A Road Trip DL Short


45 minute program audio only today due to travel issues. Covered a little church history and a lot about the culture of death.

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greetings and welcome to an audio only road trip dividing line.
You know the dividing line used to be audio only for many many many many years and I sort of rue the day in many ways when
Rich convinced me that we needed to change that and start getting caught up with everybody else and doing the video podcasts but unless I'm using the big board or showing something on the screen seeing my ugly mug
I just don't know why that's so really relevant to be honest with you and of course many of our people listen we've got we've got the whole dividing line truckers group out there that listen to the program while they're driving and I sure hope they're not
I sure hope they're not looking at a video while while they're driving but so doing it this way obviously the reason we're doing this way right now is
I happen to be staying at a place on my trip that functionally has no ability to allow me to do video anyways and I think this first time but we just it's just it's just not there there is a
Wi -Fi system in the park but it is extremely narrow as far as its bandwidth is concerned and I would say it's about it's not quite as fast as a 14 -4 modem if you remember dial -up modems in the old days
I had I did have one computer had a 300 baud modem but I I started my first computer at 1200 so most of you have no idea what any of that's about but let's just say if you're used to broadband you're you're blessed anyway we really can't do the video part and so doing audio
I can make this file really small and get it uploaded to rich and and given some of the stuff
I want to talk about and I probably not even go full hour probably be sort of a DL short in a way but we'll make up for it as we get to RV parks that have better cell coverage 5g stuff like that and and we will we will be able to do that eventually anyway so many things to discuss just a few moments ago
I was informed that the sweater vest dialogue that Doug and I did a couple months ago now doubting the
Thomas was posted and so you know it you know
Canon pops it up there and very quickly someone sent me a link to one of the comments and it was like wow
I'm only five minutes in I feel like I've wasted my time it's just like okay
I I can't blame Thomas for this but there is just such an insufferable arrogance on the part of many okay it's not just Thomism but man
Thomism seems to really propagate it it's just like why are you people so mean it just not all obviously
I get that and there there are jerks on the other side too I suppose but man it's just such a common thing to just have you know do these people ride the walls because their nose or noses are lifted so high up in the air they can't see where they're going it's it's amazing but anyway look it up and I thought it was a helpful conversation on a number of different things and and there there needs to be a broader and maybe organized pushback from those of us who still believe that Cornelius Van Til and Greg Bonson and John Frame and all the others really did tap into something extremely important and relevant in our day in how we defend the
Christian faith that is what presuppositionalism covenantal apologetics as others have described it dr.
Oliphant used that terminology yeah as it may I just consider it deeply biblical and extremely important in light of the assertion of the autonomy of man in our day and so I I think there would probably be room for a organized published pushback against all this stuff and a reputation with some of the standard canards that are that are out there and I am thankful I was listening actually this morning
I forget how I got linked to it but to a young fellow my son's age actually speaking at a church and starting a series on presuppositionalism and you know very bright and I'm glad to see that and I think our brightest days are yet ahead along those lines but at the same time there has been a real strong pushback against Van Til and presuppositionalism
Greg Bonson it's not the cool thing anymore this this tomism is the cool thing and you know
I completely disagree with the hijacking of the term classical theism by the way it's one thing to talk about classical apologetics and by the way when
I taught apologetics oh good grief this would been in the early 2000s I would I I remember one year at Golden Gate when
I taught apologetics I used the Gersh Sproul Gershner Lindsley Lindsley book
Lindsay or Lindsley I don't have in front of me as one of my texts as an example of how people that we have great respect for can have really really strong traditions that just simply preclude them from ever being able to fairly analyze another position so you know that's that's true of Dr.
Sproul I love RC RC has helped so many of us this is just one of those examples where if you don't mature to the point where you can appreciate what somebody says just because you have one area of disagreement over here or another area just you know disagree with RC on baptism and and on apologetic methodology but what we agree on is far more important than what we disagreed on and it leads you to a narrow brittle fragile
Christian life if you if you can't get past the fundamentalist you need to agree with me on everything mindset it really really does and that's why
I can have close friendships close Christian brotherhood friendships with men that I debate
Michael Brown Doug Wilson and that's what drives all of you that are still stuck in the fundamentalist mindsets crazy and you know it but you've got to get to that you got to get to that point and so anyway they're you know hearing you know
I used that book just as an example of once people understood what presuppositionalism was and then they read that book they're like but these gentlemen don't understand
I'm like and they have had it explained to them many times but there is just such a strong filter a lens in front of their eyes when they see this particular material and I don't know why
God and his sovereignty allows us to experience that type of thing
I'm sure that I have the same same situations but I don't know where they are
I don't want to have any type of man -created lens that is keeping me from hearing divine truth
I don't want that but I I think in this life we all experience that kind of thing and and you you still have to recognize that I think
I got it from churches I think I partly got it from going to Fuller and having professors who were way to my left and yet I deeply appreciated and I learned a lot from but didn't lose my convictions over and I had to learn to you know spit out the bones and and that got that type of terminology but then also studying church history and teaching church history as many times as I have you you have to come to understand that yeah there you can have deep appreciation somebody else
I was thinking recently about you know Athanasius is one of my favorite of the of the early writers but that doesn't mean that I agree with every single thing
Athanasius ever said and I could you know you know
Athanasius is defending the deity of Christ and so often it's just so thrilling for me anyways to read where he is just so brilliantly using the exact same text that I use in speaking with Unitarians and Jehovah's Witnesses and others today but at the same time if I wanted to I could put together a presentation where Athanasius lost his balance
I mean given the situation was in the guys kicked out of his church five times because he's standing for Nicene Orthodoxy and he's staying for the deity of Christ and he's running from Imperial troops and and living out amongst the desert fathers and he sacrificed a lot for the truth and the reality is that that means it was the key debate and controversy of his day and the reality is every one of us is defined by those those those debates we experience in our lives and you miss it well
I don't I'm never gonna do a debate no if you're involved if you live during a day you know during the
Aryan resurgence at the Council of Nicaea for decades after Council of Nicaea the Aryans were in control and there were anti as in anti not anti with an e anti -nicene councils that were called and creeds that were drafted and and you know we have the advantage of living after all that but at the time was extremely confusing and and what's really interesting is that there were comments made that you could go into certain cities during those days and if you if you ask the shopkeeper how much the meat is he would respond by discussion of the relationship of the father and the son in eternity past and so it was it was going on not just amongst the people of the leadership but it but everybody and so if you live during those days those were your debates and that was that was what defined
Athanasius his life and therefore you would find this is this is a great he's a great example that there we can't find all those many examples of this but you're gonna find places where if you're constantly pulling on a rope if you're in tug -of -war and you're constantly pulling you're not balanced you are you know you know the old trick and tug -of -war you just let go of the rope and then grab it again yes
I've fallen over and now you grab the rope and run off and you win if you're constantly pulling one direction and constantly in one kind of battle it's hard to remain balanced and Athanasius did in many places remain balanced but we could find places where there are biblical texts that Athanasius utilized where we just have to honestly go maybe not maybe not really you know maybe went a little bit too far with that because he's in that constant battle we get that we understand that I at least
I hope we do we need to I do and that's why I can appreciate him so much despite you know areas of disagreement and that also means that there there may be other aspects of his theology where if you're spending 95 % of your time on one subject you're not going to be really having a lot of time to invest in other areas and so you can't really expect that he would necessarily have done a whole lot in this subject or that subject even though he's still one of the first ones to have ever written a full treatise on the subject the atonement so these are things to do things to keep in mind as we as we consider church history and I wasn't going to talk about any of that until someone in in our ministry chat channel it's private chat channels on IRC channel we've mentioned that in the past but that that channel ended in 2019
I think it was anyway someone mentioned that and so I want to let people know that that sort of us dialogue is up I think it'll be useful to you but I just don't understand why
Thomas just have to be sometimes simply jerks thank you very much here's ah
Barnabas the son of discouragement there's lots of them out there anyway what
I was actually going to be talking about is just some of the stuff going on that's why this is audio only and we're not even gonna bother trying with YouTube or anything like that I haven't said almost anything for a long time on what's going on in in culture and specifically in regards to the continuing ongoing movement toward global tyranny on the part of the
World Economic Forum World Health Organization and all the people involved there too with the great wonderful assistance of the leftists in the
United States there are just so many things that have happened I think about the action in the
House and the possible action in the Senate to codify the infantile stupidity of the
Obergefell decision and I say that is one of the few people in the plant that actually read the
Obergefell decision shortly after it was it was promulgated should have been posted in the fiction section it's embarrassing it's childish it was not written by anybody with an adult level of cognizance cognition it's it's horrific and so after Roe v.
Wade then there's this this knee -jerk reaction we need to codify Roe and we need to codify
Obergefell and the Obergefell of course it passed easily in the House and it with 47
Republicans along going along with it and it could pass in the Senate and of course whoever it is that tells
Joe Biden what to do will tell him to sign that as well and so you would have one of the most infantile rebellious we're gonna stick our our middle finger in God's face bills becoming the law of the land in short order if that happens and it just seems to me once again
I am encouraged by the number of parents who are taking the time to homeschool their children to recognize the simply anti -christian anti God agenda of the public education system the number of videos coming out of the utter abuse of children by quote -unquote teachers in the public education system is astonishing absolutely astonishing it truly truly is it's disgusting but what you encounter these days along those lines but we as parents and grandparents really need to be instilling in the next generation and understanding of who they are as the creatures of God and the the beauty of human sexuality and maleness and femaleness and the covenant of marriage and everything that the world hates because it's what produces life we are seeing with such stark clarity the culture of death expressing itself in every possible way in the profaning of marriage in oh good grief how many cities how many states have now declared a public health emergency because of monkeypox you have any idea what chance you have if you follow
God's ways if you follow God's law if you are married to one husband or one wife and they are faithful to you and you are faithful to them do you know what your chances of getting monkeypox are
I can assure you it is significantly less than being struck by a meteorite a whole lot less than being struck by lightning this is a disgusting disease that afflicts primarily homosexual men who are involved in and it's not even it's not even sex it's just simple sexual perversion and that they're doing it regularly those are people who are in trouble with this stuff and the rest of us don't have to give it a second thought we really don't and yet now there's emergencies and could we possibly see a demanded vaccine at the same time you have those health emergencies
I have I have just sort of on the fly mentioned a number of times on the regular broadcast keep your eyes open there are many many papers coming out right now on the issue of the damage that has been done by mRNA vaccines the excess mortalities just last week three doctors and one across town so this is in Toronto four under 50 year old doctors dropped dead after the hospitals three of them worked one hospital and the hospital had demanded the fourth booster not fourth booster second booster so a fourth shot and in one week three under 50 year old doctors dropped dead and you can't talk about it you can't say anything about it but everybody in the quietness of their minds is saying they're going
I think there's a real obvious reason why this is happening and it's like yeah and then you've got 79 year old
Joe Biden who comes down with COVID he's double vaxxed double boosted and he comes down with COVID and a few days later hey
I'm so much cooler than Donald Trump because I got over it real fast and he had to do more than I did and then the day after that he has what they're calling a rebound case of COVID whatever the the failure of these vaccines the lies that have been told and the fact that more of the people responsible for the production of these vaccines have become millionaires and billionaires without any legal pushback at least the
United States I am hearing about millions and millions of dollars being handed out to people for vaccine damage in other places but that can't happen in the
US and so you just go really you really think this is we're all just gonna sit around going we've got we've no one would ever do anything like that just because this has resulted in the the most massive transfer of wealth in the history of the world the the ravaging of the middle class and the the transfer of their wealth to big pharma and big tech come on no one would do anything like that it is so stinking obvious what the motivations are but you can't say a word can't no can't talk about it can't mm -hmm you'll be you'll be blasted they'll take you down in a second if you
I thought I was stunned because Tucker Carlson had a thing where he read from a
Lancet article and another journal article about the obvious reality that messing with the immune system artificially ends up making you more susceptible to future infections by this particular virus and that's what we're seeing look at Australia look at New Zealand they are just having huge spikes and they're 95 98 percent vaxxed and boosted and now they can't fight it and and if you dared even suggest that in late 2020 early 2021 you're gone your history you're out of there and I was pretty stunned that the
Tucker Carlson could do a segment on that and YouTube left it up now that's because he's huge he's big and so they're not gonna you know they can't they can't get rid of him they the the stink would be a real stink really really would but that's why he can get away with it and the rest of us if we dare mention anything about it are simply going to be shut down and silenced because they're they have no reputation all they can do is just repeat talking points and they can't get in the situation where you have a give -and -take where you have an actual debate taking place that that will be the end for them because the data is just not on their side so what they can do is you know they're still cranking out their their narrative and they can give well but look at this study here look at that study there but what happens in a debate is you've got cross -examination and you have the opportunity of examining well who's who's doing this and it's sort of like we all knew did we not all know many many years ago that big tobacco was buying all sorts of studies that questioned whether smoking was bad for you we all knew that they got away with it why couldn't that be happening now given that you have this this coming together of big pharma and government and corporatism why can't they all be doing that together again what's there's certainly enough money to go around and it's coming straight out of your pocket by the way well actually it's your grandchildren's pocket
I mean the deficit is just so absurd now that I don't even know how the whole thing's being propped up but anyway so we have you know the double -vaxxed double -boosted
Biden just as the poster boy of the stupidity of these things there's a lot of pressure that the military you know it's not gonna happen but love to see it happen
I would love to see the military forced to take back everyone they've kicked out with back pay for not taking the poisonous vaccines that they're forcing on everybody but look big pharma is not done and after the monkey pox vaccine you're gonna get the next generation of COVID -19 mRNA vaccines they're they're going with that they've come up with this new drug what is it
Pax Lavacid or something like that that evidently they used with Biden but some people are saying you got to use it for more days and there's these rebound infections and all that kind of stuff you know we have more and more ways of treating it that are effective on any rational ground there is no reason why these vaccines should be being given to anyone let alone to a two -year -old or a six -year -old
I mean that's just abuse but it's it's gonna keep happening because the intention is not public health it is public subjugation to to global elites and especially the
World Economic Forum I mentioned before there needs to be a website and there maybe it is maybe there is maybe someone can send it in so I know where it is but there needs to be a website that identifies every single person who has ever attended and is influenced by the
World Economic Forum who runs for office the mayor of the city
I live in is straight out of that stuff and that's why my city has had a massive decline over the past number of years that's why recently
I dropped the truck off to get oil change for this trip and I'm just gonna walk over to Taco Bell and grab a quick bite while they're doing that as I'm walking across the parking lot here is a woman sitting under a tree because it's pretty hot
I don't know what she's smoking I don't know what she's lighting up there some people say it has to be fentanyl crack
I don't know but she's just right out there in the open and nobody cares the cops aren't gonna stop and I could do anything about it and I know that the place
I take the truck to well I took truck to this time you know they said we even though we have hired security people the any cars are left overnight we just we can't guarantee they're not gonna be broken into that they're not gonna have the catalytic converters stolen off of whatever else even though we have a security guy that drives around between each of our locations he can't be at just one location all night and so we've had people stealing catalytic converters just right you know right left and center it's it's just how it is it is it's the crime the homelessness
I've mentioned I really can't ride a number of the routes I used to ride all the time that I've ridden for thousands and thousands of miles because the underpasses have become homeless encampments that are unsafe it's just just the way that things gone and it all goes back to a mayor who is part of the
World Economic Forum stuff where they want you to live in a tiny box eat bugs drink cockroach milk and work for them and not have children die alone and not have children that's that's their vision of you not owning anything and being happy about it because they're gonna start spiking your every six week inoculation and changing how you think so that you actually think it's a cool thing to be enslaved that's that's what they're up to and if we end up with it it's our own our own fault of course can't last the whole culture of death will collapse in upon itself there's there's no question about that but how many is gonna take with it that's that's really the issue that's that's the challenging part no no two ways about it as we as we look at these things so just so many studies coming out that grab them when you see the published paper
URL grab it stick it into your protected archive you know people going back to mask mandates has there been anything that has been proven more often to be utterly irrelevant to be nothing but virtue signaling then mask mandates that that our children our infants have been deeply damaged in their ability to communicate to speak to learn by the stupidity of this these mask mandates and I keep telling folks you know so well and I had somebody say hey
I saw the celebrity cruise line has now dropped its fax mandates you don't have to be be vaxed well my response was well for a while they're not done yet that they are they are not done yet they they gained so much over the past couple of years that that now they're just they're reconsolidating and going okay what's the next massive power grab that we can create it some type of tragedy or crisis over so we can grab as much this information as you know not as much this power as we can what's it going to be and so grab those papers because somebody has to be the faithful resistance and that this is speaking the truth is going to be something like it is in China right now where you you're passing around little jump drives with government banned material on it and you're you're just passing people on the street and trying to do it in the most unnoticeable way because you're being tracked all the time they know where you are all the time and therefore they can once they they know the bad people then they see who are the bad people meeting oh they passed each other right here oh that it's again 1984 on electronic satellite driven steroids and that's why you know
I don't understand this Pelosi trip over to Taiwan because Pelosi's one of the main people pushing the
Chinese social credit score system on the United States in the first place she is most one of those corrupt politicians corrupt monetarily and in influence everything else that's ever lived and China has her in a back pocket so you know
I don't what she's going over there to do other than maybe to tell them we don't got your back if they come you're you know just you're out of it
I have no idea but tensions are high and I am personally firmly convinced that the
United States military has no military secrets when it comes to China you've got you've got a member of the house representative engaging in sexual relations with a
Chinese spy and the result of that being exposed because he's a
Democrat is him being rewarded with even more sensitive positions in the
Congress I mean we the United States was taken over by its enemies in in 2020 and those enemies have been traitorously betraying the
United States ever since and of course there were people before then too I'm just simply saying as far as the really out out there bold stuff that's that's what we're looking at so anyway all that sounds horrible doesn't it but when
I think about all these things when you look at it within the light of God's law it all ends up making perfect sense
I mean the self destructiveness of this nation you have to see that all this transgender stuff all of these horrific stories of people trying to de transition once they realize it's it's a lie there is no such thing as transitioning it's it's a it's a complete lie and the tragedy of their mutilated bodies and mutilated lives never be able to have children never be able to have a family all because at a young age they were exposed to these things and lied to and destroyed that's the exact purpose of all of it the history that will be written when the light of Christ's Kingdom is shining in this world will document with names the people who engaged in political genocide in our own nation truly well but we may have to go through a very very difficult time where this godlessness reaches its full fury and destroys itself and leaves behind that monument that every generation the future will look to and say no can't go there never again it really is
Christ or chaos I know that that requires a work of the
Spirit of God that would be well beyond what we call the Great Awakening but my
God is fully capable of bringing that about and that is my prayer and of course my prayer is that it would happen sooner rather than later for the sake of my grandchildren and my great children but I realize that if the fall of the
Soviet Union and the rise of Mao and China and 120 million dead last century if that wasn't enough to create the example of never again then we may be looking at a at a dark period indeed but it is a dark period that given
Christ's enthronement and is sitting upon the throne all authority has been given to him has to be temporary it may seem very long to us 70 years the
Soviet system lasted the last time 70 years long time but there have been periods of enslavement the
Dark Ages the Inquisition all sorts of things like that in the past that lasted for a very very very very long time especially from the viewpoint of those people who endured those things but Christ was still building his church and we see the results of all of that today so anyway just some thoughts as I look at the amazing things happening in the
Congress the United States around the world and in the church as well in developments therein and I do need to shout out
I did I did a tweet this morning I think it was a picture of Amy Byrd doing the benediction after preaching at a church and the fact of matter is the first person that I know that rang the alarm bell about Amy Byrd was my daughter and you know
I was sort of like well isn't she on mortification of spin and I've been on there so that means that I had had some contact with Amy Byrd and are those guys pretty pretty solid
I mean hmm but I I'm no expert on feminism and the language of feminism and I don't listen to all of the stuff that summer has to listen to joy has to listen to but she pulled the alarm bell early on that one and so if you're gonna if you're gonna give somebody kudos then
I just think maybe summer needs some kudos for summer enjoy for having seen that one coming they've seen a lot of those types of things coming
I guess it's just simply the obvious language that people are using and once you recognize it you sort of see which direction they're going but but I did think of that when
I saw the picture of her giving the benediction after preaching at a at a church somewhere
I I don't know where and I'm not going to even talk about some of the like the video yesterday of this person parading down the center aisle of well what
I've heard was it was a Roman Catholic high school chapel service in an
Episcopalian church all I know is it was it looked like a cathedral stained -glass high walls standard cross shape altar you know old style church building obviously built a long long time ago and here comes this prancing semi -nude massively obese drag queen
I don't know if it's male or female or what it is I don't know but swinging its obesity in everybody's face and that's bad enough that the sexual perversity of what's going on with these drag queen things is just it it's just the social festering of the of the disease that has infected the society and is killing it but it's one thing to see that person parading around in their rebellion that's not that wasn't what bothered me it was the standing ovation from the people in the pews that is nothing other than it just we are all in this hatred of God together we are we are united in our telling our creator to take a hike that's that's what
I saw and if that was a Roman Catholic high school oh my goodness oh my goodness don't even don't even know how to respond to those things and if I see one more video of a quote -unquote family -friendly gay pride stripper there's no such thing as family -friendly but this blatant obvious abuse of children which is illegal but you know who's gonna get arrested today those people yeah but post as in in England post a graphic where you string together the transgender pride flag you put them together so that they're the inside of their the what was that be the upper left corner you put them together so that it forms a swastika oh you're gonna get arrested because you cause someone trauma like I said a society like that can't last long can't last long it's
Falls gonna be ugly it's Falls gonna be ugly well anyway that's about 45 minutes that's
I'm not that's a DL short I don't know what a DL short is but it's not as long as a normal one
I guess I think I probably talk faster when I don't have to be worrying about a camera and and stuff like that but we will we will see what the rest of the week brings
I may have to do this again because I don't get to a new spot until Friday and that's sort of just a quick transition
I'm pretty certain I did a program from the next stop after that last year when
I did my first big trip so the Mobile Command Center here is a year old now as far as our owning it it was actually made in March of 2021 and so I'm getting close to at the end at the end of these two trips
I'm doing I will have over 20 close to 21 ,000 miles under my belt pulling this
RV so so far you know Rich keeps saying don't break it and I go okay
I'll do my best come pretty close a few times I got hit with a wind gust it started doing the shimmy shimmy thing and thankfully we recovered
I think if it was a regular pull behind instead of a fifth wheel that would have been a bad one but oh did