The Doctrine of The Holy Spirit

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In Acts chapter 19 during one of Paul's missionary journeys Paul found some disciples of John the
Baptist in the city of Ephesus and He said to them
Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed and they? Responded and said we have not even heard that there's such thing as the
Holy Spirit So this morning we're going to be looking at the person and work of the
Holy Ghost I think it's safe to say that the third member of the Trinity is the most
Misunderstood the most used and abused person within the Godhead and I mentioned from acts 19 that account where there were
Some people who they didn't have the full belief of the gospel, but they didn't even know the Holy Spirit Existed and I think there's a lot of people today that are
Ignorant about the Holy Spirit not necessarily that they don't believe he exists. They're just not sure what his ministry is and Just a lot of confusion out there, so let's open up to the gospel of John chapter 14
John chapter 14 and while you're turning there let me read from section
D part 1 of section D from the Morris Corner Church Doctrinal statement and that's what we have up here on the screen says we believe that the
Holy Spirit is a person who convicts the world of sin of righteousness and of judgment and that he is the supernatural agent in Regeneration baptizing all believers into the body of Christ in dwelling and sealing them
Unto the day of redemption and then it has a a list of verses. So John 14, let's read verses 15 through 17
Jesus says if you love me do what? Right if you love me keep my commandments and I would just start by saying this is why the
Holy Spirit is called the Holy Spirit His job is to make Christians holy his job is to make us more like Christ so if you love me keep my
Commandments verse 16 Jesus says and I will pray the Father and he will give you another helper
That he that's the Holy Ghost that he may abide with you forever the spirit of truth
Whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him, but you know him for he dwells
With you and will be in you So here Jesus promised the giving of the
Holy Spirit and when was the Holy Spirit given? Yeah, in Acts chapter 2 on the day of Pentecost Marcus you had your hand up you gave me the verse 16, okay
Yes So Jesus makes this promise that the spirit will abide with believers how long
Until they sin No Forever. So the Holy Spirit is
God This is the first point to get very simple. The Holy Spirit is God he's
It said about him in Ephesians 430. It calls him what the
Holy Spirit of God Ephesians 430 and do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God by whom you were sealed for the day of Redemption now, let's turn to John 16 verses 8 through 11
John 16 8 through 11 and the first point of our doctrinal statement
Notice, it says what the the person and work of the
Holy Spirit This is one of the the most basic points Anyone will make while teaching on the
Holy Spirit is that the Holy Spirit is a person He's referred to with the masculine pronoun he right the
Holy Spirit is not referred to as it He is not God's Impersonal force.
He's not a concept. The Holy Spirit is not a feeling the Holy Spirit is a
Person and when we say he's a person obviously, but we're not saying he's a human being but he's a person in that he has
Personality that verse we just read in Ephesians 430 said that he can be grieved
Okay, something that's impersonal cannot be grieved. The Holy Spirit is said to have a mind
Romans 8 27 The Bible says the Holy Spirit has a will 1st
Corinthians 12 11 The Holy Spirit speaks there's many examples all throughout the the scripture of the
Holy Spirit speaking So who would like to read John 16 8 through 11
That's the first verse we have listed in our statement of faith on this subject. We like to read it
Mark Judgment Okay, so this is the work of the
Spirit he convicts the world of sin righteousness and Judgment, what does that mean?
Well when he says he convicts the world of sin, I believe The idea there is convincing.
Okay, he convinces the world He convinces people their need for a savior, you know
You may have been living your life doing your own thing. And then one day you felt guilty
You felt convicted that you weren't right with God that doesn't just happen
People don't come to that understanding on their own That's the Holy Spirit working in your heart that I don't think
I'm right with God and you never cared up until that point So that's one of the things the Spirit does he convicts the world of sin
He also convicts or convinces the world of righteousness so the
Spirit will demonstrate the righteousness of Christ or our need for the righteousness of Christ because once you realize that you're a sinner
Then you realize you're not righteous and the only way to be righteous before God is for you to seek the righteousness that is given through Christ and Then finally the
Spirit convicts the world of judgment When Jesus was crucified that seemed to be the devil's greatest victory, right?
That's how it would have looked to anyone watching But really Jesus is death on the cross was
Satan's ultimate Defeat why because Satan controls people
Hebrews chapter 2 says Satan controls people I think we've we've all seen this he controls people through the fear of death
And Satan has power over people to keep them in bondage to sin.
So the fact that Jesus died and rose again Dying for the penalty of sin.
He broke the devil's power over us So now the devil doesn't have power over you.
You don't need to be afraid of death anymore This is the greatest thing or one of the greatest things for a
Christian that you know worst -case scenario and I die. I Just go to heaven.
So it's a win. So he convicts the world of sin righteousness and judgment any Comments or questions on that?
Yes, Jim Well, we have to understand when the
Bible talks about the term world It doesn't necessarily mean every single human being on earth.
It's kind of a general statement that Everybody Jews Gentiles people in America, you know
Africa everywhere But it's not the Holy Spirit doesn't convict that what you just he's convicting individuals.
Yes, he convicts individuals From all over the world. Yeah, Larry Right standing before Christ Believing that you were saved sure to find out
And I've been deceived my entire life right or deceiving myself true
Right, and when I say worst -case scenario, I mean that's how people look at it Right, like death is what they're dreading death is what they're afraid of for the believer
For someone who's truly saved They don't have to worry about those things But of course like like we've talked about many times there are there are people who are
Deceived they've been taught a false gospel That that's the problem Marcus Philippians 1 21 for to me to live is
Christ and to die is gain All right, let's look up another verse 1st
Corinthians 12 Verses 12 through 14, let's turn their 1st Corinthians 12
Let me read another verse listed 2nd Corinthians 3 6 First Corinthians 1 12
All these verses are listed 2nd
Chris 2nd Corinthians 3 6 says who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant
Not of the letter but of the Spirit for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life so this
Piggybacks on what I was just talking about how the law of God and the Spirit of God Convicts us of our sin shows us our need for a
Savior So once the Spirit shows us the bad news, which is condemnation because we've broken
God's law That leads us to the the saving good news of the gospel
So he convicts of sin, that's the bad news. He convicts of our need for Christ's righteousness
Which is the good news offered in Christ? and then the next part next part of the statement is that the
Holy Spirit is the supernatural agent in Regeneration so the only reason you came to saving faith in Christ is because the
Holy Spirit Did a work in your heart Now you believed but you believed because of what the
Spirit of God did within you That's how we can say salvation is of the Lord It's not based on something that I did because if it's based on something that I did or that you do guess what?
The logically if you did something to to get salvation you can do something to lose salvation
All right, let's Everyone's in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 Because this is the testimony
I think all of us or most of us could give that at one point in our life
We were dead to the things of God. We were living our life on our terms not caring about What Jesus said or did but then all of a sudden the
Holy Spirit and sometimes without us even? Understanding it he regenerates our heart and that's
What causes us to confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus so regeneration which means to make alive?
the quickening Regeneration is the work of the Holy Spirit raising a spiritually dead person
Raising them unto new life. Let's look at 1st Corinthians 12 12 through 14 who would like to read that Whereas the body is one and hath many members and all the members of that one body being many
One body so also is Christ for by one spirit I are all baptized into one body whether we are
Jews or Gentiles whether we are bond or free and have been all made to drink into One spirit so the body is not one member
Okay, so this is talking about the baptism of the Holy Spirit a lot of confusion about this
This phrase or this term the baptism of the Holy Spirit Contrary to what some people think and teach the baptism of the
Holy Spirit is not some a static religious experience Rather the one thing every
Christian has in common We all have the same Holy Spirit in dwelling us
So the baptism of the Spirit is when God the Holy Spirit Regenerates our heart and comes to dwell within us
So he's he's in us. He's all around us. We're baptized. We're placed into the body of Christ Romans 8 9 says but you are not in the flesh
But in the Spirit if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you now
If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ He is not his so every true
Christian has the Holy Spirit within them If you don't have the Holy Spirit within you you're in that other group of everybody else who's lost
Yes, Larry That would be at the moment of salvation at the moment of salvation at the moment of regeneration sealed
Sealed. Yeah So some people will teach the baptism of the
Holy Spirit is when you speak in tongues or you know have some wild experience maybe
And they teach there's two classes of Christians the haves and the have -nots So there's the people who have the spirit and they've spoken in tongues and done all of these things and then there's just everybody else
And we're the have -nots That's totally false There there are two groups
There are the haves and the have -nots those who have the Spirit and are saved and those who do not have the
Spirit and are not saved So there's just so much confusion more than any other thing that we've looked at so far
With the doctrine of the Godhead the person in the work of Christ, there's more confusion around this
This topic than than any other and that's the result of so much false Teaching within the church over the past century, which we'll we'll touch on that in a moment so Romans 8 9 but you are not in the flesh
But in the spirit if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ He is not his so every
Christian has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit Places us into the body of Christ.
We are now part of the true church and When we receive water baptism as I think somebody might have mentioned
Water baptism is just the outward symbol of what has happened spiritually in our heart
Yes The question then is it possible to believe in speaking in tongues and Things like that and are all the you know, the extreme
Pentecostal You know evidences. Is it possible for them also to be
Regenerate sure, of course, right. Well, can I just make a quick comment? Yeah When it comes to the doctrine of God He's got a theist or not.
They're definitely lost when it comes to the doctrine of Jesus Then that's where the cults come in right unsaved and saved on the doctrine of Jesus But within this doctrine of the
Holy Spirit This happens within the body right Christ So the
Holy Spirit is it's really different than the other persons as far as understanding. I'm glad you brought that up Our belief about God the
Father divides Theists from atheists our beliefs about Jesus divides true
Christians from the cults Our belief on the Holy Spirit has been said it just divides
Well, but there is a correct theology regarding the Holy Spirit though One more quick comment let there be no divisions among you
And Denominations are not the ideal. I don't think in a perfect world there would not be separate denominations
But that's kind of how we've resolved these issues. You guys believe that thing we believe we believe this we still acknowledge each other as brothers and sisters in the
Lord But we have our differences and we need to we need to at least respect other people in that regard so number one
This is important or why? This is why water baptism and being an active member of the church is so important because it it
Represents the spiritual realities. So water baptism is a symbol of spirit baptism
We're part of the true universal Church of Christ. We show that by attending a local church
So number one, it's these things are commandments Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments number two
If you understand the purposes of baptism and church membership You should just live all of these things out in in your
Christian walk Let's look up the last reference
Ephesians 1 13 and 14 This speaks of the
Spirit's work in sealing Believers, so if someone has a correct
Understanding that salvation is the work of God they will understand that They or you did not do anything to earn your salvation.
You cannot do anything to lose your salvation one of the things that I think maybe one of the greatest errors those of a more of a charismatic
Yeah, they have that charismatic Inclination that they believe you can lose your salvation
And we do not believe that the Holy Spirit seals a person to the day of redemption who would like to read
Ephesians 1 13 and 14 As a pledge
Okay, so we are sealed until when
The day of redemption God has sealed you to the day of redemption a believer cannot lose his salvation and That's possible because of the
Holy Spirit Who has done a work in our heart and is indwelling us and has sealed us
Jesus said in John 10 27 through 30 my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give them
Eternal life how long does eternal life last? Eternally right if you lose it it didn't last forever apparently and they shall never perish
Jesus said neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand My father who has given them to me is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of my father's hand
I and my father are one we usually call this what eternal security, right?
person Right, and I firmly believe that's what the
Bible teaches I'm quick to add that it's not a magical formula
That you repeat these words and then boom you're saved no matter what because I said this or I did this
You're saved by your faith in what Christ did not what you did now a true believer will
Pray to God and ask him to forgive us and to call upon the name of the Lord That's all true, but that you're not saved based on something
You said you're saved on your faith in what Jesus did and if you really have faith that's going to continue today
Tomorrow and for the rest of your life because if you if 20 years from now you profess to be an atheist
What does that just prove but you never really believed it to begin with otherwise you'd still believe Yeah, you had your hand
Doesn't give me a license You know because I have eternal life
Means that I want to live to please God not live to please myself.
It's not a license to sin Right Yeah, if you want to guarantee speaking
About Christians if Christians want a guarantee of being miserable Just continue living in sin
Okay, and that'll grieve the Holy Spirit every day and that'll make sure your life is miserable
You know And obviously there's some people that's continue living in sin because they're not they're not saved
But regeneration God changes our nature Yeah, we still sin at times, but we don't want to we don't enjoy it or there may be that pleasure
Associated with it, but then you feel terrified Without it, you know if a person does not have that struggle within them
What does that what does that say? All right part two. I'm gonna bring up the next The next screen.
So this is all the work of the Holy Spirit within The believer
Marcus, this is all available in hard copy. It is and if you want a hard copy, I'll give it to you
Just let me know afterwards. Okay Don't know
Well, everyone everyone has got one if you're a member everyone had one at some point All right part two of the person and work of the
Holy Spirit the Morse corner Church doctoral statement says we believe that he is
The divine teacher who guides believers into all truth and that it is the privilege and duty of the saved
To be filled with the Holy Spirit. So let's get some volunteers to look up John 16 13
I need one volunteer for that Jim. Okay John 16 13 first John to 20 and 27 who would like to look that up Tony wants to look that up Ephesians 5 18
Marcus You don't have to look it up if you know, right, that's true. That's true.
Yes So another very important point the Holy Spirit. We said he's
God that's essential to understand and the Holy Spirit Number two is the author of the
Bible the Holy Spirit is the author of The Bible the scripture says about itself.
It did not come about by the will of man Rather holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the
Holy Spirit 2nd Peter 1 20 and 21 2nd
Timothy 3 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of God that is it is
God breathed Jesus 2nd Timothy 3 16 you have that memorized to Matthew 4 for Jesus indicated that the scripture
Proceeded out of the mouth of God You hear people say well the
Holy Spirit Said to me or God spoke to me and said this this whole question of is
God still speaking today Well, of course God is still speaking He's speaking through the words of scripture and every time you proclaim the word of scripture every time we preach the
Bible That's like a living boy the living voice of God that continues to go out through all the earth so the
Holy Spirit inspired the words of scripture and I believe that's the primary meaning of John 16 13
Jim you have that go ahead and read 13 16 13 How be it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth
He shall not speak of himself But whatever he shall hear That shall he speak and he will show you things to come
Okay, so the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. It's another
Verse that we need to take in context who's Jesus speaking to? his disciples so the primary meaning
I believe is about the inspiration of the New Testament that the Holy Spirit will guide the
Apostles into all Truth, but he also is our teacher and he continues to guide believers today
Okay, there is a time Let's say you got saved when you were 20 years old Well up until that point you were not being led into all truth.
You probably believed in evolution You probably thought the universe created itself or came about through nothing.
You probably thought you know Living with your girlfriend or your boyfriend was totally fine. What's the big deal with that?
You know, you're just whatever you were led into the ways of the world. This is what everyone thinks This is what everyone's taught.
This is what everybody does But when you get saved the Holy Spirit leads you to no evolution is not true
No, you should get married. No, you should write the Holy Spirit leads believers into all truth
Yes, Jim How is that accomplished? How is that accomplished if he's leading us into all truth, how is he leading us?
Well, the Word of God, right? He'll convict you of sin
So you'll instinctively know some things are wrong and but you're really taught through the
Word of God through preaching and teaching So and what other believers might encourage you in your
Christian? Oh All right. I just read verse 13 Now we know we know that that's true
But if we want to truly understand it, we have to not just read it once We have to invoke the
Holy Spirit To lead us into that truth, right?
And that only comes and it's hard work Because you know, it's it's actually is the
Holy Spirit is transforming our minds To be able to understand what scripture is saying, right?
Obviously, it's not saying that you'll know everything all at once We know better than that So yeah, you should read your
Bible every day pray every day be in church every week have Christian fellowship You learn from others.
This is all how we grow But it's the Spirit who kind of opens our eyes to these things.
So we so we understand So he will guide us into all truth.
You know, there's the idea in The culture today is called post -modernism, right?
The the post -modern way of thinking that there is no such thing as absolute truth Of course that statement couldn't be true
It's a self -contradictory Statement there's no such thing as absolute truth.
Well, is that true? Well, they're claiming it's absolutely true well, it it's Absurd, but that's what people believe in our culture today more and more you hear influential people
And leaders say things you need to speak your truth. I Have my truth you have your truth.
What about the truth? Yeah. Well, they don't think the truth is is a thing Well, actually they do they think their truth is the thing and you better believe what they think or else that's that's how that works
Jesus said I am the way And the truth and the life so if you're if you're a follower of Christ you believe
Jesus is the truth what he said is true, so if anybody Contradicts Jesus in the
Word of God you can mark it down. That's not true So hopefully we're getting the truth here because when you drive away on Sunday afternoon
You're getting the opposite all all week Jesus said and you shall know the truth and the truth shall
Set you free. So we have a promise from God that number one There is such a thing as truth and number two we can know what it is
The Bible is not saying that You will know everything Rather I think what he's saying is you're gonna know everything you need to know.
I'm gonna guide you into The truth of all these different areas
Marcus Okay Jesus is not just honest.
He is not just truthful. He is true itself Right, right
Amen, the Holy Spirit in John 16 13 is called the spirit of truth
All right Who has first John to Tony read verses 20 and then 27 not through 27 just those two?
Okay, but you have But you have an anointing from the Holy One and you know all things
Yeah, the anointing what you have received from him abides in you and you do not need that anyone teach you but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things and is true and And it is not a lie and just as it has taught you you will abide in him
Okay, all things the word all let me qualify that and say that we will know all things that the
Lord Feels we need to know We will know all things that God reveals
This should not be understood as some sort of mystical thing. This cannot be separated from the the
Word of God the Holy Ghost inspired scriptures Nor does it deny other scriptures that clearly speak of how
God has gifted the church with teachers So I don't need any man to teach me. I'm just gonna have the Holy Spirit teach me
Yeah, well, the Bible also says that God has given some to be teachers as well. So we don't want to pit versus against One another but in other words if I teach you a spiritual truth,
I'm not the source of it Let's say I teach somebody some profound spiritual truth
I didn't come up with that that came from the Holy Ghost. It came from came from the
Bible You know, it's not a pastor's job to reinvent the wheel. It's a pastor's job to Preach the word and then then shepherd and care
For the people. I think that's one of the problems in Christianity these days Every pastor wants to come up with a new slant on things
He wants to come up with some new doctrine and to be stand out from from the crowd do some new thing
Yes, Larry Says that the Word of God is alive where it's living and active and as we mature whether age or in our spiritual growth
With Christ we we can read the Bible every year, but we see something different You know like wow, right
I don't ever remember seeing that verse before well, you know but Because the
God's Word is living and active, you know, we we things stand out
Right when we need it. Yeah, you you learn more, right? I mean, I thought
I knew the Bible really well before I started studying Like they say the people they know just enough to be dangerous, right?
So we believe in preaching the Word of God that's a pastor's job to preach and teach the word
That's how Morris Corner Church honors the Holy Spirit by preaching his word Not by something that I cooked up during the week
So The Holy Spirit is our teacher and is the one who opens our eyes and understanding to the things of God okay, this is a good time to make the transition to get into some of the abuses of The Holy Spirit because as I said at the start the
Spirit is the most misunderstood Member of the Trinity. He is the most abused member of the
Godhead One more verse listed in our doctrinal statement The speaking speaking of the filling of the
Holy Ghost Marcus. What is it? Ephesians 518 be not drunk with wine Wherein is excess or dissipation but be filled with the
Spirit? Okay, one man Again of more of a charismatic persuasion.
He gave me his interpretation of that verse Do not be drunk with wine He said, you know when someone's drunk it makes them kind of act in a bizarre manner
He said well, that's what the Holy Spirit does when you're filled with the Spirit The Spirit makes you act in a bizarre manner and that's why when these people are filled with the
Spirit They're rolling on the term Holy Roller. We've all heard of that term They were called
Holy Rollers because they were quote filled with the Spirit literally rolling on the floor in church
It's like the Quakers the Quakers were called Quakers because they were This is the
Spirit they're quaking I don't know what that is. It's not the
Holy Spirit Right, which is yeah exactly where I was going with that So I did a sermon a few months ago on this topic the filling of the
Holy Spirit if you want to know what that Is all about The Holy Spirit the feeling has been described as a conscious
Moment by moment awareness of the presence of the Lord in all things saying
Thy will be done. Not my will be done, but thy will be done.
So when you Someone drinks a bottle of wine. They're under the influence of the wine
Well when you're filled with the Spirit you're being influenced you're under the spirits influence and that's obviously what what we want
All right, we'll close on this subject the abuses of The Holy Spirit versus the gifts of the
Holy Spirit. I think we have time to finish so tongues prophecy healings
These are the most often gifts that are abused within the realm mainly of charismatic
Christianity it started with Pentecostal ism and then it kind of jumped to all denominations.
That's Charismatic ism, which is everywhere where there's people in our church throughout the years who have been influenced of a charismatic persuasion
So you can be Baptist Catholic anything and still be charismatic cares Karis the word refers to the the gifting of the spirit
So people one of the common things people say the Holy Spirit Led me to do this and then you look at what they're doing.
Like where's that in the Bible? That's contradicting the Bible So we always need to go back to what the
Spirit we know the Spirit definitely said what's in the Word of God So compare everything of what's happening to the
Word of God because people will abuse the Holy Spirit Well, God told me the
Holy Spirit said this well that kind of ends the conversation Got what
God told me that we're gonna argue with God The question is did God really tell them that that's that's the issue question
Then Obviously Says be filled with the
Holy Spirit So these manifestations these jumping of the pews and speaking in tongues
Like alcohol, we know alcohol can cause being drunk and bizarre things, right and sometimes alcohol is called spirits
Right Do you think then or would you go so far as to say that these bizarre things?
are Come about because of the influence of evil spirits sometimes
Sometimes not always One of the most common Abuses is this whole idea of tongue someone might say well pastor grants against speaking in tongues.
No, I'm not Speaking in tongues is biblical. It's just what they're doing today is not tongues
Acts chapter 2 clearly states that tongues are a foreign language
Read Acts chapter 2 they could understand they were speaking in their own language. That's what it plainly states
Paul deals with this subject in 1st Corinthians 14, and I find it odd that in 1st
Corinthians 14 The Apostle Paul lays down all these rules and guidelines how to conduct yourself in the the house of God Charismatics and Pentecostals break almost every one of those rules
Paul forbids for example Paul forbids female preachers in the church in 2nd
Timothy 2 12 1st Corinthians 14 37 34 through 37 yet Pentecostals were the first group to ordain female preachers
The Holy Spirit led us to do this. Well, the Holy Spirit said in the Bible you're not to do it.
Who are you gonna believe? It's it's that simple and I don't say any of this to be unkind
It's just amazing how the Word of God is mishandled if not completely Ignored so when those misunderstandings become common it creates chaos and confusion within Christianity again, they teach people you can lose your salvation which comes awfully close to a false
Gospel not saying it is but it comes awfully close People will say if you don't speak in tongues, you're not saved
There are the oneness Pentecostals that deny the Trinity again Not all do people out there claim to have private revelations from God which undermines the authority of the
Bible Because everyone now has their own interpretation all of this Undercuts and undermines the authority of the
Word of God, which was given to the church by the Holy Spirit And then Paul ends chapter 14 by saying
God is not the author of confusion So all the people rolling and jumping pews he said let everything be done decently and in order
Yes, is it a question? Yeah, second
Timothy a first Timothy 212 First him first Timothy 212 first Corinthians 14 34 through 37
Then of course we could talk about all the false prophecies or guys like Kenneth Copeland Benny Hinn Pat Robertson.
These are the big leaders within the charismatic Pentecostal faith They they are verifiable false prophets.
They literally has have made prophecies. God told me this it did not come to pass And some of them openly admit.
Yeah, sometimes they get it wrong. What does Deuteronomy say about that stone? But you see that they've totally detached themselves from the
Bible because while we have the Spirit So the Spirit is telling us one thing the Bible is saying something else.
That's what's happening So I here's what I'm not saying I'm not saying hey all charismatic
Christians are bad all charismatic churches are But I'm not saying that but there are major major problems every denomination has its problems, but this is just a huge huge Issue if you don't believe me turn on Christian television actually don't
It's a jungle out there, so hopefully this doesn't make anyone upset But if it does
I would quote the Apostle Paul again who said have I become your enemy because I told you the truth
Hopefully not All right, just two minutes left quickly break down the gifts of the
Spirit. There are the sign gifts where? They were operational in the early church, but we're temporary
There are the sign gifts and the permanent gifts among the permanent gifts
There's two categories the speaking gifts and then the serving gifts. So the first Let's cover the sign gifts briefly the sign gifts are prophecy miracles healing healings tongues interpretation of tongues
Some people would call me a secessionist. I don't believe those gifts are operational in the church
There's a variety of reasons for that 1st Corinthians 13 8 through 10 says when the perfect has come
Tongues will cease and prophecies will fail I understand that that once the
New Testament Church was established We have the faith once for all given to the Saints the Bible has been completed the last
Apostle John died the gifts by John's death had ceased
So there are no prophets in the church today There are no Apostles in the church day because of that there's no special revelation being given to the church today
Everything we have is in the scripture and we know it's from the Holy Ghost And in 2nd
Timothy chapter 4 Paul could no longer heal because he left trophimus in Miletus sick
Moving on we have the permanent gifts We don't have time to go into them hospitality administration mercy
There are the serving gifts speaking gifts. There's the one double portion gift. That is the gift of pastor teacher and this
All gets really complicated. We just don't have time. You can hear the bell. So we're out of time
So let me just finish with the the fruit of the Spirit So I'll close by saying this if the
Spirit of God is within you And certainly if he is filling you you should display in your
Christian walk the fruit of the Spirit according to Galatians 5 22 and 23
The fruit of the Spirit is love joy. Peace long -suffering kindness goodness faithfulness
Gentleness and self -control it says against such there is no law