WWUTT 2080 Flashback Q&A Did the Resurrected Christ Have blood, What is Modest Clothing, Does Baptism Save

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Going back to an episode that aired in August of 2019, responding to questions from listeners about Jesus after He rose from the dead, what passes for modest clothing, and does baptism save?


Hey greetings everyone becky and i have been under the weather the last few days so we have not gotten around to recording a q a but to stay up with the episodes i decided to do a flashback episode this one is going back to 2019 and if you've been with us for a long time some of these questions might be familiar to you if you've just recently joined the podcast these questions might be new to you so i hope you enjoy and god willing we'll be back on with you next week here is episode 1015 which aired on august 16th of 2019 when jesus rose bodily from the grave did he still have blood in his body does the old testament tell us what kind of clothing is modest and does baptism save us the answers to these questions and others when we understand the text this is when we understand the text a daily bible study in the word of god who works all things together for good for those who love god and are called according to his purpose visit our website at www .tt
.com here once again is pastor gabe thank you becky you're welcome fresh in from chasing tornadoes yes did you enjoy yourself no we had an unseasonable uh line of thunderstorms roll in on us here in mid -august yeah that's really odd typically yeah a tornado season is april may and june so we don't often get them in august but we had a watch today and then there was a tornado on the far east side of our county right i wasn't able to get there in time it was starting to get too dark kind of moved on beyond the area i would have been able to go and see it but uh but i took becky with me when it was first rolling into the county we got to see a little funnel cloud yeah there a little itty bitty thing yeah a little it kind of roped out once we saw it but uh so there you go becky joined me on my hobby which i used to have before we got married and i stopped chasing yeah after after i had a family it's like you know what i probably shouldn't be risking my life anymore that's not a good idea uh i was okay though during this one anyway because i don't know like whenever i know the weather's bad it gets me really nervous and i wasn't really nervous i just didn't want to be anywhere close to it so yeah as we're as we're creeping closer to it she's like now where is this storm exactly and i'm telling her oh this is like i mean it's a good 15 miles off yet right but still i've heard too many horror stories my wife when uh when we first started dating pretty sure i told you this when we were dating i said that i was a lightning rod yes lightning was attracted to me yes and it wasn't until we were engaged and we went to a family reunion for my grandmother's 80th birthday right i do remember and there were two houses that we had rented because there were so many people yeah yeah there were so many people i think most of the family stayed in the house with mimi and i know my family along with my mom and dad my brothers and sisters we were all in the other house maybe a few other people as well but so you were in the house with mimi so there was one day where becky i think you guys had finished up breakfast and you're standing at the kitchen window and you're washing dishes right and i'm perfect time for a storm that's right perfect time for a storm right after breakfast i'm asleep in the next house i'm still asleep on the couch jesse and i were both asleep on the couch yes becky is standing there washing dishes looking at the house where i'm sleeping and she watches lightning strike it yep i was in disbelief i'm like no that just didn't happen surely that didn't and there was like this little puff of smoke and like a little sizzling fire yeah embers and i'm like uh i should tell somebody because i'm pretty sure i'm the only one that saw that so she calls my dad who is awake yes says uh your house just got struck by lightning but i had told her i've been so close to lightning strikes i don't know how many times i've been knocked off my feet by it i felt it surge through my bed one time when it struck the tree right outside my window you just felt this electric ripple like go through the bed it was it was really bizarre so i told her all these stories i guess she was just kind of like uh -huh you know yeah lightning whatever it's by chance you know until she actually saw it ever since i've been like nope it's lightning outside you can't go out yeah she doesn't even let me go out now so if the storm is coming up i can't go anywhere well they hurt you too much but don't you want me to be somewhere else other than in your vicinity well now that you mentioned it you can be on one side of the house i'll be well see that happened one time i was in the kitchen it did it was when we lived in the parsonage i was in the kitchen and and she and annie and zeige we only had two kids at the time right we did we're in the living room and when i was in the kitchen i saw the lightning go through the duct that was over our stove i watched the bolt go down yep it it scared me to death and it was really loud it was so loud and we're just we're i'm kind of standing there in shock no pun intended and i said everybody okay and and then i heard becky call from the living room and did you say you saw it go through the track lighting in the living room you saw like something there yeah it shot out the outlets or something like that but i i thought that time was whenever it struck over at the church and it it shot no this hit the stove pipe on top of the house was what it or that that was that time and then there was another time that it struck over at the church when you were next door and we saw the the something happened at the parsonage too because it was connected by whatever line that might have been the time it went through the lighting that's what i was thinking but then the one where i was standing in the kitchen i know like came out the outlets or something something yeah i don't even i don't know there's just been too many times we've had some close calls everybody now everybody's going boy i really want to move to kansas right great to be part of that kansas weather oh yeah and we usually get like another a surge of storms around september and october too kind of later a last hurrah before going into fall there will be one more string of storms we'll still have some more coming up yeah oh well it's been crazy wet this year this has been a very wet year this is the most humid i ever remember kansas being yeah this year has been very humid our mosquitoes are starting to compare with those down in the south apparently we're getting some bird -sized mosquitoes they're pretty uh pretty sizable they're not alaska size yet but they're definitely southern are they bigger in alaska apparently they're like uh helicopters is what what our friends would say we actually have an email today from somebody in alaska oh we can ask them it's the last one i got on the list though and i kind of threw it in there as a spare in case we're able to get to it all right well let's get to it let's get to these emails friday edition of the broadcast we take questions from the listeners and you can send those emails to when we understand the text at gmail .com
this first one comes from our friend john in north carolina yay we haven't yet met john no but we hear from him a lot yeah so we thank you john i've talked to him on the phone a couple of times we thank you for listening he says dear pastor gabe and becky i cannot tell you enough how much i am enjoying this study through the book of john oh yay which will finish this week yeah it's hard to believe that you actually started this last september so it won't be quite a year when i get it done what i'm about to ask is kind of peculiar i actually heard it from a uh a king james only country preacher from another part of north carolina so i'm definitely not just going to take his word you mentioned several times about how jesus would refer to himself as flesh and bone one of the instances is when he told thomas to touch his wounds in his hands and in his side and he said see for yourself that i am flesh and bone this old country preacher postulates that there is a distinction between flesh and blood and flesh and bone in matthew 16 17 when jesus asked his disciples who do you say that i am and peter answered him you are the christ the son of god jesus told him that he was blessed because flesh and blood did not reveal this to him but it was from the father in heaven this pastor is trying to say that flesh and blood reveal human beings because blood is one of the agents that cleanses our bodies from impurities and jesus in his resurrection body was flesh and bone because he had no blood in him any longer because it was not necessary to cleanse a perfect body he said that it is the way that we will be in our resurrection bodies in heaven after the end of the age he said that another proof would be the statement in revelation 21 one says that in the new earth there would be no more sea he said that is because the saltwater oceans purify the water and cleanse impurities for the rain cycle to rain fresh water back down on the earth and on the new earth which would be similar there would be no need for saltwater oceans to cleanse because there would there would be none what think ye sincerely john i hope i read all of that right i know that was kind of confusing but hey whenever you talk to those king james only guys they tend to be kind of confusing yes they do blood as a reference in scripture is to life so consider this from leviticus 17 11 for the life of the flesh is in the blood and i have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life and then leviticus 17 14 a few verses later for the life of every creature is its blood its blood is its life therefore i have said to the people of israel you shall not eat the blood of any creature for the life of every creature is its blood whoever eats it shall be cut off which was why the israelites couldn't eat something with the life still in it it had to be cooked right the pagans drank blood because they believed that they were absorbing the life force of the animal uh the which i was gonna say whose blood they're drinking which is blood they're drinking it is kind of a witch's thing um yeah the animal's blood yeah the animal's blood they're drinking anyway you know what i'm saying uh the pagans would do that because they believed they were absorbing the life force of the creature but god was telling the people in israel that's not what you are to do right because you're not gaining any life by drinking the blood right and that was why that was forbidden rather since the life was in the blood when an animal was killed on the altar it was a life that was being given for a life because of course the wages of sin is death roman 6 23 right so the atonement for sin was the giving of a life it was not merely the spilling of blood the spilling of blood was to show that the animal was dying the animal's life was being given for the gotcha it wasn't enough to slaughter a lamb and just have its blood spilled out the animal also had to die so the life was in the blood that's the significance of blood in scripture it's not that blood is a cleansing agent now when jesus presents himself to the disciples and he says see that i am flesh and bone we get this mostly from luke 24 luke's account of jesus showing himself to his disciples in verse 39 it says see my hands and my feet that it is i myself touch me and see for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that i have now it's a fairly common teaching for someone to say that uh that jesus did not have blood after his resurrection right the berean call which is dave hunt's website he even says this christ has a body of flesh and bones making reference to luke 24 but there is no blood in his body because it was all poured out for sin upon the cross it we really don't get anything from scripture that says any such thing right there's nothing in the bible that says that jesus resurrected body had no blood in it i think that would be important for it to mention if that is the case right i i understand the argument the way that they're making it christ gave his blood for our sins right but at the same time i didn't think blood was a cleansing agent yeah it's not the liver is sure but not the blood yeah the liver cleanses the blood even the kidneys i mean the blood transports like oxygen and stuff like that to the body right i get that it transports but it's not cleansing right i think it's a moot point one way i'm not a doctor when it comes to cleansing in scripture water really confused water is what's being referenced as as being cleansing in the bible the argument related to whether or not jesus had blood in his body after he was resurrected there's really not a reason to have to argue for or against it uh there there really wasn't anything incredible about the blood of jesus itself it was human blood there wasn't anything about his blood that was any different than any other human's blood right because he was fully human right and fully god he was very man and very god so there wasn't anything about the property of his blood that was different than any other human being's blood if there was something different about the property of the blood then there would be reason for us to make argument about oh well did jesus really die was it something else that happened there like like he transported himself out of the body so he didn't have to suffer there you could always come up with some sort of uh jesus not being really human if you made some sort of argument about jesus blood being more miraculous than our blood right of course jesus was very man and very god but he was man and still is man right even according to first timothy 2 5 there is one mediator between god and man and that is the man christ jesus so he's still the god man even seated at the right hand of the throne of god amen so therefore it's kind of a it's a mood argument to be contesting whether or not jesus had blood in his body after his resurrection the reference to see my flesh and my bone okay see that i am flesh and bone all jesus is presenting to his disciples is that he's physical he's really here yeah he's not some spiritual apparition that uh you know they're looking at a ghost because that's what they thought right they thought they were looking at a ghost when jesus came walking to them on the sea of galilee yes but he shows to them that he has flesh and bone he has physical property you can touch the outside of him his flesh and it feels like you're touching flesh right and he has uh he has a solidness to his mass which is the bone which is the bone he's being held up by his bones this was also jesus communicating to his disciples my bones are not rotting in another grave somewhere ah true these are my bones covered with my flesh i'm standing before you flesh and bone he wasn't going to show them his blood he wasn't going to cut himself and show blood because he had already spilled his blood on the cross right so whether or not jesus did have blood in his body after his resurrection it wasn't necessary for him to show him show them that that's why he didn't say to them look at me i'm i'm flesh and blood that was uh that that wasn't a terminology that he needed to use as john is talking about this guy also making reference to the fact that there's not going to be any saltwater seas in the new heavens in the yeah well kind of yeah i don't get that either well in revelation 22 5 it says we're not even going to have the sun anymore right the night we won't need to we won't need it the night will be no more they will need no light of lamp or sun for the lord god will be their light and they will reign forever and ever whatever the new heavens and the new earth are like it's not like it's not going to be what it's like now right we won't have a reason to have to have the heavenly bodies sun moon stars earth won't be an orb floating out into space there's a lot of that it's completely mysterious we don't know what it's going to be like right but it's not going to be like this right and even if we were to hear what it's going to be like we still couldn't comprehend it yeah that's yeah paul said that very thing in second corinthians chapter 12 he got to see it whatever that's going to be like right and he said that he got to see what no eye can see nor ear can comprehend and so he wasn't going to be one who was going to come back and tell us what it was that he saw on the other side right but the lord certainly showed him something incredible that he could scarcely comprehend and put into words and even in such a way that we would be able to comprehend whatever it was he saw right i hope that was uh that was helpful for you john and thank you again for your question i don't know what you're going to do with that answer i don't know it's that i'm i don't know yeah those i'm not a loss king james only guys they kind of they're in a world of their own sometimes next question comes from mark in indiana pastor gabe i was hoping you could address this topic on your podcast i have heard exodus 28 42 and isaiah 47 2 and 3 used as text to prove that showing one's thigh is considered nakedness i'm not opposed to women wearing pants but it does seem inappropriate for a skirt or pair of shorts to come up above the knee could you clarify this please thank you so much mark you are setting me up to to just get uh everybody after me online for saying anything about modesty this seems to be the one topic that if i touch this in any way at all it's just like a firestorm of response oh yes i don't really think my critics are listening to me that closely to see what i'm going to say about this but nevertheless this feels like a setup mark i think you're setting me up for something i'm just teasing okay exodus 28 42 says this you shall make for them linen undergarments to cover their naked flesh they shall reach from the hips to the thighs now this is in reference to the priestly garments okay when god is telling moses here's what the priest's garments are supposed to look like so this reference here about covering the nakedness of your flesh it's not necessarily saying that if you are if you're not wearing clothing that goes past the knee then you're considered naked that's not really what this is saying any exposed flesh would be referred to as naked flesh so here in the specifications for the priestly garb the uh the wear that they have is supposed to go from hip down to i'm sorry yeah hip to thigh hip to thigh okay um and that's supposed to be the the length of the garment that was specifically you know there were certain specifics for those priestly garments isaiah 47 2 and 3 says take the millstones and grind flour put off your veil strip off your robe uncover your legs pass through the rivers your nakedness shall be uncovered and your disgrace shall be seen i will take vengeance and i will spare no one of course this reference to a judgment that god is inflicting it's just in the in the wording of this some people take this and say any uncovering of your leg would be considered to be nakedness oh okay now i get it now i don't necessarily think that we can uh set guidelines according to the kinds of clothes that we should wear based on what we're reading here in exodus 28 and isaiah 47 that's not really what these texts are for generally whenever we we start talking about modesty the passages we most often use are in first timothy 2 and first corinthians 12 because in our english translations this is where that word modesty most prominently pops up okay so first timothy 2 9 and 10 says women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel with modesty and self -control not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire but with what is proper for women who profess godliness with good works first corinthians 12 23 on those parts of the body that we think less honorable we bestow the greater honor and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty so these typically are the two verses that we use first timothy 2 more so than first corinthians 12 to talk about modesty but when it comes to what kind of clothing is appropriate there's definitely going to be some gray area there's some opinion related to what is going to be appropriate where and what is not right i think it's always wise to wear more than less yeah uh the thing that i have gotten in trouble for in the past although i will admit i was mostly just trolling but it was making the statement uh leggings are not pants so if you're gonna wear leggings you stay at home if you're gonna go out put some pants on or cover up with a skirt put a skirt on over it so you're a little bit more presentable you were listening to a podcast not long ago where uh some of the women on the podcast were saying something to the effect of you told me about this later i didn't ever hear it but you said that the women were talking about you know you you wear enough to cover up but not enough to keep things interesting or something like that yeah do you remember that that's been so long and you were really upset about it i know that yeah but just just uh some that was pretty close i was trying to remember exactly but i can't oh and becky was she was hot about it yeah i don't remember what i was doing but i came in and and she was like you'll never believe what these ladies just said so the the problem with that is their objective was really not to honor christ exactly it was like how can i wear clothes in such a way that i can keep people kind of wondering about me or thinking about me and what it is that i wear that's really appropriate and they have nothing to get after me about but i'm interesting enough to keep their attention yeah it's like why why would you want that attention and that's that's not what we should be thinking about when we clothe ourselves no we should be even in the clothing that we wear be thinking about how does this honor christ what am i doing to honor the lord right i'm astounded at the number of women who are even prominent women in christian circles that will have avatars on twitter or facebook and they look like they're topless and they may not be but they you haven't you have deliberately cropped that photo to look like that to have your bare shoulders so that there's no indication that you're wearing a shirt that's a problem that's a huge problem i don't think that you're approaching that with the mindset of how am i honoring christ with this photo and furthermore you're not even thinking about uh how i can keep my brothers in the lord their minds focused on christ things and not fleshly things you you are very deliberate in cropping your photo that way to draw attention to yourself that's exactly the way that's exactly the reason a person does it i used to be of the mindset of you know i'm going to dress how i want to dress and the guys can keep their eyes to themselves but now as a maturing christian i won't say mature because i'm i still have a long way to go but maturing christian that's maturing christian i have learned that um there are just some things that i can't help as a woman and like the baby crying i can't help but listen and hear the baby crying like there's there's nothing it doesn't matter if it's not mine there is nothing that's going to stop me from hearing that and there's just certain things i'm sure there's like hundreds more but that's just one an example yeah a very short top of the head example but um how your mind can be taken away to something else because yeah of your mothering tendency to you yeah and i'm like is that baby hurt is that baby needing somebody is that baby you know i mean like hundreds of different things are going through my head even though i'm trying not to be over there i'm trying to be here and you know doing something here i just i can't help it but my brain doesn't do that no no it doesn't i don't hear babies rise and go like oh what's wrong with that baby yeah so that in saying that there are many things that we have as men and well as women and then you guys as men let me word that right okay that you just can't help you're wired that way yes and not saying that you shouldn't take responsibility and take those thoughts captive immediately that is our responsibility first first corinthians 10 5 second second corinthians 10 5 the the responsibility on the ladies is to help them take that thought captive immediately right and not help put that thought in front of them and linger you know and keep things interesting for them that's that's not okay you're just setting people up for failure right over and over and over it's it's selfish it's self -centered when you're talking about making things or keeping things interesting you're thinking about yourself you're not thinking about somebody else right so if you are thinking about how to uphold the purity in someone else's mind and as becky said there are certain things that a woman is not going to be able to help but you do need to take control of those things that you can't help right and romans 14 says that our liberty is not a means to flaunt being able to do whatever it is that we want we have to be mindful of one another right we have and paul in this case in romans 14 he's just talking about days and food he's not even talking about clothing right but even if he was concerned about food so to such a degree that he would say if my eating meat is going to cause a brother to stumble i'm not going to eat meat yes and so you know that if that kind of clothing that you're going to wear might cause your brother to stumble wear more and don't put pictures on your facebook and twitter page of you and your bikini right don't there are so many i don't think that you should be wearing that anyway it's it's the same as your underwear it is the exact same as your underwear and me as a woman even though i i try very deliberately to not flaunt or anything to get attention in that way um i purposefully do not click the heart click the heart gabe click the heart i don't i don't click the heart the like the like button and i don't retweet anybody who is dressed um immodestly in their pages on their right because you don't therefore want to also contribute to somebody else's stumbling by sharing something right that has an inappropriate image and i definitely i i can't say a hundred percent but i try very very hard to not um follow anybody that is dressed that way too just because i don't i don't want people to to stumble right i don't know if it's it's going to help anybody it might not help a soul but in my mind it makes me more at peace that i'm i'm doing my part in following the lord and and and they're right there are certain convictions that each person is going to have that's going to be different than another definitely like one of the things that i've mentioned before is that i don't wear i don't wear clothing with labels on them because i don't want that label to be sending a message to somebody right myself as a preacher in that particular position i don't you know there could be something behind a label or a graphic or something on my shirt that could be communicating something i don't have any idea what is communicating right you know even like say for example a t -shirt that says coca -cola and somebody's going well i know coca -cola gives a whole lot of money to lgbtq causes is gabe saying it's okay to support somebody or buy someone's product that's supporting lgbtq it's just like i don't i don't want your mind to ever have to go there right so as best as i can i'm going to wear i wear fairly plain clothing and it's just so i don't cause you to stumble that's really the reason why right i like movies and video games and there's certain products that i like to use as much as the next guy but i'm not going to be a walking billboard right you know yeah that's going to pay you for that they don't need my help i just don't want to to cause somebody that kind of turmoil in their conscience over something that is is really would not ordinarily have such a significance yeah when i dress that's the way i'm thinking about it i don't necessarily have to think of modesty as much uh because i'm covered up for the most part well and see that's an that's another thing is that even men need to do it yep yeah men should wear shirts like our son zeige he he finds it very odd when people are out in public and the guys are not wearing shirts he's like mom mom they're not dressed i'm like you're right they're not yeah he does find that strange he does yeah i think that there is a general understanding of what is modest and what is not and i think that this is one of those areas too where we need right accountability and there needs to be some people around us that can tell us and you can receive this instruction also that what you're wearing is okay it's appropriate or you might need to put on a little bit more than than what you've been wearing i'm not suggesting burqas and anytime we get into this discussion that's gonna be where it goes sometime well you're telling us to wear like robes from head to toe and you're gonna burqa over your head no i'm not saying that at all my wife's sitting here in jeans and a t -shirt yep that's perfectly fine we went out that way we went chasing tornadoes that way stop but the uh but again coming back to first timothy 2 where it says what we should be concerning ourselves with is good works right and letting that be the testimony or or letting that be what people notice about us not because you showed some part of your body off right but because you uh were demonstrating the light of christ jesus that is in your heart through the very actions that you had toward other people and you're not interested in drawing attention to yourself right you are interested in loving others and i know there's some people that that go for the other extreme of well what about in places like africa where they don't wear any nobody wears any tops it's like well we're not there you know if you ever go there and it's inappropriate to cover up then i don't know what to tell you you just have to cross that bridge when you come to it yeah i'm not even going to cross that now no but i'm just saying it's it's people throw that out there yeah they do they go to the extreme they do both extremes like i'm gonna cover up head to toe or i'm gonna like go be where they don't i don't know yeah this is very common even when i do frustrating when i do witnessing in the community uh typically among teenagers in particular i'll talk about the gospel following christ i don't know how often this happens two times out of five or something like that they'll say something to me to the effect of well what about the guy down the street over there who's never heard this before right so you're saying god would send him to hell but you and me would be saved or whatever and typically my reply is you believe it and then you can take it to them right now you are being given the gospel so what are you going to do with it right are you going to repent of your sin and believe in christ or are you going to go on believing that you can be a good person all by yourself and then fall into judgment i think that has a lot to do with our society now is that it's it's never about right now and it's never about the conflict at hand it's always i'm uncomfortable here so i'm gonna draw your attention everywhere else but where we're at yeah like get the attention off of me yeah focus on the other i want the good attention not this kind right so what about that guy what about that guy who uh you know and then we do the same thing with the modesty conversation yes well what about people in this country that dress like yes uh yeah sure if you're ever in that particular situation then we can start asking that question and whatever needs to be done about that but here and now this is the way that we understand modesty in our culture and when it comes down to it you know in your mind what you're wearing is either okay or not you've either chosen to ignore it and suppress right the truth with unrighteousness perhaps or you're trying to tow the line trying to tow the line hey see as long as i'm not crossing this line then it's okay that doesn't make it okay because you're facing the wrong direction you're not looking to christ you're still looking at the line you're still trying to see how close i can get to the sin without actually sinning right and and beware the cultural response to this so this whole thing of like oh well see that's rape culture you're talking you're see you're putting the blame on the woman because if she got molested or something like that see again that's not what we're talking about this is not that's deflecting blame yeah this is not the conflict at hand you know the responsibility that is for you and you need to honor christ with your body in uh in romans chapter 12 verse 1 in view of the mercies of god present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice unto the lord this is your spiritual act of worship verse 2 do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world oh amen but be transformed by the renewing of your mind and that's a hard one that's that's difficult to do because you're constantly fighting that um the river flow is one way and you're trying to swim upstream and then what is uh what what is the pattern of the world and then what should christians be doing in either response to that or contrary to that and again this is where many counselors are helpful having good accountability around you and very much receiving wisdom from many brothers and sisters in the lord and make sure to keep those accountability partners as ones that will tell you the truth even if it hurts i mean you can you can keep them to telling you softly rather than just bluntly laying it out there but let a righteous man strike me it is a kindness yeah or as it says in proverbs an enemy multiplies kisses but precious is the are the wounds of a friend and isn't there one about a net beneath you well that's yeah flattery is spreading a net under your feet flattery yeah that's related to flattery a little different but still a yes man yeah so thank you for your question mark that was mark's question next next one comes from henry in canada hi gabe why don't you include the book and chapter that you cover in the podcast title this would make it much easier to go back into the archives and find a podcast about a specific text that i am studying well that's true yeah but at this point i have over a thousand podcast episodes you can always start now yeah i don't think i'm going to change the pattern what i preach after you finish john you won't change your pattern no okay what i preach on sunday the sunday sermons the reference is in the sunday sermons right but i don't have it during the week however everything is categorized by book oh so if you go on podbean and you're looking for all the uh bible lessons that i did in john or any of the other books that i've covered so far first and second peter um jude uh i don't i don't remember all that i've covered and so on and so and so on and so forth you just click on that book that you're looking for and it'll give you the list of all of them as you go down the list in the description it'll be right there on the same page as you scroll down the list of podcasts in the description it does have the reference and i was sure to make the reference the first thing in the description oh that's awesome so at least you see it there it's not be in the title but you will find it in the uh in the description of the episode easy enough i hope that was helpful enough yeah hopeful yeah next question comes from uh gianni hopefully sorry i my words are like like i'm talking something else over here this is gianni in miami florida hey game could you do a video on is baptism necessary for salvation i'm 50 50 right now because i want to believe in justification by faith alone but i'm really really struggling with many verses throughout the bible which seem to be quite frank such as acts 238 john 3 5 first peter 321 mark 16 16 etc and nowhere in the bible does it say that baptism is a sign or a symbol so the common thing among us is baptist baptists is to say that uh that baptism is an outward sign of an inward change right an outward symbol of something that's happened in your heart gianni goes on on the contrary it is repeatedly stated that baptism saves forgives sins it's what you it's when you receive the holy spirit and so on please help me out with this question i've been struggling with it for so long i've almost gone mad seriously oh thank you gabe and god bless well i did do a video on first peter 321 and i did one just last year pretty sure it was last year either last year or the start of this year on john 3 5 explaining what jesus meant when he said unless one is born of water in the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of god he wasn't talking about baptism there it was a reference back to ezekiel i will sprinkle clean water on you oh and i will pour my spirit within you and so that was the reference that jesus was making there anyway gianni i will send you the link to both of those videos in the meantime i'll go ahead and play the one here on baptism first peter 321 here is the what video i did on that a couple years back all right first peter 321 says baptism which corresponds to this now saves you not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to god for a good conscience through the resurrection of jesus christ this is one of those proof texts some will use to say that baptism is necessary for salvation after all it's right there baptism now saves you while peter does make a connection between baptism and salvation in no way is he saying that water has salvific properties water does nothing except wash away dirt it's not about what baptism does but what it represents an appeal to god for a good conscience through the resurrection of jesus christ to be sure that's what peter is saying look at the story of him baptizing cornelius in acts 10 after peter preached the gospel the holy spirit of the lord came upon all who heard it then peter declared can anyone withhold water for baptizing these people who have received the holy spirit just as we have and he commanded them to be baptized in the name of jesus and there you have it baptism was the sign of their belief it was not the cause of their salvation hang on i they were saved by baptism a baptism of the holy spirit john the baptist baptized with water but he said there was one coming after him who baptized with the holy spirit water baptism is the outward symbol of that inward change signifying that we have been buried in our sins and risen to new life in christ jesus commanded to baptize and be baptized it is a command we must obey just as we're to love our neighbor but water baptism is a work a sign of our faith not the cause of it when we understand the text i don't really know what i need to add to that yeah i couldn't think of anything either that was more thorough than i remembered it being actually um anyway so one of the other uh verses that you had asked about gianni was also uh mark 16 16 where jesus said whoever believes and is baptized will be saved but whoever does not believe will be condemned well receive that in light of what was explained in that video but also understand that mark 16 16 doesn't exactly belong in your bible everything after verse 8 in mark 16 is part of what is referred to as the as the mark and appendix it was added later it wasn't written by mark and if you look in your bible it says that you should have a notation that says the earliest manuscripts do not contain this section of mark it was a later edition so this statement in mark 16 16 of needing to be baptized to be saved doesn't even belong in your bible anyway right but just taking something like acts 238 peter saying repent to be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the holy spirit again baptism in light of every other passage that's mentioned is to show that you have received the holy spirit it is not the thing that gives you the holy spirit right because going to acts 10 as was explained in the video when peter was preaching at cornelius's house the demonstration of the holy spirit coming upon them had already happened and then peter says hey these guys now need to get baptized that's right it's showing through obedience that they are now believers in christ jesus and by their baptism they are showing that they have been buried with christ in baptism and risen again to new life so paul talks about this in roman 6 what shall we say then are we to continue in sin that grace may abound by no means how can we who died to sin still live in it do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into christ jesus were baptized into his death we were buried therefore with him by baptism into death in order that just as christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father we too might walk in newness of life so when we are baptized in water that's what we're demonstrating we've been buried with christ in our sins we've been risen with him to new life the statement that peter makes in first peter chapter 3 verse 21 where he says baptism which corresponds to this now saves you not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to god for a good conscience that statement not as a removal of dirt from the body is peter saying the water has no magical property to it the water is not the thing that is cleansing you right but rather it is demonstrating that you have been buried with christ and you are risen again to new life that's right and a person who has truly been saved is going to obey god and one of the commands of christ is to go and be baptized if you refuse to be baptized you might not be saved right because you are not obeying even the simple basic commandments that christ first gave to anyone who would become his disciple remember that john said i baptize you with water but there is one coming after me who is going to baptize with the holy spirit that's the baptism that is salvific that's the baptism that saves needing the baptism of the holy spirit and we have in titus 3 5 he saved us not because of works done by us in righteousness but according to his own mercy by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the holy spirit this is the baptism of holy spirit that we receive which is our salvation and the holy spirit cleanses us which is always described as being like the water of the holy spirit so we are cleansed and because that inward change has taken place we show outwardly what has happened inwardly right when we are therefore baptized in water and of course as a baptist i'm going to say must be by full immersion yes that that's the kind of baptism that you should be getting and uh and unlike uh uh my presbyterian brothers i'm not going to tell you to baptize your babies right it is by confession and then you show that you are with christ in baptism when you make that decision to be baptized as a demonstration of the faith that you have yes but again recognize that this is the work of god it's not by our works i'm preaching on this coming up on sunday ephesians 2 8 by grace you have been saved through faith and this is not your own doing it is the gift of god not of works so that no one may boast if you start believing that you have to be baptized in order to be saved like your salvation came when you were dunked in water and came back up again if that's what you're going to believe here's what's going to end up happening you are going to begin to question as you go through life you'll begin to question whether or not you did it right right if you think that your salvation is dependent upon a work that you do not the work that god does then you're going to question whether or not you did it properly and and if you need saved again and again right and again did i did i get baptized in the right church yeah was it the right kind of water right was the minister what was he the right kind of guy to baptize me and that usually bleeds over to other areas of am i doing enough good works am i not doing enough of this and that and the other and it just it's never ending it's going to come into some other things as well you will you will never really have an assurance of salvation right if you're placing your assurance on that work instead of on christ definitely so know that it is christ who has saved you and then you show that you are baptized with christ when you obey his commandment to be baptized in water that's right and that's not the thing that saves you it's just like any other work that we do a demonstration of the salvation that we have received in christ i hope gianni that that answer is able to put your mind at ease yeah and we're going to pray for you a little bit here uh when we get to the end but we did make it with enough time to get to stan's question from alaska all right dear pastor gave greetings from grizzly bear country that's awesome seriously i had one in my backyard this morning no thank you i like watching the videos of that but not i don't think personally i can handle it i think that i'm uh i believe that i can get away from a tornado more effectively than i could get away from a grizzly bear that's so true so i'm okay with uh with chasing tornadoes rather than being chased by a grizzly bear i've also moose i've also been chased by tornadoes too yes being chased by moose by meeses yeah yeah i don't do meese uh stan goes on i first found your ministry through wretched and ever since then i have watched your videos and read your blogs when you write them it doesn't seem like you blog very often yeah it's it's just a couple of months yeah one or two a month but i always enjoy it when you do i just have a couple of requests number one could you put a place on your blog where a person can subscribe by submitting their email address that way when you post a blog i can get it by email i will know when you've posted a new one and i will know where to find it in my inbox number two can you also talk about your blog on the podcast i've only just started reading your recent blog on the guy at hillsong church who said that he has left the faith i do a lot more driving for my job and if you could do your blog on the podcast then i could listen to it and i wouldn't have to remember trying to finish reading it thanks again for all that you're doing for the kingdom and for taking the time to read my email i know you're a busy guy stan in alaska well stan i was hoping we'd even have enough time here at the end of this podcast i could go ahead and go through the blog sure but we don't i don't think we do we're out of time too chatty if you go to pastorgabe .com
i have purchased that domain name so that will take you directly to my blog you don't have to remember the longer name which i believe see i don't even have it memorized i think it's pastorgabehughes .blogspot