Should Christians Tear Down Statues of Satan?


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And when you read about all of the Old Testament stories of people tearing down statues and idols to false gods,
I can't imagine that those typically went well with everyone. Warning, the following message may be offensive to some audiences.
These audiences may include, but are not limited to, professing Christians who never read their Bible, sissies, sodomites, men with man buns, those who approve of men with man buns, man bun enablers, white knights for men with man buns, homemakers who have finished
Netflix but don't know how to meal plan, and people who refer to their pets as fur babies. Viewer discretion is advised. People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio.
The message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone, and any who reject
Christ, therefore, forfeit any hope of salvation, any hope of heaven.
The issue is that humanity is in sin, and the wrath of Almighty God is hanging over our head.
They will hear his words, they will not act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed, and they will perish.
God wrapped himself in flesh, condescended, and became a man, died on the cross for sin, was resurrected on the third day, has ascended to the right hand of the
Father, where he sits now to make intercession for us. Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words, they will act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day, their house will stand.
Welcome to Bible Bash, where we aim to equip the saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions you're not allowed to ask.
We're your host, Harrison Kerrig, and Pastor Tim Mullett, and today we'll answer the age -old question, should
Christians tear down statues of Satan? Now, Tim, as we start this episode, what
Bible verse do you have for us? Yes, so 1 Kings 15, 11 says, "'And
Asa did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, as David his father had done. He put away the male cult prostitutes out of the land, removed all the idols that his father had made.
He removed Maka, his mother, from being queen mother because she had made an abominable image for Ashtara.
And Asa cut down her image and burned it at the Brick Kidron, but then the high places were not taken away.
Nevertheless, the heart of Asa was wholly true to the Lord in all of his days.'" So there's a passage that's somewhat relevant.
Okay, so in that passage, they are tearing down the false idols, right?
Sure. And they're presented as the heroes of the story, right?
Yeah, but I mean, obviously, that's Israel, and America's not Israel, and all that stuff has no relevance.
This does not apply to us at all. Pretend this passage does not exist.
We're a secular republic, and like pluralism, and secularism, and I may not agree with your right to worship
Satan, but I will fight to the death for it. You know? Which sounds so weird.
If you just remove your, like, okay, just pretend you're an
Israelite, for example. Put your - First, they came for the Satanist, and then I did nothing, you know, and then they came for the
Mormons, and I did nothing, and then they came for me. So, you know, it's very weird. Put yourselves in the shoes of an
Israelite, way back in Old Testament times, and you somehow have the ability to look into the future and then see that this is how
American Christians interact with other religions, right?
What do you think they would think about us in terms of our faithfulness?
I don't know. I mean, I guess there is a - A bunch of whips. A bunch of whips. I guess it is a hard hypothetical, just because, you know, most
Jews reject Christ to begin with, right? But it's hard to imagine many of them would applaud, you know, our brave stance to defend religious freedom, right?
Right. Well, I mean, it's hard, yeah. It's difficult to make that case for religious liberty in the way that, you know, the
American experiment is done from the Bible, in particular. So, I mean, it's very difficult to make that case as if, like, religious liberty is actually a good thing.
In fact, I mean, as you read through the Old Covenant, one of the things you're gonna find is, like, that is, like, the opposite, man, you know?
So, I mean, I'm not gonna pretend, like, these are easy questions to answer related to the covenantal differences, you know, the difference between the
New Covenant and the Old Covenant. Sure. And, you know, how Christians relate to the law right now and how they relate to, like, you know, as members of the
New Covenant and all that. So, I'm not gonna pretend, like, that there's just easy answers to all these things, for sure.
But then, I think what becomes weird is, what becomes weird is,
I mean, I can understand how an individual can say, hey, as members of the New Covenant, we're not
Israel. We're a church, we've been given a different mission, we've been given a different purpose, and then, you know, you gotta obey
Romans 13 and obey the laws of the land. And, you know, I don't think that we wanna be, like, vigilante terrorists or whatever else who are just, um, going in and, like, certainly, like, bombing, you know, whatever false religious temples are in the country and everything else.
So, I mean, I think, like, with the statue of Satan kind of issue, you have a current, there is a kind of logic that says, hey, you know, how far do you take this?
Right? Sure, yeah. Like, meaning, like, if you're gonna praise a guy for going in there and desecrating a
Satan statue, you know, what does that mean? Like, what are the accounts? Which, by the way, we should probably mention that this is actually what happened, right?
So, and, um, I think it was Idaho, right? They, in the state
Congress building, they allowed the Satanic temple to put up a statue of Satan for,
I think, 30 days, because they have some rule, according to their Congress building, a rule for their
Congress building that any religious institution is allowed to do that. And, you know,
Christians were obviously upset about it. I think a bunch of them protested outside of the building and then someone decided to go in there and knock the head off the statue, right?
So, that's why we're talking about this subject is because that's what happened, is a
Christian went in there and we're essentially trying to figure out, was he right or did he sin, right?
So, but keep going. Yeah, I mean, that's essentially the question. Was that an act of submission to Romans 13 and everything else?
Like, was that an act of subjugation? Was that Paul's strategy? Did Paul go in to see all the idols in Athens and encourage a revolt and encourage all the
Christians to tear them down and everything else? I think that those are all fair questions to ask about Christians related to our strategy and related to our mission, related to the covenant that we're under right now.
You know, what are the entailments of these things? I think those are all fair questions to ask, but I mean, I think, you know, obviously, like you look at the left and there's comparisons made to the left along these lines too, like meaning like the left has been doing this for years, right?
Dude, yeah. Like going and desecrating these, you know,
Southern, you know, statues and tearing them down and defacing them and everything else.
So, I mean, like there is part of this discussion to where you may be dealing with something like an inescapable concept, meaning like it's not like whether or not there's gonna be blasphemy laws in your country.
It's just like, what is the protected, what are the protected things? And so, I mean, the left has been doing this for years and getting away with it and no one really cares, right?
So, like the issue is there's some moral awareness that, hey, this is evil, it must be stopped. And so, you know, you can have people on the right who are looking at that and saying, hey, yeah, well, like what do we do, you know?
Maybe we shouldn't have that up anyways. And so, you know, a lot of it just, there is some sort of relationship to where we are in this current moment.
Like where are we at in this current moment in history? And what - Yeah, I think there's like a question too of when you, just from a governmental perspective, not necessarily like a spiritual one,
I think you do have to ask yourself, is the satanic temple an actual religion, right?
By the standard definition, because they would argue that they don't worship a deity, right?
So, you know, we would say as Christians from a biblical perspective, they are a religion and they do worship a deity.
And it's either they worship Satan or they worship themselves, but either way, they do worship a deity.
But then there is the question of, hey, does the temple of Satan get the same, you know, protections afforded to them by the government that Christians would or Catholics would or, you know,
Muslims or whoever else who have, number one, have been established for, at this point, you know, thousands of years.
Number two, acknowledge a specific deity or, you know, multiple deities.
And the satanic temple, as far as I understand it, was mostly started just as sort of a, you know,
I don't know if I would say necessarily like a satirical purpose, but borderline satirical, essentially just trying to push the boundary and, you know, make all the same argument, make all the same arguments that Christians would make in an attempt to try and defeat
Christians, right? Yeah, so you're in a really weird situation.
So, meaning like you're in a situation where you have the First Amendment, which basically says that Congress is gonna make no law, which, you know, respecting the establishment of a religion.
And, you know, in the context of how that was originally given, I mean, I think there's a good discussion to be had about like what that means, like meaning
Congress is not gonna establish a state Christian church, that's like a federal Christian church or something like that.
That's what that intent is to be made. But then, you know, what's happened is like, we've taken that as like basically a statement that is supposed to be creating some sort of wall of separation between church and state and everything else.
And so, meaning like you have the left for many years who are basically trying to remove any vestige of Christianity in every single public governmental space imaginable, right?
So, like if that's the rules, like if that's the rules, it's like the people's job to, like the government needs to remove all this, right?
Like you have to keep God out of politics, you gotta keep God out of the public square and everything else.
Well, then like the idea of having a public square, which is devoted to like putting, like you have to replace
God because of this supposedly like separation between church and state. But then you're replacing that with like the active worship of Satan, you know?
Yeah, yeah. Like, so there's some sort of hypocrisy there and should Christians call them on that?
I would say that, yeah, obviously you should call them on that kind of hypocrisy. If we have to remove the 10 commandments out of the courthouse because there's some sort of, because of a misunderstanding of the separation of church and state, like this principle of church and state, separation of church and state, which is not even in the constitution, if that's what we're doing, then obviously like that wouldn't entail putting a
Satan shrine in our courthouse, would it? So like pick the rules here, like we have to decide what the rules are.
And so, I mean, I certainly think that like you're living in a culture society where like you were not, like this is a democratic form of government.
We do have a constitution. This is about we, the people, so to speak. And so then if you have a government that, like even under the terms of our constitution, if you have a government who is, you know, acting in an unlawful way, we have a responsibility to resist them for sure.
And so, I mean, I think there is like a legal discussion we had at that point to say like, are they acting in a lawful way by displaying a
Satan statue in public? And then, you know, do we have a moral responsibility under the constitution to, you know, resist that kind of thing?
And so, you know, the individual who did that, I mean, you're gonna have to play it out court, but I mean, that's how you challenge the system anyways.
We do have a system of courts that are designed to settle these kinds of disputes. And so, you know, this is part and parcel thing.
So then, you know, the guy who did that, yeah, I mean, he obviously did that and then he turned himself in and said, hey, we're gonna settle it in the court, right?
And so he's basically just saying, hey, you don't have the authority to do that. You don't have the authority to put a
Satan statue up in there and I'm challenging it and I'm gonna challenge it through legal means. And, you know, obviously, you know, there wasn't any violence done to people at that point, right?
So he didn't go on a murderous rampage. He just says, you don't have the authority to put that statue up in the way that you think you did and I'm gonna call you on it.
And so certainly, yeah, I mean, I think that there's a lot of issues that are revolving around this subject that certainly are hard, but I mean,
I think the reaction that many people have is, many Christians have had online is definitely to be encouraged by the act instead of just, you know, more of the same.
But then you have, you know, you have people on both sides of that for sure. So, you know, basically what you're saying is, hey, this person's coming along and challenging the idea that governments should put up statues of Satan, right?
In their buildings. Is that, and then they're gonna take that to court, which taking it to,
I mean, you know, taking it to court is implying, hey, this is something that has to be arbitrated.
It's not necessarily clear right out of the gate, the right and the wrong, right?
At least, or at the very least it implies, hey, if this person is found to be in the wrong, it will be clear and it will be arbitrated out that way, right?
Right. Yeah, so we don't, like a lot of people, what happens in these kinds of discussions, a lot of people misunderstand the kind of government that we have in general.
And so like we don't, we, like the issue is like we're not under a monarchy.
Okay, so like we're in a different kind of government that people have had before. So we have a constitution, which is the highest human authority over us as a document.
That's what we have. So we have like the constitution, which is supposed to be the highest authority over all of us.
And then we, like we're a representative democracy, like we were like a constitutional republic, right?
So like we elect representatives to that, that are bound to fulfill the terms of, like the terms of their office as laid out by our governing documents in that way.
And so, you know, under, like under the kind of government we have, we have a government where we're mandated as like by the constitution with this responsibility to overthrow tyrants, okay?
So like, this is like different than like, like this is a different kind of government than being under like a monarchy, right?
So, but then what people do is they treat like the president as if he's our king or something, right?
And they treat like these courthouse officials as if they're our kings. And so the way they think about it is like very different from the way the government actually is meant to be formed.
So they think about it as if like your county rulers are like your king, and then their king is like the city ruler, right?
And then their king is the state ruler, and then their king is the federal ruler. And that's just not the way it works.
And because the confusion is so pronounced, like you can get to a point where like the presidents, each time they get elected to office now, they're, you know, signing executive orders as if they're kings or something like that.
And so, but then our government tells us that we have a duty to resist them when they are taking on powers that are not delegated to them by the constitution.
So it's your duty to resist them. And then you have a judicial branch, which is gonna judge who is in the right in those encounters, right?
So a lot of that is just like, that's the nature of the kind of government that we're under. And if you make the assumption that we're under some sort of like, you know, a system of kings, right?
With higher kings and other kings, like that's just a bad assumption about what's actually happening with the kind of government that we're under.
So then, you know, you do have to ask, did they have the constitutional authority to put that same statue up in there in general?
And, you know, by their own logic, they don't, because by their own logic, they've, and I don't even think this is right, but I mean, they're saying, hey, you gotta take
Christianity out of the public square. So if you gotta take the king commandments out of the courthouse, then you need to take the
Satan statue out of there too. You know, I don't even think that's a right interpretation of the constitution, but certainly if it was fair, it's fair, right?
And you should be able to call them on the cards on that and say, hey, like, what are you doing? Are you even thinking about this right?
You know? So, I mean, certainly it's a messy system for sure. And I think there's a lot of moving parts here, but then, yeah,
I mean, I think, you know, you're gonna have to have some sort of courageous, like, we're basically, we've inherited something that was,
I think, largely good, and then we're trying to toss it out. And, you know, the only thing that, like,
Christians are either going to try to stop them from shoving more depravity down your throat, to where, like, meaning like, if you're gonna add to our government, that now our government is gonna be advocating for the public worship of Satan or something like that,
I think you're at a place where it's like, hey, you can stop it when it first starts, or you can just let it go on for years and years and years and to a point where there's no way to stop it.
Yeah, and I think that's where a lot of Christians who are, who were encouraged by the toppling of the
Satan statue are at. That's, I mean, just personally speaking, I think that's where I'm at with it, is, you know, yes,
I think there's, I think it needs to be arbitrated out in the courts now.
And I think that's probably a good thing. And I was encouraged that the guy willingly turned himself in afterwards, trying to demonstrate a, you know, some sort of acknowledgement that like, hey,
I understand there's, under the current system we live in, whether it's being interpreted correctly or not, there are consequences for actions, and I'm willing to take on those consequences for my actions.
But then I, you know, I was still encouraged by what he did because of what you're talking about right now.
I think, you know, I think the people who push this kind of stuff, they hate
God, they hate the true God, and they are trying to do everything they can to get away from him, right, and worship themselves.
And ultimately they end up worshiping Satan, you know, whether that be, they're worshiping
Satan by unknowingly carrying out his work for him, or they just actually literally worship
Satan. And, you know, I think the more you just kind of, I think the more that you just kind of sit back, you know, with your hands crossed in your lap, and you say, hey, you know, while they do have a right to do that,
I think you're just gonna see people more and more taking that, and then trying to take more with it, right?
And so, yeah, I mean, you can sit back and fight for the
Satanists' right to worship Satan, but he's not gonna fight for yours to worship the true
God. He's not gonna fight for it. And so you're just letting them take power, letting them take power, letting them take power, letting them normalize worshiping
Satan, letting them normalize blaspheming the true God. And then eventually it's going to get to a point where it's not just like a, hey, you worship your
God, I'll worship my God. Eventually, I mean, you see it right now. There's, like you said earlier, there are blasphemy laws in our country.
They're just not related to the true God. They're not related to the Christian God. They're related to things like Satan, apparently.
You know, they're related to certain races. They're related to certain sexes, right?
They're related to the transvestite stuff. I mean, you are not allowed to blaspheme certain ideas.
Yeah, I mean, you basically had a citizen, you had a bunch of citizens who just let the government entrench those kind of practices and have it as normal without any challenge.
Yeah, and look at where it got us. Right, so I mean, it's just like, if the first time that ever happened, you had all these demonstrations and tearing down the flags or whatever else, like you may have stopped it at the very beginning.
And it, but then at this point, it's just so far gone to the point where it's like, hey, what are you going to do at that point?
There's no cultural momentum behind it. But then if the first sign of the Satan statue going up, you stop it, it may at least curb that element of it for sure.
But I mean, someone's going to have to be willing to go to jail for it, right? Someone's getting challenged out in the courtroom and -
So does that, so the fact that, okay, so in thinking about the Romans 13 aspect of this, because you get sent to jail for doing what, or because this guy did what he did, he gets sent to jail.
Does that immediately imply that he is violating Romans 13? Well, that's what
I mean. I mean, you have a system that's designed to involve a series of challenges to the government when the government oversteps its authority.
So like, we're not like a government, like our constitution is our governing documents. We're not a government that is like, set itself up to worship
Satan, right? Yeah. So, but then like the idea is like, we could transition into one if no one stops it.
Yeah. I mean, like despite, like, so we don't have a constitution that is like set up in such a way that we have declared
Satanism to be our official religion as a country. But then like, what's happened is you have like a governing document and then you have, like,
I mean, the founders of our country understood how this works. Like evil men are gonna take more and more power upon themself.
And so we just watched them do like, just take on a lot of illegitimate power, right? So you're in a situation where like, if conceptually you think about it this way, like you imagine like you're at school or whatever and then the bully decides that he's your king, right?
Uh -huh. So then he begins to, you know, go around, you know, and give his orders or whatever.
And like, I mean, you can imagine a scenario where the entire school then is listening to this bully as if he's like the ruler of the school.
And then like, once that becomes enshrined as normal, then you have everyone else like coming along and lending their support to it.
So then functionally you have this like phony kind of petty kingship that's been set up that it just becomes the state of affairs, right?
By virtue of the fact that everyone is kind of going along with it, like that's what they're doing. Whereas like, you know, if someone were to step in at the very beginning and say, hey, you're not really, you don't have any authority to do this, man.
I'm not gonna listen to you, laugh at you. What a joke, you know? Like it could stop it at the very beginning, right?
So like there's this concept of taking illegitimate authority. Like that's the concept that's like actually real.
Like there's a concept of taking illegitimate authority and our constitution acknowledges that people can do that.
They can take illegitimate authority upon themself. So then like when you're thinking about like that, as it relates to this topic, or just thinking about it more broadly, our government has done that in every conceivable way.
They've taken upon themselves all this illegitimate authority to where like the way that our constitution was set up is like you have a bunch of states who came together and who delegated certain prerogatives to the federal government and all other prerogatives were reserved to the states.
So you had, but like that's turned into just like this top -down hierarchy that everyone is just going along with, but that wasn't the original arrangement.
Like you, the original arrangement was the states were voluntarily submitting themselves, like delegating certain responsibilities to the federal government and they would reserve all the rest of it to themself.
So, but it wasn't like a top -down system. It was, it wasn't that at all. But now it's like functionally, we've just gone along with these kinds of things for years.
But I mean, you can imagine like this next iteration of this thing where, you know, let's say that the antichrist reveals himself, or whatever.
And you know, whoever he happens to be, let's say that he reveals himself and he sets himself up as like the king of America or whatever, and we all go along with it.
Like the issue is, is like he, and then he establishes like the worship of the beast as the primary religion of our country.
And he just does it by the vine, you know, just by like his kingly fiat or whatever.
Well, like you do have a system of government set up where you can challenge that. You can say, hey, you don't have authority to do that.
Okay. So that's the kind of government that we have. And then you work it out in the court system. So the courts are gonna declare, which one was the lawless one here?
Was the federal government declaring the national religion to be, you know, beast worship?
Is that, like, was that the lawless act or was it the person who said no to it? Does that make sense?
Like, so like that's where like, just because someone gets thrown in jail, well, that's what would happen if you're at the schoolyard bully situation to where you say, hey, no, whatever, right?
Well, the group of thugs get you and take you and, you know, hold you down and beat you up. That didn't mean you did anything wrong, but someone's gotta arbitrate now who is in the right and who is in the wrong if you're saying no to it.
Does that make sense? And so that's what our judicial branch is designed to do is to declare who was the lawless one in this encounter.
And, you know, did the government have the authority to do that? And so, but I mean, like, you can imagine a situation, like, we've just kind of let them declare, you know,
LGBTQ stuff to be our national religion at this point. Yeah, I mean, they're hanging the flags up on the White House.
Right, yeah, so, I mean, you're not, like, they're not allowed to hang the Christian flags up, are they, you know, because of this wall of, you know, this great wall of separation between the church and the states found in, you know,
Thomas Jefferson's letters or whatever. But I mean, like, you're not, like, the issue is it's just, like, we have a government where you're designed to challenge certain things, like the lawfulness of doing that.
I mean, and I think primarily, like, it's better to take it in the form of a legal challenge and sue them, you know?
I would think that that would probably be a better thing to do in general, but then, you know, I think, yeah, like, very quickly, we could just be a government that is devoted to the worship of, like, the explicit worship of Satan if we don't stop it, you know, if no one's willing to say, like, if we just go along with it, then you don't be surprised what happens for sure.
Yeah, and, you know, I mean, when you read about all of the Old Testament stories of people tearing down statues and idols to false gods,
I can't imagine that those typically went well with everyone, right? I mean, there's obviously, like, in all the encounters, like,
I mean, I think a lot of times they did it at night, you know, because they were too afraid, but I mean, you know, there is, like, this element of,
A, you take ownership of, this is our nation, this is our people, we're not gonna go this way, and there's some courage that's necessary to do that, like, particularly,
I mean, we're not like a monarchy here, you know? So, like, the government is supposed to represent, like, the people in this way, they're elected representatives, they're not rulers, so, like, you know, there is a we, the people, we won't stand quietly for this kind of thing, element of it, and so, you know, yeah, there's a lot of issues that are at play here, for sure.
Okay, well, I think that's a good place for us to wrap up the conversation on, and yeah, like you said, I mean, things have been changing so fast, and so much power has been grabbed, not just by the federal government, but certainly by progressives, trying to advance their ideology,
I mean, the slippery slope thing, like, that's not a fallacy, I mean, just look at the way things have progressed, look at where we started, even just five, 10 years ago, and look at where we are now, and you'll see that this isn't just, this isn't just some sort of, hey, you do your thing,
I'll do my thing, this is a, you know, from the left, it's like a, hey, you are also going to do my thing, or, hey, you're going to celebrate, you don't have to do my thing, but you're going to celebrate my thing, and you can't disagree with it in any way whatsoever, and so,
I mean, you know, I don't necessarily wanna put down someone who's,
I'm having a hard time just trying to, process exactly how
I wanna say this, just because I'm sure there are people, there are well -meaning Christians, who are going the religious freedom route, and, you know, they're arguing for that, because they don't, because they don't want
Christianity to somehow be, you know, made illegal, or something like that, because they could foresee that being, what happens later on down the line, if you abandon the whole religious freedom idea, right?
But then at the same time, I just think you're already seeing that happen, right?
You're seeing it right now, you're seeing, I mean, there are blasphemy laws in our country, and none of them have to do with God, they have to do with people worshiping themselves, worshiping the created, rather than the creator, and so, whatever the religious freedom crowd is afraid of, is already happening, and if you just sit back and allow it to happen, then, you know, you're kind of just inviting it on yourself, and kind of sticking your head in the sand,
I think personally, but certainly this is something that we all need to think through, and we all need to decide how do we act, what is going to honor the
Lord, in our specific context, with the specific agreements we have with our government right now, you know, how do we interact with people who are pushing religions that were essentially created to try and get rid of Christianity, out of every major institution possible, right?
By trying to use all of the same rights themselves, they're essentially trying to steal rights that they don't have any rights for, because, you know, like we were talking about earlier, the satanic temple,
I mean, it's not really a religion in the traditional form, by the traditional definition, it's not a religion, but then they're arguing that they need to be treated like one, and it's not that they necessarily care, you know, outwardly about advancing the worship of Satan, I mean, really they do, they do care about that, they just don't think that they do, for them it's more about getting
God out, as much as possible, and so we have to figure out as Christians, how do we deal with that, because that is a big deal, and if we let it go, and we just let it fester and fester over years, it's going to continue to look worse and worse for us as Christians.
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This has been another episode of Bible Bashed. We hope you have been encouraged and blessed through our discussion.
We thank you for all your support and ask you to continue to like and subscribe to Bible Bashed, and share our podcast with your friends and on social media.
Please reach out to us with your questions, pushback, and potential topics for us to discuss in future episodes at BibleBashedPodcast at gmail .com,
and consider supporting us through Patreon. Now, go boldly and obey the truth in the midst of a biblically illiterate world who will be perpetually offended by your every move.
We'll see you next time. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.