Collision w/ Jeff Durbin: Demi Lovato's "Swine"
This is a portion of our show Collision. Jeff responds to Demi Lovato's new song "Swine". Collision is exclusively available on All-Access at To watch the full 30 minute response follow the link and check it out. We release a new episode every week.
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- 00:00
- What's up, everybody? I'm Pastor Jeff Durbin. This is another Collision. Today, we're colliding with Demi Lovato and her new song,
- 00:06
- Swine. Demi Lovato, you might remember as the person that went from she -her to they -them to now just harlot.
- 00:15
- Here we go. All right, so we are talking about Demi Lovato's new song,
- 00:33
- Swine. I do not recommend it. And I want to let you know that if you have little ears around, little children around, this might be one you want to watch when you put them down for bed or at least turn the volume down so no one else can hear.
- 00:47
- I'm going to just say entering into this, it is a troubled world we're living in where you actually have to engage with stuff just like this.
- 00:55
- The lyrics are awful and it's something we have to engage with though. And so let's get right to it.
- 01:12
- All right, that's good. So that's about all we're going to give you of that. I'll just read the rest of the lyrics out.
- 01:17
- And so it's interesting because Demi Lovato, if you know anything about her, and you may not,
- 01:22
- Demi Lovato is an artist, a singer, and she is popular. I think most popular for what has happened in recent years with her going from identifying as a female and she -her to changing her pronouns to they -them.
- 01:37
- Actually, really, I mean, just to be really honest, it was sad seeing that transition to go to someone who was actually a beautiful woman to something completely different.
- 01:49
- And I mean, if anything good's come out of this is she's sort of back to looking more like a woman again, which is nice, but now she's back.
- 01:58
- And apparently she hasn't, in her own mind, offered enough sacrifices to the god of the modern culture.
- 02:06
- And so she seemed to try to make a sacrifice before playing into the culture and sacrificing her body and her identity, going from she -her, a female, to they -them, to this ambiguous situation.
- 02:18
- And now she's back to looking like a female again, but she's also now offering new sacrifices to the god of the culture.
- 02:24
- And that, of course, is being by way of a song, an anthem about murdering children in the womb.
- 02:32
- And so that's what we're dealing with. So again, this is a tough video to do, but I want to deal with the lyrics because this is what we have to engage with in the culture.
- 02:40
- I want to start by saying this. One of the things that you'll know if you watch this content often that we have to regularly deal with is we have to deal with the spin that's put on the issue of abortion related to the mother or the woman who's having an abortion.
- 02:55
- And oftentimes it is actually the pro -life establishment that paints a fictitious portrait of the mother killing her child in the womb.
- 03:04
- It's the pro -life establishment that builds her identity as a victim herself.
- 03:11
- You know, they'll even paint it in such a way as, you know, she doesn't really know what she's doing and she's a victim of Roe herself.
- 03:21
- She's a victim of the culture herself. She doesn't know what she's doing. So the portrait is painted of the woman who's going in willfully to kill her child in the womb as somebody who is not guilty to any degree.
- 03:32
- She is herself a victim like her baby. It's something that we have to regularly deal with. And as a matter of fact, if you're getting into this discussion now with us as Christians, standing on the
- 03:41
- Word of God and the authority of Scripture, it's important that you know this. What you're seeing right now is an absolute refutation of the pro -life establishment and their doctrine of the victim woman and the woman who is not guilty, doesn't know what she's doing.
- 03:58
- This is an anthem. This is an anthem about the ability to murder your child in the womb to take their life.
- 04:05
- She knows exactly what she's doing and she's singing an anthem about it. She wants obviously the anthem to spread post
- 04:11
- Roe and it's important for us to engage with this because this is the true nature and character of the woman who engages in abortion.
- 04:20
- Are there instances where a woman is coerced into an abortion, say in sex trafficking?
- 04:26
- Absolutely. And we would want to have legislation that goes after the perpetrator there, the one who's doing the coercing.
- 04:33
- It's not the woman in that case. And so there are instances where that takes place, but those are rare, rare instances in the total number of abortions.
- 04:44
- What Demi Lovato is saying here is the real heart behind abortion. This is the kind of spirit that we have to confront when we are outside of mills and clinics across the country.
- 04:54
- It's this kind of posturing and this kind of mindset.
- 04:59
- So the verse starts off with, God forbid, I want to suck whatever the F I want to.
- 05:05
- God forbid, I want to F whoever the F I want. And if he comes, if he ejaculates,
- 05:12
- I guess I got to be a mother. It's amazing because, you know,
- 05:18
- I can't remember what year I started in school learning about human biology, but it's very early on that we learned, in my experience, and I'm a product of public school or government education.
- 05:31
- In my experience, we learned about human physiology and biology at a very early age.
- 05:37
- And very early on, we learned about male genitalia, female genitalia. We learned about a uterus. We learned about how this all happens.
- 05:44
- At a very early age, we learned that when the male sperm meets the female egg, you have the creation of new human life.
- 05:52
- We learned that, again, at a very early stage in my educational career. And it's interesting because she sang in a song as though it was something unusual.
- 06:00
- I guess if a man ejaculates in a sexual relationship with me,
- 06:06
- I guess I got to be a mother. And what's interesting about that is that, yeah, that should have been obvious to anybody who is engaging in sexual activity as an adult.
- 06:16
- You know that this is what you do in God's world, in this created order, to actually create human life.
- 06:24
- And she's acting like it's a shocking thing to expect a person who's engaged in sexual activity to actually become a mother.
- 06:32
- It's actually one of the greatest gifts and most glorious things about creation that women have this unbelievable power and ability to create human life inside of them.
- 06:44
- I mean, it's in some ways, it wouldn't be wrong to use the word magical in a sense because it is so spectacular and so amazing.
- 06:53
- Of course, there's not real magic to it, but it's spectacular, this ability to create human life. And she wants to throw humanity and motherhood into the gutter.
- 07:02
- I guess if he ejaculates, I guess I got to be a mother. And it just goes to show how we feel about children in this world, in this generation today.
- 07:11
- We don't see children as amazing gifts. We don't see the creation of human life as something spectacular and amazing to celebrate.
- 07:20
- We have a woman here who can't even decide which gender she is from day to day or from year to year.
- 07:27
- And now she wants to represent womanhood saying, isn't it a horrible thing that through a sexual relationship,
- 07:33
- I have to create life and become a mother. And it's amazing because the title of the song is swine, right?
- 07:42
- The title of the song is swine. And it's amazing because here she is, a unique human being made in the image of God, complaining about the fact that in this incredible created order
- 07:54
- God made, when you engage in a sexually intimate relationship, you can create human life. She's complaining about that.
- 08:00
- And I guess I'm just a pig if I have to do all of this. No, it's the reverse. Your perspective is that you are now becoming the animal because isn't it interesting that her argument here in the song is, if I can't do all these things,
- 08:15
- I guess I'm just a pig. I'm just swine. But isn't it amazing that it is actually in that animal world of swine, that it is swine who actually kill and eat their own young.
- 08:28
- It is swine who engage in that kind of activity. It's swine that you watch killing and eating their young.
- 08:35
- And yet she's flipped the script. She's turned the whole thing on its head. She's saying if I have to be a mother through a sexual relationship, then
- 08:42
- I guess I'm like swine. No, no, no. Actually, it's the other way around. It's the swine who kill and eat their young.
- 08:49
- So it's actually an accurate title. Maybe not in the way that she meant, but it's definitely accurate.
- 08:55
- So then she says, F what I think. I don't know a thing. The government knows my body.
- 09:01
- No, it's okay. It's better this way. I'm only a carbon copy. Even if I'm dying, they'll still try to stop me.
- 09:10
- First of all, absolute fiction. It's absolute fiction. The idea if a mother is carrying another human being and you have a situation where lives are going to be lost.
- 09:23
- It's a fiction that we would just let her die. No, as a matter of fact, because we so value human life, both the life of the mother and the life of the child, and we so want to preserve human life that in all legislation, there is protection and there's a guard around the preservation of human life.
- 09:42
- So that in a situation where a mother's life is truly in danger and both baby and mother are going to die.
- 09:48
- We do everything we can medically to preserve human life, whatever life we can.
- 09:53
- In that instance, it is a tragic situation. It's something to shed tears over. This woman is carrying a unique human life and a baby, but because it's a fallen world, because things are broken, there's actually something we have to be confronted with and that's the possibility of death.
- 10:10
- And so we preserve human life by saving what we can and preserving the life at least of the mother.
- 10:15
- It's like that car hanging off the cliff and it's about to fall off and you have two people in there.
- 10:20
- You do what you can to at least preserve human life, whatever life you can. And in this instance, she's just lying about what is the case.
- 10:29
- It's not the case that even if you're dying, they'll still try to stop me. That's not the case. You go to the hospital and doctors work on the preservation of human life.
- 10:38
- And this whole line here where she says, the government knows my body.
- 10:44
- I don't know a thing, F what I think. Now, it's interesting here because she's complaining here that she as a human being doesn't know anything.
- 10:54
- No one should listen to her and that's a complaint because what she's saying is, I have the right to be heard. I have the right to be heard.
- 11:01
- I have rights. I should be respected. Isn't this a tragic thing that I'm not being respected?
- 11:06
- And isn't it amazing that she doesn't afford the child in the womb that same right, right? She wants to be heard.
- 11:12
- She thinks she has a right to stand up for herself and her rights and her life. She thinks she has that but she doesn't want that for the vulnerable and the innocent and the amazing human being forming in the womb.
- 11:26
- She doesn't believe that they have that right. So this song is such a display.
- 11:32
- It's an anthem for the modern selfishness coming after the sexual revolution.
- 11:39
- I should be able to do what I want with my own body sexually and whatever the result of that is through my decisions, the consequences,
- 11:47
- I should be able to even kill my own child because it is abject selfishness. So the anthem here is not really like she wanted an anthem on abortion and abortion rights, the right to murder your child.
- 11:59
- It's really an anthem on abject human selfishness is really what it is. So in the next part of the chorus, she says, do we even hear ourselves?
- 12:08
- She says, my life, my voice, my rights, my choice.
- 12:14
- Again, do the internal critique. Answer the fool, scripture says, according to their folly.
- 12:22
- Do the internal critique. Step into Demi Lovato's system here and say, okay, what you're saying is as a human being, you have a life that should be respected.
- 12:30
- You have a voice that must be heard. You have rights that can't be trampled on and you should be able to make the choices that you want to make with your body.
- 12:39
- That's what you're saying. Your argument is, you as a human being have those rights. Why don't you afford those rights to the human being in the womb?
- 12:48
- Again, this is the anthem of abject selfishness. That's where she's at. Is she wants to be able to be selfish and even impact everyone around her if necessary, as long as it's for her pleasure.
- 13:00
- She can suck whatever she wants. She can F whatever she wants and with no consequence. She should be able to victimize everybody around her because her voice, her life, her rights, her choice are the most important.
- 13:15
- Again, this is the anthem of abject selfishness. Hey, what's up guys? This is Pastor Jeff Durbin.
- 13:20
- Thank you for watching Collision. We wanted to provide a solid resource to help you to respond to anything coming into collision with the
- 13:28
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- 13:36
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- 13:47
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