More on Tony Evans / Is His Trans-Dispensationalism Doctrine the Same as Billy Graham's Wider Mercy?


When Tony Evans stepped down from ministry it led to massive amounts of people looking into the pastor and what he taught. His most controversial doctrine, along with his apparent denial of original sin has to be his teaching known as Trans-Dispensationalism which says people can go to heaven without ever hearing the gospel or knowing the name of Jesus. In the video link below pastor John MacArthur called it a "departure from the hist


Hello in this video, we're going to be talking a little bit more about Tony Evans and his trans Dispensational doctrine because I was thinking about it and it doesn't really seem much different Than what
Robert Schuller taught remember that Robert Schuller Billy Graham? Interview where they taught and expressed what is called the wider mercy teaching right the wider mercy doctrine that and trans
Dispensationalism it pretty much sounds like the same thing because they're addressing That age -old question.
What about the poor innocent native in the jungle, right? What about the person who dies without ever hearing the gospel?
so I'm gonna play the clips of Tony Evans and Billy Graham in a moment and I think you'll see that it's pretty much the same thing and There's a lot of people who believe this way and just in case anyone is like how dare you attack
Tony Evans and like people You know leave comments like that. It's like I've never said a negative word about Tony Evans in my life
I've heard some Tony Evans sermons where he's a an effective communicator. He has preached the gospel
So, you know, you're you're able to appreciate a lot of the things that people do and then say hey you know,
I disagree with this like we are allowed to disagree with people and As I always point out the
Bible tells us that we need to test the spirits we need to be good Bereans So just because somebody is famous That you know, this is the idea that some people have well, who are you you're a nobody, you know
Billy Graham is famous, you know, Tony Evans is famous. You are not allowed to disagree with them wrong
Well, the Apostle Paul was the Apostle Paul in the Bereans. What did they do? They tested everything Paul said over and against the scripture and the
Bible says about the Bereans that they were noble. So This is has nothing to do with like personally disliking somebody
So just tune out all the haters in the comment section, you know It always gets me how people will say, you know, how dare you judge?
How dare you attack and then they go on to say all sorts of horrible things about you and it's like are you even reading?
Your own comments don't judge as you're passing judgment about other people And of course most of these people don't even watch the video.
They just they click on it and leave you know Accusations that it's like well if you watched you would actually see that that's not the case.
But anyways, that's Just sort of the that's the one negative part about YouTube the the comment section so you have to take the good with the bad but about Tony Evans and this
Transdispensational doctrine or Robert Shuler and Billy Graham and in their wider mercy doctrine, whatever you want to call it
Somebody asked me speaking of the comment section. Somebody asked me in the other video
I did on this They asked me point -blank pastor. What do you think? people who die and They die without ever hearing about Jesus what happens to them?
What's your opinion on that? Well, let me answer you first of all the
Bible teaches Generally speaking the Bible teaches that the heathen are lost and all people are under sin
This is what the Bible clearly teaches in the book of Romans chapters 1 through 3
This is the Apostle Paul's entire point the heathen are lost all people
Need Jesus, right? So I'm not going to give just one verse some it'll claim
It's out of context. So I would appeal to the first three chapters of Romans, so that's his entire argument and it's really a theme that runs straight through the
Bible the heathen are lost The people of this world, you know, they're not okay.
Just where they are. They need Jesus Look at that. We should be able to agree on that On top of that I would say this it's not my job to say.
Okay that guy over there. He's saved and She's not and he's going to hell but this guy is like I'm not gonna play
God and say Specifically this person saved and this person isn't The God of all the earth he will do what is right?
I'm not gonna play God, but Here's what I'm definitely not gonna say. I'm definitely not gonna say that the heathen can be saved without Jesus You know talking about this age that we're living in You know the past 2 ,000 years that people in this age can be saved without the gospel.
I'm definitely not going to say that because The Bible doesn't say it, right?
All I want to do is tell you what the Bible says So the Bible clearly paints the picture that the heathen are lost people in this world.
Everyone is under sin people need Jesus and the Bible never once Says that people can be saved in this age in this dispensation
They can be saved without the gospel So I'm definitely not gonna say that and when people say that you can be saved without faith in Jesus I think that's dangerous.
I think it is Dangerous and then people ask, you know, what about Old Testament believers?
I mean, they didn't know the name of Jesus Well, right, but they had some special revelation and they were saved because they believed
In what God said right they had the promises of God I would appeal to Romans chapter 10 that in order to be saved a person needs
To hear the Word of God right faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God So people need some special revelation and they need the regenerating work of the
Holy Spirit So that is what is necessary to be saved Could a person out in the jungle receive a vision from God I mean,
I don't think that's happening, but it could happen. God could do that I mean Abraham was living in a pagan land and God appeared to him.
So I mean it has happened in the past. I Typically think that if somebody is seeking
God which you know You can argue from Romans 3 that no one is seeking after God But if somebody were if the
Holy Spirit was dealing in someone's heart But they didn't have any special revelation God would send them a missionary but again
I'm not gonna say that people can be saved without the gospel. I'm just not gonna do it.
So Old Testament believers Yeah, they were believers in that they trusted in what
God said. They had some special revelation Romans 4 says that Abraham believed
God and it was accounted to him for righteousness And then there's another argument people bring up.
There's a guy online Who defends Tony Evans his channel is called the smart
Christian So the smart Christian channel, he basically says that well
Hey, you know you guys are inconsistent because you say that children small children or babies who die in infancy
That they go straight to heaven and they don't believe in Jesus So see you're you're inconsistent or you're hypocritical or whatever.
Here's the difference with that The two -week old baby who dies
Never sinned right? That's the difference the small child who dies before and I realize you get into original sin and the age of accountability and is that a thing and it can get really complicated but Just to make it simple the little baby who dies never committed any sin of their own
They truly are innocent But the native in the jungle like the adult who's living in some remote part of the of the world that they have sinned
So it's just not the same thing So let's listen to the clips first Tony Evans and then
Robert Shuler talking with Billy Graham and let's see if you can spot is this the same thing?
Are they saying the same thing? Listen A direct revelation of himself like he did
Paul and here it is. God can trans dispensationalize it that is
Relate to him out of another dispensation because dispensations are based on information given
So that all throughout the Bible all is revealed and they were saved if a person bleeds
God Somebody's up there that created this person would have a heart of tea just because God says he who seeks shall find
So since God makes that promise if God doesn't give him the gospel or give him a direct revelation Then he has to judge him out of another dispensation
Now I would imagine you've got people coming at you from every direction with guns blazing.
I'm right there wrong. So it's You graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary, right?
I can only imagine that there are people there with a would almost call this Harris probably But you but you do know that they would call this
Harris and I'm and I you know that Tell me what do you think is the future of Christianity?
Well Christianity and being a true believer, you know, I think there's the body of Christ which comes from all the
Christian groups around the world or Outside the Christian groups. I think everybody that that loves
Christ or knows Christ Whether they're conscious of it or not They're members of the body of Christ and I don't think that we're going to see a great sweeping
Revival that will turn the whole world to Christ at any time I think James answered that the
Apostle James in the first council in Jerusalem when he said that God's purpose for this age is to call out of people for his name
And that's what God is doing today He's calling people for out of the world for his name
Whether they come from the Muslim world or the Buddhist world or the Christian world or the non -believing world
They are members of the body of Christ because they've been called by God They may not even know the name of Jesus But they know in their heart that they need
Something that they don't have and they turn to the only light that they have and I think that they are saved
And that they're going to be with us in heaven But what I hear you saying that it's possible for Jesus Christ to come into a human heart and soul and life
Even if they've been born in darkness and have never had an exposure to the
Bible Is that a correct interpretation of what you're saying? Yes, it is because I believe that I've met people in various parts of the world and tribal situations
That they had never seen a Bible or heard about a Bible and never heard of Jesus But they believed in their heart that there was a
God and that and they tried to live a life That was quite apart from the surrounding community in which they lived.
This is fantastic I'm so thrilled to hear you say that there's a wideness in God's mercy.
There is Okay, so I realized that people will make excuses for this or they'll claim that Billy Graham was taken out of context
Well, Billy Graham lived another 20 years. He never recanted he never Apologized or which this is just it's what he believed matter of fact
John MacArthur and I know people get all upset about John then they want to say stuff about John MacArthur, but Just because John MacArthur is one of the only people that I know as far as famous pastors go
He's the only person I know who has even addressed this publicly John MacArthur said that he contacted the
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and they confirmed that know that this is what Billy believes
Billy has believed this since the early 1960s. So that's another thing people say Billy He was just kind of going senile in his old age
He didn't really know but no Billy Graham believed this I mean he clearly was within his right mind and you just have to accept that's what
Billy Graham believed and this is what Tony Evans Believed you heard it With their own his own words.
So whether you call it Transdispensationalism or wider mercy you just have to come to terms with the fact that a lot of famous pastors believe this
And a lot of local pastors believe this matter of fact, there's a good chance that your pastor believes this
I mean depending on what church you go to I wouldn't be surprised. This is a pretty common thing One last point because I Anytime I post a video
Where I'm you know disagreeing with somebody or we're talking about a doctrine that People take one side other people take another side.
I Do this and I bring up? Here's what this guy says and I bring up real -life examples because to me this helps it become more clear
Like this is a real it's a real -life situation. It's a real -life Application so I think this is helpful to talk about this and we can hear what this guy has to say and then we can
Compare it to the Bible. I think it's helpful to do that, which is why I play clips
But anytime I express disagreement with someone famous Inevitably someone's gonna leave a comment like how dare you who do you think you are to disagree with Tony Evans?
Who do you think you are? To just I mean Billy Graham is way up here and you are way down here.
Who do you think you are? Well Let me just address that. I'm I'm nobody
I'm just a lowly pastor ministering in a place that no one's ever heard of right?
I don't have a mega church I don't have a PhD Even if I had a
PhD does that mean everything I say is correct. I mean it really shouldn't matter But here's one thing.
I do have I do have a Bible I do have a Bible and my Bible tells me that as a pastor as a shepherd according to Titus chapter 1 verse 9 1st
John 4 verse 1 My Bible tells me that I am to test the spirits.
My Bible tells me that I am to refute those who contradict I Am allowed to disagree with Tony Evans.
I'm saying, you know pray for Tony Evans I've asked people I've prayed for Tony Evans. I've asked other people to pray for Tony Evans I don't think you'll ever see me on this channel like digging into people's personal life or getting personal.
I don't do that It's strictly doctrinal looking at what the we want to see what the Bible says so You know what
I'm doing is I'm I'm testing what they're teaching over and against the Word of God Okay, salvation is by grace through faith faith in Jesus Christ faith in the gospel
So when somebody says well, you don't have to believe these people can get to heaven without believing the gospel
I think that's unbiblical. So that's what I'm doing. I'm disagreeing and I am able to recognize that men like Tony Evans and With Billy Graham a lot of people heard the gospel from Billy Graham and a lot of good came out of their ministries
So I'm allowed to you know recognize that but at the same time disagree with some things that they have to say
Here's here. I think is the Another huge problem with modern -day Christianity.
Here is another reason why churches are in such a mess Doctrinally and why there is so much, you know on biblical teaching out there
It's because we're following the 11th commandment If you didn't listen to my podcast on the 11th commandment go back and listen to that However, you define the 11th commandment, you know
Thou shalt be nice thou shalt not name names thou shalt not speak against another pastor
Whatever it is. We play by these unbiblical rules, right? And So, well, you're not allowed to disagree with Billy Graham is so big and famous and you're just a nobody and you're not allowed
To say anything. How dare you? No, no that the Bible says again. We need to be good
Bereans Billy Graham Tony Evans Joel Osteen Joyce Meyer, I mean these people have so much influence a guy like me has a very small amount of influence
Joyce Meyer has a massive amount of influence Joyce Meyer Billy Graham and Joel Osteen Tony Evans They have more influence than I can possibly even imagine
They're gonna reach more people than I'm ever gonna encounter in my life, you know times ten like it's just so when you know that and these people have so much influence even if 97 % of what
Tony Evans says is correct It's this, you know 3 % of trans Dispensationalism and his denial of original sin and all of that like that's
Dangerous, I think it is dangerous and I'm allowed to disagree I'm allowed to and I would say
I'm called to again refute those who contradict We're allowed to do that.
So in conclusion, you know, I mentioned the Bereans They're brought up in Acts chapter 17 again
They were called noble and who are they testing? They were testing the
Apostle Paul the Apostle Paul came to town and he was teaching and they weren't just gonna take his word for it
They had the scriptures and they listened to what Paul said and they tested everything that Paul said over and against the
Bible So if I test everything I hear from Billy Graham against the Bible I mean I'm being a
Berean and again the Bible calls them Noble you're never gonna hear me bring reviling accusations on this channel.
There are people who do that there are people on YouTube who yell and they shout and they're angry and they you know
Launch personal insults and say all sorts. Yeah, it's reviling. It's it's it's
Insulting it's disrespectful towards men who are in this office of pastor where you should
Respect the office if not the person in the office You're never gonna hear that from me.
Everything I'm doing is doctrinal so We are allowed to disagree and one last thing, you know with Tony Evans or someone like Joyce Meyer Joel Osteen I mean, they're not accessible.
I couldn't pick up the phone and call them, right? So I could never get in touch with that because someone will say well you should go to them first.
Yeah Yeah, I'm gonna get Joel Osteen on the phone. I mean give me a break That's not gonna happen.
Obviously I am accessible So, let me just say this one challenge for you If you hear me say something that you disagree with you think
I'm teaching something that's not biblical For there's reasons why I don't return phone calls
There's several things several reasons why I just I don't have the time to do that If you send me an email through our church's website, if you're respectful,
I will get back to you So I'm accessible reach out to me if you know If you want to test what
I have to say, you should test what I have to say and I tell my church members this Don't just take something because I say something don't take it as gospel truth.
You always need to test What a preacher is saying over and against the
Word of God if more Christians did that If more churches did that we would not be in the mess that we're in but pray for Tony Evans pray for everybody involved and Until next time may the