Young Man Flees from the Gospel

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Watch as this Young Man Flees from the Gospel. Pastor Wade Orsini and Deacon Andrew Soncrant of Apologia Church Utah get into an interesting conversation with a young man in downtown Provo. At first, it appears as if this man is open to the gospel. However, once the power of the Gospel is fully proclaimed, the young man flees. Pray for this young man, we hope to see him again.


So you still hold on then to some of that LDS theology stating that Jesus was the offspring of Elohim in heaven and mother?
This is what I believe. All the gods are like, yo, that's a problem.
So you're talking about, okay, keep going, I'm listening, I'm listening. They're like, okay, cut it off. So we want bodies, yeah.
So the way to get there is like, go there and do that. Then we might just have to do it.
Let's just say we want to do it. We just keep going, whatever. It just says on the board, whatever happens. Then I'll just back there and chill.
I'm like, cool, I'm with it. And then Joseph Smith would probably be like, back there, like, me too. And I'll be like, cool, let's go.
And then we're probably like chilling together until we came to a group. We're just like discussing like, yeah, you know, it's a cool number.
Anyway, blah, blah, blah. And then like, God's like, okay, well, it's time, Kevin. Then now I'm here.
Yeah, okay. So what if I told you that Jesus isn't real? You'd be like, okay.
Do you want to know why? Yeah, tell me why Jesus isn't real. That Jesus, not Jesus, but the
LDS version. Oh, okay. You don't have to tell me why that. Oh, so you don't believe that story?
I can say everything besides. Huh? I can be a clean slate right now and just say everything besides.
Okay, understood. So the Bible, what it says about Jesus is that he actually created all things.
It says in Colossians chapter one on heaven and on earth. Visible or invisible. Whether it be rulers, dominions, or authorities, all things were created through him.
And then it says he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. Yeah. Meaning that he created
Lucifer. He's not the elder brother of Lucifer here. Right, right, right. So he is actually El Shaddai, El Gabor, Almighty Yahweh of Jesus.
Yeah, yeah. So do you believe that about Jesus, that he's the eternal God? Oh, yeah. The original
God. The original God. Oh. So how do you get a peaceful thought? Uh, just align my will with God's.
What do you mean by that? Just like, walk around, do my thing, and if it doesn't feel right, just tell
God's. Okay, so if it doesn't feel right? Yeah. See, I feel like you're holding onto a lot of LDS thoughts, right?
I mean, there, yeah. Yeah, yeah, because it's like, well, if it doesn't feel right, if it doesn't feel good, if I'm not feeling it in my heart,
I might overdo it. But the Bible says in Jeremiah 17, 9, that our hearts are deceitful above all things.
Right, yeah. Desperately sick. We can know that. So your feelings don't lead you the right way. Yeah. We already know.
There's people who say, I felt like I really needed to kill that person, and I did that. Oh, yeah. Would you say that, oh, that's good, you followed your heart?
I'd say, um, they followed something. Would you say, but that, is that God?
I, I don't know. I don't see that. The Bible says it, though. Oh, God said that. So you, you're funny, man.
Dude, I'm serious. Like, nowadays, I'm just like, oh, God says it. Yeah, the greatest commandment, right?
Love the Lord with all your might, mind, and strength, right? But then, love your neighbor as yourself. And it says, true love doesn't wrong a neighbor, but it lays your life down, and your friend.
So Jesus comes, and he says that he showed us, in his death, burial, and resurrection, that we're not to, just because we feel like it, to kill somebody.
Instead, he gave himself up for sinners. Right, because we're sinners. I'm a sinner. You're a sinner.
Wade's a sinner. Ryan's definitely a sinner. He's a, he's a sitting sinner. But, um, the thing is, is that we can't have, we can't have peace with God unless God himself took our place on the cross.
And so that's what happened. God himself came down, died on the cross for my sins, and then when I believe in him, he accredits me his righteousness and took my sins upon himself.
Yeah. That's the gospel. Amen. I truly believe that. I was actually thinking about that today. Were you?
Yeah, I was thinking about, like, Jesus, and then I was like, yeah, you know, he is, like, he's the original
God, like, personally. Yes. Well, there's no others. Isaiah 43, 10 says, before me there was no
God formed, neither shall there be after me. Right. Isaiah 44, 6, I am the first,
I am the last, beside me there is no God. Right. So, not just that he's the OG, there's no other
God but God. Right. Right. Gotcha. I'm on board with that. One other thing. Because this is really fun.
Deuteronomy 6, 4 says, uh, hereo Israel, the Lord, the funny thing about that Deuteronomy 6, 4 is that what it says is, it uses the name
Elohim, Jehovah. It says, the Jehovah, your Elohim is one Jehovah.
That's my input. Jesus, your Elohim is one Jesus. No, I mean like, I mean that's what they believe anyway, they just don't know it, like, because that's what they teach.
No, no, no, they don't teach that. They teach Elohim and Jehovah are two separate beings. From the original.
Not from the original. There is no necessarily original. It's called the eternal progression of Godhood. See, you know what
I mean? You're right, I do like, sort of, use my... Old, old stuff. We gotta, we gotta throw that Mormonism baggage away, because it's a lie.
Here's, here's the reality... Throw it away. Here's the reality of, of our, of our state before God.
It says that, the Bible says that God made man upright, but he sought many devices.
Man, it says, it said in Genesis 6 that man's thoughts were continually evil upon the earth, and then a flood came and wiped them out, and then even beyond that though, after we spread, and we, we, we were fruitful and multiplied, continuing, continually, man sought after his own devices still.
God spoke his word, and man continued to, to do what was opposite of what
God had commanded. So, so what's it, the incredible thing is when God speaks, when an eternal being that is holy and upright speaks, and what he commands is supposed to be followed.
So, so like when my father used to say, Wade, go do this, and maybe
I'd do it, maybe I wouldn't, maybe I'd have a, a kind of a disobedient attitude towards him.
I'd, I'd do it, but when God speaks and he says, do this, because he's eternal, and he is just, and he is holy, that requires for us to turn all attention to God, and see what he has written, and see what he has said.
And so the Bible makes it clear though, it says in Romans chapter 3, that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
So, we're now at enmity with God. In fact, it says those who are in the flesh, those who are before Christ saved them, those who are in the flesh are at enmity with God, which means in a sense that God is our enemy, and we are enemies with God.
So, we are enemies with God, and it says that we're dead in our trespasses and sins, and it's like being straight up dead at the bottom of the ocean.
It's not, it's not like we just need someone to smack us across the face and be like, dude, get, get your act right.
No, you need a resurrection. You need to change. Jesus says that every careless word that you speak, you will give an accounting for it on the day of judgment.
He says that neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor homosexuals, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, none of them will inherit the kingdom of God.
And the reality is that God is so holy and just, and He's given us His standard that when we fall short of it, if He is a good and holy judge,
He will punish sinners. He must. If He is actually good, then that which is opposite, that which is bad, if He is good,
He must punish it because He is perfect. He's perfect and holy in every way. And so that's where we're at a predicament then, because if we are not holy and God cannot stand any unholiness, any wickedness in His presence, then that means that we deserve punishment.
That's what's called His wrath. God is so holy and just. He has what's something called
His wrath. He's so righteous. He's wrathful. It's like a, it's like a judge in a small town.
Someone in a small town has murdered and raped all these women and he's, and he's standing before the judge and people are just waiting for justice.
You know, if someone, someone murdered my mother or my wife, I would seek to forgive them.
I'd seek to give them the gospel. But at the end of the day, I would want, I would, we're made to crave justice.
And that's because we're made in the image of God. And one day He will bring justice to this whole world and He will bring
His holy wrath. And all those who are sinners, who are not found in the righteousness of Christ, it says they will go to the fire that burns with a fire and brimstone.
They will, they will dwell in fire and this perpetual burning forever, where the worm dies not, where the fire is not quenched.
They will go to eternal torment. Jesus says it. They will go to Gehenna. They will go to outer, outer darkness, which is not to be confused with Mormon outer darkness.
This is hell and it's forever. And there's no chance for missionaries to come around and say, this is the truth.
In Luke 16, we have the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. And the rich man said, was in Hades.
And he said, we have Lazarus just dip his finger in a bowl of cool water and bring it to me and let it touch my tongue because I am burning and I am burning forever.
And Abraham said, Abraham said, there's a divide. There's a chasm fixed between us and one in which he cannot go across.
And he said, please go warn my family. And that's kind of what's happening today is God has providentially allowed you to come to this corner today and to hear this message that you are headed straight to hell.
You're going to die without a hope if you don't turn to Jesus Christ. So that's the good, that was the bad news.
So the good news is, is that there is a way that God from all eternity, Jesus Christ, it says he tabernacled among us.
He took on flesh. He dwelt among us and he lived a sinless and perfect life. The life that you and I could never live, bro, right?
I could never do that ever, ever. In James, in the book of James, it says, if you fail in one part of the law, if you disobey
God once, you fail in it all. There's no hope for you. The wrath of God abides on you still, if that is you.
And so we have to come to a place. What is your name again? Kevin. You've got to come to a place where this is the day of salvation.
You've got to turn from your old ways. You've got to turn from your current ways. You've got to cry out to God today and ask him to save your life.
You need a heart change. You need a heart transplant. You need God to take out that heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh, it says.
You need God to save you. So whatever that looks like, God, I have not believed you.
I have not followed you my whole life. I need you to make me believe, because I don't know if I, you know, that was my prayer.
Lord, I don't know if I truly believe. If this is real, if this word of God is true, and I'm going, and if there's a heaven and a hell, and I might go to hell, then
I need you to make me believe all this stuff. And if you ask that prayer, if you beg God for that to save your life and to give you truth and to give you the
Holy Spirit and to give you regeneration, he will do that. But you've got to do it. You've got to repent and turn to Christ.
You've done it? Do it again. Don't stop begging.
You've got to come to faith. That doesn't seem very sincere,