Can We Reconcile the Teachings of Jesus Christ with the Teachings of Joseph Smith?

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Watch as Dax and Mo, Christian High School Students in Utah lovingly challenge this man to test Joseph Smith and the teachings of the LDS Church to Scripture. We should as ourselves Can We Reconcile the Teachings of Jesus Christ with the Teachings of Joseph Smith?


I know, I go to Enzyme. Oh nice, how long have you been in LDS? Like my whole life.
Really, nice. Have you grown up in Utah? No, I grew up in Peru. Peru, wow. Hey, how's it going? I'm Dax.
Dax? What's your name? Giuseppe. Giuseppe, nice to meet you. Wait, is that with a J? What brought you to Utah? Is that? Is that with a
J? Yeah. Giuseppe. Yeah. What brought you to Utah? Just school.
School? Yeah, just came to study business. What are you, are you going to a university? Yeah, I go to Enzyme College.
Enzyme College, oh nice. Awesome. Nice. Well, so you've been in LDS your whole life, right? Yeah. Are you familiar with the doctrines and the, you know, your doctrines of the
LDS church? No, I'm new. Okay, so have you heard of the King Follett Discourse? No. So you know
Joseph Smith, right? Mm -hmm. You believe that he's a true prophet? Yeah. Okay, so I want to just give you, the Bible says how to test a true prophet, right?
He says, one, they cannot lead you after other gods, you know, do not lead them after other gods, that's how you know they're a false prophet.
The other one is that they quote false prophecies. If they make prophecies, then they do not come true, right?
Mm -hmm. So let's keep those two things in mind and let's test Joseph Smith for that, to God's standard of being a true prophet. So Joseph came and he taught that, you know, he says, you suppose and learn that God has been
God for all eternity. He says, I will refute that idea and take away the veil so that you may see that you need to learn to become gods yourselves one day just as all gods have done before you, right?
And in the Bible, Isaiah 43 .10, God's speaking to the prophet Isaiah, he says, before me no god was formed, neither shall there be after me.
And Isaiah 44 .6, he says, I am the first and the last, besides me there is no god. So how would you reconcile that as an
LDS member that Joseph came with a prophecy proclaiming that God has not been God for all eternity, but God clearly stated in his word that he has?
So how would you feel then, what do you think about Joseph Smith saying that you can become a god one day when
God said that that's not possible, there's no god besides him? Do you believe God or do you believe Joseph? I believe
God. Okay, so you believe that you cannot become a god one day. So would you then hold to God's word saying that Joseph Smith is a false prophet?
I wouldn't say that. So, but remember how I pointed to in the beginning, right? He says, you know a false prophet by if they claim false prophecies and if they lead you after gods, other gods.
Well, Joseph Smith is leading you after another god by saying that he hasn't been God for all eternity. So do you get your truth from praying?
You get truth from praying? Absolutely. So let me give you an analogy, right? So Giuseppe, right?
Yeah. Okay, let's say this. I love that name by the way, that's awesome. Giuseppe. So would you say, let's just say an
LDS member came up to you and said, hey Giuseppe, I've been praying, I received truth from God saying that, you know, me and my girlfriend can have sex outside of marriage, that God told me that this is okay.
What would you say to that person? He can go against the law, right?
Yeah, it contradicts the word of God, right? Nice thinking, nice thinking. So you would take them to the word of God. You wouldn't just rely on their prayers for truth, correct?
So that's exactly what I'm asking you to do, right Giuseppe? Don't rely on the heart which God says is infallible, right?
He says the heart is desperately wicked or fallible, thank you brother. It's desperately wicked, you know, it's sick.
Who can know it? Don't rely on your heart, Giuseppe, who wants to lead you after another God just as Joseph's heart did.
Rely on the Bible like you did when you would tell that in the analogy. So the Bible says that God has been
God for all eternity. Don't rely on Joseph Smith telling you that you can become a God one day, that's how you know
Joseph is a false prophet. So how would you reconcile that? Amen.
Let's see what God says. Amen, right? In 1 Timothy, it says, or 2 Timothy, that all scriptures breathe out by God, you know, available for reproof.
This is the word of God that we're giving you, so hold fast to it. Yeah, my brother's right, Giuseppe.
I actually want to tell you something. So actually, I was a Mormon. I actually grew up Mormon. I was baptized at eight.
I did the whole baptisms for the dead. And what happened was,
I did exactly what my brother was saying. I did research on scripture. What does the Bible say?
What does Jesus say about who he is? What does, what did the Book of Mormon teach? What did
Joseph Smith teach? Because you know, you'd hear, you know, growing up LDS, you'd hear about polygamy and you're like, and you know, your family members would tell you.
It's all just, you know, it's all just, it's all like, they're making it all up. Yeah. But the only thing, the thing is though, the
Bible actually teaches that, it says, test all things and hold fast to what's true. So, what we're beseeching is that, you guys normally have like a different God.
The LDS church believes that Jesus Christ isn't God at all. The LDS church, you know, you'd believe that he's
Lucifer's brother, right? Would you believe that? I don't know, what was that? Jesus is
Lucifer's brother. Because they teach that. They actually teach that he's Lucifer's brother.
I'm not sure if you knew that or not, but that's what they teach. It's what I was taught when I was growing up LDS. What? Yeah, that's what they believe.
No, no, no. They literally teach that Jesus and Satan and you are literally brothers, like spirit children of Elohim.
That actually is against Scripture as well. John chapter 1. In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God. If you go down to verse 14, it says,
Talking about Jesus. Talking about Jesus. And the
LDS church denies that. They also deny that men are saved by grace through faith alone, as Scripture says.
Ephesians 2. I know it seems like we're sort of throwing a lot of things at you.
It's only just because we love you. We want you to know God. We want you to know Christ. We want you to be saved.
And you grew up in a cult, not in life. We've been deceiving you. And so that's why we're out here.
That's what that actually, that track is about. So if you read this thing right here, this actually is a gospel for Mormons.
Our church is made just so that Mormons can understand the differences between Mormonism and Biblical Christianity.
Right, because you nailed it, right? When I was giving you that Joseph taught that you can become God. You've got to hold fast to God, right?
You don't want to just believe man, because man is fallible, right? So I want you to just know that.
Hold fast to God. Hold fast to the Bible, right? He's revealed himself in his word.
Don't listen to the LDS church when they tell you that you're saved by doing good things, by obeying the audiences of the gospel.
You're not saved by that. Paul denies that. Thank you, man. I've got to keep going. I'll keep on reading.