The Problem With Judah Smith! (Justin Bieber’s NEW Pastor)

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. For a long time,
Justin Bieber's pastor was Carl Lentz, who was recently fired from Hillsong, New York, because of adultery.
It seems that Justin really doesn't know how to pick a good pastor or a good church, because he has now shifted over to Judah Smith, who is the pastor of Church Home in Kirkland, Washington.
I made a video about Judah in the past, but there's some new evidence I just found about him, which makes him an even more dangerous false teacher than I first thought he was.
So without further ado, let me offer you three biblical reasons to never listen to Judah Smith, Justin Bieber's new pastor.
Number one, as I mentioned in my last video on Judah, he is quoted as saying that Joel Osteen is, quote, the single most
Christ -like person he's ever spent time with, end quote. This comment alone is enough to make him a false teacher, because he is directly slandering the name of Jesus Christ when he says that Joel Osteen, a false teacher, resembles him.
In Matthew 7, 15, Jesus says that we should, quote, beware of false prophets, and he would have been deeply offended if one of his supposed followers was comparing a false prophet or false teacher to him.
Of course, eyebrows were raised at the fact that Judah made this comment, and he responded to the growing criticism by saying that he, quote, didn't want to draw lines of division, but rather circles of love.
I'm not sure what any of that mumbo -jumbo actually means, but it certainly isn't biblical. As I said before,
Christ himself commands us to separate and beware of false teachers, not to affirm them and compare them to Jesus himself.
That brings me to point number two. Judah Smith also affirms the false teacher, Bishop T .D.
Jakes. Jakes is, in many ways, an even more obvious false teacher than Joel Osteen, because he directly denies the doctrine of the
Trinity. John 1, 1 -2 says, quote, In the beginning was the Word, that is,
Jesus, and the Word, Jesus, was with God, and the Word, Jesus, was God.
He was in the beginning with God. According to the Scriptures, Jesus was both
God and with God. That is why we believe that he is a co -eternal member of the
Trinity. But T .D. Jakes happens to believe that Christ is merely a manifestation of God, who first came into being when he was born of the
Virgin Mary. In other words, T .D. Jakes denies that Jesus has always existed, which also means that he denies
Jesus was always God, because God is, by definition, eternal. Jakes is a liar, a blasphemer, and a heretic, who has absolutely no place in the
Church until he repents and recants of this false teaching. But Judah Smith doesn't seem to share that perspective.
In fact, he put T .D. Jakes on the board of his own church. Here's a picture from their own website to prove it.
And this is yet another reason that Judah Smith is complicit in false teaching, and he does not have the discernment to be a pastor whatsoever.
This brings me to point number three. Let's take another look at one of the many theologically inaccurate and unbiblical statements made by Judah Smith over his very short career.
Some people say that I go too far back into the past to find statements made by false teachers, so in this video, how about we use a little statement that was made this year, 2021.
In a tweet on July the 6th, Judah Smith said the following, quote, Put this on repeat today.
You are not alone. God is so proud of you, and He loves you. I agree with some of the sentiment here, but I wholeheartedly disagree with the idea that God is always proud of you unconditionally.
This is just not biblical at all, and it's actually very dangerous false teaching. God is not proud of us when we sin, for instance.
He is disappointed with us when we break His commands. John 3 .36 says, quote,
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. Whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.
So I have a question. How can the wrath of God remain on someone if God is so proud of them?
Well, maybe because the Bible doesn't say He's proud of them, and comments like this made by Judah Smith sell unbelievers and false converts a bill of counterfeit goods.
The truth is that God is not proud of those people, and they are on their way to hell. This is why they must accept the gospel in order to be saved.
God is not proud of them. He's proud of Christ, and they need the sacrifice of Christ in order to be saved.
There are some people who would say, but Colin, Judah is a pastor, so after all, he's probably only talking to Christians here, not unbelievers, and isn't
God always proud of Christians? No, He's not. The Father is always proud of Jesus, and He's always proud of the
Spirit, I'm sure, but those persons are perfect and exemplify God's holy character perfectly.
But God is not proud of Christians when they sin or when they do the wrong thing. No, He is only proud of Christ, whose sacrifice covers
Christians even when they sin. If God was always proud of Christians' behavior, we wouldn't need to repent when we do something wrong.
That is why 1 John 1 .9 says, if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If God is so proud of us, as Judah Smith is telling his audience, then why would we need to be forgiven?
And this is why we need to continually ask for God's grace when we disobey Him, because sometimes we don't make
God proud. This kind of self -centered garbage that Judah Smith preaches from the pulpit on a weekly basis is deceptive and heretical, and it's probably deceiving people like Justin Bieber more than we all like to let on.
And Justin Bieber, again, can't seem to find a good man of God for the life of him to lead him spiritually, so let's pray that he'd be able to find that.
And in conclusion, Judah Smith is a false teacher who is leading people astray by affirming other false teachers and preaching unbiblical things himself.
Please stay away from him until he repents of this, and please pray for Judah and for his church that they would turn away from this sin and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.