Owen Strachan Calls Himself Out For Being Woke- Part 3

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Pagans Recognize Owen Strachan's Tactics as One of Their Own - Part 4

Pagans Recognize Owen Strachan's Tactics as One of Their Own - Part 4

to bleed out on a Roman cross to form a people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. I will point - Alright, so let's just stop here because I just,
I just reconsidered and I, and I feel like I should probably, uh, publicly apologize because I think
I went a little too far there just a few minutes ago. Alright, welcome back.
It is now part three. It's time for part three and I think we're going to be getting into the actual tweets themselves which
I'm very excited about. I can't wait for this part. I think so because I don't really remember exactly the timing of everything but as excited as I am there's a, there's breaking news and I gotta get to it.
I gotta delay getting to the actual tweets because, because the man himself has called an audible at the last moment.
Now I was looking forward to going to the G3 conference, uh, that's in I think less than a month.
Uh, I was invited to go to the G3 conference. In fact, I was even offered a free ticket if I wanted to go to the
G3 conference and then I was unceremoniously uninvited after they decided that I was a kindest racist, you know, don't understand the gospel, all that kind of thing.
Anyway, anyway, I thought about, uh, pretend announcing that I was going to the conference anyway to see if they would actually, uh, ban me but, uh,
I thought that was a little childish so I decided not, not to do it. Maybe next year, we'll see.
Maybe next year. In any case, uh, Owen has decided to change his talk because he's got, there's something new that's come up that he is very, very concerned with and he's gonna put on his makeup and he's gonna put on his best shoes and he's gonna talk about the very serious topic of kinism.
That's right, here's his tweet. In one month, the gospel and the state kicks off. I was going to give a broad message on Christian nationalism, but in watching white nationalism gain strength,
I'm changing that. My message is now entitled Christianity and Kinism. And I'm sure all five kinists that exist in the world are very concerned that Owen is going to thoroughly decimate them.
Now, what's actually gonna happen, of course, is he's going to be very sloppy. When it comes to this topic, uh,
Owen's not capable of actually thinking through carefully or, this is a very emotional thing for him.
He's acting on emotions. Owen is basically acting on pure instinct here. This is what he was taught to do.
This is what he was, what he was trained for his whole life. We all were when we, when you think about it, we've all been kind of programmed over time to respond to sort of racism and all this kind of stuff, all the liberal, you know, standard stuff.
We've all been kind of programmed to respond a certain way. And while it looked like Owen had broken free from that, and maybe he has to some degree, he is real, really thoroughly controlled by his programming.
And so he's gonna get his, his best shoes on and he's gonna get his best set of pearls and he's gonna clutch them really, really hard.
And everyone and their mother's now a kinest, you know, even Calvin was a kinest in Augustine and all this kind of stuff.
It's going to be very sloppy. It's, he's going to make it seem like there's just thousands upon thousands and thousands of kinest out there.
And, uh, it's going to be embarrassing. This is a really poor decision on Owen's part.
He's going to, um, he's going to face plant. This is going to create a lot of people, very sympathetic to my side.
And even if, even if kinism was, uh, you know, on the ascent and growing and all this kind of stuff, which it isn't obviously, but even if it was, um, uh, you know, it's
Owens. I had a friend actually, who's very sympathetic to Owen and not so much to my positions on, you know,
Christian nationalism. And, uh, so he's doesn't, he's not like against, you know, Owen or anything.
He, he basically described it like this on this issue. Owen's communication is Kamala Harris level.
And I got to say, that's an insult to Kamala Harris. In my opinion, this is just, this is a very poor decision, but I cannot wait.
I hope this is recorded. I hope this is recorded, please. Somebody that's going to the
G3 conference record this for me. Let me get the footage. I can't wait to see what he has to say about this.
This is really funny by the way, there was, um, there was, um, A number of people that had reached out to me again, that are, they, they're, they're friends of mine, but they're very sympathetic to Owen's perspectives and not so much my perspectives.
And they, they, they heard that I was going to be doing this series or they heard that I was doing this series. This is going to happen over the last few days.
And they said, you gotta be very careful with calling him woke because he's even if you disagree with him, he's not woke.
And, um, I'm, I think I'm, I'm proving that he's woke over the course of this week and we'll see how far it goes.
I'll do as many videos as I have to, that's for sure. But, uh, but somebody found a tweet from the man himself, from Owen himself.
And according to his own definition, he is woke. This is hilarious.
And this is not the only thing that's floating around out there. This is just one of the more funny ones. Here's, uh, excuse me.
Here's Owen Strawn, uh, uh, quote tweeting Allie Beth Stuckey and Allie Beth makes a really good point.
She says, I sincerely want to understand the position that quote unquote, Christian nationalism is the biggest threat
America is facing. How can this be asserted with a straight face when every single major institution and system in the world and every major corporation is dominated by leftism?
Help. That's what Allie Beth Stuckey says. She's right. It's just preposterous. Of course, even if Christian nationalism was bad, which it isn't, but even if it was bad, um, it's obviously not the power in the world right now, obviously.
And that's regrettable. I really wish we had a Christian, a more Christian nation than we do.
But, uh, so Allie Beth makes a great point. Listen to what Owen says though. This is, this is really interesting because he's still mostly right.
At least he was back in 2021. Here's what he says. White Christian nationalism is nothing but wokeness is boogeyman.
Instead of clearly delineating its own body of political ideas, wokeness wolfishly deflects choosing to demonize a largely fictitious system.
Yeah, that's it. That's right. And the thing is, this is the thing though, because Christian nationalism has kind of changed in fairness to Owen, it has kind of changed and people have started to think this through and say, yeah,
I'd like the, I'd like the nation to be Christian. Of course, I'd like Christianity to be the dominant influence on our culture that, so what would that look like?
And also what, what, what is a nation? Like what, what should we be striving for?
What actually do we want to be doing? Like, how do we define this? It's not just a system of ideas and it's just the idea of America.
No, it's an actual place. It's an actual nation. It's actual land. There's a people Americans are a real thing.
Like, like we need to start talking about this and thinking this through, because I think the only way to understand how to do immigration, right.
And, and things like that is to understand what are you, what are you trying to accomplish? What are you trying to achieve?
What is this nation that you're trying to protect and defend? We need to think about these things.
So, so some people have become more explicit, but I think in general, Christian nationalists is still used this way as this scary term.
That's just kind of like a, you just want to demonize people. That's what you call them. That's wokeness.
And that's exactly what Owen's doing. He's not being very careful at all. He's just, them
Christian nationalists be racist. That's the integralists. So by his own definition in 2021, that wasn't that long ago, my friends, it's only 2023.
This is just about three or two years old. This tweet from Owen Schron by his definition, not more than two years ago, he most definitively is woke.
He's using the woke tactic as this big scary term. And he's going to paint a bunch of people with that term.
He's not going to be careful. He's going to say, yeah, sure. Immigration, you know, we need to have immigration, but he's not going to really hash that out.
He's just going to demonize people over here that actually have, you know, practical things they want to do and things like that.
It's just by, I can't believe that anyone could not see that he's using woke tactics here, but some people don't.
So let Owen, if you love Owen, let Owen himself define what wokeness does when it comes to Christian nationalism.
And you will very quickly see that Owen himself is doing the thing that he called woke.
He wrote the book on wokeness. So certainly he knows it's just too, it, my job is just too easy.
I'm not going to lie. I feel a little bit ashamed that I'm just, I'm presenting this to you. I'm doing a video and you come to me because you kind of respect my opinion, or maybe you just hate my opinion and you just enjoy hating on me.
That's fine. But I feel a little ashamed because my job's just way too easy.
Let's get started. So this is what I said. I said,
I'm confused, Owen, who are you talking about? Your position on the first paragraph looks indistinguishable from people like Stephen Wolf.
I don't think I've ever seen an example of what you object to in the second paragraph. Who says the gospel is about preserving an ethnicity?
And of course he did not respond to me, which I - There are people, exactly. This is a great point because, you know, the stuff about immigration and not replacing people intentionally and having common sense immigration, that's all, you know, what
Stephen says. And then the other part, preserving an ethnicity, that's what the gospel's about.
Again, who's saying that? Now, people could be wrong that that's a part of the law of God, but who's saying that that is the gospel?
The gospel is about, like, the good news of Jesus Christ dying on the cross. The reason he did that was to preserve, you know, an ethnicity.
Like, who's saying that? Who's actually saying that? Nobody. And Owen Strachan is going to -
He's preparing, currently, as we speak, an entire presentation describing how he's firmly against and courageously against those windmills over there that he's calling giants.
That's what he's doing. Point I'm not expecting. I wish it were the case that -
You think Don Quixote was short? I bet you he was. Don Quixote probably was pretty short.
I mean, I don't know why I'm talking about Don Quixote's height. That's just, that's weird. It's discouraging for some of you because you just wish that -
Can't you guys talk to each other? I wish. I wish more. Yes, and I'm getting to that in a minute.
Nathaniel Keen for 199 says, Dumez and company are retweeting Owen. Yes, and I'm about to show you that.
So, let's keep going here. As you can see,
I had a rogue barbell advertisement there. That's because I've been looking at home gym stuff lately. Yeah, the rogue stuff looks pretty cool, but it's a little pricey.
I'm not going to lie. I don't think I'll be going that direction. You can? More tweets from Owen Strand. The head of the
Christian church was not a Viking. I'm sorry. I'm having a hard time keeping it together. It's just so funny to me because it's such a straw man.
Like, who's saying this? All right, the head of the Christian faith, the head of the Christian faith, all right, was not a Viking clan chieftain.
Wow. Who incarcerated who incarnated to build a new and greater
Anglo -Saxon order. The head of the Christian faith is the Jewish God man who came to bleed out on a
Roman cross to form a people from every tribe tongue and nation. I will. All right, so let's just stop here because I just I just reconsidered and I and I feel like I should probably publicly apologize because I think
I went a little too far there just a few minutes ago. I have to apologize to Don Quixote.
Don't keep to compare. Owen to Don Quixote is the man of La Mancha.
He deserves a lot better than that. I mean. This is this is this is what
I mean, like like his stuff is so performative. And I'm like, it's this is obviously a joke sort of, but he he does think he's making a point like he wouldn't just tell a nonsense joke like like the other day on Twitter, you know, someone posts a picture of of, you know, his dinner and he's very proud of it.
This person will remain nameless. He's like, oh, I got steak and egg, you know, kind of kind of flexing a little bit.
But it was like a little mini steak and like a kind of a weird looking egg. It's like it's like two bites of steak, basically.
So everyone's mocking him. And so, you know, a guy like me post a picture of a huge steak, right?
A gigantic steak, maybe even two gigantic steaks. Again, this is just not related to any real life incidents, you know, just to compare the proportions like you're you're flexing on this like one bite of steak.
How about like two entire steaks? That's a joke. That's a nonsense tweet. That's something that I would do.
But like Owen's not that kind of guy. So he's joking here, but he thinks he's making a real point. And he's saying, you know, guys,
Jesus wasn't a Viking clan chief. He wasn't Anglo -Saxon. How is this any different than the woke stuff where they say
Jesus wasn't white? Did you know that Jesus wasn't white? He was dark skinned.
Like they said the exact same stuff during the woke wars. Owen is woke.
This is what he's doing now. He's he's got some better beliefs than some of the crazier woke people.
But he's on that spectrum. He's not on the spectrum of I don't know what you want to call it.
Probably some people would call it red pill. I don't know what you'd want to call it, but he's not on our side of the spectrum.
He's on their side of the spectrum. He's doing the same thing. And he's like, I've got just listen, just listen.
It's not the only time I did this. Owen seems to think it is important to point out Jesus's Jewishness in this particular context, which
I do find that interesting. Like I guess. Wait, so like is ethnicity significant? And the thing is, during the woke wars, we would often say it's like, it's like, you know, these woke people would say, did you know
Jesus was a Jew? He wasn't white. And it's like, yeah, we knew that. Yeah, we know.
It's like, what are you talking about? Are you insane? And now Owen, he's doing the same thing.
But the thing is, a lot of people are going to think Owen's changed. No, he hasn't actually changed. This is him. This is what he used to do before he wrote the book on wokeness.
He was woke. And now he's woke again. So I just have to assume he's been woke the whole time because it wouldn't make sense,
I don't think, for him to flip flop, flip flop. You know, that's too many flops. It's too floppy.
How is this any different than the stuff Jomar Tisby would do? Jesus wasn't white.
He wasn't white evangelical. They'd be thinking that, Jesus would be white. Yeah. And now he's literally doing a conference on white evangelicals, white
Christian nationalism. The thing he said that if it means nothing, it's just what wokeness uses as their boogeyman.
He literally said that. And now he's literally doing a conference on that topic.
There's got to be an easier way. Hey, dude, you better be careful.
You really got some heavy lifting to do to prove that Owen's woke. What? No, I don't.
How off base could you be? He's not woke. What are you talking about? How many woke things does somebody have to say before they are woke?
It reminds me of that Way of the Master stuff, you know, or not Way of the Master, Ray Comfort, you know, like, so you do, you're not, are you a liar?
No. So you tell lies? Yeah. What does that make you? A liar. Right, exactly.
If you say woke stuff and you keep saying, you keep saying, then you write a book on anti -woke and then you continue saying woke stuff.
What are we to think? You're quacking like a duck and then you write a book against ducks, but then you continue on quacking.
You're still a duck. Maybe you're a confused duck, but you're a duck. It's as simple as that.
Somebody shared a thing, a meme, where they put, instead of MLK50, it was
MLKG3. I mean, listen,
I don't think it's going to be, I like G3 still. I don't think it's going to be like that. It's not like that, but it's more like that today than it was yesterday.
I'll tell you that much. Significant in this one case, but here's the thing.
No one is saying, who's saying, you know what, Jesus is a Viking clan chieftain who's going to restore the
Anglo -Saxon order. If you find me someone,
I guarantee it's not someone having a lot of influence, not an Owen Circle, not a looming threat. Not someone you need to do a whole presentation on at the
G3 conference. That makes no sense. This makes no sense, Owen. At the time when the woke people were doing this, and I'm not drawing a line between you and the woke people because Owen, book or not, you're woke.
When the woke people were doing this, Jesus isn't white, actually. He's Jew. Did you know
Jesus was Jewish? At the time we're like, yeah, we know.
Why do you think you get some kind of brownie points? Well, they do get brownie points for saying stupid stuff like that because all of their woke friends are like, yeah, that's right.
I know that's right. Them white people be thinking, Jesus be white. And whiteness is wicked.
All this kind of stuff, like they pat each other on the back and we're looking at each other like, did
I go crazy or did they go? Who's gone crazy here? We always knew that.
And now here's Owen doing the same. This is the same thing. This publicly. He's very excited to share this.
This is good news. Here's the news. Despite apparent confusion, to the contrary, the savior of the
Christian faith, Jesus Christ, was actually not a white Anglo -Saxon from a European village, but a full -blooded
Jewish messiah from the Middle East. And it's no wonder. I mean, John's going to go into this in a minute, like all of the most wokey woke people that you can imagine, like the worst of the worst, like the
Dumezes of the world, like the pronouns in the biotype, freaking people with literally blue hair.
They're cheering Owen on here. Does that sound like something someone would do for like a really like anti -woke stalwart warrior who wrote the book on anti -wokeness?
Do you think that they would signal boost that stuff? Has a woke person ever signal boosted anything
I've said? Have they promoted my stuff? I wrote a book against wokeness too,
Owen. The difference between me and you though, is that I have never said anything woke. Well, I can't say never because obviously, you know, like I said, we've been brainwashed over time, things like that.
They're all cheering you on. Did you ever sit and wonder why are these blue hairs cheering me on? Why are these feminists cheering me on?
Why are these pronouns in the bio cheering me on when I say that Jesus wasn't an Anglo -Saxon? Why are they doing?
It's because that's exactly what they say. That's their weapon and you've chosen to use it.
You've chosen to use the weapon of the worst of the worst when it comes to wokeness.
I'm sorry. That makes you woke, dude. It does. It's unbelievable.
It's absolutely unbelievable that some people think that it's like out of bounds for me to say that, you know, maybe there's some problems with this straight -chan guy.
You know what I mean? What do you say,
John? Let's hear it. Who's saying? Who's saying that? Nobody. This is, there's no specifics in any of this.
John Harris is not regularly at a loss for words. He didn't speak there for five seconds.
He can't even believe this. It's just, it's hard to believe. Now, we've seen this stuff before, of course.
We've seen this stuff before from people who highly admire James Cone. We didn't expect it from Owen, although maybe we should have.
Maybe we should have. That drove all of us nuts a few years ago about Big Eva. They would say these things about racists looming everywhere, racists in our churches, racists taking over institutions.
And you'd always know that, like, there's that one guy that they'll point to to say, like, this guy is, but you knew it wasn't a looming threat.
You knew, you believed your eyes and you said, that's not the threat. And we're pulling resources away from the real threats. Exactly.
It's the same exact thing. You know, we went through this during woke wars one. You know, I'm a veteran of that.
Somebody, somebody had a, an idea to make a shirt. Big Eva war veteran, you know, that kind of thing.
But we've seen this before, you know, it's like they do these conferences, they pour resources, they spend time, they put energy into fighting something that's not there.
And we're looking at each other like this isn't the problem. Like what are the, yeah, I'm against racism too, but like, what are they even talking about?
They're wasting time and money and resources. And we've got, we've got a war on our hands.
Like there are serious enemies out there and they're seriously trying to destroy God's people right now.
And you're wasting time on this. That's what we were saying, you know, five, six years ago.
And now we're saying it again, because now G3 is doing it now. Now G3 is doing it.
They're wasting time and energy and resources on kinism of all things, kinism.
Meanwhile, we've got a real fight on our hands and we're like, we're looking at each other. And the only thing that Owen's going to accomplish in his kinism speech is he's going to create many, many more kinists.
And I mean, literally and figuratively, like there will be actual people who had never heard of kinism that will become kinists over this, like real kinists, which
I'm not a kinist, right? Listen, I don't treat them like my enemies, but I'm not a kinist. But here's the thing.
He's also going to create kinists like that just by sleight of hand, just by sloppiness and definitions, because, you know, tons of people through this conference are going to now think that a guy like me is a kinist.
A guy who's a Puerto Rican, literally married to a white girl. I'm going to be a kinist after this.
Because, because, because Owen is not very, I don't want to say he's not intelligent. He is intelligent.
But on this topic, he has like an IQ of two on this topic. He's brain dead on this topic.
And look, it's not his fault. He's been brainwashed over time, so have I. But the thing is, he needs to, the problem that Owen has is he doesn't know he's as stupid as he is on this issue.
That's the problem. And that's a really tough spot to be when you think your intelligence is up here, but it's really down here.
That's tough. That's tough. And I'm not saying Owen's general level of intelligence, because I happen to think
Owen is extremely intelligent. I think he's very cunning as well. Owen is cunning and he's very intelligent.
But on this topic, he's, I'm sorry, he's out of his depth completely.
And so he, all he's going to do is cause problems. All he's going to do is cause divisions in churches. And he's even, even in this set of tweets, he's encouraging people to leave churches over nothing.
Over nothing. It's a shame that this is happening, but this is what the route he's chosen.
And I don't think he's capable of changing course. I'm going to actually email him. I'm going to email him at some point today to talk about this kind of stuff.
I expect absolutely no response, of course, but I'm going to tell him exactly what I think that he's going to accomplish with this kinism conference thing that he's doing.
It doesn't have to be this way. He doesn't have to do this. And if he does it, it's going to only hurt him.
It's not going to, and it's going to hurt people. It's not going to hurt people like me. It's going to hurt, you know, regular Joes and have good churches and stuff like that.
It's going to, it's going to sow seeds of suspicion. Again, this is just another rehash from the woke, the first woke wars.
These people would, these woke church people, which Owen is, he's woke.
They would put these conferences on and they would sow division within perfectly good churches.
All of a sudden, pastors are fielding questions. Are you one of those races? Because you don't believe in solving all of these economic disparities.
You don't believe in this socialist scheme. Therefore, you're part of the white system, your whiteness.
He would sow discord with his lies and his nonsense. That's what these woke people would do, guys like Jamar Tisby.
And now Owen's going to do the same thing. He's going to accomplish the same thing with his kinism conference, because he's not very smart when it comes to kinism.
He says all kinds of things are kinism that are not kinism. And now all of a sudden, you know, people that have perfectly good pastors that are perfectly legitimate people, but they happen to be nationalists.
They happen to be Christian nationalists. Now they're freaking kinists and you might have to leave your church. Now go to your pastor and cause some problems for him and call him a kinist and tell him he doesn't repent.
You're leaving the church. It's the same exact subversive, evil tactic that Owen used to do when he was woke.
And he still does because he's still pretty darn woke. I did not get through as much as I thought
I would. I have to go. I have phone calls to make here. I've got business to take care of.
So I did not, I was hoping to get through more of these tweets. I was hoping to get through to the Torba tweets, because that's, that's the real, that's the real linchpin here, right?
Because I had, I saw the Torba tweets in isolation and I had a certain opinion of them.
And then I saw them in context and my opinion sort of changed on them. And I wanted to sort of demonstrate kind of how
I think through these things, because Owen's not thinking through these things. He's feeling through these things.
He's highly emotional about these things. And I'm not saying he's highly emotional in general.
I'm saying about these things, he bypasses his logic. He immediately goes with his heart.
And it's just, I want to, I want to demonstrate the exact opposite of what
Owen demonstrated with these tweets, because I think it'd be helpful for all of you guys. In any case,
I hope you found this video helpful. By the way, I'm going to put all of the Owen series on the
Fight Laugh Feast Network, because I think that audience will really appreciate it. So if you're at some point,