ADE, More Litton, More Hanegraaff


Third show of the week as we are preparing for the start of Road Trip #2 next week. Started off with some complicated stuff about ADE and mRNA vaccines and the dangerous rise in cases and infections amongst the vaccinated and why this is taking place. Then we, reluctantly, dealt with the Litton affair again, pointing out the utter absurdity of the defenses and excuses that are being offered by an entire cadre of paid apologists—paid for with the funds given by churches ostensibly to promote the gospel and the kingdom. The SBC deep state is alive and well and not really hiding much either. Then we went back to Hank Hanegraaff on the topic of the eucharist in the early church to finish off the program. Of course, we will be doing our level best to do as many programs as I can possibly fit into my travel schedule beginning next week! I truly enjoyed doing programs from our mobile command center in various locations a few weeks ago, and now as I head for Conway, Atlanta, Niceville, Lindale and other places, I am looking forward to it again! Prayers for safe travel much appreciated! This trip logs in at 4,100 miles. When you contribute to the Travel Fund you are helping make it all happen! Thank you! Visit the store at

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Greetings, welcome to The Dividing Line. Here we are on a Thursday, third program of the week, sort of getting a little bit of a head start.
Road trip number two begins next week, and in fact I have a,
I have a program to do in South Africa while, right at the beginning of the road trip, at midnight my time.
So that'll be, that'll be a first. Should be fairly quiet in the
RV park at midnight. Won't be able to see anything outside the doors, but windows, or anything like that, but it'll be interesting.
So, so what that means of course is once the road trip starts, lots of variability as in time during the day.
Maybe on a, I might bug Rich into doing a Saturday program, if that's what the travel makes easiest to do, and of course
Rich has got to get ready to get out to G3. He's, he's gonna be out there too. He's going to be trying to endure the masked
Nazis on the American Airlines flights. If you're flying American, I don't know. It just seems to me that most of the masked
Nazis are un -American, and I, that's what I'm hearing anyways, and I'm like, oh yeah, the two -year -old with asthma.
Oh wow, did you see that video? That is just simply disgusting. Disgusting.
I mean, there was a day when everybody involved with that would have been fired, but not anymore.
You know, now it's just, hey, you got a two -year -old with asthma, you don't get to fly.
That's all there is to it. Don't even bother trying. We don't want you. Get out of here. That's how things are going, but anyways, so you're not a two -year -old with asthma, so we'll, we'll see, but I, I ain't doing that anymore, even though I am still technically executive platinum on American Airlines.
I am. Through, through February, sometime in February, yep, because they extended it a year because of COVID, so technically, not that it matters, but we are, my wife has reminded me that we need to definitely do something all those miles to make sure that she gets them in some way, shape, or form, but yes, and, and I, I normally would not be a person picking on American because my wife worked for American.
Started with American, America West is what it was called back then. That was a friendly airline, if you remember those days, and then they merged, and all the merging took place, and the
Borg took over the airline industry, but wow, hearing all sorts of nastiness going on out there, and why?
Well, because of COVID, and I promised on the last program that there was an article. I had a number of people writing me, what, what is that article, and stuff like that.
I linked it, and I will try to link it again, that I read, that was one of the most sober, clearly written pieces that I've, that I've read, and some people say, well, why have you gotten so much into this?
Well, aside from, you know, like the lives of my grandchildren, someone on, on Facebook posted a,
I think it was a television news, news story, did, a news station did a story about someone in, who got
COVID, and was in ICU, and somebody along the way, started posting their stories about their vaccinated relative, relatives, who ended up in ICU, or died, or whatever else, and it just exploded.
Thousands of people flocking there, to post their stories about what has happened, because no one will talk about it.
The, it's, it violates the narrative, you're not supposed to talk about these things. Everyone's supposed to believe, that everyone who's sick, and everyone who's in the
ICU, is the unvaccinated. It's the plague of the unvaccinated, the epidemic of the unvaccinated, it just isn't true.
Some other countries are admitting it, and trying to do something about it, not there's much they can do about it, but anyway, this article, was one of the best that I've read, on this particular subject.
Any article, that is going to attempt, to discuss mRNA vaccines, or DNA vaccines, like the
J &J, which are primarily the vaccines being used in the
West, it's interesting, the Chinese aren't using them, hmm, so strange. Why did we?
Well, I have a feeling we're gonna find out for a long, but any article you're going to read, that is going to be worth anything, is gonna have a certain level of complexity to it.
There are certain terms, and just as in theology, the same is true in biology, most of the time, something is difficult to understand, simply because you don't have the vocabulary, and people sound super smart when they're saying things, because they have the vocabulary, and they can use the vocabulary with ease.
Once you learn the definitions of terms, you can demythologize a lot of scholarship, and so,
I've been a little disappointed with how many people have said, well, you know, that's just, I can't understand that kind of stuff, look, this is what we're dealing with, and so, you know, turn the
TV off, go to dictionary .com, and do some work, do a little homework, serious homework, self -education, if that's what it needs to be, but we're facing extremely important decisions, and we need to know what in the world is going on, and so, anyway,
I will link to the article again when I post this program, so that you can just click on it, it's already on Twitter, and Facebook, and other places where I've linked to these things, but I said that I would read a couple of paragraphs of this particular paper, because I think it's that important, and so I shall, so I'm picking up a few paragraphs in this particular paper, this is why experts currently look at the impact of mass vaccination campaigns, either as at a glass that is half full, the vaccines work, or one that is half empty, the vaccines don't work well enough, that is precisely the issue, a vaccine that only prevents hospitalizations and severe
COVID -19 disease is not good enough to be used to combat a pandemic, from a global, or even public health perspective, these are therefore not the right criteria to evaluate the success of max vaccination campaigns deployed during a pandemic, using these criteria as an indicator of the level of control over the pandemic will inevitably lead to a further escalation of this morbidity and mortality rates, there should be no doubt that non -transmission blocking vaccines, that is the so -called leaky or imperfect vaccines, which is what we have right now, can never ever control a pandemic, even though they may temporarily protect against disease, only temporarily, yes indeed, given the globally increasing immune pressure and concomitant infectious viral pressure,
I'm sorry it just jumped on me here, there it is, genomic epidemiologists have no doubt that this pandemic roller coaster will not stop before it takes us over the cliff into the abyss of complete viral resistance to anti -spike
S antibodies, that is where all runaway trains of the different ongoing pandemics of highly infectious variants will be coming together and converge into a big swirl where they can no longer be distinguished from one another, the first stages of this evolution is what we now begin to see in countries that have already massively vaccinated their population, for example
Israel, there is no doubt that other countries like the United Kingdom and United States will soon go down the same path, due to increasing resistance to neutralizing anti -S antibodies, that's
ABS, these countries are now even beginning to shift from a primarily beneficial, that is less susceptible to severe disease, to a primarily detrimental effect, more susceptible to severe disease, in the vaccinated as compared to the unvaccinated, and then a paper from the
UK government is linked at that particular point, if you want to take a look at it, but hear what he's saying, these countries are now even beginning to shift from a primarily beneficial, less susceptible to severe disease, that's been the thing now, because remember when the vaccines first came out, it was,
I remember reporters asking the big names, so once I get the vaccine that I can't pass this on to my loved ones, right, well you know we're not sure, but you know that's probably what's going to happen, and now as the goalpost once again runs into another stadium, what's the narrative now?
The narrative now is if you've been vaccinated, you might still get COVID, but you're not going to get really sick, that was the new one, when they came out was that what we were told?
No, no, evidently the world population has a memory that is significantly shorter than that of an elephant, that's for sure, and so they just keep changing stuff as it goes along, so now, right now we're being told is get vaccinated and you won't get as sick, this is saying these countries are now even beginning to shift from a primarily beneficial to a primarily detrimental effect, whereas what saying is the vaccines make you more susceptible to severe disease, in the vaccinated as compared to the unvaccinated,
I want to be in the better group, okay, you want to be in the better group, you want your grandchildren and your children to be in the better group too.
The current situation is highly problematic, as all segments of the population will dramatically suffer from a situation where anti -SABS still binds strongly enough to suppress the vaccines innate immune response against non -mutable highly conserved coronavirus,
COV, motifs while no longer being able to sufficiently neutralize highly infectious variants, that's where it gets complicated, we're talking about binding sites, we're talking about one of the problems here is that these vaccines that we've developed, which are experimental and new, are extremely targeted, they focus on one tiny protein substructure in the spike protein, which can be easily changed through natural selection, the problem is since that then creates antibodies without T cells, this leads to what this is going to mention and I'll continue on, instead poor binding affinity of anti -RBD,
RBD is receptor binding domain, ABS to SARS -CoV -2, S protein, as a result of mutations in the
N -terminal domain, NTD, that's where it gets confusing, could tip, could, doesn't say will, but could tip the scale in favor of infection enhancing
ABS and thereby make vaccines prone to suffering AB dependent enhancement, that what is that?
ADE of COVID -19 disease, two papers cited after that, this is what we mentioned,
I don't, I haven't gone back to find out when I first mentioned it, I think it was in December of last year when
I first read about the concerns and this was, these are from papers from like 2014, 2016, this is before coronavirus, where mRNA vaccines had been used in other contexts and had produced what's called
ADE, antibody dependent enhancement, that because they're narrow targeting and the fact that they produce an immune response that is not natural, they can literally make you indefensible against the next variant of the virus, because your body thinks you're ready to go, your body said we've got the antibodies, we're good, no problem, and so your immune system doesn't respond, but because of the narrowness of the immunization, it misses this next virus that comes along, which is slightly different and then there's no immune response and you croak and you croak fast, you get sick fast and there's nothing your body can do about it, that's not good and that's why, for example, ivermectin has a much wider, a lot of people theorize that it actually binds at some of these sites in a much wider way, so it can deal with all sorts of different variants, because it's not narrowly focused like that, so here is people talking about ADE, viral resistance these
S -specific ABS is a terrifying thought, as spike protein is not only required but sufficient for enabling
COV, coronavirus infectiousness and pathogenicity, a couple more papers, this underscores the importance for each and every public health authority to look beyond the end of their nose, to understand where this train is heading, instead of focusing on intermediate stations, snapshots, that in contrast to the end station, look extremely different depending on a number of population -specific environmental and human influences, so what he's saying is people aren't looking at the big picture, they don't want to look at the big picture, seems like they're being very much encouraged not to look at the big picture by certain people who are becoming outrageously wealthy through this entire situation and getting an outrageous amount of power and authority, so like I said,
I will link to this, it's called The Last Post, Geert Vanden Bosch is the author and again, if all you see is someone attacking the author rather than dealing with the arguments, then you know that you're dealing with someone, probably a bot to be honest,
I think in social media, I think half the people that I've tried to engage on this subject ended up being bots because they disappeared after a while, they may have responded once, very frequently didn't respond at all and we've all seen the pictures and again, these pictures could be faked but it makes sense again, looking at where the money's going, these pictures of all these posts in social media saying the same thing from different sources, different accounts making the same personal claims and so I just wonder just how many of these are bots but I will link to this so you can read the whole thing and give due consideration but it does seem that right now, we're facing a situation where we're being told by people who've changed their stories every two weeks for who knows how long, who are supposed to be experts in all this stuff that now, what we need to do is we need to start doing booster shots and I know people who've already gotten booster shots, you know
Rich, you can go ahead and cough and not worry about the entire program ending, we have a single person audience and you know, he's getting older and you know how when you get older, stuff doesn't work right anymore and so he was just breathing normally and then stopped breathing normally so it's just, he already had it, he has the good kind of immunity so don't worry about it but I see him back there trying to keep the cough from happening and he's turning red and purple and his face is exploding and I'm afraid he's gonna destroy his eardrums and stuff like, go ahead and cough, the world's not gonna end, you don't have a microphone right in front of your face, it's okay, the world, it's alright, it's okay.
So now you know exactly what's going on elsewhere in the studio. The King James only guys, yes,
Gail Ripplinger, struck you dumb, that allowed me to take a drink of water.
Alright, real quickly, now
I don't get who's in charge of CDC, sometimes this chick is, sometimes the other chick is,
I don't know, they're both in the CDC. Leanna Nguyen, she used to be the head of Planned Parenthood so that gives you an idea of the cultural perspective here, we are dealing with the culture of death and anybody,
I'm sorry, anybody and this is, this is one of the problems because I was raised to respect the medical community and the
Hippocratic Oath and all the rest of that stuff, folks that was all based upon a worldview these people could not even begin to conceive of.
An oath? Fizzing chemicals taking an oath? Who cares about oaths any longer?
That's back from honor stuff, that's back when you thought that you were made in the image of God and who worries about stuff like that anymore, right?
So you've got the former head of Planned Parenthood involved in all this but we saw this brilliant, brilliant statement, remaining unvaccinated and going out in public is equivalent to driving under the influence, you want to be intoxicated that's your choice but if you want to drive a car that endangers others, no one should have the choice to infect others with a potentially deadly disease.
Now those of us who can still think logically and rationally recognize that Dr.
Nguyen cannot and that should frighten us that someone who has been given such authority an unelected official could present such a horrifically bad argument because this is why these folks will never do debates because in a debate you're supposed to be able to ask those wonderful things called cross -examination questions where the person has to answer consistently and if they don't answer consistently you can point that out for everybody to see.
The assertion that your refusal to inject an experimental genetic therapy into your body which as we just noted and as we are noted more and more papers are coming out all the time now telling us that in the
UK right now majority of those the majority of deaths in UK are amongst the vaccinated that that is not a question now they were saying they got away with it for a few weeks they were saying a few weeks ago oh it's just all that no it's just not true and papers are out documenting that vaccinated people carry 250 to 300 times the amount of virus and they know this you know how
I know they know this this is why they went back to masking. Now masking doesn't do anything about this but they know that the vaccinated are super spreaders and so the only thing you can do about it is mask them up again not that it's going to change anything but it looks like you're doing something it's that it's that thing today where do something whether it makes it worse or not that's how our government works today in the west the whole thing is did you try to do something rather than did you actually succeed that's that's the problem that we have today but so so the vaccines are failing and they are making people super spreaders and so why should
I again still don't have long -term safety data we already have more than sufficient short -term information about the dangers of myocarditis oh and I I should have brought this up isn't it fascinating the stories that don't get told today
Eric Clapton did you see this right Eric Clapton one of the world's most famous guitarists has put a video out where he says well
I got vaxxed and within a short period of time after the second vaccine we're talking hours or days um
I I just crashed he lost the use of his arms for three weeks
Eric Clapton as he recovered well as he put it his immune system has turned upside down his health has been radically affected in a negative way but he can use his arms again after three weeks can you imagine before 2020 any kind of a context where that would have not been front page news where everybody would have been
Eric Clapton experimental vaccine causes Eric Clapton to not be able to use his hands for three weeks and what
Eric is saying is hey no one told me this was a possibility all I heard was how great and safe and everything else this stuff is and the point is you probably didn't hear about that did you because of the control the narrative that's that's it tells you everything you need if you're telling the truth you don't have to censor the other side you can simply refute the other side if you're not telling the truth you censor them you just get rid of them and that's what will eventually happen to all of us so anyway uh here's going back to the the tweet here so the false narrative here is that intoxication which fundamentally impairs your ability to do what you have been what you're supposed to be doing drive a vehicle is being compared with remaining natural and not exposing yourself to all sorts of unknown dangers long -term effects and now making it so you can become a super spreader it doesn't stop you from getting it it doesn't stop you from hospitalization and it won't keep you alive so this is totalitarianism this this is preying on the weak -minded to give them even further reasons
I mean you are literally trying to get people to hate each other and to be violent toward each other that's what you're trying to do that's what these people are up to and since they are wholeheartedly committed to the culture of death they don't care if that results in death they don't mind that's that's that's okay for them uh that's what we're up against I saw the um some of you may have seen video this morning of this poor woman in target and this mealy -mouthed feminized little wimpy man is following her around telling her about how what a bad and of course he's all masked up and he's actually wearing a sticker that says he's vaccinated uh but he's literally following her around telling her about how terrible she is finally other women
I don't know where the men were uh other women start getting between her and the guy say hey hey it's her choice get out of here back off some of them were wearing masks and eventually a security guard walks up and is sort of keeping him from you know at least some distance uh but it is
I'm just glad I wasn't in that target because I I'm not sure
I'd be a free man um right now um that kind of behavior is just oh those kind of people all right before we get back to Hank and uh
Eucharist and important stuff like that Chris Bolt went for it this morning um
Chris Bolt said what needed to be said he said can you imagine well he said what
I said can you imagine being a student at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and sitting there listening to the leaders of your denomination um redefining plagiarism and and calling it repentance um and of course he's exactly right
I had a encounter after the last program with a fellow who used to work at the
ERLC and somehow but there is no Southern Baptist Deep State only last month went from working at the
ERLC to being on staff with Ed Litton uh an ethicist and uh
I haven't seen any response from him to what I said interestingly enough but the point the point is you interesting how the
ERLC is directly related to Ed Litton and to trying to defend Ed Litton and clearly the
Southwestern appearance was an attempt to get this behind them and move forward with the further redefinition of the purpose and intention of the
Southern Baptist Convention the fact that even
Southwestern itself is promoting this conversation is truly troubling it's truly troubling a lot of folks had hoped that Greenway would be a somewhat of a positive influence there but obviously he's just part of the
Deep State all the Southern Baptist seminary presidents right now the lights on them if they don't come out and just name names and take a stand then they're all in it together all of them yeah all of them even those that you may listen to on a daily basis um there isn't any question here here's my challenge to any professor at a
Southern Baptist college or seminary define for your students what plagiarism is in fact all of you who teach the preaching classes
I want you to explain to your students how you will detect if they are plagiarizing someone else's work in the presentation of their sermons and any definition you give any definition you give will describe exactly what
Ed Litton did not once not twice but for years on end so tell me how the president of Southwestern can sit there while Ed Litton says
I don't think that was plagiarism while every single professor that works for him has to live with a different definition in the classroom you want to tell me how that works isn't it obvious that you are saying to your students rules for thee but not for me sound familiar we're we're we are so accustomed to the leftists in our government that when we see video after video after video of them piling around no masks no social distancing and then the tv cameras turn on or at least they think they're just now turning on I can't believe people are so stupid that they don't realize tv cameras are there but they're piling around well again remember the
Dalrymple quote they do know this is purposeful it is meant to break you down it's hypocrisy it's purposeful hypocrisy but as soon as as soon as the cameras turn on everybody throws their mask on okay it's hypocrisy how is this not hypocrisy on the part of the southern baptist the documentation is available to all there is no excuse for anybody whatsoever on this issue none no excuses at all it's there it's clear but I suppose we will have to illustrate one more time and I'm not gonna play the whole thing but here let's just play just a couple minutes okay you are exactly like them
I compared it to if the earth were to say to the sun I am sick and tired of you being in the middle of the solar system if the earth were to ask the sun in our solar system
I'm sick and tired of floating out here in nothingness surrounding you constantly I want to be the center of this solar system the sun might just say to the earth all right have it your way the earth is 30 000 times smaller than the sun and would not have the ability to keep all the planets in orbit and so the solar system would begin to unravel simply because the sun gave to the earth what it asked for folks our entire solar system would fall apart why because the earth doesn't have the power of light and it doesn't have the power of gravitational force to hold this solar system in existence oh sexual disorder that was the first thing verses 26 and 27 now we've got economic disorder there's economic disorder look at verse 29 social disorder he says there's social disorder social disorder just think facebook that's just on facebook then you got spiritual disorder there's spiritual disorder there you could think of that as family disorder and there's family disorder they disobey their parents you see there are three ways
I see us really going wrong with this in the church at large three I'll tell you three ways I think we've gone wrong number one one we believe that God doesn't really care about this first one is that we don't think
God cares about this issue we make okay is that enough I mean I mean there's so much more there's tons more but it's the same outline it's the same material it's the same sermon and we could have gone through the illustrations there was an illustration before for this about the guy going to the temple and all the rest of that kind of stuff but we could go to the one where he talks about the driver's ed teacher and he makes it his driver's ed teacher is the other guy's driver's ed teacher and we could go through all this borrowing the same illustrations using the same language same outline sometimes word for word all the way through this is called plagiarism it's not well you know some people have put some of my statements we're talking about the same text together with what
JD said but I don't think that's plagiarism okay so here's my challenge to all of you defenders who are being paid to defend plagiarism on the part of Ed Litton define plagiarism without identifying what
Ed Litton did as plagiarism that's what you need to do you can't but that's what you need to do and the fact that you can't do so means that you should simply step back and say yep it was plagiarism and if what you're saying is and that's perfectly fine then just straight up say it would you please but to see entire entities entity heads and graduates of these institutions running out into social media saying that if you talk about this you're hateful
I had some guy everything James White says is hateful and blah blah blah blah blah and you know as soon as you pop up they don't expect you to see it as soon as you pop up and challenge them they run for the hills they can't they're not going to go toe -to -toe with you they know they can't you've got the data you've got the arguments they're they're not going to get anywhere they know that but here's the situation you face and given what happened from the podium at the summer meetings where people weren't allowed to do things and and there was shenanigans with the with the motions and and all that kind of stuff um do you think this is ever gonna like just get better don't you don't you recognize that these people in the
U .S. government have power and they're gonna do everything they can to keep it including corrupting the system same thing here uh may
I remind you that Russell Moore was a democratic operative if you see the parallels as to how they're operating you might go huh huh interesting but you have more freedom as a congregation of believers than we have as individuals in the society any longer um because the convention can't come after you and throw you in the gulag so the real question is going to become how long do you put up with this how long do you do you allow the
ERLC to function off the monies that your people give supposedly to protect christians um ethical and religious liberties and yet this is what the the funds are being used for how long does that go on that's a question that a lot of congregations are asking and this is just illustrative of it this is just illustrative of it um like I said so much more we could just let it go on I mean that was only this was uh you know what was that two minutes maybe and there's so much more
I could have done with just that single clip uh so there you go all right well back here we go we've still got well we've got about the same amount well a little bit more time than we had um on the last program so once again talk about a wide variety of topics so we've gone from talking about spike proteins and narrow focus immunization and ADE to Ed Litton's plagiarization of sermons for years on end and his unwillingness to admit that and and by the way look when when you send people out from southwestern to say this was a wonderful example of repentance man that's frightening because he said it wasn't plagiarism what is he repenting of not giving credit not giving credit no he plagiarized he presented as his own that's a fact and if you don't accept that fact you're living in a fantasy world and probably shouldn't be trusted to be leading a church so anyway um amazing stuff on the screen we have