Answering a Fool: Isn’t All Concern about Cancellation Contrary to the Teaching of Christ And Pro...

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Did Jesus teach his followers how to deal with cancellation? Should Christians give any thought avoiding cancellation? Is it materialistic to not want to lose your job? We will answer these questions and more on this episode of Answering a Fool.


Warning the following message may be offensive to some audiences these audiences may include but are not limited to professing Christians who never read their
Bible sissies Sodomites men with man buns those who approve of men with man buns man bun enablers white nights for men with man buns Homemakers who have finished
Netflix, but don't know how to meal plan and people who refer to their pets as fur babies Your discretion is advised Of heaven the issue is that humanity is in sin and the wrath of almighty god is hanging over our head
They will hear his words they will not act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment when the fires of wrath come
They will be consumed and they will perish God wrapped himself in flesh
Condescended and became a man died on the cross for sin was resurrected on the third day
Has ascended to the right hand of the father where he sits now to make intercession for us
Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words They will act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day their house will stand
Welcome to Bible bashed where we aim to equip the Saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions you're not allowed to ask
Listen and enjoy this midweek installment of answering a fool as Pastor Tim answers a fool according to his folly
Lest he be wise in his own eyes and these shorter episodes Pastor Tim answers objections from internet trolls
In an effort to help them go home and rethink their lives Troll hunting is hard work, but hey, someone's got to do it now without further ado.
Here's Pastor Tim on this episode of answering a fool We'll be answering the question isn't all concerned about cancellation contrary to the teaching of Christ and probably materialistic
Now this is a question that's coming to us from an internet troll response to our recent episode on how do
I become cancel proof? And the internet troll responded to our Facebook page essentially with this message
So the internet troll said that's what Jesus always said. How do I avoid getting canceled? Jesus always said that financial success is crucial for getting into heaven something about a camel riding in question mark
Now when you think about a trolling comment along these lines, this is obviously an example of a straw man
So, you know when you're an individual engaging in this kind of argumentation What you do is you put your opponent's position in the worst possible light you misrepresent them you jump to conclusions
And then you attack a position that functionally no one is arguing for And it's not common for internet controls to actually listen to the material that they're criticizing
They just jump to remarkable conclusions at times from simple titles that are present in the things that they're reading
So you know as you think about this subject of being cancel proof one of the questions you might want to ask is
Did Jesus teach his followers anything about how to deal with cancellation? And so it seems to me as you read the
New Testament and it's something that this troll might want to do a little bit more than what he seems to have done at this point
Is that Jesus is constantly warning his followers about what to do in the case of persecution So not only does
Jesus tell his followers that persecution is a mathematical certainty for those who are going to be faithful I mean he tells his followers at numerous points that servants not above his master
If they persecuted me they're going to persecute you And Paul will tell us that all those who desire to live righteously in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution
And because Jesus warned against this non -stop at first his followers didn't experience immediately
They didn't immediately experience persecution but immediately once they started to experience persecution
They rejoiced and they were exceedingly glad because they understood that that meant that they were
They had some sort of mark of legitimacy that they are indeed followers of Christ Now if you want to take anything good about this comment
One of the things that you might want to take is the notion that Christians obviously shouldn't be so concerned about cancellation
To the point to where they sacrifice faithfulness in some sort of obsessive priority to avoid cancellation at all cost
In fact this is what our self evangelical leaders are essentially doing Our self evangelical leaders are so fixated on not being cancelled
They might not be giving us much instruction on how to avoid being cancelled But they are so fixated on this idea of trying to prevent cancellation
That they are essentially just giving in to all the demands of the left and giving in to all the demands of the pagan
And trying to modify the message so that it's going to be palatable to the hearing of those who functionally hate us
In some misguided hope that they're going to be the last ones thrown to the lions So certainly there is the reality that many individuals can be obsessively focused on avoiding cancellation at all cost
However just because there is the reality that some people can be excessively focused on cancellation at all cost
On avoiding all kinds of persecution That doesn't mean that taking any thought to arranging your affairs in such a way as to mitigate the effects of persecution in your life
Is somehow inherently or intrinsically problematic In fact Jesus tells his followers that if they persecute you in one town, flee to the next
He tells his followers at certain points to go buy a sword
So just because they're not to live by the sword in order that they might not die by the sword
That doesn't mean he doesn't instruct them to take reasonable precautions In order to stop evildoers from taking away your lives and property
I mean Jesus has been known to send angels in order to help his followers escape from prison
And so there's no value biblically speaking in just letting the pagans do anything that they wish to do to you
And taking no precautions whatsoever in order to keep them from taking away your assets unnecessarily
Or harming you or your family unnecessarily So the bible doesn't advocate some sort of pacifistic position or some sort of pacifism
That you might describe as a squishy, I think D .I. Carson describes it as a squishy kind of pacifism
Where essentially you just embrace a pacifism out of cowardice or something along those lines
So Jesus does instruct his followers to live courageously in the world
And there's plenty of examples even in the Old Testament of individuals who are Nehemiah Who are building walls for the
Lord and the enemies of God come And the bible doesn't just tell the Israelites to roll over and give
Jerusalem over to the hands of the pagans
And just surrender in a total way And so if you're going to come to this kind of position which basically says that There isn't any concern to avoid cancellation at all as fundamentally materialistic and contrary to the teaching of Christ I would just tell you, you might want to read the bible a little bit more
And you might want to read through the Old Testament a little bit more And you might want to read through the New Testament a little bit more
And you'll realize that the saints of all ages have been those who have subdued kingdoms And fought battles
And so there is a place in the Christian life for fighting battles That isn't fundamentally fued by some kind of materialism
And this is unfortunately the accusation that the left makes against the right at various points
That any concern that the right might have to hold on to the assets of God And not just be plundered by the pagans is fundamentally selfish and materialistic
And this really does well if you have a greedy person who wants to take all your stuff
It really is kind of a neat trick to look at them and say Hey you don't want me to take all your stuff and plunder you because you're greedy
But then turn around at that point is fair play So when you think about this kind of question
And you think about this kind of observation that this troll is making We would encourage our trolls just to do a better job of reading the bible
And thinking through what the bible says at a variety of points And it is quite possible to be an individual who puts some thought into trying to avoid cancellation
And not just being needlessly plundered And not just putting himself or his family who he has a responsibility to protect
In unnecessary danger While at the same time it is quite possible to be the kind of person who
When persecution comes is willing to face it courageously When you're backed into the corner and you have nowhere else to go
You choose to live as Christ and not to deny him And to honor him with your life
And so it is quite possible to be an individual who has courage And also the kind of person who reads through the proverbs
Takes necessary caution when he sees danger coming And then puts some thought into not giving your enemies
Just the ability to destroy your life and destroy your livelihood Without any kind of thought or plan on how to deal with the fallout
This has been another installment of Answering a Fool with Bible Bashed As always, if you would like to be included in one of our
Answering a Fool episodes Feel free to respond to us on our Facebook, Twitter, or Gab posts
With a disrespectful, sarcastic, often off -topic comment That shows you did not thoughtfully engage with anything we have actually said
And we will do our best to include and answer to your trolling comment Keep in mind, the days are short, and trolls are in abundant supply