Is It Child Abuse to Give Your Kids Psychotropic Drugs?


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What is so crazy is you will bring these up in these kinds of conversations. Hey my kid, you know all three of my kids
They're worrying all the time and they you know, they have these compulsive You know actions that they perform to try and get rid of that worry
Okay. Well, you know Philippians has some stuff, you know Paul had some stuff to say about that Jesus had some stuff to say about that I mean the psalmist go read the
Psalms. Come on They're worried all the time and then they're they're showing you directly how they
Handled their worry and it wasn't with medication. Let's go read some of these verses. No that that's not talking about OCD Morning, the following message may be offensive to some audiences
These audiences may include but are not limited to professing Christians who never read their Bible Sissies sodomites men with man buns those who approve of men with man buns man bun enablers white nights for men with man buns
Homemakers who have finished Netflix, but don't know how to meal plan and people who refer to their pets as fur babies your discretion is advised tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio the message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone or forfeit any hope of salvation any hope of heaven
The issue is that humanity is in sin and the wrath of Almighty God is
Hanging over our head. They will hear his words They will not act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment when the fires of wrath come
They will be consumed and they will perish God wrapped himself in flesh
Condescended and became a man died on the cross for sin was resurrected on the third day
Has ascended to the right hand of the father where he sits now to make intercession for us
Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words They will act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day their house will stand
Welcome to Bible bash where we aim to equip the Saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions
You're not allowed to ask where your host Harrison Kerrigan pastor Tim Mullett and today will answer the age -old question
Is it child abuse to give your kids psychotropic drugs now as we kick this episode off Tim What Bible verse do you have for us about psychotropic drugs?
Matthew 18 6 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin It would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea
There you go. That's a I'm gonna be honest with you Tim. That's a pretty scary verse if you ask me personally, you know
Yeah, the Bible the Bible tells us constantly that we should be The we should fear the
Lord right and that's the that's the beginning of wisdom You know and over and over again
It's it's telling us to fear the Lord and that's certainly one of the verses that at least for me it strikes fear into my heart
Especially as a parent, you know thinking about how I'm raising my own kids
Seems like God takes takes children very seriously in terms of how they're raised and and You know if you're actually training them in the way that they should go so that they won't depart from it when they're old so so obviously, you know,
I I don't know that anyone on either side of the argument would necessarily say that God doesn't treat how we raise children seriously, but then where the disagreement is is
You know on our side. We're saying hey, you shouldn't use these kinds of drugs and then on the other side they're saying
Yes, you should You know because they've got OCD and they've got ADD and ADHD and PTSD and you know, whatever else they've got
They've got all of it so so how how is it that You know giving kids these drugs how in your mind is it relating to that verse from Matthew the gospel of Matthew I mean obviously like you don't get to a point as a society that we've gotten to to where You have these, you know progressive leftists, you know crazy women, you know with their
Chopped -off hair and their you know hair dyed strange colors kind of things who are raising their children to be members of the opposite gender
So you don't get there from nowhere, right? So I mean we can all look at that The thing is I mean conservative people.
I mean any number of here's the thing, you know I don't know that I've heard any big -name theologian really talk about this subject at all hardly yeah, so they they go after like the they'll go after the leftist parents who were doing this kind of thing where they're
Raising their you know boy kid as a girl kill kid and they'll say hey, that's child abuse and all that But it's like that's easy to identify
I mean that was an easy thing to identify and it really is horrible I mean like when you think about the long -term consequences of that kind of thing like you're
Teaching you're training them in a lie their whole life. You're ruining their chance of ever having a normal productive life
You're you're you know, taking away their their ability to have a heritage, right? So because you're chemically castrating them
That's all monstrous and that's all awful and that's all Horrible, but you might want to ask the question.
How did we get here? You know, how do we get to the point where that makes sense? And the issue is we've been trusting we've been blindly trusting the medical community for years with everything they're saying and those are yeah,
I mean those are some pretty extreme consequences of Making some pretty like anti biblical choices, you know related to the gender stuff but I mean when you're looking at like the consequences of psychological drugs,
I mean, there's there's comparable physical
Consequences of these kind of things too, you know, so there's a lot I can read you a list of all of the
You know side effects of you know, the ADHD medication, you know the stimulants the antidepressant medication
I mean, there's there's been plenty of school shooters that have been produced through These psychotropic drugs, but there's plenty been plenty of kids lives who functionally been ruined by these
Psychotropic drugs, so I mean you you you turn these little kids into a drug addict because you put a label on them that is
You know, basically just taking their sin and describing it in the language of illness So you do that and certainly
I mean there's you know, there's weight loss. There's decreased appetite. There's irritability moodless
You know moodiness there's headaches stomach ache Stomach aches, you know potential for slowed growth you know, there's fatigue exhausted
Exhaustion, you know weight gain there's you know, suicide suicidal thoughts thoughts of self -harm
There's some plenty of kids who have been put on these drugs who have killed themselves And then thank you, you know There's also like you put these kids on these drugs and they don't know how to have emotions, right?
So you put them on like a tranquilizer for their whole life. They don't know how to experience real emotions They don't know how to relate with people anymore.
It ruins the relationships that they're gonna have in the future So all those things are true in this side effects of these sink kind of things are pretty remarkable at times and We don't think about all those kind of things, but then there's something that's even more insidious about all of it
Particularly as it relates to these psychotropic drugs and these labels that we put on kids And it's the kind of thing that's mentioned in the verse that we talked about So whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin
It would be better that a millstone is hung around their neck and then cast in the sea
So, I mean think about the kind of dialogue that is happening With the good theologians who are talking about the gender issue, right?
Like with the good ones I'm talking about the good ones like the like the ones that you would encourage people to listen to think about the things that they emphasize on a regular basis related to the
Gender topic and what is it? It's all the stuff I just mentioned, right? Right ruining their reproduction chances, right?
But what they don't often mention is you're causing them to sin, okay? Like you know and what they're not emphasizing is you're making them twice a child of hell as yourself
That's not the kind of thing that they're saying and that's not the language that they're actually using, right? So they're using it like in a very man -centered way.
It's like hey, you're harming them, right? But then you're doing something far worse than that The Bible says don't fear him who is able to destroy the body fear him who is able to destroy both body and soul and hell like meaning you're creating an
Individual like you are leading them to a path that ultimately involves. Yes.
It involves a ruin in this life But then more significantly it involves a ruin in the next life, right?
So when you're thinking about this like you put this label on this kid, right you put this label on them
That's gonna define them for their whole life Yes, you're creating a drug addict out of them yet in and there's all these significant side effects that happen with just their ability to Relate to the world, you know based on the fact that you're pumping them full of chemicals we've been doing that for years you're doing that but then what you're also doing is you're training them in a pattern of Irresponsibility like you're training them in a pattern of like we're gonna take your sin.
We're gonna label it away We're gonna give you a free pass to do that then we're gonna train you to be the kind of person who refuses to take responsibility for anything you do in your life and Anything you do bad, we're gonna blame on a label
What like here's the problem like the Bible says those who are well have no need of a physician But those who are sick, I didn't come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance
What you're doing is you're depriving this human being like the ability to face the fact
That they are a moral creature created the image of God who is violating God's standards and in at every single point instead of you
Calling it what it is. You're sinning against the Lord who made you what you're doing is you're coming along You're saying it's not your fault and I'm gonna drug you right?
I'm either gonna put you on the stimulant I'm gonna put you on this tranquilizer, you know, I'm gonna I'm gonna put you on this, you know
Anti psychotic kind of medication that's gonna make you psychotic, right? So like the issue is like whatever the thing is like we're gonna give you a drug to try to manage this
Spiritual problem that you have and all that's doing is that's keeping you from repentance And so you're the person who's coming along and basically
Giving them free pass To violate what God says right with in your training them.
You're like you're training them intentionally Whether or not you realize what you're doing. You are training them like in a habit and pattern of Unrepentant sin and that's ultimately gonna lead to yes destruction in this life.
That's just obvious and overwhelming Destruction in this life, but then you know, what's even scarier as you said is it's it's destruction in life to come
Right. Yeah, and and that's what's I think so upsetting about this stuff is is You kind of have you're getting the worst of both worlds essentially where you know, obviously the eternal consequence for refusing to You know address your sin seek repentance for your sin is obviously eternal death and hell
But then you're essentially taking someone who has a clear a clear issue
That needs to be addressed and telling them this is just who you are Forever, you know and there is no way out and and you all you're doing is lying to them
I mean, you know, you're telling them that well, I mean you're telling them the way out is hey take this drug but then the reality is
You have to take that drug your whole life Basically, and it doesn't fix the problem and it doesn't and it doesn't work and it introduces a bunch of other problems
You know that are that are equally destructive that you never would have had to face if you just looked at your sin
And you just called it what it was But instead you're creating you're telling this person.
Hey, there is actually no hope You just this is what you have and there's no way out of it whatsoever
When the fact when the fact is I mean the Bible is clear God get you know God will deliver his people from sin if they repent of their sin if they humble themselves before him right and and he will give you the
Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will dwell within you and will Sanctify you from one degree of glory to another but instead you're telling the small child.
This is who you are So because this is who you are, we're gonna tranquilize you for the rest of your life, you know
And I've you know, I sometimes people for whatever reason they just assume that we have like no experience with any of this stuff whatsoever
I've seen these kids and they're like like, you know, they're not normal From when they're on the when they're on these kinds of drugs.
They are not normal You can't even have a conversation with them. No, you can't you can't and it's it's not because of their mental
It's not because of their mental problem. But what it is is because they're on a tranquilizer. Yeah No, they're totally different.
I mean, you know, sometimes like hey, we're like we're people we're not, you know, we don't do things perfectly there will be times where I've interacted with some kids who
I know are normally on these these types of drugs and For whatever reason they you know, they didn't take they didn't take it that day.
They forgot they're running late Whatever and they're totally different. They're Entirely different, you know than when they are actually on these drugs
And so like, you know, I mean, yeah, they're they're more manageable when they're on the drugs, but that's because they're not themselves
They're being suppressed. Yeah, I mean you think about it like related to the tranquilizers or whatever Yeah, so you have a you have a child that you've trained to be anxious because you're a terrible parent, you know in general
So I keep trained them to be anxious like you've trained them in worry from a very young age
You probably like they're probably like daycare kids who are yeah Who've been daycare kids their whole life because you haven't been there and you haven't been around and you know
Even if you are there and you are around you're so distracted that you don't even pay attention to them and everything else And so you've trained them like you've taken your own sin, you know so most most of what's happening is you have like these ladies who
Like are filled with worry and anxiety or whatever else and then they put these labels on their kids They train their kids into that and then they they you know, they're basically just Living out their own, you know psychological disorders, you know by means of their kids
So, I mean that's what's happening a lot of times but like in the first instance like you train this kid in worry You produce an environment that creates worry for them because of the way that you've structured it and engineered it
Then you train them in it. Then you define them by it permanently. You say this is who you are, right? You're anxious right and then you put them on these drugs that are gonna tranquilize them
It's like so then you're treating them like a bear like like that's a rampaging bear or something like that You're putting them on a tranquilizer and now they're a zombie and they can't think and they have all these problems that come from These kind of medications like the drowsiness because they're being sedated, right?
The fatigue the nausea the irritability the mood changes, you know The suicidal thoughts all this kind of stuff like you that's coming from these drugs
And then what's happening is the moment they try to get off these drugs They're gonna feel crazy and the reason why they're gonna feel crazy is because you've been pumping them full of all these hormones
Like for so long like that They like that now like when they come off of them, they're coming on a downer and then that's just gonna reinforce in everyone's mind
Oh, these things are actually working. No, this is a stupid tranquilizer Now they're dependent on a tranquilizer that you put them on right?
It's so like the issue is you train them in sin. This pill isn't fixing it This is pill is just making them into a zombie and they're still worried, right?
Right? They're still worried They're just worried like they don't have like the brain capacity to think as quickly as they what they would they're still worried
So they're still trapped in their sin. You've told them their sins not their fault You put them on a tranquilizer with all these bad bad side effects like including the physical ones the relational ones
They don't know how to relate with people anymore in like a normal way right and now they're like a
They're basically a customer to the drug companies for life and it's like oh big shock, you know
Like this is I mean, this is like you're training these little people that you're responsible to shepherd and care for you're training them in sin and There are consequences in this life and there's consequences in the next but how do you think it happened?
I mean like we've we've just blindly trusted the medical community for so long man So now we're like all it takes is for someone to say.
Oh, is this a medical reason? Well, I guess it's okay then right? Well if it's for medicine, right? And so that's that's where you're at right now to where And I mean,
I really wish we really have to have Like if things are gonna turn around you
You have guys like Matt Walsh who are speaking out more against these things and you know any of your standard reformed
Christian podcast out there, you know, Matt Matt Walsh sees it more than they see it And so I mean,
I'm happy they can identify the transgender stuff but I mean man, they've been They've been drugging their kids for years and you consent to it because you're too afraid to stand up and say to any of them
Hey, this is wrong You know, we shouldn't be doing this because you don't know enough about it and comment on it when it's just so ridiculous
So why are so many parents especially, you know mothers so adamant that these things are not sin
Like like OCD ADD ADHD all that stuff. I mean it is the moms that are pushing it way more than the dads at this point so,
I mean this is this is basically just like mama bear impulses that have
Gone on, you know on crack essentially, right? so what you have is you have a bunch of passive husbands who have
Set you who have likes basically taking a step back and just let their let their worried stressed out
You know women who are unable to manage their own emotions They've they've let their wives just basically drug an entire general several generations of kids at this point
Because like, you know, the ladies don't know how to handle their own problems, right? They don't so no one knows how to handle their problems from the
Bible anymore We basically just bought into the psychological worldview and basically it is a bunch of moms who are like drunk and drugging all their kids
And the guys are just like sitting there standing there and they don't want to Say anything about it, you know because they don't want their life to be made miserable in that way
And so, you know, you have fathers who are not parenting their kids and teaching them how to overcome
Like sin problems in their life and so you basically have this medical dependence where we just look to the doctors the doctors tell us what to do and All that's kind of happening.
It's all conspiring to create a situation where It's just a mess and we basically drugged, you know
You know, so a lot of people in the younger generation are seeing this is crazy and I think there's a lot of good news
They're just coming from that end of things But then like the on the other side is now they think everything is going to be solved through diet and exercise and going outside And getting you know, stepping in grass and grounding and all that kind of stuff and it's like yeah
You know what? A lot of it would be fixed, but these are still spiritual problems. So yeah, I mean Yeah yeah, if you if you go outside a little bit you don't stay in your house all day long and ignore everyone and Become addicted to entertainment then.
Yeah, sure And if you weren't eating doughnuts all day long and getting fat and certainly you're not gonna have as much
Anxiety and depression, but these are still spiritual issues, too. Yeah, so So what what makes them spiritual issues like OCD for example?
What makes that a spiritual issue because I think there's probably a lot of people When you have this kind of conversation
They're gonna they're gonna just that's gonna be like a foreign concept to them
Unfortunately at this point. So what makes that a spiritual issue? Yeah, well, we we did it. We did an episode on this actually on OCD in general that people if You know a lot of these things you have to really just sit down on a step -by -step
Basis and go through the diagnostic criteria and ask just basic questions about what's happening
So I did I did a poll recently about like mental disorders and You know, someone was asking me what kind of mint
I was basically saying Is it a sin to put your kids on psychotropic drugs or whatever and some people were asking me?
What kind of mental disorders are you referring to at that point? And I just said, you know, basically all of them
And so I mean I pulled up a thing on chat chat GPT at that point and I said You know, can you give me a list of mental disorders that are not diagnosed?
I mean I said I said this, you know, cuz I know what it's gonna say or whatever I said, can you give me a list of mental disorders that are not diagnosed on the basis of objective medical tests?
Which demonstrate pathology but are diagnosed on the basis of subjective questions about you know
Thoughts behaviors and mood and so I asked I asked it like that to chat GPT and chat TV chat
GPT Basically said, you know, all of them Like mental disorders are not diagnosed on the basis of mint like objective medical tests which demonstrate, you know
Pathology tissue damage or malfunction or whatever. They're diagnosed on the basis of you know Subjective questions thoughts behaviors and mood, but I mean that's what most people they just don't understand that when you're talking about a mental disorder
You're not talking about organic illness You're talking about something that's diagnosed on the basis of a doctor asking you a few questions about how you feel right how you think
And how you feel they're not they're not diagnosed on the basis of like objective medical tests
And like that's the whole reason why this category exists this category exists to give you a list of things
We're gonna call illness That that are not diagnosed in the same way that organic illness is diagnosed, right?
So, I mean there's objective medical tests that a person can take in order to determine they have leukemia
There is not an objective medical tests that a person is going to take to determine whether or not they have something like OCD So like OCD, like here's how you diagnose
OCD, right? So Here's here's the diagnostic criteria for OCD the presence of obsessions compulsions or both
Okay. Alright, so what is an obsession an obsession is defined by reoccurrent and persistent thoughts urges or images
That are experienced as intrusive and unwanted that in most individuals cause marked anxiety or disparate distress
So an obsession is that right? So the the the individual attempt to ignore or suppress such thoughts urges or images
Or to neutralize them with some other thought or action ie by performing a compulsion
So what you have is you have an individual who has thoughts that he doesn't like, right? Some sort of a something that he's obsessed with that.
He's gonna neutralize with the compulsion. What are we talking about? We're not talking about cancer right now. Like this is not cancer
This is like I'm worried about something and so I perform this Repetitive behavior over and over and over again in order to neutralize my worry like come on Christians like wake up like just read your
Bible like this is you have people who are filled with anxiety, right? OCD is one of the big five anxiety disorders.
They're filled with anxiety So they they perform this ritual over and over and over again in order to try to fix their anxiety
This has nothing to do with the medical diagnosis At all, right? There's nothing medical about this.
There's no like objective medical tests are being performed. You're asking them Hey, do you have intrusive unwelcome thoughts?
Yes. I have untruths a welcome thought unwelcome thoughts Do you have some mechanism that you use in order to get rid of them like some behavior?
Yeah Yeah, I watch my hands a hundred times a day because I'm afraid of germs. It's like oh, well, you're you have OCD, right?
Let's put you on a drug Not not just like a hey, why don't we just work on getting you where you're not so anxious about So like the issue is the
Bible has nothing to say to this kind of problem to that kind of person because you've just Told them they have something that in their mind sounds like they have a medical problem
But then if you take a step back and you just use basic like critical thinking skills My goodness, like think about what just happened.
They just asked you. Are you worried? Yes, I'm worried all the time What do you do to manage it? I do a bunch of weird stuff, right?
It's like oh, well, you have a mental disorder here's your drugs and it's like money, please
Right. Yeah, then they get a customer for life. And then if you come along and say hey There's nothing objectively wrong with you.
Okay? You don't have a brain problem you have a thought behavior problem like you have a you basically you have a spiritual problem
You have a spiritual and it's like oh, you're a Pharisee and you're a hypocrite and you know everything else It's just like like we what we need to wake up.
We've been deceived for so long by these stupid medical community who just has a vested interest in Creating customers and they're giving us this poison that they've been giving us for years and years and years and we're just take it
You know because it's like hey, you got to trust the doctor. You don't want to be a science denier and It's like hey look at what they did to us with COVID You know, maybe we should wake up and see that maybe they don't have their best interest in heart and maybe they have absolutely no idea how to handle these problems and maybe the
Bible has a lot more to say about it than these kind of things and in so I mean, but that like people hear
OCD and It doesn't dawn on them that it's a bunch of nonsense, right?
Right if you come along and say hey, this is us like we're talking about sinful worry be anxious for nothing But with everything with prayer and Thanksgiving with our prayer with supplication with Thanksgiving Let your request be made known to God or you know,
Jesus word Why do you worry about your life what you'll eat what you'll drink in your body what you'll wear in your clothes what you put? on and all that like so you these
Bible verses have nothing to say to these individuals because They are you know, absolutely convinced that their kid has
OCD, right? We had a lady commenting on one of our posts recently it's like all three of my kids have
OCD it's like yeah, I know You trained him in that, you know, that was a parenting problem on your part, you know
You trained them how to be OCD, right? So you trained them to to like instead of confronting like in teaching them out
I actually handled their anxiety and teaching them how to handle their worry. You you let them fall into these, you know patterns of These compulsive patterns here, you know in response to that and then now you think that somehow
You just got the lion's share of mental disorder in your family It's like you produce that you're a parent you produce that now not only you're producing that you're gonna keep them in chains of that For the rest of their life
Because you don't love them enough and you don't you don't love God enough Do you repent of your own anxiety and worry and show them how to do it, too?
Well, and and what I think is so crazy about this topic and you know
The person you're talking about is kind of is kind of highlighting. This is the fact that there is just no
Like self -awareness at all from these people. I mean, you know look if you have three kids and They all have the same exact problem at some point.
You've got to ask yourself What's the you know, what what's the common denominator here?
Like what what's the what's the thing that they all have kids? They all have general Hey at some point
Statistically speaking you've got to realize that hey, this doesn't seem right
Maybe there's something maybe something is wrong somewhere, you know, and like like, okay
Here here's the first one that I would think of they all have the same parents You know and Related to that it's like you you pull it you bring up these verses about anxiousness and worry and you know
But essentially like not trusting in the Lord with a lot of these things What is so crazy is you will bring these up in these kinds of conversations?
Hey my kid, you know all three of my kids they're worrying all the time and they you know, they have these compulsive You know actions that they perform to try and get rid of that worry
Okay, well, you know Philippians has some stuff, you know Paul had some stuff to say about that Jesus had some stuff to say about that I mean the psalmist go read the
Psalms. Come on they're worried all the time and then they're they're showing you directly how they
Handled their worry and it wasn't with medication. Let's go read some of these verses.
No that that's not talking about OCD it's like But what is it what is it talking about so but you notice notice how that's the same move the progressive gay
Christian movement The people are making Yeah, I guess the same exact move is to say like so that like you it wasn't you know, it's no
Romans 1 isn't talking about Consensual consensual adult loving homosexual relationships.
It's the same thing. And so what you have is you have people like you have a book You're right you have
God's given us revelation he's given us this revelation and and what what you're being asked to believe is that this book is totally was totally insufficient for The vast majority of human beings
Throughout all of history, right? Yeah, so for for over 6 ,000 years They were they had nothing that they needed in order to handle the basic issues of life
Until you know Freud came along and taught us, you know about all these mental disorders and everything else
And so like the issue is it's like psychology I mean, it really hasn't been around for that long like you're talking about like something that's just very new phenomenon
You know this celibate, you know celibate gay movement this kind of stuff I mean, yeah, the
Bible has nothing to say about like consensual, you know, loving homosexual relationships, whatever else
It's the same move that's being run and in order to buy that you basically have to say that God gave a book to people for 6 ,000 years
It was completely unable to handle all of these like 500 categories of mental disorders
Yeah They would have like the Bible would just have labeled it all sin like what a terrible book that is that God would have given to people to misdiagnose
Every spike basically, you know almost all of our kids now, you know because Because they all have something man
Psychologists you're gonna get multiple labels by any you go to a psychologist he's gonna give you multiple labels for every single one of Your kids and what you have to realize is like think about the worldview there
That the Bible that you believe that you read that you trust that you supposedly trust which you don't read and you don't believe in Anything else but the issue is like it has it would basically get every it's gotten everyone throughout all of history wrong
Because now we all have mental disorders And so it has nothing to say to us and so it's just been like this irrelevant book this whole time and now we've come to Realize how insufficient it is to actually just be a parent and be a kid, right?
Because we have all these problems like, you know, our kids are Loaded down with all these labels that are basically telling us.
Hey Bible, you know, stay in your lane, right? Like that's the labels of saying Bible stay in your lane. You don't know what you're talking about You didn't know what you're talking about and you probably were abusive to the vast majority of kids throughout the history of the world
Yeah, yeah Okay. Well, I think that's a good place for us to wrap up the conversation on and you know, like we said
I mean, this is a big deal because of the verse that you read earlier Tim you know, like God takes seriously the way that children are raised and You know, unfortunately right now there are a lot of children being right number one
There's a lot of children being raised who live in households that don't even fear the Lord at all But then on top of that even in even in the you know
Christian families you have parents who are coming along to their children and seeing their sin seeing their sin issues and Ultimately deciding these are you know, quote -unquote mental disorders that can only be fixed through medication
And so we're going to give you that medication We're gonna make you dependent on that medication for the rest of your life teach you that there's no way to escape
This you know what we would what is sin, but what they would call mental disorder There's no way to escape it
Don't even try to deal with it unless you're using the drugs unless you're going to therapy and seeing a psychologist
You know like there is no hope basically, this is just who you are And that's that's incredibly unfortunate because there the
Bible does actually address these things and addresses them very clearly And and not only addresses them.
I mean like God could have just said hey, here's how you deal with it go deal with it He could have done that but he didn't you know, he he goes further and you know
Promises things to those who humble themselves and and deal with these things and and what he promises at least as it relates to this specific topic is he promises peace and You are denying children that when you refuse to admit and you refuse to teach them that their anxiety that their worry that their compulsions all these things are sin that need to be dealt with and T and teach them that God can actually overcome these things for them, you know through the power of the
Holy Spirit You know through a desire to honor the Lord putting your faith and trust in him and seeking to kill
Mortify your sin in your flesh. You can't actually be delivered the from these things
But as long as as long as we continue to trust, you know secular scientists Secular people who hate
God who know that God exists and hate him and actively want to teach everyone
That he is not real that he does not exist that hell is not real that heaven is not real that there is nothing after This life.
I mean that's they have a vested interest in that and and they're not going to tell you that but they do the
Bible tells us that very clearly and so for us to for us to trust them is just is is
Reprehensible to say the least and you know, and and Jesus what Jesus was very clear
What should happen to those people and it's not to those people who are Raising their children that way and it's not you know, it's not a very pleasant outcome that they're they should receive
So with all that being said, we appreciate you guys Supporting us week in and week out.
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This has been another episode of Bible bashed. We hope you have been encouraged and blessed through our discussion
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