Road Trip Dividing Line From Conway, Arkansas
I am at GBTS in Conway and we managed (despite some challenges!) to get a full DL in today! Caught up with a lot that has happened over the past week or so on a number of topics. Hope the discussion is useful and helpful in the midst of all the fog being produced today. We will go for another program tomorrow as well! See you then!
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- 00:32
- and greetings welcome to the dividing line a road trip dividing line one that almost didn't happen and who knows if it still will
- 00:39
- I've had four and a half minutes to prepare to actually do the program because I've been doing all the stuff we've got to do and it seems like our 5g connection router fried even though I ordered in a fan for it today maybe may have been too late for that I don't know we'll we'll find out we're literally running through an iPad right now and I I was gonna have to get the
- 01:13
- Starlink out and you can't just go over and hit start Starlink you've got to get it out get it set up you got to do stuff up in the sky there's there's you know it's not something can be done really quickly and so we were gonna have to be delayed and I was hadn't had anything since breakfast this morning drove for many many hours and while making a super healthy hot dog all of a sudden
- 01:39
- I thought well wait could we do it that way and so we changed everything around and here we are we are live in our studio and we have multiple cameras that we can use and say hi and and you can see stuff behind me now and stuff like that and yeah whatever so here we are but I'm not feeling overly prepared for the actual substance of the program because I'm spending all my time on other stuff but we'll get all that figured out hopefully and maybe not fry stuff and simplify as much as we possibly can to make all this work because I'm doing another program live this evening so this has to work and actually in a sense it's probably best that we did what we had to do because I'm gonna have to use zoom tonight for another program at least
- 02:36
- I think it's zoom we'll find out it needs to be I guess I'm gonna be on with Eli Ayala we're gonna be talking about Mormonism and so that'll be nine o 'clock
- 02:46
- Eastern Time so a few hours down the road maybe they'll have a chance to actually eat between now and then what am
- 02:54
- I seeing here I am seeing an announcement just now that Tucker Carlson is is going to do a program it says
- 03:03
- Tucker plus Elon so Elon is is gonna make the
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- Tucker Carlson thing happen what on Twitter or something and I mean that would make sense yeah it does look like it's yeah it's gonna be on on Twitter now wouldn't that be amazing
- 03:24
- I mean honestly Elon Musk buys
- 03:31
- Twitter and then turns it into like something that could like crush legacy media that would be
- 03:40
- I don't know I don't know what can I say I'm just sitting in a fifth wheel and we're we be we be talking okay so we are in Conway Arkansas well
- 03:51
- I'm not technically in Conway Arkansas but um this is um I'm only a matter of feet from the spot
- 03:59
- I was at a year ago February when
- 04:04
- I experienced my first ice storm in an RV and if you if you'd like let me offer from my now wider range of experience as an
- 04:19
- RV person when you have an ice storm you may see lots of water coming off your unit because ice is melting fine but remember something you may have an entire sheet of ice on the top of your slide outs at that time
- 04:40
- I only had one slide out and I figured everything had melted
- 04:45
- I didn't get up on a ladder to look and I put the slide out in if you don't know what a slide out is there's a slide out right here it's a it's a part on rails that goes out so it gives you much more room inside and it comes in while you're traveling and I have to explain that because I didn't know what a slide out was until you know two years ago less than two years ago and I got to my next stop and I remember it was right when
- 05:18
- Josh Bice was calling me on the phone to talk about the Washington g3 thing that happened last year that he was inviting me to and I get inside the unit and there's water all over the floor because I had gone south it was much warmer and what
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- I didn't realize is there was a sheet of ice probably I don't know it's finally about that thick
- 05:42
- I wasn't all that much but and it melted inside the unit and it comes down off you know down on the floor and I was literally talking to Josh on my hands and knees with paper towels and other towels wiping up the floor of the other
- 05:56
- RV so just something remember if you're ever in a nice storm and so I was right here in this park
- 06:04
- I was teaching that was apologetics I think for grace
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- Bible Theological Seminary and I got to drive in in the ice which we we
- 06:17
- Phoenicians we we can handle melting roads frozen roads with that icy stuff on it not nearly as fun not nearly as fun at all so anyway so here we are and Thursday night we are going to be having an evening with James White and I'm going to be talking about first Corinthians chapter 1 which
- 06:43
- I have obviously shared on this program many many many times before and spoken about and I have often said and evidently someone at the seminary was listening
- 06:55
- I've often said that Christian scholars should have first Corinthians chapter 1 preached to them they should at least read it but it would probably be good to have it preached to them twice a year just simply to counteract the constant temptation that comes from being involved in quote -unquote academia to embrace and love the wisdom of the world or to be embarrassed about the foolishness of God which is wiser than the world and stronger than the world and all that kind of stuff but the temptation is extremely strong and so Thursday night here you know
- 07:42
- I'm not even sure what the location is whether it's going to be at the seminary or at the new church building
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- I will have to look so they can't start without me but we'll find out but that'll be
- 07:55
- Thursday night and I think there's an announcement on the GBTS website for that and then this weekend and I'm just looking at all the windows and stuff that I have open here trying to find stuff this weekend
- 08:13
- I will be just north of Nashville I believe it's just north of Nashville it's sovereign it's um
- 08:30
- Sovereign Grace Church of Greenbrier Tennessee but this is also known as White House Tennessee so I will be in the preaching in the morning my understanding is they have like a morning service and then they break for fellowship meal and then have something a little less formal afterwards a lot of churches have been doing that instead of having a morning service evening service you just cram it all together in essence that's what we do at Apologia except we just make the service really really long in essence that's anyway so this
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- Sunday I will be at Sovereign Grace Church of Greenbrier Mark Romaldi is the pastor there and I knew him back when he was a youngin on Long Island when
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- I would go back there and I was mainly at Grace Reformed Baptist Church and Hope Reformed Baptist Church and then there was a
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- Faith Reformed Baptist Church way out on the far end of the island and for years and years we were going out there and very much attached to all the folks out there and that was in the 90s and early 2000s so like 20 years ago but anyway that's where I'll be this coming
- 09:55
- Sunday and then the Sunday thereafter I'll be with Derek Melton at his church in Pryor Grace Life Church in Pryor and we will be doing a knife -throwing contest no we're not as you may know
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- Derek makes tremendous knives by the way by the way we will we'll get around to that Bible eventually we'll get around that Bible eventually
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- Lord willing trust me we'll get there not forgetting about it but Rich and I were running around like a like chickens their heads cut off just now trying to get everything working it will get easier to do we hope over time the problem is the more the more parts you have to any system the more things can break and that's sort of what we're dealing with with all the stuff that that we've got going on here so just real quickly this past weekend
- 11:02
- I was with Joel Webben in Georgetown Texas we had a full conference
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- I mean we were sold out there really wasn't any room for anybody anything more than what we had and lots of lots of folks that well actually there were there was at least a couple folks from Apologia that were there which was interesting and I got to talk to some folks from Jeff Neal's church
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- Jeff Neal and I wrote the same -sex controversy together back in 2000 and I actually got to on Sunday Jeff and his wife
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- Denise they were speaking in sort of the next town over and so we got in touch and we got together that afternoon just you know for about an hour and 20 minutes or so I talked too much but we got caught up on lots and lots of stuff and it was great to see him hadn't seen him since he'd had a stroke a number of years ago he was doing great his memory was sharp and of course he hadn't he and I go back a long way
- 12:21
- I would say 19 it could have been as early as 19 like 83 it could be like 40 years neither one of us could remember exactly how we first met whether is it
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- North Phoenix Baptist Church whether is it breathing Christian bookstore where he worked he was a year ahead of me at Grand Canyon College and then he took like two years off before he went to Fuller Seminary and I went straight into Fuller when
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- I graduated so I was a year ahead of him at Fuller and we had a lot of it was great talking about it was interesting the things he remembered with things that not only had
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- I remembered but I had talked about to lots of people over the years I I remember very clearly him coming to my apartment one night after class
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- I'd already graduated and he was in tears he the battle was so intense and the mockery of believing in God's election or inspiration inerrancy of scripture and he was just like how did you do it
- 13:43
- I I just don't know if I can if I can press through this and I remember that night very very clearly very thankful that I still remember those types of things because they were important they were really important and so we it was great getting together with him he's he has pastored a
- 14:01
- CREC Church over in the Fort Worth area for many many years and I've had the opportunity speaking there once and hopefully now we've hooked up again
- 14:12
- I'll get a chance to do that again in the future because I go through that area all the time and now we have the proper you know how you know you've known somebody for a long long long long time you look at your phone and you've got like six numbers for them and five of them don't exist anymore they they haven't had that number in decades but you still have it because well that's that's how that sort of works but anyway so Joe boot was there and Joe really sorry
- 14:48
- I never got to say goodbye to you but I didn't but I spoke on Friday and Saturday spent hours talking with folks hearing their testimonies and and again extremely encouraging this this webcast has
- 15:09
- I've lost track now of how many people have called it a lifeline an absolute lifeline for people that were in really difficult hard situations dire straits and in ways that we could have never predicted we could not have you know tried to make it work that way it just and since we've never spent a dime advertising this program how it gets to people is truly amazing
- 15:43
- I mean it really really is and so I was talking to some people you know well
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- I've heard about you because I was watching Jeff Durbin and and so he mentioned you and then your stuff started popping up and and then vice versa
- 15:55
- I found out about Apologia because we were watching you know it's just how that's that's worked that way for a very very long time but some a lot of really touching conversations and testimonies from people it was very useful
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- I don't know when the presentations will be posted they were recorded
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- I also recorded some stuff the same folks that did the as it is and on earth as it is in heaven movie had already interviewed me oh man at least a year ago at Apologia Studios and we did another interview this time for I don't know if it's gonna be the same movie or another movie or a documentary
- 16:38
- I don't know but we recorded a lot of stuff and I spoke on topics that amongst most evangelicals today have the same attraction as the name
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- Voldemort you know what I mean so yes
- 17:02
- I actually spoke on post -millennialism I spoke on general equity theonomy and Sunday morning
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- I hope this was the Lord preached on the connection because I had never thought of the connection before I was gonna preach out of Acts and Paul's interaction with Felix I had preached that section at Apologia in Salt Lake City what two months ago now first weekend
- 17:41
- April and I was gonna go there again and then
- 17:48
- Sunday morning one of the questions that have been asked during the seminar was about hyper -preterism and I had said a good way to detect it is to see what someone does with Acts 1730 and 31 and if they say that the judgment that Paul is speaking of in Acts 1731 has already taken place in Jerusalem you're probably talking to a hyper preterist and so that question to come up and and when it first came up Joel addressed it and addressed it and I I don't think
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- Joel realized he went about at least 10 minutes in response that question so much so that I was sort of tapping on on Joe and they stay awake there man and because he was just gone and gone and we're all just like well thanks for having us here
- 18:50
- Joel you know and so at first I didn't comment on it but I thought you know I do need to make comment about this later on I sort of threw it in just because the term mellow and I'm gonna
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- I need to I need to write an entire paper on this and I it's something
- 19:05
- I want to do and I just haven't gotten around to it yet then a little busy it's sort of hard to write on the road but I want to comment on the fact that in Acts 1731 the term mellow
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- Melanthus is used there and the hyper preterists get confused because very often mellow means about to happen very soon to happen there's normally a contextual clue to that but and the word appears in Acts 1731 but Acts and Luke and Hebrews are much more classical
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- Greek than they are Koine Greek and there's much more complex syntax involved and what you have in Acts 1731 is actually translated by the
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- Legacy Standard Bible as certainly I wasn't gonna talk about this but I did find it really interesting some of the neat stuff of 1731 the neat stuff that I'm saying that I'm seeing in the
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- Legacy Standard Bible because he has fixed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness and the hyper preterist says which he is about to it's gonna happen in just a few years in Jerusalem is when this judgment of the entire inhabited world is going to take place and so I was thinking about that and it all of a sudden it struck me that there was a very clear connection between what
- 20:44
- Paul says to Felix because Felix he's reasoning with him he's declaring to him he's talking with him about righteousness and self -control and the judgment to come and Felix becomes afraid and so here and that's outside the context of the church he's talking to someone he's talking to a magistrate he's talking to a person has the power to to free him and and Paul's like may have the power to free me but I need to tell the truth even if it's offensive to him or it scares him which it did but think about he's talking to someone up outside the church
- 21:22
- Felix and in Acts 17 he's talking to the elites the philosophical elites and what does he talk to you about them judgment judgment to come and so there is a real connection between the two and so that those were the the two texts
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- I put together and did make a get a little more air going
- 21:53
- I only have one AC unit but it's warm here today that my thermometers down there are saying mid 90s so it's a pretty toasty uh it was helpful to exhort everyone you know here's here's an example of a
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- Christian Apostle speaking to powers outside of the church and what does he do
- 22:20
- I can guarantee you when he's speaking to Felix concerning righteousness self -control the judgment to come he's doing that on the basis of the scriptures remember
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- Felix his wife was a Jewess and so he knew more about the way than many other people did but there's no
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- New Testament for him to be quoting from and so he would be utilizing the scriptures he'd be utilizing the
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- Hebrew scriptures as the grounds of this moral exhortation to the magistrate himself and I think that's that's significant and you put the two together and so hopefully
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- I'm assuming that was recorded as well and so I'm hoping that that will all be posted and we'll link to it and again it was really great to meet everybody and to see everybody it was done well and by the way
- 23:17
- Joel wanted me to say something I had made comment at some point before the seminar before I even left about some of the young men and the kind of immaturity that is being demonstrated by attempting to force consensus through shall we say meme terrorism that's something along those lines and I was not referring to Joel some people assumed that that was the case and it wasn't
- 23:58
- Joel's a young guy and he doesn't want to necessarily cut himself off from other young guys but he also recognizes and I certainly exhorted himself and others to recognize the necessity for patience and maturity there's a section and by the way the sweater vest dialogue finally dropped that I discussed
- 24:29
- Doug Wilson's new book mere Christendom and there's a section in our conversation where Doug says the same thing and that is a lot of young guys get hold of something like post -millennialism and they all of a sudden just want they want it accomplished now it needs to be accomplished now there's no time everybody needs to get on board now and if you don't we're gonna cancel you and we're gonna there's certain terms that are utilized to describe people who will not just immediately jump on board with some type of Christian nationalist tag or something along those lines and I see this
- 25:27
- Doug sees this both Doug and I agree that the only way that any kind of meaningful submission of the nations to Jesus Christ is gonna take place and despite the number of people who say but that's not a biblical view there are promises of that Psalm 2 seems to be saying that the only way that's gonna happen is from a reformed perspective recognizing
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- God's ability to save his elect and if we can say right now in the midst of great judgment
- 26:07
- God's still saving his elect what about when he chooses to save a whole bunch of his elect all at once what kind of impact is that going to have on a society if God also pours his spirit out upon that that society so but the point is there needs to be patience is it you can't
- 26:32
- I learned a long time ago you know oh I evidently there's cage -stage
- 26:37
- Calvinism there's cage -stage stage Christian nationalism too and the cage stagers don't recognize in either one that it's the
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- Spirit of God that has to be the one bringing these things about I can't that's why
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- I've always just looked at and it's great temptation I see it all the time
- 27:01
- I see people they start seeing the sovereignty of God they said I've seen I'm saying election and then all of a sudden well if you don't believe this you must not be a
- 27:08
- Christian whoa whoa whoa how long did it take you to come to find out about this huh how many years did you not recognize how many years were you inconsistent don't don't do this cage -stage type stuff you've got to be patient the best you know
- 27:30
- I have led without necessarily being the one who did it personally my work this program
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- Potter's freedom God's sovereign grace cetera cetera has been used to lead many many thousands of people into the reform faith and then they lead others and they lead others and it's it's wonderful that's one of the things
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- I love about traveling like this to get to meet people if we're at that same place you don't do that by being a cage -stager you do that by being consistent over time biblical over time and so if you're of your position of Christian nationalism okay
- 28:17
- I don't I don't like that term all right I really don't know some kids playing outside I heard a bump
- 28:25
- I wasn't sure what's going on but I don't I don't like the term personally and I don't use the term and unless what you mean by Christian nationalism is blessed as the nation is
- 28:38
- God is Yahweh sin is a rebuke to any people and kiss the
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- Sun unless he be angry and you perish in the way if you if you mean by that that a nation that wants
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- God's blessings will not reject God's ways great fine that's obviously not enough for a lot of people and especially the stuff that we've seen from Stephen Wolfe recently is even more troubling along those lines in regards to not needing exegesis and a major work of the
- 29:23
- Spirit and stuff like that that's what I was gonna gonna pull up and now
- 29:29
- I I'm not even certain now that I think about it where in the world that would be because I did in fact now that I think about I I saved that before I left yeah okay
- 29:48
- I think I whoa I think I may have found well I found some of it because Toby and Stephen Wolfe had an interesting exchange yeah yeah okay
- 30:08
- I'm well all right let me apologize ahead of time here because once again it's that situation where I have multiple screenshots and they're not in proper order which is problematic but I wasn't like I said
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- I had after all the technical stuff I about four or five minutes to prep back to where I was for a moment there's just so much other stuff being attached to this debate and I've said on Twitter if maturity and patience does not become the hallmark of the movement that's calling itself the
- 31:05
- Christian nationalist movement if consistent sound theology is not a hallmark of what calls itself the
- 31:16
- Christian nationals movement that what you're gonna have is you're gonna have about 40 different groups and every one of them would be able to hold their national conference in the meeting room at the back of a holiday in and they'll be busy anathematizing each other and the reason
- 31:37
- I say this is I've seen it happen before I've seen it happen before I can't help but think of Jerry Matitick's Jerry Matitick's Catholic answers apologists extraordinaire right and yet for years and years
- 31:57
- I don't know what he's doing today but 15 years ago he was literally meeting with a dozen people in the back of a holiday in because he had become this wild -eyed set a vacancy and the set a vacancy groups for those of you not familiar with the terminology set a vacancy means the seat is empty there is no valid Pope right now it's normally associated with that being valid orders priests things like that frequently connected with Vatican to and all the rest
- 32:27
- I kind of but all those groups there's a bunch of those teeny tiny little
- 32:33
- Roman Catholic groups and they hate each other more than they hate people that are farther away from them that's part of human just a human way things that are the closer people are to you the more likely these are going to divide from them and that's what's going on in that context and so anyway if there is not a you know the only the only positive stuff
- 33:07
- I see about Christian nationalism is the assertion that we need to understand sphere sovereignty oh oh oh and by the way by the way it's been a while since we had last program and even then last program is in here it was our first one we didn't want to have do anything negative and all this that kind of stuff sacral is sacral ism who knew that by using a term that's been used by dozens of people in publications for decades and that has an easily looked up meaning
- 33:54
- I mean I don't know how many times I used the term when we were in Germany in that context telling people about what was going on there but you know
- 34:09
- I just realized the Sun is going to be coming right through that window in a second and that's gonna get really bright so hey live video watch this this is how you reach over grab a shave and you get rid of the
- 34:29
- Sun it is a little bit lighter a little bit darker isn't yeah well okay yeah ta -da and I'm in control of it now
- 34:42
- I don't I don't have to look up oh oh I control the horizontal and the vertical it's fun anyway what were we talking about here oh yes um sacral ism is simply what happened in what we might call
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- Christendom 1 .0 to borrow Doug's terminology where screen sphere sovereignty was not understood and was clearly violated now it is interesting
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- Rome during the Inquisition yes would would have their own priests and others doing torture and things like that for the good of those who were being tortured because what they were doing was attacking
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- Christendom and that's why
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- Luther knowing Fritz Erba was in that pit left him there because Martin Luther concluded that the danger for Christendom represented by Fritz Erba was a greater thing than the torture of a
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- Christian believer who on every other subject would agree with Luther but on this one issue which became in those early decades the very definition of what
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- Christendom would be infant baptism on that one issue there was disagreement and therefore or from Luther's perspective he he's got to go and he did took him seven years but he's got to go so sacral ism is that situation where the biblically defined spheres coalesce and yet Rome still technically when it came to execution said that they were turning someone over to the secular state and it wasn't the church that was executing him and when it was tortured that was considered to be a spiritual thing and hence within the realm of the church but to burn at the stake the state had to do that and so the church turned you over now the state didn't have any choice unless they themselves want to run foul of the church so it was a an empty distinction but still they tried to make the distinction so when the wolves went after me because I used the term this is when the sort of dialogue drop and immediately it was like well sacral ism is the thing
- 38:10
- I think you just made it up and then it's continued since then and I'm like we'll just look it up well it's just not all that popularly utilized so who cares especially on this particular topic it's central and vital and it's an accurate description of what
- 38:36
- Calvin was but what Calvin laid the foundation for ending unintentional unintentional and so it's vitally important and I was just stunned again just the immaturity of the interactions from people and again
- 39:04
- I see stuff that I don't appreciate from all sides but my goodness it does seem to me that most of the snarky shallow
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- I don't care if I really don't have anything to say on this subject
- 39:26
- I'm gonna say it anyways type stuff has been coming from the quote -unquote
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- Calvinist Christian nationalists it's just it's just what I'm saying and maybe that's because they want to shoot at me because I won't utilize this to divide you know even before this
- 39:54
- CN stuff started as far as utilization of the terminology the folks at Grace Bible Theology which is where I am right now had arranged for the g3 pre -conference conference that will include basically all of the pretty much well the majority of the professors at the seminary are gonna be there and so on strands gonna be there
- 40:28
- I'm pretty sure just more more is gonna be there Jeff Johnson's gonna be there Josh Weiss is gonna be there and Scott Daniels gonna be there and they've asked me to be there now
- 40:42
- I am the odd man out I'm the the postie the post -millennialist the general equity atheonomist and Scott is
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- I believe a premium on pre -millennial us at least what I'm getting from what I'm reading most the other guys are
- 41:04
- Amil so we have a number of different perspectives but the subject is church and state post -millennialism by millennialism dispensationalism theonomy
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- I would say gonna throw a theonomy and you need to throw autonomy into secular autonomy secular liberalism whatever and so we're not gonna be ripping each other's faces off which
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- I'm afraid some people that's what they hope would happen is that there would be blood on the floor afterwards they'd be mopping it up but there's gonna be disagreement and my desire is that we will be able to demonstrate how to handle disagreement as Christian brothers who agree on so much that requires maturity it requires patience it requires a long view and if you want to claim to be a
- 42:08
- Christian nationalist quote -unquote if you have a long view you're not gonna make it dude you're not gonna make it the only way any of this makes sense is in the long view it's in the lay the foundations for future generations view and if you've got the idea that no we're doing this now we're gonna get the meme war started like I said ten years from now it's just gonna be a joke it'll be a joke people look back and go oh yeah
- 42:37
- I remember that man that that that face planted quickly as I am yeah
- 42:43
- I did if you don't have the maturity you don't have the long view don't have the foundation it's going nowhere so with that said
- 42:51
- I hadn't even thought about this I again only had a few minutes the
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- Stephen Wolf thing it sort of started with this one this was May 3rd and man
- 43:08
- I wish that so many when you do screenshots it says 13 hours 10 hours stuff like that instead of providing the date you know and so you don't necessarily yeah frustrating hey don't look at me wrong
- 43:26
- Twitter has improved massively under Elon Musk hasn't it I mean
- 43:32
- I still think there's some prejudice I don't think
- 43:37
- Elon's gotten rid of everybody yet that I don't know if he can get rid of everybody that wouldn't be pulling some shenanigans in the back room but it's improved a lot it really really has the number of ads is certainly increased but in general to be able to communicate it's improved a lot and one of the things that I saw here
- 44:08
- I suppose
- 44:14
- I could probably switch over some other screen while taking a drink look more professional but on May 3rd so six days ago
- 44:28
- Stephen Wolf on Twitter Christian politics well you know what yeah yeah there it goes hey you proud of me rich you should be you should be sitting back there going well done
- 44:53
- Padawan I am very proud the voice comes from nowhere
- 45:01
- I don't know where it comes from okay um Christian politics derived entirely from exegesis is largely driven by the demands of democracy and modern education because energizing the masses requires you to appeal to what the masses know pretty modern
- 45:24
- Christian politics was informed by reason experience eg pagan sources and scripture because the few not the many participated in politics and they knew far more than the
- 45:41
- Bible so your premill or whatever exegesis is a product of very modern conditions now rich hasn't taught me the oh oh hold on ah look how small it is rich I thought we fixed that it was supposed to be bigger than that but I did get the pnp in but the um but the size is look at that and no one can read that well we got to fix the size but I hate
- 46:27
- I tried I I gave it I gave it a shot and I know rich tried to fix that I sat here watching him go 40 percent not 25 percent and so he he tried but we'll get it we'll get it we're working on it there the number of details are many many many many many details um so going back to what we uh what we have here this was the first time
- 46:56
- I really saw the connection between Stephen Wolfe's Thomism and where he's really going with this um suggestion that he's making this program that he's laying out here and I immediately
- 47:14
- I'm immediately like on where have I heard this language where have I heard reason and experience e .g.
- 47:22
- pagan sources uh and then scripture yeah you know because the few not the many participate in politics and they knew far more than the
- 47:32
- Bible oh yes we there's you know that Bible it's you know it's it's important but you know there's a lot more to know than that you know so your post mill or pre mill or whatever exegesis is a product of very modern conditions um boy we can unpack that if we wanted to by a long shot but Christian politics drive entirely from exegesis is largely driven by the demands of democracy and modern education why well because energizing the masses requires you to appeal to what the masses know the masses aren't experts in the
- 48:12
- Bible they're not experts in exegesis either Christian politics derived from exegesis well first of all you can't derive all of quote -unquote what's
- 48:24
- Christian politics are we talking about the principles upon which
- 48:30
- Christians should seek to be active in the world as representatives of Christ and proclaiming his
- 48:38
- Lordship and literally saying Christ does reign now and you must submit to the
- 48:46
- Sun or his wrath will come upon you because you as the magistrate are responsible to do that that's really the key that's really the key because I was thinking about getting into it today but I probably won't when
- 49:01
- I listened to dr. Daniels response to mere
- 49:06
- Christendom I detected a lot of r2k patterns of thought r2k is radical to Kingdom theology primarily as promoted out of Escondido Westminster in Escondido and so much of this conversation really comes down to things like when was
- 49:34
- Daniel 7 fulfilled has it been fulfilled has Christ been enthroned in power has
- 49:42
- Matthew 28 actually been fulfilled has all authority been given to him in heaven and earth is he exercising that authority how do you relate
- 49:51
- Matthew 28 Psalm 2 Daniel 7 Isaiah 42 first Corinthians 15 these are all top -level text these are not this is not some place where you're arguing about some obscure text in an apocryphal work necessarily we're talking here about texts at the
- 50:11
- New Testament writers clearly see as specifically about Christ and I mean you look at Psalm 110
- 50:17
- Psalm 2 it is plain beyond question that when the
- 50:24
- Lord Jesus ministered to his apostles after his resurrection and he opened their minds to understand the Scripture those the
- 50:31
- Scriptures he opened their minds to those the Scriptures he explained so those should be primary in our understanding right and so if Christ is enthroned then
- 50:47
- Psalm 2 comes to have a meaning Psalm 110 comes to have a meaning and we in the church have a responsibility to proclaim to the magistrate the will of the
- 51:04
- Son that doesn't make make us Lords over the magistrate it makes us prophets just as the prophets of old had to go the king and say
- 51:15
- King here's what the Lord's will is well we've been given the Lord's will and so if if that's the case then that's going to have some kind of impact but in the in the discussion that took place and like I said
- 51:36
- I've got three screens here Toby Sumter and again
- 51:44
- Toby and I've crossed swords but Toby and I are normally on the exact same page and I just simply have to say it has been a great honor to stand in the pulpit at Christ Church with Doug Wilson seated right there and open the
- 52:09
- Word of God and they've never told me what I can and cannot talk about they've trusted me and I want to keep that trust by not engaging in behavior that would be inappropriate in that context and I've stood in Toby's pulpit as well and it was a great honor and when you do that if you've never done that it may be difficult for you to understand why you would be willing to bend over backwards to think the best of what somebody has to say and what somebody's actually saying but Toby said to Stephen Wolfe happy to talk about avoiding a narrow biblicism but wasn't the
- 53:00
- Reformation all about returning the scripture to the masses so that would inform their reasoning and experience and politics why do we want to return to a pre -modern world where access to scripture was rare now are you hearing the connections here what we're hearing amongst
- 53:20
- Reformed Baptists is we need to go back to pre -modern exegesis modern exegesis has made mincemeat out of the other confession we need to go back to the great tradition or if you're the
- 53:32
- Craig Carter fan you need to be a Christian Platonist if you're James Dolezal fan
- 53:38
- Aristotle's the way to go via Thomas of course same conversation different application and clearly
- 53:51
- Thomism has massive implications because just as Trent made his theology the theology of Rome it also used his theology as the foundation for its political perspectives as well that's important so Stephen Wolfe responds the
- 54:10
- Reformation in this regard was about teaching truth to the masses from lawful authorities so that the people can have true knowledge and exercise true faith well that's a truncated view if I've ever seen one
- 54:26
- Toby says right but was grounded in a true understanding of the foundational authority of scripture you don't get the explosion a modern political freedom should be of modern political freedom apart from Lutheran Calvin and thousands of others preaching and teaching the whole
- 54:45
- Bible the masses in the vernacular I don't doubt that a certain freedom comes out of Protestantism still politics is a human thing and arises from the natural constitution of man and reflection on the book of nature and experience ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding there's your
- 55:09
- Thomism there's your that's why I don't go this direction because there's your
- 55:16
- Thomism politics is a human thing and arises from the natural constitution of man
- 55:23
- Thomas Aquinas did not have a biblical anthropology hello he did not have a biblical anthropology that means he had a false anthropology so the natural constitution of man as Thomas understood is not a biblical understanding of man and hence will lead you into error and reflection on the book of nature and experience there there there's your ultimate authority there's your natural theology same thing same thing and there it comes and and certainly
- 56:05
- I think I think Toby sees that and recognizes that and was interacting with him on that that very issue but there you see the the
- 56:21
- Thomistic impact coming out even in this in this type of situation and I found that absolutely absolutely fascinating so anyway
- 56:31
- I would I would like to thank Regina Pryor at GBTS she drove all the way out here we had some packages delivered and our poor little we're gonna we're gonna scramble its brains give it a factory reset see if we can resurrect it maybe it's just gotten some stuff messed up I don't know we're gonna try to bring it back to life because we're in a good we are in a good 5g spot here
- 56:59
- I mean full bars 5g it should be just zooming instead
- 57:04
- I'm using my year -and -a -half old iPad over here as our means of getting to you we're gonna try to resurrect but anyways we bought this little fan thing to put those types of things on because rich discovered there was lots of discussion the forums about those things overheating so we want that to be our primary way and then secondarily will be
- 57:26
- Starlink because that's we're getting the other stuff put together and may
- 57:32
- I once again thank everybody who has made it possible for me to be sitting here rich said he preferred the blue but let me see if I can get this to okay but I like letting it run through all the colors so see it's it's changing even in the background as we're going along you're changing with it
- 58:03
- I'm changing with it yes that's I mean if you actually I'm just kind of curious what happens if you turn it off rich wants to know let me tell you something you're not in here and you're a long ways away okay so I'm gonna do what
- 58:24
- I want to do since you say you need to find out all right everybody's gonna get to watch this whoa find out where you have everything hidden all the all the stuff here well that looks good it's just a wall it's just it's just it's just the bedroom wall try the other camera see what it looks like oh that looks good oh go turn it back on it's fine this is why his office is on one end of the country in fact white right now
- 59:19
- I'm I don't know how many 1500 miles away or each end of the country now almost right yeah pretty much yeah that's that okay folks
- 59:29
- I'll have to admit I started our being to get rid I just had to get away no anyway what was
- 59:41
- I I don't know what you completely interrupted me now but I wanted
- 59:46
- I was saying thanks to everyone that has gotten me out of the kitchen table gotten you know to the folks that donated the
- 59:59
- ATEM mini pro over here that I'm slowly figuring out how to use we can do we'll eventually be able to be doing video and starting and stopping and doing all that kind of stuff and we can do accordance and we've got multiple cameras 4k cameras all this kind of neat fun stuff
- 01:00:21
- I hopefully we'll have someone sitting pretty much right here though I'm not sure I was gonna do that have to do a stool or something but hopefully have
- 01:00:28
- Derek Melton in studio with me with him next week and then we've got a schedule our first debate on the road maybe maybe in July I'm not sure exactly how that would work as I've already got all my reservations for July you have to do that ahead of time but maybe we'll be able to arrange our first debate in here and and make all of it work thank you to everyone we have paid off the
- 01:01:00
- RV and as of yesterday we have paid off the studio so rich is going to be pulling and maybe already has pulled the fundraiser option
- 01:01:14
- I already have yeah yeah I've already already down and so what can we say we we made the need known and the people of God said yes we want you to be able to do this and to address these issues and to like I said
- 01:01:33
- I'll be I'll be doing a program in two hours with Eli Ayala and I'll be using everything that I'm using here and that's gonna really improve my ability to do stuff like that in that context as well and so our sincere thanks to everyone that participated to a particular friend that made the truck happen for us to everyone that bought a knob for the for the kitchen and you know the door over here
- 01:02:14
- I also actually had the stuff arrived I'm gonna put on the mirror here so you won't be looking down the down into the kitchen and stuff like that but our sincere thanks to all of you
- 01:02:26
- I do feel not only deep gratitude to you but also a deep responsibility to drive very carefully in in light of how much this means despite the fact we have it all insured very well still
- 01:02:43
- I need to I need to be very very careful and I please pray for my driving skills
- 01:02:51
- I've I figure I've got at least 35 ,000 miles now of pulling experience and so I'm definitely definitely improving and so far to riches astonishment
- 01:03:06
- I have not destroyed anything in that process so that's that's good that's exciting we're very very happy about that so thank you very very much for watching today
- 01:03:17
- I don't know exactly when we're gonna get together again but I would assume an earlier program on Thursday if that works for image or maybe even tomorrow wanted to we'll talk about what our schedules look like would be a definite possibility then
- 01:03:42
- I've got a sort of hot -footed all the way to Nashville so that the trips will be a little bit longer so we will see and then we'll be heading for a prior