TLP 299: Spoiling the Egyptians to Accomplish God’s Work
Learn how you can help Christian parents all over the world simply by doing the things you already do! Join AMBrewster as he unveils a new way to use the world’s resources to spread the Lord’s Truth! TLP’s Amazon Page Check out 5 Ways to Support TLP. Click here for our free Parenting Course! Click here for Today’s Transcript. Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter. Follow AMBrewster on Twitter. Follow us on Pinterest. Subscribe on YouTube. Need some help? Write to us at [email protected].
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- In many ways, our world's current outlook on Christians is rather bleak. I don't think most genuine believers would say they have quote -unquote favor in the sight of our culture.
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- And honestly, we shouldn't. Welcome to Truth. Love. Parents.
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- Where we use God's Word to become intentional, premeditated parents. Here's your host,
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- A .M. Brewster. Can you believe it? In the past week, we not only finished up our longest series ever, but we also celebrated our third anniversary, and our next episode is going to be number 300.
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- I am just praising God all over the place because I never imagined we'd be where we are at this point in our ministry's life.
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- And I have God and you to thank for it. Even if this is your first time you've tuned into Truth. Love. Parent, you've played a part.
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- Of course, I especially want to thank Taylor, Matt, Sonia, Scott, and Mindy for being just a handful of TLP's adored patrons.
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- Our patrons give every month to help produce these free parenting resources, and their work is invaluable. Here's why.
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- For those of you who don't know, I have a very full -time job at Victory Academy for boys. I'm the house parent for eight at -risk teens every year.
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- It is a very full job. In fact, I originally created this podcast content specifically for the parents who send their boys to Victory Academy.
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- Our parent program helps the Victory parents return to a place of influence in the lives of their children. I remember it was the first year
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- I was working on the parent program, and God dropped some unexpected phone calls into my life. And the funny thing was that even though I was working with teenage boys, the people who called had girls or very young children.
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- And it was during those phone calls, as well as in my own parenting journey, I discovered that the content we created for the
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- Victory parents was just as beneficial for every parent because it was simply God's truth applied to parenting.
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- That's when I decided to turn the lessons and articles into podcasts and make them available to anyone who wanted them.
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- And today, the Lord has graciously allowed us to reach thousands of listeners every day from over 70 countries.
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- And I believe the draw is easy to sum up. It's not about popularity or financial resources.
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- Time and time again, we receive reviews and emails that all point to the reason for TLP's efficacy. Pastor Matt Black said,
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- I am so thankful that this podcast is not moralistic, but instead gospel -centered. Jamie wrote that TLP handles each parenting subject from a biblical perspective.
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- Nicole told iTunes that TLP is packed with biblical wisdom and tangible tools. Scarlett shared, it's a breath of fresh air in a biblically illiterate society to recognize that there are other parents turning to the
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- Bible to use His holy word to teach and minister to our young, growing disciples. We need this.
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- Lily complimented TLP by saying, I love the wisdom and thoroughly biblical teaching. Freddie said that the quality of the biblical insight into parenting has been invaluable to us.
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- Mel wrote, I love how scripture is used to back up the topics. And Tayloretta beautifully summed it up when she said, what has radically shifted my parenting are the deep topics coupled with the clear and weighty focus this podcast puts on scripture.
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- I believe that Truth Loved Parent is resonating with so many Christian parents because there is a deep thirst in the
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- Christian soul for the Bible. If the scriptures aren't the foundation of the discussion, why are we even having the discussion?
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- Now, this is not to say that TLP's content never gets outside of the Bible or contains opinions or error.
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- Of course it does, likely. I mean, I'm the one in front of the mic. I guarantee you that in many ways, it's far easier for me to inject error into a discussion than truth.
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- I'm human, I'm sinful, and my thinking needs to be aligned with God's word, just like the next guys. But it's to our
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- Lord, the way, the truth, and the life that I and the rest of Team TLP want to remain faithful.
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- This causes our content, when it aligns with His word, to be evergreen. It will never go out of style or cease to be relevant or practical because God's word will forever be excessively necessary.
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- So if you're new to the show, the best advice I can give you is to start with our pilot season. Most of our episodes can stand alone, but they're so much more helpful as they build on themselves from season to season.
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- Now I do have to throw in a caveat here. If you choose to continue with us today, if this is your first time, just know that this episode will not be your typical episode.
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- This is one of our yearly, we're celebrating our anniversary, here's some exciting TLP news type of episodes.
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- Today I'm going to unveil some new developments for TruthLoveParent and get us all up to date. So let's start with TruthLoveParent .com.
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- If you haven't checked it out yet, you're missing out, okay? We're always growing, adding new content, and updating how we deliver the parenting resources you need.
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- On our site, you'll obviously find our podcast and a ton of ways to search it. We've added a page that highlights the many, many places you can enjoy our podcast.
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- I think it's good for people to be able to see all the services that carry TLPs so they can access the one that fits them the best.
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- For example, did you know that we've been on Spotify and Google Podcasts for quite a while? You can even download us on your iHeartRadio app.
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- We're also working toward getting onto Pandora, that's something you can pray about. At TruthLoveParent .com,
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- you'll also find access to Parenting Community. Not only do we have links to our social media sites, which each feature expertly curated and Christ -honoring parenting content, but we also have our own
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- Facebook group. Now, it's small and a little too quiet much of the time, you know who I'm talking about, but it is a closed group, so we don't have anyone coming in just to cause trouble.
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- But I think the more people who join the TLP family and who become a part of that group, the more valuable discussions we can have there.
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- While perusing the Parenting Community, you'll also learn about our TLP Meetups. These opportunities are so much fun.
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- Meetups are where we gather all the TLP listeners in your area and we hang out. We talk, pray, encourage each other, and I share what the
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- Lord's been teaching me as I try to parent to His honor and glory. I'm working on a brand new study called
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- Where Your Treasure Is, There Will Your Parenting Be Also. I'm not going to turn this into a podcast series because I want to share it exclusively at meetups and conferences.
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- If you're interested in hearing where your treasure is, there will your parenting be also, then let's talk about how I can spend some time with you and your friends.
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- Seriously, the TLP Meetups are so much fun and deeply refreshing. The third thing you'll find at truthloverparent .com
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- is a whole ton of resources. This is a section of the site we've been updating a lot recently. We've expanded our book recommendations and we've added a whole new resource called
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- Family Fun. We're collecting ideas for family activities. We're also compiling a list of Christ -centered family attractions across the globe.
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- For example, we featured Sight & Sound on that page, and we're putting together a list of family games. We started by listing the contents of the
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- Brewster Family Game Cabinet and some of our favorites. Now, of course, none of these resources is by any means complete, but we invite you to check out what's there and suggest your favorite family activities and attractions and games so we can add them to the list as well.
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- Okay, so I don't want to take too much more time here today, but there is just a ton of other things to discover at truthloverparent .com.
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- However, in lieu of our third anniversary, I wanted to make you aware of just one more super huge and awesome addition.
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- In Exodus 12, the Israelites were preparing to leave Egypt after Pharaoh finally broke down right after the 10th plague.
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- And verse 36 reads, And the Lord had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they let them have what they asked, thus they plundered the
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- Egyptians. In the King James Version, it reads, they spoiled the Egyptians. This was prophesied by God in Exodus 3, 21 through 22.
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- In many ways, our world's current outlook on Christians is rather bleak. I don't think most genuine believers would say they have quote -unquote favor in the sight of our culture, and honestly, we shouldn't expect it.
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- We've talked a lot, though, about biblical realities concerning prosperity and persecution recently.
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- We learned that anything and everything we encounter is a blessing because it's better than what we deserve—eternal death in hell.
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- But we also mentioned that, quite often, God is glorified to bless His people with comfort versus discomfort.
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- It's rarely sustained, but when it comes, it's a sweet relief and timely refreshment. Now, I believe the
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- Lord has given truth -of -parent favor in the sight of some technological giants, and I believe
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- He's allowing us, in a couple small ways, to quote -unquote spoil the Egyptians. For one, if you search the
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- Best Christian Parenting Podcast, TLP consistently shows up at the top of the list, and being on page one of Google is amazing, let alone being at the top of page one of Google.
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- Thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord, for allowing a company whose worldview goes against your character to help spread your word to families all over the globe.
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- And two, TLP has recently become an Amazon Associate. This means that if you purchase any of the books or games or music off our site,
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- Amazon will give TLP a commission off of the price of the sale. What's even cooler is that you don't even have to purchase any of the recommended resources.
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- You can go to our homepage at truthlofeparent .com, click the Amazon banner at the top of the page, and whatever you purchase during that session,
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- Amazon will give TLP a commission off the purchase. And this doesn't affect you in any way.
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- It's all the same products and prices as usual. But since TLP is an Amazon Associate, they're basically paying us advertising fees for having their links on our site.
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- The only thing you need to do differently is make sure you access Amazon through one of our links instead of going straight to the site.
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- That's it. From there, you just shop the way you normally would and Amazon does the rest. I know there are many of you out there who would love to support what we're doing at TLP, and the thought of sponsoring an episode or becoming a monthly patron seems unfeasible.
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- This is just one small way you can help us continue to create these free parenting resources and spread
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- God's glorious truth across the globe. Think about it. Amazon is willing to give us money just because you shop on their site.
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- I'd like to ask all of you to help TruthLoveParent by bookmarking our homepage or Amazon page, and then clicking through to Amazon via one of our links before you purchase.
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- I'll include a link to our Amazon page in the description of this episode, which will give you some more details about the process. Now before I close,
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- I want to share a very interesting news story. For those of you who know the whole story, this thing is a complete debacle.
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- Carson King took a piece of poster board and a magic marker and wrote, Bud Light Supply Needs Replenished, and then he included a
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- Venmo link. Venmo is a site where people can raise money. Now get this, complete strangers started sending him tons of money.
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- Now, the good news is that he realized that investing all of that money in beer would be tragic.
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- He received so much money that he promised to donate it to the University of Iowa's Children's Hospital.
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- In lieu of this, he received a year's supply of beer from Bush. Bush created an ice cream flavor for him, and he can attend
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- Iowa football games free of charge. But get this, both Venmo and Bush jumped on the bandwagon and promised to match donations.
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- This college freshman has raised over one million dollars. Now, there's so much more to the story.
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- Bush eventually pulled out of their agreement because some jerk reporter dug up racist tweets posted when he was 16.
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- What was interesting is that King was just referencing a show that Bush itself had sponsored. I also heard that, and I can't confirm it's true, but in response to this lame move, some people dug up some past social media posts from the jerk reporter, submitted them to his boss, and the guy got fired.
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- Anyway, the result of living in a sinker's world is there's just destruction all around us. But here's why I bring it up.
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- Is it a worthy cause to give to the University of Iowa's Children's Hospital? Sure. But it all started with a plea for beer, and complete strangers started throwing money at him.
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- Now, God's people have a lot of great causes. Who knows how many ministries there are out there that could use financial support?
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- Truth Love Parent is not the biggest, best, nor neediest ministry on the planet, but God is doing amazing things through this ministry and through your giving.
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- Shopping on Amazon via our links is a great place to start. Sponsoring an episode would be a wonderful next step, and becoming a monthly supporter would be amazing.
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- The cool thing is you can become a monthly supporter for as little as $5 a month. Listen, you guys are great.
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- And like I said before, if this is your first time to listen to a TLP episode, this is not what you'd normally hear.
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- This is just a once or twice a year update to let our listeners know about valuable opportunities and give you an idea of how the
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- Lord is working in and growing TLP. So please share this episode with your friends, encourage them to use our
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- Amazon links as well, and join us next time as we celebrate our 300th episode and the beginning of our 12th season with a really valuable show called
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- Every Lesson You Need to Teach Your Kids. We're going to open God's Word to reorient our thinking as we approach our families each and every day.
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- God really wants you to be an awesome parent. Let's figure it out together. Truth.
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- Love. Parents. is part of the Evermind Ministries family and is dedicated to helping you become an intentional premeditated parent.
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- Join us next time as we search God's Word for the truth your family needs today.