half i've seen incredible murders on twitter most of them are in chicago um almost all are black on black violence this is uh two black guys robbing a white guy and a white gal um but the heartlessness the the brutality the there it's not only there's no fear of god before their eyes i mean people try to criticize romans 1 and romans 3 for being uh too dark and too down on mankind are you kidding me just watch twitter for a week and and you'll go paul was a cockeyed optimist it's not just there's no fear of god before their eyes there is no recognition of their own humanity before their eyes that's the end result that's that's the result of generation after generation after generation of blinded eyes so much light around and squinting and and saying no i i i will not do that i will not follow that perspective i will not go there um it it's truly frightening because there's there is there is no human way to deal with this kind of behavior um in a just society these individuals would be executed quickly and somehow some kind of we hate god's law we don't like god's law we don't like what god's law says has crept so deeply into the bones of even evangelicals that we can literally sit back look at the american criminal system realize that what the american criminal system does because it rejects god's law it rejects the execution of murderers it rejects the execution of rapists um and it does not do restitution instead it's a system of slavery what what do what do you call it when you take someone take away all their property and put them in a cage that's called enslavement and so you you just become a slave for a certain period of time now there was a time when you actually couldn't work to make restitution stuff like that i i don't know what that even exists any longer it's probably been rendered illegal or something i don't know but this isn't a just society and this isn't just legal system any longer now it just does enslavement rather than actual punishment for these kinds of crimes and of course i know on the mouth two or three witnesses you you have to have some element of the spirit of god working in a society granting common grace or it is just simply anarchy and when it gets the point of anarchy that's when people cry out for control and that's where you get tyranny and instead of the tyranny of the many which is anarchy you get tyranny of the few which is totalitarianism there's only one way to avoid it but right now this society has no intention of doing that one word called repentance and sadly the church has no intention of saying repentance either just doesn't it just doesn't i'm not even talking about the radical left -wing nut job heretics out there i'm talking about in the vast majority of sound churches you won't repentance what's that never heard of it anyway um okay so last on the last program um i responded to the first half hour of presentation by dr michael cardi at the shepherds conference and wanted to engage various of the issues um about methodology sources to once again try to explain to folks hey these are my concerns uh this is why i think that this uh scholastic methodology is not an advancement at all um it will not see scholasticism will not produce you know there's some classical biblical commentaries that were written in the last century uh i think john murray's work on romans is just just a masterpiece it's wonderful um and there were numerous other commentaries and john and gospels and but if you are a concerned active lay person you you you buy commentaries you want to do work you want to all that kind of stuff um you will very quickly discover that there are different kinds of commentaries and especially when you buy a commentary in a quote -unquote scholarly series you will find that the devotional theological and even contextually exegetical content gets buried the more the commentary seeks to show off its scholarly acumen or the more scholastic it is so you will very often invest a ridiculous amount of money even if you buy it electronically in log -offs or accordance or whatever um you will run into these commentaries where you you will go for pages of discussion of what boltman said and what bart said and um just all sorts of establishing your your credentials shall we say in citing this and citing that and very often you're just looking for some some light on a on a difficult phrase or how is this understood at that time and you don't get it or you get it barely gets touched on at the very end and you're like i'm not really sure how they got there and man i'm really confused by having read everything that i had to read to get here and that's a form of scholasticism i think that should be in footnotes if you're going to do it um there are times when you have to deal with textual issues historical issues and you know some commentaries that their intention is to go this is how this group's understood it and this is how this group's understood it and this group over here and okay those aren't my favorites my shelves are filled with them but they're not my favorites but that's a form of scholasticism and it doesn't the scholastic method whenever it has become predominant by its very nature does not bring the sheep of christ into the process in fact to protect the position of the scholars who practice scholarship and scholasticism obviously connected terminologically speaking there is a purposeful utilization of specialized terminology that makes the lay person dependent upon the scholar to come to the final conclusions i've often thought and it's been my goal in in my ministry in my ministry to take difficult issues and actually bring everybody into the conversation make them understandable explainable useful i've done that with textual criticism i've done that with all sorts of theological issues even issues relating to the quran and islam or mormonism whatever you explain what you're talking about you make it understandable to as wide an audience as you possibly can i'm not saying that there aren't some times where it's okay to sit around and speak scholarese but those should be the exception certainly not the rule and so going back to what i was saying there's been some tremendous commentaries in the last century that will stand the test of time and they required scholarship on the part of the author but the author then made it understandable to a very wide audience and that's what edify is the body scholasticism whenever it has become predominant has left the lay people out it's it's meant for people who just love all the details and stuff and i get it i get it i i've sat around with i think of one time i sat around with a textual critical scholar and can't imagine what people sitting around us in a restaurant would have thought or were thinking as they listen to us having a very very in -depth very very technical very very few people in the world would understand what we were talking about conversation it's appropriate for that type of thing to happen but it can't be the goal and it can't be the norm because if if you're having that kind of conversation does not result in your ability to then explain to the non -technical person the relevance to their life and to god's truth of what you're talking about at some other context then you were probably either just stroking your own ego or wasting your time one of the two that's my opinion on things anyways and so when we did the program on tuesday i had no idea i had no idea that credo magazine uh and matthew barrett is the guy giving direction there was dropping that day uh an entire issue volume 14 issue 1 2023 reformed and scholastic is the front cover credo reformed and scholastic and here's uh let's just take a look at it here uh ryan mcgraw uh what is reformed scholasticism are reformed fathers use scholasticism to convey orthodoxy uh christopher cleveland truly john owen truly formed truly scholastic peter sammons from masters jerome zanke our forgotten scholastic forefather i'll be looking a little at that uh owen anderson stephen sharnock the clarity of god's existence in providence uh france turretin but then um under uh columns first principles reformed scholasticism the reformation as renewal retrieving the one holy catholic and apostolic church of course it's the name of barrett's book um wholesome protestant doctrine gold in my own backyard by timothy gatewood i think could be wrong i saw some discussion about this that timothy gatewood is matthew barrett's assistant i could be wrong about that i was just assuming that was the connection was being made steve meister shows up from up in uh sacramento reform scholastics in the pulpit the need for clarity and consistency in the ministry of the word well there is a need for clarity and consistency in the ministry of the word but i can guarantee you one thing scholasticism will never provide it that was one of the things the reformers were responding against at that particular point in time um there is an interview between r.
scott clark and timothy gatewood why you should change your mind about reform scholasticism um if you love the puritans then you already love the reform scholastics joel beakey process scholasticism is the historical link that binds us to the reformation richard muller um etc etc oh an ad fontis approach to aquinas of course gotta get aquinas in there someplace uh it's just required now this was um this this need to find the um d d d d d where'd it go oh i must have put it in the other program this was also the episode episode the uh issue april 12 2023 derrick bright has an article was john calvin a biblicist now derrick bright i responded to at the end of the last program and we went through all sorts of just slanderously bad argumentation and accusations against me that derrick bright was making so it struck me as ironic that it was the same day uh well actually this came out yesterday so right before a few hours before credo magazine was going to be dropping with articles like this and he echoes a number of the accusations he makes here but here's once again when one person utilizes straw man argumentation that reflects upon the one person when an entire movement is dedicated to the use of straw man argumentation then you start wondering what's really going on so here is a paragraph from uh derrick bright in credo uh what's calvin a biblicist the answer is a resounding no so here's here's a paragraph biblicism can be defined as a rejection of everything that is not explicitly made clear or stated in holy scripture thus eschewing secondary authorities such as creeds and confessions in favor of the bible as the only authority now by now most of us are just tired of having to respond to this kind of simplistic dishonest argumentation we're we're tired of it we've spent quite some time um making very clear distinctions and arguing from original sources that there is a reformed biblicism that this reflects is reflected when i presented this in calvin's response to satellito which y 'all ever heard of heiko obermann ever heard of heiko obermann um one of the most famous church historians of the last century and he finished off his career teaching at the university of arizona in tucson arizona which is about 90 minutes down the road from me here and i had the opportunity in i think it was 89 if i recall correctly of attending a doctoral seminar in his home i was looking at possibly it was a six -year phd program and i was just looking as what would even be possible financially with alphanomega ministries stuff like that and so i was invited down and so i attended a seminar in dr overman's home in i guess i would call that would that be northeast tucson it seemed to me or at my recollection tucson's obviously grown a lot since then so anyway guess what the subject was yeah it was calvin's response to satellito and so this is a this is a topic that it was becoming important to me at that time because 89 is when i'm just starting i mean the first uh debate we had with roman catholicism is 90 so i'm already having a lot of the encounters and so i'm you know all the way through seminary i've been dealing with mormonism joe was witness stuff like that now we're doing you know now during seminary i've finally had a really good church history professor and so i'm reading in that area voraciously and uh so this was perfect to have the opportunity to listen in for many hours on an in -depth discussion of the context and background of calvin's response satellito so that's one of the reasons why i utilize that as sort of my resourcement for trying to accurately point out that john calvin did not use the scholastic methodology of the medieval period that does not mean he didn't use language does not mean he didn't use certain terms or things like that but if you can't tell the difference between reading the suma and reading the institutes then you're not really paying much attention and i'm not sure you really have anything to say this whole subject anyways they obviously did not want to use peter lombard they didn't want to use the sentences they did not want to reproduce the dry crusted over scholasticism that had enshrined the soul decaying coldness of false roman catholic teaching that they themselves you know post -tennabrus lux after darkness light what was the darkness can you seriously say that the scholastic method of the medieval period was not part of the darkness and why would it be part of the darkness because the scholastic method as seen in thomas aquinas is not based upon it does not draw its life from the highest view and understanding of sola scriptura in fact it's interesting i forgot to do something sorry um sorry i had to turn the volume off on the phone there um the the scholastic method in the medieval period would allow you to do debates and disputations and all sorts of fun stuff like that but what it was missing is what i have criticized over and over again and i have not heard anybody on the other side even try even try to um defend thomas at this point you know i've heard people say oh you need to read thomas's uh commentaries or um can sometimes uh once in a like okay all right so we've walked through romans 4 and we've looked at this passage in that passage and we've looked at stuff on tradition and and when i when i wrote my article for uh the gpts journal i was very fair to thomas contextualized him recognized where he was and one of the points is he was at a time in history where there had been centuries of creeping diminishment of the centrality of the scriptures over against an ever hardening thickening superstructure of tradition and this is how he can look at the text of romans 4 and come up with three different kinds of sin rather than seeing the beauty of justification by faith it's because of that frozen structure of tradition that becomes the lens and hence the ultimate authority so i was fair to him uh i don't see a lot of people being overly honest with him on that level amongst the scholastics every system eventually every you you look at the history of the church from say the 6th century up through the reformation and it's going to repeat even after reformation there are periods of renewal many of the monastic movements were started by people who wanted to see spiritual renewal that renewal they saw a fundamental degradation taking place and they wanted to get rid of all that but what's what does history show you as soon as that that new renewal becomes popular it starts attracting people and eventually especially after the origin the originators die off which they did faster back then they do now um you have the development of scholasticism you end up there's a there's a reformed scholasticism there's an arminian scholasticism there's a there's a methodist wesleyan scholasticism everybody develops that period of scholasticism over the next generations part of that's necessary in the sense of codifying and answering questions that the original folks were too busy doing their reformation thing to actually respond to but much of it is simply due to human nature human nature wants to tame reformation movements and make it something you can put in a book and so over and over and over and over again through church history you have had people seeking to do something good and right and proper and then a few decades down the road you end up with a dry husk of what they initially had envisioned now i would say that the one thing that the reformed movement has that many of the other movements did not have and cannot have was a commitment to sola scriptura and tota scriptura and hence there is there always has to be and if a person wants to be at all quote -unquote confessional they have to at least say what the confession says there is always this emphasis upon this very high view of what scripture is and hence its primacy in the origination of our theology and our practice and our beliefs and that works as a counterbalance against the coldness and deadness of reformed orthodoxy because you can there look at europe look at the northern european nations that had the brightest lights within them had the brightest lights within them in reformed theology and reformed history where are they today netherlands just think of the dutch theologians but where's the dutch church today all those northern european nations had believing lutherans dutch reformed they had the bible everywhere where are they today you can have all the correct theology in the world if it is not spirit born and spirit applied it will become dead orthodoxy a stench in god's nostrils a stench in god's nostrils and the is that the scholastic movements unless they are constantly reined in by the need to be doing serious exegesis founding their beliefs not in speculation and self -citation and well this scholar says this and that scholar says that so we start building up what do you what do you start doing you start building up traditions you start building up traditions the tenebrous comes back as the looks becomes less and less bright and every generation has to fight to keep what's central central because the tendency is to move away from that into a form of scholasticism that becomes cold and dry so i said in the last program what what has happened that we've gone from you know in the in the 80s early 90s this reformed movement wasn't the first time it had happened in history but we all recognized hey something's going on here god's using men like rc sproll and this message of god's sovereign grace you think of what happened with the catholics and evangelicals together stuff and the strong reaction against that and the and the examination of of what really matters and what bound us together well we were still a pretty small group and yeah we had a great history and everybody had the purple set of steven sharnock sitting on their on their shelf but they weren't going well you know uh sharnock um you know seems to be using terminology that thomas used here and therefore we need to be resourcing thomas and it's like no nobody was doing that we wanted to get people to understand god's sovereignty and the primacy and power of grace and reading thomas aquinas isn't going to get you there because for every good thing he said he then vitiated that by his practice because of the day he lived in and the traditions he submitted himself to so we weren't going there back then we needed to get the word out to more and more people and so we were united and we weren't we weren't parsing every little word that someone would use i'm not sure if you're actually viewing god as actus purus with that term do you have your are you really recognizing the inseparable operations that flow from thomas's understanding of divineship digitally we weren't doing that there are a bunch of people out there that were sitting there saying you can't believe in divine election and be an evangelist that's so much more important so we reunited we could all get together hasn't taken long just a couple decades for the scholasticism to come back in and the one thing scholasticism can never do and will never do is unite because you see you can always be more scholastically correct than somebody else and you can always look over at somebody else and go well you know i'm not sure that person over there quite accurately applies the the principles that i've come to understand and it divides fractures sends people off in different directions it doesn't unite now the argument the argument of course is yes we as long as we all agree and and i you know i get why protestants don't see this i i get it i get it but do you have any idea how many different perspectives there are out there just on thomas aquinas amongst the dominicans just just don't like them the articles flying back and forth and the disagreements yeah it's yeah it's it doesn't unite it doesn't unite so anyway um back to this paragraph really quickly because i'm out of time um derrick bright's definition of biblicism is laughable it's a straw man it has to be they can't deal with the biblicism that calvin actually presented in an honest fair fashion it goes on to say this type of argumentation which also led to a rejection of the use of aristotelian metaphysics then notice let's check out this sentence which also led to the rejection of the use of aristotelian metaphysics the trinity etc so you put aristotelian metaphysics and the trinity right next to each other wow where is this being taught you you actually went there i wonder if he really would believe that you can't have the trinity without aristotelian metaphysics i've heard some guys getting that close that's real um that's real scholasticism there it's absurd it's the end of anything protestant it's the end of any supremacy of scripture but wow okay uh this type of argumentation which also led to a rejection of the use of the trinity etc historically originated from the sassanians oh today the term has been co -opted by some in the reformed church as a contrast to the teachings of the great tradition who do you think that's about hi this has led to great confusion at best and at worst an outright undermining of the reformed faith so now you have now you have credo magazine publishing derrick bright saying that if you hold to biblicism which we will straw man and be dishonest about then you're a sassanian and you're gonna deny the trinity and uh you you are uh contrasting this to the teachings of the great tradition capital g capital t there you go there you go and you all every time you folks are going we're not doing anything about the great tradition and stuff like that and i just go yeah give it about six months give it about six months and here's is this leading to unity no it's leading to straw man misrepresentation and scholasticism has a long history of it a long history of it i was going to look at some of the comments from peter sammons but we've we've gone way over but there are some fascinating i just to all of you who are going i just think you're overreacting and all the rest of this stuff um just just open up your own browser and go to credo credo mag .com
click on it uh read dr salmon's article read it for yourself and just ask yourself a simple question when did this start being taught at masters because it wasn't for decades on end decades on end that's a fact that cannot be argued now if you want to defend it come straight out do it like i said last time but let's be open about it shall we okay okay all righty went a couple minutes over there but that's how things go thanks for watching the program today like i said um we're putting the the uh we're gathering the materials i saw some lights out there and cameras and uh everything else um if you go to alman .org