Andy Stanley Says the Church Must Be All Inclusive / Big Difference Between Biblical & Christlike


Andy Stanley recently preached another sermon attacking the Bible. He implies it's wrong to be Biblical, and that churches must be Christlike which according to Stanley means being all inclusive! We know what he means by that, Andy continues his crusade to normalize so called LGBTQ lifestyles within Evangelical Christianity pushing the idea that Jesus would embrace homosexuality and because many pastors are anti discernment, people like Andy are getting away with it.


Hello. In this video, we're going to be covering another Andy Stanley sermon where he's attacking the
Bible. And this time he tries to make it seem like being biblical is completely different from being
Christ -like. Matter of fact, that's exactly what he says. Watch. Drives me nuts.
This is why so many pastors talk way, way, way, way more about being biblical than Christ -like.
Big difference. All right. Now, that's totally not true.
To be Christ -like is to be biblical. Jesus obeyed the word of God.
Jesus tells us in Matthew 4, 4 that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
We are to live by the scriptures. Jesus did that so much so that Jesus is the word of God.
John 1, 1 through 3, Jesus is the word of God made flesh. So to be
Christ -like is to be biblical. But of course, Andy Stanley is on this crusade to normalize the so -called
LGBTQ lifestyle. He wants to normalize that within evangelical Christianity.
And here's the thing. Everybody knows what the Bible says about that lifestyle. So Andy Stanley has to attack the
Bible. And then once he convinces his audience that the Bible is, you know, not to be followed or not to be trusted or only part of it's true or whatever he's trying to do here, downplaying the
Bible, then he can convince them that, you know, his version of Jesus is fully inclusive and supports and affirms these lifestyles.
That's the play here. So let's listen to more of what he had to say. I think this is the most important and the most overlooked statement in the entire new
Testament, maybe in the whole Bible, but for sure, this is the most important and the most overlooked underplay doesn't get any airtime statement in the whole new
Testament. And what should get your attention is for those of you who raised in church, you don't know what the next statement is.
And I think it's the, it's preeminent. This is crazy talk unless it's true.
And if it's true, the church should organize around this statement. And if the church had organized around this statement, the church would look better, feel better, and be more forward thinking and more all inclusive than it currently is.
Okay. So forward thinking, that is a synonym for being what?
Progressive. So the church should be more progressive and all inclusive. Okay. The church needs to be more inclusive.
We know exactly what he means when he says that inclusive of what the Bible calls sin.
So that's why he has to attack the Bible. Let's listen to some more. Here's what he said.
All authority, little Greek word past. It's not like a fancy word. It just means every all, all authority in heaven and on earth, heaven and on earth.
That's pretty much everything, right? Heaven to earth. All authority in heaven and earth has been given by my father to me.
This statement has been reduced to simply another statement or another verse in the
Bible, equated with every other statement or verse in the Bible. And that is tragic because Jesus said this 300 plus years before the first Bible was ever assembled.
And when I say assembled, the Bible was assembled. They took the Hebrew text and a version of the Hebrew text.
They took the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, they took the letters of Paul and others, and they put them all together in one book. And somebody named it the
Bible. We don't know when, we don't know who did, who did it, which means the books is all it meant.
It's like, let's just call it the books. Not very creative, but it stuck the Bibliotheca, the Bible 300 and something years after Jesus made the statement when
Jesus made the statement and Matthew wrote it down, Matthew wasn't writing the Bible. He's documenting an event. Okay.
So that's just not true. Matthew was writing scripture and that's what the Bible is.
It is scripture. And it's very clear. Andy Stanley is attacking the
Bible. Why are these people sitting in a church where the pastor is clearly attacking the
Bible? Well, this happens all the time in liberal churches. So these churches where the pastor is a theological liberal, this literally happens all the time.
They attack the Bible, attack the Bible. And then they try to make Jesus out to be this like long haired hippie who is all about peace and love.
And he's cool with whatever you want to do. Let's listen to some more. And your savior, my savior for a
Christian claim to be the ultimate authority or to put it another way.
If you use this language, the Bible says that Jesus is our ultimate authority, not the
Bible. The Bible infers, if you just take the Bible as if the Bible had a voice, the Bible proclaims that Jesus, your savior and King is your ultimate authority.
More importantly, Jesus said that Jesus is our ultimate authority. And ignoring the implications of this statement is how church leaders have gotten by with so much harmful nonsense century after century after century, because somebody like me, because I'm so well acquainted and well versed in the verses of the
Old and New Testament, somebody like me can use and misuse, apply and misapply the
Bible in such a way that I can justify pretty much anything you want to do.
Just give me a minute. I'll find you a verse. I'll find you a story. I'll find you an implication.
I will find you a loophole. Now, it's funny that Andy Stanley is saying this because this is exactly what he does.
He finds a verse about the love of God or something that Jesus said, and he'll twist the meaning to support his own agenda, which again is, you know, gay affirming.
So let's listen to this last clip. This is why so many pastors and I can, you know, kind of pick on my industry and my people.
This is why so many pastors, and this drives me nuts. This is why so many pastors talk way, way, more about being biblical than Christ -like.
Big difference. In fact, if you have been hurt by the church, you were hurt by a church that was all about this.
They had whatever they said to you, whatever they told your mama, why the reason they told you you couldn't come, whatever it was, they teed off of this.
You didn't feel like they were being this. Okay. So I think you get the point.
Andy Stanley is attacking the word of God. He has this schizophrenic teaching now where being biblical is bad.
You don't want to be biblical, but you do want to be Christ -like. Well, how do you know what
Christ is like? How do you know what Christ has said? How do you know what Christ has taught?
How do you know what Christ did? The only way you know that is from the Bible. So this is twisted.
It makes no sense. But if people buy into what Andy Stanley, this narrative that he's trying to weave, then here's the play.
Once he convinces people of this and they hear it again and again and again, then at some point, it doesn't even matter what the
Bible says. People will just believe Andy Stanley's version of Jesus.
So where he's picking and choosing the parts that he likes, he'll twist verses out of context and then add his own opinion.
And there you go. You have this idol that you're worshiping named Jesus, but it's not the Jesus of the
Bible because remember, being biblical according to Andy Stanley is,
I guess, not a good thing. Okay. Well, in conclusion, if you still think
Andy Stanley is a true Christian, if you really think that this man is a pastor and he's really just trying to teach people the
Word of God, anyone who's following Andy Stanley at this point, they're deceived.
And we need to love people enough to tell them that. You are deceived, his followers are deceived, and they need to be rescued because they are on the road to destruction.
This is a false Jesus. This is a false church where the pastor just consistently attacks the
Word of God and he's going to answer for this on judgment day. And I don't want those people to follow him to perdition.
So we need to speak up and we need to rescue these people because they are in essentially a cult.
Okay. They're in a cult because this is not a New Testament church. A true pastor would preach
God's Word and uphold God's Word, not attack it. Thanks for listening. And until next time, may the