The Stupidest Thing You Will Hear in 2020

AD Robles iconAD Robles




You ready for it? You ready for it? The stupidest thing that you will hear in 2020?
It's only April and there's been a lot of stupid things said and yours truly may or may not have uttered them myself, but I'm gonna call it.
I'm gonna call it right here. This is the stupidest thing that you will hear in 2020.
Dr. Fauci says Americans should never shake hands again due to coronavirus.
Let's listen. I don't think we ever should ever shake hands ever again to be honest with you.
Not only would it be good to prevent coronavirus disease, it probably would decrease the incidence of influenza dramatically in this country.
Americans should never shake hands again because of coronavirus but also influenza and I would assume other diseases as well.
This is the stupidest thing that you'll ever hear. Maybe ever. It might be the stupidest thing ever. Now I'm not saying that those of you kind of weirdos.
There's a few weirdos kind of like you know there's some there's some people out there just kind of quirky and you know they're kind of germaphobe.
They don't want to shake hands. I'm not saying you're stupid. Everyone loves a good quirky guy every now and then, but this is uh this is
Dr. Fauci. He's uh he's the leader. He's the guy in charge of the coronavirus covid response and all that kind of stuff and he is saying from on high that what he thinks is that we shouldn't shake hands ever again.
Do you realize how stupid that is? Now Dr.
Fauci is not a stupid man obviously. I'm not saying that he is. He's probably not getting very much sleep.
He's probably not getting very much sleep. He might be um on medication just to keep him going a little wired.
You know what I mean? Maybe maybe maybe he uh he took his melatonin pill a little early because you know it helps you sleep and stuff like that.
So we can give him some uh we can give him some uh some benefit of the doubt here. We don't have to say that he's stupid, but that my friends is the stupidest thing that you will hear in 2020.
You go around the world. Not everybody shakes hands. You know like you know not everyone that's a common thing.
You go around the world and you see you kind of different ways to do it. You know you can give daps. You know what
I mean? In Ethiopia they do this one where you kind of do shake hands, but then you like tap shoulders.
So like you'll come this way and you'll tap your shoulder. I kind of like that one. That one's good. That one's actually definitely canceled because that's what that's way worse than regular handshaking because you're getting close you know with your nose and your face and all that.
You're like it's kind of cool though. I like that. I like that thing and you can do a bunch in a row. You're just kind of like Ethiopians.
You know they're good with the shoulder right? You know it's not uncommon in Ethiopia to see two men uh holding hands while they walk down the street.
Not because they're homosexual, because it's just a sign of friendship. You know all that kind of thing.
Some people hug. Some people you know give kisses on the face and stuff like that. There's various different ways to sort of to sort of you know greet one another you know.
All of them involve human contact by the way. All of them involve human contact.
What is Fauci? You know what would be interesting if somebody were to ask me. If we had good journalists they'd be like oh well
Dr. Fauci that's interesting. What do you suggest we do? I'd really like to see what his suggestion would be. Maybe just like a one of those or maybe a bow.
Oh like Japanese and Chinese they bow. That's a good one because it actually you don't touch it.
You don't touch anyone and your nose passages is facing down and not up so there's less likely for the droplets to come in you know.
Americans should never shake hands again. Honestly he if he is not just a little bit delirious you know like because he's tired whatever and this is his real position.
I think he should be fired immediately. If I was Trump I would fire him immediately. That's like it's really it's the stupidest thing you could ever say and especially so in the middle of the pandemic like well while things are happening you know there's some positive signs bubbling up but still people are dying every day and and so there's less people being admitted to hospitals.
Less people contracting the virus than there used to be so there's like some positivity going on that people are feeling pretty positive and then and then
Dr. Fauci comes out and says yeah we're not we should never shake hands again. Nope. Nope. Nope. Never shake hands again.
You know what you might as well might as well say you know you know if you have old grandparents or parents never hug them again.
That's what you might as well say that. Never hug them again. Never kiss a baby again. Nope. Definitely not.
Don't don't don't kiss your grandmother you know good night when you know she goes to bed. Nope.
Definitely not. Definitely not. In fact in fact if you think about it you know handshakes definitely do spread disease but but when you think about it you know you know you know you know you know making out with your girlfriend or something definitely cancelled.
I mean any kind of of sexual relations is extremely risky because at least with a handshake you could put on uh one of those sterilite gloves you know a sterilite gloves but but but but any kind of sexual contact you know with your with your wife you know you know you know you want to have a family and so you you have some set relations with your wife
I mean there's no way to there's no way to like put a plastic um on your mouth and your eyes and it's all like the contact it's just way too close.
Don't shake hands again. Again I want to stress there's a lot of people out there a little quirky.
I like quirky people. Everyone likes quirky people that you know they don't like to shake hands you know like that remember that show
Monk where he didn't like that kind of I I everyone everyone loves quirky people there's nothing wrong with quirky people you don't like shaking his hand you think it's kind of gross oh it's okay that's fine that's nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with that I in fact
I wouldn't even if I had a friend that was quirky like that I wouldn't shake respect that but Dr.
Fauci somebody needs to help this guy someone needs to give him a day off he need he might need a day off because because this is the stupidest thing in the midst of the pandemic we're starting to beat it you know we got the we got a medicine that that's working the hydroxy cut medicine is working oh man flat we're flattening the curve everyone keeps saying oh we're doing a great job flattening the curve things are going okay you know we're we're not there yeah we're not out of the woods but but things are going okay and then
Dr. Fauci gets on tv you know what it's just that's what
I don't want to alarm you but no more human contact ever oh man this is this is our leader though this is the guy this is the guy oh man if I was trump
I'd fire I'd have to if this was his real position I'd have to fire him this would be it this is mr mr mr you know half a million deaths from a model the model told me that there's gonna be half of my mr model himself is telling you you cannot shake hands anymore due to coronavirus
I I'm calling it folks
I'm calling it April 9th or maybe he said this on the 8th
April 8th the stupidest statement of 2020 was uttered
Dr. Fauci according to the New York Post Dr. Fauci says Americans should never shake hands again due to the coronavirus anyway