1 Corinthians 1:1-17, Whose Are You?


1 Corinthians 1:1-17 Whose Are You?


1 Corinthians 1:18-2:16, Power to Change

1 Corinthians 1:18-2:16, Power to Change

1st Corinthians chapter 1 hear the word of the Lord Paul Called by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus and our brother
Sothcenes to the Church of God that is in Corinth to those sanctified in Christ Jesus called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ both their Lord and ours Grace to you in peace from God our
Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I That was given you in Christ Jesus that in every way you were enriched in him in all speech and all knowledge even as the testimony about Christ was confirmed among you so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift as you wait for the
Revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ who will sustain you to the end guiltless and the day of our
Lord Jesus Christ God is faithful by whom you were called into the fellowship of his son
Jesus Christ our Lord. I Appeal to you brothers by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ That all of you agree and that there be no divisions among you
But that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment For it has been reported to me by closed people that there is quarreling among you my brothers
What I mean is that each of you each one of you says I follow Paul or I follow Apollos or I follow
Cephas All right, or I follow Christ It's Christ divided was
Paul crucified for you or were you baptized in the name of Paul I Thank God that I baptized none of you except Christmas and Gaius so that no one may say that you were baptized in my name
I did baptize also the household of Stephan us beyond that. I do not know whether I baptize anyone else
For Christ did not send me to baptize But to preach the gospel and not with words of eloquent wisdom lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power
May the Lord had his blessings to the reading of his Holy Word What's your identity?
What what defines who you are? Who do you belong to that?
That defines you that describes you that you feel proud of that is us when you think of us We who do you think of maybe as an
American and you are you proud of your country you patriotic? Sense of the greatness of the country kind of wears off on you.
It makes you great Because you're just part of it or privileged. Maybe are you looking forward to this
Thursday July 4th? to celebrate our therefore you think you were Greatness.
Oh, you have a good Independence Day put out the flag see some fireworks Planning on putting out the flag at our house probably tomorrow, but you may notice
I don't know if anyone notices, but there's not an American flag here It's not because I actually
I'm one of those has a pretty strong opinion about like football games and baseball basketball You know, you respect the flag, but we don't have one here and that's because we're not assembling here as Americans but as Christians, I mean what if you're not an
American and we had a I saw one thing on on the internet this morning some church having a patriotic service today and Well, what if you're not an
American? Would you feel part of that? Would you feel like this is about us?
Or would you feel a foreigner in the house of God, even though if you're a Christian, well, whose are we here?
People love to feel proud of some some kind of corporate identity something That's us that they belong to that is greater than the whatever anyone else has for nations.
It's called Patriotism Americans are known for their patriotism But even in Singapore as small as it is it likes to boast of their per capita wealth their social harmony
Their airport is rated the best in the world Their port used to be the busiest in the world until it got surpassed by Shanghai The movie last year a crazy rich Asians was made in and about Singapore Chinese that is people from China are of course are proud of their status as the
Middle Kingdom Halfway between the perfection of heaven and the barbarity of the rest of the world I think
Americans in Chinese Chinese from China have one thing in common is that both of them are absolutely sure
That they are the greatest nation on the earth No, they didn't even think they can't even conceive otherwise
Even in Ethiopia though they are proud of their heritage I remember in an outdoor market in Ethiopian a young man was sitting under a tree and he called out to Mary and I as we were shopping there in that market
Call it a market is really just kind of an assembly imagine a field few trees and people maybe a few tables
But mostly people just sitting on the ground with their produce spread out That's the market and but the young man under a tree shouted out to us
Ethiopia is rich and I thought well, maybe so but Ethiopians are poor and Downtown Addis Ababa there are monuments though to great kings of the path and Ethiopia is one of those few nations of the world
This has lasted thousands of years. It's kind of along with China and Israel. I guess Egypt. Maybe that's about it, right?
Ethiopia is one of those and then has these monuments the great kings of the past they've had There they have a history that they're proud of they they're proud of their
Olympic athletes their world record runners Marathon runners and all that they celebrate that people love to have an identity to belong to something that is larger than themselves
That they can feel proud of feel is great greater than anyone else Even if they individually in our kind of average, you know,
I can't run a world record marathon, but we have Way many people think I may not be the greatest person in the world
But we are the greatest nation in the world That's the way many people think even when it comes to religion to our relationship with God many many think it depends on us
They they may think yeah, I may not be the most sanctified Christian in the world But I belong to the greatest church the greatest organization
We are the chosen people or we are the true church And so others are not maybe others can join if they do the right thing
But as long as they're not part of us, they're out there foreigners to the kingdom of God After all if there's an us
Who are the greatest? Then there's a them Who were outside who are lacking?
Who are foreigners? That is true But it all depends whether that's healthy whether that's right
Where you draw the boundary line between us and them on who?
defines for you us It's your nation your
Whatever your region you're a southerner your race Who is it? Well in the past year
I've dealt personally With both Eastern Orthodox and the so -called in the past couple of months the
Church of Christ Quote Church of Christ so -called it's a great name They got for themselves, although they are the
Eastern Orthodox Church of Christ are very different in most ways They are remarkably alike in one important way
They both claim to be the True church found in the
New Testament, you know going through acts as we were They will both say that those churches that Paul was founding like in Corinth where we left off in that chapter 18
Was exactly like them. That's us. They'll point to in the Bible You are not like that.
We are that's the way they say and and if you want to be right with God You must join them. They are the church.
All the others are fakes their breakaways their schismatics Whatever the word they use Even though the
Eastern Orthodox Eastern Orthodox a little more sophisticated generally that than to put it that way The Church of Christ are so different in a most and almost every other way dealing with them
You go over the last couple months. I'm dealing with them. I can lose track of which is which wait wait Wait, are you
Eastern Orthodox? Are you are you Church of Christ? I'm not because you're talking exactly the same We'll go, you know, we are the church that Jesus founded
Well both assume for you to be right with God I'm the assumption that they are working with when they talk like that and they put so much confidence in their church
It's that for you to be right with God you must be in their group You must be in the right church and their church is the right church
Their faith in is not so much in the Lord It's in and it's not in what he did.
It's in the rightness of Their church their organization. They think our organization is the true one.
And so I'm right as Long as I am in this organization And they draw the line in at their organization their tradition
Some would call it they wouldn't they wouldn't use this word, but some would their denomination
What about denominations? Our denominations necessarily divisive. Are they bad? Is it what we were just reading about here?
Are they you know, I'm a Paul Apollos. I'm a Lutheran. I'm a Presbyterian Is that what it's like and we were still guilty of the same thing
Baptist Methodist Lutheran Episcopal Presbyterian Church of God Pentecostal Plymouth brethren some some decry them as divided as though we are war with each other
Is that we're condemning each other saying, you know, like this is actually what the Church of Christ people say about the rest of us
That you're you're all wrong. You're going to hell if you don't repent and come with us someone think well That's what we're all saying about each other
We've had to say that about Methodist and Lutherans and Presbyterians and they all say that about us. Is that true?
You know if you don't have dinner every evening with your next -door neighbor, are you divided against them? Is that the way it works does that prove you hate them because you don't meet together every every day
If we're so divided all these denominations gives each other Why have we covenant had special joint services with Methodist with Episcopalians?
Last Good Friday. We had an Armenian Baptist pastor sing a song right here. He did an excellent job
Do a wonderful job for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and in? 2017 we even unofficially at least
I did kind of unofficially put it in the bulletin calling ourselves Covenant Reformed Lutheran Church.
We sung all Luther hymns and we talked about Luther And I personally had myself I've had to have taken the
Lord's Supper at Lutheran churches Anglican that's Episcopal churches Presbyterian Pentecostal Plymouth Brethren churches, you know in and I've even served it in Methodist and a
Methodist Church Now who says that just because we have some different traditions and some different convictions about how to do some secondary things like like baptism
Who says that we're divided against each other, you know here at first Corinthians Paul appeals to us and tells us there is no
There are no divisions. There's only one church one Christ no warring tribes. Oh sure.
We can have different traditions We can have different preferences. We're gonna have some different practices and why not?
Since now you realize there's too many of us and their day They could probably all if they could find a home big enough.
They could probably all meet in one home Today, there's just too many of us that we can't meet like in the Danville area
Castle County We couldn't be all meet in one place. There's just too many of us. So we're gonna meet separately So why not have you know, what's wrong with different little convictions and some different practices?
We're not really divided even if we meet separately. We don't have to be we're not against each other
Not at all Not if we believe in the same Lord, not if we know Whose we are and in this opening section of first Corinthians we see
Whose we are we see that in three parts? first sanctified second sustained and finally sameness
First all true Christians are are sanctified even Saucinese seems like a strange name.
It's a name ring a bell by the way saucinese. Where have you heard saucinese before? You heard it two weeks ago
Someone by that name probably probably the same man doesn't seem like it to me. It's a common name and In the fact that Paul mentions him in his letter to Corinth Someone by that name.
He was was the ruler of the synagogue in Corinth. Remember accent 18 He complained he was an opponent of Paul He complained about Paul to Galea It was like the pro -council the the governor there and in the in Corinth in acts 18
And he was hoping to have the church persecuted. Otherwise, he was Saucinese was trying to persecute
Paul Galea the governor wouldn't listen to saucinese and Galea's entourage beat saucinese up The rest said maybe maybe a good beating was what was good for saucinese and maybe it was
Maybe that was his turning point in his life. That's an axe 18 He was an enemy of the church enemy of Paul and now he's apparently with Paul here.
He is Paul says is writing to the church of Corinth. Hey me and saucinese send you greetings.
He's converted Sometime between trying to persecute Paul in acts 18 and now writing to the church in Corinth He mentions both saucinese and the in the greeting that that's the from part in verse 1
Because they know him the people in Corinth apparently know who he is because he used to live there And then in the two part the recipients in verse 2 he mentions that they are they are sanctified that is they are set apart and Called to be
Saints that is called to be saying church sanctified people set apart people together with all those
And here by the way, Paul is he's sneaking in what's going to be his theme into the into the greeting
This is the greeting part, but he's giving them some theology in the greeting. You're called to be set apart people
Saints Together Here they are trying to divide. No, you're called together with all those who in every place
Call in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Sanctified together and they were dividing up into groups like little
Christian tribes Paul responds by by telling them that they are sanctified. They are set apart by God, but to be one people one church
How many churches are there? Yes, we see all kinds of churches, you know Danville was maybe it still is
Called the city of churches Because there were more churches per person in in Danville than in any other in the other city in Virginia.
And here we are And another church in the same area and we all we probably all except for Joe and Ann I guess past several churches on the way here
We're meeting separately here. Sure, but in an altogether more important way there is only one church and Verse 2
Paul writes to the church that's in Corinth and that means he's writing to every believer every Christian who lives in that city
There was not a first Baptist Church in Corinth or a reformed out of church or Lutheran Church Corinth or Methodist Church Presbyterian Church and so on all the
Christians all that say people and that area were part of the one church and That is still the way
God sees us we are part of the one church That happens to live here in Caswell County in Danville notice
The one church is in verse 2 sanctified in Christ Jesus That means again set apart all believers are set apart by God set apart from the world
Set apart for himself for his purposes that God makes his separation. So there are boundaries
There are us's and them's There are people in and there's people out God makes a separation and the only separation that matters to God is though is the
Saints sanctified ones And then the others who are not it's not based on nationality or race or status or morality or culture
But in his sheer grace, he set aside a certain group of people Peter calls him his holy nation
They're holy in his eyes and now in their actual lives like some of these people in Corinth Imagine he starts out calling these people sanctified you think of the problems right about to see in Corinth But he calls them sanctified their actual lives.
They will not always be perfectly holy, but they will be growing in that direction So sanctification or holiness will be one sign of whether you are really part of the true church
The one church is also called to be Saints Together in verse 2.
It's a mark of it. It's a mark of a cult This says they are the only church the only true church and that everyone outside their church is damned only they are saved
Only their baptism is good Understand that's a mark of a cult you hear people stuck like that Baptist Methodist Presbyterians Lutherans Episcopalian they never talk like that.
They don't they may think their practices are best. They may think We have advantages we do some things, right that others get wrong
But they don't didn't say because we're the because of that were the only true ones. They don't we don't say that It's important to understand the difference
That's why we should be as friendly and as cooperative as we can with other bodies believers When we have the opportunity to join with other churches
We can take advantage of that and we have the Covenant has done that several years ago our neighbors right down the road here
Providence Baptist Church put on an evangelistic event at the Castle County Civic Center and Even though they did some things that you know
We don't really agree with like having an altar call We don't think our best are the healthiest we cooperated with them.
I think we were probably the most helpful local church with them Then we we help our people were there at the door handing out their materials as people came in And did other things to help and now
I know we could say we could say this would be somebody's people attitude Well, we're better, you know, we're
Reformed we understand the gospel better. We understand better how to organize the church how to worship better.
We sing Psalms You know, we've got to be better So why bother associating with these other?
Be polite as we can ignorant people who know so much less than we do if they want to be better They should come to us, right?
Because we are called Here Paul says we are called together with all those who in every place
Even right down the road call in the name of the Lord Jesus We shouldn't have that kind of arrogant aloof
Dismissive attitude we might indeed know that we might know some things That others don't
God may have blessed us with insights that other believers would profit by but if we use those truths
To separate ourselves from other true believers to feel superior to feel detached.
We're above them We don't want to associate with those ignorant riffraff still contaminated with the pollution of whatever their traditions are
If that's our attitude Then we've let what should be a building block Turn into a stumbling stone
We've stumbled over our own arrogance. There is only one church Called together
Well, we could say okay, I'm called together to all believers everywhere so I Don't have to tie myself down to one group of believers anywhere
Just maybe float from place to place leave my options open go taste some variety me here there
Maybe stay home and what's a what's quote other believers? Somewhere else and we're all part of the one true church, right?
When I do that They're all part just part of their franchises of content of the one church. So why commit to just one?
I Once met a lady who said she had visited Israel seven times It's a lot of money on flights and she appeared interested in spiritual things
And so I asked her, you know, just asking what church you go to and she said I don't go to church
I am the church Wow, that's impressive. I met the church in the flesh and for her she was all she was all that was needed
Certainly not a particular local church certainly not being a faithful member of a body. There's other people who might tie me down but You know that she was in in and of herself.
She thought the church But practically we need other believers we need a local
Assembly to live out what it means to be called Together it's not just a theology.
We say we believe we have to live it out. Are we called together with specific people?
Otherwise, we like that woman who somehow thought she was called alone You know, it's just Jesus and her
Walked in the garden alone when the dew is fresh on the flowers Whatever once to only two sets of footprints of the sand just me and Jesus there's other people.
I don't care about them I don't want them coming along no need for anyone else particularly people No need for an annoying preacher
Oh Or meetings that sometimes let's admit it Are a bit are a bit boring no need for commitment.
No need for accountability. No need for the church a real assembly
God says we're not called separately think what he's saying. We're called together not called separately not called individualistically
We're not called apart You know, he doesn't say you're all called individualistically come to Jesus.
No, you are called together together You were called and Here you are You're the church.
You got to live it out by being together with a specific body of people a church
Notice that we're called Supposedly just kind of glaze over that and you don't really stop and think about it.
We're called And then he says then we call Some Christians they imagine that when they were saved, you know, they took the initiative
God wanted them to God wanted to had wanted them to get saved, but there wasn't much he could do about it He was hoping he was kind of bringing in his hands.
Well, so -and -so come along. Will he or she finally get converted? He was sending messengers their way Trying to woo you in but he's but the final say was ours, right?
Until we call on him There's not much he can do about it And that's the way many people many people view things when they finally called in the name of Jesus Then they were saved they think but verse 2 says that God called us together with all those
Who call in the name of Jesus those other people who are called to be with us? Why are they also calling on the name of Jesus?
because they because we Are called we're called and so We call put it another way paraphrase of verse from first John I put it we call because he first called us
Notice who or what we call on we don't call on our morality. We don't call our religion and color in our status
I mean I belong to this nation or this race or this family or these I have these privileges We don't call on our group on us
What a call on I'm a Baptist I belong to the Church of Christ or whatever our group are our church being supposedly the true church
We call in the name of the Lord Jesus That's what we call on We appeal to as all true believers do notice that Paul emphasizes the lordship of Jesus here
He is at the end of verse 2 our Lord Jesus He is here both their
Lord those other people that you are dividing from and shouldn't be their
Lord and Alice That is the Lord of those of us in this church and the
Lord of all true believers in every local church all around the world the us is believers in Jesus that's our identity
Well, the one true churches is sanctified that is it's called and it is also starting in verse 4 sustained the
Lord Jesus said that he will build his church and It won't be overcome Not even by my tribalism by false churches saying that they are the one true church
There is one true church, but that doesn't mean one organization that you have to belong to it means one body of people believers that he sustains he
Preserves he keeps them his sheep Remember Jesus said he's lost sheep from all kinds of truck for all kinds of sheep folds all over the world and he will gather them into one sheep fold
There is one true church and it doesn't mean one true organization and he does that at verse 5 by enriching us
Because of God's grace the church has made rich And so you are made rich in his knowledge and his words and his spiritual gifts and his hope in his relationship with God It has the richest treasure of all in the world the message of the gospel the testimony about Christ Mentioned in verse 6 that when we were dead in our sins
When God was rightly angry with us and we deserve nothing Except eternal damnation from him when there was nothing that we could do to help ourselves
When saying I'm I'm an American or I'm a Chinese or I'm a I belong to that church, but that would do us no good
God sent his son to obey the law for us to carry our guilt and to be raised so that we can have new life
That's in there in an enriching Message and he's given us spiritual gifts
To help bring that message to others out there To whom the Lord will call to be with us
Remember it was in Corinth. We saw two weeks ago The Lord told in a vision Paul stay here in Corinth, even though it's starting to persecute you because I have other people
Out there. I have other sheep. I have others who will call on my name now But he was calling
Calling them be part of this one true church Some of you and he had and Paul had spiritual gifts to enable him to be used by God to call
Those whom the Lord is calling some of you have gifts that the Lord can use to call Those whom he is calling like a
Joe and winsomely share the gospel others can teach others can help with them with the music Others can just spontaneously take up some practical burdens, you know
We need practical things done sometimes to keep the church going. It's not us as individuals at verse 7 Yes, he says you have every spiritual gift that you need and some people may read this figure in English where there's no
Reason we do have in southern English. We have a y 'all and it should be translated with a y 'all but Here people can read this in English and think you have all spiritual gifts that they go.
That's me I have all spiritual gifts all by myself. Maybe that lady thinks I am the church. She has it all No, you're called together.
Did you there in verse 7 is plural you all the church have every spiritual gift you need?
You have what you need to do what God has called you to do you into you? Corporately together you have it
One of you at each of you individually doesn't have it you have each have something that you can add Individually any one of us would be lacking many spiritual gifts that woman who said that she was the church
Doesn't understand that she needs the gifts of others to be complete but called together working together
Then we lack no spiritual gift The true church also waits in verse 7
For the Lord Jesus to be revealed for waiting on that is to physically return talking about the second coming
There are lots of things that we can believe differently about the end times Very few of the things that people talk about these days of the end times are really the important things the essential things
They're not essential to our faith often our church's statement of faith only obligates us Members to believe that the
Lord Jesus kind of three things believe the Lord Jesus will return that he will judge and there will be A resurrection and in verse 7 and 8 we see that the true church waits
For Jesus to appear he will appear again As as we wait in verse 8
Jesus sustains us. Otherwise, he keeps us. He preserves us. He sustains his true people all the way to the end
So that those true people those sheep he is gathering out of every sheepfold all around the world so that they will be there
They will be kept they will be protected When he appears when he returns It's why as our statement of faith puts it the grand mark of a true believer
How you know, you're a true believer the grand mark not blowing you to the right organization if you're a member in this and this or that church, but a
Persevering attachment to Christ. It's the grand mark because our attachment to Christ proves
That he's attached to us That we're part of his body That the one true church as we're sustained that is where we're kept
We are waiting for Jesus to appear and right now we can be spiritually Jesus can be spiritually revealed to us and that's what happens in salvation
Light from God is imparted to our soul and you are finally able to see in a spiritual way
Christ What was before maybe just a concept something you heard in Sunday school or something
VBS, whatever from parents Suddenly because Christ is revealed to you
Become something real something obvious and you understand the cry Open the eyes of my heart
Lord. I want to see you That's what we've experienced. That's what's been experienced by those who have been called
That is why They call on the name of Jesus and having experienced it
You want more of it? Well, Jesus will sustain us to the end as in verse it says in verse 8 and he will not let anyone snatch us out of his hand and we know that When that final judgment comes when we know we would have we
We should have I guess been pronounced guilty and damned to an eternity of eternity in hell We will instead it says in verse 8 be pronounced guiltless
The guilt that we have earned in such abundance Will be gone.
It will have been attributed to Christ It will be have been born by him and so removed from us so when we are judged the judge will look at us and And instead of really looking at us at our record
He will see Christ. So the gavel will slam down The verdict will ring out recorded for an eternity guiltless and God is faithful verse 9
Verse 9 tells us that we will that he says he's faithful. In other words, he will most certainly do it he will keep his promise to To judge us guiltless and then we will enjoy the fellowship of God's Son Jesus Christ our
Lord. He is Whose we are Well finally starting verse 10 we have a we have sameness
Started with an s but Often we talk about sameness as though it's not desirable.
But here there is some sameness that is desirable if same mine the same Convictions about who
Jesus is what he's done. Whose are we? We're not a groups Not even the reformed
Baptist that makes us separate from everyone else that that that's our us and the rest of them
You know, they're them's they're inferiors. No, whose are we? We belong to a church, but ultimately to one true church made up of all believers that we are united with we have the same mind
The same judgment we have all alike decided in our same mind
That Jesus is Lord That God raised him from the dead We have the same opinion about that We may have a lot of different opinions about all kinds of other things on our favorite football team or basketball team
But what our best foods to eat and we like to spend our spare time What we like to watch on TV on and on and on but about that we have the same mind who
Jesus is God raised him from the dead and that that is the most important fact in the universe
That shared mind about Jesus far more important all the other little quibbles we could debate about That is the one church called together sanctified
Enriched and so it is to be one without divisions Same mind same decisions about Jesus without parties struggling for dominance without politics or Quarrels without factions seeking to have their own way having their kind of church
Without tribes on a white church or a black church or a Chinese church All you which is all about us.
No, none of that Paul appeals one church with the same faith same mind about Christ There's only one church because Paul says in verse 13.
There is only one Christ And I don't know if anyone would try to argue. There's a variety of Christ Maybe some people will that there's a different Christ for all kinds of different people
Maybe no one will say that out loud, but practically that's kind of what they assume You can have your kind of Christ a lot of mine
Paul says in verse 13 that that is exactly what they have been implying when people create divisions within the church
They are saying I want this kind of Christ. I want an old -time religion Christ You know we use the old translation and we sing the old hymns or a generation
X Christ, you know with the praise band and the Torn jeans and the untouched shirt or a white Christ or a black
Christ or a Chinese Christ They want they want a Christ will let them have it their way. It's a lot like them
But Paul asked is Christ divided If we're Christ Then which
Christ do we belong to? Whose are we you belong to the white
Christ to the black Christ or the Chinese Christ? No, there's only one Whose are we?
Same class For all believers the people who were dividing the body of Christ here according to their taste thought he could be divided thought that they
That those who like Paul they could have their their kind of church first Church of Paul But they'd only talk about Paul's stuff.
Paul was so sparring. He's so intellectual. He's deep I mean you ever read that letter to the Romans man. They're thinking
They got a copy recently that is great stuff they think of the that's so much better than that simpleton
Apollos I mean sure he can he could preach but you know, it's shallow Are we said but others are saying?
Oh, they love Apollos that rousing rhetoric. They want to have the first Church of Apollos Oh, he's so inspiring.
He's on fire that Apollos is And others though, you know, no, no, no, you're all wrong.
Gotta go with Peter You know Cephas that's his Hebrew name gotta go with him after all he was selected by the
Lord Jesus himself He was given the keys of the kingdom He had seen the transfiguration had seen the empty tomb.
Can't say that a Paul Apollos. What do they know? No, he was the one Peter was the one who preached on Pentecost.
He's the one to follow Then of course others thought oh, there's so much better than all that all you all you simpletons
They don't need to be identified with any of that There above it all Perhaps somebody that said
I don't go to church. I am the church they followed Christ They followed the Christ that makes them feel so much better than all those other silly believers
Who needed the crutch of Paul or or Apollos or Peter? I don't need any man helping me
I don't need any man telling me what to believe. I just follow Jesus. They said they're the
Church of Christ now like those denominations They boasted in their smugness
But here was just all that was just an arrogant excuse to separate from other true believers to all this
Paul asked The same thing they really asked us today When we think that we can divide the church
Maybe by race or by generation Like culture by my music styles or by our favorite preacher
Paul asked Is Christ divided? We Could say well,
I'm of John McCarver. I'm a John Piper. I'm a Francis John Or up David Platt or Mark Dever or whoever or maybe if you want to get really small time
I'm a John Carpenter until all that Paul asked is Christ divided The answer is no
There's only one Christ. We have the same one if there's one Christ and there's only one body.
So So take the call of God the Word of God that comes to you from MacArthur or Piper or John or Dever or myself or whoever take that and be drawn
By it to the one who was calling who is sanctifying Sustaining and enriching you who is building up his church through all kinds of people big and small take his
Instruments and come to the one Christ through them Paul was glad that he unbaptized many of them because he knew that they would use that to promote the
Paul party They wear that as a badge of honor. I was baptized by Paul. Who were you baptized by?
You're only baptized by Apollos Paul did not want to a following for himself
Some preachers today intentionally try to promote their name to have an entourage to have it kind of an air about them
That there's someone worth forming a party around I always got to bring around an associate to give a flowery introduction
So try everything they can to focus people's allegiance on them If they're important people get people attached to them to encourage the idea that they are somebody great, you know
You what they're somebody worth saying? Yeah, I'm one of his But Paul intentionally sought to draw attention away from himself
So they would have so that that that he would not obscure Christ He went out of his way not to baptize many of them fearing that they would use that experience to be attached to him instead of allowing the baptism to point them to Christ to what he has done for them going into the grave for them and rising again with them
Notice here in verse 17 that unlike Some of those who say you must be baptized to be saved
Often Often sex I got to say that right and you spell it for SEC T s
You know a religious group sex that say that they are the only true church often
They say you have to be baptized in their church To be saved that all other baptisms are invalid here.
Paul says that Christ does not send him to be baptized And those others particular Church of Christ people would say, you know
You're not saved until you are baptized that you have to be that's just basically part of the gospel It's what it means to obey the gospel.
You have to be baptized, but here He could have Paul could have baptized his followers those who believe the message and occasionally he did but most of the time
He appears to have left baptism to others While he went on preaching the gospel and indeed here notice to go to verse 17 that he makes a separation between the gospel on the one hand and the and the act of baptism and That's something else
That's something that demonstrates the God. Did you believe the gospel? It's not Doing it is not what saves you
Now, yes, those who are those who truly believe the gospel will be baptized. They'll have to they'll have no option
You know, there is no there's not a no discipleship variety of Christianity, you know like you can go and downsize your meal.
I'll take I'll take the burger without the fries and the drink, you know I'll you can roll up to Jesus.
I'll take the salvation without the discipleship. No, it doesn't work that way There is no disciple There's not a no discipleship variety of Christianity to let you downsize your
Christian life and just choose to have it without the obedience It is in Jesus as Lord that we believe and Jesus the
Lord Tells us to be baptized but here Paul so much assumes That it is the gospel that saves and the gospel does not include baptism
The baptism is not part of the gospel that he personally usually here does not baptize
Now they when they get saved that they are baptized But he doesn't do it because he's too brief. He's too busy preaching the plain
Powerful message of the gospel now. I hope we have a lot more baptisms. There's our baptistry right there But even more
I hope we have a lot more salvations I hope we have we see a lot more people call upon the name of the
Lord Jesus because they hear God calling them. I hope we see many more people confirm that is say yes to The message the gospel about Jesus and they confirm it with their lives not only with their words come to the same mind they have the same judgment they have that sameness of attitude of Conviction about Christ that we do that.
He is Lord if they do Then sanctify that is set apart from the world.
They will be sustained. They will be enriched by God's Word to live differently
They will be part of the church part of us even if They don't eventually become a member of this particular church
In our culture where Christ has been sold like Burger King Where we're told that you know, we don't have to have the same mind
You believe Christ like that and you believe something else that we could have it our way That we don't have to be sanctified that we don't have to be set apart from the world or sustained by Jesus We don't have to confirm with our lives that our confession is real in our culture
Some people may have already been baptized once and may think You may think now before their real salvation
They're just because of their baptism That they will be pronounced guiltless on the Day of Judgment, but their lives show no change
They show no peace. They no experience of having been enriched by the gospel.
They have no no longing For the revelation of Jesus They don't really care.
You know, I want to see you They just really mean much to them none of the power of the cross of Christ in their lives
When they do have options in their lives whether to follow Christ and grow in more sanctification
Or to enjoy the pleasures of the world of the flesh. They go the way of the world They chase dollars or skirts instead of sanctification
If you ask them, you know, whose are you? they think What talk about I'm my own person
They bought I belong to myself. I'm not owned by anybody They have no
Lord They're looking out for themselves Not for a body that they are attached to they may have been baptized
But they don't have the reality that baptism is supposed to stand for Hopefully, that's not you
Perhaps it is or perhaps you have neither been baptized Nor truly yet chosen to call him
Lord now What is your mind? What is your judgment?
about Jesus That's the key Do you confirm with your life?
That you are his Examine your life Who are you serving?
money and pleasure things Relationships, you know the business wealth or Christ What does your life confirm?
What does it show? What's the show that is your mind your judgment about Jesus about who you belong to?