The Genesis Of The Gospel: The Bible's First Book, Biblical Authority and the Gospel
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Bryan Osborne -
After graduating from Bryan College with a bachelor of arts in biblical studies and minors in Greek and Christian education, Bryan earned his master’s degree in education from Lee University. For 13 years he boldly and enthusiastically taught Bible history in a public school system in Tennessee, and for 20 years he has helped youth and young adults in the local church to know and defend their faith. Bryan’s giftedness as a communicator and his passion for revealing the truth of God’s Word are obvious and contagious!
He now speaks at conferences and in churches for Answers in Genesis and has written for a blog designed to help parents and ministry leaders solve the growing epidemic of biblical illiteracy through the use of specially designed resources such as AiG’s Answers Bible Curriculum.
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- 00:06
- Well, good morning Everybody doing okay That's a little bit hot
- 00:12
- Actually, it feels pretty good in here. But who goes to sleep with fans in your house and this might knock me out all right, but I'm gonna tell you when our coordinator first told me that I've got the opportunity to privilege the speaker to apology of church.
- 00:25
- I said they know I don't have a beard, right? It's like they're willing to forgive that this time.
- 00:30
- I didn't shave at all the last couple of days just as a sign of respect The need anyway
- 00:37
- But no, it's such a privilege to be here with you. It truly is. My name is Brian Osborne I'm a speaker and writer with answers and Genesis.
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- I'll come back to that here in a moment Let me just say up front though. It really is a blessing to be here Dr. Pastor James White has been a blessing in my life over the years
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- I've learned clean so much for him and then your church Apology of church and all that you do as a church has been a blessing in my life
- 00:57
- I just signed up for all access not that long ago. I've been a friend from Boston you collision enjoy so much from that It's a blessing in my heart.
- 01:05
- We praise God for what you are doing here We praise God for chance to partner with you to further the kingdom of God for the glory of God And we are all about that.
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- And so as I just sit here and I'm with you I am blessed blessed to be with the body of Christ to be here with you
- 01:19
- Thank you for allowing me to come be with you guys and it's such a privilege and let me say up front to That typically when we do a presentation as a ministry, it's usually almost required.
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- We have slides We have lots of pictures so the presentation
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- I've given you today typically has around 200 slides with it Just so you know
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- And so what I'm going to try to do to the best of my ability is give the same talk because it is so important Without the picture.
- 01:47
- So this would be branded for me. You guys are my guinea pigs So we'll see how this goes. All right, but I'm excited about the privilege.
- 01:54
- I hope it'll bless you. I think it will Little bit just about me before dive into the actual talk itself
- 02:00
- I've been with the ministry of entrance of Genesis for about 10 years. Like I said before that I was a public school teacher
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- I taught Bible history in a public school over in, California. Can you believe that? You shouldn't it wasn't
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- California. It was Tennessee You know that's not happening in California, but But I taught for 13 years in a public school in Tennessee Bible history a very unique thing
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- My wife was a public school teacher as well. And then I came to this ministry roughly 10 years ago
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- It's kind of my background. I have a wife a beautiful wife. Just one wife, by the way, and Been married for 25 years this past June was our 25th anniversary
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- Which was a glorious thing and she is my greatest earthly blessings You guys are missing out because you can't see pictures of my family as I talk about them
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- But I got two beautiful children Ian and Macy my son Ian. He is 9 years old.
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- He's all boy. He's incredible doing karate right now I love the basketball stuff like that. My daughter Macy is 5 and she is a straight -up daddy's girl and man
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- These kids are incredible. They're just my greatest earthly blessings and just so you know, God gave us our children through adoption
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- It's kind of a cool testimony of our family as well. So that's another backstory for another time But so that's my family and then
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- I joined answers of Genesis roughly 10 years ago as I've said And if you don't know who we are, we are those crazy people out in northern,
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- Kentucky who built Noah's Ark All right, that's our ministry and we're an apologetics ministry which as you guys will know doesn't mean to apologize for your faith rather to give an answer for your faith a
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- Reasonable defense for why you believe what you believe rooted in God's Word and guys our passion in equipping
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- Christians to give this defense It's not simply to give an answer to win a debate rather We want to give answers to proclaim the answer
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- Jesus Christ. That is our passion That is our heartbeat and so as you go through we'll think we had the creation museum and the
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- Ark Encounter if you never been to those two Attractions under our ministry. I'd so encourage you to go over in northern,
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- Kentucky I know it's a long trip for you guys But we have the creation museum a 75 ,000 square foot walk through biblical history as we walk you through biblical history
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- We're answering the skeptical questions of this age. We're showing people the Bible is true
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- It's right about everything past present and future and then we got the Ark Encounter a life -size replica of Noah's Ark and I'm Telling you there's so much stuff you do at both attractions
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- We have planetarium special effects theater virtual reality rides speakers every day Presentations with animal encounters all sorts of great stuff.
- 04:28
- You can spend a good two days at each attraction So if you get a chance to go and also encourage you to go and check that out
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- It'd be such a blessing to you. And by the way, it'd be a lot better than Disney Just throwing that out there.
- 04:41
- All right, but what I want to talk a man. Yeah But what
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- I want to do this morning is really lay a foundation for why we as a ministry are so passionate about the ministry
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- God has really called us to this message He's called us to proclaim in the world we live in today And I'll say this we're so passionate about this defending biblical authority from the beginning starting in Genesis Because we've realized something
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- I know you've realized and that's this That our nation is going in the wrong direction
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- Have you noticed that? Like it's not that hard to see right? We're seeing the other collapse of the
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- Christian worldview and it's not just America. It's been the entire Western world But the fact that's happening here
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- It's pretty astounding because if you think about it We are the most Christianized nation the world has ever seen in all of history
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- And we have more churches than anybody else in the world. We have hundreds of thousands of churches in America We have more
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- Bible colleges and more seminaries. We have more Christian schools and radio stations and television stations
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- We have more Christian resources than any nation has ever had in all of history
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- I'm not a crazy thought But for all those Christian resources are we becoming more or less
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- Christian every day, what's the answer and less and rapidly so Actually Newsweek back in 2009.
- 06:04
- I know you can't see this Got my slides in front of me But Newsweek back in 2009 had a cover that said the decline and fall of Christian America and inside they said this
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- The present in this sense. It's less about the death of God and it's more about the birth of many gods
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- Here's what they're saying we used to be one nation under God, but never one nation under many gods
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- Didn't that great see how tolerant we are But in truth at a foundational level, did you realize there are actually only two religions people say just to just to here they are
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- Either God's Word is your authority and you build your thinking from there or reject
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- God's Word What are you left with man's ideas in some way shape or form as your ultimate authority?
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- Those are your two foundational religions and what we've seen in this culture and our culture has been a shift away from Biblical authority to be in the absolute foundation for our thinking in our culture to now man can determine what is truth for himself
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- Which is why truth is relative in our culture today because each person Determines their own truth and that's why our culture looks a whole lot like Judges 21 25 when there was no king in Israel Every man did that which is right in his?
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- And man doesn't that describe the state of affairs in America today, that's why we see headlines like this one
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- Drag queen story hour brings pride and glamour to libraries across the u .s Headlines in the news like this one
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- Kirk Cameron bought from reading his new children's book by more than 50 public libraries Because it teaches biblical values
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- So in our public libraries, you can have drag queens, but not biblical teaching Virginia state lawmaker to introduce bill making it a crime for parents not to affirm their
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- LGBT child That didn't pass but other bills similar have passed in other places Washington bill to allow medical transgender interventions on minors without parental consent
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- That did pass But we're told by the medical establishment Don't call women pregnant.
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- Don't call pretty women expectant mothers instead called them pregnant people Because according to them anybody can't get pregnant
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- We're told actually in North Carolina, which is my home state. There was a preschool there use an
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- LGBT flashcards to fitting a pregnant man to teach the kids colors Mattel had their first ever transgender
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- Barbie doll not that long ago Oregon essentially bans Christians from adopting based on the new legislation
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- Coca -cola has told their employees to be less white but also be white is bad because you're an oppressor
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- Part of critical race theory ideology. And so if you're white you're part of the bad group and CRT, of course is a racist ideology
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- TEDx speaker says pedophilia is a natural sexual orientation New UN bat legal recommendations normalize sex with minors
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- How about this headline two more will be done? 61 year old woman gives birth to all granddaughter for gay son using his husband sisters eggs
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- I Give you a second to process all that I did one more Transgender man gives birth to non -binary partners baby with female sperm donor.
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- I Could go on but can we agree for the sake of time our culture has lost its mind We agree on that our question is why and I think the way we think about this questions as Christians is why isn't the church?
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- Why aren't Christians influencing the culture like we used to years ago? Guys here's what we suggest because in so many cases today it is the culture that is influencing the church
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- That's so often today Christians have compromised God's Word with the secular thinking of our age We've undermined biblical authority as a result.
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- We're seeing the collapse of the Christian worldview That what is taking place has been an attack on the
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- Word of God. Yes outside the church. That is true But also Inside the church and we're seeing the consequences of that attack and they are catastrophic and the fact that God's Word is under attack
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- That's not new God's Word has been under attack since Genesis chapter 3 when the devil said to Eve did
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- God really say I Notice what he was doing getting you to question
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- God's Word to doubt God's Word to reject God's Word and The method was so effective.
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- He's used the same method ever since different forms the same basic attack
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- And one of the primary ways he's doing this today is through the teaching of things like evolution Amen, Big Bang and especially millions of years
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- Using those who are ideas to get people to question God's Word doubt God's Word to reject God's Word Same basic attack with a bit of a stealth ninja like twist
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- And that is he's attacking the Bible's history to undermine the Bible's Authority to undermine the gospel rooted in that authority
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- Because here's the bottom line. We understand this if you cannot believe the Bible's history
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- Why on earth trusted about anything else? If you can't believe Genesis 1 1 why trust
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- John 3 16 if you cannot believe what this book clearly says in the beginning Why trust the middle or the end?
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- Hey guys for so many people today, this is their stumbling block to the gospel of Jesus Christ Name though many
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- Christians haven't realized that the secularists the atheists They understand this is a great way to undermine biblical authority by attacking the history to undermine that authority
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- Thus the gospel in that authority Give you one quote from a very well -known atheist.
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- He's actually was from the Arizona area Lawrence Krauss he's a very well -known physicist former professor of physics at Arizona State University and It's kind of like America's version of Richard Dawkins But his whole goal is to try to use the teaching of evolution millions of years to undermine biblical authority
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- To pull people away from those fundamentalist views to have his view because he thinks his view is right because he's so tolerant and bigoted
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- But anyway He said his goal was this he said change is always one generation away
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- So if we can plant the seeds of doubt in our children Religion will go away in a generation or sleep or at least largely go away.
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- And that's what I think we have an obligation to do I'm just glad he's neutral about all this
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- But he's not right and nobody can be but he's right about one thing change is always one generation away
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- We see that biblical history numerous times. We see it happening right before our very eyes guys, according to numerous studies now for decades an
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- Average of around two -thirds of kids today who grew up in active Christian homes are walking away from the church by the time they reach college age
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- Most of whom today do not return Two -thirds and so we want to figure out why that's happening what to do about it
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- So we did a research project with America's research group at Brent Beamer We're interviewed a thousand of these Millennials who have grown up in the church, but since walked away to try to figure out
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- What's going on how to respond? And let me just share two of the major findings When we ask those who have walked away
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- When did you first have doubts? I want you to note something for most of them. It was not college
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- And that what we tend to think with our kids who walk away They seem to be fine while they're going through middle school in high school
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- I mean, they're crazy then but they're with us Then they go off to the secular university and that's when the secular professors in the environment there tends to pull them away
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- That's our thinking right the corner research over 80 % of those walking away had all these doubts
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- They had all these questions starting in middle school and high school if not before They had all these questions that for the most part were not getting answered at least not at home and not a church
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- What sort of questions? Was the same sorts of questions I heard for 13 years teaching Bible history in a public school
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- Working for 20 years with Eastern Church in different ways questions like if the Bible is true Then where did God come from?
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- And how come you know, how's the Bible the Word of God and not the Quran and by the way, who did Cain marry?
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- It doesn't evolution in the eight been don't they disprove the Bible by the way I don't know get all those animals onto the Ark and where did the water come from for the flood and where did it go?
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- By the way, what about dinosaurs and the Bible aren't the rock layers millions of his old doesn't that this through the Bible? What about this and star -like rate of mature dating doesn't that disprove the
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- Bible way? Why is there so much death and suffering in the world? It has a science disprove the Bible Have you heard some of those
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- Maybe not that fast We hit those why because this is primarily where the attack is happening today in so many cases
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- You see for so many people and this day and age They think the Bible has been bombed out by these sort of secular ideas that's been discredited and here's the deal
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- They're coming to us for answers Hey Christian mom dad Grandpa grandma pastor
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- Sunday school teacher Christian friend co -worker teammate if the Bible is true. What about evolution?
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- What about eight men? What about? Rock layers and fossils. What about nowadays? What about sexuality and gender and marriage if there are any answers in the
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- Bible? Why don't you give me any and what has been our? General response to those sorts of questions now for decades
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- It's been something like this. Hey, you know what? I don't know about that stuff, but don't worry about it.
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- Just trust in Jesus Now don't misunderstand we want them to trust in Jesus amen
- 15:43
- Amen Christian Church, right? Of course, we want them to trust in Jesus But hear me when we ignore their questions and we just say that we're ignoring their fundamental question, which is this
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- Here's what they're asking us. Why should I trust in your Jesus? Because the message of salvation through Christ alone that message comes from where?
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- This book the Bible and hey mom dad grandpa Christian friend If I cannot trust the
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- Bible over here, why trust what it says here here or here? Either all of this book is authoritative and true or none of it is and that is the core issue
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- That's where the passion that drives our ministry defending biblical authority and the gospel rooted in that authority
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- You see for so many who do walk away They're walking away in their hearts and in their minds before they ever leave physically for college
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- They're sitting in our pews in our homes right now, and they are all ready gone So we entitled the book of the research in it already gone
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- And when we asked them their reasons for leaving one of their main reasons for leaving was hypocrisy
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- We said okay kind of figured but can you describe explain explain that to us?
- 16:58
- What do you mean by hypocrisy? And this is what the majority said on their own. It was not multiple choice
- 17:04
- They said something along these lines. They said well We grew up in church And we were told in church that this book the
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- Bible is the very Word of God Trust what it says, especially that part about Jesus Then they said we were told in some way shape or form later on by a
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- Christian friend pastor So this was teacher parent a Christian leader. They respected in the culture They were told in some way shape or form that we as Christians.
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- We don't necessarily believe the first part of the book And you can take evolution eight men
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- Big Bang millions of years you take man secular pagan ideas and reinterpret the first part It's not that important.
- 17:41
- Just be sure you believe the rest of it and you trust in Jesus And friends they see it as hypocrisy and rightfully so because it is
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- And because that for so many it's causing them to really question the Bible's veracity and walk away from the biblical truth from an earthly perspective when it's that's all spiritual battle ultimately
- 18:03
- And here's the deal maybe I'm sure that many of you like myself Had the best of intentions like myself many years ago.
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- We had the best of intention We've said I don't know about that stuff. Don't worry about it. Trust in Jesus The guys even as Christians we have great intentions and so get the worst of consequences
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- True story about 25 years ago now Wow, I'm getting old been anyway, so 27 years ago
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- I was at my in -laws house for Thanksgiving and my wife has two sisters and all three of them look alike
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- Especially ten years ago so after the meal was done the guys watching football in the room over here and then I got thirsty so I walked into the
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- Kitchen to grab a drink as I walk into the kitchen. My mother -in -law Kathy calls my name. I look over to her
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- She's sitting by the refrigerator. We start talking in my peripheral vision I see my wife leaning over the counter reading something and her sister
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- Amy a little further over holding her newborn, baby So I just see my peripheral vision, but I say
- 18:58
- I don't need to look that's my wife. That's my sister -in -law I played sports growing up I was a point guard on a college basketball team good peripheral wife sister -in -law talking to mother -in -law as I'm talking to my mother -in -law.
- 19:09
- I think to myself. I'm gonna love on my wife because I love my wife. So I scoot over Never looked just start rubbing her back
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- We're still talking I go for two hands Sort of like a little circle pattern because I love my wife and then
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- I start massaging her shoulders Because I really love my wife And then as we're wrapping up this quick little conversation,
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- I'll say to myself I'm gonna kiss my wife because I love my wife And so I lean down her back to give her a kiss on the cheek and I look up and there's my wife holding her sister's baby
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- Looking at me like I done lost my mind and then right here my sister -in -law Amy was frozen in fear
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- And of course at that point man, I am just stuttering I'm stammering I'm backing up I'm like Amy I am so sorry
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- I said, why didn't you say anything? She said I didn't know what you were doing. I just froze
- 20:07
- So get our time about that from time to time but Hey, I had some really good intentions, but I got some really bad
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- Consequences and on a serious note when we compromise God's Word with the secular thinking of our day even with the best of intentions, you'll still get the worst of consequences
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- And also we found in the research That the way we were teaching the Bible is causing many to struggle with its veracity today that you can trust it
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- You say what do you mean? Well, so often today there's so many churches and so many Bible studies in Sunday school classrooms and so forth when we study the
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- Bible We tend to say hey today. We're gonna look at this great Bible story But what does the word story tend to mean in our modern language?
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- Yeah fiction story fairy tale not true, right maybe something with a moral or spiritual truth
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- But definitely not something connected to reality And then of course I'll show our kids pictures of Noah's Ark as an overloaded bathtub
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- Have you seen those with a drafts come out some sort of chimney of sorts out of this bathtub arc
- 21:13
- The monkeys hang out in the porthole And those pictures are meant to be cute for kids. I do understand that my daughter's five
- 21:20
- But kids are very impressionable. You show a kid a picture like that Does that tell that child Noah's Ark in flood real event in history like the
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- Bible says or fairy tale like the world says? It's actually reinforcing a secular idea whether we mean to or not
- 21:35
- And guys for so many people not just younger generations. They got all these questions They're being bombarded with in our culture from so many different angles and in many cases, they're coming to us for answers and Here's the deal for the most part within Christianity today.
- 21:50
- We are not giving them any For the most part we are not doing apologetics in our churches today in our
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- Christian communities for the most part We're just teaching biblical stories not teaching our people or ourselves to defend biblical authority from the beginning by sending
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- God's Word So in a real sense, we've left those under our charge defenseless against the secular attacks of this age by giving them no answers
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- And so if we don't give them answers, where do they go to get the answers? Well, the only other alternative which is secular sources
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- They go to secular textbooks and secular school teachers and they go things like uncle Google Wikipedia YouTube Tick -tock
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- Lord help them And they learn about from those places the real history of the universe
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- Evolution millions of years Big Bang to learn about all sexuality is fluid gender is fluid marriage me Whatever you want it to be hear me in a real sense what they're getting are secular apologetics
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- They're learning all the reasons the Bible must not be true and cannot be trusted what are they getting a church? stories
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- And we think about like that it's not so surprising so many are walking away
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- And guys that history and Genesis that biblical history it is real history It is really important actually biblical history is foundational to every single biblical doctrine
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- Did you realize that every biblical doctrine either directly or indirectly is rooted to that history in Genesis 1 to 11?
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- every single one few quick examples Where do we see the origin and definition of marriage that's found in the book of Genesis right chapters 1 to 11.
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- Where do we see the origin of sin and death that's found over in Genesis chapters 1 to 11.
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- Hey, why do we practice a seven -day week? Where does that come from? Then only Genesis by the way, why do we wear clothes?
- 23:40
- I noticed that you are and that is good. Amen that goes back to the book of Genesis Guys, how do we know that every person no matter where they live in the womb or on the moon?
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- No matter what they look like what their skin shade may be how tall or short they are how athletic or unathletic? They are that every single person has inherent indelible equal value because I made in the image of the living
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- God that comes from the book of Genesis Why did Jesus die on the cross?
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- Why is he called the last Adam? why do we need a new heavens and a new earth that all goes back to the book of Genesis Foundation for every single biblical doctrine you take away that foundation the whole biblical
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- Christian structure will collapse Like we see happening in our culture today And let me just give you two quick examples of biblical doctrines being attacked by attacking that history in the book of Genesis First one's a pretty easy second one's a bit more subtle, but they're equally important.
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- I Biblical doctrine of marriage is under assault And it's interesting when
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- Jesus was asked about marriage by the Pharisees. He did something radical and you guys know his way did
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- He quoted the Bible as the authority and he said to the Pharisees.
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- Have you not read? Translation don't you guys read your Bibles that he who made them at the beginning that's important Mark says beginning of creation made them
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- That's how we know fundamentally there are only two genders and for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother be joined to his wife and the two shall become
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- And he was showing that the doctrine of marriage is based on the biology and the history of Genesis being true You become one in marriage
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- Why it's based on the fact that the woman came from the man like the Bible clearly describes
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- The woman praise God did not come from the ape woman Men take a second to try to visualize an ape woman.
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- See how scary that would be praise God that did not happen No, the woman came from the man and as Christians we can engage this culture
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- And we can tell them the marriage is to be between one man one woman for life
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- Why? Because the God who made marriage he made it between one man one woman for life guys
- 26:03
- God made it he defines what it is and we find that in the book of Genesis but again if that history is not true and or God's Word is not the authority then why not
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- Redefine marriage and make it whatever you want it to be Which is exactly what's happening right now in our culture today, which is why some people today have literally married their pets.
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- I Read an article the other day someone married a piece of furniture. Someone married a robot one lady true story.
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- She married a tree. I Think she's trying to branch out. I don't know but I am sorry, all right,
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- I Try to limit myself to two dad jokes per presentation. I may break that today
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- Terrible joke for a true story. That's what happens when you abandon biblical authority And then let me even know example of a biblical doctrine being attacked
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- That's a bit more subtle but equally important That is the doctrine of death and its relationship to Christ's atoning work on the cross is also under assault
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- See what I mean? Well follow me on this as you guys well know the Bible says that God made a perfect creation in Genesis 2 16 and 17
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- God told Adam the day you eat of the fruit you will surely Of course scripture is clear that God made this world perfect and it was man's sin about death the enemy
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- Into God's perfect creation Romans 6 23 for the wages of sin is And then of course
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- Romans 8 22 says for the whole of creation is groaning in pain Why because of our sin and it's longing for Christ to return to return the world to its original perfect state
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- We see the first death of an animal after Adam sinned God kills an animal for the very first time in a sense the first blood sacrifice
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- To make clothing for Adam and Eve to cover their sin and their shame and guys That's a picture of Jesus Christ who comes later to shed his blood to cover our sin and our shame
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- And most will say okay Brian. We're with you on all of that. But where's the attack? Here it is if you try to squeeze the secular
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- Atheistic pagan idea of millions of years into the Bible no matter how you try to matter how good your intentions may be
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- Inevitably, you'll put death before sin and death before sin is theologically
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- Impossible for a bunch of reasons here a couple quick ones First in Genesis 1 29 and 30 in the original perfect creation
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- God told Adam and Eve they were to eat fruit the animals were to eat plants Originally all things were vegetarian
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- Which I know that sounds weird to us today because maybe you like me enjoy eating filet mignon wrapped in bacon
- 28:50
- So I get it. It sounds weird That makes really good biblical sense because think about it. There was no death in this world until after Adam sinned
- 28:59
- Which means you can't eat meat until after Adam sinned because when you eat meat you're eating an animal that has
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- Died before sin, there's no death All things have to be vegetarian and by the way plants are not alive in the strict biblical sense
- 29:14
- Actually, it's not so after the flood that God told Noah just as I gave you plants to eat now post flood you can eat everything
- 29:22
- And this is the reason you can eat a hot dog Because it is everything That's my second one, all right,
- 29:31
- I'm like, however Kids are like what's funny about that?
- 29:36
- Don't worry about it. Just enjoy the hot dog. Just enjoy it. It's good But why is this a problem?
- 29:46
- Here's why if we reject the Bible's clear teaching that God made a perfect creation
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- But then man sinned bringing death into the world and then there was a global flood that laid down most of rock layers of fossils
- 29:56
- We see today if you reject that what are you left with man's ideas? What does man say man says the rock layers were laid down slowly over millions of years
- 30:07
- There are these supposed evidence for the millions of years. So these rock layers based on man's ideas who weren't there
- 30:14
- Rockers lay down slowly over millions of years watch this before man ever
- 30:20
- Existed and thus before sin and in those rock layers Supposedly laid down before men before sin we find lots of evidence of animals eating each other
- 30:31
- But the Bible says before man sinned all things were vegetarian We find out it's saying a fossil record lots and lots of evidence of diseases brain tumors cancer arthritis infections but before man sinned
- 30:46
- Guys God would not call millions of years of death suffering bloodshed cancer.
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- Very good If he did he would not be a very good God And by the way, if that were true in a real sense
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- God will be the author of death as part of his original very good creation If we embrace that we're blaming
- 31:03
- God for death in a sense instead of our sin We find thorns in the fossil record that are supposedly millions of years old
- 31:11
- But the Bible's clear thorns came after the curse their result of the curse and a symbol of the curse
- 31:17
- That's our Christ wore the crown of thorns. He bore the curse on our behalf And friends most important of all if you try to squeeze millions of years into the
- 31:26
- Bible No matter how you try no matter how good your intentions may be like mine were years ago
- 31:31
- No matter which method day age theory gap theory progressive creation theistic evolution framework hypothesis cosmic temple, etc
- 31:38
- They all inevitably put death before sin and watch this logically and theologically
- 31:45
- If there was death before sin, that would mean death is not the consequence nor payment for sin
- 31:52
- Just always been around and if death is not the payment for sin That Jesus's death cannot and does not pay our sin debt
- 32:03
- And we just undermine Christ's atoning work on the cross whether we meant to or not and friends can
- 32:08
- I tell you something This is why we care so much about these issues Our passion my passion is not about winning a debate about distant starlight or the age year at the rate of retro dating
- 32:19
- We give good answers to all those things, but the passion is defending biblical authority and the gospel in that authority
- 32:25
- That's what's under attack. That's what's at stake. That's why this matters Bottom line the gospel of Jesus Christ doesn't start in the book of Matthew I don't like Matthew, but the gospel starts in the book of Truly does
- 32:40
- And so let's say okay. I'm with you on all that Brian, but then wait a minute Are you then saying that someone's got to believe in a young earth a six thousand year old universe and a global flood and a literal
- 32:50
- Adam to be a Christian. Are you saying it's a direct salvation issue? Not at all.
- 32:56
- What does the Bible say about salvation one verse right John 3 16 for God's loved the world that he gave his only
- 33:02
- Son that whoever believes in him and a young earth and a global flood will be saved
- 33:10
- If that's in your Bible throw that Bible away and get a real Bible No, we know we're saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone
- 33:19
- So it's not a direct salvation issue, but it is an indirect salvation issue in a way
- 33:25
- Because where does the message of salvation through Christ alone come from that message comes from This book and again if we can't trust this part of the book over here
- 33:36
- Why should we trust the rest? Either it's all authoritative or none of it is and dear friends you guys know this but here's the bottom line
- 33:43
- We don't have the right nor the authority to treat God's word like a buffet We don't have
- 33:49
- Chipotle Bibles I'll take some of this but not some of that. I'll take John 3 16
- 33:55
- Philippians 4 13 out of context But not Leviticus 18 or Genesis 1 to 11 or something like that And that's why it's so important that we obey
- 34:04
- God's command at first Peter 3 15 and Jude 1 3 to contend earnestly for the faith Where the attack is happening today?
- 34:10
- I think so many Christians aren't doing this because we have bought numerous secular lies One of those lies is this
- 34:17
- They'll say well you can't use the Bible to do science because the Bible is not a science textbook Our response is you're right.
- 34:24
- It's not praise God those change every year But where the
- 34:29
- Bible touches on science we can't trust it because here's what it does for us It gives us the big picture of history to rightly understand things like biology
- 34:39
- Geology anthropology astronomy and so forth It gives us the right understanding of the past that we apply to the evidence in the present
- 34:48
- And that's so important because we all live in the present, right? right
- 34:55
- Raise your hand if you with me in the presence quick check Everybody awesome. Praise God. Hey, by the way,
- 35:00
- I was asking about how long I could talk and there's a no 40 50 minutes I'm like, well, how long does
- 35:06
- Jeff normally go? Okay, you got two hours. You're fine. Just go for it. All right Pastor Jeff has a great reputation.
- 35:13
- That's awesome. But anyways, no, we exist in the present Let me think about this question. When do fossils exist past or present and the answer is
- 35:21
- They exist now in the presence if they didn't we would not have them And when you find a bone in a dirt, the bone does not come with a label on it saying hey
- 35:31
- I'm 65 million years old made in China Or whatever. They don't come like that.
- 35:37
- Hey guys, here's the point and this is so important as you think about these issues and Think about biblical authority in regards to history all the evidence any scientist has biblical scientists secular scientists
- 35:49
- They've all got the same stuff in the present the same rock layers and the same fossils the same radioisotopes the same distance starlight all observed in the present
- 35:59
- Here's the deal. They interpret those things differently in the presence and make different guesses
- 36:06
- But where those things came from their origin and thus their age Rooted in a different starting assumptions about the unseen past rooted in their different worldviews
- 36:17
- God's Word versus man's and here's the key if you start with the wrong assumptions Especially about unseen history.
- 36:24
- You'll likely get the wrong conclusions Monitor the story of An elderly gentleman who was sure his wife was going deaf
- 36:34
- So one night I stuck up behind about ten feet away and he whispered can you hear me, honey? Nothing, you got a few feet closer.
- 36:42
- Can you hear me, honey? Nothing, he got right behind her. Can you hear me honey to which she responded for the third time?
- 36:50
- Yes Is that a dad joke,
- 36:55
- I don't think so It is okay. I got an affirmation right there. All right, I went over my threshold. I'm sorry.
- 37:00
- I repent Wasn't her problem, right? Wrong assumptions wrong conclusions and friends hear me on this, you know this there is no such thing as neutrality
- 37:12
- On every issue it always comes down to this either God's Word is your authority or man's where it is
- 37:19
- There is no such thing as neutrality whether it's social issues or science issues
- 37:24
- Pick your authority put your faith in one or the other everybody's got faith just where you put it in your faith
- 37:30
- That's either God's Word or man's that's the core issue every single time on this issue, but there is no neutrality
- 37:35
- Either you walk in light or you walk in darkness Jesus said either with me or you're
- 37:42
- Either you gather with me or you Roman 8 7 the mind set on the flesh is neutral towards God.
- 37:50
- Oh It is hostile towards God There is no such thing as neutrality and understanding that fundamental truth dear friends we should boldly and lovingly stand on biblical authority taking every thought captive making it obedient to Christ and using that worldview to answer the questions of this age and here's the deal when we stand on God's Word an amazing thing happens
- 38:14
- We have answers and they're really not that hard I tell people all the time you don't need a
- 38:21
- PhD to defend your faith If you've got one great use it for the glory of God What you need to defend your faith is a biblical worldview trust
- 38:29
- God's Word if you do so you have answers You can answer questions that scared Christians have to death for decades questions like how did
- 38:35
- Noah get all those animals onto the ark? Atheists asked this like a mic drop, but if you just trust
- 38:42
- God's Word, the answer is really not that hard According to Bible how big was the ark over 500 feet long and 85 feet wide and 51 feet tall with three different levels
- 38:51
- Over a football field and a half in length capacity equaled almost 500 semi -trailers
- 38:58
- It was a huge ship when you guys go to the Ark Encounter, Northern, Kentucky. We're good walking shoes
- 39:04
- You're going to need them. It's a lot of ground to cover. It was a huge boat. Noah's Ark was not a bathtub ark
- 39:12
- And then the Bible is clear that God brought to Noah parents of all the land dwelling air -breathing creatures
- 39:17
- According to their kind and the word kind in the Bible for the most part It's equal to about the family level of modern -day classification
- 39:27
- So what that means practically is this Noah did not take 400 pairs of dogs on the ark
- 39:34
- He most likely never saw Chihuahua or poodle in his life He was a blessed man
- 39:41
- Amen somebody. All right No He took two of the dog kind two of the elephant kind two of the horse kind Too too many of the cat kind but two of the basic kinds of animals on the ark
- 39:58
- We take two of their kinds land dwelling air -breathing they filled their problem on that massive boat And then we should be connecting the flood to geology if there was a global flood as described in the
- 40:08
- Bible We'd expect to find billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid under water all over the earth And guess what?
- 40:13
- We find, you know Into that thing spared and rock layers laid in my water all over the earth
- 40:19
- And some would say but I thought took a long time to make a rock layer Not at all water dirt minerals right conditions.
- 40:25
- You can make rock layers really quickly We have pictures of a ship's bell encased by rock
- 40:31
- There's a clock in Iraq an ancient clock in Iraq that we have a spark plug in Iraq Those things did not take millions of years to form or maybe you remember
- 40:38
- Mount St. Helens erupting back in 1980 and from that minor eruption by historical standards it produced rock layers huge rock layers in literally hours
- 40:49
- Just watched it happen They form canyons one of them nicknamed the mini Grand Canyon because it's 140 the size of the
- 40:56
- Grand Canyon With similar features to the Grand Canyon and it formed that Canyon and get this in nine hours
- 41:03
- We just watched it happen Great observable testable repeatable evidence.
- 41:08
- It doesn't take a long time to make those sort of structures What you need is a catastrophe and if you want bigger rock layers and bigger canyons like found down the road from here
- 41:19
- Needed a bigger catastrophe maybe like a global flood described in God's Word And then someone say okay, but then wait a minute
- 41:27
- I thought fossils took a long time to form actually know to make a fossil typically is a rapid process
- 41:33
- You got buried something deeply and quickly to protect it from scavengers and decomposition I can show you pictures of a petrified ham a hand that turned to stone in less than 60 years after being buried from volcanic eruption guys at the museum.
- 41:46
- We have fossils of fish fossilized in the act of eating another fish Poor guy did not get to finish his last meal frozen in stone
- 41:55
- We got ichthyosaurs fossilized in the act of giving birth again pretty much instantaneous And then speaking of their recent formation, we're finding
- 42:04
- Literally all around the globe. We're finding soft tissue from dinosaurs still intact in their bones
- 42:10
- The tissue is still stretchy and pliable. Oftentimes our blood vessels and red blood cells still inside that tissue
- 42:17
- And those organic remnants should not last hundreds of years after the creatures death
- 42:23
- Maybe thousands in special conditions. No way millions.
- 42:29
- It's great confirmation of biblical timescale So we got answers if we stand on the biblical worldview can answer the science issues
- 42:35
- But we can also answer the social issues many issues dealing with gender and gender identity if we stand on God's Word We have the answers our culture is clamoring for The thing about gender identity we go to Genesis 1 verse 27
- 42:48
- So God created man in his own image and the image of God he created him male and female he created them
- 42:55
- Guys, we know biblically. There are only two genders God our Creator He assigns our identity and our gender from birth
- 43:03
- We know that both men and women uniquely and equally display the image of God That's our equal value this but they have very different roles for the glory of God and for our good and for our benefit
- 43:14
- And guys biblically You cannot separate your biological gender from your felt quote -unquote gender identity your sexuality or your sexual orientation
- 43:23
- Biblically, that's all one thing and a good gift from our Creator assigned to us from birth for his glory and our good
- 43:32
- Genesis 5 to male a female. He created them Leviticus 15 33 for anyone male or female
- 43:37
- Matthew 19 for he made them male Or female mark 10 6 male or female. It's like there are only two options
- 43:44
- Because there are because that's how God has chosen to create us in his image for his glory
- 43:50
- Guys our maker defines us. He knows how we work best if we will trust him
- 43:55
- It'll be for our good and of course for his glory. I really sex sexuality gender gender identity.
- 44:02
- They're good gifts from our Creator We trust what he has given us and of course real science confirms this for example genetically speaking.
- 44:09
- You are either XX or XY That's it You're one or the other why because that's how
- 44:17
- God has made it and in a real sense Your gender is stamped on every cell of your body You can try to change your appearance on the outside, but doesn't change the reality of God's creation from the inside out
- 44:29
- And so we'll push back and say but then what about you know Those abnormalities in the sex chromosomes for some people that give them some really big problems in regards to genders and so forth
- 44:37
- What about that? Well understand that those abnormalities are a tiny fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the population
- 44:45
- Also for most people who struggle with transgender gender identity. They don't have those physical issues for the most part
- 44:54
- But where do those physical issues come from what causes those abnormalities? Mutations in your genome where do mutations come from sin and the curse?
- 45:04
- Guys sin broke everything mutations cause all sorts of problems They cause things like down syndrome a cystic fibrosis and so many other things
- 45:13
- But those things aren't normative or part of God's original creation the result of the brokenness caused by man's sin
- 45:21
- And in a real sense we must understand you guys know this man's sin broke Everything it broke the world it broke the universe it broke us
- 45:30
- It broke the way we think called the no like effects of the fall. We are broken by sin we're all broken by sin and The reason people can be so confused the reason they could be even so confused about their own gender and their own sexuality is because we are broken by sin and The answer is the
- 45:49
- Word of God the Spirit of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ through that alone
- 45:54
- God brings healing and transformation and we find our true identity and By the way, since we all descend from Adam That's why we're all sinners and even saving through the last
- 46:05
- Adam Jesus Christ no matter who you are And we need to tell the world a very important message that salvation and fulfillment never will come from from autonomy
- 46:16
- We need to let people know Disney is wrong Don't follow your heart
- 46:23
- That's a terrible idea It's deceitful broken and wicked it will lead you astray instead trust your
- 46:30
- Creator and your Redeemer by submitting to him and His Lordship and there you'll find your true identity in Christ and Christ alone
- 46:39
- And you see when we stand on God's Word those answers aren't hard We have answers and we use those answers to proclaim the gospel the answer
- 46:47
- Jesus Christ by standing on a biblical Worldview having that biblical perspective we can defend our faith and proclaim the gospel effectively
- 46:55
- But in short in summary what this really is It's a battle in our culture between God's Word and man's a battle as old as Genesis chapter 3 in a sense
- 47:05
- Either you submit to God or you were big rebellious God you become as your own God And in summary what we've seen has been this foundational shift in our culture
- 47:13
- Away from God's Word to man's as the ultimate authority And now we have multiple generations
- 47:20
- Both inside and outside the church who no longer build our thinking on God's Word We're seeing the collapse of the
- 47:26
- Christian worldview as a result So what do we do about it? Good question glad you asked in a word.
- 47:35
- This is what we do friends. We stand We stand on biblical authority.
- 47:41
- We take every talk active and make it a beating to Christ We understand that ultimately all these things are a battle over authority and you can't defend biblical authority about abandoning biblical authority
- 47:51
- We stand on God's Word and as we do so we can engage the culture effectively and as we engage the culture
- 47:57
- We realize we're not actually fighting multiple issues We're actually fighting one core issue with multiple symptoms
- 48:04
- The core issue is a loss of biblical authority in our culture today And so we equip ourselves and those under our charge to stand on God's Word to have answers rooted in biblical authority
- 48:14
- And it uses answers to attack the symptoms of the problem the coach by going to the source By standing on biblical authority showing this the only true authority
- 48:24
- Bottom line only by standing on God's Word Can we effectively defend the fact and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and make no mistake about this
- 48:33
- The gospel is the answer to the problems of our culture. Amen Gospel always has been the answer it always will be the answer but friends that gospel stands on the authority of the
- 48:45
- Word of God which begins in the book of Genesis and France, that's why it matters so much and that's why we're so passionate about it
- 48:53
- That's really where our zeal comes from defending biblical authority and the gospel in that authority That's what we love when churches stand a biblical authority from the beginning and put that into action in their lives and life of the
- 49:04
- Church, it's amazing to watch you guys work and our real passion is not just to proclaim this
- 49:10
- That's a privilege to do so truly is our hope is to equip you the answers You need where you're at to defend your faith and your spheres of influence
- 49:18
- To get these answers to fend the faith and reclaim the gospel a few things a few things I would highly recommend first of all our website answers in Genesis org
- 49:28
- Answers in Genesis org, that's our website. There are literally Thousands of free articles and videos you can see on the website stuff for kids stuff for teens stuff for adults
- 49:38
- Everybody in between so easy to use be sure you check that out use that Then we brought we got had a great conference over there is on a homeschooling conference
- 49:46
- Maybe some of y 'all were there at that had a wonderful time there and by God's grace We sold out of most of our stuff, which was great.
- 49:53
- We're gonna bring some to you, but we're out of most of it So we got some of it back there a few of the books or a couple of the books out there
- 49:58
- But there were some specials that we had at the Arizona homeschooling conference Some bundles of books for kids teens and adults different bundles
- 50:06
- And so we're gonna offer that to you just something you can go on do so here's what we're gonna do There's a barcode that you can scan if you go back to the overflow room where our tables are
- 50:15
- You'll see Nate they expect that make a wave his hand. There's Nate Everybody sees Nate back there, but it'll show where the barcode is you can scan that I'll take it to a website you can actually buy the packs for the same deal at the
- 50:25
- Conference at the homeschooling conference and we'll ship it for free, which is a really good deal so you can check those out online
- 50:31
- We'd love to get those to you Those things contain great books for you the parents for the grandparents and then for the kids in your house
- 50:36
- The children under your charge and get those and then we do have a couple books with us One thing we do have we do have the best book in the ministry.
- 50:44
- The best book is called quick answers to tough questions That's the best book because it is my book
- 50:53
- Maybe not the best book. All right, but hopefully a good resource and the goal is to give you quick and concise answers
- 50:58
- There's a few of those left over back in the overflow room And so each answer is less than 500 words to 33 different questions on the
- 51:05
- Bible science and origins And so it's a great concise summary of these answers. It's very a
- 51:11
- DD friendly I'm good for ages 9 to 90 so you can check that out But then I wrote a second book called answers to quick answers to social issues
- 51:18
- Giving you biblical answers to the social issues of this age like issues of life equality sexuality and environment
- 51:24
- So what about abortion euthanasia stem -cell research? climate change social justice
- 51:29
- Transgenderism all those sorts of things short concise biblical answers You can find those on the book table back there if you'd like to check into those
- 51:37
- And also we have a magazine we put out quarterly that is so well done Has really three magazines of one get the magazine for the adults the magazine for the kids a whole separate magazine 30 some pages long
- 51:47
- Roughly and then a separate digital magazine all part of that one subscription If you subscribe to get a free book called fearfully wonderfully made it's a book of our exhibit at the museum
- 51:57
- That's called fearfully wonderfully made and it is incredible I think you recorded a video over there Jeff on that But it's so well done a book is phenomenal such a great powerful pro -life resource and we love that exhibit
- 52:07
- We're so excited about that. By the way, just a little heads up We're up Ken Ham our founder always a visionary always at the new coming
- 52:14
- We got all sorts of brand new things coming But one of the exhibits we're making for the near future is an exhibit on gender
- 52:21
- Teaching gender rightly from a biblical perspective with much grace and love but full of truth So I cannot wait for that too
- 52:27
- So so encourage you to come to see that as well when that is done But if you got any questions about anything guys,
- 52:32
- I would love to come just chat with you. You can ask me about our ministry Presentation just saying come say hi.
- 52:38
- That'd be great to do. I'd love to talk with you guys It's really truly been a blessing to be here really has like I mentioned one more thing for a wrap -up
- 52:46
- That is answers dot TV All right answers that TV is our own streaming platform kind like Netflix or Disney Plus or something like that But this one honors
- 52:54
- God the safe for the entire family over 5 ,000 videos on that particular platform Every video is safe for the entire family stuff for kids teens and the adults and it's so well done and it's only 40 bucks for the entire year
- 53:08
- Answers dot TV. Here's what I encourage people to do if you still have Disney Plus It's okay.
- 53:15
- There's time to repent and turn away from that. All right No, but check out answers not to be a very helpful resource only 40 bucks for the entire year
- 53:24
- And then also I'll encourage you with this we are hiring Actually, we stole Rob Webb from you not that long ago
- 53:31
- About God's grace guy brought Rob to us Rob's are these are rocket scientists rocket Rob.
- 53:37
- It's been a great time Rob's done such a great job. We love Rob. He's done a wonderful job at answers in Genesis His family's beautiful and ever -growing such a wonderful thing
- 53:44
- And so but if you're like, hey, I want to see maybe I can join what God is doing at answers and Genesis as well Well, go to answers and Genesis org slash jobs.
- 53:53
- We have so many positions available We have such a great need for people to come to be faithful to Christ and use their abilities for the glory of God If that might be you, please go check out the website
- 54:03
- We don't have you join us over in Northern Kentucky join rocket Rob and the rest of the team over there at answers in Genesis but as I wrap up here friends the point of all this truly is
- 54:14
- To equip believers to give an offense for our faith first Peter 3 15 to contend earnestly for the faith so that we might
- 54:21
- Proclaim the gospel effectively and be the salt and light God has called us to be for his glory alone
- 54:27
- And our good amen Let me close this in a word prayer I'll hand it off Heavenly Father Lord we thank you.
- 54:38
- We praise you for who you are God I praise you for the body of Christ.
- 54:43
- I praise you for what you're doing through this church Praise you for the leadership. I praise you for the people who come and are faithfully serving
- 54:52
- Now we praise you for how you're working around the world And you're doing amazing things and expanding your kingdom for your glory and you're using
- 55:01
- Your people to do it by your might what an amazing truth Lord help us to be faithful Help us truly to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ to stand rooted in your word
- 55:12
- Help us Lord to engage this culture with passion and with love Help us Lord to be passionate about fighting the evil ideologies that try to undermine biblical authority and leave people straight
- 55:22
- Maybe we fight against those Powerfully within your word by your spirit, but also may we love the lost
- 55:29
- And have a desire to see them saved and redeemed for your glory May we proclaim your truth and reclaim your gospel
- 55:34
- Would you work through us in a mighty way to draw people to yourself to grow your kingdom?