Passionate Theology Moments Ep. 9 Receiving the Kingdom of God as a child by Spurgeon
Passionate Theology Moments Ep. 9 Receiving the Kingdom of God as a child by Spurgeon
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- Here I stand. Thanks for joining us for another
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- Passionate Theology moment. Today, we are going to be looking at an excerpt from a sermon by Charles Spurgeon, Receiving the
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- Kingdom of God Like a Little Child. Spurgeon says this,
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- Again, Children are said to be guilty of trifling.
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- O sirs, and are not ye also triflers? If it comes to an examination upon the matter of trifling, who are the greatest triflers, children or full -grown men and women?
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- What a statement! He said this, What is greater trifling than for a man to live for the enjoyment of sensual pleasures, or for a woman to live to dress herself and to waste her time and company?
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- Nay, more. What is the accumulation of wealth for the sake of it but miserable trifling?
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- Child's play, without amusement, is what it is. Most men are triflers on a larger scale than children, and that is the main difference.
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- Children, when they trifle, they play with little things, their toys so breakable, are they not made on purpose to be trifled with and broken?
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- The child, with his trifles, is but doing as he should. Alas, Spurgeon says,
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- I know men and women who trifle with their souls, and with heaven and hell and eternity, they trifle with God's Word, trifle with God's Son, trifle with God Himself.
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- O charge not children with being frivolous, for their little games often have as much earnestness about them and are as useful as the pursuits of men.
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- Half the councils of our senators and the debates of our parliaments are worse than child's play.
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- The game of war is far greater folly than most frolicsome or boyish tricks.
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- Big children are worse triflers than little ones can ever be. Despise not children for trifling when the world, the whole world, is itself given to folly.
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- Thanks again for joining us on this passionate theology moment.
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- Here I stand. I can do no other.