Striving For Eternity Academy Promo

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The Striving for Eternity Academy is a series of schools that will teach many different subjects, i.e. hermeneutics, systematic theology, Biblical ethic, etc. Check out more information:


Have you ever wanted to grow deeper in your understanding of God's Word? Have you wanted to know how to interpret the
Bible on your own? Or know how to categorize the scriptures so that you would be able to understand theology and where people find the scriptures that say things about who
God is and how we were saved and important issues like that. Do you want to know how to apply the
Bible to everyday ethical issues? Well those are some of the things that we're going to cover in a new academy, the
Striving for Eternity Academy. We have several schools that are going to start up. We're going to start with the school of hermeneutics, teaching people how to use proper tools to interpret the
Bible and then how to study the Bible on their own using those tools. The school of theology is going to go through a very extensive understanding of how we get the theology we get and where different people view things.
What scriptures do they use to help us know how to apply our theology to everyday living?
Well that leads right into the school of biblical ethics. What do we do with things like abortion or capital punishment?
How does the Bible relate to these real world issues? Those are the issues that we're going to cover in the
Striving for Eternity Academy. We're going to start with the school of hermeneutics.
We're going to continue with the school of theology. We're going to continue beyond that with the school of biblical ethics and more to come.
This opens up the opportunity for students to be able to study God's word in a deeper way all online and free.
The advantage of this is that students are able to do the school work at their convenience.
If you miss one of the live classes, that's okay because it's all going to be on the internet for you to watch at your availability.
That's the beauty of this. There's many people that ask us if we would come to India, to Pakistan, to Africa and come and train them.
They don't have a lot of resources. This is perfect for places like that.
We can't go everywhere, but the internet can. We're going to make the school training available for free online.
However, there is an extra bonus for those students that want to be a paid student.
They're going to get a syllabus so they have all of the material right there at their fingertips for future reference.
They're also going to have the advantage of after the live class, participating in a one hour
Q &A with the instructors. That way as they have questions, they can get them answered right there.
We're even going to give you access to the instructors if you have questions afterwards. We're going to have special rates for individual students, but if you want to do it through your church, we're going to have a special rate for churches.
If churches want to gather many seats, they'll have a special discounted rate. I encourage you to go online to our website and get all the information.
We hope that the Striving for Eternity Academy will make people understand the
Word of God better, to help people to glorify God better, so that they would strive to make every day an eternal day for the glory of God.