Mail Bag


Pastor Mike is back from his summer vacation and Dr. Carl Truman is coming to BBC from September 14-16th! Click here for more information. Also, Pastor Mike's book, The Sovereignty and Supremacy of King Jesus: Bowing to the Gracious Despot is for sale-click for his book. Pastor Mike recommends checking out Banner Of Truth for reading materials. On this episode Pastor Mike responds to listener e-mails on a variety of topics.


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, "...but we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you."
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry.
My name's Mike Abendroth. Good to be back, taping another show today. My typical MO, I don't know if it's my show, my typical
MO is to try to record, I was going to say, two shows a week.
You say, oh, that just works out well, Monday to Friday. Well, actually, it gives me one extra show because Mondays are a recorded sermon that I preached on Sunday, usually get two out of those sermons, two no -co shows out of one sermon.
So that gives me one extra show every week, and so if I'm pretty much gone from the radio station and studio, since there's no station
I go to, and the studio is my study at the church building in West Boston, what am
I talking about, I just looked out the window and lost track of my mind here for a second. I can tell I'm getting older, got my glasses on, and I'm forgetting these things.
Then if I tape like 36 weeks, shows, when
I have one extra, that gives me all the summer done, in the can, as I think they used to say, done and in the can.
So today, this is my fifth show that I've taped this particular week. I think today is
August 18th. So all right, what is happening here at No Compromise Radio?
Well, you can come to the church and hear Carl Truman, Friday night, September 14th.
Here I think it's at seven o 'clock, you can look at our website at bbchurch .org, Issues in Evangelicalism, Carl is the
Presbyterian version of Phil Johnson. If you don't know who Carl Truman is, you need to come out here.
I think people should fly out for such a conference because it is going to be excellent. Carl Truman, Sunday night, excuse me,
Friday night, two sessions on issues in evangelicalism, celebrity culture, multi -site, the list goes on, modalism.
And then Saturday, September 15th, he's going to teach on Martin Luther, something like mad, rad and bad lessons from Martin Luther, since he's a
Luther expert. And then Sunday morning, he's going to preach Mark 5 here at Bethlehem Bible Church.
So you have to come to our conference, two conferences per year we have. And this is our fall conference,
Dr. Carl Truman, glad to have Carl come out here. You can also go to our website, get some information on the trip to Greece in April during vacation week of the kids.
So you can come on down and we'd love to have you do that. Let's see, what else? You can get a copy of my book,
The Sovereignty and Supremacy of King Jesus. You can go to Amazon or you can go to our website that I think will link you to Amazon and we get some nickel credit or something, who knows.
So just go straight to Amazon, it doesn't matter. Do we have any plans for No Compromise? This is going into our fourth year here on the radio station.
Now my options, I guess, were re -up the radio station. I haven't done that yet because it's
April, but I'm, I guess I'm assuming I'm going to do that. Or we could just go to podcast alone and we'll have to see what happens regarding that.
This is not a plea for money, this is just, well, we're just trying to figure out what to do with the ministry. I think the Lord has blessed the ministry and it's fun to go places and have people know about No Compromise Radio, hopefully know more about our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Okay, Banner of Truth, the
Banner of Truth magazine. Now Banner of Truth is a publishing company in England and it also has its place here in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
You can go to that store. As a matter of fact, I've been to that store, it's kind of neat. But I do subscribe to the Banner of Truth magazine.
Modern Reformation and Banner of Truth are two magazines I like to subscribe to. Both would be excellent for you to read.
And I say that because if I'm always knocking Christianity today, I should probably offer something good.
Yeah, you say about a lot of negative things, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and offer me something good.
Okay, there I just did that. Oh, I just pulled up this, this is on my studio desk. C .S.
Lovett, Help Lord, the Devil Wants Me Fat, A Scriptural Approach to a Trim and Attractive Body.
Now, this is an older book. It says, let's just actually check to see when this book was published.
I'm looking at a picture of Dr. Lovett. He looks like he's got a 70s shirt on.
Oh, 1977, look at that, I was 17 years old. He's also written other books,
Dealing with the Devil, Jesus Wants You Well, Soul Winning Made Easy, I have that book,
As a Thing What Not to Do, Latest Word on the Last Days, and he is the president of Personal Christianity.
And it is published by Personal Christianity, so I guess this is self -published.
Anyway, The Devil Wants Me Fat. It says here, I think I referred to this page before, when you're watching
TV, the commercial break is one of the devil's favorite moments. I thought he's probably going to say the whole
TV is the devil's moment. That's one of the devil's favorite moments.
He's actually, he actually conditions people to head for the kitchen whenever a station break occurs. But you know this now, so start watching.
See if you can detect the first food idea as it arrives in your mind. You will if you're watching it for it.
When you do, you'll be amazed at Satan's subtlety. Wow, so be careful.
Talks about fasting and other things, crazy. Christian diet books, I think that would be a good show, trying to take us back to Old Testament, trying to do the,
I was going to say Mary Baker, Eddie Glover, Patterson Frye. She had a lot of husbands, but that's not really the right one.
That is not Seventh -day Adventist. That is Christian science. And so it would be
Ellen G. White. All right, what else is here on my desk? Robin sent me a song, a bad song.
Here's another bad song out there on the airwaves, Mark Schultz, Love Has Come. It is another beautiful song, and when
I heard it, I liked it until I got to the chorus. Sounds like universalism to me. All right, let's see if that's true.
Robin, well, I know this life is filled with sorrow, and there are days when the pain just lasts and lasts.
By the way, I already don't like the song. I never heard it, but when I hear that, we're broken, and we're needy, and the life is filled with sorrow.
Of course, there are lament psalms. We ought to read those more often. Of course,
Jeremiah was the weeping prophet. Of course, Lamentations is full of lament.
But there is a general push in evangelicalism, especially from the pulpit.
Here's another sermon to help the broken people get by. It's so man -centered, it's ridiculous.
How about let's focus on the Lord, and no matter what we're going through, we're going to focus on the Lord. Maybe this writer goes ahead and does this in just a minute.
I don't know, but this life is filled with sorrow, and pain, and brokenness. I don't go for. But I know there will come a day when all our tears are washed away with a break in the clouds,
His glory coming down, and in that moment, every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess that God is love, and love has come for us all.
Of course, there's a literary license that's given to poets, that's given to hymn writers, that's given to songwriters.
I get that. I'm naive, but not that naive. But couldn't you just make it a little bit different, that God is love, and love has come for us all?
That does sound like universalism. How about, the wrath of God is revealed to all?
Well, maybe that wouldn't sell. That's hard for broken people to accept that. How about 2
Thessalonians? As a matter of fact, I have my Bible pretty close to 2 Thessalonians, so I might as well just read that.
It says here, to grant you relief to you who are afflicted as well, verse 7, 2
Thessalonians 1, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, inflicting love bombs on all those who do not know
God. No, that's not even in the message. Inflicting vengeance on those who do not know
God and on those who do not obey the gospel of the Lord Jesus, they will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction away from the presence of the
Lord and from the glory of his might, when he comes on that day to be glorified in his saints and to be marveled at among all who have believed, because our testimony to you was believed.
Every heart set free, everyone will see, that's part of the song, that God is love and love has come for all.
Isn't that, I thought that was like U2, love has come to town. For anybody, Steve would know, Steve where are you, allegedly.
Allegedly, for anybody who has ever lost a loved one, oh come on.
Now lest you think that I'm young and have never had any tragedies or sorrow or suffering in my life,
I'm not young and I've had suffering and sorrow in my life, not to the extent that many have had,
I will admit. If you ever lost a loved one and you feel like you've had to let go too soon,
I know it hurts to say goodbye, but you're the light of my life. Now I added that light up in my lifetime.
This is so, how do you pronounce the word B -A -N -A -L? Look it up. But don't you know it's just a matter of time till the tears are gonna end.
You'll see them once again and in that moment every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess.
Okay, oh and on that day we will stand amazed at our
Savior God and King, just to see the face of amazing grace as our hearts rise up and sing, glory, glory, hallelujah, thank you for the cross, singing glory, glory, hallelujah,
Christ has paid the cost. Now that little segment right there, I'm down with, that's the best part of the song.
Thank you for your ministry. Robin from Iowa. You know, the Iowa people like to say to those in Nebraska that the
N on the football helmet of the Nebraska Cornhusker stands for knowledge, that's right, and we like to sing the
Iowa fight song, I is for Iowa, O is for Iowa, W is for Iowa, A is for Iowa, I actually learned how to climb telephone poles in Des Moines, Iowa, how about that?
All right, well, show is bombing, the show is bombing.
All right, John from Idaho, hi John, patio daddy. He said, if you haven't done one yet,
I think a show on annihilationism would be good. I watched this video from Pastor Doug, Seventh Adventist of Amazing Facts fame, and must admit that he makes some good arguments for annihilationism.
I still hold to eternal punishment because God's justice requires it. Sin against an eternally holy
God requires eternal punishment, however, I can see how those who are less discerning might get taken in by his arguments.
Just an idea, John. That was a really bad idea, John. So we're going to do a show on annihilationism soon,
I probably won't do it today. I've got my notes here, but I probably won't do it. I do find it fascinating that evangelicals are duped into having, quote,
Pastor Doug, end quote, the Seventh -day Adventist guy, Amazing Bible Facts, on and promoting it.
And I don't know if this station still does it, WVNE, but last I checked, they did. I hope
I'm wrong. I'd love to say, hallelujah, okay, what's that song again? I'd love to say, glory, glory, hallelujah, thank you for the cross, singing glory, glory, hallelujah,
Christ has paid the cost. I'd love to say, glory, hallelujah, that show's been kicked to the curb, but so far it hasn't happened.
Seventh -day Adventism. Of course there are those who are actually born again, but it's because they're bad
Adventists, not good Adventists. You can pull up the four shows that I did on Seventh -day Adventists, we even re -ran it.
And I'm not trying to say I'm an expert in everything in the world, but I live in the heart of the New England headquarters of Seventh -day
Adventism, Lancaster, Massachusetts, Lancaster. Not Pennsylvania, but Lancaster, Massachusetts.
And so when you study the writings of Ellen G. White, essentially she writes as if she was on peyote.
She writes as if she's demon -possessed, is how she writes.
She's crazy. All the food laws and what God has said is clean, she doesn't say is clean anymore, taking people back to Moses.
But what's the worst thing is the denigration of the cross of Christ Jesus. And so when you do that,
I'm going to get out the double -barreled figurative shotgun and try to shoot down those doctrines.
If there's a Seventh -day Adventist and they're saved, they're not saved because of Ellen G. White's teaching, they're saved because of the grace of Christ Jesus through the
Word proclaimed, and it's a message of grace. I was talking to Steve Green, as I told you before, and I said, why do you go to the
Seventh -day Adventist group in Lancaster, Massachusetts and sing there? And he said, well, they never tell me what
I can say in between the songs and I always talk about grace. Of course some people are saved, but they're at the highest levels, these people know better.
And so for radio stations or anyone else to promote amazing facts,
I don't get it. At the end of the day, I have to say to myself, I'm not high enough up to make such a decision, but if it was my decision, it would be an easy, no -compromise decision.
Do I take money and promote false doctrine like annihilationism and like Ellen G.
White teaches, if you know about the Sabbath and don't set it aside, then you've got the mark of the beast on you, all kinds of crazy works stuff and baptism works issues.
She is just completely off the deep end. Don't give your husband meat because he might want to be with you.
Don't give your kids cheese. I mean, the list, it's just insane. My only deduction,
I hope I'm wrong, my only deduction is, you get money for it. So what does that say?
What does that say? Well, these guys are under the purview of Christianity because they say they are?
No, no, it's not because they say they are. They are outside Christianity, even though they're dying to get into the mainstream of Christianity.
They're dying to get in, and they've got in through unsuspecting, are suspecting radio stations that don't, if the contract is signed, break the contract.
If the money's been accepted, send back the money. So I hate to always be on this, but whenever I think about it,
I just say to myself, I don't know what people are thinking, but I want them to think more Christian -ly.
Well, what else do I have here in front of me today? I'm not going to get to annihilationism, obviously.
All right, here in mailbag, Steve, Steve's writing. Where's Steve writing from?
It just says, your brother in Christ, Steve. All right, I assume,
I assume Steve is writing from someplace in the world. Well, I don't catch all your programs.
Well, see Steve, that's the problem right there. I appreciate you having the courage to cover controversial topics, often unpopular to address.
Me? This is just standard fare, right? Here are a few things you might want to consider.
All right, modesty, especially in the church. Well, I don't want to do a whole show on modesty right now.
I should have my wife come in to do that. But Steve, I'm with you. When I think about modesty at the church,
I'm very surprised. Now, here's what I don't want to do. What I don't want to do is have some kind of dress code because there are unsaved people who come in and newly saved people who come in.
Some of the people that I know have come in, been invited by their friends. They don't have any church clothes, but they have nightclub clothes.
And I remember some 25 -year -old young ladies coming in here with nightclub clothes on.
And so I just try to make sure that I was kind to them and greeted them and didn't inappropriately look at them in any way, shape, or form.
It was hard to, you know, to say to myself, this is inappropriate. I know that, how they're dressing.
But they need to hear the Word because pagans act like pagans. But for Christians, I think
Christians ought to dress modestly at worship service. Do you want the focus on Jesus Christ or do you want the focus on who you are?
I never thought I'd have to say ever in my wildest dreams the word that describes someone showing something, a woman showing something, because her dress is too low.
I don't even want to say the word. I don't want to say it on Christian airwaves. But I have to say, special music people, make sure you have a not a low -cut top because I don't want you to show your blank.
And I don't mean I show your, just let me just get out of this while I'm digging myself too deep.
I don't want people thinking about that. I want people thinking about the song that you're singing, the Lord that you're singing to, etc.
And so elders and their wives and deacons and their wives should dress appropriately.
And if you want to dress with something kind of racy ladies, then, you know, close the curtains at home and pretty much wear what you want.
See, it's never thou shall not. It's there's a time and a place. And so you can cover up.
And so what you do is you have young daughters. Here's what the rule is in our house.
My wife will say to my daughters, you better go ask your dad about that. Because I think sometimes maybe women,
I don't want to say are more libertine in this area than men, although I guess that's what I'm saying. But it's the dad's responsibility.
And I think dads get how men are triggered by visual stimulation more and how they struggle more with that, etc, etc.
And so when people say to me, there's someone at the church who's got really a low cut dress. Why don't you go talk to him?
I'll say, well, I think probably you should go talk to them or have your wife go talk to them. Why are you coming to me about it?
Unless it's an elder, but even then go talk to them. And so look at the leadership, see how the men act, see how their wives act.
And then you'll know where we're headed. So modesty is a big problem, certainly.
The indoctrination documentary video on public schools, indoctrinationmovie .com.
Steve, I haven't seen the movie. Public schools do indoctrinate, but I still don't think it's a sin to send your kids to public schools.
I don't think it's a sin to send your kid to a private school. And I don't think it's a sin to have your kid in a homeschool.
Just always depends on the school and all the other stuff, etc. I'm not going to get into schools right now, although I have my opinions.
Let's see, recently featured on Fox News, the new Bible translation, The Voice. We did talk about that. Mui Mal, not a good
Bible translation at all. Beth Moore, the darling of the Southern Baptist Convention, who teaches pop psychology and mysticism and who thousands of women are being misled by.
I've also done that about Beth Moore and Steve, I would agree that you are right.
Pop psychology is, I would put that number two though, and I would put mysticism number one and certainly more than thousands of people, although I know what you mean, are being misled by this and they just think that she's great.
And here's what I'd say about Beth Moore to kind of wrap this up. She used to be better than what she is now.
So when she was teaching the basics of Christianity, she's pretty good. But then once she started diving into the
Old Testament, her whole tent of meeting thing, having a tent of meeting, you can have your own tent of meeting, that's when the mysticism kicked in.
Now, without sounding like a Gnostic or some person who's the mediator, then you've got to go through a specially skilled person to understand the
Old Testament because you can't do it on your own. I don't want to sound like that. But if you're going to teach the
Old Testament regularly, you better be very careful because it's much easier to teach a pastoral epistle or an epistle of any sort than it is to the
Old Testament because the heresy usually comes out, not in teaching what the text says and means, the heresy comes out according to Heddon Robinson's excellent article in Leadership Magazine, the heresy of application.
And so we want to give our people application. There's a driving desire to give application, to force the congregations dying to have four take -home points.
And so people give heretical or mystical or misleading or inaccurate applications from passages like she does with the tent of meeting.
Type up Beth Moore tent of meeting, personal tent of meeting, and you'll probably find some critique articles.
And then type in critique or something, you'll find it. And so when people say, I'm going to do some Old Testament thing, we've got a building program, we're going to do
Nehemiah 8, I mean, Nehemiah, I just cringe, right? We're going to teach through Joshua, and I just think, this is going to turn into something really bad.
This is going to be not good. This is going to be application that's not connected with the text.
You might be giving them real application, true application, biblical application, but not from the text.
And so I just think if you're going to study the Old Testament well, then you should teach it.
But if you're not going to study it, and you're just going to use it for how to tap into pop psychological, mystical feelings of ladies in large groups who aren't under male authority, and if they are, they're under weak male authority, i .e.,
Beth Moore. Remember she said, I just left that with God. I'm just going to teach whoever you want, God.
I'll worry about what I'm going to teach, and you can worry about who shows up. I'm under the authority of the elders. Well, if the elders give you authority to do something sinful like teach men, then it's okay.
That's not okay. So you can write us letters like this, and some of them I'll answer briefly, some of them with brevity, some of them with complicated alliteration.
All right, what else? I think that's it. I just picked up a book that we'll talk about next time, maybe.
Let's see. All right, you can go to nocoever .com for our video with The Elephant Room.
Not really the best video guy, a lot of pressure, cameras. I think I'd do better the next time, but the men,
Carl Truman, James White, and Phil Johnson were excellent in their responses and their comments and their concerns regarding T .D.
Jake's modalism, Elephant Room, etc., so you can go there and watch that for free, nocoever .com.
Too bad it wasn't Elephant Room. We could be charging $59, and $89, and $99. We could have been on the air longer, right?
You can write us at info at nocompromiseradio .com. Don't forget we have a Bible Institute meeting on Thursday nights here at Bethlehem Bible Church.
Steve Cooley is doing Geisler versus White, Chosen but Free, and the Potter's Freedom Examining Who is
Free, What is Free Will, nocompromiseradio .com. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.