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Join Andrew, David and Chris as they consider how to minister to someone who struggles with doubt in their Christian walk. Can true Christians experience doubts about their faith, the faithfulness of God, the veracity of the Scriptures? What do we do when we are in the midst of such doubts ourselves, and how do we minister to a friend or loved one who is suffering under such confusion?If you have questions you would like “Have You Not Read?” to tackle, please submit them at the li...
- 00:11
- Welcome to have you not read a podcast seeking to answer questions from the text of Scripture for the honor of Christ and the edification
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- Of the Saints before we dig into our topic. We humbly ask you to rate review and share the podcast.
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- Thank you I'm Andrew Hudson joining me today are David Gasson Chris Kiesler.
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- All right, we have another question. I'm struggling with doubts They're emotional as well as intellectual.
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- I Else could we go? but yet sometimes this intense doubt still persists and along those lines,
- 00:50
- I guess this is also a question about assurance of salvation Where would you go?
- 00:57
- to answer this well, this is a is a deeply personal question and then when we had first Talked about addressing addressing this one.
- 01:08
- I related a story and early on in my own Christian walk where one of my friends from high school who is now a pastor in Nashville.
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- He's a Presbyterian pastor. He's great He's also he was also a walk -on decathlete in Baylor So he's you know just amazing guy in every respect and I shared some you know struggles and doubts and things with him early on and His response to me was the very fact that you care that you're struggling at this at all shows that a change has been wrought you
- 01:42
- This is good. I'm sorry that you're going through it, but this is good and I was like, okay that made me
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- You know feel better and this is a guy that that you know He was he was just trying to comfort, you know A friend and I hope that we could do the same thing for the person who's asked this question
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- So Christianity is not just a blind faith suppress all concerns about what
- 02:03
- I may be thinking about Which is often expressed as the word doubts sure, right and it's and it's also not a just a feeling
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- Well, you know, I'm I feel assured therefore I am No, you don't think therefore you are you don't feel therefore you are the
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- Word of God is and God is and so we should go go there first.
- 02:27
- I think that where I would start when someone is struggling with doubt and conversely or in the same vein their own assurance the words of Christ and John 6 are and have been very very helpful to me
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- John 6 Jesus had just fed the 5 ,000 and They came to him the next day and they wanted
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- Breakfast, they wanted more food and his response to them was I am the bread of life
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- Moses you know fed us with with bread in the wilderness. They look it was God one It was God who fed you but look
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- I am the bread of life and they're having difficulty understanding him the kind of The kind of bread that he was offering is one they would would they would never go hungry
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- They're like, yes, we want this and verse 35 said to them I am the bread of life whoever comes to me shall not hunger and whoever believes in me shall never thirst
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- But I say to you that if you've seen me and yet do not believe All that the
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- Father gives me will come to me and whoever comes to me I will not cast out for I have come down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me
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- And this is the will who sent me of him who sent me that I should lose nothing of all that He has given me but raise it up on the last day
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- This is the will of my father that everyone who looks on the Sun and believes in him should have
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- Eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day No one is the first 44
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- No one can come to me unless the father who sent me draws him and I will raise him up on the last day
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- As it is written in the Prophets They will all be taught by God everyone has heard and learned from the father comes to me
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- Not that anyone has seen the father except he who is from God He has seen the father truly truly.
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- I say to you whoever believes Has eternal life. I am the bread of life verse 54
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- Whoever feeds on my flesh drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day
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- Whoever feeds on this bread Will live forever that's verse 58.
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- These are the words of Christ and What this does is that reminds us that those who believe in Christ?
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- Those who place their trust in him Have been drawn to him By the father no one snatches them out of the father's hand and he gives them to the son
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- The father chooses and draws them power of the Holy Spirit Draws them and none can snatch them out of the father's hands
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- And what does Christ say will happen to those one? They will not be lost and to they will be raised up on the last day
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- So our assurance isn't just that We're in the father's hands because I've heard that before that that says well none can snatch him out of the father's hand that includes you
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- You can't snatch yourself out of the father's hand. It's like okay That's that's I see where you're going with that.
- 05:36
- But what is the phrase that's repeated over and over? I will raise them up on the last day.
- 05:42
- Our assurance is in who Christ says that he is and If you want assurance that you will be raised up on the last day
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- Look to Christ's resurrection So Christ was raised therefore you will be raised there are in John 10 also talks about There are sheep that belong to Christ he looks at that at some of some of the
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- Pharisees and some of the some of those who were his enemies and He says you don't hear me because you're not at my sheep my sheep hear my voice and they will come they're irresistibly drawn
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- The sheep come to Christ They follow they're held and they will be raised up on the last day
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- These are the words of Christ and as we meditate on them read them to ourselves read them to each other
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- That the word the word of Christ the King Should be the source of our assurance
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- Even before Christ's death and resurrection he demonstrated The power to raise the dead and and talking about this last day
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- Lazarus died his sister Affirmed the belief that oh, of course, you know on the last day.
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- He'll be raised up Jesus told her I am the last day he has power to raise
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- Lazarus To lay down his life and take it back up again.
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- He can surely do that for you. He's demonstrated That he is faithful to do that.
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- That was the The miracles and that that Christ was was doing he was showing mastery over the physical world
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- He was showing mastery over, you know hunger. He showed mastery over Disease, he showed mastery over the demons and he showed mastery over death itself
- 07:40
- You just see a progression in the Gospel of John with that. Yeah Alright, so that's one
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- One area you can go to so look to Christ look to Christ look to what he's he said
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- Well, we were discussing this before we did the recording in John chapter 20
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- Start let's let's just start at verse 30 Now Jesus performed many other miraculous signs in the presence of the disciples which are not recorded in this book
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- But these are recorded so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ The Son of God and that by believing you may have life in his name to the person who sent in this question
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- Read the book of John it was written for For you that you may believe and have life in his name
- 08:34
- Yeah, I think that's the key you're so to spend time with the Lord You're to learn more about who he is his character and what he has said and what he has promised
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- What he has already done what he's already accomplished promise after promise and prophecy after prophecy and everything that Christ said was going to happen
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- Occurred so we can trust that What he has said regarding our our future
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- Can also be be trusted. So how do you spend time?
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- With Jesus, how do you how do you really commune with him? Because there's a couple of traditions out there that I think give people false assurances
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- So we can we can talk about some of those but if somebody said, you know, say, okay Look, you need to look at Jesus.
- 09:19
- Okay. How do we do that? Because he's easy in this room Well, two or three are gathered. So is he here?
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- That's an old that's that's an old joke So is Jesus among us? Well, I think the
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- John chapter 6 you talked about you went through all of his promises He comes to the end and many that were called as disciples left.
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- He turns to his Disciples his sheep. So the other ones weren't he turns to his sheep and they say where else where we go?
- 09:47
- You have the words of eternal life Where else can we go and I really feel for this question because I I grew up in the
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- Christian home and Read the Bible taught all these different things Well, I struggled with doubts and I was
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- I'm kind of a an intellectual type so I would try to go down that route to justify myself to say does does
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- God exist and we can go to like the Subatomic particles or we can go to the size of the universe and the order and and all those things
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- But at the at the end of the day I can affirm that God exists That Jesus came into the world that he died on a cross.
- 10:24
- He rose from the dead But do I believe it that he died for my sins rose from the dead so that I would be raised
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- It's a personal Relationship with him sure. It's not just a hypothetical.
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- Is it true? right because I could I could affirm all that stuff but he has the words of life and that's ultimately what
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- I came to and so This idea of struggling with doubt you don't want to make any assumptions
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- Sometimes someone can be doubting because of sin in their life Sometimes someone could be doubting because they don't feel like they're doing enough
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- Maybe legalism or something like that or sometimes maybe the doubt is just it's intellectual
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- It's feeling based maybe it could be it could be even what I don't feel saved or I just think
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- You know try to rationalize different things But I think they're at they tell Jesus you have the words of eternal life and in John 1 1 it says the word was with God in the beginning
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- Jesus is often called the word So rather than looking at reading our Bibles daily or however often we need it
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- Rather than looking at it. I've got to do this to be a Christian, which is what I would do Sure, I haven't read my
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- Bible in a week. I must not be a Christian or I would want to read the Bible Why don't I want to write when
- 11:42
- I'm hungry? I don't think that home man. I haven't eaten in all day I I must not be hungry or I must not be
- 11:49
- Eat some food If you feel hungry eat some food if you're having doubts if you're feeling distant from God if you haven't heard from him
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- The word is the word if you want to hear from God go to his word go to the
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- Sun go to Jesus in John 17, well, you know, what is truth? Your word is truth sanctify them by your word
- 12:12
- We're to look to Jesus and I I would find myself looking at my sin.
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- How great is my sin and I don't measure up instead of How great a
- 12:23
- Savior? Yeah, like look how wonderful Jesus is He says that he paid for all of my sin and he says that he will raise me on the last day
- 12:34
- So looking to his promises and I know that we can get consumed with being introspective which is my tendency but then how joyful it is and The freedom we have in Christ the forgiveness
- 12:48
- That's there And so that's that's one way that I would say like looking to Jesus if you want to know him more if you want to Know what he has done for you.
- 12:58
- He tells you he tells us in his word and we can believe those and then by Knowing him more.
- 13:05
- It'll reduce a lot of that that doubt what you're describing is something that you can do
- 13:10
- Well solo, I mean you can do that by yourself and I think Paul is quite wise when he says examine yourselves to see if you are in the faith that second
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- Corinthians 13 You know, he does say that you should Examine yourselves if see if you were in the faith
- 13:28
- But you know, he doesn't repeat that over and over You know, you don't have the Introspective naval gazing, you know, they just just over and over going back over and over your own your own sins
- 13:39
- There's a replace for self -examination. Yes that inventory. Yes, you should
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- But other than so in it not other than but in addition to you spending time yourself reading the word
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- Praying spending time one on one with Jesus. How can Joining with other
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- Christians and bearing one another's burdens. How can that help your doubt or assurance?
- 14:06
- Well that I was going to ask that very question. Are you I asked it. I asked it first now you have to answer it
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- Are you walking with other believers? Have you told anyone about these feelings these thoughts?
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- These doubts see I would be and I would be embarrassed, you know to talk to talk to you know
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- Strong Believers and says, you know, I've been a Christian for a long time and now I'm having these doubts
- 14:31
- I would be a little scared. I mean, I would still do that Is that well, maybe that's pridefulness that you wouldn't be willing to go talk to a brother or sister
- 14:40
- About these issues. Yeah, I would think that that I would be I would definitely it's like oh
- 14:46
- What are people gonna gonna think about me? Yeah. Well, sure. Yeah Hopefully you have a brother sister that you can trust.
- 14:53
- Hopefully you can trust all your brothers and sisters in Christ Have you gone to talk to you've been an elder your pastor?
- 15:00
- Have you these are not things to be struggling with in isolation? It makes it worse.
- 15:06
- It grows I know we had talked about previously Christianity is not a blind faith moment in as much as it's true.
- 15:14
- It's open for scrutiny Let's look at it. If it's true, it's true It doesn't change the fact that if you have doubts about it, whether it's true or not.
- 15:22
- Mm -hmm. It exists outside of you this is God's revelation to mankind
- 15:28
- His his knowledge is our knowledge of him is revelatory.
- 15:33
- It's not subject to my scrutiny It's subject to faith we can faithfully examine the scriptures and be a lot of times pleasantly surprised that you know
- 15:47
- Those doubts I was having about this passage or that passage they've disappeared because I've read Passages over here that explain more difficult passages and there's a there's a place for The scriptures can stand up to your examination.
- 16:04
- There's a great way of putting it for Truly, you know you to to dig into them see if these things are true
- 16:12
- Yes, I mean there is always the the difference between somebody who has a hermeneutic of submission versus versus suspicion
- 16:20
- I mean if you start with the end in mind that you're going to need you want to disprove most the time you're gonna
- 16:25
- Get exactly what you've you know, I already have my conclusion. Yeah. No Sure, there are other of course
- 16:33
- There's always the you know The story of CS and you know CS Lewis and others who went to go disprove the scriptures and they were face -to -face with Christ Himself when they submitted, you know, so that that happens as well
- 16:42
- But you know, we this this is a faith that has content it has meat to it
- 16:50
- You are not blindly following a cult leader You're not blindly following someone who is giving you from the words on high and they're sometimes contradictory
- 17:00
- No, we have an objective standard against which we can measure the words of these people, you know
- 17:06
- These leaders or anything else we have something that we can go in directly to my own feelings I can measure my feelings by what
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- I see in the scriptures and that is that goes to our false assurances Sometimes those feelings
- 17:20
- It says well if I have the right feelings and if I'm in there in the right circles and I'm doing the right
- 17:26
- Right things and I'm feeling the right way these ecstatic Experiences or these moves of the spirit in some of our more charismatic brothers
- 17:33
- And they put a lot of stock into this if you have the right feelings You must be a
- 17:38
- Christian because the spirit wouldn't have moved, you know in you that way but what happens when that feeling goes away what you have left is
- 17:47
- Christ and the word that's really what you have You can go the opposite direction and some of the you know
- 17:53
- The Puritans and then the Amish and others did things like that where they had false assurance based upon there
- 17:59
- Is that they were members of this covenant? They did these things and they had these boxes checked. This is yes
- 18:05
- You know the same experience not nearly as much fun I don't know if you've been to a charismatic sir.
- 18:10
- They didn't they have a lot of fun, you know Yeah, I've had some charismatic brothers and they were actually a lot of fun But then you have others who are the frozen chosen and they have the boxes checked and their assurances in the is in the boxes
- 18:21
- It's the same error. It's not Christ in his word that's where your assurance should come from the person and work of Christ as He said his promises are sure because he is sure he is who he says he is or he's not
- 18:36
- Yeah And I think about rather than our salvation being something that's dependent on us because we affirm
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- Salvation is grace alone and that can be an intellectual thing. I know that to be true
- 18:47
- I've read that and I affirm that but then we slip back in but even apart from our experience
- 18:52
- I think of John 17 where Jesus is having a conversation with God the Father and talking about Salvation and he doesn't make any reference to the person's involvement in Becoming saved it's a discussion between God the
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- Son and God the Father in John 17 I'll start in verse 6. I have manifested your name to the people whom you gave me out of the world
- 19:20
- Well, who did that? Well God gave Jesus People out of the world his sheep you might call them
- 19:26
- Yours they were and you gave them to me and they have kept your word now
- 19:32
- They know that everything that you have given me is from you For I have given them the words that you gave me and they received them and have come to know in Truth that I came from you and they have believed that you sent me
- 19:47
- I am praying for them and that should also be an assurance that Christ prays for us
- 19:53
- Continuing verse 9. I am NOT praying for the world But for those whom you have given me for they are yours
- 19:59
- Again this is a conversation between the Son and the Father He's not making reference to what these people are doing.
- 20:06
- He's saying God you gave them to me And I'll keep them all mine are yours and yours are mine and I am glorified in them
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- So again the giving of us To Jesus is to glorify
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- Jesus The fact that he loses none of them glorifies him It's not that we can do something that can unglorify
- 20:29
- Christ The number that God gave to the Son is for the purpose of glorify him
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- God the Father is not lax in that at all he meant to give them to the
- 20:41
- Son as a bride and He receives all of those and he specifically says all that all that you've given me.
- 20:48
- I've lost none of them I mean, that's that's Jesus and the Father saying that that's the the high priestly prayer
- 20:56
- Some people would call that. Mm -hmm. This is Christ the Son Talking to the
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- Father and all the disciples heard it and now we're hearing now we're hearing it.
- 21:07
- It's beautiful This is who our advocate is in Colossians 3 1
- 21:13
- It says if you then have been raised with Christ Seek the things that are above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God Set your mind on things that are above now things on the earth for you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God when
- 21:27
- Christ who is your life appears then you will also appear with him in glory the high priestly prayer was prior to his crucifixion and prior to his
- 21:36
- Ascension it's still true, but that takes on an even greater significance when we see that that same
- 21:42
- Christ who died Buried rose again and ascended and is at the right hand of God the
- 21:49
- Father that is who intercedes for us Now because of who he is and where he is.
- 21:55
- We are to seek things that are above where Christ is Where is he at the right hand of God and and I'm down here on earth with my sin
- 22:04
- Yeah, and I'm not to focus on that right and to focus on Christ and the things above absolutely
- 22:11
- That's where you set your mind. Yeah, and that s and that goes back to what we had we had said when we first started this
- 22:16
- Conversation, where's your focus supposed to be? Well, it's on on Jesus. And where do we get that? It's in the word
- 22:22
- What does the word tell us it gives us promises? What kind of promises well, you just read off a bunch of them right out of the the upper room
- 22:30
- Discourse right out of that high priestly prayer And what does Paul tell us the same Paul that says examine yourselves to see if you'd be in the faith the same one says
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- Set your mind on things above Okay, and who is above which which who is Christ, right?
- 22:43
- Yeah, and even in in Colossians there it talked about having died Colossians 2 20 through 23 therefore if you died from Christ from the basic principles of the world
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- Why as though if living in the world do you subject yourselves to regulations? Do not touch do not taste do not handle which all concern things that perish with the using
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- According to the commandments and doctrine of men these things indeed have the appearance of wisdom and self -imposed religion a false humility and neglect of the body
- 23:15
- But of no value against the indulgence of the flesh that goes by that false assurance right, you know those
- 23:23
- Boxes those checked boxes and who checked a bigger box than than those guys who were flagellating themselves those guys who neglected the body
- 23:31
- They were the really really Holy Ones These are the ones are living out in the desert with nothing who gave all their possessions away.
- 23:37
- They're the poor They're the ones aren't they the Holy Ones? What about the ones who was listening in the in the in the great?
- 23:43
- Great cathedrals with all the robes and then the regalia and then they have the well they have the keys
- 23:48
- You know, aren't they the Holy Ones? What about the ones who were you know, the Puritans they're the ones who came with their check in the right boxes
- 23:55
- No, what about the charismatic? What about the ones who have all of the correct experiences? I don't care what boxes you want to check unless those boxes say
- 24:05
- Christ in his word. They're just boxes even good things
- 24:10
- Can become those boxes sure like yeah like spiritual disciplines. I think of you know, like Reading the
- 24:17
- Bible praying you can definitely make those. Oh, I'm not doing that enough. I didn't check that box.
- 24:23
- So man, I Missed it It's not it's not me it's
- 24:30
- Christ it's what he did on the cross. It's only one who was good. Yeah, there's only one
- 24:36
- I'm not the one checking boxes here See Christ. I checked all those boxes, baby. He checked them all
- 24:43
- Praise the Lord. Yeah, praise the Lord. Absolutely. I mean, that's that's um, I think then that's the the right response
- 24:49
- I mean you we look to Christ who checked all those and And when
- 24:54
- God looks at us he sees Christ so that this is the person who's struggling with Doubt that could be doubt in that.
- 25:03
- God is good Sure, he could be doubt that that Christ, you know is who he says he is or doubt their own salvation
- 25:10
- Maybe they do know that that God is is good and just and that Christ is who he says he is but they know they know for certain that they have
- 25:20
- Gone too far that this is I am too far gone. I don't doubt that God is good or just I also don't doubt that I am
- 25:28
- NOT and how do you how do you counsel that person? How would your how would your words change to that person?
- 25:35
- I don't know if they would are you talking about a like an unbeliever? Who's coming with those questions or a believer who has sinned?
- 25:43
- Right. It's still the good news either way It's still the gospel that Christ died for our sins first John 2 1 through 2
- 25:52
- My little children. So first off you've got adoption. Can you unadopt yourself?
- 25:57
- Like if God has adopted you or you say oh man, I'm not adopted. No, he adopted you so my little children these things
- 26:05
- I write to you so that you may not sin and if anyone sins we have an Advocate with the
- 26:10
- Father Jesus Christ the righteous and he himself is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only
- 26:17
- But also for the whole world that spirit of adoption that is
- 26:24
- That's what Paul talks about in Romans 8 Did we crowd have a father the
- 26:29
- Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are Children of God and of children than heirs heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ Provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be
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- Glorified with him. So your assurance It comes from the
- 26:45
- Spirit your place is Safe because it's with Christ and he acknowledges that in this life
- 26:54
- You'll have the you'll have suffering You'll have trial there will be doubt there will be failures.
- 27:01
- There will be weaknesses on your part But thanks be to God That it doesn't depend upon you.
- 27:07
- Who's going to save me from this body of death Yeah, there's a part of me with this question that just wants to engage
- 27:15
- Don't you want to be fully convinced one way or the other? Maybe I'm I'm more of a binary type person where I believe it's either right or wrong.
- 27:22
- Sure Well, if it's either right or wrong, I'm coming to that knowing how I think I I can't do something
- 27:29
- This is important without being fully convinced one way or the other I mean if I were to ask through prayer
- 27:38
- Doubtingly, what should I expect to receive? Sure, nothing. You don't strike me as a
- 27:44
- Laodicean One things we like about you
- 27:50
- You know, I get emotional at times and I want to be fully convinced that this is either so or not if it's not then
- 27:58
- Do something else with your time Joan, don't shove away your doubts hmm
- 28:07
- Engage them. Yeah, it's um, that's powerful it it is and and these are human
- 28:16
- These are human feelings and I can I can empathize But Andrew what you said is still true.
- 28:24
- Yeah, it's still it's still true and And in Christ these matters out if they're so they're so they're gonna stand up to scrutiny and if they want they won't
- 28:35
- As I work out your salvation with fear and trembling because this is a very important topic very important Yeah But thanks to be to God that you work out your own salvation with fear and trembling because it is
- 28:47
- God who's at work in You yes, you know, so you began a good work and you will finish it.
- 28:53
- I'm gonna complete it. Where are you in that? I mean Experiencing it, you know the beneficiary of it.
- 29:00
- Yeah, you're the beneficiary you contribute the sin. That was made it necessary Sorry, but I mean that's that's what he's about What is it?
- 29:10
- John 3 16 for God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son and who?
- 29:16
- Believes in him shall have eternal life if you believe in him you have eternal life
- 29:22
- No matter what doubt, you know, you may struggle with That's a promise from God and if you are listening and struggling, you know
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- That is that is a good thing. I've been there the struggle is good, but You don't focus on the struggle and you don't focus on the doubt and you don't focus on the feeling you focus on Christ and you spend time in the word
- 29:50
- Learning more about who he is what he does what he has done what he will do and Knowing that The Spirit of God bears witness that with our spirit that we are children of his
- 30:06
- Someone had made a comment once it's not holy or spiritually mature to doubt Doubting is not the unpardonable sin, but invites the lie that I am unpardonable
- 30:17
- Hmm to Entertain those doubts instead of doing something about it going to someone in the chair.
- 30:25
- We shall right? Yeah going to the word if you think your sin is bigger than Christ and his sacrifice then
- 30:32
- You think way too much of yourself. I'm not saying your sin is okay, or it's a small thing
- 30:37
- I'm just saying Christ is so much greater This verse has also been on my mind mark 9 23 and 24
- 30:47
- Jesus said to him if you can believe all things are possible to him who believes Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears
- 30:56
- Lord, I believe help my unbelief And so there we see it is possible to believe and have doubts
- 31:06
- Yes, ask Christ for help our advocate who prays. Who are you going to exactly?
- 31:12
- Yeah Anything else to add brothers No, I hope that was to the to the one that asked this question.
- 31:20
- I hope that was was helpful And then we will be praying for you Well, thank you for addressing that with the
- 31:28
- Word of God What are you thankful for? I? Am thankful. I have some flexibility in in my job that I didn't have in a previous one that has allowed me to Mix and match a couple of work trips and things to be home a little bit more
- 31:46
- Unfortunately, I can't be home on the weekends yet But I am able to spend like a night at home because you know
- 31:54
- The company just says well, you're gonna have an overnight Oklahoma City like oh Okay. Well, I'll take that one.
- 32:00
- All right. Thank you So it's it's it's just it's just nice and it's just something
- 32:06
- I didn't have Previously so I am I'm thankful for that and that it does provide for my family in a way that Keeps them comfortable and healthy.
- 32:16
- So just incredibly thankful for the flexibility that I have in my new job Praise the
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- Lord. I am thankful for the opportunity to dig into God's Word on some like Like specific details
- 32:31
- So I love the clarity of the message of salvation and all that talks about but also looking at the instruction that it gives
- 32:39
- I've got a situation where I'm having to answer some people on some questions and I enjoy that type of thing
- 32:45
- I enjoy searching and digging into God's Word. And so I'm grateful for the opportunity to do that and that There's always answers there it's it just becomes clear and then we have the
- 32:58
- Holy Spirit who illuminates that for us I'm grateful for that recently my children got ill with some type of Throw up inducing lots of Over the night very sick type situation.
- 33:17
- I'm thankful to God that he caused them to recover that we so often
- 33:24
- Just expect, you know, hey this it seems like it's just a minor thing I'm thankful to God that he healed them one day
- 33:35
- What's interesting is that we get a accustomed to We get accustomed to our loved ones are recovered recovering
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- There will be a day when they do not If you if you love someone tell them the good news good news of Christ You don't know
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- Which one of yours will? Not recover And it may not happen to you.
- 34:10
- You may be the one to go to the grave I'm gonna paraphrase in Ecclesiastes while you're still young.
- 34:20
- Remember your Creator So I'm thankful to God for him healing my children
- 34:29
- I'm also thankful that No, hope we have what Christ doesn't depend on Recovering from every illness and then he is faithful to raise us up in the last day
- 34:44
- And that wraps it up for today
- 34:49
- We are very thankful for our listeners and hope you will join us again as we meet to answer common questions and objections