One Reason I Can’t Stand Wokeness or Scientific Racism


Both social justice and scientific racism destroy organic culture.


Hey everyone still in Southern, California I'm actually visiting family haven't seen them since before kovat and Needed to get out here.
So I'm got my cell phone. That's about all I have to try to record a podcast So I'm going over more personal stories things that I can say that are not
They don't require a slideshow or anything like that or a computer. So Most of you don't know this by the way fun fact,
I guess but I am from Southern, California originally, I was born outside of LA and most of my extended family actually lives out here and Many of you think
I'm from the south somewhere and I do have my South Carolina hat on but The reason for that I think is probably probably a few things
I listened to way too much country music and I started talking a little bit like Southerners probably as a result partially of that but I also
I lived in North Carolina for about a year and I lived in Virginia for three years and My grandfather's from Mississippi and we have a lot of more extended family in Mississippi and we go down there every year
So I I have a lot of ancestors a lot of family in the south But originally born in California and was raised most of my life in upstate,
New York So there's actually a little bit of I guess all of America in me. I don't know but Anyway, that's where I am right now.
That's Right near the beach and my wife's out there having a good time it's our afternoon to go to the beach and I figured
I just record a few little podcasts and I wanted to share with you a thought that I had a few weeks ago.
I Visited a church that was historically black church in the south and It was a wonderful experience.
This was a solid church. I know many ethnic churches are more
Pentecostal or they tend to Sometimes there's a reputation that they don't have a strong theology and that kind of thing from what
I could understand at this church Their theology was pretty solid Pastor was very they're very nice people.
I felt very accepted very personable and so I just wanted to share with you a little bit about my experience and then a thought that I had afterward, which is
It's just part of the reason I don't like Old -fashioned if you want to call it that white supremacy and I don't like wokeness and social justice and it's kind of one of the reasons
It's not every reason but one of the reasons That I don't like both of them is the same. It's because they both would destroy genuine authentic Organic culture and Every church is unique if you walk into A lot of fundamentalist churches.
You'll feel like you're walking into the 1950s if you walk into a Calvary Chapel You'll probably feel like you're walking into California kind of like 1975 a little bit just with a lot of a lot of different things not everything but You feel like if you walk into a
Lutheran Church, sometimes you're walking back into medieval times some Eastern Orthodox and Catholic churches
And things like that. They you'll be they You'll feel like it's pre medieval almost Presbyterian churches formed at the time.
This country was founded. You'll feel like you're in colonial times there's a sense in which the architecture the music the just the style of communication all kinds of things contribute to a church's culture maybe culture is not the word because the church is embedded it within a broader culture, but the the church's style the church is just the feel that you have when you're in there and And of course this church that I went to a few weeks ago was no different this is formed
I think before the Civil War historically black church and I mean they have traditions going back.
They have ways of communicating ways of relating to one another ways of preaching Very accepted.
I mean there's things that Were done in that church that I don't think would ever happen in just kind of your your evangelical church
That's reinventing itself every 10 years or trying to get away from what it was 10 years ago to be hip and relevant They you know, a lot of those churches never want to admit fault they're very
Perfectionistic in a way this church the pastor got up there He apologized for something he had said in the previous previous week a
Bible study and it wasn't even something that was wrong Necessarily just some people were offended and and there it felt like a very accepting place
It wasn't like this was a big thing. This was just the pastor Communicating with his congregation and they'll talk right back to him and he'll talk to them and and there's something very sweet about that In fact the pastor
Kept mentioning me in this in the sermon kept picking on me a little in a very funny way But very accepting very loving to me prayed over my wife and I at the end
It was a pretty solid church that in fact I was surprised a little the pastor actually said all lives matter in his prayer at the end and Gives you a little bit idea of kind of where they're coming from it at this particular church
But I would have had no trouble I think attend being part of that church submitting to the pastor and the elders and just being part of it and I There's certainly some traditions and things that I would have to get used to but I would have to just accept that that I'm I'm I'm not
I'm not there if I was gonna join a church like that. I'm not there to To at least if it's not something that's doctrinally heretical or false teaching in which case
I wouldn't be at the church But I'm not there to like change the way they do everything and this is one of the things that I thought about The pastor at this church had a very unique different style than what
I'm used to and many of the churches that I've been to and been members of The congregants treated the pastor differently and there's a lot of reverence for the pastor
But the way they talked to him was it was very different The way they dressed very formal a lot different than some of the places
I've been and been used to Music they could actually clap and sing so many churches.
I've been in they don't have rhythm But they did and There was probably a thousand things that I'm just not even detecting that I felt when
I was in there that I just thought this Is special this is a special place and I wouldn't want to change a thing about it and and I know
There probably are things, you know, if I went there for a few more weeks, I probably start to see okay Here's here's a weak area.
Here's something that would need to be changed But the main point I'm trying to make is that they have a way of doing things. They have their traditions their habits they're within orthodoxy and There's nothing
I would want to change about it and social justice and old -fashioned white supremacy would both
Want to change things about that? At least that that's my understanding Someone who is a white supremacist a true and I mean a real one.
They're you know, I met one in Michigan I remember years ago and like an authentic white supremacist like really hated other people thought white people were
Morally superior because they were white that kind of thing I've really hardly met anyone else like that that I can at least
I wasn't aware of it But this person was like that and he hated them. He would want to disband a church like that He would if a church like that existed he's the kind of person that would want to they would have to conform to the to to something different to they'd have to Have probably
I don't know maybe a white person come in and be in charge of everything because by the nature of their
Genetics they were superior or something like that Well, that's repugnant and and what that would do is it would destroy the culture of or the
Habits and traditions of a church like that. It wouldn't have the same sense the same feel and it would be artificial and it wouldn't be organic and There's something very organic and authentic about churches that have they just develop and regions that just they're allowed to just kind of develop and And form their own
Comfortable ways of living that are that are unique to them. And I think there's a beauty about that.
I really do I think that that's one of the reasons God even Me separated everyone at the Tower of Babel, but gave them different languages and they had to settle in different places and They formed different cultures and there there is a sense in which and this is true diversity
This isn't the kind of diversity that the social justice warriors try to push on people which is really more ideological conformity
That's what their diversity is. I remember someone sent me all the screenshots from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary's kingdom diversity
Application right so if you're an ethnic minority, you can sign up to get a scholarship from kingdom diversity
But as you're filling out the questions a number of them basically are questions related to are you going to push?
Are you going to be an activist? Are you gonna push your diversity? at this campus or what kind of things in the past have you done to push diversity and stuff and if and I just the thing is
Social justice warriors want to push something on everyone And it's not so it's not like a morally
Justified in Scripture. This is a right thing as opposed to an evil thing they want to push certain ways of living ways of doing that that are not
Right, because the Bible says they're right or anything like that. They're just they're they're different and Arbitrarily those different things are chosen to be morally superior because of whatever factor there's more oppression involved in them or something
I don't know But white supremacists do kind of the same thing they push
Or at least when they had more control and then the societies in which they gain control. I'm talking about like scientific racists they push their agenda on to everyone else everyone has to conform to some standard like this and It destroys to diversity and and the ironic thing is social justice warriors can push their agenda in the name of diversity
Which is such a contradiction But I think there's something special about that little little church out and out of the way and You know functioning the way they did over the years developing the way they did.
There's just something special about it and there's something special about other churches that have different traditions and are made up of different kind of people that live in those areas and have
A different way of doing things and as long as we're not talking about fundamental You know commands that that God has given us in Scripture for how to do church then why not have those differences?
Why not have a livelier sermon? Why not have music which is a little more peppy? Why not?
you know Dress up on Sunday morning real nice and and and and that's something that's related to culture and There's nothing in the
Bible that says well, you know It's fine to wear shorts on a Sunday and a t -shirt or you must wear a suit on a
Sunday I think it gets back to principles like reverence and and but a lot of these things end up coming back to Some kind of a tradition that's formed over time and what's considered modest what's considered
Reverent and all those kinds of things. It's it's fairly complicated, but it's it's over time that these things develop and I love that I think a lot of you who are listening love that to you when you travel to an area
You probably want to see what the local culture is like you want to have different experiences when eat different foods you want to see what are the people do here and And to make to conform everyone to just one thing they all have to be one particular way
It takes all the fun out of it. It takes the flavor out of it and You know
I think it takes the love out of it a little bit because you develop a love for the smells And what you saw and the relationships and the noises and all the things that you that are familiar to you
That I mean, I'm thinking of like back to when I was young and a kid, you know You and you you smelled, you know what you smelled as a kid
You develop a love for those kinds of things. And so anyway, I Just wanted to say that's this is a more of a very personal podcast.
I'm not going over Bible verses. I'm not Going over, you know, someone's false teaching and critiquing it or anything like that So I'm just sharing you this is unedited the opinion of John Harris One of the reasons
I don't like wokeness and white supremacy at the same time or any kind of supremacy is because of how it destroys true diversity and I think social justice is against true diversity
It is for ideological conformity. So there you go. There's there's an opinion that Hopefully that was helpful
Maybe it'll maybe it'll make you think of Some of the things that you appreciate and that you love that are unique to your church or your family or your region
That maybe you didn't realize before sometimes you travel and you realize things that you didn't before that were unique so anyway, god bless hope that was intriguing at least somewhat and More stuff coming probably later this week and next week.