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- So the doctrine of the week for this Sunday is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the
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- Trinity. And notice I said person. The Holy Spirit is referred to as he or him, not referred to as it.
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- So the Holy Spirit is a person in that he has personality.
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- He is not God's impersonal force as some sub -Christian groups like to claim.
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- So the Holy Spirit, how is he a person? He has a will. He can be grieved. He speaks.
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- And the Holy Spirit is God. In Acts chapter 5, he is called God when
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- Peter, talking to Ananias, he says to Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the
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- Holy Spirit? You have not lied to men, but to God. The Holy Spirit was present and active during the creation.
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- Genesis chapter 1, verse 2 says, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the water.
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- So he was involved in the creation. The Holy Spirit can rightly be called the author of scripture based on 2
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- Timothy 3 .16. And perhaps most importantly, the Holy Spirit is the supernatural agent of regeneration.
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- John 3, 5 and Titus 3, verse 5. Now there's so much that could be said,
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- I really don't have time to go through everything that I'd like. So just one more comment, the
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- Holy Spirit's ministry, as many of you know, changed from the Old Testament to the
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- New Testament in this regard. In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit would come upon men to empower them for the work of ministry.
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- But the Holy Spirit also might depart. But in the New Testament, Jesus said he would send the
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- Holy Spirit, where now under the new covenant, the Spirit continually indwells the children of God, sealing us until the day of redemption,