GOP Lawmaker / Pastor Makes Excuses For Satanic Display in Iowa Statehouse

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Just in time for Christmas a statue of the devil was erected in the Iowa statehouse. Professing Christian Rep. Jon Dunwell (Republican) says it has to be allowed because of the first amendment.


Okay in this video. I just wanted to cover a story. I saw online a Satan statue was put up in the
Iowa Statehouse and a Republican lawmaker Basically sort of gave a bunch of excuses saying well.
You know I don't like it, but we can't discriminate in this lawmaker Apparently he's a
Christian, so he's catching a lot of heat. Here's what the Des Moines Register says here's the headline of the article
First Amendment protects satanic display in Iowa But GOP lawmaker took abuse for saying so so I'm just gonna go straight to Twitter or X as it's now called
And I'm gonna read Representative John Dunwell's response He says as many of you had become aware last week a display was erected at the
Iowa Capitol by the satanic Temple of Iowa as I have responded to concerns from Iowans about the display
I wanted to share with you how the display came to be and my response
How did it happen well the Capitol structure falls underneath the control of the
Iowa? legislature the Department of Administrative Services DAS is charged with the management's like blah blah blah
Why is this guy if he's a Christian? Why is he not coming out of the gate just saying hey? This is unacceptable, and I'm gonna work day and night to make sure this thing is resolved so his response immediately
We can see is is soft. That's probably the best thing you could say about it He continues currently access for the displays that the
Capitol are open to anyone Through an application process really would you allow the
Nazis to put up a display? No you wouldn't No you wouldn't and if somebody did put up a
Nazi display you'd tear it down and rightfully so But here he says you know it's open to anybody and we cannot discriminate on the basis of religion or Ideology so I guess what he is saying is that we just have to put the
Satan statue up You know we can't discriminate. I mean this is
This is Sad it is pathetic So he goes on you know talking about how the
Iowa Legislature you know they can set the rules and standards for any display, and it's up to them and Yeah, blah blah blah who cares like this is not okay and for the first 200 years of our nation's history
Everyone understood that this is a nation under God Jesus is Lord of Lords King of Kings One nation under God, it's right there.
You know in the US Capitol The House of Representatives it says in God we trust right above the speaker of the house
And there's no question about which God that was referring to So for the again for the first 200 years of this country there were no
Satan statues going up around Christmastime So somehow you know the First Amendment didn't protect that stuff back then but now it does know
It's just evil people are now in power so they want to Put up or allow the display of their
God the devil in their statehouse so He as he says as a follower of Christ.
Here's my response and this Represented he claims to be a pastor He says here is my response the display
It's just an inanimate object That is no real power in and of itself we have nothing to fear well, it's not it's not that that we think the object is magical or powerful or that the
You know fake goat head and the robe and the candles that it has some sort of power.
That's not the point It's the fact that you're allowing it and you're making excuses for it. That's the problem now
He does say he opposes the display. Well, I hope so if he's a Christian But he says it is just it is just another way to worship
Or it's not just another way to worship the same God There are differences that need to be pointed out the display glorifies the evil influence we oppose.
Okay, so he's on Some level saying the right thing that we had disagree with this
Evil but at the same time he says the primary response Required is prayer wrong.
The primary response required is that you tear that thing down? The display itself is an invitation of the work
We have yet to do Iowa needs Jesus and of course we would say amen to that Iowa needs
Jesus, but again this display needs to be taken down. So he kind of makes excuse
He says well, I don't agree with it, but then he makes excuses like well It's protected under the First Amendment and we can't really do anything about it and Iowa has the right to allow this up And yeah a sad sad display
Here's what one person or how one person responded on Twitter a woman
She says I am literally not reading any of that this guy's response But to give quarter to the enemies of God she says is pathetic and contemptible
Amen sister another person responds. What a pathetic excuse for a
Christian now, I prefer to be Polite the way I interact, but I'm gonna say this his response as a supposed pastor
Yeah, it was his response was pathetic So that but this guy's calling him a pathetic excuse for a
Christian and just oh this guy's getting beat up all over the place On Twitter. So what should he do?
Well, he can be more forceful in his condemnation He can say
I promise not to sleep. I'm gonna work day and night to make sure this thing is removed He could resign
There are several things he could do what he shouldn't do is Respond this way and make excuses and then he goes on in the post to say well as a
Christian We will we can never impose our beliefs. Oh, no Christians can never do that.
Well, the secular progressives are imposing their beliefs You know the satanic temple there.
They're getting what they want But Christians are somehow we're not allowed to impose what we believe because someone will say well, you can't legislate morality
Well, that's all you can legislate every single law is Somebody you know believe that this is wrong.
So they outlawed it or you can't do this. So they made it illegal every law is a reflection of somebody imposing their beliefs on To society but apparently
Christians that we're the one group that we're not allowed to do that. No wonder we're losing and Here's why you should care
Because this will be coming to a town near you okay, so this isn't the first time something like this has happened, but I was driving through the center of town today and Yeah, and in the town square on the town common there was a manger scene a crash and Next to it was a menorah.
Now. This is the first time I've ever seen the menorah And Christians probably aren't gonna be too bothered by that But you know if we allow this or if we respond the same way as this pastor this
Christian Representative and just kind of cave in and make excuses. Well, guess what?
In your town, you'll have the manger scene Maybe a menorah and then the
Satan statue this will happen in a community near you if Christians don't stand up and fight this stuff.
So we need to be willing to speak up. We need to be willing to fight Fight the spiritual battles.
We're not talking about fighting physically, right we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against Principalities and powers and that is so very clear with this story right here.
So remain faithful speak up Fight for truth and until next time may the