Paul Tripp - Woke Cult Recruitment Video

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Note: in this video i say that Paul Tripp was hiding comments. I should not have said that. Sometimes people accuse me of doing this (i never do) and I find these comments in a weird tab. Youtube automatically hides them for some reason. So, that could very well be what is happening here. I still should not have said that and I am sorry. I am leaving this video up unedited for posterity . #NoDespair2020


Alright, so small change in plans. I just wanted to let you guys know about it. Normally on Thursdays, I do my
AD on the Fight Left Feast Network podcast and video simulcast, I guess you could say.
But today I can't do it because I was going to read and respond to the David French article that I tweeted out the other day.
But that's going to require a little bit more attention than most of the content that I do because the article is very confusing and we all know the massive intellect that David French is.
And the problem is that I just got a call a few minutes ago from my tree guy, and he's going to be taking down a tree right outside my office.
And so I don't know when he's going to come. He's going to come somewhere in the next 20 minutes to an hour.
And I don't want to get distracted and not do that article justice.
So what I decided to do instead was something that would probably require a lot less brain power. This video by Paul David Tripp.
Now what I thought, how I saw this was that somebody had tagged me in a response to this because in this video he's going to recommend that in order to get yourself woke, what you do is six things.
He's going to recommend read Amos 6, read Matthew 5, search your Bible for the key word justice, watch
Race in America by Phil Fisher, read Woke Church by Pastor Eric Mason. By the way, Pastor Eric Mason, I believe, is
Paul Tripp's pastor. And then read The Color of Compromise by Jamar Tisby. Now I've done all of these things except number six.
I refuse. You've got to draw the line somewhere. So what I'm going to do is if you sign up to my newsletter today,
I'm going to tweet out, I'm sorry, I'm going to email out videos that address each one of these things in a way that makes sense as opposed to a way that just wants you to assume that social justice is the same thing as biblical justice and all of that.
But before I begin this response, I don't know how far I'll get in this video because I don't know how much stomach I have for this kind of thing.
But before I do, Phil Fisher had a really weird flex. Somebody had tweeted back to Paul Tripp, number seven, watch
John Harris take down Phil Fisher's video Race in America, which I think is good advice. And listen to Phil Fisher's take here.
This is hilarious. He says, if it takes you two hours to dispute a 17 -minute video, you aren't disputing the video.
You're crafting an alternate history. People were teeing off on this.
But basically what Phil Fisher is lamenting here is that he just wishes everyone could think in slogans just like him.
I know Phil Fisher. Doesn't that suck when people don't think in slogans the way you do and they can have thoughts that require a little bit more thinking and reflecting and stuff like that?
It must be much easier to just regurgitate statistics without any context to them and just say racism, racism, racism, racism, racism.
Like a, like a, like a, like a, hmm, I don't even know what it's like. But it's like something, something bad.
Phil Fisher, you are absolutely precious. But let's watch this. Let's watch this amazing video by Paul Tripp.
I'm sure this is going to require some very careful attention and thinking and consideration. Paul looks pretty winsome, so I'm going to have to winsome myself as well.
Hey there, this is Smooth AD Robles here responding to Paul Tripp, or as I like to call him,
Ned Flanders. If change is going to take… Hold on, hold on. I got to, I got to change the audio. I put my headphone in because I don't want the feedback that usually comes from the headphone.
So give me one moment here. I'll get myself situated and we'll listen to Ned. If change is going to take place, change takes action.
Action requires compassion. And compassion requires information.
He really does look like Ned Flanders. It's very interesting. You know, I haven't really watched too much
Paul Tripp content because, to be honest, his track record really isn't that great. I mean, if you look at the people that he platforms and promotes, there is a trail of bodies behind Paul Tripp.
A lot of people have noticed this. And so I don't know. I mean, I don't know how helpful his stuff really is if people that he promotes are just absolute train wrecks in general.
But hey, you know, that's just one man's opinion. I might have to take these glasses off because I'm feeling too winsome right now.
Let's take these glasses off. I don't want to sully the character of Smooth AD because Smooth AD is all about love, baby.
And the thing is, I can't be one of these YouTube sharks that you keep hearing about.
So let's change character again. A church that does not exist to reclaim heathenism, to fight evil, to destroy error, to put down falsehood.
A church that does not exist to take the side of the poor, to denounce injustice, and to hold up righteousness is a church that has no right to be.
This is a great quote. And I think that what you need to do whenever you see a quote like this is understand that everyone can use this quote.
And so you need to be extremely careful about how you're defining your terms because I could put up this quote on the beginning of every one of my videos.
And I think it would apply because I am reclaiming heathenism by denouncing the woke church and offering the real gospel in place of it.
I'm fighting evil by fighting evil doctrines. I'm destroying error by saying that you can't get up in front of a stage of people pretending to preach the gospel but then call people
Angloids that don't agree with you. That's what Paul Tripp's pastor did. Taking the side of the poor, yeah, that's true.
But you need to understand it's not just automatically because the Bible says you can't be partial to the poor.
And so you take up the cause of the poor when it's a righteous cause and no one else will.
The whole point of being on the side of the poor is not to be on the side of the poor for evil but rather the side of the poor for good because the poor don't have access to a lot of help.
They can't buy mercenaries. They can't buy good lawyers. And so, yeah, you're on the side of the poor but only for good though because God destroys the unrighteous poor just like he destroys the unrighteous rich.
That's something that I hear again and again. You know, we need to take up the cause of the oppressed. True. When it's a righteous cause though because there were oppressed people in Egypt that suffered the plagues.
You understand what I'm saying? It's not like an automatic we are on your side poor regardless of what you do.
No, because the Bible specifically disallows that. And so this quote is great but just please understand that anyone can use this quote.
You have to actually look under the hood a little bit, right? And that's what Paul Tripp desperately doesn't want you to do. He doesn't want you to actually look under the hood of these very nice sounding words.
I agree. These are great words. Putting down falsehood, correcting error, denouncing injustice, upholding righteousness.
These are all great words. I can use them too. But I think between the two of us, Paul, if you look under the hood of what
I'm saying, it is way closer to the biblical witness than what you're saying.
Than what you're saying because I've heard you speak on these issues before. And if you're recommending Pastor Eric Mason's woke church, then you're actually not on the side of Spurgeon here.
Spurgeon is actually talking to you here. Like you actually don't have the right to exist as a church.
If you're not willing to call out Pastor Eric Mason for his partiality, for his hatred of whites, for his incorrect teaching on the book of Amos, on the book of Matthew, and all these kinds of things.
And so, good quote. I just wish you would listen to it. Not for yourself, O church, do you exist any more than Christ existed for himself,
Charles Spurgeon. Spurgeon. I have been wanting to do a video addressing this moment that we're in culturally.
And I sort of wanted to let the dust settle a little bit. And I want to begin by saying that I really want to address my white brothers and sisters who love the word of God, who love the...
Listen up, y 'all, because this doesn't apply to me, apparently. This kind of looks like a hostage video.
You know what I mean? This kind of reminds me of a hostage video. I could easily see that Eric Mason's behind this camera, and he's just sitting there.
You better come correct. You better come correct. Gospel of the
Lord Jesus Christ. And I want to start by sharing two experiences with you.
The first is my own personal experience. This is the formula. You know this, right?
It always starts with the emotional hook, and often there comes history, and then there comes a whole mess of assumptions.
Let's see if he follows the... I don't know if I'll do this whole video. It's 20 minutes. But, yeah. ...of ministry.
For decades, I have committed myself to this mission, connecting the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life.
Take that... Good mission. ...narrative of Scripture, with its chief character being the
Lord Jesus Christ, the chief event being the cross of His sacrifice, and apply that to daily life.
Oh, this is so boring. I think of my... This is... Look, I know some people find this guy helpful.
This is so boring. It really is. This is why we're winning, YouTube, and you're losing.
And I don't mean to say that like I'm some kind of genius, but who would sit here for 20 minutes and listen to this besides a psychopath like myself?
This is boring. I just... You know, maybe we can speed it up. Hold on. Maybe we can speed this up. Let's see.
Yeah, we can. Okay, let's do this. Let's try 1 .5. There we go.
The ministry is putting on gospel glasses and... Way too fast. That was...
Put it on your gospel glasses. I missed a good one. Hold on.
This is real time, baby. Real time. I don't have time to edit this one. Well, at least that much.
...trying to look at everything. Now, here's my experience. When I have done that and applied that mission to marriage and parenting, to midlife, to sex, to money, to human communication, to a variety of issues, people are just so encouraging and tell me how thankful they are for my ministry.
But when I apply the very same mission, looking at the issue of racial injustice, from the vantage point of the same message of Scripture, the same gospel, people get mad at me.
They accuse me of forsaking my calling. They call me a socialist or a Marxist.
And one of the interesting responses that I've had is people say, well, what about...
So I guess everyone's a racist except for you, Paul, right? Everyone's a racist except people who agree with you.
This is a weird kind of strategy. I've seen this one before, too. It's like, I talk about anything and everyone's fine.
And then I talk about race and everyone calls me a socialist. And it's like, hear me out for a second.
This is a stupid argument because everyone is right on the things they're right about and wrong about the things they're wrong about.
What matters is the reasoning. If it's just they're calling you a socialist and they have no reason for it, it's just they just decided to do it.
Okay, fine. Then maybe they're just a racist. I don't know. But that's never what happens.
What we do is we say, over here, you apply this message very well.
I don't even know if he does, to be honest, because, again, his receipts are pretty bad. His receipts are pretty bad. But let's just say he's great on marriage, for example.
Okay, great. And we can see how you're great on marriage. And then that doesn't have anything to do with what you say about race.
Because here's the thing, Paul Tripp, like you can look at my catalog, right? And you'd probably agree with me on very many things.
But you don't agree with me on race. So does that mean there's some kind of duplicity with you? No, it just means that you are seeing things differently than I am.
And what we need to do is we need to go to the Bible and see who's right. We need to have a conversation about this.
What we don't need to do is have more of these monologues that you guys insist. You will never debate this.
In fact, Paul Tripp, what you're doing is you are – I don't know this because I don't really care to find out.
But what I heard is that you are hiding critical comments on this very video. You are hiding comments that are critical of you in this very video.
You won't let this conversation happen. And so, yeah, obviously, if you're right on some things and then wrong on race, people are going to say you're right on these things and wrong on race.
And in fact, you are applying these kinds of ideologies in the issue of race where you don't apply them over here.
And so they're going to talk about that. I don't understand why this is even an issue. Yeah, if you're right in – you can be right and wrong at the same time on different topics, right?
Like that's not – that's just so weird. People always say, oh, yeah, I've got a track record of gospel ministry.
And now I – what, a couple of sentences I can forsake the faith? Yeah, you actually can because there are a lot of people that had a track record of ministry, that Harris guy, track record of ministry.
And then he walked away from the faith in two sentences. This is obviously possible to be wrong on race but right on all those other things you listed.
Now, I have a feeling. I don't know your content, but I've heard a lot about it. I have a feeling you're actually not that right on some of that stuff.
But, hey, I don't know. I'm just throwing it out there. But the point is you could be excellent at 20 things, 100 things, and terrible on race.
That is absolutely possible. And you know it, Paul, because you know that there are people you disagree with on race that you agree with on almost everything else.
So obviously this is possible. Stop using stupid arguments like this. All this argument is attempting to do is to get people to agree with you based on the fact that they trust you in other areas.
That's lame, man. You're trying to make your personality and your blue checkmark do a lot of work.
Why would I trust you? Paul didn't even want to be trusted in that way. He was commending people for checking things out in the
Scripture. The Scripture itself says you don't just go by the personality. You go by the book.
You go by the book. This is a weird flex, Paul. What about this person's background?
What about abortion? And here's the issue for me. When you are addressing an area of sin, there are no whatabouts.
Wrong is wrong. Sin is sin. Yeah, but the thing is people aren't saying that it's not sin.
It's not that racism is not sin because of abortion. It's that you aren't addressing this like a
Christian. That's the point of the argument. It's like, okay, you care about black lives? Then here's where black lives are most at risk.
So why are you spending 100 % of your time over here where black lives are hardly ever at risk?
When I'm talking about the police beatings, for example. The reality is as horrible as any police brutality situation is, a black person's life is hardly ever at risk there.
It's tremendously at risk in the womb. And you're spending 99 % of your time talking about the situation where it's hardly ever at risk.
It's an inconsistency. And so that's why people call your faithfulness into question because you are parroting talking points.
You're actually not doing things logically the way a Christian ought to do. And so that might make you angry and frustrated,
Paul Tripp. It might make you really frustrated and furrowing your brow and stuff like that. But it has nothing to do with whatabouts.
It's not the whatabouts. It's saying if I am to believe you, then you need to start making some sense.
And until you make some sense, I'm not going to believe you. I don't know. That seems pretty straightforward to me.
And again, what do I know? I'm just an angry Latino. And I don't think people would say that to me if I were addressing the sin of adultery.
I don't think I'd get responses, well, what about stealing? Why aren't you talking about stealing? But that's completely different though because you're literally talking about black lives and abortion is about black lives.
Stealing and adultery are completely different. It would be something like this. It would be like let's just say we had statistics that said people are more likely to commit adultery at a bar tremendously.
Like you go to a bar, you're going to commit adultery. But a couple people have committed adultery going to,
I don't know, the bowling alley or something like that. And you spend all your time at that bowling alley.
And you're sitting out there. You're spending 99 % of your time preaching at the bowling alley against adultery.
Sure, it's right at the bowling alley too. But why aren't you going to the source? Why aren't you going to the bar and doing that?
Why are you spending all your time preaching at the bowling alley? If hardly anyone goes there to commit adultery.
And 99 % of the people that are committing adultery are doing it at the bar. Why don't you go to the source? And the reality is like that's a stupid example.
But we know why you're doing it. Because this is the zeitgeist. This is the spirit of the world. And you are just following the spirit of the world here.
You're following the spirit of the world here. Because we know we're not stupid, Paul Tripp. We've done what you guys have told us for a long time.
We look to the Bible, right? We've done the keyword search for justice in the Bible. And we know because we've done that.
We've read our Bible. We've done our Bible studies. We know that when you look up justice in the Bible, it doesn't say anything about statistical disparities.
It doesn't say anything about white privilege. It doesn't say anything about being angry on the inside. It says nothing like that.
We know that. And so it's not just that we're not believing you, Paul, because we don't trust you.
Or we're not believing you, Paul, because we're racist. It's we're not believing you because what you say, when we look at the book, it doesn't say it in the book.
And so you're talking out of some other thing, some other book, not the book.
That's the problem, Paul. Like I know you'd really like us to take your word for it. But the answer is no.
Deal with it. I wonder why that what about response is there.
Let's take the abortion issue. I think that's a horrible cultural sin.
I'm sure you do. I've spoken to it. I know you have.
I know you have. But but but speak to it in this black issue. Right.
Black lives matter. Okay. Do black lives matter? Then this is what we need to do to protect black lives.
Ninety nine point nine nine percent of black people that die through murder. It's because of abortion.
It's not because of police brutality. So they're all wrong. But your priorities are all jacked up.
I marched in some of the early protests, marched in Washington.
Good for you. Good for you. So nobody's saying you didn't do that. This is this is a very defensive video.
It's a very defensive video. And I understand because because the Big Eva, you know, the guild, they're on the defensive, guys.
You got to understand this. They're on the defensive. These guys all have blue check marks. They got all the money.
They've got all the authority. They got all the name recognition. That's what Paul's trading right now here on his on his name recognition.
And he's expecting his name recognition to do all the heavy lifting. So all he has to do is say justice, justice, justice, justice.
Let justice roll down like waters. And he thinks that we're not going to look at the book and be like, yeah, you know,
I like you. I read your books. They've been helpful to me in the past. But like I've also read Amos. And I like what
Amos has to say more than what you guys have to say. So I'm going to go with that. This is the thing.
Like he's going to give us his bona fides, I guess. That's fine. You can give me your resume all day, but it still has to come from the book.
Your resume doesn't actually replace the need for us to see it in the book. And until we see it in the book, the answer is no,
Paul. The answer is no. Get all uppity if you want to. Get a little fiery because, you know, what you're doing here isn't really working.
But, yeah, it's a very defensive video. This is good. This is good stuff. This makes me happy.
It's wrong. It's a scourge on our culture. But so is racial injustice.
Yeah, but abortion is way worse than racial injustice, even if racial injustice was as bad as you're saying it is, which it definitely isn't.
Let me give you some of my experience, Paul David Tripp. I have been a Latino my entire life. I've been a
Latino in my entire life. I've experienced racism. I've had white friends. I've had white enemies. My dad has experienced racism.
One time he ran for Congress, and someone from his church. Can you imagine that? His church called him all kinds of racial names.
How dare you run against so -and -so and this and that and all that kind of stuff. Yeah, it's all happened. It's all happened.
But even if racial injustice was as bad as you guys say it is, which it definitely is not, abortion is still worse.
So let's not do the what -about thing on the opposite way, right, Paul? I was thinking of this.
I mean, I think most level -headed blacks and Latinos would rather nothing change as far as the injustice of our current situation if we could end every single baby being killed or we could at least criminalize abortion.
I would exchange that. I would exchange that. I would be willing to suffer oppression if it meant abortion was ended.
I think many blacks would do that. Many Latinos would do that because it's way worse.
Abortion is way worse than whatever claimed racial injustice you're talking about here. It is. Video I thought of a second experience.
Several years ago, Llewellyn and I began to attend Epiphany Fellowship Church.
This is the Angloid guy. It's a largely African -American church.
I would imagine that there are 75 or 80 percent of the congregation is populated by our black brothers and sisters.
Epiphany will always be a bit of a multicultural church. Honestly, he's probably been waiting to pull this one out.
Look at how good I am. I attend a mostly black church because I wanted the experience.
I wanted to do Revelation, the book of Revelation. He's been waiting to pull this one out.
But it's a predominantly black church. It has been a transforming experience for us because we have listened to the experiences of brothers and sisters that we have come to love dearly.
This is our family. And we have heard things way outside of our personal field of experience.
We've heard of moms and dads who've had to have conversations with their sons and daughters that we never had to have with our children.
We've heard experiences of injustice that have made us weep.
Weep in a way that doesn't allow us to be silent any longer.
Let me say this to you, Paul, because you've given me your experience. I'm very grateful that you've decided to lean in and empathize and all the buzzwords, whatever buzzword you want to use.
I'm glad that you did it. But the thing is, I've lived it. And lots of black people, lots of black
Christians who comment on my YouTube videos every single day, who reach out to me on Twitter and Facebook and email and talk to me about how much value they get out of my content.
They've lived it every single day. You've never had the talk, Paul? Guess what? We've all had the talk.
We've all had the talk. We've all experienced injustice. We've all had the talk. This is what happens when you encounter the police officers.
Maybe white people ought to have the talk because if you look at the statistics, white people are killed by cops more than black people.
So the reality is maybe you should have the talk. But okay, fine, granted, you never had the experience.
I did. It still doesn't change what it says in the book of Amos. And I can look into the camera with silence too to make my point go home.
But all the experience in the world, every experience you had at Epiphany Fellowship doesn't change what it says in the book of Deuteronomy or the book of Matthew or the book of Jude or the book of Corinthians or the book of Romans or any book.
None of that trumps what it says in the book. So you can sympathize and be sad and weep and do all that stuff.
And you can look into the camera for eight seconds without saying anything to try to drive your point home and to make me empathize with you.
It doesn't change what it says in the book. So until you start speaking from the book, it makes absolutely no difference to me.
Now, I know that injustice exists. I've lived it. Okay? So maybe this is awakening for you.
That's fine. But don't be manipulated into using that awakening to change what the book says because the book doesn't change, my friend.
It doesn't change based on what skin color you have. It doesn't change based on what experiences you go through. The book says what it says.
And I have requirements on me. Knowing what I know about poor people, knowing what
I know about minorities and about oppression and about injustice and about racism because everyone in my family has experienced it.
I've experienced it. My friends have experienced it. I know all of it. Knowing what
I know means that all the more we need to apply that book because the Bible takes into account what happens to a people who have experienced injustice.
He speaks directly to Israel, and he says, you shall not hate an Egyptian in your heart. One law.
There's one law. You love your neighbor as yourself, including the Egyptians. They oppress you.
They beat you. They killed you. They robbed from you. It doesn't matter. You must not hate them in your heart.
The book doesn't change, Paul, and that's the problem I have with you. You can use all. You can weep as much as you want.
You can do as much empathizing as you want. You can learn all the experiences of every Christian around the world as much as you want.
It doesn't change the book. And it angers me. It angers me because all of this weeping, all of this self.
I'm not going to say that because I don't know your heart. But this is a manipulative video because you're trying to get us to be distracted from what the book actually says.
You give us this emotion -laden presentation where you're pulling at our heartstrings and pulling and pulling.
And then you say, and read Amos 6. Okay, let's read Amos 6.
All right. Amos 6, verse 4 and 6.
Who lies on beds of ivory, stretch out on your couches, eat lambs from the flock and calves from the midst of the stall?
Who sings idly to the sound of stringed instruments and invent for yourselves musical instruments like David?
Who drinks wine from the bowels and anoint yourselves with the best ointments? Is this really what?
Yeah, I don't get it. I don't get it, and I don't really want to put too much effort into this at this point. But I'll have to go back to that one.
And when events happen where that injustice is clear, it now hurts us like it's our people.
This is our family that we love. And I know I will never experience these things like one of my black brothers do.
But our hearts have changed. We have been exposed, and we have been convicted, and we have been changed.
And that change is still taking place. We're deeply grateful. We didn't go to Epiphany for this reason.
We went because we knew that we would hear the gospel up one side and down the other because the heart of that ministry is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I heard my pastor, Dr. Eric Mason, speak once on 1 Corinthians 15 on the resurrection. It was one of the best sermons
I've ever heard in my life. The man spoke on the whole chapter.
That in itself blew my mind. That's what got us there. But as we've been there, God has opened our hearts to issues of injustice that are profoundly important.
Now, here's what I think is important. We want to ground our thinking on this issue in the
Word of God. Yeah, you got that right. We ought to ground our thinking on this issue in the Word of God.
There's a couple key verses that I always quote, and they're always relevant. Do not be partial to the poor or the rich.
Do not be partial to the poor or the rich. I mean, that's the beginning and end of a lot of social justice arguments right there.
Do not hate an Egyptian in your heart because you are a sojourner in his land. That's the end of a lot of social justice rhetoric.
That ends a lot of social justice rhetoric, including some from your own pastor, Paul Tripp. But let's see what you have to say.
Maybe you'll explain this Amos passage because I don't get it. Maybe your nuance is just too much for me.
I don't know. And as I thought about that, I thought of just two passages, one in the
Old Testament, one in the New Testament. My mind first went to Amos 6.
Here we go. Where God is railing against the leadership of Israel. And he says, you lie on your ivory beds.
You drink wine out of bowls. You have so much time on your hand that you invent musical instruments to entertain yourself.
Now, I don't know if you're catching what's going on here, but if you're— I wasn't. If you're lying on an ivory bed and you're drinking wine out of big bowls and you're inventing musical instruments because you've got the time to do that, you are an affluent, privileged person.
You just are. And then he says, you do all these things, but you're not concerned with the ruin of Joseph.
You're not concerned that the people around you are living in cultural, spiritual ruin.
You're not concerned with all the ravages of injustices that are part of that ruin.
You're not concerned. I don't even know what to say.
Oh, my goodness gracious. I don't even know what to say. I think the video has to end there.
I mean, if this is how you treat the Bible, then people should disregard everything you say about the
Bible. I think I just have to end the video there because— Do you see how much he's injecting into that?
Number one, number one, if you're privileged, well, you know, you can't be living in luxury because you're not even concerned with the world.
Does he understand how much concern Christians have,
American Christians who are definitely affluent? There's no question about it. If you live in America and you—
Actually, if you just live in America for the most part and you have a computer, you are affluent. How much money and time and prayer and mission organizations and all kinds of different things do white
Christians engage in and give to? I mean, I don't have any statistics on this offhand, but the number is massive.
Absolutely massive. Now, does that not mean that we can't read this verse and say, well, there's other things we should look at as well?
Absolutely not. Absolutely not. I'm not going to ever discourage someone from taking a look at their budgets and seeing where they could give more and taking a look at their schedule and seeing where they can give more.
I'm never going to discourage that. But to say, and because you don't agree that the statistical disparity of wealth means that you need to get reparations and all this, how dare you do that to the
Scripture? First of all, you're lying about people. And number two, you're twisting the
Scripture because the injustice that's talked about in Amos, he actually didn't even quote a verse that mentions justice, you know, by name anyway.
But in Amos, this is the famous passage, right? Amos 5, let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever -flowing stream.
This is probably what he's actually referring to when he talks about how Amos 6 is talking about injustice and he's railing against Israel for their lack of care for justice.
But the point is, though, that if you look at the context of Amos and what he has to have been referring to when he referred to justice and righteousness, he was referring to what was required of them from the law of God, both morally and civilly and the whole nine, ceremonially, the whole law, all three uses of the law.
That's what he was referring to in context, right? And obviously, the ceremonial law, we know what happened with that.
And the civil law and the moral law, we need to consider today. And so we would apply this passage by applying let justice roll down like waters, which includes stuff about partiality.
It includes stuff about punishments for sin and crimes. It includes stuff about loving your neighbor as yourself and not hating an
Egyptian because they oppressed you and stuff like that. So the justice that Amos is referring to here is the biblical justice, not wealth disparities, not income disparities, not that kind of stuff.
And so he's trying to make this passage do all kinds of work that it was never intended to do. This is twisting the
Bible and doing it by manipulating you emotionally and looking into the camera very seriously and using his resume.
This is the worst one, in my opinion, using his resume. You trusted me in the past. Now trust me now as I twist what the book says.
Let's make sure he's finished with Amos, and then I'm going to end this video because honestly, I don't even really know what to say anymore.
It's a reminder that we do not have the ability to not be concerned about what doesn't touch us.
Such a liar. Such a liar. I've never seen more care about people that have nothing to do with you than I have before I became a
Christian, than I have since I became a Christian. I've never seen the amount of money and time and resources and prayer and care and tears and all that stuff that I have since I became a
Christian about people that you've never seen in your life. This angers me because he's talking about my family here, the church.
He's talking about the bride of Christ here, and he's lying about them because they won't join the woke cult with him.
He joined. I mean, hey, they're going to Epiphany Fellowship now. They're in. They're in the woke church.
But because you won't join their cult, they're saying, well, you just don't care enough about people that you don't see.
That's a lie. How could you sit here with all these organizations? I mean, I get emails from Christian organizations constantly about what they're doing in Cambodia, what they're doing in Ethiopia, what they're doing here, there, all this stuff and all the money.
I think about this all the time. All the money and time and prayers and tears and all these things that go into those emails.
All I get is a four -paragraph email. But I know that behind that, there has been just so much that went into that email.
I will give myself to concerns about things that are distant from my experience because I want that person to be loved as I would love myself.
The second passage I thought of was Christ. I'm going to end the video there. Yeah, I honestly didn't expect to be triggered like this.
I got triggered. I don't even really know what to say. This man is smiling in your face as he lies to you about how awful you are and about how the
Bible talks about fake justice. Paul, I don't care about your track record, how great you are.
I know a little bit about your track record and it's not that great. But I don't care how helpful your books are.
I don't care about how right you are about marriage or abortion or whatever it is.
You are poisonous on this issue. And there's no excuse for it.
I don't care how many people you've empathized with. I don't care how many stories you've heard. None of it changes what's required in the book.
And so I'll ask you. It's not me you're slandering here. I'm not one of those evil white
Americans that's living in luxury and not caring about anyone but themselves. I'm not one of those. You're not talking to me here, but you are talking about my family.
And so I would ask you to stop lying about them. I know you're not going to because you've sold your soul to the woke cult.
I would ask you to stop lying about them, take a good look in the mirror, and repent of your apostasy in service of the zeitgeist.