The Exemplary Witness



Oh good morning everyone, I would like to invite you to take out your Bibles and turn with me to the first chapter of the
Gospel of John and hold your place at verse 6.
Want to begin this morning with a question and I hope that it makes sense.
I actually did a little poll this week online asking other people this question, wanting to see what answers
I would get and obviously I can't go around the room and ask you all what your answer is but I'd like for you just for a moment in your own mind to ask yourself this question.
If you could change or maybe just the word better be improve, if you could improve one thing about yourself what would it be?
This time of year, this is the beginning of the year, this is our first Sunday of 2025, it's good to see so many people here on this
Sunday, keep it up. But it's a wonderful thing to see everyone and so I ask, you know, many of us when we come to this time of year we start thinking what do
I need to improve, what can I do, what can I sort of take stock, some people make resolutions which last about 15 minutes but a good question sometimes for us to ask is if there was one thing in our life that we could change, one thing that we could improve on, one thing that we want to be different what would it be?
I asked this question online and got many interesting responses, a lot of it had to do with health and fitness and wellness, a lot of it had to do with spiritual things, want to be more disciplined in prayer, want to be a better at saying no to my flesh, things like that, those were some of the answers that I received.
But as I was asking this question I wasn't asking it without motive, I really wanted to see when asking that question how many of us would say that if I could change one thing about myself that I would want to be a better witness for Christ, that I would want to be better at sharing
Christ, proclaiming Christ, telling people about Jesus, I'd want to be more bold,
I'd want to be more humble, I'd want to be stronger in my witness.
Because honestly I think if we really got down to it that's one of the areas that so many of us really do need to consider an area of growth.
Now some of you are wonderful witnesses and you often come to me and you tell me I was sharing
Jesus with this person, I was telling this person about Jesus, I was proclaiming the gospel to this person.
I'm not going to put you on the spot but I will. My brother Mike every time we talk two or three times a week, almost every time
I talk he goes yeah I was telling somebody about Jesus or I was talking to somebody about Jesus or I was witnessing and again I hope you don't be embarrassed by that,
I'm not trying to put you on a pedestal. But that kind of thing is something that I wish
I was better at, I wish I had as many stories. But again
I want to grow in this area, I want to be a better witness for Christ when
I'm talking to people and when I'm living my life before people, this is something I want to grow in.
And so as I was considering this week, I want to tell you as I sat down to write the sermon
I first started writing from verse 6 to verse 13. Because as we're looking at the what are called pericopes or sections of scripture that you take apart and teach, verses 6 to 13 hold together as one thought or one pericope.
But as I began to write my thoughts on verse 6 and verse 7, I couldn't get past verse 8,
I was like this is enough. I'm already preaching almost an hour every Sunday, I don't want to go two hours but I mean it's like if I had gone all the way to 13 we would have never made it out of here.
So I said you know what I just want to look at verses 6, 7, and 8. Because what 6, 7, and 8 are going to show us is that of all the things that can be said about John the
Baptist, and there are many wonderful things that are said about him in scripture, the thing that John and his gospel seeks to focus on in the life of John the
Baptist is not his preaching, it's not his arrest and death, it's not his birth which all of those are talked about in other gospels, no it's his witness.
The word witness is used in the gospel of John almost 50 times and half of those times are related to John the
Baptist as the witness of the Lord Jesus Christ. The one who came, who was born to be his witness.
His very purpose in life was to be the one who would point to someone greater than himself.
And beloved I pray today that we understand that in a way that also is the purpose of our life.
Jesus said we are the light of the world but not the light of ourselves but we reflect the light of the sun to point to one who is greater than ourselves.
So let's stand and read this short section of this gospel. John chapter 1 beginning at verse 6 says,
There was a man sent from God whose name was
John. He came as a witness to bear witness about the light that all might believe through him.
He was not the light but he came to bear witness about the light.
Let's pray. Father in heaven as we examine just a few verses today
I pray oh God that we would draw from this text what you intend for us to see that I would not impose upon this text things that are not here but Lord that we would learn from your word through your spirit what you have for us and I pray oh
God knowing that these passages are not here by accident this was not simply a slip of the pen of the gospel writer but Lord these verses are here intentionally though seemingly abruptly in the text and I pray
Lord as we consider not only what they mean in regard to the person to whom they point and that is
John but Lord how that also points back to us.
Lord we are here in this world you have called us to be ones who shine the light of Christ and point people to him.
So Lord I pray that through this message today that Lord you would in your mercy and your grace help us to understand the value of being a witness for Christ and I pray oh
Lord as I pray every week that you would keep me from error for God I am a fallible man and I am incapable of erring and I don't want to for the sake of your name and for the sake of my conscience and for the sake of the people who will hear this please
Lord keep me tied to the post of your word and do not let me stray and I pray oh
God for the believers who are here Lord that this would be a message of encouragement to them today a message of exhortation to shine the light of the gospel so that all might see and Lord I pray that for those who are here who do not know the
Lord we know Lord there are always those who have not yet come to saving knowledge of the
Lord Jesus Christ and I pray that through the proclamation of the gospel today that they would hear that they would be given by your spirit an ability that they do not yet have and that is the ability to turn from their unbelief and trust in the
Lord Jesus Christ and through trusting in him by the power of your spirit that they might have life that was the very reason for which
John came he preached so that those who heard him would believe in Jesus Lord I pray that same today for the preaching of your word in Jesus name
Amen. We're continuing this morning in our journey through the prologue of John's gospel this being our next book in this church it is our it is our custom to preach through books of the
Bible last year I preached through the book of 2nd Corinthians before that it was
Colossians and then before that I think it was Genesis which took three years and I started a few weeks ago in the gospel of John knowing that it will probably be like Genesis a multi year investment of time so there will be weeks that we take off we're going to take off next week we're going to be ordaining a deacon so we will separate ourselves to the focus of that for one
Sunday but in general we go verse by verse through books of the Bible it's just our practice and when
I knew when we opened up John's gospel that this was going to be as I said a huge investment and not only an investment in the book itself but also an investment in just this first 18 verses
I think this is our fourth or fifth week in the book and we've only now come to verses 6, 7, and 8 because this opening of John's gospel which is called the prologue of John is so rich and so full of important theological truth that we can't just run through it we have to stop and invest time in learning about it.
This first 18 verses of John serves as a launch pad for the rest of the book.
If you don't understand the prologue you won't understand John. If you don't understand what he's giving us in these first 18 verses you're not going to understand what he gives us in the next 20 chapters.
We are not going to really be able to understand what John is trying to say unless we understand what he's saying in these first few verses.
And as we have seen this prologue of John centers around identifying this character, this person who is referred to as the
Logos. That's the Greek. In English it's simply the word.
And John we get our words like logic from that word Logos. Biology, the word
Logos is the ending of that. It's the suffix which means the study or the word about something.
So Logos means word and the gospel of John begins in the beginning was the
Logos. In the beginning was the word. And the word was with God and the word was
God. That's such a marvelous mystery about how the word can be with God and be
God at the same time. And we invested time over the last few weeks in learning about what that means and how do we understand that.
And after in verse 1 John identifies the word, he then begins to set the word in his place regarding his relationships.
In fact if I could tell you that's what I think the prologue of John is about.
It's about helping us understand the relationship of the Logos to everything else.
We have his relationship to time. In the beginning was the word. We have his relationship to deity and he was with God and he was
God. We have his relationship to creation. All things were made by him and nothing that was made was not made by him.
We have his relationship to the world. The world did not know him.
We have his relationship to Israel. He came unto his own and his own did not receive him. We have his relationship to the flesh.
The word became flesh and tabernacled among us. We have his relationship to Moses.
The law came through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
We have his relationship to his purpose. It says that he came to make the
Father known. It says actually the Greek word he came to exegete
God. To exegete means to expose or to draw out or to put on display and that's what
Jesus did. That's what the Logos did. That is his relationship to all of these things.
Well today we are going to see his relationship to a man and that man is going to be the focus of verses 6, 7 and 8 but also that man becomes a focus again in verse 15 and then in verses 19 to 37.
That man of course is John the Baptist. And so we're going to look today at three facts that we learn from verses 6, 7 and 8 about this man known as John the
Baptist or as this text simply refers to him as John or as the witness.
And so our outline today is very simple. We are going to look first at the identity of the witness.
Then we are going to look at the responsibility of the witness and then finally we are going to look briefly at the humility of the witness.
These are the three things that we see in verses 6, 7 and 8. So let's begin with verse 6 which gives us the identity of the witness.
It says there was a man sent from God whose name was
John. Now I don't know about you but when I'm reading
John's Gospel and I read this massive opening like the prelude to an awesome orchestral number.
In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God and he was with God in the beginning and all things were made through him and nothing that was made was not made by him.
In him was life and that life was the light of men and the light is coming to the darkness and the darkness is not overcoming.
There was a man sent from God whose name was
John. It just sort of comes out of nowhere. It breaks into this great orchestral prelude and just sort of stops the momentum.
I was listening to John Piper talk about this passage and he said some people just when they are reading that they automatically have to think is this a mistake?
Like he was going with so much force it was like the crescendo in a song it was just getting better and better and then boom.
Oh yeah there was this guy but again this section, this portion of this
Gospel it's about relationships from the Logos to all other things. And so now
John has sought not to interrupt the flow of thought but to add to the flow of thought this very important figure in the life of the
Logos. Understand this he has not even mentioned yet that the Logos is going to become flesh.
He's not even told us yet who the Logos is for certain but what he wants us to know for sure is he wants us to know who the prelude to the
Logos is. Who the forerunner to the Logos is. So he says there was a man.
Understand that. This is the first man mentioned in the text. You say the
Logos is a man, the Logos is Jesus. Yes but the Logos hasn't become flesh in the text yet.
The Logos doesn't become flesh until verse 14. This is the first human figure mentioned. He's mentioned the
Logos who at this point is referencing Christ in his pre -incarnate state. In the beginning was the
Word. The Word was with God and the Word was God. But there was a man. John was not a divine figure.
He was not a divine figure. Though he was a man certainly used of God, filled with the Spirit of God and was a powerful preacher of God, a prophet of God, the last
Old Testament prophet of God, he was himself not the
Christ. He was a man. And so John's interruption in this great prelude is to simply point out there was a man and he says about this man that there was this man who was.
And I know this is going to sound funny but you know how much I like to look at language and I like to sort of see how the language works together.
The word was is an important word. It's a verbal form of the idea of being.
And so John's interruption in this prelude it's a be verb. That's what we call it. And when we look at so far the word was has been used of the
Logos. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and the Word was with God. That word was is a different Greek word than this one.
Because that word was indicates the Logos' pre -existence.
That he already was. In the beginning, in fact I mentioned this when I preached on it, I said if you look up the
New English translation and you look up their rendering of John 1 .1, in the beginning the word already was.
And the reason why they put that idea of already in there is because they're trying to indicate what the Greek does indicate and that is that use of was is already was.
But then there is agoneto which is the Greek word for come or become. And so when this says there was a man, another way of saying it could simply be there came a man.
This man came. This man became. This man is a creation. What do we know about the
Logos? He's uncreated. What do we know about the Logos? He is not part of creation.
But this man is part of creation. There came or there was a man.
And that's what John is. He is a man. And you might think that's simple.
Yes, but in relationship to the word it's profound. Because the word is the
God man. There was a man sent from God.
Now that word sent is the verbal form of the word that we translate into English as apostle.
Apostello is the verb and this is the part of sepial form of that verb. So it's a little bit different but it's basically the word apostello.
There was a man who was sent by God. The word apostle is an interesting word.
It simply means one who is sent by someone else. When Jesus sent out the twelve, when he sent out his apostles, they were apostles by nature of his sending them.
That's what makes them his apostles. Today many people claim to be apostles.
And for just a moment let me just stop for a second and say the original apostles had a very particular and special place in the history of the church.
According to the scripture they were the foundation. It says the church is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
Christ Jesus being the cornerstone. So they had a specific place in the founding and building of the church.
That's why we read this morning from the Nicene Creed. One, holy, universal, and apostolic church.
Right? So there's a reference to that. But the word apostle can have a broader meaning.
It certainly relates to the original twelve. Matthias of course taking the place of Judas. And then
Paul who called himself the one who was born out of season. Right? He's an apostle but not like the others.
There are other men in the gospel who are given the title of apostle but we always call them little a apostles, not in the category of the twelve.
And today if you were to ask me are there apostles today not like the twelve? Some pastors go by the title apostle and if that just means you know sort of like pastor sent one.
That ain't the hill I'm dying on. I don't care. But in general today when people claim apostleship they're claiming some kind of authority that doesn't belong to them.
That's the danger. The appropriate way today if we were going to say an apostle would be like for us it would be
Scott Phillips. Because he is a missionary. We send him. We send money to him.
We want him to go and so he goes. And he goes because we're not the only church he sent.
We're not even his sending church. So maybe that's a wrong way of applying it to him. But you understand what I'm saying? A missionary is sent by the church.
And so that would probably be the best way to use that word today. Would be not necessarily for a pastor but rather for the missionaries who we send out.
But coming back to this idea John there is a man who is sent by God.
And the idea of apostella, the idea of the sending here is one who has the authority of the sender.
That's why we talk about apostolic authority. Why did the apostles have a particular form of authority? Because Christ had sent them.
Christ had given them that authority. I give you authority to tread on serpents and to go and to cast out demons.
I give you that authority. John had been given an authority by God.
A calling by God. A sending by God. In a moment we're going to see what that was but this is just to point this out.
He was sent by God. There was a man sent from God whose name was
John. Well that's simple enough. We know the
John to whom he is referring. But he does not stop to qualify who this
John is. And as I was thinking about that this week one of the things that he doesn't do in this gospel is he doesn't really explain who
John is. As I said earlier if you look at John's, this is going to get confusing,
John the Gospel writer, John the Baptist. When you look at John the Gospel writer's writing about John the Baptist what you learn is he doesn't say a lot about him that we learn in the other gospels.
He doesn't mention his miraculous birth. Remember he was born to old parents. Right? He doesn't mention that he preached repentance.
That's not in John's gospel. Doesn't mention that he had a peculiar diet and wardrobe. What was that?
He was, he wore camel's hair and he ate locusts and wild honey. It doesn't even mention that he baptized
Jesus. It implies it because he says he saw the spirit descend on him but doesn't say he did it.
It's implied in the text but it's not described. He doesn't even tell us about John's death.
He does later mention that John was in prison but it's literally if you read through John's, it's just a, it's like this was when
John was in prison. Like, like everybody knows that. But he doesn't mention the situation with Herod.
You guys remember how John died? Herod's daughter, I'm sorry Herod's wife's daughter or his brother
Philip's wife's daughter and that's why John was in prison. Because he happened to mention that fact.
And she danced for him and he said you can have everything up to half my kingdom. And she said I want the head of John the
Baptist on a platter. And so it happened.
But again none of that is in John's gospel. John's gospel
I think assumes a lot of prior knowledge. It assumes that his audience already knows a lot about what happened in the life of John the
Baptist because he doesn't feel the need to fill in anything or to tell anything. What he does do, and we're going to see this in a moment, he talks about John's mission.
He doesn't talk about John the person. He talks about John's purpose, not his person.
There was a man sent from God whose name was John. And that's it.
That's what we get. We don't get a lot of information about him. Now that is his identity as comes to us in the text.
And my first thought as I was considering this is I thought his identity is being overshadowed by his mission. His identity is being overshadowed by his purpose.
Because who he was was not as important as what he came to do. Who he was was not as important as what
God had called him to do. What God had sent him to do. That's what mattered. And so this brief interruption in the text is an interruption to simply say there was this man sent from God whose name was
John. But then it immediately goes back to the focus of who the focus is on and that's the
Logos. That's who we've been talking about since verse 1. And so verse 6 breaks into that. There was a man sent from God whose name was
John. He came as a witness. And this is what takes us to the responsibility of the witness.
We've seen the identity of the witness. He was a man. He was sent from God. His name was John. Now we see the responsibility.
He came as a witness. To bear witness about the light that all might believe through him.
Now, I'm not going to go into too much detail the English word martyr comes from the
Greek word for witness. Over time the
Greek word marturion was transliterated into Latin.
It made its way into the Latin Vulgate as martyr and then has been adopted into our
English language which our English language is a hodgepodge of various other languages anyway. And martyr simply got included in our language but with a different meaning.
Was John a martyr in our sense? Well yeah, I mean he died. And he died for proclaiming the truth.
But that's not what the word witness meant when John the Gospel writer is writing it.
The word marturion was not about someone who died for what they believed in or died for their proclamation.
The word marturion simply means one who gives a testimony. It was a legal term.
It was one that was a courtroom term. In fact, something I'm beginning to notice as I'm studying through John and preparing my messages and thinking through.
John uses a lot of courtroom language. John uses a lot of language that is intended to point us to this idea of there being a legal case for Jesus Christ.
He's got witnesses. He's got proof. He's got judgments. All of these things are pointing to the fact that we ought to believe in this thing because, or this person, because this person has every reason for us to believe in them.
Just like if you were to be sitting in a jury box and you were told to render a verdict.
And the witness comes up and gives the witness to the case and you have to make a verdict.
We're going to see this call for the verdict throughout John's Gospel. This call to believe.
That is to look at what the witnesses have said and believe in their witness. We still use that today.
You go to court, what do they say? Call your first witness, right? Call the one who's going to come and give testimony.
John is introduced here as the first witness. In fact, if you will, he is the first witness of the case.
What's John's Gospel? What's the purpose of John's Gospel? We talked about this five weeks ago when we started this study. The purpose of John's Gospel, it tells us in John chapter 20, these things have
I written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. That's why I wrote. So now we've got the first witness called to bear testimony for that thing that you would believe in that person.
Here's the first witness. He was a man sent from God. His name was John. He came as a witness.
Now, when we read the text, it says he came as a witness and we see the phrase to bear witness about the light that all may believe or might believe through him.
Now, we have there what's known as a purpose clause in the original.
The term is hinnah. It's the hinnah clause. So another way to read it, if you will, would be he came as a witness for the purpose of bearing witness.
Now, that sounds like it's superfluous, sounds repetitious, but that's the point.
He's telling us his responsibility. He's telling us his purpose. He came as, for this very purpose, to bear witness about the light.
What light? What light is being referred to here? The logos.
If you go back just a few verses, it tells us in him, who's the him?
Him is the logos. In him was life and that life was the what? The light of men and the light has come into the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.
This is the light that John has come to bear witness to. This is the light that John has come to bear witness for.
The logos is the light coming to the world. John is the one whose job it is to tell everyone the light is coming.
Now, you may wonder, why would Jesus need that? Jesus is miraculous.
Jesus is amazing. Jesus is like a bolt of lightning and John is like a candle.
Candles don't give light to lightning bolts. What's the comparison here? John came first.
John came before. His responsibility was to go and make straight the path of the
Lord, to prepare people for the coming of the Lord. That was his responsibility, to go before and to prepare them for receiving him.
What does it tell us later? We're going to learn about this more when we get back to John after we take a little break. But when we come back in verses 9 through 13, it says the world did not what?
Did not know him. The world didn't know him. But John's job was to go and tell people about him.
John's job was to go and prepare people to receive him. This is why once Jesus comes on the scene,
John is no longer the central figure. He's no longer the focus.
In fact, we're going to see this in a moment when we look at his humility. He even says that. He must increase and I must decrease.
I came first, but I'm not first. I came first because God has appointed me.
He has sent me to bear witness about the light, but I am not the light. So John came as a witness to bear witness about the light.
Here's the next purpose clause. First purpose clause, he came as a witness for the purpose of bearing witness about the light for the purpose that all might believe through him.
Beloved, John's purpose in life was that people would believe through him.
And please notice the use of that preposition.
Notice it doesn't say that all would believe in him. John was not seeking people to believe in him.
He was seeking that people believe in Christ through him.
Boy, that's a big difference, isn't it? When we think about the purpose of a witness. The purpose of the witness is not to develop a following for themselves.
And there were those who followed John. There were those who thought John was the Messiah. There were those who tried to exalt him, but his purpose was not to be exalted, but rather was that people would believe in the light through him.
His identity was overshadowed by his mission. His responsibility was to bear witness to the light.
He was not trying to bear witness for himself, but for the light.
And this leads us to the third thing, the humility of the witness. It says, he was not the light.
But came to bear witness about the light. Now, understand this,
John the Baptist did not write that part, but it agrees with what John saw in himself.
When John the Gospel writer says he was not the light, that again is going against any supposed presuppositions that someone might have that John the
Baptist was the Messiah. No, he was not the light. Instead, he came for the purpose, that is the third
Hinnoklaws in these three verses, that he came for the purpose of bearing witness about the light.
Some thought John was the Messiah, but John knew that he was not so. Some thought that John was the one who was going to take center stage, but John knew it was not so.
In fact, for just a moment, since you have your Bibles open to John 1, just go down to verse 19.
We're going to look at this more closely later, but for now, just reading through it, it says, and this is the testimony of John.
When the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, who are you? He confessed and did not deny, but confessed,
I am not the Christ. And they said, what then are you Elijah?
He said, I am not. Are you the prophet? And he answered, no. And they said to him, who are you? We need to give an answer to those who sent us.
What do you say about yourself? John knew who he was. Look at verse 23.
He said, I am the voice. I just like that.
All I am is the voice. I am the voice of the one.
Crying out in the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord, as the prophet Isaiah said. Again, he's seeing himself as a fulfillment of prophecy, which he was.
And he says, I am merely the voice. I am not the one. I am not the focus.
And so they asked him, it says in verse 24, they had been sent by the Pharisees, but they asked him, verse 25, why then are you baptizing if you're neither the
Christ nor Elijah or the prophet? Who do you think you are? If you're telling us you're not the Messiah, you're telling us you're not
Elijah, you're telling us you're not the prophet, who are you then?
Why are you doing this? Why are you baptizing? And again, we're going to talk more about this when we actually get to this portion of the text.
But I just love this when he says in verse 26, I baptize with water, but among you stands one you do not know.
Even he who comes after me, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.
Now, we know there's more to what he says. As he says also, he says,
I baptize with water, but what? One who's coming after me will baptize with fire.
That's not here, but in other texts, we know he's referring to Jesus. His job, and he knew it, was to point to someone greater than himself.
He denied any titles. He recognized he was a fulfillment of prophecy.
He said, I am merely a voice. I am here for this purpose to make straight the path of the
Lord. What does it mean to make straight? It means to prepare the way, to remove obstacles, to get people ready. He said,
I'm unworthy. I'm unworthy even to stoop down and tie his shoes. And he was not offended by Christ being greater than himself.
He was not offended that his whole life's mission was simply to point to something greater than himself. He wasn't even offended when his disciples walked away.
Just for a moment, look down with me at verse, well we'll start at verse 29.
The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him. I can't wait to preach this verse, because he says,
Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. That's a six month sermon.
Just what a beloved truth. Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
This is he of whom I said, after me comes one who ranks before me because he was before me. I myself did not know him, but for this purpose
I came baptizing with water that he might be revealed to Israel. And John bore witness, I saw the
Spirit descend from heaven like a dove and it remained on him. I myself did not know him, but he who sent me to baptize with water, that's
God, because it told us that in verse six. The one who sent me said, He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain, this is he who baptizes with the
Holy Spirit. And I have seen and borne witness that this is the Son of God.
And the next day again, John was standing with two of his disciples and he looked at Jesus as he walked by.
Can you just imagine Jesus just walking by? Sorry, just, here comes
Jesus. And John can't help but to say,
Look! It's the Lamb! It's him! Behold the
Lamb of God! And John was standing with him. And it says in verse 37, The two disciples heard him say this and they followed
Jesus. And it is not my purpose to add to God's word, but I want to just say,
And John was not offended. John was not offended that those who were following him now followed the
Christ because that was John's purpose. He was not the light!
He came to bear witness about the light. So when people who heard him followed
Jesus, he was elated because that was his purpose! Now some people argue about verse eight because it said he was not the light.
Because later in John 5, Jesus actually calls John a light.
In chapter 5, verse 35, speaking of John the Baptist, Jesus said, He was a burning and shining lamp and you were willing to rejoice for a while in his light.
Yes, John was a light. There are two different Greek words here, I don't want to get too much into it, but the words do have the idea of one as a source and one as a reflector.
And I think that really is the point. Jesus is the light that gives source to all other lights.
He tells us we are the light of the world, but that light does not come from us.
That light comes as the moon reflects the light of the sun, so too do we reflect the light of the
Son of God. So Jesus says of John, Yes, he was a light, but he wasn't the light.
Yes, he was a burning lamp and his purpose was to go before and his purpose was to show the way.
His purpose was to remove the obstacles. His purpose was to prepare people and in that way he was a light.
But as I said earlier, like a candle cannot be compared to a lightning bolt, John cannot be compared to Christ.
For his light simply pointed the way to the greater light who is
Christ. John's identity is overshadowed by his mission.
His responsibility was to point people to the light and his humility was shown in his lack of self -interest.
He was not interested in building his own kingdom, but rather building the kingdom of Christ.
And he said, I must decrease, he must increase.
There's a famous quote by a man named Nicholas Ludwig.
He was also known as Count von Zinzendorf.
And this is the quote, Preach the gospel, die and be forgotten.
Oftentimes when we hear that quote, it stirs us in two ways.
One, it stirs us because it's a succinct description of humility. If my goal in life is to point to Christ, then
I ought to preach the gospel and not be concerned with my legacy, but the legacy of Christ. But it's also one that's hard to capture in our heart, honestly, because it's so difficult to reconcile that it's not all about us.
It's so difficult sometimes because we are so focused on our own self -interests.
We are so focused on our own lives. When our lives are merely meant to be a reflection of the light of the
Son of God, not that our lives won't matter, but that the ultimate way that our lives matter is when our lives are lived for Him.
Andy didn't know it this morning when he said it, but he quoted the quote, which is so often quoted and important to be remembered.
And that is only one life will soon be passed, only what's done for Christ will last.
Only one life will soon be passed, only what's done for Christ will last. Beloved, we are called to give testimony for Christ.
We are called to be witnesses of what we have seen and heard.
But we are not called to build our own kingdom and win a following for ourselves.
But rather, we are called to point people to the light.
And I found another quote this week. I don't know who wrote it, but it was something that stirred my soul.
And this is where we'll end. This person simply said, in all humility, I hope someone knows
Jesus and or knows Him better because I lived.
What a sweet and simple prayer that would be for all of us this year. As we go into 2025 and think about our responsibility to be witnesses, what a sweet prayer we could all pray to say,
I hope that someone knows Jesus or knows Him better simply because I lived.
Beloved, do you know Jesus this morning? Well, just for a moment,
I want to close by saying this. If you came here today and this is all new to you, perhaps even the words that I've said talking about the
Logos and talking about John the Baptist, talking about Jesus, perhaps this is all foreign to you. Maybe you didn't grow up in a
Christian home. Maybe you haven't been in a church. Maybe it's been years since you've been in a church. I want to tell you about the light because that's what
John would want me to do. He wouldn't want me to preach about him. He would want me to preach about Jesus. The Bible says every one of us is a sinner, both by nature and by choice.
And because of that sin, we deserve to be separated from God. We deserve to receive the wrath of God, His punishment.
But the Bible says God loved the world in this way, that He sent
His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but will have everlasting life.
Now, why is believing in the Son of God what saves us? Because the
Son of God lived a life completely devoid of sin. He never sinned once in thought, word or deed.
And when He died, He did not die for His sins, but He died for the sins of all who will trust in Him.
His sacrifice is not for His sin but for ours.
And if we place our trust in His finished work, our sins are applied to Him and He bears their weight and we receive from Him the gift of His perfect righteousness so that we can stand before the throne of God, not having a righteousness of our own which comes from the law, but a righteousness which comes through faith in Jesus Christ.
Beloved, if you have that righteousness today, praise the Lord. In a moment we're going to celebrate it when we take the table.
But if you don't, it is my encouragement to you this morning to repent of your unbelief, turn from your sin, trust in the
Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. And if you've never done that before and you need to talk to someone, me or one of our elders or one of our deacons after service would love to talk to you.
Let's pray. Father, I thank You for Your Word. I thank You that it is true and we have the testimony of men like John to remind us of its truth.
Lord, help us to remember that we are here to proclaim
Christ. That is our mission, that is our goal. And let us be this year, even more than ever before, focused on the mission of being reflectors of the light of the