3 Unusual Hot takes - AD FLF Network Episode 36

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1. Matt Walsh's Chicken Nugget Rankings 2. Union Seminary's Hat Tip to Final Fantasy VII 3. Joe Biden and non-violent Criminals


4 Gospel-Centered Reasons Why You Shouldn't Wear a Mask

4 Gospel-Centered Reasons Why You Shouldn't Wear a Mask

Coffee in the morning, this is good stuff, good stuff. Hello there, this is
AD Robles and you're listening to AD on the Fight Laugh Feast Network. All right, all right, before we begin today,
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I got to get some of that merchandise. I think I got to I got to start repping Fight Laugh Feast Club. Yeah, I think
I might do that. Yeah, I might do that. Anyway, thank you so much for your support. Thank you for listening. Obviously, if you listen and share, that helps us out a great deal as well.
I appreciate it. Thank you again for listening to the A .D. show on the Fight Laugh Feast Club.
Hold on one of those nice fall days where a good warm cup of coffee is just exactly what you need.
You know, I drink coffee in the summer, too. It's just not quite as good as it is in the fall. Anyway, let's get started today.
I had a couple ideas of a little bit of things I could say before the main topic today.
And then as I wrote them out, I realized they're kind of all connected. Today, I have three hot takes that are going to surprise you.
Three hot takes that are going to surprise you a little bit. Two of them.
Well, yeah, I'd say two of them are real. One of them is fake. I'll let you decide which is which.
You'll probably easily be able to figure out which is which. But we're going to start today with something I saw a lot of people sharing recently.
It was a couple of tweets from from Matt Walsh, the Catholic social and political commentator.
Two tweets that this person was saying were contradictory. And I'm going to have I have a hot take on this as well.
Basically, what the tweet said was something about how McDonald's nuggets are sorry, chicken nuggets, you know, different places have chicken nuggets.
The best chicken nuggets were Chick -fil -A. The second best chicken nuggets were Wendy's. The third best chicken nuggets were
McDonald's. The fourth best were grocery store chicken nuggets. And then fifth best were like something else.
And then the last place chicken nuggets were Burger King. So that was his rankings. Now, you might think, oh, that's not controversial.
Look, everyone has their own opinion. But here's the controversial part. Someone saw that less than a year later, he tweeted that McDonald's chicken nuggets were better than Chick -fil -A.
That seems to be a contradiction. It kind of seems like he's making it up as he goes along. And someone was saying that this is an example of just someone just saying whatever comes to his mind doesn't have any principles, blah, blah, blah.
But I got to tell you right now, I completely approve of this tweet, because here's the thing, guys, that you got to understand.
Matt Walsh did nothing wrong. Matt Walsh did nothing wrong. If you asked me on one day what the best chicken nuggets are, my answer might be different on that day than any other day, because here's the reality.
You got to understand, especially when we're talking about fast food, guys, we're talking about different categories of food.
Look, Chick -fil -A chicken nuggets and McDonald's chicken nuggets, in my opinion, they're in different categories.
They're not even the same food, really. It's like someone saying, well, who has the best burger, McDonald's or Applebee's?
Like, those are two different categories. Nobody says, I really want a burger and they want to go to McDonald's. No, McDonald's, it's its own thing.
It's its own kind of thing. Yes, technically it's called a burger. But listen, you can't tell me that a
McDonald's burger is in the same category as like an Applebee's burger or a burger you make at home. They're completely different foods.
This is the reality. McDonald's is great in its own way. But when you really want a burger burger, you got to go to a place that actually makes a real burger.
McDonald's doesn't make like real burger burgers. I'm not dissing McDonald's. McDonald's is great, but it's not a burger.
Sometimes I think, is it a slider? Is a McDonald's burger a slider? I don't think it's even that. It's its own category.
And so Matt Walsh was tweeting on one day he really had a hankering for some real chicken.
And so clearly Chick -fil -A nuggets are the best in that category. But when it comes to pressed, preformed, you know, kind of fake chicken, it's great too.
Look, McDonald's nuggets are fantastic. I love McDonald's nuggets, but it's not real chicken.
Let's just be honest about that. So sometimes you feel like that. Sometimes you feel like some real chicken. I totally approve this tweet.
Matt Walsh did nothing wrong. Now, that's my first unusual hot take that you might not agree with.
Here's my second. I saw a lot of people bemoaning this, this, this, this tweet yesterday from Union Seminary.
Union Seminary. And here it is right here. And if you're watching me on video, you can see my screen here.
They had a chapel service and they have a bunch of a bunch of plants in the middle, some dirt.
And it says today in chapel, we confessed to plants today. Together, we held our grief, joy, regret, hope, guilt and sorrow and prayer, offering them to the beings who sustain us, but whose gift we often to fail to honor.
What do you confess to the plants in your life? And people were freaking out about this. And I think in some ways, rightfully so.
Let's just be honest, like this is kind of crazy, right? Confessing to plants.
What could you possibly confess to plants? But I think that there's a little 4D chess going on here.
And so I don't condemn this completely. In fact, there's in some ways I support it.
How's that for a hot take? I support it because you may not know this, but there is a video game.
There's a video game that had a very deep impact on my life when I was a kid.
It was called Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 7 by many is regarded as the best
RPG video game ever created. And it is epic. It's a huge story.
It is amazing. And there is a scene with one of the main characters in this movie, or I'm sorry, this video game, where there's a garden inside of a church.
Let me see if I can find the picture here. Oh, there's a lot of like kind of suspicious pictures here. Here it is right here.
Here it is. You fall down into this church. You can see there's a church and this is the character Aerith.
And she's growing a garden in the church. And it's not, I don't think she's praying to this. Maybe she is. I don't know.
I really don't know. But this video game is, is highly, highly regarded by people.
People love this video game and rightfully so. It's a great game. It's a great story. And actually this main character
Aerith dies in the first after the, at the end of the first act of this game.
And it is so emotional. I'm not going to lie. I was a teenager. I had emotions for this. I'd never experienced a story like that before.
Even Star Wars didn't affect me this way. But anyway, I think that Union, this game is getting remade.
They're remaking this game in today's technology. This you can see, this is a little bit old school graphics and stuff. And I think
Union Seminary was just given a hat tip to Final Fantasy VII the remake. And so yes, the confession to plants and that kind of thing, a little bit, a little bit wonky, but at the same time,
I support the hat tip to Final Fantasy VII because Final Fantasy VII is a fantastic game.
And you know, are you going to play the, the, the remake? I don't know if I'm going to play the remake. I think that some things don't need to be remade.
You know, Final Fantasy VII was a masterpiece. Why remake a masterpiece? Anyway, so that's my second hot take that you might not agree with.
Remember, I'm just giving up the game here, but remember two of these are real beliefs of mine. One of them is not, you decide which one is not.
Oh, here's the scene where Ares dies. This is so sad. It was so sad.
I couldn't, I couldn't believe it. Look, this is when he, oh man, Sephiroth, Sephiroth just, just sliced her.
That was awful. That was awful. All right, here's the third one. Here's the third one. So the
Democrats had a debate, I don't know, a week ago or something like that. The Democratic presidential candidates, and I did not watch it.
I don't have the time to watch stuff like this. I'll leave that to the cross -politic guys. They can spend their life watching these people talk about nonsense.
I don't have the time for, I haven't watched a presidential debate in a long, long time. Let's just say it that way.
And if you watch them, I don't care. It can be a source of comedy. No question about it. But anyway, I mean,
I'd rather just twiddle my thumbs, but whatever. And so I didn't see this happen, but I did see a lot of people tweet about it from Joe Biden.
And so here, let me just read this. This is from a Fox News channel. And it says, former vice president
Joe Biden drew instant ridicule for making a stunning argument during Thursday night's debate that non -violent criminals should not be jailed an assertion his campaign later had to walk back.
Biden claimed, here's what this says. It says, the apparent gaffe happened during a heated discussion about criminal justice reform.
Biden claimed that too many individuals are in prison and the system requires change. Then he made a bold proclamation, quote, nobody should be in jail for a non -violent crime,
Biden said. And people were, I saw, I was on Twitter, you know, right around the time this was said, everyone was talking about this.
What an idiot. How crazy could this guy be? Now, there is a little bit of conflation here because, you know, you may know this.
Some people don't know this. Jail and prison are different things. Prison is where you get sentenced to for longer term, you know, some more serious crimes.
Jail is a place where you're held before trial. You can be sentenced to jail too. But anyway, so jail and prison are different.
They're similar, of course, but it seems here like Biden's talking about both really.
So just any place where you get locked up is what it seems like. And people were freaking out.
Nobody should be in jail for a non -violent crime, Biden said. People were saying how stupid this is.
But let me just say this. I support it. I'm in agreement.
Joe Biden said nothing wrong. Now, later, Joe Biden's campaign walk this back.
They didn't actually mean this. This was just a misspeak, I guess. I don't know. I don't know how you could misspeak that, misspeak, misspoke.
I don't know how you could do that, but he's saying he did or whatever. But actually, I agree with him. I think that non -violent criminals shouldn't be in jail or prison or any of that stuff.
I actually agree with him. Because let's take a step back here, right?
How do we know what is the moral thing to do? How do we know what the right penalties for the right crimes are?
How do we know this? Because different people have different conceptions of that. You know what I mean? You have to look no further into the people that complain about the penalties for rape in this country.
People will often say, well, rapists just get a slap on the hand. And so that's, OK, that's a nice opinion.
If you think rapists just get a slap on the hand and they don't have enough of a penalty, that's a nice opinion. But where do you ground it?
I happen to agree with that opinion. But where do you ground it? Is it just because your feminism professor told you so?
If that's all you've got, then you can't blame people for not believing you or agreeing with you because feminism professors are a little bit crazy.
People in some Arab countries think that if you steal, the correct penalty is that you get maimed, right?
You get your hand chopped off. You might think that's too extreme. Well, is it just your opinion or because you can't blame those people in Saudi Arabia or whatever?
I'm not saying they do this in Saudi Arabia. Maybe they do. Maybe they don't. But you can't blame those people for doing that because, you know, it's just your opinion.
They disagree with you. They think stealing is a more serious crime. What's your standard, right? How do you know whether nonviolent criminals should be sentenced to jail or not?
Because, again, I'm telling you, I agree with Joe Biden. Joe Biden said nothing wrong. Joe Biden said nothing wrong.
Listen, you may never hear me say this again, so let me say it a third time. Joe Biden did nothing wrong.
So here's the thing, guys. Look at the Bible and look at the penalties of different crimes.
The Bible talks about the death penalty for murderers. And so clearly, I think that a murderer, when convicted on the evidence of two or more witnesses, should be executed.
The Bible talks about the penalties that exist for other crimes, you know, like stealing, like things like that.
You know, abortion is murder. So it talks about the penalties for that. Rape, you know, what's the penalty for rape?
Well, your feminism professor might think it needs to be more than it is. But what should it be? What is the correct moral thing to do when somebody is convicted of rape?
And see, the Bible talks about this. This is not something the Bible is silent about. The Bible says that the correct penalty is execution.
Yes, rapists should be executed for their crime when they are convicted. That is the correct penalty.
Kidnapping. What should be the penalty for kidnapping, right? Should they get a 20 -year jail sentence or a 30 -year jail sentence?
Should they get a 10 -year jail sentence or should they get a $10 fine? How do you know? See, you might think, oh, that's ridiculous,
Adam. That's ridiculous. $10 fine? Well, I mean, who's to say? Is it just your opinion? Well, I don't go with just my opinion.
I go with what God says, right? And a kidnapper should be executed if they are caught.
You see what I'm saying? So the Bible needs to be our standard for this kind of thing. And often, it's not going to be a one -to -one, you know, kind of transition.
You'll have to interpret it and apply it. But the Bible, God sets what justice is and what it isn't.
And the reality is that there are a lot of people sitting in jail and prison right now for nonviolent crimes that, you know, shouldn't be.
And let's just be honest. Let me say something very clear. If you look at the Bible and the penalties that are given for different crimes, there is no prison sentence in the
Bible. Jail is a different thing. Like, if you're being held for your trial, like, that makes sense.
That's almost kind of a necessity. You know, you get a violent criminal. You get someone that might run and stuff like that. Jail might make sense in certain situations.
But prison sentences, there are no prison sentences in God's law.
Do you know where there are prisons in the Bible? Do you know where there are prisons in the Bible? There are prisons in the
Bible. It's with pagan nations. And it's presented in the
Bible as oftentimes a very unjust kind of a situation. You're thrown in prison because the king just throws you there.
And you're just rotting away in there. Like, the Romans had prisons and stuff like that. That's not from God's law.
That's from other laws. Other laws. Like, I know this is a shock to the system for most of you, but there are no prison sentences in God's law.
What is there instead? What is there instead? Because what do we do with someone who steals,
I don't know, $100 ,000 from their employer? What do we do with someone who steals your car?
Or what do we do with someone who steals your television set? What do we do? Well, the
Bible says that they gotta pay it back and then some. And then, you know, so if they have the money, they give it back.
And they give back more than what they took. And the idea is to de -incentivize stealing.
Because if you get caught, it won't pay. It won't pay. Now, what if they don't have the money, right? Well, guys, this is the thing.
You're gonna have to come to terms with this. Prison sentences are not found in the Bible. But if you cannot pay for what you owe, you know, you stole from someone, you can't pay, you have to work for them.
You're forced to work for them. You become a servant. You become a slave for that person.
You see, we think that slavery is like the ultimate barbarism, but it is not the ultimate barbarism.
That is our own idea. We didn't get that from the Bible. You cannot read the Bible and come away with the idea that God says, you shall not enslave.
That's something that Russell Moore said once. The Bible teaches you shall not enslave. No, it doesn't. No, it doesn't.
It absolutely does not. In fact, it commands slavery in certain circumstances. For example, if you steal and you cannot pay back, you must work that debt off.
You must work that debt off until you pay it back. You see, we think, oh, that sounds barbaric.
That sounds barbaric. You don't know what barbarism sounds like. Let me give a shout out here for a second.
Let me give a shout out here. One of the things that I do, one of the things that I like to watch on YouTube is there's a few different channels that are people that used to be in prison and now they have a channel talking about their experiences in prison.
And some of them are funny. Some of them are just totally serious. Some of them are a combination. But there's one guy that I really, really like and he's a professing
Christian. His content is, look, it's not clean. And because prison's not clean, you know what
I mean? Like his content, he tries to be as real as possible. And you know, listen, if you want to subscribe to him, he's got some pretty good content here.
I wouldn't watch it around kids. But anyway, it's a YouTube channel called Lockdown 23 in 1.
It's a guy named Josh who was in prison for eight years and he talks about prison. And look, all the channels that you go to that talk about prison, they will always tell you, prison is hell on earth.
Prison is hell on earth. God does not condone prison sentences because men should not be locked up like beasts and forced to be idle and forced to do nothing except to twiddle their thumbs and mess around with each other.
And you can take that, you know, in more than one way. And all this stuff, it's just, you just listen to a few of these stories and this is no place for a person.
And so if you're a violent criminal, you know, you're accused of murder, rape, whatever it is, God's penalty for you is execution.
You forfeit your life for that kind of stuff. If you're a thief or something like that, pay it back because see, that makes more sense, right?
Like if you steal from someone, pay it back. And if you can't pay it back, work for them. And you see, while you're working, you start to realize, man, why don't
I just work for my money instead of stealing it and work for myself, build my own wealth instead of building somebody else's wealth.
Why don't I just do that? I'm already working, why not just do it for myself? And not only that, but you get to know the person you stole from, man, and you get to respect each other a little bit.
It might not always happen, but at least there's a relationship there, right? There's a relationship there and it restores you.
What does a prison sentence do? Doesn't do anything. People say they paid my debt to society. How? By sitting in a cell?
By sitting in a cell and trying to figure out how to get contraband in and how to get your pleasures and your jollies while you're just sitting there for years?
How does that pay your debt to society? It doesn't, it doesn't. That's why God doesn't command that kind of stuff.
God doesn't command things that don't make sense. God is smart, God is smart. And so, listen, watch some of these prison shows.
Lockdown 2301, this guy's funny. He's a funny dude. He's a funny dude. He strikes me as a newish
Christian. So he's not gonna be, you know, theologically like, you know, he doesn't give you theology. This is about prison.
It's about prison, but you wanna know what prison's like and why it's way more barbaric than indentured servanthood would be, way more.
Check it out. I recommend it. I recommend it. You know, this is the thing, guys.
We need to be committed, 100 % sold out to saying,
God's way is better than my way. God's ideas are better than my ideas.
Prison is man's idea. Prison is man's idea. Oh, I got a good idea. This is how we'll get people to stop doing crimes.
We'll put them in a cell all together, make them shower together, tell them that their favorite drugs are banned.
They can't do anything. They just sit there, play cards and all that. That's a good idea. That'll pay their debt to society.
See, that's a stupid idea. That's a stupid idea. And just talk to the people that have done that and ask them about it.
Ask them if that's a good idea. They'll tell you. They'll tell you. God's idea is better.
You see, we think that God's ideas are barbaric because we're sinners. Because we rebel against God. So when
God says that slavery is not the ultimate sin, like having a slave is not the ultimate sin that prevents you from going to heaven.
See, we think we're better than God. And so we question the salvation of George Whitefield.
Are you serious? How dare you? Because you're putting yourself over God.
See, God didn't ban certain things that you want to ban. That's pharisaical and that's evil.
Repent. See, we need to be committed to thinking God's ways are better than my way.
So whatever my stupid brain cooks up and makes it seem like, oh, this is more humane than what God says.
Prisons are more humane than indentured servanthood. That's not a conversation
I'd like to have with God. I'll tell you that right now. See, the Bible, we need to believe the Bible in every area, guys.
Even the areas where it makes us feel icky. Because chances are, if we're feeling icky about what
God commands, the problem is with us and not Him. Anyway, those are my three hot takes that you might not have expected from me.
Remember, two of them are real and one of them is not. This is probably a very easy game to play. But go ahead and guess which one is the one that is not.
I hope that you found this helpful. God bless. Don't forget to tune in next week on Thursday for AD on the