I'm Not A Marxist - I Just Speak Like One

AD Robles iconAD Robles


It's not just Keller that walks and talks like a Marxist.....its many in the soc jus movement.


So this is our dilemma, you know, I'm gonna I'm probably gonna black out the name here because or obscure the name here because it's not a blue checkmark and I sometimes
I put these people on blast that aren't blue checkmarks but sometimes I don't I don't know what
I'm gonna do we'll see eventually decided to leave the name visible because I as it turns out
I didn't know this about this guy but he is someone who writes on gospel coalition black Christian collective and Christianity today so exposing him to the light of public scrutiny
I will be okay because he exposes himself to the light of public scrutiny but this is our dilemma here because what we have here is a tweet thread that is just very very overtly
I don't know if it's self -conscious or not I don't know if this guy knows what he's tweeting but this is this is socialism this is
Marxist rhetoric that's what this is and so our dilemma is that when we say hey this is
Marxist rhetoric people go well I'm not a Marxist because I don't I don't even know about Marx or I don't
I'm not a Marxist because look I believe in God or some stupid thing like that and this is the reality this is what we're dealing with because I don't know if this person knows he's a
Marxist I don't you know and I'm not saying he's even only a
Marxist but he has Marxist beliefs let's look let's look at this this tweet thread and look at what it says about the poor it says when
Jesus said the poor will be with you always it seems not to be an indictment on the poor but an indictment on the religious for their neglect in the name of religiosity we must read ourselves correctly in the scriptures we're not always on the right side of the kingdom a couple things here so so first of all it's he says that when
Jesus says the poor will will always be with you it's not an indictment on the poor I don't know anybody that would say this is an indictment on the poor so this is kind of a worthless statement it's not an indictment on the poor who says it is an indictment on the poor nobody really says that then he says it's an indictment on the religious for the neglect in the name of religiosity actually that's not what it is this is this is a contextual he's reading into the text here actually what it is is an indictment on Judas for pretending to care about the poor but really not caring about them at all and actually
I would say that when when Jesus says the poor will be with you always that's actually an indictment on most liberal politics because liberal politics pretends to care about the poor very similar to Judas but they actually don't care about the poor the things that they advocate for don't help the poor the things that they advocate for actually hurt the poor they hurt minorities instead of actually caring about them and doing the right thing for them if the liberals wanted to actually do something for the poor they would actually apply the law of God that's how you do it if you care about the poor you would apply the law of God because the law of God is a perfect example of how to care for the poor you see what
I'm saying so so liberals don't care about God therefore they don't care about the poor it's just that simple if you reject
God then you are rejecting all of the things God cares about and so this first statement here is just complete nonsense he's made this up but that's fine that's fine but look at the quote he quotes here
I'm not even sure who he's quoting here to be honest he doesn't say um in the thread anyway here's what it says listen to this listen to how he talks about the poor here he says quote but the poor person does not exist as an inescapable fact of destiny his or her existence is not politically neutral and it is not ethically innocent the poor are a byproduct of the system in which we live and for which we are responsible they are marginalized by our social and cultural world they are the oppressed robbed listen to this robbed of the fruit of their labor and despoiled of their humanity hence the poverty of the poor is not a call to generous relief action but a demand that we go and build a different social order this is overt marxist rhetoric this guy might not know that he might not know the kind of nonsense he's spouting but that's what this is does the bible talk about the poor in this way does the bible talk about the poor in this way it says that they're poor therefore they're robbed of their fruit the fruit of their labor now the poor could be robbed of the fruit of their labor but just because of the fact that they're poor doesn't mean that they automatically are if the poor doesn't have as much as the rich does that mean that they've been robbed no not necessarily it could be but you have to demonstrate that right and listen to this he says the poverty of the poor is not a call to generous relief action it's not he's not it's not about um generosity it's not about almsgiving see the scripture says it's about look if you want to relief relieve the poor you have mercy on the poor and that's how it talks about it have mercy on the poor you give to the poor you see what i'm saying um but no no he says no we have to actually build another social social order see this is the social gospel stuff that we're talking about here you said the gospel is actually not really about mercy for the poor it's actually not about caring for the poor it's about building a different social order do you see what i'm saying and and so um this is this is our dilemma because if we say this is marxist we get we get we get uh we get all kinds of people uppity at oh we're not marxist how could you say that all right so anyway i retweeted this and one of my one of my uh twitter followers responded to this person and said there's a big over generalization here talking about the poor so she said you know this is an overgeneralization about the poor because she says many are poor because of bad choices that have caused lifelong addiction or other sin which led to a life of crime and perversion there is no labor fruit only fruit of sinful choices be careful about making angels out of the poor this is actually true though we can't we can't make angels out of the poor because there's righteous poor and there's unrighteous poor there's evil poor and there's good poor there's hard -working poor and then there's other kinds of poor but here's how the marxist responds and uh that's a joke i don't know if he's a marxist but this is how the this is how the marxist idea responds you see he says don't be like this person sadly many people hide in ambiguity and have such horrible views on the poor this tweeter is a real person with this real view that many people hold think about that and this is the reality this brother wants you to think about how could how could he view the poor this way how could you view the poor in this way that they're that they're addicted and things like that but here's the reality guys here's the reality the bible talks about the poor in this way the bible talks about certain poor that are righteous and certain poor that are unrighteous the bible talks about certain poor who are uh filled with the holy spirit and other poor that are filled with wine and lazy and gluttons and they don't they're poor because they don't work and they're addicted do you see what i'm saying the bible talks about poor like that paul talks about poor like this.
Look, if they don't work, they don't eat. You think he just said that just because it's for his health? No, it's because there's people that actually exist like that, that they, you know, they don't work and they expect you to pay for them, expect you to give them food.
And you know what Paul says, don't, don't. The law of God says, don't. The moral thing to do with someone who's too lazy to work is to let him starve.
Do you understand what I'm saying? Now, this is not saying that all poor people are lazy like this. It is saying that some are, and so we can't just make this overgeneralization.
Well, if they're poor, they're, they're obviously oppressed. No, it could be lazy. They could be lazy and that's why they're poor.
They could be not willing to work and that's why they're poor. You see, this is the whole thing about Marxism.
It automatically makes murders out of the poor or the minority or things like that.
And that's not how the Bible sees it. This guy who tweets this is, this guy's a smart guy. He reads a lot and he knows a lot, but he's got an agenda that overrides the scripture.
The scripture says there could be a evil poor. God's not on the side of evil poor people.
It's just that simple. A lot of people say God's on the side of the poor. Well, that's true. He's on the side of his poor, his people, not pagan people.
You see what I'm saying? God's not on the side of the lazy glutton drunk who sleeps in his mom's basement.
He's not on the side of that person. You understand that's an evil person that needs to be, that needs to be converted.
Essentially. That's what we're talking about here. Some of the poor need to be converted. Do you see what
I'm saying? The other thing is, um, Marcus Pittman made this comment, which is very true.
I don't think a lot of people realize this, but God makes people poor. Sometimes he makes people poor.
Sometimes he makes evil people poor on purpose so that they can't spread their evil far and wide.
That's what God does. God makes people poor. And so if you're going to say that it's actually, no, it's not the poorest fault.
It's actually the system's fault who we need to change the system. You need to take that up with God because God's system makes certain people poor.
You got that? Like, like Marx, Karl Marx can say that kind of stuff because Karl Marx doesn't care about God.
Karl Marx is okay with accusing God of evil. But the thing is, God makes some people poor.
Hate that system. Some people do hate that system. Some overt Marxists do hate that system.
Overt progressive leftists hate that system. Why do you sound like them? That's what, that's what I want to know. It's not that it's just the system makes people poor.
No, sometimes people are poor because they want to be poor. Sometimes people poor are poor because they deserve to be poor.
Not everyone, but sometimes. So let's like this, like this, this, this, uh, sister said, let's beware of making angels out of the poor.
Let's beware of, um, be, you know, doing this Marxist thing where the minority or the, the, the, the, the, the person who's, um, less well off, they're automatically in the right.
That's, that's what's going on in this culture right now. Everyone's doing this. Everyone's doing this. Even the progressive left
Christians are doing this kind of thing as well. This stuff is dangerous, man. This is poison. Um, the
Bible has nothing to do with any of this stuff. The Bible is very clear at making distinctions between the righteous and the unrighteous.
Um, when it talks about the poor or the minority or the sojourner or whatever, uh,
God's not just automatically on the side of the sojourner who sometimes he is. And sometimes he's not. The Bible tells us the difference and the
Bible tells us what to do in each circumstance. Anyway, I hope this was helpful. God bless.
Also, just before we finish this video, I wanted to just say that I would appreciate your prayers this week on Wednesday, I'm going to be meeting with, uh, an
X 29 church planter, local guy. Um, and he's friends with Eric Mason.
He's obviously very upset with my opinions on Eric Mason's words. Um, anyway,
I would just pray that the conversation would go well and that potentially I'd have the ear of someone who could potentially influence
Dr. Eric Mason to reconsider some of the things that he says. I'm not saying he needs to be unwoke.
I don't care about that. I don't have any illusions that that's going to happen. But, uh, some of them, especially the more racist stuff that he says,
I would just pray that I would be able to sort of convince this guy that it's actually works against his stated goals.
The way he talks. I don't know if it's going to happen that way. I don't know if it's going to be a good conversation. We'll, we will see, but I would just ask for prayers for that.